I was a little bothered by Dr. Malone’s substack yesterday where he led with …we are all in the same boat and floated the idea of offering an olive branch to those who have so grievously wronged us these past few years. While I do not wish I’ll will upon the neighbors, family and friends who disowned me, shunned and shamed me, tried to get me fired due to my unvaccinated status, and said I should be ostracized by society and treated like a prisoner of war, who ignored my mother’s death due to an undiagnosed (not in time anyway) adverse reaction to the vaccine and could not offer comfort for my loss because I dared to say it was the result of the vaccine….I am not able at this time to extend a hand to aid healing especially when too many do not understand the gravity of their actions. Nor do they understand that they were and are complicit in a bigger agenda.
I will continue to treat others with respect and kindness, despite their attacks. But I will not apologize for my steadfast belief that these vaccines are dangerous and that those promoting them need to do their homework and understand what is happening. They need to listen rather than censor, silence or refuse to discuss the harm done. Healing cannot begin without first an acknowledgement that something is seriously amiss. Otherwise, it is just a useless exercise in trying to resume “normalcy” for the sake of moving forward in comfort. This is not the time to help make people comfortable with the current state of affairs.
To be honest, some times I feel like Dr. Malone speaks out of both sides of his mouth. Today was about embracing the meaning of the holiday and seeking connection with those who have wronged us. The other day he did an extensive analysis of 5th Generation Warfare. Is the plea for us to embrace those who have quickly judged us in the past few years an example of psychology games? He did not take his own advice when it comes to the Breggins…As an attorney, I know a lawsuit on that scale is time consuming, costly and rarely benefits anyone but the lawyers. So what gives?
I don’t know. Just bothered…feels like a few things don’t add up. Maybe just tired 🥱 f navigating the turbulent waters.
Time to take a break and celebrate the season of hope. Happy Winter Solstice to all. May you have a blessed holiday…one that restores you faith in humanity.
Thank you for giving voice to this. I too am bothered by that lawsuit and the seeming contradiction between his words and actions. I just listed to Peter Breggin’s interview of Zev Zelenko from Jan 2021 that Dr A reposted recently. I was again struck by the sincerity and gentleness of Peter Breggin’s manner. This man is not The Enemy.
Dr. Peter Breggin, a Harvard-trained MD/Psychiatrist and has absolute professional credentials & PROFESSIONAL STANDING to engage in aggressive critique & PEER REVIEW of ostensible "psychological" work that claims to be science-based. NEITHER Robert Malone (research scientist in viral pharmacology) nor Mattias Desmet (Freudian psychotherapist) have the equivalent credentials nor standing. Desmet is NOT a historian, nor an MD, nor a psychiatrist. His book on psychology & totalitarianism is based on non-scientific speculation & theory (like the equally un-rigorous & non-scientific work of Freud himself). Malone has even LESS standing in this arena as his academic background in biochemistry & medicine has been applied to virology & pharmaceutical research for decades. He has no academic expertise that qualifies him to evaluate -- let alone translate for the masses -- Desmet's unscientific theoretical speculations. Dr. Breggin has been a crusading reformer fighting on behalf of regular people for more than 60 years: fighting to end the practice of lobotomy; fighting to end the practice of electroshock "therapy"; fighting to end the Fauci-style abuse of using children (largely black) in State care systems as helpless research victims; fighting to end the Big Pharma / psychotropic drug dominance of the current practice of psychiatry; and now in his 80s, producing yet another well-cited, heavily-annotated work of impeccable scholarship: "Covid 19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey".
"Gentle" is not a requirement for PEER REVIEW. As for "demonstrably false": If YOU assert the highly-trained, widely-published clinical and scholarly research psychiatrist Dr. Breggin is producing "demonstrably false" critiques of the Desmet/Malone theoretical philosophies touted as "science" then the burden is on YOU to:
1) IDENTIFY specific falsehoods, and
2) Provide evidence to prove these are falsehoods
Otherwise you are just as guilty as are Desmet & Malone in engaging in unfounded & unproven speculation (which are nonetheless merely ASSERTIONS no matter how aggressively promoted). We'll wait. . . . .
Too many are taking their eye off the target. Speculation on what underlies the bizarre and dangerous behavior of both the health & government leadership around the world, as well as much of the populace at large is not the central issue. The bizarre & dangerous behavior is the central issue. It is also the most difficult to tackle. Critique of Drs. Malone & Desmet is easy, but aside from a book review by Dr. Breggin what purpose does it serve? I would suggest that anyone who decides to divert energies to the conflict between these men first review all that has been said & written. It goes well beyond psychosocial theories, and needs to stop. A fractured group is a weaker group.
And that has nothing to do with critiquing the vehemence lif the attacks and their insinuation if evil motives in behalf of Malone and Desmet. In addition, their attacks in others subject areas are based in outright falsehoods. Neither have served to advance the fight against tyranny.
Huh??? Where is your evidence Sir? That is some pretty terrible stuff (albeit not original) to say about someone without a LOT OF EVIDENCE. I’ve followed Dr. Malone since his Darkhorse interview, which is when he came on the public scene. One of the other persons interviewed during the same episode acknowledged recently that he enlisted Dr. Malone’s participation because of his extensive background with mRNA technology. He has provided important insight, and likely has given up much of his professional career to do so.
We can forgive but we better not forget. We can forgive ignorance and deluded, can't we? But that is for our benefit, really. I might say something to that effect...and maybe they should ask forgiveness themselves....maybe that's what they can be taught.
This conversation made me think twice about giving what I had previously considered a well deserved middle finger to the cultists. I hope you'll listen.
Very sorry about your mom and other experiences. ❤
On your recommendation, I had a listen to the podcast on Spotify. I found it interesting and convincing in some respects. Very thought provoking and worthy work f consideration. Thank you for suggesting I have a listen.
I like the concept of amnesty, but I’m not sure I agree with the idea that the author of the article was intending to start a conversation about how to reconcile through a process of admission and reconciliation.
My instinct and reaction was that it was meant as a litmus test....not to open a conversation relative to a process of accountability as the guest speaker on the podcast suggests, but rather to see what f the public was sufficiently tired enough to want to forget the nightmare of the past three years.
That is, to see what kind of reaction there would be to the idea that we should all move forward and try to do better next time, without any genuine acknowledgement of the harm done and the motivations and/or intent leading to that harm.
