I don't know if the left is aware they have become a pro-pedo, pro-war, anti-speech, hysteric mob of clowns, but someone better than me should tell them. I was registered D for 16 years, but you know what they say, "stay at the party too long and people get weird."

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They absolutely do not know. I was absolutely in that camp 3 years ago...all my family & friends still there. As a critical thinker I broke free

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they do not want to know and refuse any efforts to wake them up, thus it is willful

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Totally agree. I was a brainwashed democrat for more than 20 years. A tense political relationship with my dad who was a staunch republican. I wish I could tell him now that on the most part he was right. Both parties are corrupt and they've rigged the elections so an independent cannot win as independents are not allowed on the ballot in some states.

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totally accurate, though at this moment, there are many patriotic Pubs, who are and have spoken the truth. The same cannot be said for whatever the Democrats have devolved into.

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Many of us are cautiously hopeful seeing this...

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It's almost like some strange Sci-Fi invasion of what was once the normal towns folk were secretly mind programed. Oh wait... that is what happened. Never mind......

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You are exactly right, and countless have come to the exact same conclusion.

Others are currently exploring the great error of equivalency. Not only has the party gone totally sideways but they are currently mentally ill and insane to support these crimes.

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It’s an outstanding film, which treats the topic in a very sensitive manner. Anyone who claims this is a “conspiracy theory” or qanon should probably be considered a pedophile or an enabler, and be treated as such.

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These are the same people that shrug when you mention Bill Clinton's very close relationship with Epstein and Maxwell.

If you can ignore that, you can mock this.

There is a real cult mindset at play these days. Something about Trump and then covid and then Trump again broke the brains of a large swath of this country, more than one could fit in a basket.

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It is the restraining power of the Holy Spirit being withdrawn that kept some semblance of sanity existent for awhile. But now, in place of that restraining power, most people are being taken over by evil more and more. That is what has "broke(n) the(ir) brains". We haven't seen anything yet, for it is only going to get worse and worse; and, when the bottom is intentionally taken completely out from under us soon, all hell on earth is going to break loose as never before. So, don't be surprised by anything, and be prepared if you can.

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And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, (Romans 1:28, NASB)

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The Vatican has been taken over, hijacked sort to speak by the enemy but the real church is us, the ones who can see, our first Pope Simon Peter who was chose for our Lord to continue His ministry on Earth is in Spirit and working probably to expose everything to the light and the house would be reunited and all the Christians we will be one day all together again! We need to be all saints, that is our calling, be like Him. -Be as the Father who is perfect- “ Lord that is impossible for humans “ and Jesus answers - for humans it is but for God nothing is impossible “.

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Jul 11, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023

The Vatican and the RCC weren't hijacked! That's ridiculous! The RCC is the most evil, vile CULT of counterfeit "Christianity" on the face of the Earth, and always has been! That's what the globalists want, "to bring everyone together" in a One World Order religion, as well as government! They want us all joined together under Evil, brought together to be mass-slaughtered in their concentration camps, and on the way, in and/or on the internment train cars and flatbed cars holding guillotines made in Japan (or China for Japan?), to lower the population by most of us, leaving only the globalists and their slaves, or only about 300 to 500 million people!

Revelation 18:4 paraphrased: Come out of the Roman Catholic Church and apostate "Protestantism", and be completely separate from ALL such evil!

Please don't defend the evil Catholic Church and the Vatican ANY MORE!

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unfortunately you are right, and its world view shattering for loyalists to consider

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The dumptruck of demorables.

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Jul 18, 2023·edited Jul 18, 2023

Then again, and I hope and pray I'm wrong, perhaps most people won't freak out when the bottom falls out completely, because they've been so prepared for accepting it, that they will either continue to survive somehow, without going mad, and will just adjust to it as best they can; or, they won't survive. Or, they'll just accept all the mass-insanity until the PTB come for them next, to cull them. It's going to be very "interesting", that's for sure. We will certainly soon-see what happens. Whichever way it goes, it won't be pretty.

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Exactly. Anyone refusing to help children have their voice heard should be cancelled and assumed to be a predator of some sort unless proven otherwise. No excuse for it.

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From your pen to The Rolling Stone

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a fantastic, powerful film. I saw it yesterday @ Cinemark, Austin, TX. Sold out theater!

