I question how many people "migrating to seek a better life" would have $18,000 U.S. dollars, each, to pay a cartel to cross.

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Plus they are selling their children to be trafficked here!

Watch Police State! 85,000 children missing from Border before the lady who started to question was relieved of her duties! She stated one boy had been "abused" so much on way here he'll be in a diaper the rest of his life! We're getting more bad than good by far! It's disgusting and disturbing! Bleeding hearts for immigrants is from stupidity because tons of information out there proving no ones coming to better their lives! At the very least they are coming expecting handouts! Wait til it's warm this summer and they are starving and hot! Get your guns cleaned and loaded. Put a killer dog in your backyard. Post signs...in Spanish and every other language. Election year...this should be a 💩 show that far exceeds the scamdemic! Hopefully people won't fall as hard as they did for that!

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Back in 1975, my colleague Spanish teacher told me of posters in the San Juan, P.R. airport telling would-be migrants specifically how much welfare $$ was offered in which US city (the one nearest our school being among them).

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I don't follow unknown links. Plus we raise our own meat. Pork, beef, chickens, and their eggs. MRNA is probably in chemtrails, so unless we wear a full body respirator and eat nothing, stop using the internet all together...they'll get us one way or the other. Plus it's not hard to see you make this SAME exact comment alot...so that's a no thanks from me!

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Borrow from family/friends/banks, steal, sell everything, owe the cartel, indentured servitude aka slavery, be a mule...

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I forgot a new one. Take money from NGOs and charities.

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Add probably Soros, WHO, WEF or anyone supporting an invasion from within! Remember all the ones crossing at first in Joe Biden tshirts, fat, happy, with a brand new cellphone?! Eventually they'll quit funding them and that's when 💩 will hit the fan. Honestly, that's what they really want! A revolt from the rest of us so they can use military action against us! They are also bringing in all these immigrants at first to drive down wages! These people come over here and work for a few dollars an hour! Then guess what...they send half back to their families! In the late 80's my best friend's mom, dad, & husband had green cards. She was born here, but they'd send money to Mexico and was building a retirement home there! She'd constantly tell me about conditions and how if you got murdered there not much got done. I remember thinking...I love you to death but 1 it's wrong to send American money there and 2 why in the WORLD would you want to retire there if it's SO bad??? Which brings me to another point of why I have ZERO gaf's for immigrants...they come here, but usually want to go back or open all these non English speaking stores! Watch 90 Day The Other Way. More than not they come here and end up wanting to go back or have their American partner move to their country! Bottom line they come here thinking getting money, cars, etc is easy and when it's not they want to go home! Like my neighbor always says...if you have God you'll be happy wherever you are and He'll provide. They want everything they see on TV for free or obtain it easily! THEY cause their mess just like we have. Again, we don't need help screwing up America because we've done just fine on our own. Unfortunately, it's just not fast enough for the evil gov, wef, who, etc so they brought us in paid help! 🥴😡

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How do you explain the large number of military age chinese men arriving here?

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Not only Chinese!

While an unconstitutional army may well be being assembled, why are taxpayers funding these millions who have no claim to congressional appropriations(above and beyond OUR SANCTIONED MILITARY AND VETERAN BUDGETARY COSTS)?

What does Obama need them for?

There are disabled U.S. veterans consigned to stoops and shelters, while these foreign trespassers are put up in fine hotels, enjoying refilled debit cards and room service.

Something is transpiring under our noses, WITH THE AID OF "BOTH"😆 PARTIES, and the largesse of a blindly robbed citizenry.

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Absolutely. There are military age bad actors from from all over the globe, especially terrorist states. I just highlighted the Chinese men I saw standing in military posture, with identical luggage. Looked suspicious to me.

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The Founders would have most of D.C. already in a stockade.

Forget the home invaders for a moment, and look to those holding the "Open House"! What IS "SUSPICIOUS"--not looks!--is the whole of our treesonus government.

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CCP troops = UN troops. China is the model they want to bring to the world. The CCP has been folding their troops into the UN for well over 30 years.

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heaven help us. CCP is hell on earth. I understand that political prisoners there---that is anyone who does not mindlessly conform to the governmental demands---may be jailed and then used as an "organ donor". Organ "donation" is not voluntary and is used as a money making enterprise. Horrifying. I have read accounts that these "donors" are still alive and unsedated when their organs are removed. Does anyone know if this is factual?

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That is the reporting that I've heard. There was a doctor who defected from China and had done organ harvesting for the CCP. It was his testimony I heard that, yes, they do harvest the organs with the people alive and without anesthesia. I think I saw the interview via the Epoch Times.

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Remember the plane full of military aged men they 'rescued' from Brandon's Afghanistan debacle?! ZERO US Citizens, women, or children! Then add Ukrainians. We are fubar'd!

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The evidence that 9/11 was an inside job is overwhelming

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🧐Whatever became of the unaccounted-for gold at basement level?


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That’s right, where did it go?