The content of the article suggested not an awareness of culpability by the Covidian cultists or architects of the narrative(which based on the podcast, amnesty would require some acknowledgemt of culpability) but instead suggested it was all the result of misguided good intentions. The tone smacked of....we should not be held to account because we knew not what we did...and we did it for what we thought was the greater good. I cannot entertain this idea of amnesty as she promoted it so long as there is a doubling down or insistence that the vaccines are the answer and college mandates, etc. are needed. It makes no sense. Therefore, I concluded that the essay was not a genuine desire to promote reconciliation but was a climate check as to whether the public is sufficiently weary and tired of the nonsense and dictates that they will go along with a scripted...”bygones” just to be able to move forward. I resent that those who have so grievously wronged their fellow man now request mercy without stating that they are sorry for what they did because it was wrong and they should have considered that possibility when others pled with them to examine all aspects of what was happening.
The offense in my mind is not so much the wrong policies or poor advice on the virus and vaccine....it was the total lack of regard for one’s right to question, speak, and exercise their own judgment. It was the demand that we bow down without being offered explanations that could withstand scrutiny so we were silenced, abused, shunned, kicked and shamed. They want to say they got it wrong but it was not their fault.
Kind of reminds me of the abusive partner who apologizes to his douse for hitting her, but then says in the next breath....but you made me do it.
Or the alcohol who has remorse for his abusive actions when drunk, but stops short of owning it by telling his/her victim, I have an addiction...the disease did that not me. I couldn’t help it under the circumstances even though I know it was wrong...and the bid is done in and with a desire to just move on with no accountability.
But, even with that all said, I still with some will give them a chance to re-connect but if there is an expectation that I will act as if the last three years have not been hell...well, I’m not ready yet. I’ll work on it though.
You are saying everything I’ve thought. I can be civil and I can move forward.. but I will never forget. These neighbors and family and friends that so easily tossed me and my family aside because we wanted a moment to breathe and consider the consequences of this path. I know exactly who would be loading me on the train. That they can’t see the Similarities with another time in our history, Takes my breathe away. I have to say though.. I’m in a waaay better place filled with deep friendships that are so much more honest and meaningful.
Yes, like you....I have deeper relationships, some old and some new, with those that I am perfectly comfortable sharing my thoughts with without fear of backlash. Have had much to reflect and consider these past few years.
Amazed I can reply! You're thinkin's solid. There have to be criminal prosecuitions of the "high level enabelers of this (actual) crime and that will enble "us".... "we the people" to forgive but not forget and move forward in a spirit of "lest we forget". Slogneering (lest we forget) can't become an excuse for forgetfulness, as was done at Nuremberg.
I agree with this 150%. My uneasiness is because many of the COVID policies are continuing. In my state all of the college level education schools mandate vaccination. I know a number of students who held out as long as they could but took the jab to be able to continue their education this fall. Meanwhile the Director of our CDC here in Maine is on the ACIP committee that just recommended the shots be put on the childhood schedule. He voted in favor, which tells me our Governor and him will be pushing to put it on the childhood schedule in my state. While I have exemptions for my daughter’s due to my mother’s death and my family’s autoimmune history. My heart aches for friends and their children who feel they have no choice if they want to continue their schooling.
I have seen little evidence in my state that the authorities at the state house are interested in seeking truth on these matters. Instead, it is just the opposite as they are inviting in the Davis ilk to set up shop in our state. How can I abide knowing the very real cost if we do not stand firm in seeking transparency and truth.
It was not too long ago that Dr. Malone responded to a comment on his substack by referring to the vaccine issues as a side skirmish that he was not going to pour his energies into at this point. He seems to understand that the WEF and others have a very real global agenda relative to the digital ID/health passport and the central ban digital currency, but the vaccine is important to because as long as the mandates remain in place and the lies continue people are harmed. And while that chaos and carnage is occurring and we are focused on trying to stop it.....Those that want the NWO/Global Reset/ 4th Industrial Revolution are busy laying the foundation. Just look at what is happening while we are otherwise occupied....the G20, the APEC Summit, the WHO, etc. they are all forging ahead in the name of supposed “preparedness” for the next pandemic with no slowing. They are not interested in knowing what was wrong relative to policies, or examining their actions. Just the opposite, they want to essentially codify their right to decide our fate the next time around by using surveillance, data, algorithms, etc. They want to eliminate the ability for people to resist the way they did this time around. But it is all for our own good---they say. And they are busy marrying the concept of hood health and necessary public health measures to the climate change agenda. The coming surveillance state/technocracy will put its tools to work for more than monitoring and managing the masses in response to a virus. It will be used for behavior modification to train humans to conform to the fin/tech elites ideas of what is necessary and needed.
I have researched the big pharma companies involved and the players, their backgrounds, etc. I find it hard to believe that we are dealing with just misguided meaningful intentions. Rather, it sure seems like the digital prison is being built without pause or delay. Many of those pushing the NWO agenda are also hugely supportive of the transhumanism agenda.
I keep coming back to....if here in the US it had truly been about overcoming vaccine hesitancy for the sake of public health....they would have worked to make a traditional vaccine an option. No mRNA vaccines were used in China.
I guess my point is that the agenda is far greater than we know and has been in the planning and implementation stages well before the pandemic hit. Whether the pandemic was accidental or on purpose is moot at this point....it is being used as a means to an end.
I do believe that the mRNA technology figures prominently in their ideas and plans around designing and crafting humans in the future. They refer to mRNA as “the software of life” that will allow us to engineer our own evolution. I’m not ok with that. I trust nature and the divine, not men who would look to destroy nature and the divine in pursuit of becoming gods themself.
I can give grace to those in my life who cannot see what we are up against, but I cannot extend an olive branch to those who insist that there is nothing amiss or that the chaos of the past three years needs to be forgiven and forgotten because it was the result of misguided but well intentioned people. Fauci, Gare, Zuckerberg, and others have shown no remorse or made no admission that strikes a tone of compassion, empathy or realization of how fear ms hubris has destroyed life as we knew it. Nor do they seem to show any regret or genuine sorrow for the very real costs (death and serious harm) due to their one size fits all mentality.
As you say, a reckoning is needed before healing and reconciliation can begin. Are they capable of that? Is it up to us to give them the benefit of the doubt at this point in the game? Not while mandates remain in place and our kids are lab rats.
I am not even asking for jail time, prosecutions or any form of revenge....I am still working the “This needs to stop before more innocents are hurt” stage. And I still feel that our please are falling on deaf ears.
quote My primary concern is that we stop the carnage and prevent it from happening again.
xactly. BUT... those who have caused such great harm MUST be held to account. The vast majority of them did so willingly though perhaps at first in ignorance. Enough time and harm have accumulated they are now without excuse. Forgiveness is in order, but so is accountability and genuine repentance. Many of our abusers were in public office.They should step down or be removed, with prejudice so a to never attain such power again. Recompense, as fr as possible, MUST be made to those who have been harmed by this tyranny. I would think these finds can come out of the large and plump pockets of the corrupt drug companies and their overpaid execs and "scientists". And the companies themselves need to take a large share of their earno=ings and use that for reparations. I ma not seeking vengeance, only just compensation for those who are now crippled for life, have lost their jobs, professional licenses, respect withn their former disciplines, etc. Those who have lost homes die to their financial shipwrecks because of tis also need restitution.
