Seasoned firefighters involved in those California fires saw something was not right. They had no proof of anything or any idea what happened but years of experience counts for something. It is foolhardy to totally dismiss these extreme affects as a totally natural fire. There are too many anomalies.

Very few these days accept the narrative we were given for 911 and so it will be with these fires.

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This is the top rated comment and yet it grievously misrepresents the argument put forward by John Leake in this post, who has not 'totally dismissed' anything, but merely carefully analyses the claims of one 'forensic arborist' - claims which have been uncritically amplified across the internet as 'proof' that DEWs were used to burn Lahaina - and finds those claims to be wanting.

That is how we should proceed in forensically dissecting the complex events which occurred in Lahaina, not by immediately and uncritically embracing unevidenced outlandish theories. We have a much better chance of getting to the truth (which may yet prove to be very ugly for different reasons) if we adopt this rational and methodical approach, exemplified here by Mr Leake.

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except that John misrepresents the arborist as just looking at arial photos when in reality the arborist travelled to many on of these strange fires to investigate.

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No he doesn't. Read carefully:

Viewing this photograph, he states:

"Yeah, all the houses are missing, they’re white ash, but what are all the trees doing there. Many of these are pines and eucalyptus, and very flammable leaves. It just made no sense to me. I’ve got a background of cooking on campfires for my entire adult life, from sea level to twelve or thirteen thousand feet in the Sierras. I’ve burned everything, and everything burns in a tiny campfire. And this is a horrific firestorm, they said. Why are all the trees still there? So it didn’t work well for me. And I waited a couple of months and I went up there after things died down, and I analyzed every street I could for eight hours. Nothing, I mean nothing, added up."

Based on these observations, the arborist proposes that directed-energy weapons (DEW) were used to ignite and energize the Santa Rosa fire in 2017.

He quotes the arborist as saying that he visited the scene of the wildfires and 'based on these observations' (photo and personal visit), the arborist concludes that DEWs were used.

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nor did the arborist claim to visit any but the Sta. Rosa subdivision - and that visit was quite a delayed one:

"Why are all the trees still there? So it didn’t work well for me. And I waited a couple of months and I went up there after things died down, and I analyzed every street I could for eight hours. Nothing, I mean nothing, added up . . . "

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He physically investigated 20-30 fires he said. I’ll watch it again, it’s in the beginning introductions.

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my comment was based, not on a video but on what was transcribed here, cc. the Santa Rosa fire

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The "top" rating is a mere reflection of what other commenters THINK about this comment.

Now, leaving everything else aside, closing in on the anniversary of 9/11, the question arises: where is the evidence of what happened on that day, and who was behind it?

Does anybody really believe, those responsible for this and all other crimes against humanity will be exposed to be the criminals/murderers they are? This is also the reason that the American public to the present day does not know who offed their President in Dallas. Make no mistake, I get the need for evidence, but at one point, judgement can only be made based on circumstantial evidence, as the crime scenes will be scrubbed of all evidence that could tie the perpetrators to the crime. Add a corrupt media to the mix and you will never be able to find out who was behind these crimes against humanity - which are now committed on a frequent basis.

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may I recommend you read/view videos of and by David Ray Griffin, Kevin Ryan, Graeme MacQueen, Richard Gage, and their colleagues in the investigation of the crimes committed in lower Manhattan on September 11, 2001 ?

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This is what I watched most recently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se5BDbEbtwU

All in all, I am sure I have not missed any relevant information. There has been so much since that blasphemious day and most leave the viewer with more questions. The above documentary is in my eyes the closest explanation to what happened that day. Thank You for the recommendations, though!

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This, by far, should be the HIGHEST-RATED comment. Peace.

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Sep 7, 2023Edited
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I was pointing out that it is concerning (to me at least) that a comment which misrepresents the argument put forward in the article is apparently so popular.

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Just agreeing with your observation. John is doing an admirable job of objectively analysing this Lahaina tragedy. Being on ground zero to document one's observations is the only way to truly assess the damage. Speculation that won't make it to court as evidence won't solve the problem.

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Sep 7, 2023Edited
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am I correct, inI thinking that you meant to refer to the Sta. Rosa fire ?

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I guess you missed the part where John quoted the arborist's statement that he had visited the scene of the wildfires. Selective reading?

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I wish to thank you for all your replies, and for the careful attention with which you make them.

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the above comment was meant to follow an earlier one posted by Jaimie Jessup -- B.D.

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So I just wondered if you had any thoughts on this: how can we remove ourselves to the extent that we don't have skin in the game? It would be a really useful mindset in constructing an accurate evidence based hypothesis.

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Sep 7, 2023Edited
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Not much of a living. I've got 8 pledges so far and have yet to convert them to paid subscriptions! No mysterious fat pay cheque from big corporations either, sadly. It's not 'nominal' evidence, it's fairly crucial evidence, and it is at least evidence vs. evidence-free speculation.

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Sep 7, 2023
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Have you backgrounded that 'arborist'?

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Good point, and I’m sure a thorough and unbiased investigation, like John Leake is known for, will seriously consider your observation fairly along with all the rest. There’s definitely something to be said for the significant value of gut feels from seasoned professionals, enough so that Gladwell wrote the book “Blink” about it.

Mr Leake’s investigation also needs to address ALL of the issues raised in video #2 of AMD’s 21-Aug substack (https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/what-really-happened-in-maui?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email). Video interview simply points out things that must be covered by the investigation they are requesting. Some examples follow:

* Weather effects (9:44-19:40)

* Quick overview of some strange fire observations (25:13-30:59)

___* Isolated fires -- with enough energy to melt 5-10kg aluminum wheels, and high enough temperatures to melt steel and glass -- surrounded by undamaged homes, etc

___* Major damage to metal ships in harbor

___* Trees burned from the inside out

Some thoughts follow on how the above observations could have been made to happen without breaking physics. This is a layperson’s back-of-the-envelope speculation, not a thorough and robust expert analysis -- it is intended as food for thought.

* Published info on high-power microwave sources suggest that today’s DEWs can’t provide enough energy at-range to melt the aluminum wheels on a car, so some local energy source was likely needed, and incendiary chemical mixes like thermite seem practical (they could be triggered by timer, microwave, etc)

* Trees could be burned from the inside out by high, but practical, power levels of microwaves absorbed by the moisture inside trunk, after passing through the drier bark, etc.

