Matthew 18:6: (New International Version)

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."

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One of the best things Bill Maher has ever said: If kids knew what they wanted to be at age eight, the world would be filled with cowboys and princesses. I wanted to be a pirate. Thank God nobody took me seriously and scheduled me for eye removal and peg leg surgery.”

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Ha! That was an excellent observation on Maher’s part!

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I wanted to be a fireman.

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Read a book

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Go troll somewhere else.

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Feb 26, 2023·edited Feb 26, 2023

their children WILL leave them to die in assisted living homes that smell like piss. Because ppl who parent this way are definately NOT spending intimate time guiding and getting to know their children (relationship), they are simply objects to own and manipulate. It is a known fact that childrens' Prefrontal Cortex (their ability to make rational decisions and self-regulate emotions properly) can take until age 25 to fully develop! Honestly, I think it can be age 30 for some who've had to overcome extreme emotional issues. I'm 60 and mine is just coming around the final stretch praise God!

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Ditto. Such is the psyop from which we have escaped.🙏🏽

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You are ignorant. I think it’s child abuse to teach children about hell.

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? There is no religious component to not wanting children mutilated in a decision they can't possibly make before reaching reproductive maturity, which for me happened at the age of 27.

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A British author several years ago made the point far more eloquently than I: it turns out that living in a peaceful civil society confers upon us the coddled view that the moral code was intrinsic to us at birth. Far from it, and a read of Solscenhitcszyn’s Gulag Archipelago, or even the Milliken Experiment helps dispel such a lie. There is a source of our moral code of such ideas as justice, fairness, law and principles of sharing and truth. And it isn’t birth. And it isn’t found in materialistic notions, and it isn’t of this world, despite its beauty and wretched evil state. At some point a child needs to understand that source, and go forthrightly in the world and find his courage to uphold truth and fight evil. And to do that, he must acknowledge it, not be coddled away from it.

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Thoughtful and thought provoking post. Having raised three children to adulthood, needing at times to intentionally instil the moral code, I can agree that it doesn't naturally unfold in even development from birth in all children.

And yet I'd argue that the natural protection of a child lies outside the code. No-one taught me how to be a raging mother-bear protector. There was nothing about that in the codes. There was a thing I knew at 27 that I certainly didn't know at 12, 13, 15 (where the most damaging decisions were made for this poor child). I was pregnant and/or breastfeeding for 12 years and I know the incredible closeness and joy this girl has been deprived of by butchers. I don't believe anything in a code led to my feelings of outrage.

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Your feeling of rage is of course justified; acting on it potentially violently you thankfully have the cerebral cortex with which to intervene.

Im merely suggesting that its helpful to be careful not to conflate instinct with morality, which is a far higher function.

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I disagree. Instinctual, natural maternal protection is the ultimate.

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Lizards, reptilians, have no brain part for compassion. Nor the necessary wit to smell an evil lie that leads to accepting a death jab without a shred of informed consent. It’s Darwinian what’s been done to humanity. He was, of course, no hero except to closeminded biologists. I used to be one of them.

There is a hell of our own making which we may choose not to engage in; a child learns to think critically as a sovereign individual and can take the high road vs the one of blame, lawlessness, irresponsibility and, ultimately, shame and personal failure. Hell. To know it is to lose the fear of it. 🙏🏽

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023

who is advocating the teaching of Hell to children in this post?

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Becoming Nicole: The inspiring story of transgender actor-activist Nicole Maines and her extraordinary family https://a.co/d/ddTORVO

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NOT at all "inspiring." Rather a clinical case in Abnormal Psychology.

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“A study released this month shows that the use of cross-sex hormones among gender-confused individuals leads to ‘substantially increased risk’ of serious cardiac issues, including heart attacks and strokes.”


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She is a beauty at 25 or so. Nobody can forecast her future.

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We need to have intense and meaningful initiation rites for our young. Heightened states of consciousness, or death enactments. Or weeklong fasts in nature and trance states. All overseen by loving concerned adults. Actually physically changing and adolescents gender is abuse to the extreme. Modern society has gone bat shit insane.

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We need fathers to help initiate boys into manhood.