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Same, saw it yesterday in small town Kerrville TX- sold out theatre. Was so inspired seeing so many people there

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Here in Hawaii, at first it was offered only at two of the worst possible times. 11:55 am where I purchased the last seat available, and 3:10PM on a few days only. Since even at those horrible offerings they were sold out, now they have the 5 showings a day and several at prime times. Let the truth continue to be exposed. It's the gubmint profitting and a vile list of facilitators.

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Jul 11, 2023·edited Jul 11, 2023

The big movement to sexualize children can be seen in films like "Cuties" or Drag Queen reading hour, or gender discussions with prepubescent children, and sex ed classes that go way beyond the simple biological facts. You can see it with legislation that seeks to downplay adult-minor relations, and parents taking their children to events that are explicitly sexual in nature. When did this all become OK? How did it? Multigenerational debasement of morals and values through popular culture is the answer. Each generation stripped of moral fiber until the day comes where it is not just fine to cut off the breasts of a 15 year old girl because she thinks she is a boy, you are monster for for saying otherwise, or how about this? How about biological males breast feeding newborn infants? How did that happen? Cultural deviancy through the generations will break that cycle of "hard times make strong men" because this group ain't making it.

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Because of flooding here in Vermont I evacuated to an elementary school in a nearby town. As I walked about the halls I saw a poster on the school counselor's door. It stated all things important for children....#3 was " we honor LGBTQ+". So I ask you....WHY would children 5-12 years old have exposure to adult sexual behavior?? Beyond disgusted with this.

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They “honor” the alphabet people??? I’d have an issue with the word honor. Really really overstepping a boundary.

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Right, and also those reference sexual behavior....WHY would you speak to children about this?

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the alphabet people just want to be people; adults trying to find another adult to interact with, just like you. mostly.

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Excellent. Totally with you on that. Puzzled by the choice of ‘honored’. Honored for just getting on with life and doing what people do. Who else feels they need to be honored for just living life.

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Woketards who love small farms and organic food. Just spoke to a highly aware person this morning in the capital city near serious flooding. The 40 plus peeps ain't having the wokeness. It's the virtue signally young adults that are going for the insanity.

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It all summarized to only one word EUGENICS, the idea that some humans are superior to others and those who are superior have privileges and the right to ruled over the others and the curiously enough type ones who are in power are the superior ones. Margaret Sanger follower of the American eugenic movement and founder of what we now know as Planned Parenthood, a name that is a mockery but real the only difference is that the parents are not the ones who are planning anything, but anyway, all is connected , euthanasia, sterilization as M&G foundation did in Africa, all is part of the reduction of population , most known under the name population control. Nothing new under the sun.

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did you not forget communism and communism light called socialism?

the list you mention are the same strategies used over and over toward commie land

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There have always been good and bad times, but it stands to discussion if anything remotely outrageously perverse has happened globally anytime before.

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Globally, no, but Frank Wright does a good job outlining the initial phase of this oddness.


This is not new in human history, but given the global state of things, the consequences are exponentially extreme.

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Indeed, it feels like some kind of death cult Manson family has overturned the whole world with most people in the western world not even noticing, as they are too busy learning BS rules of compliance, gender mainstreaming and political correctness, in order to further their careers.

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As James Lindsay has pointed out, "your tolerance is being used against you."

Time for people to wake up, but they are too afraid of being socially castrated.

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Unfortunately the majority of well situated people is not even aware of the madness, as the media are full of BS for many, many years now. They have learned to ignore everything that might disturb them a least bit, nothing does mean anything. The mainstream mentality has been de facto programmed to relativize any grievance and to deeply believe in institutional authority - they do not have anything left to believe in, it seems, so they rather continue to believe in obviously bad intentioned perpetrators and lunatics of the worst kind.

ChatGPT actually seems to model the mainstream intellectual mind quite faithfully in just replicating statistically significant published news.

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Absolutely. Just returned from a family reunion that resembles your comment to a tee. Still processing it.