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"They"...the elites.... have stolen, grafted and destroyed...everything of value in our once rich and free nation. "We"...the hapless victims....just have not quite realized it yet....because we are still eating "food"...if you can call what most of us have to eat "food"....as most of this swill is hopelessly polluted by chemicals, GMO, and just plain seed oil and high volumes of sugar. No wonder people are so sick here in our country with the poorest health of any "advanced" nation. Sad....Is it because they "hate us for our freedoms"?....who knows....?

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Yes...it is overwhelming. I guess it is a measure of our societal breakdown that so many "intelligent" people are still unaware of this thoroughly established fact. Also many "intelligent" people still believe we actually had men walking on the moon. As anyone who has even looked even superficially at the evidence knows...this cannot be done. Here is just one fact that shows no one has yet walked on the moon: The temperature range on the surface of the moon can go instantly from absolute zero to extreme and unsurvivable 212 degrees F. There is no space suit yet designed that can protect against temperature extremes like that....even a four foot lead shield. There is also the little problem of the Van Allen radiation belts....no living being can survive this exposure....See Bill Kaysing for details.

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WHO WE ARE - AE911Truth

TONY SZAMBOTI Mechanical Engineer Tony Szamboti is a mechanical design engineer with over 25 years of structural design experience in the aerospace and communications industries.

www0.ae911truth.org › about › 53-richard-gage.html

Richard Gage, AIA, Architect, Founder & President

Richard Gage, AIA, is a San Francisco Bay Area architect of 28 years, a member of the American Institute of Architects, and the founder and CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth), a 501 (c) (3) educational charity.

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Bret Weinstein traveled to the Darien Gap to understand who's behind the invasion of our country.

Watch his interview by Tucker Carlson on episode 71, TCN

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But John, even if the majority are in that ‘just looking for a better life’ camp, you have to agree that there is some percentage of the illegals that are NOT friendly to the US. Whether that’s 1% or 10% (or more?), that’s enough to cause harm to our country. Did you get to see Tucker Carlson’s latest interview with Bret Weinstein? It was very interesting (and a bit scary too). All the violence happening along the journey too (murder, rape, etc) .. and it could be massively cut down with an administration publicly taking a no tolerance policy. I think it’s a travesty and worries me as much as these WHO treat amendments. Appreciate your writing. :)

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1% of 3,000,000 = 30,000 who might not want to assimilate, maybe even have a vindeta.

"In FY23, CBP recorded more than 2.4 million encounters at the Southwest border and more than 3.2 million encounters nationwide. Just this fiscal year, 169 individuals on the terrorist watchlist were apprehended attempting to enter the country illegally, and at least 1.7 million known gotaways have evaded apprehension since FY2021"


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John, the "migration of people seeking a better life" would be more credible and acceptable if more of these people enrolled in language and history classes once here. Instead, they disappear and do not attempt to learn the new norms that make modernity possible. The overly generous welfare benefits appear to be the main motivation for most of these illegals. It is also the case that you do not need a large number of operatives to cause an inordinate amount of damage. The 9-11 attack was carried out by just 19 operatives at the cost of food and housing for a number of months and "flying" lessons for a portion of the group. It is always the case that such small numbers are going to be impossible to stop. But we now have about 10 million new residents about which we really know nothing at all. It is willful blindness to presume that we don't have hundreds or even thousands of trained operatives who will seek to harm us once their command chain orders action.

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'Willful blindness" and perhaps "Intentional blindness."

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Hostile foriegners are not behind the border "invasion". The US government is funding the UN and NGOs to do this. They are doing it for their donors who want downward pressure on labor costs (Republicans and Democrats) and for votes (Democrats). For over 30 years, large majorities want our government to enforce immigration law on the Mexican border, as they do on the border with Canada. But our politicians do not do what the people want. They are destabilizing America on purpose. Focus on how donors like George Soros and banks and many others profit from instability and you will know what is going on.

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A third constituency, besides business owners who want lower labor costs and Democrats who want voters, may be certain churches, who want new parishioners to fill their empty pews.

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Well, filling church pews would be a positive thing, but this is an evil orchestration, so I don’t believe God is remotely in the plan.

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Yes, filling church pews is good, and yes, this whole orchestration of mass migration is evil. If God turns some of it into a positive, that would be a silver lining to a dark cloud.

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Interesting. That never crossed my mind, but it makes sense.

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Very interesting idea.

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Excellent narrative. Thank you.

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It could be "a border invasion," or it could be largely peaceful migrants. Or it could be both, a sea of migrants serving as a trojan horse and providing cover. There was a report (source I don't remember) about the number of known individuals of concern crossing the border, they had a tech name for it, and how that figure had dramatically increased in the last couple of years--which of course raises the question, if that number is being tracked, why hasn't it sparked a change in border policy.

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Fascinating commentary. It does not quite jive with Michael Yon’s on scene observations on the invasion. I wholeheartedly believe, regardless of who is being allowed to come here or their own personal reasons for doing so, the entire point of allowing it is more voters and wealth for the Democrat-dominated Uniparty. Everything our government does is a giant money-laundering op.

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I think our writer here, John Leake, should go the Darien Gap to meet the people crossing our borders. Of course, that's not Hawaii, Vienna, and Paris.

