Jul 29Edited

I believe the cabal is purposely creating an atmosphere of rapid cultural decline. It's not organic, from the bottom-up. This is driven from the top down. They want to make people so disheartened with the status quo that we'll accept any semblance of stability the cabal might choose to offer us, even if tyrannical.

It's yet another elaborate con job by the cabal.

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They are also trying to make it look like it is bottom-up.

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Jul 29Edited

I agree, because they're driving it through the schools and media. They are pushing it through the establishment, which they control. I'm waiting for the left to nominate their communist messiah candidate for president. That said, it's obvious Obama is still orchestrating things on the Democrat side.

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Glen Beck exposed the “bottom up, top down” playbook while he was on Fox 🦊 News.

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Spot on. the fundamental premise, they want chaos because it furthers their agenda. Quote from my book: "Never give the benefit of the doubt to people incapable of Virtue" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D89G7VKK

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America On Trial: Diagnosing Americas Identity Crisis - Culture War Dialogues Kindle Edition

by Ed McKervey (Author) Format: Kindle Edition

Book 1 of 1: Culture War Dialogues

See all formats and editions

America On Trial

In this riveting exploration, witness the unsettling erosion of reason and faith, as the deep state contagion infiltrates from the highest echelons to local boards. A moral bankruptcy spreads, stretching from tolerance to indifference, as the sacred tenets of Christ and America are traded for the allure of wealth and power. Yet, amid the shadows of compromise, a clarion call resounds. Positioned within America's third great awakening, we stand at the cusp of transformative change. Much like the printing press catalyzed a historical reformation, the internet now serves as the herald for a modern awakening. As we navigate this pivotal moment, the imperative becomes clear: unite and declare our independence. Boldly confront the forces that seek to subjugate our world, our nation, and our very souls. In the face of adversity, an awakening awaits – an opportunity to reclaim our foundations, reignite our principles, and forge a path toward true freedom. Step into your role as the jury in this defining moment of history. The narrative is in your hands; you hold the power to decide the trajectory of the next chapter in American history. As the echoes of awakening resonate, will you join the ranks forging a path to reclaim ideals and freedoms, or will you remain a bystander in the face of adversity?

The stage is set, and the choice is yours – become an active participant in shaping the destiny of a nation on the brink of rebirth. "Awakening America" beckons you to decide. The time to awaken is now.

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But, but, why would the nonideological, non-Marxist, privileged class go along with the destruction of the culture, modernity, art, social harmony, faith, safe communities, rampant drug use and crime, mutilations of children?

The ruling class never believed in nor wanted government of the people, by the people, for the people. A land where all men are created equal and entitled only to the fruits of their labor, not the labor of others. This has always been an anathema to the ruling classes. From emperors to monarchs to theocrats to Brahmans to pharaohs. All believe(d) that a ruling class, a caste, a master race of divine blood and superior beings must rule the unwashed masses, the rubes, the serfs, the deplorables. Who if left to their own devices would turn the world into a real-life Idiocracy. Successive "generations of imbeciles" would be enough to debase and destroy the world.

And, as we are witnessing an Idiocracy emerge around us many will be inclined to see the point of a "ruling class." But that is the point of the Idiocracy emergent. This isn't happening organically, a natural progression of self-rule by imbeciles, those of lesser human worth. This is the result of intentional elevation of the absurd and ridiculous, the unqualified and illegitimate authorities purposefully placed into positions of authority and cultural influence. By the very people - and their blood and ideological descendants - who have always abhored government of the people, by the people, for the people. The ruling class/caste intoxicated by the vapors of their own privilege applaud the destruction of the culture of equality, modernity steeped in self-reliance, productivity without oversight and benefit to the more enlightened and entitled ruling class. How dare the people be prosperous and successful without a demigod master class/race receiving its tribute, adulation and idolization!

The destruction and mockery of our world under Marxist/Fascist/Oligarch authoritarianism is intentional. A necessary phase to mock and ridicule the idea and concept of self-governance and individual liberty, freedom so the masses will welcome the "normalcy" that authoritarianism promises. An Idiocracy necessary to get free people to embrace their servitude.

If it was just Marxists and academics, bankers and technocrats it would not be happening today. It's being allowed to happen by design. So the rulers displaced by the Age of Reason/Enlightenment are able to reclaim their thrones.

