I got vaccinated and life as I knew it ended. More than 2 years later and I cannot function. They didn’t mention the risks of vaccination. I can’t even maintain a seated position in a chair for more than 10 minutes after the “safe & effective” vax. Criminal!
Oh so sorry! I have the luxury of feeling smug when I listen to these idiots then and now, because I fortunately was a point in my life saw through the scam. What truly angers me is what these lies did to people like you who woke up to the lies just a bit later than I did. The only “good” that may come out of this is that you will never be fooled again. There are healing protocols out there. I hope that you can take advantage of them. Take care❤️
I feel awful for you! My sister also is jab injured.....Dr Pierre Kory along with a few good doctors in Washington state have helped her recover enough to live life and work......you may also want to check in with the Wellness Clinic in which Dr McCullough is a part off......
He is treating me, but I didn't find him until a couple of months ago. Lots of damage to try to undo. Thanks for your concern and suggestions. I am so glad to hear that your sister is seeing progress.
Wendy, i want to echo the support and love of other unvaxxed here on this board. We are so angry about what happened to you and so very glad you are here now. “God works on mysterious ways” is sometimes the only conclusion I can reach. I hope you feel this way too, that He has laid out for you a journey you never knew to ask for. Sigh … life …
IMMENSELY THANKFUL that you are receiving treatment from one of the physicians who is actually practicing the art and science of treating patients as individuals. PRAYING your health is completely restored.
I am sorry for your suffering.. i wish you rapid healing, there is some really good protocols doctors have put together, I am pretty sure you can learn more about them by joining the Way Forward as a member, which gives access to their Source data base
It's good you got vaccinated cause it could've been worse!... I hear that a lot now. The cognitive dissidence is unbelievable to me. It IS criminal what they've done.
I'm so sorry! They should all be treated like criminals. I did not get it but fought like crazy at school board meetings to try and get factual points to across but I felt like a psycho in a bad dream. I sounded crazy, albeit right. With masked faces staring at me in disbelief. That's how hard it was and why so many succumbed and yet your story is not on the news!
Yeah … if I hadn’t had five little ones, I might have just gotten the damned thing to be done with it. It was because j was fighting so hard to NOT inject my children that I did not inject myself. Back then I was not a hero or even particularly strong. I am now!!! I’m like a warrior now, fighting the good fight every day the best I can … covid woke me the hell up and for that I am very glad.
I am so sorry for your incredible suffering! The censorship and deception were evil. I didn’t get the covid injections because I saw the problem earlier with vaccine damage. I have suffered with neurological symptoms and discovered three years ago a do it yourself cleanse that has helped me greatly “move the needle’ with my symptoms. My daily migraines have decreased 80% as well as my over pain level You may want to check out www. medicalmedium.com .
Wendy, please check out energetic healing institute, led by a naturopath Dr. Henry Ealy. They have a class called the art of cellular healing. You would be able to help yourself with that knowledge. There are ways to reduce the symptoms of vaxx poisoning. Also, if you can, try to look for a naturopath where you live who understands biochemistry and physiology of vaxx injuries. Good luck!
Beware that the MNRNA research since 2005 has used King Cobra & Chinese Cane Snake venom in their provision of MNRNA. A researcher named Bill or Bud Lee was murdered because he had compiled damaging evidence that shows this technology -the venom enzymes- affects brain receptors to a persons most vulnerable organs & was purposely designed to harm people. The lies about it all & purpose is demonic!! This was confirmed by multiple sources—Robin Bullock a prophet as well.
See the prophetic word from Julie Green Ministries International below. The believers in Goshen were protected in times past! Get saved if you haven’t done so ( recite the sinners prayer [google it] & very important— get baptized or Re-baptized especially if you took the COVID shot!!!
Healing is needed by the MNRNA (snake venom) technology & other harmful additives. A three month “drug” course In Touchstone Essentials Pure Body Liquid Zeolites will nullify the damaging effects in my opinion. Please see three links below
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Begin forwarded message:
On Monday, June 5, 2023, 9:11 AM, patricia cap <ent788@yahoo.com> wrote:
“I have given to them Your word [the message You gave Me]; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world and do not belong to the world, just as I am not of the world and do not belong to it. I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but that You keep them and protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.”
“But when [in God’s plan] the proper time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the [regulations of the] Law, so that He might redeem and liberate those who were under the Law, that we [who believe] might be adopted as sons [as God’s children with all rights as fully grown members of a family]. And because you [really] are [His] sons, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying out, “Abba! Father!” Therefore you are no longer a slave (bond-servant), but a son; and if a son, then also an heir through [the gracious act of] God [through Christ].”
“When are you going to get vaccinated?”, “You really should get vaccinated ya know”, “If you don’t get vaccinated, you’ll be hospitalized and die”. “Did you get your booster yet?”
I heard that litany for 3 years from family and friends. No one’s asking any more. It’s strangely quiet now.
We noticed this too. As people slowly figured it out, they stopped talking about it. My daughter is a high school coach and she was barraged with people telling her how dumb she was for not getting it. Then they all started getting sick with Covid and other mysterious illnesses. They never bugged her about it again. I wish I could know what they were all thinking. I’m sure many of them are scared spit-less.
My husband is in the dark. He still believes he did the right thing. Yesterday was the breaking point. After 25 years we are splitting up. Sorry for all those that are suffering.
Carrie, I’m so sorry. I belonged to a small group for 21 years, and three weeks ago this group of wonderful but fully vaxxed women asked me to leave the group. It had me wondering how couples deal with this situation. I’m so so sorry this has happened to you.
Teacher Lori, you are stronger and made of sterner stuff than they are. The disconnect as they see you healthy and themselves not, is too much for them to handle. You will ALWAYS be a silent reminder that they did NOT need to do the jab, that OTHERS did not comply and do NOT agree with their views. They want their bubble to stay un popped. Their reality to be unchallenged.
Unagnu your comment "they see you healthy and themselves not," brings to my mind a scene from Chicago where murderers were singing about their crimes. One woman sang, "We had a difference of opinion. He saw himself as living. I saw him as dead."
Carrie, I am so sorry for your loss! And so angry at these cursed vaccine products causing such destruction. Divorce is another adverse reaction that should be added to VAERS. Comments may celebrate that you are free and "good riddance to bad rubbish," etc. I feel grief at the loss of love and the transformation of a happy (at least tolerable) marriage into a type of warfare (possible germ warfare). I have a psychotherapist who totally believes in the safety and efficacy of vaccines. He lives in Australia and believes quarantines and lockdowns and masks are necessary to keep everybody safe. He is absolutely terrified of Covid. We have not "divorced." He is a great therapist. But I only recently have figured out how to bring vaccine issues into our therapeutic discussions. I have to focus on the meaning of my emotional reactions. That we can consider together. I have major rejection issues having been raised with over 15 different caretakers up to the age of 16. I have major issues with bad reactions to medicine and doctors rejecting or gaslighting me. YES. We can together explore the meaning of medical failure, the meaning of being considered an undesirable minority (my family was really misogynistic). In that way I'm colonizing his brain. His desire to be helpful is greater than his desire to reject the unvaccinated. Although it was a close thing during the days of delta. (DANGER DANGER). Now, after twice surviving Omicron, he is less nervous about the threat of Covid. Ha Ha. I never got sick during the last 3 years. I take Ivermectin, vitamin D3, and high dose vitamin C. Go ahead and boast about your boosters. No thanks!
I'm sorry to hear it, but on the other hand - you will live better by being 'free' to make your own choices and live with a clear mind and soul. He is deluded, and has fallen for the delusions being pumped out in MSM everywhere. Some are tougher and can see through things. Others sadly are not and will march to their deaths and their unpleasant fates happily, willingly, cheerfully.
If the needles work so impeccably, then we can eliminate LIABILITY IMMUNITY, right? Actually, if the needle is THAT good, and always has been, then we can make the cancelling of LIABILITY IMMUNITY effective immediately ! It was an intelligence test to see how many were gullible!!
I just can’t do the “I told you so...” since I might have been in their position. But forcing things on me has never worked I guess. If I had had to get vaccinated as a condition of employment, I know I would have quit my job...but then, I don’t have kids, so that choice would have been easier. So...compassion for those who made tough choices.
Yup. My husband’s colleagues were sending him links every day and calling him out publicly in meetings for not taking it … he was strong even though it severely impacted his ability to do his job (he travels for work) … he answered them back every time and eventually they all shut the hell up. He looks pretty smart now, the picture of health while the rest are trotting in for boosters every few months and dealing with health issues.
I bet your husband is so glad that he didn’t cave to such foolishness. Sadly, I suspect most people did not learn anything valuable from this experience. We will see when they try to roll out the digital IDs/currencies.
My greatest concern is "the next time." Even though more are aware, when the PTB tie finances to vax status, many will take the poison knowingly. It's coming fast and hard; now is the time to plan and prepare for that eventuality, if that is even possible.
Yes, I think the writing is on the wall. Although, injections may have been only a gateway into the control grid. I suspect the vaccine passports where just a preparatory exercise to get people used to being told when they can go to church, leave their house, travel, see friends and family etc. I suspect the next emergency will involve food shortages or some kind of banking or economic crises and then the digital IDs will be rolled out. Apparently, most people don't mind giving up their freedom (and the freedom of others) for a "pandemic". Imagine how easy it will be to talk them into giving up their freedom when there is a food shortage or banking crisis.