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The owners of USA want the current occupants out, but you can leave your children and nubile's in place;

Deagle Report calls for 90% of USA seniors to die for lack of medical care, once again people die for inability to afford healthcare;


The plan has always been the same post reset;

Burn down the USA via civil war, and make a new USA that owned by CHINA&SAUDI

Where whites are kept in cages to be fucked by rich holiday tourists at Nevada style human reservations;


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I agree with the spirit of your comment but I would phrase it differently. One, I dont give too much credence to the Deagle report as proof of anything. Corbett did a good job looking into what that group actually is.

However, that doesn't mean its wrong.

There is plenty of evidence depop is a plan, from the Kissinger memos to the Committee of 300 and the limits to growth and the very clear attack on modern life through carbon fear today and the fate of the economic system... yes, it is all there.

But when we look at governments and nations, I just don't see them as independent actors, the ceiling of power. As I commented in another forum earlier, governments are costumes worn by real power.

So, to think of China or Saudia Arabia as these entities challenging America, imo, is only half correct. All countries are puppets of the invisible hands and they are marching us around the global stage into a new system.

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CORBETT is ZOG, so of course he will diss the deagel

Note JC deagel was Rockefellers chief planner for New World Order, written for Hitler in early 1940's

Post NSA, Deagel Report became a SITREP; Over the years as shown in NSA/CIA files by leaker SNOWDEN many references of CIA to Deagel-Report; I have always in past +30 years of following the deagel-report compared it to JANES, a must read for defense experts.

WHO gives a fuck what a cuck like ZOG owned Corbett report says about JC Deagel

If your on TV and have a show your ZOG owned, if your using that as your source, then you are a certified imbecile;

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Interesting, have you written on this? I would like to read more.

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Like I said, if you want to do real research on real ‘deagel report’ then you need to search the snowden papers NSA-dump where they reference the real deagel documents

What happened in recent years post 1990’s is that too many people started following ‘deagle’ and talking about its 90% population reduct for USA, well now its 70%

So lots of clone sites were created deagle.com, deagel.com, deagle-report.com who the fuck knows, then they attributed the report to dog-catchers and people with the same name

This Edwin Deagel - Jr who works for Rockefeller Foundation recently, may very well be related to JC Deagel the big-guy

Recall that ‘deagel report’ the name is to honor JC-Deagel Rockefellers 1940’s chief-planner, and the guy who wrote the NWO for Hitler and later the plans got transferred to USA, by OPERATION-PAPERCLIP(HOMO) nazis that came to USA to birth NSA, CIA, NASA, WHO, UN, and all Rockefeller NYC operations.

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I have written much on this on 'jimychanga' site, I even wrote a poem for him, tattoo this on your ass

''''There is Deagle, Deagel an Beagle

There is only one JC Deagel who ran Rockefellers planning OP from 1940’s.

To which Deagel report is honored.'''

WRT to the 'beagles' recall that Fauci murdered 1,000's of puppys with sand-flea experiments where they were caged and had their vocal cords cut and the eyes and face eaten off

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R U a bot? If you were human you would have already clicked on my handle, and seen that I have written dozens of articles about deagel-report, and NWO; But like all things most of the topical stuff is in the comments;


Years ago stuff on Deagel Report was easy to find, but most of it has been scrubbed very well today, as all know per PUTIN "GOOGLE is NSA" and they don't like their laundry public;

Most what I write about on Deagel is by memory, having followed MIL stuff forever.


About the only way you can research now is 'personal AI' on your home computer, where the AI if you ask it good questions, it can give you real answers, but not the chatGPT stuff by open-ai(CIA), or google/microsoft(NSA), you have to get a hand-rolled trained AI, huffinggame.co is a good start; This seems to be the only way today to research as the entire 'google search' is now scrubbed of stuff they don't want you to know;

I wrote six articles on how to roll your own AI;


Probably the best AI engine is the 4chan data, because its 100% conspiracy theory, which makes it 90% true, while the internet and MSM is 60% bullshit, and open-AI is trained on twitter&facebook which is 90% idiocy.


Studying Deagel Report requires going into old Rockefeller Foundation archives back to the 1920's to the 1950's and later, and that requires that you live near Harvard and have historical library access,

I think its enough to know that Rockefeller (big-oil/big-med/london bankers) paid for the NWO plan, they brought Hitler, Mao, & Stalin to power, and if you don't know that, then you need to go back to education 101, and ask question in 10 years;

A good start of a red-pill to black-pill education is to read all 12 of Carroll Quigleys books ( chief historian of CIA, died 1984 )

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Insane that loyal Democrats tend to look the other way. Wow, truly they are unfit to raise children. No more excuses. No more get out of jail free passes!