* Seems unlikely windblown cinders would ever have enough energy to seriously damage metal ships, so again incendiary chemical mixes are indicated.

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Being a volunteer firefighter in Australia I can state plainly a few things. Large eucalyptus trees are known to sometimes be hollow inside and can easily burn for weeks, but also I would expect some in close proximity to houses to be severely burnt though not dead. Fires are known to lick the bark proceeding upwards towards the higher branches/canopy. Over here, many homes might burn while adjacent ones remain standing. Indeed, what’s on the ground assists in burning of the trees. I would expect any trees close to buildings to be burnt or scorched.

The single eucalyptus identified in one photograph appears to be a Paperbark - melaleuca. These prefer moist areas.

Why every house gone - I don’t know. And why glass and metals have melted on cars - can only say the heat would have to have been extreme.

Certainly expertise required here.

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Thanks for the info. Interesting about the eucalyptus trees, etc Am not a fire expert, but want to add to your "And why glass and metals have melted on cars - can only say the heat would have to have been extreme." note by saying that both the temp and energy of the "heat" had to be extreme like you said -- hot enough to melt glass and aluminum plus enough energy to melt the significant amounts of these materials involved. So there must have been something other than the normal car materials brought to the site to provide the temp/energy, since DEWs most likely can't provide enough energy at range. Think firefighters look for such fire-helpers when arson is suspected, but sound investigations seem unlikely in Maui.

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To be honest, I don’t have expertise to add anything further. Like other people, I’d love to know the true answers.

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Anomalies should be scrutinized but degraded standards of evidence do not make a just prosecution more likely to succeed. When we rush to judgement we become like the witch hunting covidiots who want to imprison the unjabbed.. Leake's position is righteous and exemplary in my view.

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"Seasoned firefighters" - Name them.

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I did not "Like" your comment because it completely misses the point and ignores the systematic, logical thinking process that the author delivers. Perhaps consider reading one of his true-crime novels, as I have, to better understand the process. "something was not right or there are too many anomalies" do not meet the standards described; you push the narrative to the speculative/emotional side of things with such statements - intentionally or not. Anyone who reads your comment and who understands the methodology laid out in the post, will dismiss it as essentially worthless to the ongoing investigation. Peace.

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The thermite angle is 'key' they needed the 4500F to vaporize everything to ash, including steel, glass, and everything.

Glass if I recall burns about 3000F, steel a little over 2000F

At 4500F everything steel, iron, all metals burn like paper, just add some oxygen to hot metals&glass and its "GONE", in this case it was the winds, which were up-drafts

The people who orchestrated the firebombing of LAHAINA did it from the inside going out-wards, which is why the winds were TORNADO's over the city-center, this was mostly done with probably local charges placed near LPG tanks the day before, or the night before.


How was the thermite produced? The day before the fires they dusted the entire Maui region with aluminum-foil tin foil powder, which can be easily ignited by air-craft with micro-wave anti-drone 'guns', the aluminum-powder mixes with the beach-sand powder, making a power silicion-oxide/al 'thermite' combo, that burns at 4500F

But this is just one of 100's of angles on the fires that day, there were teams shooting lasers at targets from trucks&vans (US-MIL), the utility turned off power at 9am, but wires on ground 'arced' all day, this is because the microwave RF would make current flow in wires and ergo, 'arc'

They blocked the roads, and of course they turned off the TEL-COMM early in the AM so nobody could communicate, except them

Most curious in my mind is the 3,000 missing children, we know the schools in the area close at 9am, parents would have been working the kids were bused & van'd to where? IMHO they were 'gassed' and flown out of MAUI straight to MENA, for organ harvesting and/or child-sex-slavery resale $100k for non-white, $500k white +4 year old attractive healthy child is 'saudi-wife' auction price today, worth more than their weight in GOLD

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When censored from YouTube; guess it didn't happen which is based on the same principle as nobody present to witness a bear defacating in a forest means that didn't happen.

Waiting for somebody to explain the Chinese Satellite being altered to pass over the exact area of Maui which was burnt at the same time it was ignited.

Extreme Irregularities inherent to the whole situation is EXACTLY AS THOSE NEGATING THE CRIME inherent to the Ai/Bioweapon Injections when simply marketed 'vaccines' by HHS, owned by the DOD and developed by DARPA.

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My post was not to discredit John's statement regarding the need for evidence. My post was to say it is not correct to dismiss anecdotal observations from professionals experienced in these matters. That there are unexplained anomalies is cause for investigation. And, of course, who would be doing the investigating? It is a big leap to jump to wild conspiracy claims, but in light of what we now know regarding the JFK assassination, 911, and the false flags and information give to justify several wars we have engaged in, we would be stupid not to question anything that appears out of the ordinary.

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Thorough debunking of the DEW theory and the fantastical ideas running around. Please look into what caused the necessary conditions to drive this. You have to, as an investigative journalist, explore deeply the geoengineering slant. Talk to Jim Lee and Dane Wiggington. This is real shit.

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It’s rather obvious, like I have said before do this experiment.

Put a small piece of ‘aluminum foil’ in a microwave blast on high a few seconds

The alum-foil bursts into flames

Now go outside cut some branch(es), twigs with leaves off of a tree and bring inside, put in a microwave even for a minute, not fuck all happens ( make sure they're fresh & wet just like nature )

Now the day before the “Big Fire” (((THEY))) dusted the entire Maui region around Lahaina with ‘aluminum foil powder’ this is well documented on many videos they were cloud seeding.

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Think about how much aluminum powder you need to increase the fire temperature. The trees or houses would be coated with a shiny metal coating. When I was in high school my friend and I experimented with aluminum powder and yes, it has an amazing effect when mixed with other combustible material but you need quite a bit of it, not minuscule amounts.

I think the trees survived because their canopies were high enough to not catch on fire. The stems were moist and may be able to withstand the firestorm. Time will tell.

But what I am suspicious about is the lack of warning, and lack of fire response.

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Water makes these fires worse. That’s why water was turned off. It would have been clear evidence that the bright white & blue color of the flames ( when water is added),

as high temperature accelerated fire. Everyone has phones to video record now.

No water- no firefighters. The “ police” had the safety part handled. ( Not!) The sirens didn’t sound because it was intentionally planned that way.