My favourite question was "Which one are you going to get?" to which my reply was "Ivermectin for early treatment followed by natural immunity". They were always stunned and couldn't believe that I was not choosing one of the "only way out" vaccines.
My favourite question back to them was "What is the infection fatality rate (IFR) for your age group?" and absolutely NOBODY knew. Even the medical "professionals" didn't know. My follow up question is always "How did you do a risk benefit analysis when you don't know the risk from the disease?". Crickets.
Yes, “which one…” like they were choosing soft centers or nuts and chews. I lost a few friends when I asked them if they knew how mRNA worked and exactly what they were being injected with. They thought I was a self righteous know it all. I haven’t heard back.
I love to leave them with some useful info and after that I don't really care if they implement it or not. "When you get concerned about the damage the shots are doing to you check out the "I-Recover: Post Vaccine Treatment" protocol at flccc.net".
I reported to a friend that I was unvaccinated. "Well, if you aren't going to get vaccinated--you should be prepared to take the consequences." By consequences, I didn't think she meant dying of Covid or getting hospitalized with infection. I thought she meant (which turned out to be true) getting rejected, getting quarantined, getting restricted from most indoor recreational activities in my city (New York City), getting routinely denounced on TV or cable news, losing my job (if I had one), possibly losing custody of my children (if I had any), being refused health care, enduring the rejection and criticism of my neighbors. All of this activity seems justified--even required--without a single thought of how an unvaccinated person might suffer. It is, of course, unthinkable that anyone would suffer from vaccines that are only forces of good. Suffering is good when it means salvation of the soul. Didn't they torture heretics to insure that those who repented might go to heaven? (after they died from the torture).
I was blessed to be isolated from all my family that is like that … I quietly lived out 1.5 years w my husband and five little ones … a friend isolated with us for six months and she wasn’t inclined to vax either. I fought tooth and nail against the school though becaose it was trying to exclude my children when the school finally reopened … but aside from that, I was left in peace and I read and studied and became reasonably well versed on immunology and vax technology… I spoke out to friends and family online many times a day, decrying the poisons being unleashed in us … they created a monster when they locked me down! I am wide awake now. I’ve decided to homeschool my youngest rather than inject gum with all the trash they require to send him to public school. I have, in some limited ways, broken free of the chains.
Yes you're right. I'm in NZ and many of us are so triggered if we now see footage of Jacinda Ardern that it could definitely be referred to as PTSD. She is the epitome of evil. A smiling assassin.
Ardern, Trudeau, and Gates are people who believe something so strongly that they are unwilling to be challenged; because they are in positions of power, they abuse those who disagree with them. People like this should NEVER be in power.
No they shouldn't but usually that's what we get. Such people seek power relentlessly, and many among the masses mistake their lack of shame and empathy as strength, rather than the evil that it is. Look at the democratic primary of 2020. One decent person, Tulsi, stayed in single digits. The voters rallied behind monsters like Biden, Warren, and Sanders.
This is truly upsetting, and I remember the feeling hearing it day after day. Sad, as these people continue to be paid large sums of money to continue with their jobs, I had to lose my job for refusing an unnecessary and potentially harmful intervention. We will never hear an apology from any of them.
And since I had angioplasty scheduled last November, I asked my cardiologist how I could reserve blood, just in case. As it happened, later the same day I had a kind of aneurysm and then hours more surgery, 4 transfusions (with what I am CERTAIN was donated by the vaxxed!), and 28 staples. It was a freak accident BUT I must have had a premonition. My Dr just laughed at me when I asked and I’m STILL p’d off!!!
Yes, the forgive and forget mentality in so many of the comments is exactly why they are the victimizers and we are the victims of their discrimination and hate. Why feel bad when they become victims of reality, after what they did?
As many of us unvaxxed become injured, microclotted and dead from their shedding, we will redouble our demands for justice for the killers and middlemen who knew EXACTLY what they were doing all along.
Thanks. All the more thankful for substack writers trying to get to the bottom of this evil plot on humanity. I moved from upstate New York to Florida just before lockdown & thankful to be able to help my mom and her companion. Unexpected answered prayers of many years (& I’m near my integrative medicine doctor now, I used to see him once a year).
If you don't mind my asking, where is the doctor? I'm down here in Fla (moved from VA which was bad under the abortion loving governor Dr. Northrup at the time). I need a good integrative. I'm not sure I'm pure, but I am NOT vaxxed and did not live with a vaxxed. Spent time around but not in close close confines with the vaxxed. Take my supplements, my IVM and my other and hope for the best!
Unfortunately, the better word than "can" is "will". As we've seen and will continue to see. Heck, most of the U.S. population is still not aware we've morphed into the biggest force for evil in world. Everything we touch we destroy.
That may be true, but what else is true is they are parroting what they are told to say in order to stay on the payroll. They know if they get axed, they will be black balled. So their real issue is they never had any code of ethics or moral code to begin with. And that is what is really sick.
Well, I think we should keep in mind that some of these people who took the shot to keep their paychecks might have had no other way to feed and clothe their families. Single mothers, for example, don't always have others to turn to who will pay their bills. Some elderly who were already lonely, were told by their grown kids that they couldn't visit with any family if they didn't take the shot. Some didn't even have $100 in their bank account.
I was fortunate that my job was not subject to the jab mandate. Being older I didn't have to work but still did. It was a reminder to save for a rainy day, in this case the rainy day lasted 2 years and counting. Our families didn't go nuclear against us for being unjabbed which was a blessing (even though every one of them took the jab). Fortune was kind and my wife needed surgeries that spanned the three years of the pandemic with mostly home rest needed so it couldn't have come at a better time. I am now planning for other unlikely events as so much of the societal structure that we enjoyed for the past 60 years is evaporating and it is so hard to forecast what the next far reaching event will be for us. Will it be the abolition of cash so one cannot keep a nest egg in the bank free from seizure for mandate non-compliance? Will it be gradual poisoning of the food supply with mRNA or other? Will it be weather disasters caused by HAARP? Will it be government induced violence from all the criminals being given a pass by the courts? Will it be shedding from the jabbed?
Heck, I am not excluding aliens like in "V", nuclear disaster and 5G radiation effects from the list. Anything is possible but I do know life will go on and we all need to think about what will we do in a different Sh__ hits the fan situation again. In the meantime, protest, write letters, ally with others with common interests and stay strong in all ways.
Keep your eyes on God. And your soul intact for God. Remember there is a life that comes after the death of the fleshly body. And it depends upon your belief and your acceptance of said life. You will return to God, and you WILL have to account for your actions. Will you be punished? I do not know. I suspect any punishment is being sent back to learn 'again'. I for one do not wish to return again to Earth. My time here was not always pleasant, though I did not suffer physically and did have many good experiences, I leave behind only my pets and that sorrows me sometimes, gives me joy other times that I did not condemn any to this life, but OTH, I am free and clear of any emotional attachments which will stop me moving upward and onward.
I am sorry for the bad times you had. Keep in mind the many millions of others affected by the death and injury from the vaccine masters and that those people may not be willing to wait for god's judgment to be healed and the many others yet to be injured who may yet be saved by the prudent actions of the good people of this earth. I think old testament judgment is preferred in this case.
Yes, there are many good. For not all are bad, only they wander lost. And they will not wake, despite all the efforts to wrest them away from the dark and into the light. Those I feel for but again, you are given FREE CHOICE in this life and they chose, and chose not wisely. But all have the information to choose wisely IF THEY SO DESIRE/BELIVE. You see, not all believe in anything 'beyond' this life, ... and because of this, they are too attached to the things and the trappings of material awards in this life, thus they are giving themselves away in this life to the evil because they fear the loss of this life. Tricked you say? I say no, lost, empty wandering knowing no center no constant, no GOD and expecting unlimited fulfillment in this life, rather than the next.. Greedy, wanting, needy and ultimately at center not happy. They worship nothing except the god of money, the worship of self fulfillment or desires being reward and selfish needs being met at the expense of others. This is the ultimate thing the evil exploits, encourages and revels in ... and it is WHY we dissenters, we with our eyes on Heaven or the spiritual experience of this life and GOD, we are marginalized, reviled, hated even for dissenting. And yet, it is WE who will make it into Heaven, who will move on to our next stage of 'life' and learning and be with God in his world(s). Not the poor pathetic souls here on Earth, trapped with no soul and being stripped of what they do have, denied God by the dark powers.... and freely complicit in their misery and exploitation...
Funny you'd mention aliens. Psychopathy explains a lot of the evil in human societies. But psychopaths are strictly self-serving, they don't care what happens when they're gone. This evil seems multi-generational, with long-term goals for humanity. Aliens or Lucifer are explanations that work, I can't think of anything more mundane that really fits. Not saying it's one of those, but gotta wonder.
One night, you become really, really sick. High fever, chills, throwing up, pounding headache. When you start having difficulty breathing you head to the hospital emergency ward. In the waiting room someone tells you the hospital, the doctors and nurses, the drug companies are all lying to you and deliberately trying to harm you. All your life you’ve been taught to believe the exact opposite. So have the doctors and nurses. They have been so busy looking after patients and trying to keep up with the latest “science” they get from their industry that they have no reason to believe that the system might have been corrupted. They trust that the drug regulators and their professional colleges support their vow to “do no harm”.
So you are in the waiting room along with 60 other patients and this one person starts freaking out, waving around studies from the internet, telling everyone that the hospital is going to harm or even kill them. What would you expect to happen? Exactly, no one will believe it. Especially with the scale of the corruption being so frightening.