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It's way past time for ALL these crimes to be in the spotlight, along with those who are involved in committing and enabling them. We know who these people are. And now even MORE of those who are complicit in these crimes will be exposed. Just watch and listen to see who stays silent about these crimes, who mocks them as disinformation, and who denies these crimes exist or trashes the movie. It's not hard to figure out who is on the side of saving God's children. Thank you Dr. McCullough for all you do for truth and awareness in the health sector; and kudos to you for your courage in being a voice against these heinous, inconceivable crimes and debauchery. Silence is consent.

Another good commentary about these crimes.👇


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I loved the movie (and personally was very relieved that it didn’t actually show any disturbing scenes to give me nightmares).

Later, I was browsing “documentaries” on Amazon Prime and found the free (for Prime members) 2018 documentary (rated 5 stars!) titled “Operation Toussaint” which is ALL about Tim Ballard and pretty much everything that was covered in “Sound of Freedom.” It helped me understand a lot more about the movie and all that was shown in it.

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The film is very mild actually. Doesn't even touch upon Epstein's list or the small but powerful cabal that enables and sponsors the entire industry. I hope the sequel goes scorched earth.

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Prob best for an introduction. The open truth will break too many brains, too much too fast.

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Guardian and, Rolling Stone, are in the same club.

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RS spent decades peddling counter culture examples to youth. In retrospect, they have always been a part of the machine.

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I watched on the 4 th, it is a very hard subject but it has been made with tact and not low blows, very good made film. People left in standing applause after Caviezel message. And I am a supporter of that organization, now, the main market of that horrors are Americans , it is hard to accept that and I understand but the truth always have to come up in order to make something about it. Another thing that is starting to worry me, after watching a video of a Dutch banker who repented after he was invited to a child sacrifice ceremony ( yes, those exist too) in order to have more power more that he already had because they were manipulating the economy of various countries in Europe as Soros did in England ( that’s because I don’t believe in the free market), so this repented “ human “ at the end of the interview he practically propose a “ centralized global power” to fight against human traffic, and the Elon Musk offer also to help and now all of the sudden we are talking about this, im afraid this is like the Epstein plot, a lot of noise, to cover all the other stuff, Maxwell went to jail, and everything is forgotten, Epstein free with a new face in Argentina and still we don’t know who were the high profile “ clients “. Precaution is at order, nothing is what it looks.

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Jul 11, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023

You just reminded me that the widespread serial sex offenders, traffickers, predators and groomers are now also kidnapping children, killing them for their organs, and using their dead bodies and blood to make an "anti-aging serum", Adrenochrome (murder children for youth), that the globalists use. This is how extremely bad and evil things have become. It was long going on in secret for hundreds of years, including in the Vatican, but now it is coming out of the closet, and beginning to venture out for "acceptance". Please return sooner than soon, Lord Jesus the Christ!

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Yes, thank you.

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It's way past time for ALL these crimes to be in the spotlight, along with those who are involved in committing and enabling them. We know who these people are. And now even MORE of those who are complicit in these crimes will be exposed. Just watch and listen to see who stays silent about these crimes, who mocks them as disinformation, and who denies these crimes exist or trashes the movie. It's not hard to figure out who is on the side of saving God's children. Thank you Dr. McCullough for all you do for truth and awareness in the health sector; and kudos to you for your courage in being a voice against these heinous, inconceivable crimes and debauchery. Silence is consent.

Another good commentary about these crimes.👇


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Thank you very much for showing this, but things are much worse than this video, as terrible as it is. When Jim C. says that three letter organization are involved he isn't kidding. Check out "Trance Formation of America" by Cathy O'brien an MK Ultra sex slave or this interview at Dr. Ana Mihalceam website


Also check out the long and sordid history of NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) and the Democrat party. Also note One Nation under Blackmail by Whitney Webb and how this disgusting sex trade creates ways to totally pervert our government and our society.