There was a retired fire chief who was found dead covering his dog. A fire chief! Someone that knows about fires. How sudden does something happen that you have only the time to cover your dog.??!! It’s sickeningly sad. An unconscionable act of cowardice. This had to be like bombs going off and sudden fire- explosions. People say it was from the electrical lines falling, etc. I’ve seen video that look like direct hits by something else.

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According to the Hawaiian Electric Co, the power was off as of early afternoon, and a number of people I know on the island were complaining about not having power that morning! There is a suit filed by the County against Hawaiian Electric that will go to Court. Discovery should be interesting, and worth following.

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When you were in high school, what did you get your PHD in Psychology?

Making "THERMITE" is all about how well your 'powderdize' the materials the rust, & alum or magnesium powders.

All materials in nature can make thermite, just need metal for fuel (metal), and an oxider to burn; ( rust, sand, fe/si, ... )

I would suspect that in high-school you were not using a fine enough grade of aluminum powder, and/or you didn't mix with an oxidant properly compared, best is just put nails into vinegar over night and filter out the powder and dry to make the iron-rust powder ( red shit )


Did you actually put a piece of foil into a fucking microwave oven and see what happens?


The 'alum foil' that rained down on the Lahaina the day before was a 'foil dust' obviously powder that had been stamped and pulverized, not unlike how smoke-less gunpowder is made from gun cotton nitro-cellulose; Gun powder & black powder is the same, how well, how fast and how hot it burns is all dependent upon how well its ground and powdered, the more is ground into fine dust, the more surface area to burn. Ergo the hotter it burns.

alum 1200F , humans need to burn 1400F to destroy all evidence

thermite 4500F, all human remains become power that blows away into the wind


The point here is that the 'alum powder' dumped the day before on LAHAINA by GOV was an 'acclerant', like the 'MATCH' that lit the fire, the happenstance is that it accumulated in certain areas and mixed in the air with the beach sands creating thermite, so when the GOV microwave planes flew overhead the entire place went up in smoke.


Personally I don't give a fuck about the "Trees didn't burn", why I care about is "WHO LET THE FIRES"? Who dropped the accelerants?? Who ignited them overhead with microwaves??

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Hello Bilbo'sBitch.

I also remember a YouTube podcast posted just after the fire had started, mentioning an unusual haze in the air a day or so before the fire, but can not find that now.

I also agree with the probability that DEWs and accelerants were intentionally used. The corporate nation-state has that technological capability, and as history has shown, what can be weaponized will be.

Even if this were a 'natural' disaster, it would be quite 'unnatural'. I was a mountain fire fighter for three summers during the lightning seasons in Arizona (GS-4 Tanker Truck Operator - but worked with Hot Shots and Helitack too).

The mountains of Arizona are indeed 'forested' and the fires can become hot enough to jump lines and kill firefighters. But we were never trained to wary of our helmets, hoses, and chainsaws melting. And long before that, I had grown up camping and fishing in the woodlands of North Carolina, spending many a night by a campfire, heating up a can of pork and beans. Not once have I seen or worried about melted cans or coffee pots.

From what I can gather of the landscape around Lahaina, though this might be called a 'wildfire', there were not enough trees to create a forest ... not enough natural fuel to create a 'forest fire'. So the town was burned to the ground by a 'brush-fire'?

This does not dovetail with my personal, professional experience. Nor does it tie some inconvenient loose ends together, like this ... https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/lahaina-tree-burns-inside-out, or 1:00:37 of this ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_iADgmizvM.

I am still in the process of compiling my own substack post supporting the probability that Lahaina was most likely a U.S. military-backed land grab, and similar tactics have been going on for a few years now.

I just subscribed to your stack, hoping to find a link to that rain of accelerant. If you have a link(s) to that, I was wondering if you could either contact me or post it here.

What is particularly frustrating is that even among those who see through most of the plandemic nonsense, some attribute this disaster to merely a combination of Hanlon's Razor and opportunism — and do not see this as connected to similar lock-step tactics in other domains of the globalist destruction of families and communities ... in order, of course, 'to build back better, by owning nothing and being happy'.

I think something far more pro-active and nefarious has been going on for some time now ... and most will wake up only after we have completely lost the war and have been siloed into a neo-feudal, techno-panopticon.

On the other hand, maybe we are just seeing an ugly part of collective human nature ... a small but salient percentage of any population that are Cluster B personality types ... the pathological narcissists, machiavellian opportunists, morphologically defined psychopaths, and born-to-the-bone sadists among us. Maybe it is only through self-conceit and propaganda that we've been mislead to believe we have morally progressed since the stone age.

Cheers from Japan

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A state senator on the war room said there was a haze before the fire that she'd never seen before.

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Really bad fire days in Australia are known as "Dirty" days, when the wind is blowing fast and furious and bringing up a lot of dust, not settling overnight with the dew as a consequence of very low humidity.

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Hello RFC. Much thanks for the info. I did a search for 'the war room' but could not find the right site. I was wondering if you could point me a bit more towards that information source. Thanks again.

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I agree. And plastic doesn’t burn or melt in certain fires. I really want to know what’s in the UHaul boxes? And why are they saying the land is a toxic mess? What is left that’s toxic in ashes on Maui? The guy said household cleaners, and weed & bug killers but there’s nothing left of these houses. I think the evidence is in the UHaul containers. Evidence of HTA could’ve been present in some homes. I wondered what all the white snowy like substance was in all the pictures of the fields and hills. Ash isn’t white from grasses burning and the wind was behind the fire, they say. What’s all the white scattered after the fires in the mountain side? It looks like snow.

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Perhaps it's lithium from the electric car batteries.

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My dude ☝️

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Watch the videos when the stuff was raining down the day before, on one video I saw there was 1/4" of the shit on the womans windshield when driving

The shit would get blown into orifices and the mixed with 'beach sand powder' and then formed "THERMITE", when the planes came over&over blasting areas from North to South they would energize the wires and start fires all over the place.

I'm also sure there were mobile units driving around in vans with 'laser-guns' ( google starting fires with lasers ), that can puncture an LPG tank, course this would have been best at a distance, but say with optics if you target an LPG tank and can take a clear shot a block away, then it would be no problem to detonate that bitch;

There is no one 'vecctor' in this fires, as can be seen, 'shit was happening all over the place all day long, from 6am until 4pm'

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Where is that video? I know I saw it too. Interestingly, another gal said she saw a similar video before the Paradise fire in Cali. People were claiming a white powder falling the day before.