So jump into the bigger picture now. The nation is the waiting room, the media has been paid to control the “science” that is leaked, The doctors and nurses are even more busy now that tens of thousands of healthcare workers have been fired or become sick themselves. The one person in the waiting room is now a few hundred people in the nation that are freaking out. What would you expect to happen?
Most healthcare workers are good, caring people who are dedicated to “do no harm”. Like everybody else they must rely on others for guidance and information. Up until Covid-19 there were no obvious reasons to doubt their industry. Now a reckoning must come, but accusations should not be cycled up to include workers who truly believed they were doing what was best for their patients. Please don’t lose faith in the goodness of most people. That is what the evil wants.
But what happened when the vaccine injured started showing up at the hospital? Did the doctors and nurses start looking for the cause and warning their patients?
There are plenty of doctors and nurses that still trust the professional guidance coming down from the top. I'm sure its not easy to shred 30 or 40 years of trust and beliefs. Many are beginning to recognize that the protocols they were instructed to follow have caused great harm, but most are still a long way from coming to terms with the truth about their profession.
Well they're idiots then, who don't deserve to be trusted ever again. Seriously, if someone just willingly took an experimental drug without even bothering to do even a few hours of research they have no one else to blame but themselves. One glance at Pfizer's own website should have set alarm bells ringing as it even talked about hijacking the machinery of the cell!
It was obvious from the beginning, not only the jabs but the entire insane response. When they started talking about closing small businesses, anyone should have known that was about transfer of wealth to the top. The jabs were even more obviously dumb. Let's see, take medicine I don't need since I'm at miniscule risk (even though I'm 70), pushed by the greediest criminals the world has ever seen, to protect against a coronavirus which we've always been helpless to stop? And turn our bodies into pathogen-churning factories? Damn! Sounds great! Really, what's wrong with people?
That was one of the first things that alarmed me about the vaxx.
That and the fact that no one had ever made it work before..... and that Moderna was reluctant to release the study results of their previous mRNA failures.
“Turns your cells into factories for spike proteins”..... what a great concept/sarc
The betrayal by our doctors in pressuring and intimidating us to accept covid shots is impossible to overcome without a sincere mea culpa from ALL of them with humble penance -- and appropriate legal recourse for their crimes.
EDTA IVs or topical cream, supplements from Dr. Kory and others, filtered water, lower EMF exposure, organic food, less/no processed stuff, lower sugar intake and carbs. Eat only where you know what the cattle, lamb etc are getting injected with (or not). Grow your own stuff if you can. Hydroponics, simple pots. Pressure your reps. And then get sunshine, exercise, music and NO MSM to make your life less stressful. Seeing, watching and hearing this stuff is very hard on a body's mood.
"Up until Covid-19 there were no obvious reasons to doubt their industry"
There were a lot of reasons to doubt. But before COVID, at least when they killed people for money they could be sued, which put some brakes on the process. COVID pulled out the stops and I am not sure there is a path back from where they went.
A lot of the "good" people in the industry now KNOW they have committed murder for hospital and pharma profit, (or for whoever is really driving this agenda) and you don't easily come back to "good people" from that.
At a minimum repentance is required, and that's not easy psychologically. It doesn't help that immunity from justice takes away the worldly incentives for repentance.
Yes, the medical industry has been thoroughly corrupt for decades. If you need trauma care it's great they are there, most everything else does more harm than good, but is quite profitable.
My doctor's clinic never shut out patients over the last three years. I think her boss was smarter than most doctors. Even though unvaccinated I still went in for my biannual checkups. I notice however that my newbie doctor has sullened over the past three years. I think she was smart enough to know something wasn't right with the scamdemic but was forced to offer the jab and keep quiet about the scamdemic, otherwise she would lose her license.
My wife's doctor on the other hand went to virtual appointments only, barred the unvaxxed and badgered by wife to get the jab which she refused sweetly. Its a good thing he was a firend or he might have cut her off. The final tally was 3 bouts of "covid" for the at least triple jabbed doctor and zero for my wife.
Wow thank you So much Don for articulating So well what I also believe is the truth of the situation! I have several friends that are nurses that truly believe they were saving peoples lives. They implicitly trust the CDC and the the other healthcare agencies. Most of My family as well! 3 of my family members were injured afterwards but don’t believe the injection had anything to do with it. I have tried to explain to my friends about the lies and deception- they can’t believe this could really happen.
When those doctors and nurses vilified the unvaccinated and stated that unvaccinated should be denied treatment they threw their lot in with the devil, and may the devil take them.
I was liking your comment until the last paragraph. There was every obvious reason to doubt the medical industry pre-COVID. It's been mostly corrupt and greed-driven for decades. Those health-care workers did not have to rely on government, MSM, and industry propaganda for their guidance and information. Millions of us saw the obvious, that these institutions have been blatantly lying to us for many years for the benefit of special interests. That they were gullible enough to drink their kool-aid is a very lame excuse.
If you are real, you live what you believe. If what you believe turns out to be wrong, you admit it and change your beliefs. When information becomes mostly propaganda and psychological warfare discovering enough truth to change your beliefs is really difficult, especially when you are surrounded by lies at work.
People are not the same, as we knew but the last three years made even more clear. "to change your beliefs is really difficult" is true for most people, virtually all of the lemmings. The better you are, the easier it becomes. For the least childish, it's the natural thing to do when it's called for.
A shocking period that undoubtedly will repeat itself in some way, but next time the pushback will be significantly quicker and stronger, because of the denigrating, crazy experiences we had and because of terrific writers like you.
Of the numerous TV docos about the Nazis none focus on, and analyse, its election propaganda that gained the Party millions of votes...What heavily influenced millions was the way the Nazi Party exploited The Fear Of Contagion...
Jew = disease spreader...Bolshevik = disease spreader...Bolshevik-Jew = disease spreader...
The need for racial purity, racial blood being polluted by Jews-Bolsheviks, and them being pollutors of culture etc was the main influencer...
The plandemic promoters exploited The Fear Of Contagion...They'd studied Nazi propaganda...
My family and I were not vaccinated, as my late husband, (who did not die of Covid ) was a scientist (B.VSc/M.Med.vet Physiology) and warned us that the mRNA/spike protein vaccine was dangerous and would change our DNA.
I take all these insults from whence they came - ignorant pompous fools.
How can healthy people be a danger to vaccinated people who get sick or die after getting the jab?
“The unvaccinated are not responsible for the health of the vaccinated - that is the vaccine’s job.”
re: “The unvaccinated are not responsible for the health of the vaccinated - that is the vaccine’s job.” On this note, I was quite struck by the testimony of a NYC firefighter who lost his job when he refused the jab. Perhaps readers here will be, too.
New York City Committees on Oversight and Investigations & Civil Service and Labor
RASHAD TAYLOR: My name is Rashad Taylor. I was a firefighter in the Bronx 6 years. I worked at Ladder 61 and I was born and raised in the Bronx. So I'm here because I feel it in my soul that there is something I need to confront and take care of. I ask for you to truly open your ears to listen, and open your heart to feel. I believe we are living in fear, and that fear has many disguises. I fooled myself into thinking I wasn't and that I was being strong, but I was, I was living in fear.
I was placed on leave without pay in October, right after having a newborn daughter. And it's been terrible, honestly. But I was put on leave without pay for 5 months, and I was terminated in February.
I never thought I would have to look for another job again. I loved my job. I was told, and I believed, that it was the best job in the world. I had tremendous respect for it. But it slowly diminished when they started persecuting their members and disposed of them like a number for standing up for themselves.
The mayor of the city and the Fire Department arbitrarily made decisions for what's convenient for them at the expense of others' livelihoods, that has no scientific basis at all.
I was slapped in the face with the rehiring letter in June. And I don't care if I go back or not because it's bigger than any job. I don't care about what you choose to label yourself with or identify as, we are all humans first. Before I'm a firefighter, I am a human first. Pretty much all labels and categories are divisive constructs. We are not separate. We are all one.
Stand for what's objectively right.
Policies and mandates are not laws, if you guys didn't know. There is only one law, and that is natural law and that comes from our creator, God. Anything that conflicts with that is null and void. Rights can never be bought, sold, given or taken away. We are all inherently sovereign beings [time alarm sounds] and we have been forced this illusion that are contrary to those facts about our rights.
I just have one more point. Has this ever been about health? Really think about all the events that has transpired and the stories we are led to believe that has caused fear, chaos, division in a lot of aspects of our lives.
For what? It isn't justifiable. My health is no one's responsibility but my own. Everyone's health is their responsibility, and I owe nothing to them but honorable due regard based on objective facts. Because there's no scientific facts about any of this.
I leave this by asking everybody to embody truth, love, light, justice, freedom, and peace. [Applause] And I appreciate you guys.
GALE A. BREWER: Thank you. Thank you very much. Appreciate it.
Thank you for your reply. I live in Marxist Canada that had the most brutal mandates, where thousands were fired without pay for refusing the vaccine, especially those who worked in the medical field, and have still not been recalled.
Doctors who questioned the safety of the jab were also fired, some even having to appear before their medical boards. The church I attended chose to honour Caesar and I was given 24 hour notice to cancel my husband’s memorial service, which ended up with just my children and I being able to attend.
I fully understand the motivation behind all this evil. Masks that cannot stop a virus were mandatory for the sole reason of instilling fear into people. Some people here are still wearing them. IMO Covid will not be the last plandemic.
God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love (not always easy under these circumstances!) and a sound mind. Our critics do not have sound minds as per Romans 1:18-32. They will experience the wrath of God, who is always in control.