Descartes had his Dream that led him to question everything in 1619. And along with all of the other great thinkers of the Age inspired the course of freedom for mankind that led to the creation of the United States of America, founded on individual liberty and freedom. A founding that rulers have loathed ever since. Which is the REAL reason behind the 1619 Project. Not about America's 'original sin of slavery.' Rather as a bookend intended to represent the opening chapter of human liberty, freedom and equality. With the final chapter being these chaotic vulgar times of an Idiocracy closing the book on the failure of man to self-govern and be free. This is the true plan. Marxism, Fascism and ideologies useful means to achieving that ends. Inhumanity is behind the Unhumaning.

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Hillary's "deplorable" comment came to mind reading your comment. A perfect modern day example of what your are talking about. Ultimately though, it is the god of this world (unhuman indeed) that is behind the destruction of mankind. He is the supreme enemy of the one true God and therefore His creation and has worked throughout history to enslave and imprison us. Those he deceives into thinking they are above the masses, he uses to carry out his wicked plans. They are just puppets.

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Everything that inspires individuals to aspire to goodness, greatness and a better future for their children is being attacked. This is war. But it’s not so easy to destroy the spark of freedom and enlightenment, as we can SEE we’re being conned. As for the privileged class, they would be happy living in gilded castles again, surrounded by their possessions. We should build castles for them…in Antarctica.

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Fire pit is the plan

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From the top down: that's exactly what Chris Rufo points out in his book "America's Cultural Revolution." It began with figures like Herbert Marcuse and spread across the academy and now into the rest of America where sectors of the population have eagerly hopped on board the "progressive" train.

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Yes, and who and what were Marcuse and his affiliates?

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look up James lindsay.

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I mean his friends from the Frankfort School.

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His affiliates were largely in the State Department. He wrote anti-Stalinist tracts for them -


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Yes, and name the cabal!

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"The Committee of 300", and below them the WEF and their elected and hereditary sychophants/"graduates", and leaders of many of the largest global organizations, corporations and academic institutions. I have no idea what their detailed management structure is and which individuals sit at the topmost levels of the organization. Perhaps Satan himself.

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Yes, Tom, it most certainly is not organic. They? the cabal has been working on this for at least a century. Now things are coming together rather quickly in this country. We have to be en garde.

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Definitely top down.

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True. But it has been going on for a long time. Now it's on steroids.

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Excellent post. Timely. I've been reading Unhumans as well and find it very valuable. In your post, in your past research, and in Unhumans it becomes clear that we are dealing with demonic forces. The intention is to destroy. Not in an abstract manner, but to destroy lives and communities. This places the matter squarely in the realm of spiritual warfare, but unfortunately our pastors, our clergy, are asleep or, in most cases, ineffective. I address some of these variables in my stack Divine Collaboration and in my book Taming the Wolf: Peace through Faith. Most likely it will take graphic (visual) communications to get the message out.

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In some denominations the paster are not just asleep, the denomination has gone totally woke.

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Run as far as you can

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Where? Which country will not be controlled by and controlled under the totalitarian Marxist Communist yoke of the self appointed billionaire class cabal? I think it was a quote in John Perkins book “Confessions of an Economic Hitman”… “you never want to remain in a country targeted to be taken down/regime changed” then look at the several alt investigative journalists who are soap boxing American issues from foreign counties… perhaps personal reasons, perhaps persecution, but the question remains, did they expatriate because one should never stay in a country being regime changed?” Edward Snowden/Russia, Whitney Webb/Chili, Clayton and Natalie Morris/ Portugal, James Corbett/Japan, a few examples… so… where do we run as fast as we can BINYB?

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True , my answer was simple find a new place to worship.

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I would say simply, for ours, the pastor simply avoids the issue and sticks to the gospel. No mentions of current affairs.

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Your pastor needs to be warning the sheep.

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Yeah, I guess one would think so, but it is easy to see them avoiding it as "out" of their bailiwick. They have families, kids, and like the rest of the population in America some are totally non-political; are political, but don't want to piss off the congregation and lose members or their job.

A pastor that DOES do so, has to be a warrior at heart and, I figure people with mentality to be pastors are not in the warrior . . . mindset, psyche. More like empaths.

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See Megan Basham, "Shepherds for Sale."

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The scriptures foretell a period where wicked spirit forces ramp up their endeavor for chaos since they realize their time is ending. We may be in that period, which means... you get the idea.

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I do believe that is quite accurate.

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Unread. May read. Know the demons DO believe in GOD. They fear JESUS. Continuing to Sing HIS praise. There IS strength in HIM.

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Maggie Hope-Braun is doing good work in Canada on providing guidance in how to mobilize people into attending local municipal council meetings. This is where the people power lies, at the local councils.

