Simply did not care or, the other obvious conclusion:

This was a planned hit by the USA Secret Service to assassinate President Trump.

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My "like" feature does not work, so I will simply say that I agree with your assessment.

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But maybe there was a conflict within the Secret Service between protecting the individual and protecting the money, if they considered Trump a threat to 'the money'?

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If you want the truth, here it is!!!-

Click on any highlighted blue term, search any topic.


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Trump is stakeholder of the WEF

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What exactly makes Trump a stakeholder, Anne. Are you saying his name is actually listed on the WEF website? . . . or what?

another thing. . . the president of the Heritage foundation did a great job of telling the WEF to their faces in a "committee" meeting, televised and on-line that the world is "aware" of exactly what the WEF is up to and told them Americans will not comply(paraphrased). I have to wonder HOW exactly he got to the point he was able to be in that position in Davos this year to be able to say that and smack them with it?

SO, is the Heritage Found. on the WEF list but yet, just so they can have a place at the table to resist or whatever?

again, what is your info on Trump being a "stakeholder"?

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Maybe these politicians play ball but there are many who rebel against the WEF. You can be a member in order to "play ball" but still go about not destroying your country. We will see how this turns out if Trump is elected President. Trump would not let illegals in the USA.

Is Putin not playing ball right now. Did NATO push Putin too far?

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Of course NATO pushed Putin too far. Promises were made to Gorbachev that there would not be NATO expansion, and those promises have been systematically broken. NATO on the border is an existential threat to Russia. Imagine the US response if there a similar build up on the Mexican border..Biden has taken the world to a very perilous place. He also, of course, has "interests" in Ukraine along with his son.

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Not when you're a stakeholder and don't forget the one thing they all do is lie lie lie so if trump does lie his way into the White House then does the exact opposite of what he promised to do (and not just Trump anyone) you don't have to accept it - they did after all get elected under false pretences but one thing is true we can FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!

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In order to WIN we MUST refuse digital IDs, CBDC and crypto ( if you have crypto sell now before it's too late) and start using cash only


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What I find interesting is you don't find the Middle East part of all this controversy. They are focused on their economy, education and military and building infrastructure , their legal system actually works. Just saying!

Why are we getting it all so terribly wrong? I can't help but think back . Every empire of note self destructed from within. Morality, collapse of family values, Greed, lust for power.

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There has been a plan for many years and this plan goes back over 100 years. The players change but the goals remain the same.

The US empire is highly corrupted from within- the breakdown in morals and so on. The mainstream media pushes the globalist agenda because unfortunately some 40 % or more of a nation believes the lies and trash they speak. People are very gullible and self serving.

The mideast has grand Freemasons and more. I don't know if there are underhanded deals made among mideast countries with Israel, the USA, and more.

I know we are in a time where these sociopathic globalists want to destroy the concept of nationhood and destroy the USA and white European countries. Those of us who are old remember when the USA was very different.

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I agree. I don't trust anyone of these politicians until we see what they do.

Yes, I am very familiar with war- fighting.

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They have identified Trump as a threat!

So far, have failed to neutralize :-)

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God willing they will not, and he will be able to carry out the purposes that God gave for him to do.

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Good one Mr. Tilley!

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"They" scripted a different ending, John. That's why they did nothing to intervene during the timeline Atkinson researched and you shared. Sheryl is a kick ass journalist who irritated the hell out of the Muslim dude not from Hawaii and that's why CBS dumped her. Too truthful .

From the beach....


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Just like our southern border is not the result of mishandling or mismanagement. It is intentional. It's called a "Cloward-Piven" Strategy. What happened in PA on 7/13 was also not the result of mishandling or mismanagement. Even someone who is learning disabled would be able to come to this conclusion, given the facts. It could not be any more clear.

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Corruption at its finest. Follow the money . 💰

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Yes, some played the stock market Trump would die. They had insider information trace them all.

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I’d listen to some videos on this by both Chris Martenson and Mike Adams. Chris runs the Peak Prosperity podcast and Mike Adams, the “Health Ranger” has a podcast on Brighteon. Both are worth listening to. These get into the details of audio forensics, and how the various agencies botched the investigation and dirtied the crime scene before a PROPER investigation could be done.

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The US Secret Service was established to protect the Bankers. Trump is perceived as a threat to the Bankers. Entrusting the USSS to protect a threat to itself defies logic.

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About the bankers--according to the blurb John quoted, the SS was established to fight rampant counterfeiting. Back then, according to the blurb, 30% of the bills in circulation were counterfeit. With the SS providing security, that number is now 100%.

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When the SS was formed one-third of the currency in the country was fake. Their mission was finding and stopping counterfeit money. The protection mission was later.

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Fake money - threat to bankers. Job #1. Has never changed.

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Anyone in office is not trustworthy- and if they are they aren’t as they do nothing but ask for more money:( if you want to be in govt hire own security team- if trump gets in fire the entire ss, fbi, cia - hire dan bongino to hire ss. Find a way to rid govt of cia fbi and irs

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Secret Service only as good as the Crooks running it...just like every state institution. Oh the irony. The SS first task was stopping counterfeiting? With the Federal Reserve it's all counterfeit. 😆

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I have ZERO trust in the entire federal government. ZERO.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27

This timeline and other evidence/info reveals FAR more than "failures" or "incompetence"!!! If we do not get the TRUTH about WHO, WHAT, WHEN, HOW this happened followed by SERIOUS ACCOUNTABILITY, then I would suggest that 'American law and justice' is nothing more than the tool of powerful tyrants to control the masses! And as such, the risk of massive social upheaval, civil war or violent overthrow of corrupt government will be but one "spark" away from reality.