Finally, on a personnel note, fifty years ago I was talking to a Catholic priest I met at a party who was dating several female parishioners (yes it was weird) but what he told me was even more disgusting. He said that certain Catholic seminaries were being taken over by gay pedophiles because it provided perfect cover for unmarried gay men to be around young boys. No one questioned why they were unmarried, it gave them perfect one on one access to young boys, particularly troubled young boys, and great cover with "who would believe the disturbed boys" if they a priest, "a man of god", got caught. This priest also said the church hierarchy was fully aware of this but was so desperate for new priests, they looked the other way. It was so fantastic, I didn't believe him at the time. Tragically church actions since then supported that perfectly. And they still are.

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We saw the movie this afternoon. Shame on our government for allowing open borders which make it easy for child traffickers. Our agencies and institutions have lost their way. The CDC is encouraging men to chest feed to the detriment of babies, the NEA wants more time and money dedicated to queer theory for students and teachers, and medical doctors and therapists are encouraging children to chop off healthy underdeveloped body parts. I can’t understand how even a tiny percentage of our population can support this insanity. Our daughter quit her teaching job to homeschool her children. She’s not willing to let a rogue teacher groom or influence her children!

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Jul 11, 2023·edited Jul 11, 2023

Hey, Brother John, how come no mention whatsoever of the globalists involvement in child sex trafficking, and their literally having put out literature saying that children should be exposed to sex (with adults and/or other young children) at a very young? I forget where (probably in a GlobalResearch.ca article), but I saw a video recently that the globalists produced, in which a woman talks to a very young girl about masterbation. The globalists tentacles are deeply involved in child sex trafficking, and so is the U.S. government, and they long have been (having brought child prostitute boys into the White House back in the Reagan years (1980s), and they fly them into Satanic events at Bohemian Grove, and have for decades. [That is the place depicted, though not named, in the "al CIAduh(!)" propaganda, mainstream "entertainment" movie, The Good Shepherd (though they don't show anything but adult consensual sex between a man and a woman going on there).]

The "great" Harvey Milk, assassinated mayor of San Francisco (S.F.), was a gay pedophile who picked up underage homeless boys and brought them home, and now he has streets in almost every U.S. city named after him as if he's some "hero". Most Americans have no idea how widespread this entire depravity is, and how deep it goes. Soon they'll be grabbing children off the street, or out of their homes, right in front of their parents and/or others (perhaps killing the latter in the process), if it isn't already happening and we don't hear much about it on national "news". I grew up in S.F., and was molested by a male high school teacher, but it's not only happening in S.F., it's happening all over the country and the world, and it is getting increasingly widespread and out in the open. Look at pedophile-"Can't-(a)Bide(n)-him" masterbating under his robe on camera, in public. He was likely looking at a child in the audience while he was doing that.

As I've long been saying (for at least twenty years), the world is going more and more mass-insane on an express train to hell on earth. If this doesn't get people to believe in God, nothing will. (What are we doing anyway, allowing a demented Alzheimer's patient continue to remain president, and/or how can we possibly let him run for reelection?---You know what, it just hit me, perhaps JFK, Jr. is banking on Biden being found incompetent under the Constitution; maybe he himself will even seek to have such constitutional proceedings initiated; I believe he's got something up his sleeve.) Anyway, I've also been saying for awhile that "acceptance" of pedophilia would be next after homosexuality and transgenderism became "accepted". You watch, if we don't stop the globalists, and stop U.S. sovereignty from being done away with, pedophilia will come out of the closet, and seek recognition and acceptance, even seeking "rights" recognizing it, as homosexuals did.

"...Even so, (return quickly), Lord Jesus (the Christ)...", and put a complete stop to all this madness! [Revelation 22:20; clarification(s), emphasis and/or paraphrasing provided by me.]

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Thanks for the information. They are taking kids from parents routinely through child protection services. Nancy Scheafer exposed this over a decade ago and as so many people are involved and profiting off it, no one will talk about it. Literally babies taken from loving mothers with made up lies just to sell them to abusers. It's sick

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"Are they simply brainwashed morons, or are they also afflicted with a dreadful moral blindspot?"

With all due respect, John Leake, it seems you have missed the obvious third possibility or do you just not want to say.

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