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It really is. Our local school budget lost hundreds of thousands of dollars because people yanked their kids out during covid. They don't want to talk about why but they know why.

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Ephesians 6:12

New International Version

12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

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What's worse is what took place after Paul wrote his Ephesians letter:

Revelation 12:7-8

New International Version

7 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. 8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.

This means that these forces are now concentrated here on earth. This war in heaven may be a recent event and the reason for the chaos in our world starting in the twentieth century. Just saying

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Zealots who are motivated by an ideology are among the most dangerous. Stalin and Mao killed millions but let's not forget Pol Pot who nearly destroyed an entire people.

One of the scariest things about the Covid mess was that people were quick to adopt an ideology that the people who wouldn't adopt masking and vaccination were dangerous. It's a wonder more resisters weren't killed by the zealots.

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I remember early in the "vaccine" campaign, I was supposed to ride with a friend to meet with another friend. When the friend who was driving learned that I was "unvaccinated, she suggested that we meet at a later date. I told her that as a hospital volunteer, I had been offered the "vaccine" earlier than most - in January of 2021. I also told her that I did not reject it out-of-hand, especially since I had a long history of asthma & was no longer a spring chicken. I considered myself to be in a high-risk category for a more serious case if I became infected. I then told her that since I knew nothing about this product that they were calling a vaccine, that I felt a personal responsibility to learn as much as possible. Once I had done my research & due diligence, I determined that they were dangerous & needed to be removed from the market. She never brought up the subject again & thankfully, it did not damage our friendship. I also told my ENT doctor that if I became infected, I planned on taking either HCQ/Zinc/Azithromycin or Ivermectin to which he replied that they do not work. However, I knew differently, having learned in March of 2020 of Dr. Vladimir's success in using it with his patients. In fact, by the time Dr. Zelenko passed away in June of 2022, from cancer, he & his team had successfully treated more than 7,000 patients with covid, with very few deaths - mostly patients who came to him too late to benefit from his protocol.

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So glad your story had a happy ending. I know what it was like to be voluntarily "unvaxxed".... I was banned from a food co-op I had belonged to for over twenty years...and friends I trusted refused my emails. I am so glad I stuck to my convictions that something was "fishy" about this operation....especially seeing how hard and how desperately it was pushed on everyone. I feel so awful for all those who now have possibly avoidable myocarditis and cancer. What a tragic story and what a cruel hoax.

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Debra and Kathleen. Two warriors for liberty.

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Matthias Desmet says that the reason more resisters weren't killed is because enuf of us continued to speak out. Mass formations reach the deadly phase when the resisters shut up.

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Dig deeply enough, and you’ll find London’s insidious hand behind the French and Russian Revolutions.

“The Culture of Narcissism.”

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Perhaps behind the Chinese cultural Revolution too. The terrible conditions that encouraged people to embrace communism there were contributed to by Britain flooding the country with opium in the 19th century, and communism which came in response was, as you intimate, also a project of Western elites.

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I think Michael Ruppert covered that topic...Drug Wars are insidious and have been for centuries. Obtaining drugs that alter moods and provide relief from ennui, boredom, pain and social isolation have often been used to foment terrible wars. He believes that the reason we invaded Viet Nam was the opium poppies grown en mass there. Also true of Afghanistan.

Perhaps the european countries have the correct approach...providing help to addicts and also allowing marijuana to be used freely....Criminalizing these drugs seem pointless.

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I agree Kathleen. Drugs are bad news, but criminalising them makes everything worse.

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And who else's?

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I would not be surprised. The City of London.

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I'm currently thinking that London is the engineering home of propaganda, and has been for some time. "A [completely fabricated] source in Kabul told us..." etc.

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Great article and exposure John!

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The problem with this analysis is that it flattens the individual to superficial labels and it circulates the reasoning and argument to ideas alone, and not to mechanics.

The zest to understand the mechanics lead to objective knowledge. All the rest solidifies subjective knowledge that keeps entangling people in these binary superficial ideas.

The mechanics speak about the fact that it has nothing to do with communism or Marxism, or alternatively to capitalism (most people don't know what these mean anyway).

Here is something worth pondering about. Have you noticed people’s physiques lately? Have you noticed anything different since Covid? Have you noticed the rapid proliferation of tattoos amongst the population in the last 4 years? Now, can you connect this growing phenomena to the state of the world and to the subject master you’re talking about in your post?

I don't think so. Do you know why?! Because we have become prisoners to ideas and political correctness. This prevents humanity from knowledge of the whole. Attempts to connect these phenomena into some sort of system or in a philosophical way lead to nothing because man cannot reconstruct the idea of the whole starting from separate facts.