Thank you for your reply, and please accept my condolences on the loss of your husband. I cannot imagine how difficult that must have been, and in the midst of this utter madness. Many blessings to you also.
The humorous thing is, at this point, almost everyone has figured out it’s a scam. So almost everyone is “unvaccinated”. But I haven’t seen a lot of apologies for the ugly, horrific behavior that we saw and experienced. It’s as if people are pretending it never happened.
I’m sure it would be very embarrassing to be saying and thinking’s such horrible thoughts about the “unvaccinated” and then choosing to stop getting the fraudulent injections. What a strange thing that was. It shows how powerful propaganda is and how weak minded most people are. My view of humanity is forever tainted.
Yeas, many of my friends were happy that vaccine passports were implemented in places. And the church that I previously belonged to was requiring proof of vaccination to attend certain activities and buildings. Neither of those are forced injection but it is essentially shutting people out of society.
Like Austria where the government went "Full Monty" and mandated forced injection only to back down when violence broke out and lots of people were being followed and doxxed. Doctors, nurses and cops. If they are willing to go along with it then they are fair game. Michael Collins 101 worked like it usually does.
I just watched what was happening in Austria and other countries with complete horror. It was bad enough what was happening in the US but nothing compared to some parts of the world. Thankful we have a second amendment here in the US to defend our lives if necessary. This right actually probably prevented forced injections here, if I had to guess, which is why there are some working so hard to remove those rights.
I just think that truly good people would not have jumped so easily on the bandwagon to try and segregate society. Also, if they were good people, wouldn't they be apologizing and trying to make things right? Or doing some sort of speaking out about how wrong it was? I haven't seen one single person in my circle of friends, family or my local community do this. They haven't even admitted in any way that what they did was wrong.
this is alarming! Because to me, it's an indication that it is just as likely to happen again. No one is taking responsibility.
I have always thought that most people were good up until this happened. Now I have realized that most people (not all) are not deeply principled and are more susceptible to brainwashing than they are tied to their convictions. Which is quite frightening considering the power of AI technology and how much propaganda people are exposed to on a daily basis with all the social media and controlled MSM. It is what it is and I'm not going to pretend like this didn't happen or make excuses for it. If I see people massively admitting they were wrong and trying to make amends, I will feel differently and like there was a lesson taken away from this.
I can say that previously living in Los Angeles the censorship was so extreme that I can’t judge anyone who took it. The lies and fear propaganda were at an all time high! It was absolutely crazy!
I have so much sympathy for people who took it. I truly do. People everywhere were definitely barraged with endless propaganda and lies. Some places were most likely worse than others.
Having said that, most people do have access to the internet and could have done some research by looking for alternative, independent media sources that had credible medical professionals trying to warn them. Then they could have weighed the evidence and made a more informed decision, had they chosen to. My friends and family KNEW that I researched this heavily and none of them asked to have a reasonable discussion about it with me, except those who were also skeptical and looking at independent media sources. Most of my friends and family didn't want to know what my perspective was about the "vaccine", yet interestingly, many of them ask for my opinion on chronic disease and nutrition etc. Some have even called after being harmed by the vaccine to ask if there is anything they can do, to which I try to refer them to someone more qualified than me. I only knew it was poisonous, I do not know how to rid the body of synthetic mRNA that's encapsulated by toxic PEG and lodges in organs throughout the body.
Even if they didn't want to do research, there were so many red flags. Calling it Operation Warp Speed and manufacturing the product before the trials were done were two major signals. Giving it EAU was another signal. Giving manufacturers total liability protection, another signal. Developing a brand new technology (rebranded as a vaccine) for use on a massive scale in less than a year was a major signal. Recommending it for pregnant and nursing mothers as well as for children before proper trials were completed was another signal. Even with all that, I do still have sympathy for those who fell for it.
What I do not have sympathy for is all those who tried to bully, coerce, shame, bribe or force people into taking the injection. I saw so much of this. And I do not see any attempts to apologize or make amends for these ugly acts. We all make mistakes. That is very true. But this was a particularly big one and until people own up to it and try to correct the wrong, it still exists within them and is likely to happen again. Pretending like it didn't happen does not resolve the issue.
I agree with most of what you said, yes the people who shamed or tried to coerce people were awful! As well as the doctors that forced people to be intubated and withheld lifesaving treatments. However, unless the internet at least google was completely censored! They would have had to know about Children’s Health Defense or The High Wire or downloaded an app like Telegram to get the truth!
Well, part of my point was that people didn't want to know. I could have easily directed my friends and family to these resources but people in my circle were not interested. They did not want to learn information that countered the narrative. That was a choice. Was it a choice for everyone? Were there people genuinely looking for alternative media sources that had counter narrative and just couldn't find it? Perhaps, but I did not see a lot of that in my own circle of friends and family.
Anecdotally, my parents and I had a discussion early on and I told them that FOX news was highly supported by pharmaceutical companies and that they should not trust them. I gave them a list of about 5 alternative media platforms that I find very reliable, generally. These alternative, independent media sources were having interviews with all sorts of qualified medical professionals sounding the alarm. I encouraged them to check out the alternative media platforms, in addition to whatever news source they were currently subscribing to. I sent them links. My parents did not take my suggestion. They acted like I was listening to religious blasphemy and they didn't want to be tainted with it. They took 3 doses before they finally figured out it was a scam and they only figured it out after I told them that the vaccine was causing more deaths than it could possibly save, according to the pfizer demonstrations. And then I pointed out several people who in fact did die of the vaccine and also cases where it looked very much like a death from the vaccine.
They just didn't want to know. They still don't want to talk about it, which I respect. But it's sad and dangerous for society to have this kind of massive willful ignorance.
Your points are very well taken! I agree with you and have had some similar experiences with some friends and family and others became open to what I had to say later on.
Perhaps people will be open to alternative, independent media sources in the future...? We can only hope. And I suspect there will be attempts to completely censor the internet with online digital IDs or some such control grid so it will become more challenging, no doubt.
Yes, membership (or baptism, as we refer to it as) was the vax. Clothing signifying you were a member was the mask, and still is. Definitely less members now but still a few devotees out there.
Maybe. But I have a core group of friends (we’ve met regularly for 21 years) who are all fully vaxed who just 3 weeks ago asked me to leave the group because we don’t see eye to eye. They still believe in the vaccine and masks and see nothing wrong with the mandates. Blows my mind!
I got vaccinated and life as I knew it ended. More than 2 years later and I cannot function. They didn’t mention the risks of vaccination. I can’t even maintain a seated position in a chair for more than 10 minutes after the “safe & effective” vax. Criminal!
Oh so sorry! I have the luxury of feeling smug when I listen to these idiots then and now, because I fortunately was a point in my life saw through the scam. What truly angers me is what these lies did to people like you who woke up to the lies just a bit later than I did. The only “good” that may come out of this is that you will never be fooled again. There are healing protocols out there. I hope that you can take advantage of them. Take care❤️
Many of the damaged were awake but forced to choose between the jab and food on the table.
A rotten choice at best. What government does this to its people?
A failed one, of a disintegrating society.
Thank you for kind reply to Wendy. 'There but for...go I'.
Yep, that's right.
What about blood donated by the vaccinated?
This was a thoughtful response. I'm impressed.
I feel awful for you! My sister also is jab injured.....Dr Pierre Kory along with a few good doctors in Washington state have helped her recover enough to live life and work......you may also want to check in with the Wellness Clinic in which Dr McCullough is a part off......
He is treating me, but I didn't find him until a couple of months ago. Lots of damage to try to undo. Thanks for your concern and suggestions. I am so glad to hear that your sister is seeing progress.
Wendy, i want to echo the support and love of other unvaxxed here on this board. We are so angry about what happened to you and so very glad you are here now. “God works on mysterious ways” is sometimes the only conclusion I can reach. I hope you feel this way too, that He has laid out for you a journey you never knew to ask for. Sigh … life …
IMMENSELY THANKFUL that you are receiving treatment from one of the physicians who is actually practicing the art and science of treating patients as individuals. PRAYING your health is completely restored.
I am sorry for your suffering.. i wish you rapid healing, there is some really good protocols doctors have put together, I am pretty sure you can learn more about them by joining the Way Forward as a member, which gives access to their Source data base
She may be under financial strain because of her injuries.
Dr Kory treats based on income. If she demonstrates a financial hardship he will adjust his fees
That’s wonderful to hear, thanks.
Contact www.drpierrekory.com. They have protocols. I wish you strength to find the cure. Don’t give up. He can help you.
It's good you got vaccinated cause it could've been worse!... I hear that a lot now. The cognitive dissidence is unbelievable to me. It IS criminal what they've done.
I'm so sorry! They should all be treated like criminals. I did not get it but fought like crazy at school board meetings to try and get factual points to across but I felt like a psycho in a bad dream. I sounded crazy, albeit right. With masked faces staring at me in disbelief. That's how hard it was and why so many succumbed and yet your story is not on the news!
It was 'sold well', repeatedly. And anyone who didn't?
We didn't CARE about others!! Heavy guilt. I kept what's called 'the broken record'-- unfortunately, I can't risk it.
Yeah … if I hadn’t had five little ones, I might have just gotten the damned thing to be done with it. It was because j was fighting so hard to NOT inject my children that I did not inject myself. Back then I was not a hero or even particularly strong. I am now!!! I’m like a warrior now, fighting the good fight every day the best I can … covid woke me the hell up and for that I am very glad.