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Feb 26, 2023·edited Feb 26, 2023

did not get it as a child, but did through a mens counseling group at age 35, many fatherless men, addicts of all sorts (sex/porn mostly but some drug/alc) and the majority of the group had 'same sex attraction' most of them married with children. A joyous and magical time in my life when I learned to trust God/others and found truth and faith in God. Men who are attracted to men are looking for intimacy, not sex. Little boys who are attracted to other boys are looking for friendship, not sex. But if they were not socialized well they do not know what the hell is going on, especially the ones who were used and sexualized.

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Very interesting comment. The only explanation, that ever stood up to scrutiny, for men becoming homosexual, is the absent or rejecting father coupled with a smothering/compensating mother. I've observed this in some friends and relatives. Some injury or lack of love inflicted on a young boy or girl can dispose them to confuse sex with love from those of the same sex later in life.

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We do. Bar Mitzvah. Catholics used to have Confirmation. But that has been morphed into an indoctrination in "social justice" so is no longer relevant except with Latin Mass Catholics of whom I wholeheartedly approve.

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My grandson is currently preparing for Confirmation in 8th grade. My husband is his sponsor and attends all the preparation classes. He would not suffer any social justice nonsense and there hasn’t been any. Thank God.

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VERY pleased to hear this, Agnes. May I respectfully ask what diocese and state this is in, if you don't mind?

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Kalamazoo, MI diocese

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Thank you!

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Catholics still have the rite of confirmation. And not just Latin Mass types. We also have the sacrament of Confession and it's a life saver.

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Yes, thank you, Zade, I do know that a version currently exists in the Catholic Church. But it is a poor shadow of the solemnity, with accompanying advance education received, when I made my own Confirmation in 7th grade parochial school.

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I just learned that a priest that I confessed to repeatedly, DOES NOT believe in God. The Catholic church is in huge trouble, but I had not realized that the evil ran so deep

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When I attended one-on-one conversion classes with a priest as a young boy in preparation to convert from a closely related denomination to Catholic the priest dropped his hand on my inner thigh. I ran out and never returned. The evil runs deeper than you realize. There was every indication that the pedophile priest I encountered did believe in God.

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Was shaken to read that. Very sorry that happened. Horrific. Did you tell your mother?

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I had no mother. I found her dead after she asphyxiated in a house fire when I was three years old.

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Very sorry that happened to you, Deborah. You suffered a betrayal by someone who misrepresented himself. It seems we must be as careful now in choosing a confessor as we have learned to be in selecting a doctor. Now I never trust a doctor without an enthusiastic recommendation from someone I trust who trusts that doctor. Same with a priest these days.

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Have you talked to his pastor? Or communicated this to your bishop?

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This was my thought as I read this. Most initiation rites are missing. Some cultures' rites were dangerous, but the young person was prepared for them by training and culture. And when life is dangerous, that is not a bad thing.

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Feb 26, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023

I watched the whole 2-hour video. This is a devastating story. Listening to Jordan Peterson discuss what should have happened in therapy with Chloe Cole and explain to this young woman that what happened to her during puberty was on the spectrum of what would be considered normal was heartbreaking. Terrible medical and therapeutic woke policy based on an ideology full of lies - not actual medicine - is decimating young people and their families. Chloe's story needs to be shown to any child/teen being coaxed down the transgender path. And the participating medical professionals need to be prosecuted. This story makes me feel ill.

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Although I was a tomboy growing up and still kind of am, I used to wish I was a boy sometimes only so I wouldn't have to put up with the psychological sexual abuse of someone in my family anymore. Thank God this insanity wasn't around back then or I would've been a perfect target for these evil people.

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Also, except for not having listened to the podcast, I could written what you wrote, right down to the Stephen King novels in the 80s.

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Becoming Nicole: The inspiring story of transgender actor-activist Nicole Maines and her extraordinary family https://a.co/d/ddTORVO

Your experience is not everyone’s experience.

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“A study released this month shows that the use of cross-sex hormones among gender-confused individuals leads to ‘substantially increased risk’ of serious cardiac issues, including heart attacks and strokes.”