My Husband and I are self-employed, and many of our friends are also.  We know many people who lost their businesses because of the insanity Promoted by the government. It is easy for those who remained financially stable to dismiss the fiscal carnage.
Amen to that! The Breggins have done extraordinary work for many decades, helping bring awareness to the devastating effects of psychotropic drugs and the power of Big Pharma. Dr. Breggin is one of my top heroes. Thousands upon thousands of people have been immensely helped by him. His courage, compassion, articulation and steadfastness are a beacon for all of us.
It is truly unfortunate that there is a conflict between the two. Dr. Breggin is very concerned that the promotion of the word "psychosis" could portend massive drugging (taming or subduing) of people, since the masses would be considered mentally unstable. He has seen decades of the application of psychiatric diagnostic labels to control, demean, injure, and even kill people. The psychosis label in particular is terribly damaging. I do hope both of these wonderful, thoughtful, experienced men can come together to talk out their differences of thinking, agree to disagree on some points, and work together for the good of all, rather then have to deal with a crazy time-consuming and expensive lawsuit. We desperately need both Dr. Malone's and Dr. Breggin's passions, wisdom, and bravery in the fight of our lives.
I had a friend who completely went off the deep end. She’s been comparing the unvaccinated to drunk drivers. She’s mad when people ask her if she wants them to wear a mask around her because it offends her that they don’t wear a mask all the time. Her husband is a doctor and so I think she has to defend the idea in her mind that the medical industry is not corrupt so she’s ALL in. Forever. It’s very sad what the public health officials have done to people like her through their fraudulent science and dictates. I’m glad she wasn’t in a position of authority because I suspect we would be in worse shape than we are now had she been in charge in my area. The one thing that is somewhat admirable is that she’s not acting hypocritically. She believes it all and acts on her beliefs (unlike Pelosi or Newsome etc). She even wore an air filter around her neck for a time. She really believes that the virus would go away if we all just followed the (insane) mitigation protocols. And she truly believes that the reason others don’t do the same is simply out of “selfishness”. In her mind, she’s saving lives while the rest of us are murdering everyone we breath around. It’s unbelievable.
It is this....that this is still thought to be the “right” or “why you should do” if you are a loving person....that you should become strangely unhuman, unable to discern for yourself that we need each other, to see faces, to share, to visit elderly, to teach our children not to react to fear and do more harm than good. It takes courage to exercise one’s sovereignty with purpose and intention. While I researched the vaccine, I was afraid....I did not know what to believe about the virus. As a cancer survivor and one with autoimmune history, I had anxiety about rejecting “experts’” advice, but my gut and intuition lead me to seek answers for myself. And I had already seen what these same bad actors (like Gates) had done to education in my state. My trust on that front has been so grievously violated by government and the supposed “philanthropist”/do gooders....that I thought of what my dad once said, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” So I got just doing my research and am forever grateful that I trusted my intuition.
We couldn’t do it without a leader and our military. I believe we have that. It may be for self-preservation, but I can’t imagine our country and the rest of the world will not go down so easily. We’ve been made well aware of the Globalist’s intentions, and we know what we have to do. Think about our military and their oath to our Constitution. The tyrants try to make it seem we are the minority, and our military is filled with a bunch of progressive sissies who wouldn’t fight for anything, yet alone our country. There are still many patriots loyal to this country and who are willing to die to protect it. I’ll never forget an article I read years ago about 200 of our special forces who defeated thousands of rebels in Africa. We have the best fighting men and women in the world, and we have millions of veterans who still believe in their oaths to our Constitution. They won’t go down without a fight. I’ve heard you ask this question before, and I want you to know that we didn’t just begin to fight the evildoers in the last few years or so. It’s been years, but a lot is covert, and we may never know everything. I try and listen to hopium too. If I only read and listened to the bad, which is constant, I’d go nuts. I listen to X22 Report every day, and he’s on a lot of different sites, but he helps. Also, Patel Patriot believes POTUS45 initiated a Continuity of Government and swears by the Law of War manual. He did 23 volumes, all at Devolution.link, and they are in written form, although there are many videos out there that others have created to explain it all. I would direct you to Volume 22, if you want to skip ahead, because there’s a short video by the Army’s 4th PSYOP Division, and it will give you a taste of our covert actions in the past. The fact they put it out was interesting too. They’re very hush-hush. Hope this helps. Stay hopeful and strong! We can do this.
Although the waiting and not knowing is difficult, I think since we finally have a bullhorn, a large platform like Twitter, it will be hard to hide everything now, so things may move more swiftly. One of the video creators I listen to is Dave from X22 Report - he’s on quite a few sites, but he may still be banned from Twitter - but he believes that there’s going to be a communications blackout at some point, and there may also be a scare event - maybe the nuclear war our government and the Globalists are trying to start with Russia, but someone will intervene and save the day. I don’t know, but I hope so. I always say I hope our plan is better than theirs, and I have to think it is. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
The statement you quoted by CS Lewis captures the most dangerous mentality of globalists and politicians who seek to control the population. And a large percentage of the population buys into this propaganda that such politicians and globalists "have their best interests at heart." However, there's a missing piece, which lies at the very core of this warped control "thinking." Anyone who has an obsessive, compulsive need to "control others for their own good" is operating from a deep-rooted terror - terror that if they don't control others, those others will do harm to the person. These terrified individuals mask their terror well, and justify their obsessive control as CS Lewis described. This terror is irrational, because the vast majority of people are tolerant of others, have no desire to harm others, and have a live-and-let-live attitude. 2-3% of the population has this irrational terror that forces them to control others. When combined with extreme wealth, these people are truly dangerous. Not all billionaires are like this, of course. But globalists all share this trait, this hidden terror of others. They're causing 80-90% of all problems, chaos and upheavals in the world.