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I suggest you make some thermite, and burn it, and see long & hot it burns

Doesn't take much, a few grams mixed and placed on a drone, then the drone flys and lands on a roof the LIPO battery dead shorted burns hot enough to ignite the Thermite and that shit burns down all the way to hell, through metal and or anything.


Normal termite is just rust powder, and aluminum powder both can easily be obtained, a normal $100 class chinese drone can life 500Grams no problem, you can even have a camera on board directed by your mobile phone to take off and land, 20 minutes normal cruise time;


Igniting THERMITE is no problem, just have a 1000AMP mosfet dead-short, store energy in a capacitor, and play around with some LIPOS to learn how long it take them to ignite; If you don't want to use exotic tech like making your own battery burn, then you can scrape shit off of a 'sparkler' which is magnesium and any nichrome wire with a current is hot enough to ignite the sparkler powder which ignites the thermite.

The thermite made of alum-powder and sand-powder is even more powerful, as its the 'powder' grit form and in nature the sand-dust is as good as it gets,

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Exactly. "Retired USAF Brigadier General Charles Jones has publicly stated that millions of tons of aluminum and barium are sprayed across the US almost every day, and the high presence of aluminum in the environment can make wildfires burn hotter than they used to. Gen. Jones’ statement about the flammability of aluminum dust and the increased intensity of wildfires was backed up by Cal Fire Operation Chief Steve Crawford."

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Barium is also found in depleted-uranium shells that have been 'vaporized'

You will love this, it shuts down photo-synthesis, like in UKRAINE now where USA ships DU ( depleted-uranium ) encapsulated in Barium, then PUTIN vaporizes the DU dumps the PLUME goes to Poland, but mostly settles around Ukraine farmlands in north of Ukraine; In time the seedling cannot grow, because photo-synthesis is inhibited.


In summary the alum-barium cocktail your talking about is two-fold the aluminum is an 'accelerant' which can be ignited by air-craft & burns, but the barium is not vaporized and settles and causes the lands to go barren.

Why do this? To depopulate and defoliate to leave the 'enemy' no place to hide

NOT new story US-MIL dumped "Agent-Orange" by aircraft to defoliate all of Vietnam; Same now in the coming 'civil-war' US-MIL wants the hare-lip white goyim to not be able to 'hide in the woods', or grow food in the bush.

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It was rocket fuel in powdered form. Would’ve created the wind too from the force. Next level manipulated warfare.

Explains all the random explosions people were hearing while hanging out in the water.

Also explains why water was turned off. These fires act differently when water is sprayed on them. It makes them worse, and it’s very obvious. Also, water causes sparks of bright white and blue & anyone video recording would have evidence of this. Helicopters could’ve been used to water bucket these fires otherwise. They couldn’t have water touch this type of fire.

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The nearby US-MIL Airforce bases around MAUI all have large aircraft with directed "Microwave Transmitters" in their Nose-Cones to take down "DRONES", this stuff has been around for a while

It's good 3-5 miles out, so you would not even see the planes on the ground nor hear them.


COVID&mRNA was a CIA US-MIL operation, which killed & destroyed millions of lives

Why would it be so difficult to understand that US-MIL under CIA control working for the richest people on earth aka "Saudi&China" who want MAUI NOW, to do this Operation for their owners.


The best part about the 'alum powder' is that near the 'beach' it mixes with beach sand powder which is everywhere airborne, when silicon-dioxide & alum mix in powder form you get "THERMITE" which burns at 4500F, which means glass, steel, and human remains are all incinerated & vanish. Just dust in the wind, as Netanyahu would say

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I wonder if the missing people were so incinerated they can’t be found. Also, the arborist in question spent time on melted windows and hubcaps. Any back up on those temperatures?

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The thermite angle is 'key' they needed the 4500F to vaporize everything to ash, including steel, glass, and everything.

Glass if I recall burns about 3000F, steel a little over 2000F

At 4500F everything steel, iron, all metals burn like paper, just add some oxygen to hot metals&glass and its "GONE", in this case it was the winds, which were up-drafts

The people who orchestrated the firebombing of LAHAINA did it from the inside going out-wards, which is why the winds were TORNADO's over the city-center, this was mostly done with probably local charges placed near LPG tanks the day before, or the night before.

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Huh? Debunk one outlandish, poorly evidenced conspiracy theory and embrace another? Why?

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Occam's Razor, the problem with alien 'dew' from satellites is such technology doesn't exist.

On the other hand, carefully placed firebombs and teams of men with fire-starting-lasers, and air-ships above with microwaves could easily destroy a city with known existing technology.

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Go ahead and debunk my theory if you find it so outlandish.

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I've already written several substacks on how the weather (natural weather) played a vital role in the Maui fires. You don't need weather modification/geoengineering to explain naturally occurring - albeit extraordinary - weather which was actually predicted in advance by synoptic weather models. But even if you do resort to trying to explain what happened with reference to geoengineering, Wigington presents no plausible scientific model or theory to account for the events of Aug7/8. It's just handwaving.

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First off, I like you, tone isn't as readable online as in person and I am not the best at conveying tone online. I read some of your work and you are doing good.

My question is, what is natural weather today? Dane and Jim Lee have done an excellent job exposing the amount of geoengineering that is and has been occurring.

Do you deny this? And if not, how do you discern "natural weather" from "engineered weather"?

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Aldous, my argument is that natural weather today is very much the same as natural weather was yesterday and many centuries ago. It's possible of course that human activities are now having some minor influence upon weather patterns globally, but the suggestion by Dane Wiggington and others that major weather events globally are now driven primarily by deliberate geoengineering activities lacks hard evidence, whilst the evidence for for natural influences upon our weather remains and is fast growing, with new research.

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I do not understand how you can dismiss the very clear and obvious weather manipulations that are being operated by many nations. Or come to the conclusion it has little impact.

And I do not understand what hard evidence you find lacking given the vast trove of information Dane and Jim (and others) have produced.

I think it takes a leap of faith to believe the weather today is natural. There is just too much information out there showing otherwise.

I disagree with Dane on several issues (he is a bit of a catastrophist) but not on this one. Jim Lee has a more steadied hand on the subject, and I don't agree with him on everything either.

But to shake this off as non consequential doesn't make sense to me.