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I agree that we must be very skeptical of anything the government says. The assault on Pearl Harbor, as Ron Unz and others have researched and proved, was known ahead of time because we had broken the Japanese Naval code many months earlier. That's why our 3 carriers and 20 other ships of the line, all the newest and highest tech for that time, were out northeast of HI. But Roosevelt wanted to provoke a war to help Stalin, who he greatly admired and who had hundreds of spies in the U.S. government urging it. (We know this from the KGB files before Putin closed them).

As you point out, there have been numerous other examples of our government falsely claiming immediate danger from this or that group or country. The America First policies of the Founding Father's, which dictated that we stay out of other countries' affairs, and they, ours, is much needed.

Danny Huckabee

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This is correct.

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We didn't need the Soviet archives to know this. Robert Stinnett based on his own investigations, FOIAs, and many others investigations wrote this book with it all laid out. I highly recommend it.


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John Leake - you are unqualified to comment on this subject if you have not physically been at the AZ/Mexico border and/or the TX/Mexico border, investigating the REALITY of what you posit from your comfortable writing perch. You know not of what you speak.

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Yes, John needs to go to the Darien Gap jungle and talk to all the men 18-24 coming out of it. Ha ha.

Here, I actually thought John had finally written a good piece, but lo and behold, I reach the end, and he has written more

guesswork again. And, I might add, not patriotic.

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If you have not seen Tucker Carlson's interview with Bret Weinstein, I highly recommend it -- Weinstein is highly knowledgeable and quite thoughtful in his approach.


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Weinstein and Tucker still came to a lukewarm conclusion regarding what is going on. The UN and CCP are the military arm of the NWO one world government. The CCP has been folding their troops into the UN forces for decades. You can see the Southern Border chaos happening in all Western nations worldwide. It's a global coup de tat, and their military campaign is about to begin. https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=vEHbzNwlHeABKTKR&fbclid=IwAR2klNrk5Fg8TRlwAPiarflVDLFiBjGq-aNYFdEu66vfH0ZHJgSu684sHqg&v=cYfnZDT-ht4&feature=youtu.be

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I have some doubts about the “Darien Gap” scenario. Why on Earth would the government of Panama make them slog across the Gap when they could easily let them fly or sail into Panama City for a bit of baksheesh to the local honchos? Doesn’t add up.

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Sounds like a Hollywood movie set.

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John and all,

I thought the knowledge there is an open border crisis in every direction of mostly military age men from many countries has been settled TRUTH???

I have a bigger question for you John…

Are you part of the SOLUTIONS or part of the problem of America’s ills?

Nothing else matters in America unless SOLUTIONS start here…



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Watch the Tucker Carlson/Bret Weinstein interview about the Darian Gap and Chinese immigrants vs. the rest. Nobody comes or goes from China that the CCP doesn't know and approve such a move. This is planned out. We're being set up from the inside. Our government has sold us out.

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John, I just have to say it..... Regarding the INVASION of ILLEGALS into the USA, you seem to be wilfully ignorant! What is happening is highly organized and well funded by Leftist governments and one-world financial power brokers. Look around John! It is happening in countries throughout the west. YOU should be asking WHY? and looking for answers rather than denying it and/or making light of it (supporting it?). Furthermore, you admit to having little contact with those involved or those affected, so perhaps you should stick to things you know something about rather than foist your own form of propaganda on those of us that are paying attention and seem to know more about this issue that you.

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Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Gimme some coordinates and I’ll fly my plane over a few for a look-see. Has this info been turned over to County Sheriffs?

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I have tried to talk with all of the authorities in various US agencies and leadership positions. Sadly, this is much more complicated than I knew. No US agency does what their missions purport that they do. However, I've been writing articles to provide evidence of what is happening and I have a telegram channel where I post all of the research I am evaluating. Here is the link to my channel. https://t.me/healthfoodWEFtakeover. I have independently confirmed much of what this gentleman said over the last several months. I cannot attest that the shipping containers contained CCP troops or that Russian troops are here training. Everything else he said though, I had already confirmed prior to viewing his video. Here is a recent article I wrote that demonstrates that this is a UN invasion, and the fact that the CCP has been folding their military in with the UN peacekeeping troops for decades. https://sarahlawtonrn.substack.com/p/its-all-connected-series-the-un-troops

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The federal agencies are a waste of time.

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We are stupid if we do not now conclude that John is not worried about our border.

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"[N]ot an invasion of men who are hostile to the United States, but a migration of people seeking a better life" is a false dichotomy: Those things are not mutually exclusive at all. The search for a better life, in some sense, motivates nearly every human behavior so correlating it to a behavior is tantamount to tautology.

Those illegal aliens who attacked the two cops in Brooklyn were undoubtedly here for a better life, were they not? A place where they could commit violent crimes against even police officers with practical impunity? How about the ones who come here to turn cities into ethnic ghettoes like Ilhan Omar's 'New Somalia'? How about the ones just here to sponge off of government assistance and/or work in the illegal economy which undermines the American working class?

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