Such a great article. Klaus Schwab: “At least 4 billion ‘useless eaters’ shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid acting diseases and starvation...,” excerpt from his book, “COVID-19: The Great Reset.” They’re not even hiding it. People like Trudeau, Macron, and Zelensky, to name a few are mere puppets to their masters, Schwab, Soros, “the committee of 300,” and I can barely stand to look at them. They’re little boys in big-boy pants full of greed and a lust for power, and their main motivation in life is money and power. They’re willing to sacrifice billions for themselves and their families. They make me sick, and I can hardly stand to look at them. I hope people realize how very serious this is. This isn’t going away. We have to choose the new America, which will become mostly likely one of four regions in the world ruled by our global masters, and many of us will become expendable like what has already begun in Canada. I believe it’s the mentally disabled who they’re talking about euthanizing. What’s next? The elderly? The sick! What is Canada, the testing ground? Well, if we can do this to the people of Canada, it’s coming to our hometowns. I believe they saved us last because of our 2nd Amendment. Are they going to use the invaders to fight us on our own land? They’ve already been told they’re our replacements. We can also choose to restore our Republic and make America America again before the elites decided that wasn’t what they wanted - and we’re talking at least 100 years ago when the tyranny began - founded by an act of Congress and signed by Woodrow Wilson in 1913, the Federal Reserve System was established
Any effort to oppose these "moral busybodies" without prayer and faith in the God who positioned the stars and created each of us will be wasted. The moral superiority comes from the belief that you are god, though hard to imagine what you have to go through to believe that when all the other Davos clowns believe the same thing. Praying for humility for them, but in the absence of that, for discord and that they devour each other before any further success. If I learned anything over many years working with people who committed heinous crimes, much of their "success" is random. We like to believe we have some control over evil that could affect us, or that the evil is uber powerful and almost impossible to defeat, but prayer breaks that power in ways we can't imagine when we humble ourselves and ask for God's solutions.
I remember many years ago attending a lecture on the French Revolution and one manifestation of it that I have also never heard mentioned again, which was that the leaders engaged in competitive dressing, with Robespierre - the great “sea-green incorruptible” - being the most extravagant of the lot. We are in quite different phase of history now of course in which the predatory class with all its immense privilege, wealth and narcissism have staged a preemptive revolution against ordinary people. They know they’ve gone too far.
I hope they know they have gone too far and feel fear. But I dread that the hubris of Fauci and others (still smug and unable to admit on the slightest the harm happening all around us) is an indication that they feel they have an ace up their sleeve and that the game continues and they believe themselves to be untouchable.
"Be ever vigilant about the danger of granting emergency power to preening malignant narcissists like Trudeau." When I read that, I thought the author was unfairly equating Mitt Romney with Justin Turdeau (aka Brandeau). On second thought, I have no doubt that Romney, Cuomo, Newsom, et al would each abuse the populace just as much as Turdeau.
Uhh. Seeing him talk like that, I would just like to KICK his ASS from here to Sunday. How in the world could N. Terr. taxpayers have voted in such a total jerk?
Rigged election is my opinion. Happens here in Australia too. Dictator Dan Andrews voted back in to power in Victoria. The capitol city ,Melbourne, endured the longest lockdowns in the world, night time curfews and horrific police brutality. Can't believe people would have voted him back in.
We need a new kind of science based on what science really is: Can your experiment be independently replicated?
We need to think about the systems that govern over science. If we make them transparent and decentralize them, we can fix everything. Put everything on chain so other scientists can build off each other.
Listen to the wise Balaji Srinivasan talking about this on The Knowledge Project podcast:
I read all the comments which were emotional as well as correct! I have, as a Cardiovascular Specialist since 1981, Int Med BC and owner of 3 Urgent Care facilites spanning 100 miles in Monroe county Florida, I have been treating the MAN MADE ON PURPOSE CV 19 BIOWEAPON since 7/2020 with Ivermectin primarily in the Out Patient Setting. I am also a highly respectful friend of Dr. McCullough whom I admire immensely for not only placing his career on the line but his intelligence, thoughtfulness and absolute belief in the Hippocratic Oath! I have written extensively on FB as Bruce Boros, Twitter as @borosbruce and from April 2020 until June 2021 had a live pod cast trying to make sense and recommendations to listeners in real time with information that was limited and now obviously very tainted by Self Interest, inflicting wounds on POTUS Trump (please read Dr. Paul Alexander's book- Presidential Takedown- and then using the Globalists tools for population control turned this illness upon the world! THIS HAS BEEN PLANNED! THIS IS NOT, IMO, mistaken policy nor ignorance for anyone who thinks this is falling prey to their own decency!
It is imperative that the world thought leaders of health and welfare continue their quest to STOP THE SHOTS, STOP MEDIA CONTROL using Tavistock Institute mind control methods initiated post WW2, demand elected officials to regain common sense by using the ballot box and just now consider Elon Musk's Twitter and all forms of Logical intelligent media sources to counteract the Tryanny of many Western world self aggrandizing so called leaders.
We all fear for our futures, the futures of our off spring and we pray for stabilization of a world gone CRAZY! We must start with holding accountable those at ground level (Fauci, Collins, Gates, Walensky, WEF,CCP and all key players in the marketing wings of Big Pharma -CDC, NIH, FDA, MSM, Trusted News Alliance, Baric, Bourlas, Bancel - THERE IS NO AMNESTY FOR WILLFUL MASS MURDER, yet we have allowed another Holocaust to occur and continue! WE OF SOUND MIND KNOW WHAT HAS HAPPENED AND WE NEED WELL ORGANIZED AND COMMITTED MEDIA SOURCES TO SPREAD A THOUGHTFUL AND IRREFUTABLE COUNTER ACTION TO AN OUT OF CONTROL, UNLAWFUL, DESPICABLE AND CORRUPT WORLD WIDE SYSTEM THAT WANTS MANY OF US DEAD! There must be consequences for all of these outrageous activities that will be severe and long lasting.
Once THEY (Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman 1991 and 1984 George Orwell) takes total control it will be GAME OVER for freedom and self determination! I apologize for the length of the post however as I quote a great freedom and health advocate "what I do is in my DNA"- Dr. Peter McCullough
I was a little bothered by Dr. Malone’s substack yesterday where he led with …we are all in the same boat and floated the idea of offering an olive branch to those who have so grievously wronged us these past few years. While I do not wish I’ll will upon the neighbors, family and friends who disowned me, shunned and shamed me, tried to get me fired due to my unvaccinated status, and said I should be ostracized by society and treated like a prisoner of war, who ignored my mother’s death due to an undiagnosed (not in time anyway) adverse reaction to the vaccine and could not offer comfort for my loss because I dared to say it was the result of the vaccine….I am not able at this time to extend a hand to aid healing especially when too many do not understand the gravity of their actions. Nor do they understand that they were and are complicit in a bigger agenda.
I will continue to treat others with respect and kindness, despite their attacks. But I will not apologize for my steadfast belief that these vaccines are dangerous and that those promoting them need to do their homework and understand what is happening. They need to listen rather than censor, silence or refuse to discuss the harm done. Healing cannot begin without first an acknowledgement that something is seriously amiss. Otherwise, it is just a useless exercise in trying to resume “normalcy” for the sake of moving forward in comfort. This is not the time to help make people comfortable with the current state of affairs.