VERY SORRY that you were injured by the experimental biological shots! EVIL was perpetrated upon innocent Americans by our public health officials.
Thank you for commenting here, and may you be healed!
so sorry too
I'll pray for you Wendy. Stay strong in our Lord......Jesus!
Keep fighting we are all helping you look for answers. https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/
So very sorry. I am deeply troubled by the purposeful harms that were done. Yes it was ALL purposeful.
I am so sorry for your incredible suffering! The censorship and deception were evil. I didn’t get the covid injections because I saw the problem earlier with vaccine damage. I have suffered with neurological symptoms and discovered three years ago a do it yourself cleanse that has helped me greatly “move the needle’ with my symptoms. My daily migraines have decreased 80% as well as my over pain level You may want to check out www. medicalmedium.com .
Wendy, please check out energetic healing institute, led by a naturopath Dr. Henry Ealy. They have a class called the art of cellular healing. You would be able to help yourself with that knowledge. There are ways to reduce the symptoms of vaxx poisoning. Also, if you can, try to look for a naturopath where you live who understands biochemistry and physiology of vaxx injuries. Good luck!
Beware that the MNRNA research since 2005 has used King Cobra & Chinese Cane Snake venom in their provision of MNRNA. A researcher named Bill or Bud Lee was murdered because he had compiled damaging evidence that shows this technology -the venom enzymes- affects brain receptors to a persons most vulnerable organs & was purposely designed to harm people. The lies about it all & purpose is demonic!! This was confirmed by multiple sources—Robin Bullock a prophet as well.
There’s hope with zeolites!
Nanotechnologies in the jabs , other evils & it’s dangers
See the prophetic word from Julie Green Ministries International below. The believers in Goshen were protected in times past! Get saved if you haven’t done so ( recite the sinners prayer [google it] & very important— get baptized or Re-baptized especially if you took the COVID shot!!!
Healing is needed by the MNRNA (snake venom) technology & other harmful additives. A three month “drug” course In Touchstone Essentials Pure Body Liquid Zeolites will nullify the damaging effects in my opinion. Please see three links below
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
On Monday, June 5, 2023, 9:11 AM, patricia cap <ent788@yahoo.com> wrote:
“I have given to them Your word [the message You gave Me]; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world and do not belong to the world, just as I am not of the world and do not belong to it. I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but that You keep them and protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.”
John 17:14-16 AMP
“But when [in God’s plan] the proper time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the [regulations of the] Law, so that He might redeem and liberate those who were under the Law, that we [who believe] might be adopted as sons [as God’s children with all rights as fully grown members of a family]. And because you [really] are [His] sons, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying out, “Abba! Father!” Therefore you are no longer a slave (bond-servant), but a son; and if a son, then also an heir through [the gracious act of] God [through Christ].”
Galatians 4:4-7 AMP
Zeolite Chart
“When are you going to get vaccinated?”, “You really should get vaccinated ya know”, “If you don’t get vaccinated, you’ll be hospitalized and die”. “Did you get your booster yet?”
I heard that litany for 3 years from family and friends. No one’s asking any more. It’s strangely quiet now.
We noticed this too. As people slowly figured it out, they stopped talking about it. My daughter is a high school coach and she was barraged with people telling her how dumb she was for not getting it. Then they all started getting sick with Covid and other mysterious illnesses. They never bugged her about it again. I wish I could know what they were all thinking. I’m sure many of them are scared spit-less.
Our whole family has come down with illness in one form or another. Except us. No need to ask. They know.
My husband is in the dark. He still believes he did the right thing. Yesterday was the breaking point. After 25 years we are splitting up. Sorry for all those that are suffering.
Carrie, I’m so sorry. I belonged to a small group for 21 years, and three weeks ago this group of wonderful but fully vaxxed women asked me to leave the group. It had me wondering how couples deal with this situation. I’m so so sorry this has happened to you.
Teacher Lori, you are stronger and made of sterner stuff than they are. The disconnect as they see you healthy and themselves not, is too much for them to handle. You will ALWAYS be a silent reminder that they did NOT need to do the jab, that OTHERS did not comply and do NOT agree with their views. They want their bubble to stay un popped. Their reality to be unchallenged.
Unagnu your comment "they see you healthy and themselves not," brings to my mind a scene from Chicago where murderers were singing about their crimes. One woman sang, "We had a difference of opinion. He saw himself as living. I saw him as dead."
Carrie, I am so sorry for your loss! And so angry at these cursed vaccine products causing such destruction. Divorce is another adverse reaction that should be added to VAERS. Comments may celebrate that you are free and "good riddance to bad rubbish," etc. I feel grief at the loss of love and the transformation of a happy (at least tolerable) marriage into a type of warfare (possible germ warfare). I have a psychotherapist who totally believes in the safety and efficacy of vaccines. He lives in Australia and believes quarantines and lockdowns and masks are necessary to keep everybody safe. He is absolutely terrified of Covid. We have not "divorced." He is a great therapist. But I only recently have figured out how to bring vaccine issues into our therapeutic discussions. I have to focus on the meaning of my emotional reactions. That we can consider together. I have major rejection issues having been raised with over 15 different caretakers up to the age of 16. I have major issues with bad reactions to medicine and doctors rejecting or gaslighting me. YES. We can together explore the meaning of medical failure, the meaning of being considered an undesirable minority (my family was really misogynistic). In that way I'm colonizing his brain. His desire to be helpful is greater than his desire to reject the unvaccinated. Although it was a close thing during the days of delta. (DANGER DANGER). Now, after twice surviving Omicron, he is less nervous about the threat of Covid. Ha Ha. I never got sick during the last 3 years. I take Ivermectin, vitamin D3, and high dose vitamin C. Go ahead and boast about your boosters. No thanks!
I'm sorry to hear it, but on the other hand - you will live better by being 'free' to make your own choices and live with a clear mind and soul. He is deluded, and has fallen for the delusions being pumped out in MSM everywhere. Some are tougher and can see through things. Others sadly are not and will march to their deaths and their unpleasant fates happily, willingly, cheerfully.
If the needles work so impeccably, then we can eliminate LIABILITY IMMUNITY, right? Actually, if the needle is THAT good, and always has been, then we can make the cancelling of LIABILITY IMMUNITY effective immediately ! It was an intelligence test to see how many were gullible!!
I think some people definitely know. And then there are those who are genuinely unaware that their SAEs were caused by the injection.
It's good and kind that you are showing them grace.
I just can’t do the “I told you so...” since I might have been in their position. But forcing things on me has never worked I guess. If I had had to get vaccinated as a condition of employment, I know I would have quit my job...but then, I don’t have kids, so that choice would have been easier. So...compassion for those who made tough choices.
Yup. My husband’s colleagues were sending him links every day and calling him out publicly in meetings for not taking it … he was strong even though it severely impacted his ability to do his job (he travels for work) … he answered them back every time and eventually they all shut the hell up. He looks pretty smart now, the picture of health while the rest are trotting in for boosters every few months and dealing with health issues.
I bet your husband is so glad that he didn’t cave to such foolishness. Sadly, I suspect most people did not learn anything valuable from this experience. We will see when they try to roll out the digital IDs/currencies.
We weathered that storm yes! It made us stronger but the next storm may be stronger too …
I suspect many do regret their decision. Hopefully people will remember this the next time they try to scare them into doing something dangerous.
My greatest concern is "the next time." Even though more are aware, when the PTB tie finances to vax status, many will take the poison knowingly. It's coming fast and hard; now is the time to plan and prepare for that eventuality, if that is even possible.
Yes, I think the writing is on the wall. Although, injections may have been only a gateway into the control grid. I suspect the vaccine passports where just a preparatory exercise to get people used to being told when they can go to church, leave their house, travel, see friends and family etc. I suspect the next emergency will involve food shortages or some kind of banking or economic crises and then the digital IDs will be rolled out. Apparently, most people don't mind giving up their freedom (and the freedom of others) for a "pandemic". Imagine how easy it will be to talk them into giving up their freedom when there is a food shortage or banking crisis.
My favourite question was "Which one are you going to get?" to which my reply was "Ivermectin for early treatment followed by natural immunity". They were always stunned and couldn't believe that I was not choosing one of the "only way out" vaccines.
My favourite question back to them was "What is the infection fatality rate (IFR) for your age group?" and absolutely NOBODY knew. Even the medical "professionals" didn't know. My follow up question is always "How did you do a risk benefit analysis when you don't know the risk from the disease?". Crickets.
Yes, “which one…” like they were choosing soft centers or nuts and chews. I lost a few friends when I asked them if they knew how mRNA worked and exactly what they were being injected with. They thought I was a self righteous know it all. I haven’t heard back.
Lots of people thought they had a 50% chance of ending up in the hospital even if they were young so that was their risk benefit analysis.
Demand to know why they are so quiet.
Now its considered impolite to ask questions like that.
Especially if they are sick.
You’re not supposed to bring it up in ‘polite’ society.
Offer them places they can go if vax injured and need support. It’s compassionate but also gets the point across
We must.
Well, you can show the grace of still being considerate of them.
I love to leave them with some useful info and after that I don't really care if they implement it or not. "When you get concerned about the damage the shots are doing to you check out the "I-Recover: Post Vaccine Treatment" protocol at flccc.net".
Screw what society says.
Be the bigger one. They know that you know. Hopefully, there will be a kinder, better future between you and they.