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Dane Wiggington is a one man engine of mass-hysteria.

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Something like +90% of all conspiracy theory is proven to be true over the long haul, easy to dismiss it all now, just like JFK, or 911 yesterday, today just a known-known

It's why they always get away with their crimes. They deny when the do it and 10-20+ years later they say, 'everybody knew that', case closed

I always use spanish-flu as a classic came from USA mil bases mid-west in 1916's then & now same, by 1919 some 50 MILLION worldwide dead, and 500k in USA dropped dead, that shit a man was fine in the morning, turned blue in the afternoon, and was dead by 6pm. The US-MIL had an INTL mute on the span-flu, only called span-flu because Spain was 'neutral' in WW1 and was the only country reporting, ergo it got called spanish-flu, because they were the only people 'allowed to talk about it'

Today we call it the 'chinese-flu', but the reality is CIA dumped it on CHINA, Iran, & RUssia, and some blew back to USA; But they will still get away with it, they always do

[ Same here TRUMP called it "china-flu' cuz China was the first to report the Wuhan outbreak, they had reported in Oct 2019, everybody in ASIA knew, the Using didn't go public until Mar 2020, which gave it tons of time to go from nothing, to a worldwide problem; China did the right thing by nipping in the bud early. ]

Then & now all de-population programs ran by banking eltes

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I don't disagree with this comment, he is a catastrophist, however, his interpretation of the information he has curated does not negate the information he has curated.

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You should focus your efforts on finding the 1200 “missing” children. Foul play has most definitely occurred. It doesn’t matter the mechanism used. Where are the children???

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I thought it was more like 2500. I’m guessing that a lot of them were probably rounded up before the fire started and are now being trafficked.

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Look what happens to an independent reporter when he asked that question of the Mayor of Maui. He ends up getting stalked and harassed by an obviously hired goon or rent-a-psycho --https://twitter.com/nicksortor/status/1692958536085459174

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Thank you! The tree statements... many of the statements by the aborist are absolutely bizarre.

If he's not a directly placed disinformation agent he has allowed his mind to run away with his ideology, such that he has lost touch with reality.

As someone

who spent many years researching fraudulent companies, malfeasant regulators, dodgy invention science

and reading wikileaks cables

I have perfect sympathy with anyone suggesting government misbehaviour.

But as someone who is married to a fire fighting forester,

who has lost a house in one of the most massive eucalypt forest fire events in 2009,

and used the substantial standing but deceased trees to make the furniture of the new house,

while watching other trees recover and regrow,

who is then asked to believe that the existence of standing trees after a fire implies the use of novel weapons...?


Devastation and Miracles - an account of the 2009 fires that razed Marysville, including photo and detail on the post fire standing trees: https://madeleinelove.substack.com/p/devastation-and-miracles

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John, I applaud that you're doing such a careful and cautious job looking into this. You get an 'A' for effort.

But I just wish there was some way I could have your ear.

The reason is because I've tried to impress something to you since the very beginning.

"Such as?"

As I take in report by report that you are providing (and I'm sure most everybody appreciates), it continues to strike me that you're going about this the wrong way.

For example: Now with this report, you are assessing or critiquing statements made by an arborist. Incidentally, it doesn't escape my notice that your critiques are not made with the arborist present to defend himself.

But, putting that aside, your critique comes across as though you don't find the arborist's statements to be convincing.

And that's fine. BUT -

The arborist's statements don't necessarily *need* to be convincing ... *by themselves.*

This is what I mean when I say I think you're going about this the wrong way.

Instead, take *everything* into consideration *simultaneously.*

And, by the way, I still have not seen that you are even aware of what Sasha Latypova has posted about this, nor, for that matter, Catherine Austin Fitts (re: 'land grabs'), and probably many others.

And there's another thing that I still haven't heard you talk about *at all,* namely, the "path" that the fire took.

For example, I heard you talking with Dr. Peter McCullough and you mentioned the initial small fire that had been extinguished. And you said that perhaps it had not been extinguished completely, and that it could have sparked another blaze.

Granted, such things do happen. Firefighters sometimes fail to fully extinguish a fire.

All the more reason, then, why it should be one of the *first* things to do to track the "path" that the fire took. If the smaller fire started the rest, we would expect to see that the fire progressed in a particular direction.

In summary, then: Do not look at the arborist's testimony in such a way as to either accept or reject it. Rather, use it as a specimen amongst all the rest of the factors that face investigators of the Lahaina catastrophe.

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Very well said!

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Yes, and we should take seriously the WEF slogan that Governor Josh Green used to describe how they were going to "build back better" the sadly destroyed Lahaina. Talk about a show of loyalty for his globalist handlers! https://rumble.com/v39d34q-globalist-josh-green-build-back-better-lahaina.html

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Ain't that the truth! That's what I'm talking about: If you take the whole picture into account, there are so many atrocities that put a different light on single individual factors alone, that may not be convincing by themselves, as we read in this latest post by John Leake, who, otherwise, is doing a commendable job. You'll notice that lately there has been a video circulating made by a woman who lists one thing after another, saying cynically, "... it's just a coincidence that ..." this, that and the other.

*And now* there's yet another: Dane Wigington is saying that geoengineering is actually facilitating combustion (Highwire Episode 336, 'Tinderbox,' https://thehighwire.com/watch/)

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Governor Josh Green yet again -- almost says "smart cities," but catches himself in time. LOL https://gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/147/666/904/playable/3e4f0a00c9ca52c2.mp4

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Dane Wigington explains how the event was geo engineered to create that pressure system with the high wind and heat . I wish everyone would get off the DEW thing and look at how they are manipulating the weather everywhere to create the desired effects .

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In the interest of satisfying "covering all your bases", if they want to assure their success, they would do ALL the things suggested.

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'That' high pressure system stretched right across the Pacific Ocean, from the US to Japan. Are you seriously suggesting that it was geo-engineered? Do you have any conception at all of the truly vast energy required to generate or modify such a system? It is MUCH more likely that it occurred naturally, as a result of global circulation patterns driven by natural forces.