To be honest, some times I feel like Dr. Malone speaks out of both sides of his mouth. Today was about embracing the meaning of the holiday and seeking connection with those who have wronged us. The other day he did an extensive analysis of 5th Generation Warfare. Is the plea for us to embrace those who have quickly judged us in the past few years an example of psychology games? He did not take his own advice when it comes to the Breggins…As an attorney, I know a lawsuit on that scale is time consuming, costly and rarely benefits anyone but the lawyers. So what gives?
I don’t know. Just bothered…feels like a few things don’t add up. Maybe just tired 🥱 f navigating the turbulent waters.
Time to take a break and celebrate the season of hope. Happy Winter Solstice to all. May you have a blessed holiday…one that restores you faith in humanity.
BOOM, Dr. Paul Alexander here, bang on!
Thank you for giving voice to this. I too am bothered by that lawsuit and the seeming contradiction between his words and actions. I just listed to Peter Breggin’s interview of Zev Zelenko from Jan 2021 that Dr A reposted recently. I was again struck by the sincerity and gentleness of Peter Breggin’s manner. This man is not The Enemy.
Breggin's attacks on Malone were not gentle. Neither were they necessary. They were also demonstrably false.
Dr. Peter Breggin, a Harvard-trained MD/Psychiatrist and has absolute professional credentials & PROFESSIONAL STANDING to engage in aggressive critique & PEER REVIEW of ostensible "psychological" work that claims to be science-based. NEITHER Robert Malone (research scientist in viral pharmacology) nor Mattias Desmet (Freudian psychotherapist) have the equivalent credentials nor standing. Desmet is NOT a historian, nor an MD, nor a psychiatrist. His book on psychology & totalitarianism is based on non-scientific speculation & theory (like the equally un-rigorous & non-scientific work of Freud himself). Malone has even LESS standing in this arena as his academic background in biochemistry & medicine has been applied to virology & pharmaceutical research for decades. He has no academic expertise that qualifies him to evaluate -- let alone translate for the masses -- Desmet's unscientific theoretical speculations. Dr. Breggin has been a crusading reformer fighting on behalf of regular people for more than 60 years: fighting to end the practice of lobotomy; fighting to end the practice of electroshock "therapy"; fighting to end the Fauci-style abuse of using children (largely black) in State care systems as helpless research victims; fighting to end the Big Pharma / psychotropic drug dominance of the current practice of psychiatry; and now in his 80s, producing yet another well-cited, heavily-annotated work of impeccable scholarship: "Covid 19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey".
"Gentle" is not a requirement for PEER REVIEW. As for "demonstrably false": If YOU assert the highly-trained, widely-published clinical and scholarly research psychiatrist Dr. Breggin is producing "demonstrably false" critiques of the Desmet/Malone theoretical philosophies touted as "science" then the burden is on YOU to:
1) IDENTIFY specific falsehoods, and
2) Provide evidence to prove these are falsehoods
Otherwise you are just as guilty as are Desmet & Malone in engaging in unfounded & unproven speculation (which are nonetheless merely ASSERTIONS no matter how aggressively promoted). We'll wait. . . . .
Too many are taking their eye off the target. Speculation on what underlies the bizarre and dangerous behavior of both the health & government leadership around the world, as well as much of the populace at large is not the central issue. The bizarre & dangerous behavior is the central issue. It is also the most difficult to tackle. Critique of Drs. Malone & Desmet is easy, but aside from a book review by Dr. Breggin what purpose does it serve? I would suggest that anyone who decides to divert energies to the conflict between these men first review all that has been said & written. It goes well beyond psychosocial theories, and needs to stop. A fractured group is a weaker group.
Energy is not diverted as Malone was and is part of the globalist Pharma psyops and is attempting a personal CYA legacy plan.
Wow, good to know. I had no knowledge of any of these people until this virus was unleashed and the plan was implemented against the people. I
And that has nothing to do with critiquing the vehemence lif the attacks and their insinuation if evil motives in behalf of Malone and Desmet. In addition, their attacks in others subject areas are based in outright falsehoods. Neither have served to advance the fight against tyranny.
WORD!!!! sister. Thank you.
Malone is Deep State bred and bought.
He was positioned as a double agent.
The NWO / WEF agenda is failing and they are attempting to pre-empt by moving up their 2030 coup timeline.
Malone is a positioned "soldier" in that effort.
Baloney. This controlled opposition trope us getting old. .
Huh??? Where is your evidence Sir? That is some pretty terrible stuff (albeit not original) to say about someone without a LOT OF EVIDENCE. I’ve followed Dr. Malone since his Darkhorse interview, which is when he came on the public scene. One of the other persons interviewed during the same episode acknowledged recently that he enlisted Dr. Malone’s participation because of his extensive background with mRNA technology. He has provided important insight, and likely has given up much of his professional career to do so.
Riiiight. More likely that you are the DSer. LOL
We can forgive but we better not forget. We can forgive ignorance and deluded, can't we? But that is for our benefit, really. I might say something to that effect...and maybe they should ask forgiveness themselves....maybe that's what they can be taught.
This conversation made me think twice about giving what I had previously considered a well deserved middle finger to the cultists. I hope you'll listen.
Very sorry about your mom and other experiences. ❤
On your recommendation, I had a listen to the podcast on Spotify. I found it interesting and convincing in some respects. Very thought provoking and worthy work f consideration. Thank you for suggesting I have a listen.
I like the concept of amnesty, but I’m not sure I agree with the idea that the author of the article was intending to start a conversation about how to reconcile through a process of admission and reconciliation.
My instinct and reaction was that it was meant as a litmus test....not to open a conversation relative to a process of accountability as the guest speaker on the podcast suggests, but rather to see what f the public was sufficiently tired enough to want to forget the nightmare of the past three years.
That is, to see what kind of reaction there would be to the idea that we should all move forward and try to do better next time, without any genuine acknowledgement of the harm done and the motivations and/or intent leading to that harm.
The content of the article suggested not an awareness of culpability by the Covidian cultists or architects of the narrative(which based on the podcast, amnesty would require some acknowledgemt of culpability) but instead suggested it was all the result of misguided good intentions. The tone smacked of....we should not be held to account because we knew not what we did...and we did it for what we thought was the greater good. I cannot entertain this idea of amnesty as she promoted it so long as there is a doubling down or insistence that the vaccines are the answer and college mandates, etc. are needed. It makes no sense. Therefore, I concluded that the essay was not a genuine desire to promote reconciliation but was a climate check as to whether the public is sufficiently weary and tired of the nonsense and dictates that they will go along with a scripted...”bygones” just to be able to move forward. I resent that those who have so grievously wronged their fellow man now request mercy without stating that they are sorry for what they did because it was wrong and they should have considered that possibility when others pled with them to examine all aspects of what was happening.