I reported to a friend that I was unvaccinated. "Well, if you aren't going to get vaccinated--you should be prepared to take the consequences." By consequences, I didn't think she meant dying of Covid or getting hospitalized with infection. I thought she meant (which turned out to be true) getting rejected, getting quarantined, getting restricted from most indoor recreational activities in my city (New York City), getting routinely denounced on TV or cable news, losing my job (if I had one), possibly losing custody of my children (if I had any), being refused health care, enduring the rejection and criticism of my neighbors. All of this activity seems justified--even required--without a single thought of how an unvaccinated person might suffer. It is, of course, unthinkable that anyone would suffer from vaccines that are only forces of good. Suffering is good when it means salvation of the soul. Didn't they torture heretics to insure that those who repented might go to heaven? (after they died from the torture).
I was blessed to be isolated from all my family that is like that … I quietly lived out 1.5 years w my husband and five little ones … a friend isolated with us for six months and she wasn’t inclined to vax either. I fought tooth and nail against the school though becaose it was trying to exclude my children when the school finally reopened … but aside from that, I was left in peace and I read and studied and became reasonably well versed on immunology and vax technology… I spoke out to friends and family online many times a day, decrying the poisons being unleashed in us … they created a monster when they locked me down! I am wide awake now. I’ve decided to homeschool my youngest rather than inject gum with all the trash they require to send him to public school. I have, in some limited ways, broken free of the chains.
Thank you for speaking up, everyone needs to do this
Right? And somehow we are still the bad guys even though we got it right.
Funny how that is... REALLY quiet.
they were marked exploited in the worst kind of way
There is real PTSD from years of this treatment. I will never forget. I also will never comply or let them break me. Stay strong, stay sane!
Yes you're right. I'm in NZ and many of us are so triggered if we now see footage of Jacinda Ardern that it could definitely be referred to as PTSD. She is the epitome of evil. A smiling assassin.
Ardern is truly an evil nasty human being!!
I think she's a psychopath tbh. Like Trudeau.
Spot on!!
More are becoming aware of the role psychopathy plays in how we are governed, finally. You can't make sense of it otherwise.
Ardern, Trudeau, and Gates are people who believe something so strongly that they are unwilling to be challenged; because they are in positions of power, they abuse those who disagree with them. People like this should NEVER be in power.
People like Biden, Trudeau, etc are the reason why constitutions were written in the first place .......to protect the people from power mad a-holes.
No they shouldn't but usually that's what we get. Such people seek power relentlessly, and many among the masses mistake their lack of shame and empathy as strength, rather than the evil that it is. Look at the democratic primary of 2020. One decent person, Tulsi, stayed in single digits. The voters rallied behind monsters like Biden, Warren, and Sanders.
Yes. Ardern can go straight to hell!
I am still so angry at all the atrocities they have and still continue to perpetuate. I never considered it could be PTSD.
Absolutely, it could be PTSD.
This is truly upsetting, and I remember the feeling hearing it day after day. Sad, as these people continue to be paid large sums of money to continue with their jobs, I had to lose my job for refusing an unnecessary and potentially harmful intervention. We will never hear an apology from any of them.
There was nothing "potential" about it. Search "Jummai Nache" online sometime...
In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny:
"Gruesome, isn't it?!" 😱
What about blood donated by the vaccinated
And since I had angioplasty scheduled last November, I asked my cardiologist how I could reserve blood, just in case. As it happened, later the same day I had a kind of aneurysm and then hours more surgery, 4 transfusions (with what I am CERTAIN was donated by the vaxxed!), and 28 staples. It was a freak accident BUT I must have had a premonition. My Dr just laughed at me when I asked and I’m STILL p’d off!!!
I guess, don't get sick or allow yourself to fall into a situation where you require blood transfusions... 🙄
You still have your mind, heart and soul in the best place.
The are not human.
From all appearances, you are right.
You are right. I lost my job as well.
Awful, I’m sorry. These people need to be held accountable.
Yes, the forgive and forget mentality in so many of the comments is exactly why they are the victimizers and we are the victims of their discrimination and hate. Why feel bad when they become victims of reality, after what they did?
As many of us unvaxxed become injured, microclotted and dead from their shedding, we will redouble our demands for justice for the killers and middlemen who knew EXACTLY what they were doing all along.
Shedding issues here. I had to throw out my Pureblood tee shirt.
So sorry, Rosalind.
Thanks. All the more thankful for substack writers trying to get to the bottom of this evil plot on humanity. I moved from upstate New York to Florida just before lockdown & thankful to be able to help my mom and her companion. Unexpected answered prayers of many years (& I’m near my integrative medicine doctor now, I used to see him once a year).
If you don't mind my asking, where is the doctor? I'm down here in Fla (moved from VA which was bad under the abortion loving governor Dr. Northrup at the time). I need a good integrative. I'm not sure I'm pure, but I am NOT vaxxed and did not live with a vaxxed. Spent time around but not in close close confines with the vaxxed. Take my supplements, my IVM and my other and hope for the best!
International center for healing and wellness, I think.
In ft Myers
What occurred during the reign of the Nazi Party in Germany was not aberrant...
The atrocities were committed by humans, and can happen again, and again, and again...
I often ask myself why humanity doesn't learn from past atrocities.
Bolsheviks, Nazis, Maoists and others. It seems most people skipped or slept through their history classes.
Pol Pot. Ida Amin. Lots more to list.
Patzers the lot of them. Amateurs. Only a million or two each? Got to get over the 10 million mark to be in the big club LOL.
Unfortunately, the better word than "can" is "will". As we've seen and will continue to see. Heck, most of the U.S. population is still not aware we've morphed into the biggest force for evil in world. Everything we touch we destroy.
That's what selling your soul sounds & looks like.
I saw this recently. Those people are mentally sick.
That may be true, but what else is true is they are parroting what they are told to say in order to stay on the payroll. They know if they get axed, they will be black balled. So their real issue is they never had any code of ethics or moral code to begin with. And that is what is really sick.
Well, I think we should keep in mind that some of these people who took the shot to keep their paychecks might have had no other way to feed and clothe their families. Single mothers, for example, don't always have others to turn to who will pay their bills. Some elderly who were already lonely, were told by their grown kids that they couldn't visit with any family if they didn't take the shot. Some didn't even have $100 in their bank account.
I was fortunate that my job was not subject to the jab mandate. Being older I didn't have to work but still did. It was a reminder to save for a rainy day, in this case the rainy day lasted 2 years and counting. Our families didn't go nuclear against us for being unjabbed which was a blessing (even though every one of them took the jab). Fortune was kind and my wife needed surgeries that spanned the three years of the pandemic with mostly home rest needed so it couldn't have come at a better time. I am now planning for other unlikely events as so much of the societal structure that we enjoyed for the past 60 years is evaporating and it is so hard to forecast what the next far reaching event will be for us. Will it be the abolition of cash so one cannot keep a nest egg in the bank free from seizure for mandate non-compliance? Will it be gradual poisoning of the food supply with mRNA or other? Will it be weather disasters caused by HAARP? Will it be government induced violence from all the criminals being given a pass by the courts? Will it be shedding from the jabbed?
Heck, I am not excluding aliens like in "V", nuclear disaster and 5G radiation effects from the list. Anything is possible but I do know life will go on and we all need to think about what will we do in a different Sh__ hits the fan situation again. In the meantime, protest, write letters, ally with others with common interests and stay strong in all ways.
Keep your eyes on God. And your soul intact for God. Remember there is a life that comes after the death of the fleshly body. And it depends upon your belief and your acceptance of said life. You will return to God, and you WILL have to account for your actions. Will you be punished? I do not know. I suspect any punishment is being sent back to learn 'again'. I for one do not wish to return again to Earth. My time here was not always pleasant, though I did not suffer physically and did have many good experiences, I leave behind only my pets and that sorrows me sometimes, gives me joy other times that I did not condemn any to this life, but OTH, I am free and clear of any emotional attachments which will stop me moving upward and onward.
I am sorry for the bad times you had. Keep in mind the many millions of others affected by the death and injury from the vaccine masters and that those people may not be willing to wait for god's judgment to be healed and the many others yet to be injured who may yet be saved by the prudent actions of the good people of this earth. I think old testament judgment is preferred in this case.
Yes, there are many good. For not all are bad, only they wander lost. And they will not wake, despite all the efforts to wrest them away from the dark and into the light. Those I feel for but again, you are given FREE CHOICE in this life and they chose, and chose not wisely. But all have the information to choose wisely IF THEY SO DESIRE/BELIVE. You see, not all believe in anything 'beyond' this life, ... and because of this, they are too attached to the things and the trappings of material awards in this life, thus they are giving themselves away in this life to the evil because they fear the loss of this life. Tricked you say? I say no, lost, empty wandering knowing no center no constant, no GOD and expecting unlimited fulfillment in this life, rather than the next.. Greedy, wanting, needy and ultimately at center not happy. They worship nothing except the god of money, the worship of self fulfillment or desires being reward and selfish needs being met at the expense of others. This is the ultimate thing the evil exploits, encourages and revels in ... and it is WHY we dissenters, we with our eyes on Heaven or the spiritual experience of this life and GOD, we are marginalized, reviled, hated even for dissenting. And yet, it is WE who will make it into Heaven, who will move on to our next stage of 'life' and learning and be with God in his world(s). Not the poor pathetic souls here on Earth, trapped with no soul and being stripped of what they do have, denied God by the dark powers.... and freely complicit in their misery and exploitation...