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In 2019 hurricane Dorian was a cat 5 headed strait for Ft. Lauderdale Florida... it was going to be a direct hit. At the last min, that hurricane stalled and made a 90* turn up the coast. I have lived in hurricane territory for 30+ years, been through my fair share... ... we had 2 cat 5 back to back in 2017... clearing out Epstein’s nasty island... Dorian took out a little known Chinese shipping port in the Bahamas. Before 2019 I was weary but now I believe they can be manipulated... I don’t think we have had organic catastrophic weather in a long time

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That’s significant because the wind of the hurricane was clearly blowing another direction than the fire burn lines. People say the “ winds were crazy, etc.”, and that says possible manipulation. Hawaiians have seen high winds before. These were different.

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Does Dane have a link to any published science on the ability of man to influence pressure systems?

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Who would fund that science and if it was the government, why would they publish it if they planned to use it as a weapon?

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I understand that point and it's a good point, but is there any foundation for the claims made regarding the ability to significantly influence pressure systems? On what basis are people making these claims?

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Today the professionally presented Hustle Bitch you tube channel shows University of Hawaii video they took of blue lazer beam for many hours day before fire on 8th and they can’t identify its source or purpose. The University filmed it.

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Research the satellite paths above Lahaina at the exact time and location of the fires. All three to be exact. Understand the capability of the operator to use precision to select areas to incinerate. Take note of the owner of those satellites.

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I really appreciate your investigative approach to this. After the last 3 years I've gotten to where I am suspicious of everything, but that's not evidence. I trust that if there were DEWs in play you will uncover that, and if there was a deliberate negligence in the handling of the fire you will uncover that as well. The MSM is pure propaganda, but our media can do much better with honest journalists like John Leake.

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Honest and fastidious in investigating details

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I saw testimonies of residents , where they stated that their house was concrete ... and now it is dust . I don’t see how a grass fire would burn concrete to dust . Or catch cars on fire that were in gravel area’s . 🤷🏼‍♂️

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Can you find their house block on the post-fire footage or google earth, and the google street view of how it looked prior to the fire? Follow them up - do your own forensic research. Because otherwise it could be coming from the same disinformation line that the arborist is clearly running.

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Same argument here for the 'sparking wires' the HECO ( electric company ) said they 'turned off the power at 9am', yet witnesses said they saw the wires 'sparking all day'

Of course this is possible with microwave high-power RF, because it induces current in the wires on the ground and makes them spark

This is how they knock 'drones' out of the sky, when a drone is hit with high-power microwave radiation all the wires get over-loaded with induced current which burns up the motors and circuits an the drone falls from the sky.

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Debunking the DEW theory is fine BUT it does not debunk the anomaly or the assertion that what happened was not natural. To attempt to debunk the unnatural because the narrator proposed a 'theory' on causation is not acceptable - its a false argument.

If I claim the events of 911 were caused by purple creatures that shape change it would not change the reality that the 'official story' and attribution of cause for 911 is absolutely false. So tearing my purple creature claim to pieces because there is no evidence for it CANNOT support the point that the 'official' story is false and provably so.

People must first examine and question all claims to see if the evidence supports those claims BEFORE they even think of suggesting an alternative 'who done it' theory. And then apply the same tough evidence rules again.

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BTW, the 'official' story of 'who done it' is arrant nonsense and falls to pieces rapidly and easily. The evidence was and probably still is in full public view that shows clearly no passenger airplane hit the Pentagon, and the buildings were not brought down by any airplane flying into them. Prove what did not or cannot happen first. Trying to ;rove what did happen and by whose hand is fraught with difficulty or impossible - lack of evidence - AND that applies to any 'official' story. Even the idea of a couple of guys wearing bedsheets using Sat phone while living in caves in lawless wilderness of Afghanstan should cause people to think - NAH, not very likely. You would have to believe the tooth fairy will give us money when in old age our teeth begin falling out. Ya hafta laugh at it!!

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There are eyewitnesses that saw the plane hit the pentagon . We are a military family and know a soldier tasked to go through the Pentagon the night of the 11th . It was a plane .

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Strange that for such a high security building no clear photograph of an airliner type aircraft striking the building has ever been provided. Security people supposedly gathered all camera materials from around the area and the ONLY public video footage of a strike on the building (from a service station) does not show a large aircraft. What it shows is a possible aerial object of small size at apparently high speed producing a fire ball. After the event photos (innumerable) and TV footage clearly shows the damage and markings on the face of the building and supposed debris field in front of the building and one helicopter shot of people standing by what appears to be a small gas turbine core that may have penetrated well into the structures. With over 40 years as a professional pilot and 21 of those operating the Boeing B757 it is possible without a shadow of doubt to say no B757 or similar aircraft hit the Pentagon in the 911 attacks. There are no marks showing impact of the wings or tail sections, no penetration point for the heaviest and strongest structures, the main undercarriage trucks and gear legs or the engine main shafts (3 concentric each engine) and the fuselage, the weakest structure, is highly unlikely to make a neat hole about 13 feet in diameter. It would be expected that much of the tail structure with a section of rear fuselage would detach and likely not penetrate so remain as damage material outside the building. All aircraft parts are tracked from first manufacture and identifiable and none are offered that could identify the aerial 'object' that hit the building. Something aerial likely struck the building but for certain it was not an airliner such as a Boeing B757 or similar. The claimed cellphone calls was the first BIG lie as airline crews worldwide found when they monitored their own equipment on flights - above about 230 knots ground speed and about 3000 feet above ground cellphones of that time did not work and onboard telephones using satellite connection were limited to maybe 4 simultaneous calls. Almost from the moment it all happened the 'official' story was falling apart. 'Who done it?' Cannot say but I sure know what did NOT happen that was claimed in the 'official' story. And lets not forget all the thousands, more than 4000 who have died from involvement in the clean up which must be added to add to the 2700+ on the day. This was a monster crime and the perpetrators went free.

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I do not believe one word of any of that. You expect the wings to make a cartoon cutout impression on a building the mass of the Pentagon ? You’re saying that the dozens and dozens of people who talked with their loved ones that morning all are lying ? They were conned ? Your conspiracy takes more faith to believe in than the tragic simplicity of the truth.

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Do not believe a word of what I say. None of it. Go challenge the evidence, not opinion, not claims, the actual verifiable evidence FOR YOURSELF. We must all do this.