The offense in my mind is not so much the wrong policies or poor advice on the virus and vaccine....it was the total lack of regard for one’s right to question, speak, and exercise their own judgment. It was the demand that we bow down without being offered explanations that could withstand scrutiny so we were silenced, abused, shunned, kicked and shamed. They want to say they got it wrong but it was not their fault.
Kind of reminds me of the abusive partner who apologizes to his douse for hitting her, but then says in the next breath....but you made me do it.
Or the alcohol who has remorse for his abusive actions when drunk, but stops short of owning it by telling his/her victim, I have an addiction...the disease did that not me. I couldn’t help it under the circumstances even though I know it was wrong...and the bid is done in and with a desire to just move on with no accountability.
But, even with that all said, I still with some will give them a chance to re-connect but if there is an expectation that I will act as if the last three years have not been hell...well, I’m not ready yet. I’ll work on it though.
You are saying everything I’ve thought. I can be civil and I can move forward.. but I will never forget. These neighbors and family and friends that so easily tossed me and my family aside because we wanted a moment to breathe and consider the consequences of this path. I know exactly who would be loading me on the train. That they can’t see the Similarities with another time in our history, Takes my breathe away. I have to say though.. I’m in a waaay better place filled with deep friendships that are so much more honest and meaningful.
Yes, like you....I have deeper relationships, some old and some new, with those that I am perfectly comfortable sharing my thoughts with without fear of backlash. Have had much to reflect and consider these past few years.
Amazed I can reply! You're thinkin's solid. There have to be criminal prosecuitions of the "high level enabelers of this (actual) crime and that will enble "us".... "we the people" to forgive but not forget and move forward in a spirit of "lest we forget". Slogneering (lest we forget) can't become an excuse for forgetfulness, as was done at Nuremberg.
I'm a little confused why this comment is on Dr. McCullough's substack. Maybe it belongs on Dr. Malone's.
Maybe they do not wish to pay for the privilege of commenting on his stack.
You deserve a million thumbs up.
I'm from Reed City, Michigan, Laura;
I agree with this 150%. My uneasiness is because many of the COVID policies are continuing. In my state all of the college level education schools mandate vaccination. I know a number of students who held out as long as they could but took the jab to be able to continue their education this fall. Meanwhile the Director of our CDC here in Maine is on the ACIP committee that just recommended the shots be put on the childhood schedule. He voted in favor, which tells me our Governor and him will be pushing to put it on the childhood schedule in my state. While I have exemptions for my daughter’s due to my mother’s death and my family’s autoimmune history. My heart aches for friends and their children who feel they have no choice if they want to continue their schooling.
I have seen little evidence in my state that the authorities at the state house are interested in seeking truth on these matters. Instead, it is just the opposite as they are inviting in the Davis ilk to set up shop in our state. How can I abide knowing the very real cost if we do not stand firm in seeking transparency and truth.
It was not too long ago that Dr. Malone responded to a comment on his substack by referring to the vaccine issues as a side skirmish that he was not going to pour his energies into at this point. He seems to understand that the WEF and others have a very real global agenda relative to the digital ID/health passport and the central ban digital currency, but the vaccine is important to because as long as the mandates remain in place and the lies continue people are harmed. And while that chaos and carnage is occurring and we are focused on trying to stop it.....Those that want the NWO/Global Reset/ 4th Industrial Revolution are busy laying the foundation. Just look at what is happening while we are otherwise occupied....the G20, the APEC Summit, the WHO, etc. they are all forging ahead in the name of supposed “preparedness” for the next pandemic with no slowing. They are not interested in knowing what was wrong relative to policies, or examining their actions. Just the opposite, they want to essentially codify their right to decide our fate the next time around by using surveillance, data, algorithms, etc. They want to eliminate the ability for people to resist the way they did this time around. But it is all for our own good---they say. And they are busy marrying the concept of hood health and necessary public health measures to the climate change agenda. The coming surveillance state/technocracy will put its tools to work for more than monitoring and managing the masses in response to a virus. It will be used for behavior modification to train humans to conform to the fin/tech elites ideas of what is necessary and needed.
I have researched the big pharma companies involved and the players, their backgrounds, etc. I find it hard to believe that we are dealing with just misguided meaningful intentions. Rather, it sure seems like the digital prison is being built without pause or delay. Many of those pushing the NWO agenda are also hugely supportive of the transhumanism agenda.
I keep coming back to....if here in the US it had truly been about overcoming vaccine hesitancy for the sake of public health....they would have worked to make a traditional vaccine an option. No mRNA vaccines were used in China.
I guess my point is that the agenda is far greater than we know and has been in the planning and implementation stages well before the pandemic hit. Whether the pandemic was accidental or on purpose is moot at this point....it is being used as a means to an end.
I do believe that the mRNA technology figures prominently in their ideas and plans around designing and crafting humans in the future. They refer to mRNA as “the software of life” that will allow us to engineer our own evolution. I’m not ok with that. I trust nature and the divine, not men who would look to destroy nature and the divine in pursuit of becoming gods themself.
I can give grace to those in my life who cannot see what we are up against, but I cannot extend an olive branch to those who insist that there is nothing amiss or that the chaos of the past three years needs to be forgiven and forgotten because it was the result of misguided but well intentioned people. Fauci, Gare, Zuckerberg, and others have shown no remorse or made no admission that strikes a tone of compassion, empathy or realization of how fear ms hubris has destroyed life as we knew it. Nor do they seem to show any regret or genuine sorrow for the very real costs (death and serious harm) due to their one size fits all mentality.
As you say, a reckoning is needed before healing and reconciliation can begin. Are they capable of that? Is it up to us to give them the benefit of the doubt at this point in the game? Not while mandates remain in place and our kids are lab rats.
I am not even asking for jail time, prosecutions or any form of revenge....I am still working the “This needs to stop before more innocents are hurt” stage. And I still feel that our please are falling on deaf ears.
quote My primary concern is that we stop the carnage and prevent it from happening again.
xactly. BUT... those who have caused such great harm MUST be held to account. The vast majority of them did so willingly though perhaps at first in ignorance. Enough time and harm have accumulated they are now without excuse. Forgiveness is in order, but so is accountability and genuine repentance. Many of our abusers were in public office.They should step down or be removed, with prejudice so a to never attain such power again. Recompense, as fr as possible, MUST be made to those who have been harmed by this tyranny. I would think these finds can come out of the large and plump pockets of the corrupt drug companies and their overpaid execs and "scientists". And the companies themselves need to take a large share of their earno=ings and use that for reparations. I ma not seeking vengeance, only just compensation for those who are now crippled for life, have lost their jobs, professional licenses, respect withn their former disciplines, etc. Those who have lost homes die to their financial shipwrecks because of tis also need restitution.