Funny you'd mention aliens. Psychopathy explains a lot of the evil in human societies. But psychopaths are strictly self-serving, they don't care what happens when they're gone. This evil seems multi-generational, with long-term goals for humanity. Aliens or Lucifer are explanations that work, I can't think of anything more mundane that really fits. Not saying it's one of those, but gotta wonder.
I completely agree with you !
For sale.
I have no words for these idiots. So sick of all this.
Try thinking of it this way.
One night, you become really, really sick. High fever, chills, throwing up, pounding headache. When you start having difficulty breathing you head to the hospital emergency ward. In the waiting room someone tells you the hospital, the doctors and nurses, the drug companies are all lying to you and deliberately trying to harm you. All your life you’ve been taught to believe the exact opposite. So have the doctors and nurses. They have been so busy looking after patients and trying to keep up with the latest “science” they get from their industry that they have no reason to believe that the system might have been corrupted. They trust that the drug regulators and their professional colleges support their vow to “do no harm”.
So you are in the waiting room along with 60 other patients and this one person starts freaking out, waving around studies from the internet, telling everyone that the hospital is going to harm or even kill them. What would you expect to happen? Exactly, no one will believe it. Especially with the scale of the corruption being so frightening.
So jump into the bigger picture now. The nation is the waiting room, the media has been paid to control the “science” that is leaked, The doctors and nurses are even more busy now that tens of thousands of healthcare workers have been fired or become sick themselves. The one person in the waiting room is now a few hundred people in the nation that are freaking out. What would you expect to happen?
Most healthcare workers are good, caring people who are dedicated to “do no harm”. Like everybody else they must rely on others for guidance and information. Up until Covid-19 there were no obvious reasons to doubt their industry. Now a reckoning must come, but accusations should not be cycled up to include workers who truly believed they were doing what was best for their patients. Please don’t lose faith in the goodness of most people. That is what the evil wants.
Ok, I’ll give you that point.
But what happened when the vaccine injured started showing up at the hospital? Did the doctors and nurses start looking for the cause and warning their patients?
Or did they keep pushing the vaxx?
There are plenty of doctors and nurses that still trust the professional guidance coming down from the top. I'm sure its not easy to shred 30 or 40 years of trust and beliefs. Many are beginning to recognize that the protocols they were instructed to follow have caused great harm, but most are still a long way from coming to terms with the truth about their profession.
Well they're idiots then, who don't deserve to be trusted ever again. Seriously, if someone just willingly took an experimental drug without even bothering to do even a few hours of research they have no one else to blame but themselves. One glance at Pfizer's own website should have set alarm bells ringing as it even talked about hijacking the machinery of the cell!
It was obvious from the beginning, not only the jabs but the entire insane response. When they started talking about closing small businesses, anyone should have known that was about transfer of wealth to the top. The jabs were even more obviously dumb. Let's see, take medicine I don't need since I'm at miniscule risk (even though I'm 70), pushed by the greediest criminals the world has ever seen, to protect against a coronavirus which we've always been helpless to stop? And turn our bodies into pathogen-churning factories? Damn! Sounds great! Really, what's wrong with people?
Absolutely right.
That was one of the first things that alarmed me about the vaxx.
That and the fact that no one had ever made it work before..... and that Moderna was reluctant to release the study results of their previous mRNA failures.
“Turns your cells into factories for spike proteins”..... what a great concept/sarc
It's not easy to see the truth when your income depends on never seeing it.
If you are evil and corrupt.
depends on the person, I know nurses who flat up refused give the treatments
The betrayal by our doctors in pressuring and intimidating us to accept covid shots is impossible to overcome without a sincere mea culpa from ALL of them with humble penance -- and appropriate legal recourse for their crimes.
My Dr is still pushing the Vax!
Mine, too! NOT going to take it but I got contaminated blood -4 units - what can I do now?!
EDTA IVs or topical cream, supplements from Dr. Kory and others, filtered water, lower EMF exposure, organic food, less/no processed stuff, lower sugar intake and carbs. Eat only where you know what the cattle, lamb etc are getting injected with (or not). Grow your own stuff if you can. Hydroponics, simple pots. Pressure your reps. And then get sunshine, exercise, music and NO MSM to make your life less stressful. Seeing, watching and hearing this stuff is very hard on a body's mood.
Oh, and a bit of nicotine. It helps the macrophage lyse and the Spike get broken down and moved out of the body.
Great point. I don't get where people excusing these enablers of evil are coming from, or are they just dense?
"Up until Covid-19 there were no obvious reasons to doubt their industry"
There were a lot of reasons to doubt. But before COVID, at least when they killed people for money they could be sued, which put some brakes on the process. COVID pulled out the stops and I am not sure there is a path back from where they went.
A lot of the "good" people in the industry now KNOW they have committed murder for hospital and pharma profit, (or for whoever is really driving this agenda) and you don't easily come back to "good people" from that.
At a minimum repentance is required, and that's not easy psychologically. It doesn't help that immunity from justice takes away the worldly incentives for repentance.
Yes, the medical industry has been thoroughly corrupt for decades. If you need trauma care it's great they are there, most everything else does more harm than good, but is quite profitable.
My doctor's clinic never shut out patients over the last three years. I think her boss was smarter than most doctors. Even though unvaccinated I still went in for my biannual checkups. I notice however that my newbie doctor has sullened over the past three years. I think she was smart enough to know something wasn't right with the scamdemic but was forced to offer the jab and keep quiet about the scamdemic, otherwise she would lose her license.
My wife's doctor on the other hand went to virtual appointments only, barred the unvaxxed and badgered by wife to get the jab which she refused sweetly. Its a good thing he was a firend or he might have cut her off. The final tally was 3 bouts of "covid" for the at least triple jabbed doctor and zero for my wife.
and if that happened today, the person waving the paper in the ER would be locked in a psych tank by security because the lie must be true...
No excuses.
Wow thank you So much Don for articulating So well what I also believe is the truth of the situation! I have several friends that are nurses that truly believe they were saving peoples lives. They implicitly trust the CDC and the the other healthcare agencies. Most of My family as well! 3 of my family members were injured afterwards but don’t believe the injection had anything to do with it. I have tried to explain to my friends about the lies and deception- they can’t believe this could really happen.
Excellent synopsis of why societies fail. People are too stupid to sustain them.
Excellent. Excellent. Excellent.
When those doctors and nurses vilified the unvaccinated and stated that unvaccinated should be denied treatment they threw their lot in with the devil, and may the devil take them.
I was liking your comment until the last paragraph. There was every obvious reason to doubt the medical industry pre-COVID. It's been mostly corrupt and greed-driven for decades. Those health-care workers did not have to rely on government, MSM, and industry propaganda for their guidance and information. Millions of us saw the obvious, that these institutions have been blatantly lying to us for many years for the benefit of special interests. That they were gullible enough to drink their kool-aid is a very lame excuse.
If you are real, you live what you believe. If what you believe turns out to be wrong, you admit it and change your beliefs. When information becomes mostly propaganda and psychological warfare discovering enough truth to change your beliefs is really difficult, especially when you are surrounded by lies at work.
People are not the same, as we knew but the last three years made even more clear. "to change your beliefs is really difficult" is true for most people, virtually all of the lemmings. The better you are, the easier it becomes. For the least childish, it's the natural thing to do when it's called for.
A shocking period that undoubtedly will repeat itself in some way, but next time the pushback will be significantly quicker and stronger, because of the denigrating, crazy experiences we had and because of terrific writers like you.
Not if the who & wef get their way
That's so sweet, Susan, and so true.
Of the numerous TV docos about the Nazis none focus on, and analyse, its election propaganda that gained the Party millions of votes...What heavily influenced millions was the way the Nazi Party exploited The Fear Of Contagion...
Jew = disease spreader...Bolshevik = disease spreader...Bolshevik-Jew = disease spreader...
The need for racial purity, racial blood being polluted by Jews-Bolsheviks, and them being pollutors of culture etc was the main influencer...
The plandemic promoters exploited The Fear Of Contagion...They'd studied Nazi propaganda...
They didn’t have to study it, operation paperclip and the sham trial at Nuremberg meant it was imported wholesale into the US
seems there is a strong connection to the perpetrators
My family and I were not vaccinated, as my late husband, (who did not die of Covid ) was a scientist (B.VSc/M.Med.vet Physiology) and warned us that the mRNA/spike protein vaccine was dangerous and would change our DNA.
I take all these insults from whence they came - ignorant pompous fools.
How can healthy people be a danger to vaccinated people who get sick or die after getting the jab?
“The unvaccinated are not responsible for the health of the vaccinated - that is the vaccine’s job.”
re: “The unvaccinated are not responsible for the health of the vaccinated - that is the vaccine’s job.” On this note, I was quite struck by the testimony of a NYC firefighter who lost his job when he refused the jab. Perhaps readers here will be, too.
New York City Committees on Oversight and Investigations & Civil Service and Labor
Gale A. Brewer, Chair, September 9, 2022
RASHAD TAYLOR: My name is Rashad Taylor. I was a firefighter in the Bronx 6 years. I worked at Ladder 61 and I was born and raised in the Bronx. So I'm here because I feel it in my soul that there is something I need to confront and take care of. I ask for you to truly open your ears to listen, and open your heart to feel. I believe we are living in fear, and that fear has many disguises. I fooled myself into thinking I wasn't and that I was being strong, but I was, I was living in fear.
I was placed on leave without pay in October, right after having a newborn daughter. And it's been terrible, honestly. But I was put on leave without pay for 5 months, and I was terminated in February.