This connects to my other comment to one of your posts about the failure to connect seemingly unrelated phenomena to one another. (https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/heart-of-darkness/comment/47748978)

The reality is that this is much more than superficial labels of ‘left’ and ‘right’, but a biological metamorphosis that takes place deep within the generic matrix of humanity.

In other words, where you and the book are absolutely correct is in the title: humanity, at large, is metamorphosing to become Unhuman. And the failure to recognize and identify this change, in an objective way, forever petrifies the distortion.

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So just out of curiosity--what do tattoos have to do with all this...I remember a house painter I knew who had a heart tattooed on his arm with 'DEBBY' in the middle...I asked him about her and he said it was from an old girlfriend...two years ago...I got a chuckle out of that...

I can think of nothing I want to permanently label myself with.....except maybe...".Go Away-I HEARD THAT ALREADY."

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Please have it printed on a t-shirt, not as a tattoo.

This is exactly my point. We fail to connect seemingly unrelated phenomena to one another.

Have you ever pondered how in just three years our psychology, belief systems and behavior have drastically changed: the schism, the polarization, racism, the sharp rise in mental illness; body dysmorphia, eating disorders and suicidal tendencies in the young, AI and tattoos?

And yet, we don’t have any unified field theory that can supply simple bridging explanations between them all. So then what’s left is the only thing we know: subjective knowledge, rooted in ideas alone. Even what we call ‘science’ is all marred in subjectivity to which scientists falsely believe is objective.

Here is a post of mine answering your question. It bridges between this seemingly innocent phenomena to other patterns, providing context and a glimpse on the bigger picture.


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I keep my pitchfork polished and sharpened.

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Obama. From being a homosexual prostitute to commander in chief. Go figure.

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Obama and Michael live on. I think in Cape Cod....These days all of that would have been uncovered....but then....that was not so long ago. This crude deception sickens me. I do not have a grudge against homosexuals. Never have had one. I would have been slightly disappointed if any of my kids went down that road...but I can think of worse things to be...much worse. I would hate to have my kids plot to kill, maim and injure millions of people through a wrongfully labeled "vaccine"....In fact I would disown any one of them who did that.

They KNEW the results of this "vaccine" as opined by Dr. Michael Yeadon...who spent decades developing and refining drugs. So many infants were destroyed in the womb or born dead. I want to cry.

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I am struck how similar the synopsis of the thesis of the book is to my experience dealing with a pathological narcissist. There is no “calling out the facts” or “reasoning with” or simply exposing “the truth“. This method is “fuel” for the narcissist to keep raging and moving forward.

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The ONLY WAY to Deal with EVIL...



argue, dialogue, debate, discuss...'lets just talk'..etc <> YOU'R DEAD MEAT !

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wow--this guy sounds like a politician. Maybe he should run for office.

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Understand your enemy. Wokeness or Wokeism is cultural Marxism and financial Fascism.

Remember that it was only 3% of the Russian population that created the Russian Revolution that implemented communism.

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Plus funding from London bankers.

No way could the proles have funded the Russian Revolution.

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And who were the 3%?

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Fink's friends, perhaps.

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The Bolsheviks. It was called the Bolshevik Revolution. The “Russian Revolution” was propaganda for a misdirection that made it look like it was bigger than it actually was.

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There Is Nothing To Cherish

About These People

That Cherish Nothing.


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Years ago, J. Edgar Hoover warned, “The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not realized the evil that has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.” J. Edgar Hoover seemed to know what he was talking about.

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Yes certainly. Many now say that the authorities did not know the covid injections would be so harmful. I do not think this is true. They were well aware of the deleterious effects in advance. And they knew there really was no "pandemic". It was all a ruse to implement depopulation. Plus they had already spent all of our SS and pensions that we had paid out. They needed to get rid of the retirees...Couldn't afford them anymore...The sad and ghastly crime of injecting this poison into the arms of children is a whole other level of devilry. In the olden times this was known as 'CHILD SACRIFICE'

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The former Italian health minister, Roberto Speranza is under investigation for homicide after it was revealed that from the start of the injections he knew they were killing people.

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Strangely, in Australia, there were surprisingly few vaccine adverse events hospitalisations reported in young children and teens, compared to the adult age groups.

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Yes, and who is behind this philosophy?

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Wow! Thank you! You articulated my frustration and as a conservative who has woken up, but needs to know next steps, I look for reading the book.