Go find ALL the printed materials, the TV recordings that you can from that time and ask yourself on each and every little bit can this be correct, and if you can find another source independent of the first as a double check do so. If it is still available on YT an example of how to do this is in a video 'In Plane Site' made by an American radio jock who was incensed that anyone could suggest Americans did this to their own people - it was too monstrous an idea until..... He was reacting to the video three young guys made 'Loose Change' which originally had too much speculative theories trying to point fingers of blame which was the wrong way to go. Their final cut last one is way better and hits hard.

BTW. The wing structures had a LOT of inertia (including tons of fuel) and the strength to make marks on anything it hits, multiple wing spars are designed to bend and not break and they are very strong in the horizontal plane perhaps equal to the whole fuselage in that direction. Undercarriage castings weigh many tons and structured to withstand massive loads - 90 plus tons hitting the ground at speed in the B757. The main shafts in the core of a jet engine are incredibly strong and aligned horizontally and make impact marks which are NOT there in all the images. The total of an aircraft structure impacting a building will NOT make a neat round hole no matter how much you want to believe it did. Simply does not and cannot happen. Having examined countless aircraft accident data and images, and yes the wreckage too, I know what I look at and see. You must do this too.

How can long conversations supposedly made with cellphones (early generation ones) occur when it is technically impossible to happen? Simply they did not happen as claimed.

No matter how much we do NOT want something to be true, we are living in fantasy if we insist it must be true when all the evidence shows it is not. Claims are not proof.

There are too many things wrong with the 'official' story for it to stand up as true.

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Eye witnesses can be planted or wrong. I read no plane parts were found, and the trajectory or approach was very unlikely if not impossible, but a missile could do the job. The secrecy ensures dirty work. So does dead witnesses. Planted evidence and Bldg. 7 announced as falling with no hit 20 min. Before it did is as much a red flag as the captured FDA pushing 75 years before publishing Pfizer's fraudulent ‘safety studies.

What is up with blue umbrellas not burned or a wealthy home with a bright blue roof? The temporary 'privileged' knew beforehand. To distract and satisfy the public, any electrical line can be accused of starting the fire, but wildfires don't melt metal and glass as filmed.

What happened to the story of 186 burned children washing up from the ocean?

The rule with the grubby Globalists is to announce your plans and deeds before you do it. It's a game to them, complete with rules of engagement. Land grabs, manipulating school schedules, Police orders to disallow evacuation, etc.

These sick military trained people use a Confluence of planned, orchestrated weaponry, including HAARP, Dew, drones, ground ops and of course media propaganda, controlled footage and blackouts.The hell the US has imparted on other countries is now targeted here.

Check out the Dutchsinse website for direct evidence of DEW fire starting in California.

We need to begin by following the money. Fire accelerants dropped aerially followed by huge planes with bellyfuls of fire retardant are making somebody money, while it gets into aquifers and adds to our spiraling cancer rates.

Federal Marshalls or some agency with balls not captured…need to supersede the local corrupt sold out riffraff and the Sociopath club.

Patterns of criminality in other locales cannot be overlooked. Ie: Paradise, etc.

What kind of evidence lives in Insurance deals and stock options? Follow the money. These Homicidals usually take home the loot, while the overwhelmed people are grieving, let down slowly by media and left with devastated lives.

Stop the land grabs. Create a moratorium on land transfers for pennies, and the next planned, pre-announced Smart City (ghetto). Get a new Sheriff, find out who gave orders holding fleeing residents, imprison and monetarily strip each offender.

These criminals or self-appointed privileged create real estate grabs as dispassionately as a Video game.

As people wake up, I will watch as dispassionately as the Temporary Privileged miscreants are unable to be out in public, knowing events like the comeuppance on Stepford Wives will play out, with no witnesses.

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I'm not telling you that there aren't forces that want to subdue and subjugate us. But it does the cause of liberty no good to sound like a flat earther every time something happens we cannot explain. The eye witnesses to 9/11 were not planted . Where in the world do you you think a missile would have come from ? Have you been there? I have . Where in all the world do you think a missile of that magnitude would have come from? Building 7, the so called smoking gun ,was on fire all day and had the force of an earthquake ( the towers) fall right next to it. Buildings of that size do not catch on fire and allowed to burn but no one could have gotten to it adequately in the midst of the emergency. Also, you do know that it takes months of work and a very loud noise to demolish a building that size. And then there's the recording of someone saying ' Pull It'. He was a fire dept commander. He was talking about firefighters from the sight, not explosives.

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Since this is the country I reside in, and I'm an adult, I’ve spent time reading and listening to various events. The more years, the more memories. We may have not seen or read the same things, but if those witnesses and documentary makers and people in the trades, architects and College professors (who were fired to continue the National narrative and coverup)would get together, perhaps we would then have a more clear picture of the various players and prep involved.

Like the Covid scam, lying to the American people has become the norm, and our national shame.

It is the worst kind of joke to pay for a drug out ‘investigation’, as the clowns involved keep up the framing of the event, quickly remove evidence, get rid of witnesses and like Bush, show how disingenuous and stupid he really is, watch the litany of BS, invading 7 countries, looking for WOMD we sold… as the excuse to proliferate war.

How many humans were burned and murdered with Shock and Awe for war profit? How many soldiers wiped out? For what? I believe the neighbor of so-called Osama bin Laden more than the media. Secretly burying the supposed body at sea and bringing down the Seals in that dated helicopter showed a new low.

There is an established “Pattern”, disturbing as it is. Books and movies predict events. Must be so much fun.

So even if your ‘flat earther’ comment strains to silence observer action because it's unpleasant, as an adult I have a responsibility to notice, discern, question and gather facts. I personally don't find comfort in belonging to groups. Churches, political parties or military. Too much marketing, manipulation and bad apples.

Many experts commented on the bldgs. falling in their footprint, and what kind of set charges, (which sounds and destruction were witnessed and reported to deaf ears)…were necessary. I listened to experts discuss the turnaround and trajectory of a plane hitting the Pentagon vs. a missile. It's not my area of expertise, but I find it interesting that the weaponry familiar to military trained individuals can be quickly identified per application.

I like the saying: What we see depends mainly on what we look for.