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That was an excellent, heart-wrenching interview--thank you for posting it! Jordan Peterson is a benevolent, intelligent man, and a shining example of the ideal psychotherapist. Imagine how much better-balanced our society would be, if all our troubles were so well-listened to, examined and teased out for their causes and possible practical solutions. And Chloe--my heart aches for her and the betrayals she has suffered. I hope she finds excellent doctors to help heal her body and her mind.

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There will indeed be a shortage of millstones one day soon.

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Let’s go into production. Then put them to good use and watch the seas rise!

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All involved should be indicted for child abuse - parents, doctors, counselors. This mutilation is ongoing and needs to be stopped.

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Dr. McCullough has hit on the root of the problem here. Thank you, Dr. McCullough for cutting through all the confusion to the basic problem.

I feel like I’m living in a Twilight Zone episode.

Good comments, everyone.

Time for an Awakening.

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one point that I have not heard enough people bring up is the fact that we are now well into the second generation of people who have been exposed to a virtual toxic soup of endocrine-disrupting chemicals. we KNOW that these chemicals can alter secondary sexual characteristics, in both animal studies AND human ones.

by all means we need to be compassionate towards anyone having difficulties (especially children!) but the people who are questioning this surgical altering of young people are not automatically horrible homophobes who deny the very real existence of people (and right to exist) of those that are not heterosexual.

are we REALLY doing these young people any favors by NOT studying what might just be a MEDICAL situation due to extreme toxic exposure? are we horrible bigots by even asking the question?

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Yes. And the Israelis studied the sperm of vaccinated men, and found a lower sperm count and reduced motility.

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This is parents not taking care of their kids. It’s a horrible thing that must be stopped now.

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Although parents' absence does lead to kids succumbing to societal pressures, in many "trans" cases, it's the schools that are actively transitioning kids behind their parents' backs, accusing the parents of abuse when the parents object to the indoctrination, re-gendering and re-naming of their child, and other "social transitioning" violations they're committing. Pediatricians, endocrinologists and child psychologists (not to mention, Planned Parenthood) are all onboard with the trans agenda, because in many states, "Affirmation" is law. (What the child/young adult says they are, is required by law to be affirmed.) In some places, CPS is stepping in and removing the kids from the home so that they can "transition." Many loving, conscientious parents are living this nightmare of their child being basically kidnapped by this ideology, and feel trapped by the woke establishment. The parents' stories are on the PITT Substack (Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans), and are worth checking out, for a clearer picture of how this war is being waged against our children and families.

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How can anyone want to have children now ?

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I've wondered the same. It's deeply saddening--over the decades, I've seen the rising cases of serious autism, multiple psych meds being pushed on kids, and now the trans agenda, the sexualization of children, the insane number of shots on the childhood vaxx schedule, fentanyl, opiods, etc...With all the hateful talk of "too many people in the world," you have to wonder if the philanthropaths want us to not want kids, or not be able to have them. It's all so inhumane.

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Yes, joe, imagine blissfully looking forward to having a successful pregnancy( unlikely), raising a young child only to discover he/she is actually an “it” belonging to the state. And the realization that unintentionally your child turned your blissful joyful life into a nightmare.

Having a child means being ready to protect that child, and the coddled parents aren’t equipped to do so. Certainly not against the leviathan monster we call government nor the psyop they put us all through.

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Many thanks for sharing this Linda! I have read and downloaded several posts and will be sharing with hundreds. Such disturbing stories. Thank you and God bless.

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I remember about 15 years ago, my niece wanted to get a spike piercing through her ear in Myrtle Beach, SC. She had to have permission from her mother to get it, as she was under 16 years old. I really think you should have to be at least 18 years old to make gender changes.

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I sincerely hope her mother said NO.

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I’ve always thought parenting should be licensed. Lesson One: You are the adults in the room. Child centered families are horror shows.

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That's called eugenics/dysgenics. No different than forced sterilization.

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All roads lead to depopulation -- ideologies of Jabs, Climate Change, Transgenderism, Hollywood’s obsession with post-apocalyptic movies & shows, “reproductive rights”, etc.

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Chloe at the age of 18 has the insight of a 40 year old. I honor her sharing her truth so openly and honest to give others who are on the path the guidance and awareness she didn’t have at the time. I also honor her courage to fight the medical system so they can’t deceive more kids. Thank you for courageously putting yourself out there for others.

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