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Thanks, interesting review. Those interested in the theme might also take a look at ‘Vermillion Gate’ - an autobiographical account of the Chinese Cultural Revolution written by somebody who lived through it as a young girl, daughter of two high level communist officials who were themselves later thrown into prison and otherwise tortured and abused. I just read it. It’s really well written and human account of atrocities on almost unimaginable scale - and people who went along with them because they thought they must. Both illuminating and depressing because of the shocking extent of parallels with thinking and behaviours of now. I wish a few million more people would read it. Meanwhile I’ll take a look at this one!

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There are also some fine memoirs by ex-Red Guards who immigrated here, and I recently read Wild Ginger by Anchee Minn, which really immerses the reader in how the progression to fanaticism happens. Also Xi Van Fleet, who lived through it, has an X account, and wrote a book, America's Cultural Revolution, about how the West is mirroring Mao. I think the globalists have weaponized what is known about the worst revolutions, as Schwab has a bust of Lenin in his office, and that is one of the reasons the resistance is so flaccid. Mao hated the West, and people would have to hide or destroy anything Western---art, music, anything--or get sent to the rural countryside for re-education to starve. I also think the pandemic was the equivalent of The Great Leap Forward, with the delusional crop yields expected and the backyard magical steel smelting. All this history has been expunged from education.

It would be great to hear more about that dissertation John Leake.

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Hi John,

The author, Aiping Mu, was born in 1951. Her father reached the level of colonel in the Red Army and her mother became a provincial governor within the party. Both had a very cultured / intellectual background – though they apparently made considerable sacrifices and suffered considerable hardship fighting (against both the Nationalists and the Japanese)for the communist ideology they had committed themselves to. (There are long, detailed and interesting descriptions of how those developed). Aiping Mu herself became a proud Red Gaurd at the age of 15, having recieved it 'with the milk'. Due to Mao's conviction that only the uneducated peasants could truly be good people, and his distrust of 'the intelligensia', both parents were imprisoned and tortured when the 'purge' began in the mid 60's. Detailed first-hand accounts of the cultural revolution follow. During its course, Mu, after a privilieged and cultured beginning to her life was, like millions of others, separated from her family and sent to a remote village to live a life of privation and be 'properly educated' by peasants.

I found it astonishing to realise that this ideologically driven horror story, leading to the brutal death of millions, took place in my lifetime. (My own first visit to the country in 1990 was less than 20 years after the end of the cultural revolution, and residues of some of what was described in the book were still visible – though I was not at the time familiar with the 'back story').

To name here but a few of the many specific parallels between Mu's account and what is happening and now:

* The apparent demonic possession and destructiveness unleashed in the population (which seems to be recurring flaw in the human psyche, and which you noted in your piece).

* The many specific ways that people who actively collaborated in the madness and barbarism did not agree with it at all, but participated in it anway, fearing – rightly – that if they did not, they too would become its victims. (Of course, often they did anyway).

* The general undercurrent of hating culture and intellect, and believing those things to be the cause of the society's problems. Mao wanted to destroy not just 'everything Western', but everything cultural full stop. This is echoed now by elements of 'Western cvilisation' that hate, or are being taught to hate, their own past.

This rejection of culture and intellect and all they create in the world seems to me deeply a part of the destructive cycle that keeps coming around. Yet my own view is that there is more to that than just the resentful and destructive streak that apparently resides in the depths – real though that is. I'm going to dare to say that The Englightenment is not all light. Not that I want to reject it, not at all. I want it lifted to higher levels. Nor am I talking about stuff like slavery, which as I understand it has been practiced by every civilisation in history. What I'm talking about is the darkness that comes from making reason, rationality and theory absolute, and denying the existence of all else. As the great G.K.Chesterton said, “A madman is not a man who has lost his reason; he is a man who has lost everything except his reason”.

My own feeling is that we cannot stop this horrific cycle without recognising the element of validity (small though it may be) in its greivances, and articulating a more appropriate response to it. To that end, I have for some years laboured on a book (now nearing completion) which explores the possibility that though the Enlightenment was a spectacular leap of human progress, its bright light genuinely has cast some serious shadows too. And more importantly still, though it cast shadows , it also itself sowed the seeds for the transcendence of those shadows. Some of the resulting perspectives are already fairly well recognised, some very much less so. Together they paint a very interesting emergent picture. Times of crisis, as always are also times of opportunity.

Very happy to extend my review of Vermillion Gate, and all the related themes above, as a guest post if that is interesting for you.

Best regards


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Why would you take the word of people who betrayed their country and are no doubt well-paid by CIA affiliates? I mean, would you have taken Benedict Arnold's word on the American Revolution?

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