"The WHO is in Complete Control"

Not really... They are just a facade and are just as powerful as corrupt governments allow them to be.

In other words: WHO and what army?

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Question is, where's our army?

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when you've been emasculated to the degree we have been- that the candidate running is doing so TOTALLY outside the constructs of our constitution / one thing is 100% obvious to those fully awake: when love is the absence of boundary to the degree it now is? The only ones willing to be murdered are the ones too brainwashed to see the reality of the fact that there are soon to be no sovereignties. We are no longer one..

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One last breath is all we have left ..... 10th amendment needs to be fully understood and scrutinized to a point that people understand, there is no way out but to unite and fight for what is right....

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Just FYI,

I’ve read Pierre Kory’s book, AND; Robert Malone’s, Ed Dowd’s, Aaron Kheriaty’s,

Seamus Bruner-Schweiter’s, Peter McCulloughs’s, Rand Paul’s, Peter & Ginger Breggin’s, Konstantinos Kisin’s, Paul William’s (AND OF COURSE RFK ‘S book.)

I remember that it was the lab insertion of the Furin cleavage site into the spike protein’s code that made “THIS” strain of Corona virus (Cold virus cousin) able to infect humans and become more virulent.....( late 2019)

It is not clear to me exactly when or at what lab that FUNCTIONAL GAIN was added/inserted into the Corona virus.....Previous Gain of Function research had to have been done for its creation. We’d have to check FAUCI’s notes to find out, I guess…(he may have left that out tho)

…Before that time, the Furin cleavage site originally was not in any Corona viruses I believe ……,I’m not certain, if the Furin cleavage site was known about back in 2003 when the SARS-1 and MERS Virus break-outs in the Middle East occurred…. I believe there were “research” labs running there at that time…… At that time The vaccine (created for those break outs) failed…. It KILLED All the lab animals once they were challenged (infected) with the Corona virus ….This was due to the then discovered ENHANCED ANTIBODY PHENOMENA the VACCINE HAD INDUCED.......THIS was documented earlier than 2020 in the well known Bostonian published “UP TO DATE”, expensive, online textbook which is updated monthly and is used world wide as THE reference…. I subscribe……….I read about it then.

ie- IT was a Known fatal vaccine back in 2003 (by everybody !!!!!!...)

2. Just FYI....BTW…..

Re: Warp Speed Program:

The first patent for CORONA -virus vaccine was patented by Pfizer in 1990s..... So in 2020, it should have been called

“THE TIME TRAVEL” program..... ie-They already had made a vaccine in the past !!

Dr Del—- UCLA MED-‘79.

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Bottom line, the wealthy are bored and tired of our feeble amusement we offer them..... we are being liquidated... like any other asset can be liquidated, the beauty of it for them, it's people's own taxes & 401 k's facilitating said liquidation.... so how can one complain? They're getting the bang for our buck...

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your point is well taken unless one considers the rapid push toward totalitarianism that has ALREADY occurred with out a shot fired. But. Believe me. There will be shots fired soon enough and with the degree the government is intent on population control? Undermining the our ability to feed ourselves based on belief and freedom. Wake up.

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That power STILL doesn't come from the WHO but from the corrupt governments. It will end either with a nuclear blast, either with the collapse of the fiat currencies that enable private entities to accumulate more power than states' at some point, the financial Ponzi will collapse.

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WOW…Dr M, you’ve done it once more with this interview! I was surprised at your surprise at her information and look forward to how you will weave this into what you give the world in future videos. Her answer in the end was our personal power…and we know that is the Holy Spirit of the Living God!

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Thank you. Please share widely.

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THANKS for your diligence! Now / what to do. How to prepare. Most will simply comply. The emasculation is quite complete making all of this a rather easy coup to complete.

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exactly! one thing is certain. Those familiar with the prophetic implications will see this for the alarm siren it is. Peter was given and has read the Great Controversy. For sometime now my wife and I have thought that our civil breaking point would likely be aligned with the election. Seems to be coming to fruition.

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The WHO is a corporate entity, is it not?

A corporation or company or corporate entity is what’s also referred to as a Dead Legal Fiction, because it’s not a living breathing being.

It only exists on paper, which has no backing and no power, whatsoever. Its only power is the power we give it, much like all currencies throughout the world.

God created man and woman.

Man and woman created corporations.

Meaning, corporations have ZERO power of any of us.

God first, man and woman next, then corporations.

Not Corporations, man and women, then God.

Under Common Law or Gods Law, it is forbidden for man and woman (living beings), to contract with corporations.

It is a maxim of Law, and the current legal system is unlawful.

We are not all helpless here. What many of us are, is lazy, because if you take the time to research and understand the “system” in which we operate ourselves and our day to day lives, you’ll discover we’ve all be duped into believing what Governments and Corporations is gospel, when in actual fact, it’s all lies based on an illusion they’ve been selling us for centuries.

So when anyone in Government or the UN or the WEF or the WHO starts preaching about how we should be living our lives, for God’s sake (and I mean that literally), let them know the truth.

They yield and wield no power, whatsoever, and when we all stand and declare they have no power and can prove this in a court of law, then we’ll start to see the illusion crumble before our eyes which will pave the way to an extraordinary life of living we never thought possible.

Remember, it’s only impossible until it’s done, because impossible means nothing.

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Except you must not underestimate the collective stupidity of the masses, not to mention the total corruption of most legal systems throughout the world.

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Tony, does my comment imply I’m underestimating the collective stupidity of the masses?

Those are your words, not mine.

To label nearly everyone as inherently stupid is unkind, and unjust.

Their infliction is cognitive dissonance, of which we all suffer from, from time to time, so get a little compassion and lighten up, please.

To me, it sounds like you underestimate mankind through your own cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias because the masses have been made to look like fools, but I assert to you, they’re not.

Furthermore, we’ll need their support when the chips are down so I’m not prepared to condemn anyone, just because I don’t see the world like they do.

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which totally underlines this as a CONTINUING moral undermining and a push towards totalitarianism due to the reliance of people on government rather than God.

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Gary, I’m of the knowing we are ALL God.

When folks start to realise we are the people we’ve been waiting for, and not some great heavenly father in the sky, then we’ll start to overcome our lazy thinking and feeling that got us into our current predicament in the first place.

We are ALL responsible and accountable for the mess we’re in because we tolerated politicians and their lies and deceit over the past 100 years with our lethargy.

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I will not comply! Regardless of who or WHO.

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and many of us agree. and many will already be reliant on God for sustenance and? many( most) will not.

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the WHO can go f themselves....

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Let’s see now, the UN and the Pentagon two very big buildings, built about the same era, conceived by the haves to really control all the have nots. Add some off shoots here and there like the ICC, World Bank and the WHO you are talking big time control. You have the US tax payer to fund enforcement, the Zionists in the State Department to sanction the miscreants, and WHO to coordinate the pandemics and vaccines that act as the hand cuffs to close the lid on any lingering dissent. It takes a lot of work to herd 8.5 billion sheep.

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which is why the goal is to whittle down the number. C19 was just a very tiny bite. They are in process of creating a much bigger mouthful next time. The Courage to Face C19 was a wake up call by a very diligent team.

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Hugely important interview/disclosure.


I will not comply.

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Here is the biggie, biggie backstory, re the WHO takeover, as elicited by Reiner Fuellmich, who is now in the pokey for his troubles:


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Wondering if Dr. Meryl Nass has watched this.

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