i think the whole J-6 committee should be investigated. they are liars and they know it. they had all this evidence and didn't care. we need tribunals now.

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Gee, can you say CNN, MSNBC, PBS, ad nauseam?

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

– Edward Bernays, 1891 – 1995, considered the father of advertising and propaganda, nephew of Freud, in his book Propaganda

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The so-called insurrection was a complete hoax. But it did highlight some basic truths...that the Democrats are corrupt to the gills in everything they do and say.

Sadly the RINO's are onboard with them.

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Because they were ordered to make no arrests

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The ways of the left/progressives/democrats are always to use "the guise of lies as truth."

We must not be silent.

There is an excellent documentary by Joshua Phillips et al "The real story of J6" by Epoch TV. It breaks my heart seeing Roseanne Boyland being clubbed to death by Lila Morris, seeing Michael Byrds' extended arm with gun from a stairway ready to murder Ashli Babbit, it breaks my heart.

Please do not be silent.

Yesterday, watching the news, they reported Michelle Obama will be announcing her run for the 2024 presidency. I say "NO MO and No BO"! Yes I am political especially against the evil ones.

Please do not be silent.

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No the onea commiting violence were not protesters. Please GET IT STRAIGHT. they wete antifa recruits and fbi agents

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Conversely, why do our ‘leaders’, like Chuck Schumer (Dem) and Mitch McConnell (Rep) insist that these videos should not be shown to the American people, and that Tucker Carlson should be removed from the air? I suggest that perhaps Schumer/McConnell and the politicians who agree with them are exactly the type of government that Thomas Jefferson was talking about.

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It’s not a Republican or a Democrat position... it’s an establishment vs The People question.

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The continuous dishonesty of our government is horrific. The amount of taxpayers money spent on a hoax is eyewatering. The number of people injured and killed by an experimental biological, mandated by this government is outrageous. Calling the people who walked into the Capitol building “disorderly and disruptive” and then throwing them in jail for 41 months, is a behaviour of a banana republic, NOT THE USA! But that is all changing folks. Our country is being torn apart, destroyed, one day at a time. Please wake up. Demand accountability from elected politicians and the judicial. Without it, our country will be destroyed sooner rather than later.

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They haven’t told the truth as far back as I can remember. And that’s quite a while (think Vietnam, even JFK).

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100% agree....they thé so called government can no longer be trusted!

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I agree that the media and people with governmental power cannot be trusted to tell the truth. It is more than a sad state of affairs, it is despicable.

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When money speaks, truth is silent

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The federal government is nothing more than a front for a central bank, and it’s associated corporations.

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I encountered a person in clout hub at that time, after being banned and silenced by Facebook. This person said, and provided evidence, that “Buffalo Head” and some of the other more flamboyant protesters that day, were themselves intelligence agents (FBI and CIA). This person routinely follows their shenanigans, and he knew Buffalo Head to be working out of the Charlotte North Carolina field office. He provided numerous pictures of him and him with other agents.

It does look very much like the capital police aren’t just escorting a harmless sight seer around. It looks like they are orientating him to the inside of the capital building.

There was another video at that time of this same character and some of the other flamboyant protesters in the senate chamber WITH the capital police. The protesters/agents were discussing the need to be able to pose for photos in that room. The capital police agreed and calmly waiting for other characters to show up.

Somebody must still have a copy of THAT video too. It was very telling.

How can we find out if this person is really even in prison? And if he is, can we get visitors in to talk to him?

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Thanks to Tucker Carlson for making the charade that was the Jan. 6 "insurrection" available for all to see.

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