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The catalyst for “the spark” would be if this election is hijacked in favor of the left or if Trump were to be assassinated.

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I have to agree that this is a highly suspicious incident in many ways and these kinds of things rarely unravel the way we wish that they would. In my 25 years US Govt service, whenever I saw multi agency task forces, incident command situations, etc., that involved 3 or more agencies, things easily get lost in translation from one radio frequency to another one or even lost altogether.

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The agency's true mission is protecting the Federal Reserve System.

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Unfortunately there is nothing in place to protect our currency from the Federal Reserves incompetence!

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Jul 27·edited Jul 28

The IRS does that. Signing a Form 1040 under penalties of perjury stipulates $42.22 in FRNs or checkbook money as an ounce of gold. See the Franklin Mint v. TWA cases. (Sandra Day O'Connor wrote the majority opinion.) Gold items are all legally collectibles. Don't tell me about silver; the US has been on the gold standard since 1890. Silver is merely auxiliary currency, and "clad" coinage is legally silver.

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Correct. The IRS is the collection agency for the privately owned Fed. They are our rulers. They literally own us until collectively we say no mas! Best explanation I've seen yet is G Edward Griffin's Creature From Jekyll Island. Dr Ron Paul also wrote End The Fed...excellent.

Like Meyer Amschel Rothschild cockily said..

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws."

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The CIA was created by Rockefeller's CFR.

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which is bankrupt and with Janet Yellen around it can only get a whole lot worse. That woman is seriously dangerous and has no concept of reality.

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I hope we get more answers & accountability from the trump attempted assassination than we got on Maui. Shameful.

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Crooks likely was not the shooter. See Mike Adam's evaluation of the gun on the roof. He was a decoy..(a patsy) Several sharp shooters in the 2nd floor room of the building.. Two people filmed someone on the Watertower. The whole thing seemed like a dangerous psyop...

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Can you point me to the video of "someone on the Watertower"? I haven't seen anything like that.

That theory isn't gelling at all.

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Susan M comment to see Mike Adams evaluation is more likely to me. A mathematician worked up a line-of-sight analysis that seems very plausible. Still will be in my memory as a set up and total cluster.

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It's not a theory about anything. Early on various Podcaster received videos of people standing in the back of the field. You'll have to do your own search. I'm sure most of those videos have been scrubbed.

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There were three videos of people saying there was a shooter on the water tower, but no videos that I know of with someone actually being filmed on the water tower.

Occam's Razor from the Body Cam footage is that the kid on the roof fired the first 8 shots - the second 5 sounding a little different to the first 3 because he moved back off the ridgeline of the roof and the sound echoed off in different directions.

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However it happened it is such a terrible tragedy. I don't trust any 3 letter agencys.

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I watched the FBI head Christopher Wray in the congressional hearings, and got a really bad vibe. So weird that he could proudly boast of a line (true or not) on the kid's laptop, but couldn't say a word on Hunter Biden's laptop.

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Be careful about demanding perfection in security.

You'll give away our freedoms if you persist. Look at TSA and Do Not Fly and Patriot Act and so on. The border is open, but all inner venues are closed; that is opposite of desired.

A nation of active citizens trumps one of docile observers. You state it yourself: many attendees observed and alerted, but remained inert. None took action, because that's NOT THEIR JOB.

BS, it's not, but we live in a police state where police have a monopoly on action.

Finally, perfect protection defeats freedom and responsibility. The presidency is not a man; it is an institution governed by philosophy emplaced by voters. As such, it can have continuity despite losses. So, perfection is not needed, and society needs to be reinvigorated and active so that even less security is necessary.

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Mostly agree. However, while the Presidency is an institution, a galvanising leader is a man.

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Active citizenry would have prevented the events of the other day, as a crowd would have rushed the assailant.

So, whether the president is an unbreakable transfer of leadership despite calamity or a sole galvanizing force of nature unto himself, the active citizenry is his best protection, bar none.

Secondly, a galvanizing leader is needed only when the citizenry are beset with insurmountable problems. With good and proper leadership generally, such a state of problems is unlikely. So, the active citizenry has a very boring and perfunctory leadership need.

A president should probably be more like a greenskeeper, maintaining a golf course in top condition and making occasional capital improvements among a pleasant field of sportsmen who carry themselves as gentlemen.

In our nation at present, the greenskeeper is replaced by a cop who orders golfers from point to point, allowing or stopping them, regulating tempo and tee access, and assailing them with citations for sundry infractions while the golfers deface the course.

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Well, that's when they would have intervened, in my opinion. They would shoot both, or kill their lackey and wound the good guy, then prosecute him for interference.

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I think we are in the time where a galvanising leader is needed.

On active citizenry - I wondered about that. That said, can't just shoot a kid. The gun didn't become visible until the last few seconds (perhaps when he reportedly turned back and aimed it towards the law enforcement officer). It is sort of disappointing that no-one went to climb up on the roof to challenge him, but they might've died if they did.

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Monkey reports they are flying the illegals in like crazy. If the "Czar" goes to the border and says look, it's under control, it really isn't, because they are in the air!

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