I never thought I would have to look for another job again. I loved my job. I was told, and I believed, that it was the best job in the world. I had tremendous respect for it. But it slowly diminished when they started persecuting their members and disposed of them like a number for standing up for themselves.
The mayor of the city and the Fire Department arbitrarily made decisions for what's convenient for them at the expense of others' livelihoods, that has no scientific basis at all.
I was slapped in the face with the rehiring letter in June. And I don't care if I go back or not because it's bigger than any job. I don't care about what you choose to label yourself with or identify as, we are all humans first. Before I'm a firefighter, I am a human first. Pretty much all labels and categories are divisive constructs. We are not separate. We are all one.
Stand for what's objectively right.
Policies and mandates are not laws, if you guys didn't know. There is only one law, and that is natural law and that comes from our creator, God. Anything that conflicts with that is null and void. Rights can never be bought, sold, given or taken away. We are all inherently sovereign beings [time alarm sounds] and we have been forced this illusion that are contrary to those facts about our rights.
I just have one more point. Has this ever been about health? Really think about all the events that has transpired and the stories we are led to believe that has caused fear, chaos, division in a lot of aspects of our lives.
For what? It isn't justifiable. My health is no one's responsibility but my own. Everyone's health is their responsibility, and I owe nothing to them but honorable due regard based on objective facts. Because there's no scientific facts about any of this.
I leave this by asking everybody to embody truth, love, light, justice, freedom, and peace. [Applause] And I appreciate you guys.
GALE A. BREWER: Thank you. Thank you very much. Appreciate it.
Thank you for your reply. I live in Marxist Canada that had the most brutal mandates, where thousands were fired without pay for refusing the vaccine, especially those who worked in the medical field, and have still not been recalled.
Doctors who questioned the safety of the jab were also fired, some even having to appear before their medical boards. The church I attended chose to honour Caesar and I was given 24 hour notice to cancel my husband’s memorial service, which ended up with just my children and I being able to attend.
I fully understand the motivation behind all this evil. Masks that cannot stop a virus were mandatory for the sole reason of instilling fear into people. Some people here are still wearing them. IMO Covid will not be the last plandemic.
God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love (not always easy under these circumstances!) and a sound mind. Our critics do not have sound minds as per Romans 1:18-32. They will experience the wrath of God, who is always in control.
Blessings to you and all those who are hurting.
Thank you for your reply, and please accept my condolences on the loss of your husband. I cannot imagine how difficult that must have been, and in the midst of this utter madness. Many blessings to you also.
That is the immune system's job.
A meme
Thank you!
That meme strongly rebuts the familiar "No one is safe until we're all vaccinated" lie.
The humorous thing is, at this point, almost everyone has figured out it’s a scam. So almost everyone is “unvaccinated”. But I haven’t seen a lot of apologies for the ugly, horrific behavior that we saw and experienced. It’s as if people are pretending it never happened.
I’m sure it would be very embarrassing to be saying and thinking’s such horrible thoughts about the “unvaccinated” and then choosing to stop getting the fraudulent injections. What a strange thing that was. It shows how powerful propaganda is and how weak minded most people are. My view of humanity is forever tainted.
easily could have led to the final solution, know
some that wanted us held down and injected
Yeas, many of my friends were happy that vaccine passports were implemented in places. And the church that I previously belonged to was requiring proof of vaccination to attend certain activities and buildings. Neither of those are forced injection but it is essentially shutting people out of society.
Like Austria where the government went "Full Monty" and mandated forced injection only to back down when violence broke out and lots of people were being followed and doxxed. Doctors, nurses and cops. If they are willing to go along with it then they are fair game. Michael Collins 101 worked like it usually does.
I just watched what was happening in Austria and other countries with complete horror. It was bad enough what was happening in the US but nothing compared to some parts of the world. Thankful we have a second amendment here in the US to defend our lives if necessary. This right actually probably prevented forced injections here, if I had to guess, which is why there are some working so hard to remove those rights.
There are a great many in humanity who are good. Don't let the bad apples spoil it all.
I just think that truly good people would not have jumped so easily on the bandwagon to try and segregate society. Also, if they were good people, wouldn't they be apologizing and trying to make things right? Or doing some sort of speaking out about how wrong it was? I haven't seen one single person in my circle of friends, family or my local community do this. They haven't even admitted in any way that what they did was wrong.
this is alarming! Because to me, it's an indication that it is just as likely to happen again. No one is taking responsibility.
I have always thought that most people were good up until this happened. Now I have realized that most people (not all) are not deeply principled and are more susceptible to brainwashing than they are tied to their convictions. Which is quite frightening considering the power of AI technology and how much propaganda people are exposed to on a daily basis with all the social media and controlled MSM. It is what it is and I'm not going to pretend like this didn't happen or make excuses for it. If I see people massively admitting they were wrong and trying to make amends, I will feel differently and like there was a lesson taken away from this.
Great points, Brandy.
One reason I transcribe. There are many who did speak out, and who did warn.
No backbone.
I can say that previously living in Los Angeles the censorship was so extreme that I can’t judge anyone who took it. The lies and fear propaganda were at an all time high! It was absolutely crazy!
I have so much sympathy for people who took it. I truly do. People everywhere were definitely barraged with endless propaganda and lies. Some places were most likely worse than others.
Having said that, most people do have access to the internet and could have done some research by looking for alternative, independent media sources that had credible medical professionals trying to warn them. Then they could have weighed the evidence and made a more informed decision, had they chosen to. My friends and family KNEW that I researched this heavily and none of them asked to have a reasonable discussion about it with me, except those who were also skeptical and looking at independent media sources. Most of my friends and family didn't want to know what my perspective was about the "vaccine", yet interestingly, many of them ask for my opinion on chronic disease and nutrition etc. Some have even called after being harmed by the vaccine to ask if there is anything they can do, to which I try to refer them to someone more qualified than me. I only knew it was poisonous, I do not know how to rid the body of synthetic mRNA that's encapsulated by toxic PEG and lodges in organs throughout the body.
Even if they didn't want to do research, there were so many red flags. Calling it Operation Warp Speed and manufacturing the product before the trials were done were two major signals. Giving it EAU was another signal. Giving manufacturers total liability protection, another signal. Developing a brand new technology (rebranded as a vaccine) for use on a massive scale in less than a year was a major signal. Recommending it for pregnant and nursing mothers as well as for children before proper trials were completed was another signal. Even with all that, I do still have sympathy for those who fell for it.
What I do not have sympathy for is all those who tried to bully, coerce, shame, bribe or force people into taking the injection. I saw so much of this. And I do not see any attempts to apologize or make amends for these ugly acts. We all make mistakes. That is very true. But this was a particularly big one and until people own up to it and try to correct the wrong, it still exists within them and is likely to happen again. Pretending like it didn't happen does not resolve the issue.
I agree with most of what you said, yes the people who shamed or tried to coerce people were awful! As well as the doctors that forced people to be intubated and withheld lifesaving treatments. However, unless the internet at least google was completely censored! They would have had to know about Children’s Health Defense or The High Wire or downloaded an app like Telegram to get the truth!
Well, part of my point was that people didn't want to know. I could have easily directed my friends and family to these resources but people in my circle were not interested. They did not want to learn information that countered the narrative. That was a choice. Was it a choice for everyone? Were there people genuinely looking for alternative media sources that had counter narrative and just couldn't find it? Perhaps, but I did not see a lot of that in my own circle of friends and family.
Anecdotally, my parents and I had a discussion early on and I told them that FOX news was highly supported by pharmaceutical companies and that they should not trust them. I gave them a list of about 5 alternative media platforms that I find very reliable, generally. These alternative, independent media sources were having interviews with all sorts of qualified medical professionals sounding the alarm. I encouraged them to check out the alternative media platforms, in addition to whatever news source they were currently subscribing to. I sent them links. My parents did not take my suggestion. They acted like I was listening to religious blasphemy and they didn't want to be tainted with it. They took 3 doses before they finally figured out it was a scam and they only figured it out after I told them that the vaccine was causing more deaths than it could possibly save, according to the pfizer demonstrations. And then I pointed out several people who in fact did die of the vaccine and also cases where it looked very much like a death from the vaccine.
They just didn't want to know. They still don't want to talk about it, which I respect. But it's sad and dangerous for society to have this kind of massive willful ignorance.
Your points are very well taken! I agree with you and have had some similar experiences with some friends and family and others became open to what I had to say later on.
Perhaps people will be open to alternative, independent media sources in the future...? We can only hope. And I suspect there will be attempts to completely censor the internet with online digital IDs or some such control grid so it will become more challenging, no doubt.
More excellent points from Brandy.
I still think a good percentage of people are afraid to see the truth after being so trusting of the government, media and medical tyrants.
Yes, I'm sure some are experiencing heavy cognitive dissonance.
The cult is a hard habit to break....
We call it The Church of Fauci
The membership was the vax, cost was "your life", benefit was keep your job...
Yes, membership (or baptism, as we refer to it as) was the vax. Clothing signifying you were a member was the mask, and still is. Definitely less members now but still a few devotees out there.
You are so right, I struggle with family and friends that can’t see. I pray for them.
There is NO LONGER an excuse to remain ignorant!!!
They may see and know now, and have just not said anything.
Maybe. But I have a core group of friends (we’ve met regularly for 21 years) who are all fully vaxed who just 3 weeks ago asked me to leave the group because we don’t see eye to eye. They still believe in the vaccine and masks and see nothing wrong with the mandates. Blows my mind!