My Husband and I are self-employed, and many of our friends are also.  We know many people who lost their businesses because of the insanity Promoted by the government. It is easy for those who remained financially stable to dismiss the fiscal carnage.
Diane, you are exactly right. Acknowledgement of the problem, stop the problem, prevent it from ever happening again.
Amen to that! The Breggins have done extraordinary work for many decades, helping bring awareness to the devastating effects of psychotropic drugs and the power of Big Pharma. Dr. Breggin is one of my top heroes. Thousands upon thousands of people have been immensely helped by him. His courage, compassion, articulation and steadfastness are a beacon for all of us.
And that has no bearing in the veracity of his attacks on Malone.
It is truly unfortunate that there is a conflict between the two. Dr. Breggin is very concerned that the promotion of the word "psychosis" could portend massive drugging (taming or subduing) of people, since the masses would be considered mentally unstable. He has seen decades of the application of psychiatric diagnostic labels to control, demean, injure, and even kill people. The psychosis label in particular is terribly damaging. I do hope both of these wonderful, thoughtful, experienced men can come together to talk out their differences of thinking, agree to disagree on some points, and work together for the good of all, rather then have to deal with a crazy time-consuming and expensive lawsuit. We desperately need both Dr. Malone's and Dr. Breggin's passions, wisdom, and bravery in the fight of our lives.
Good recent interview with Naomi Wolf and Peter Breggin
I had a friend who completely went off the deep end. She’s been comparing the unvaccinated to drunk drivers. She’s mad when people ask her if she wants them to wear a mask around her because it offends her that they don’t wear a mask all the time. Her husband is a doctor and so I think she has to defend the idea in her mind that the medical industry is not corrupt so she’s ALL in. Forever. It’s very sad what the public health officials have done to people like her through their fraudulent science and dictates. I’m glad she wasn’t in a position of authority because I suspect we would be in worse shape than we are now had she been in charge in my area. The one thing that is somewhat admirable is that she’s not acting hypocritically. She believes it all and acts on her beliefs (unlike Pelosi or Newsome etc). She even wore an air filter around her neck for a time. She really believes that the virus would go away if we all just followed the (insane) mitigation protocols. And she truly believes that the reason others don’t do the same is simply out of “selfishness”. In her mind, she’s saving lives while the rest of us are murdering everyone we breath around. It’s unbelievable.
It is this....that this is still thought to be the “right” or “why you should do” if you are a loving person....that you should become strangely unhuman, unable to discern for yourself that we need each other, to see faces, to share, to visit elderly, to teach our children not to react to fear and do more harm than good. It takes courage to exercise one’s sovereignty with purpose and intention. While I researched the vaccine, I was afraid....I did not know what to believe about the virus. As a cancer survivor and one with autoimmune history, I had anxiety about rejecting “experts’” advice, but my gut and intuition lead me to seek answers for myself. And I had already seen what these same bad actors (like Gates) had done to education in my state. My trust on that front has been so grievously violated by government and the supposed “philanthropist”/do gooders....that I thought of what my dad once said, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” So I got just doing my research and am forever grateful that I trusted my intuition.
How do We the People battle the dark side of these self-righteous politicians and billionaire friends?
What can we do to stop their insanity and the destruction of humanity?
We couldn’t do it without a leader and our military. I believe we have that. It may be for self-preservation, but I can’t imagine our country and the rest of the world will not go down so easily. We’ve been made well aware of the Globalist’s intentions, and we know what we have to do. Think about our military and their oath to our Constitution. The tyrants try to make it seem we are the minority, and our military is filled with a bunch of progressive sissies who wouldn’t fight for anything, yet alone our country. There are still many patriots loyal to this country and who are willing to die to protect it. I’ll never forget an article I read years ago about 200 of our special forces who defeated thousands of rebels in Africa. We have the best fighting men and women in the world, and we have millions of veterans who still believe in their oaths to our Constitution. They won’t go down without a fight. I’ve heard you ask this question before, and I want you to know that we didn’t just begin to fight the evildoers in the last few years or so. It’s been years, but a lot is covert, and we may never know everything. I try and listen to hopium too. If I only read and listened to the bad, which is constant, I’d go nuts. I listen to X22 Report every day, and he’s on a lot of different sites, but he helps. Also, Patel Patriot believes POTUS45 initiated a Continuity of Government and swears by the Law of War manual. He did 23 volumes, all at Devolution.link, and they are in written form, although there are many videos out there that others have created to explain it all. I would direct you to Volume 22, if you want to skip ahead, because there’s a short video by the Army’s 4th PSYOP Division, and it will give you a taste of our covert actions in the past. The fact they put it out was interesting too. They’re very hush-hush. Hope this helps. Stay hopeful and strong! We can do this.
Thank you! The self-righteous politicians and billionaires are NOT omnipotent, are they? They just think they are.
👍🏻. It’s always their arrogance that takes them down in the end. It’s their Achilles Heal, and they never see it coming!
So much damage in the meantime. 😢
Although the waiting and not knowing is difficult, I think since we finally have a bullhorn, a large platform like Twitter, it will be hard to hide everything now, so things may move more swiftly. One of the video creators I listen to is Dave from X22 Report - he’s on quite a few sites, but he may still be banned from Twitter - but he believes that there’s going to be a communications blackout at some point, and there may also be a scare event - maybe the nuclear war our government and the Globalists are trying to start with Russia, but someone will intervene and save the day. I don’t know, but I hope so. I always say I hope our plan is better than theirs, and I have to think it is. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
The statement you quoted by CS Lewis captures the most dangerous mentality of globalists and politicians who seek to control the population. And a large percentage of the population buys into this propaganda that such politicians and globalists "have their best interests at heart." However, there's a missing piece, which lies at the very core of this warped control "thinking." Anyone who has an obsessive, compulsive need to "control others for their own good" is operating from a deep-rooted terror - terror that if they don't control others, those others will do harm to the person. These terrified individuals mask their terror well, and justify their obsessive control as CS Lewis described. This terror is irrational, because the vast majority of people are tolerant of others, have no desire to harm others, and have a live-and-let-live attitude. 2-3% of the population has this irrational terror that forces them to control others. When combined with extreme wealth, these people are truly dangerous. Not all billionaires are like this, of course. But globalists all share this trait, this hidden terror of others. They're causing 80-90% of all problems, chaos and upheavals in the world.