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I get it. I was watching the TV as we went into Iraq the second time and I was yelling at the craziness of it. I had already watched my husband go to war once, and knew they would send him there again. Bush and his ilk were and are incompetent, but not maniacal . GW Bush even said that the Iraqis tried to kill his dad ( which was true ). It was personal. How could his dad been ousted as president and yet Saddam was still in power? I believe he took the opportunity to go in and as he saw it, right a wrong. It is true that Iraqis were violating no fly zones and our agreements with them, but that's a lame excuse for our invasion of Iraq . And actually, the WMD were probably moved according to Israeli intelligence ( this was reported in their news ). I wonder, by the way, what do you think actually happened to the people on the plane that went missing ? https://youtu.be/kXDZoG0ufaM

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When you say "I am currently researching a book on the Lahaina fire" I assume what you mean is that you are conducting research on the Lahaina fire for a book you intend to write. The only book written on the Lahaina fire that one could research, that I am aware of, would be the one written by Miles Stone.

So fair enough, John, you want to write a book. It seems in the past you have written a particular type of book - I believe it is called "true crime." In any event, that is how your genre is tagged on Amazon, if I remember correctly. In any event, it is vastly different from the type of book that is written to get to the bottom of important world events - like the Kennedy assassinations, or 9-11 to name some obvious examples. Although one certainly could write a true crime book about those events as well. One event can give rise to books of many genres, even dystopian fiction.

I do suspect, however, that the audience for books that expose what is taking place in our world by men and women who stick their necks out quite a bit further than you - books written by Antony Sutton, for example, is not the same as the audience for true crime books. True crime is more like Jack the Ripper stuff. I think. I don't read that genre, so I'm taking an educated guess. Perhaps that is why you get so much pushback here, as you note in your recent conversation with Peter McCullough - this substack is read by truth-seekers and you are doing your research in anticipation of a book that will appeal to true crime aficionados. But that's just another educated guess, based on my own reading habits.

Yes, I do have a point, and I'm getting to it. My point is that when you tie the evidence you will consider to what is allowed by the formalities of a legal process, be it the standards of evidence associated with a criminal proceeding, or simply the legal review and insurance provisions that tell a publisher what can and cannot be said, you are putting on a set of chains. In exchange for wearing those chains, you get to take on cases that will win in court and you get to reduce your chances of losing a defamation suit. Those results should not be confused with arriving at the truth.

You might respond by pointing to your most recent book with Peter McCullough, or your refusal to change the names of the guilty in your prior books, but like the arborist, that doesn't say much. I am not saying that you are monolithic in your approach. I am saying that whatever statements you make about how laudable your behavior is in other contexts, in this context you consistently refer to the standard of evidence applied by the legal system - the chains. It seems to me from everything you've written that you embrace them. That is not a criticism, because it is all a matter of one's values, and we all have different values.

In any event, the world is full of very important truths that cannot be established in a court of law, or get past a publisher's review. I would argue that is true of the most important truths in the universe. That is because the rules of evidence and the precautions you need to take to protect yourself from liability in the way that you do act like a sieve. You get a fine, consistent grain, but only by filtering out the rougher, but truth-bearing particles that are so important for genuine understanding.

Choosing how we write is like the choosing how we move. I think of the pursuit of truth as being like a marathon race. It takes endurance, and the participants sweat and get injured, but one is free to move as one chooses. I admire those who set out on this race and who are determined to reach the finish line. What you are doing, what lawyers do, by comparison, is like a minuet. Every movement is choreographed and refined. Nobody sweats, nobody gets hurt. But if truth is the ultimate objective, you will never get to the finish line by doing a minuet.

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I want to make it clear that when I say "like the arborist that doesn't say much" I am reflecting John's assessment of the arborist. My own opinion is that he provides valuable information that should be investigated.

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The 'arborist' provides hyperbole-and-suspicion-for-the-willing, and near zero evidence. Every observation he made could be a completely normal consequence of a natural fire. The whole tale relies on the ignorance of people on the nature of fire. No arborist could say that all the trees should be burned to the ground. That is clear and obvious disinformation.

Almost every poster from California or Australia - people experienced with wildfire, or with the stories of wildfire - is saying the same thing.

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Are you really saying, at core, that Rules of Evidence, as defined for instance by the Blackstone Commentaries, to conscientiously arrive at truth under English Common Law, is a "chain" that PREVENTS one from arriving at truth?? ARE YOU SERIOUS??

Your understanding of law is defective. The purpose of such rules is not to "avoid liability", but to protect the innocent against malicious prosecution.

So ... What, pray tell, would you use as an unimpeachable truth standard? I can't believe my ears.

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My understanding of the law is not defective, Linden. Read John's own words in this post or engage with book publishers yourself. The decisions that publishers make is very much to avoid liability and, with few exceptions, when a conflict arises, the avoidance of liability will trump truth every time.

You pray I tell you about truth? Consider these words, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Who can prove, using the rules of evidence in court, that we are endowed by our Creator with unalienable Rights? One of the most important documents of our nation could never have been written if your Rules of Evidence had been used. You want to live your life by what I have called these "chains" that restrict our understanding of truth, then give up every freedom you have that you can't prove exists.

And if you say, no, you are the innocent party, that these rules don't apply to establishing your rights, consider the context of the Declaration of Independence. Those in power do not consider the oppressed to be the innocent ones, but rather a plague on the earth.

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More of this. We as a group must employ something like Occam's razor to weed out the least likely solutions to problems and get back to principles not clouded by suspicion. I know that many of my acquaintances view me with skepticism because they know my views are different from the mainstream press they are addicted to. I however, do not see them as conspiring to do away with me, just to be uninterested in my plight should someone blame me for being toxic or a raging Maga guy. It's what they have programmed themselves to do and believe.

To me conspiracies are usually not undertaken in an underground lair or some quiet room at the Pentagon and are far more mundane in practice than chemtrails and microwave induced wildfires. Conspiracies are powerful people coming together somehow and subverting the rule of law for a purpose, even one that they view as noble. The FBI sting of the Whitmer "kidnappers" was a conspiracy; so was Cointelpro and the Steele dossier. So was Amex's concerted effort to delegitimize Edmond Safra.

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Thanks for taking the time to share your research. I enjoyed learning about fires and trees.

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What about the melted cars which need a far higher temperature than a natural fire would produce? There are many videos showing and commenting on this.

You might look at the video coverage and commentary of Peggy Hall about it. Also the fact that things colored blue didn't burn, which people claim blocks the DEW frequencies.

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Cars melt in natural fires. Google images "marysville fire cars melted" for example. Or "kinglake fire cars melted". (2009) Just a very bad day. My fellow Marysvillan's have kept the aluminium flows as artefacts.

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