So spot on!🎯🎯🎯
Such a great article. Klaus Schwab: “At least 4 billion ‘useless eaters’ shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid acting diseases and starvation...,” excerpt from his book, “COVID-19: The Great Reset.” They’re not even hiding it. People like Trudeau, Macron, and Zelensky, to name a few are mere puppets to their masters, Schwab, Soros, “the committee of 300,” and I can barely stand to look at them. They’re little boys in big-boy pants full of greed and a lust for power, and their main motivation in life is money and power. They’re willing to sacrifice billions for themselves and their families. They make me sick, and I can hardly stand to look at them. I hope people realize how very serious this is. This isn’t going away. We have to choose the new America, which will become mostly likely one of four regions in the world ruled by our global masters, and many of us will become expendable like what has already begun in Canada. I believe it’s the mentally disabled who they’re talking about euthanizing. What’s next? The elderly? The sick! What is Canada, the testing ground? Well, if we can do this to the people of Canada, it’s coming to our hometowns. I believe they saved us last because of our 2nd Amendment. Are they going to use the invaders to fight us on our own land? They’ve already been told they’re our replacements. We can also choose to restore our Republic and make America America again before the elites decided that wasn’t what they wanted - and we’re talking at least 100 years ago when the tyranny began - founded by an act of Congress and signed by Woodrow Wilson in 1913, the Federal Reserve System was established
Any effort to oppose these "moral busybodies" without prayer and faith in the God who positioned the stars and created each of us will be wasted. The moral superiority comes from the belief that you are god, though hard to imagine what you have to go through to believe that when all the other Davos clowns believe the same thing. Praying for humility for them, but in the absence of that, for discord and that they devour each other before any further success. If I learned anything over many years working with people who committed heinous crimes, much of their "success" is random. We like to believe we have some control over evil that could affect us, or that the evil is uber powerful and almost impossible to defeat, but prayer breaks that power in ways we can't imagine when we humble ourselves and ask for God's solutions.
I remember many years ago attending a lecture on the French Revolution and one manifestation of it that I have also never heard mentioned again, which was that the leaders engaged in competitive dressing, with Robespierre - the great “sea-green incorruptible” - being the most extravagant of the lot. We are in quite different phase of history now of course in which the predatory class with all its immense privilege, wealth and narcissism have staged a preemptive revolution against ordinary people. They know they’ve gone too far.
I hope they know they have gone too far and feel fear. But I dread that the hubris of Fauci and others (still smug and unable to admit on the slightest the harm happening all around us) is an indication that they feel they have an ace up their sleeve and that the game continues and they believe themselves to be untouchable.
Laura--Well said. I could not agree more.
"Be ever vigilant about the danger of granting emergency power to preening malignant narcissists like Trudeau." When I read that, I thought the author was unfairly equating Mitt Romney with Justin Turdeau (aka Brandeau). On second thought, I have no doubt that Romney, Cuomo, Newsom, et al would each abuse the populace just as much as Turdeau.
Cutting edge
When I click on word BRAZIL, it takes me to this link not the movie.... https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/video/2021/nov/22/stuff-it-shove-it-a-furious-michael-gunner-calls-out-those-against-vaccine-mandates-video?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
Although, I did enjoy the video..... :)
Uhh. Seeing him talk like that, I would just like to KICK his ASS from here to Sunday. How in the world could N. Terr. taxpayers have voted in such a total jerk?
Rigged election is my opinion. Happens here in Australia too. Dictator Dan Andrews voted back in to power in Victoria. The capitol city ,Melbourne, endured the longest lockdowns in the world, night time curfews and horrific police brutality. Can't believe people would have voted him back in.
In order for the tyrants to carry out their plans, the election fraud/cheating needed to occur all over the world.
Well spoken, well sourced, perfectly appropriate
Thank you
Wow, excellent work.
Peer Reviewed Science is dead.
We need a new kind of science based on what science really is: Can your experiment be independently replicated?
We need to think about the systems that govern over science. If we make them transparent and decentralize them, we can fix everything. Put everything on chain so other scientists can build off each other.
Listen to the wise Balaji Srinivasan talking about this on The Knowledge Project podcast:
Start this at 26:10
Also please read this:
I read all the comments which were emotional as well as correct! I have, as a Cardiovascular Specialist since 1981, Int Med BC and owner of 3 Urgent Care facilites spanning 100 miles in Monroe county Florida, I have been treating the MAN MADE ON PURPOSE CV 19 BIOWEAPON since 7/2020 with Ivermectin primarily in the Out Patient Setting. I am also a highly respectful friend of Dr. McCullough whom I admire immensely for not only placing his career on the line but his intelligence, thoughtfulness and absolute belief in the Hippocratic Oath! I have written extensively on FB as Bruce Boros, Twitter as @borosbruce and from April 2020 until June 2021 had a live pod cast trying to make sense and recommendations to listeners in real time with information that was limited and now obviously very tainted by Self Interest, inflicting wounds on POTUS Trump (please read Dr. Paul Alexander's book- Presidential Takedown- and then using the Globalists tools for population control turned this illness upon the world! THIS HAS BEEN PLANNED! THIS IS NOT, IMO, mistaken policy nor ignorance for anyone who thinks this is falling prey to their own decency!
It is imperative that the world thought leaders of health and welfare continue their quest to STOP THE SHOTS, STOP MEDIA CONTROL using Tavistock Institute mind control methods initiated post WW2, demand elected officials to regain common sense by using the ballot box and just now consider Elon Musk's Twitter and all forms of Logical intelligent media sources to counteract the Tryanny of many Western world self aggrandizing so called leaders.
We all fear for our futures, the futures of our off spring and we pray for stabilization of a world gone CRAZY! We must start with holding accountable those at ground level (Fauci, Collins, Gates, Walensky, WEF,CCP and all key players in the marketing wings of Big Pharma -CDC, NIH, FDA, MSM, Trusted News Alliance, Baric, Bourlas, Bancel - THERE IS NO AMNESTY FOR WILLFUL MASS MURDER, yet we have allowed another Holocaust to occur and continue! WE OF SOUND MIND KNOW WHAT HAS HAPPENED AND WE NEED WELL ORGANIZED AND COMMITTED MEDIA SOURCES TO SPREAD A THOUGHTFUL AND IRREFUTABLE COUNTER ACTION TO AN OUT OF CONTROL, UNLAWFUL, DESPICABLE AND CORRUPT WORLD WIDE SYSTEM THAT WANTS MANY OF US DEAD! There must be consequences for all of these outrageous activities that will be severe and long lasting.
Once THEY (Committee of 300 by Dr. John Coleman 1991 and 1984 George Orwell) takes total control it will be GAME OVER for freedom and self determination! I apologize for the length of the post however as I quote a great freedom and health advocate "what I do is in my DNA"- Dr. Peter McCullough