I showed this to my history class a few weeks ago. It gave them a starkly realistic picture of war but they were also struck by how civilians reacted upon their return. No one wanted to hear about it. Even parents. Then at home we watched All Quiet on the Western Front. The horror was overwhelming. It shook me to the core.

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"No one wanted to hear about it." Sounds a lot like the treatment the vaccine-injured are getting.

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( at ) VigilantFox


posted February 17, 2023


DR. RHETT BERGERON: I think Americans in the world are waking up on some level. But ultimately there is a spiritual eyesight. And so from the Judeo-Christian faith, you have to be spiritually alive, God's spirit and His Word have to live in your soul for you to even see these things.

MALE VOICE: Yes that's right.

DR. PETER MCCULLOUGH: You know it's been said, it's been written that there'll be eyes to see, ears to hear and others will have scales over their eyes. And I never really understood what that meant until the last three years. And it's clear people have scales over their eyes, that they can't see the same things that we can see. And yet others can. And it appears as if the proportions are not equal. There's a small number of people who see things clearly and a large number of people who simply can't see this to the point where they couldn't see the neglect of friends, family members, patients as being harmful in the context of the acute infection and they themselves cannot see the harm of the vaccines and the complications of the vaccines, and they reach for almost any other explanation outside of the vaccine. And when we interact with people one of the key diagnostic criteria I think for someone who has scales over their eyes is they quickly will answer, I don't want to talk about it.



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Dr. McCullough has given the best explanation here. Dear Lord. Remove the scales from their eyes. Truly a spiritual war.

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It really spoke to me also.

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If read read the Bible, it repeatedly discusses the small number of people who “have ears to hear and eyes to see.”

Matthew 7:13-14:

13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Matthew 13:

The Parable of the Sower

13 That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the lake. 2 Such large crowds gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat in it, while all the people stood on the shore. 3 Then he told them many things in parables, saying: “A farmer went out to sow his seed. 4 As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. 5 Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. 6 But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. 7 Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. 8 Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. 9 Whoever has ears, let them hear.”

10 The disciples came to him and asked, “Why do you speak to the people in parables?”

11 He replied, “Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. 12 Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. 13 This is why I speak to them in parables:

“Though seeing, they do not see;

though hearing, they do not hear or understand.

14 In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah:

“‘You will be ever hearing but never understanding;

you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.

15 For this people’s heart has become calloused;

they hardly hear with their ears,

and they have closed their eyes.

Otherwise they might see with their eyes,

hear with their ears,

understand with their hearts

and turn, and I would heal them.’[a]

16 But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. 17 For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.

18 “Listen then to what the parable of the sower means: 19 When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart. This is the seed sown along the path. 20 The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. 21 But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. 22 The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful. 23 But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”

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Not only do the industrialists not see the consequences of their actions, more importantly, they don't care. So sad for the poor men who bravely, albeit foolishly, walk into battle for noble reasons. The vaxxed who suffer in denial and are hostile to the unvaxxed, have a hard time getting my sympathies.

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Yes that is exactly my adult children’s reaction to me.

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Sounds like Vietnam.

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The thing is, all war is hell.

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Willa Cather is one of the greatest literary artists in the English language. Perhaps best known and beloved are her novels of Nebraska, My Antonia, among them, and of the Southwest, Death Comes for the Archbishop and The Professors House. The one of her novels that seems to have been almost forgotten is, you guessed it, about an American who dies in the trenches in World War I: One of Ours. It won the Pulitzer in 1922, but few people read it today. It's brilliant, horrible, and unforgettable. And it describes precisely men falling into, or perhaps I should say swept up into, a mental fixation, eerily similar to the one we've been seeing over the vaxxes.

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WW1 I learnt in a history class led to many lost & crippled fathers. Many from Germany. Those sons grew up poor without fathers and by Hitler days, were hardened, angry men who could perhaps be more easily manipulated. Thus, you have many boys going along with the madness of Hitler!

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We had the TV series on WW1 called the World at War, I think when was a child. My parents tried to get me to watch it but I found it too sad and shocking-I used to cry over the carnage. I love reading books about the time. So many parallels.

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It is very unfortunate that a good many people have suppressed their fear of pain and trauma to the degree that they are not able to generate empathy or compassion toward others.

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I read All Quiet On The Western Front in ninth grade. 🤔😔🙏🏻

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Australia lost 60000 KIA in WW1, 300,000 odd wounded, but after cessation of hostilities and the me came home in the next 10 years Australia lost another 60,000 without a shot being fired. Nothing has changed the carnage still goes on.

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Was that from Spanish Flu? I didn't think we lost that many people.

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Also, those with power who misuse it and cause the death of the innocent human beings should pay with their own lives.

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It might give them "pause in their [military-industrial] profits.

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We wish, Mari. It's not about the money. It's about the love of money. No love leftover for humanity. Money = power = control. They all want to rule he world.

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Even _talking_ about justice, by which I mean hangings, has a beneficial effect as criminals like Pfauci, Collins, and Bourla start to wonder if it could happen to them.

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This was one of the most powerful statements made by Robert H. Jackson in the Nuremberg Trials. Leaders must face the consequences.

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Yes, everyone who mandated injection of that toxic crap must be hanged.


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This is one reason the POTUS should not be allowed to wage war without a declaration of war from Congress. How many people died on all sides or became refugees in the last 20 years for no apparent reason other than to support the war machine and a small group of psychopaths?

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Supports congress too. They are complicit!

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You should probably look into the experimental vaccine that was given to American soldiers during that time. If you think the war itself was evidence of callous indifference, you’re only at the beginning of the rabbit hole. “Spanish Flu” wasn’t what they’ve always told us it was.

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You may already be aware of this but also during the "Spanish Flu" epidemic vert interesting studies were performed that question the validity of germ theory. https://medium.com/microbial-instincts/spread-of-spanish-flu-was-never-experimentally-confirmed-9f91b37c4dd8

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I have read about one disaster after another this morning, all the jab injuries, the dioxins floating over most of the US and now this. If we didn't think we were at war before, you should know, we are and have been for 3 years.

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9/11 seemed like a declaration to me. I just didn't know who the enemy was (never believed the story), and it's becoming clearer, but mainly the realization the tactic is to remain hidden through lies. But it's becoming obvious we are the target.

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Is it becoming clearer to you that our own government did that? Horrifying isn’t it.

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Well, we kind of did it.

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Dr. McCullough

The brilliant economist Thomas Sowell foreshadowed your admonition in different words: "When you want to help people, you tell them the truth. When you want to help youraelf, you tell them what they want to hear."

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Thomas Sowell is an American Hero. Is he acknowledged in Black history Month?

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I doubt the so-called Progressives ever even acknowledge his existence.

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You would be correct. If I was similarly pigmented, I would be bragging about him. I do that any way. Dr. Sowell and I belong to the same race; human.

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America Hero-YES. I seriously doubt he is acknowledged in that way, Dr. He is out of sync with the narrative. E.G., Trickle-down economics, a straw dog, used by many a politician to hood wink their audience. Sewell characterized it as a non-existent theory. He once issued a challenge to anyone who could cite any economist "outside of an insane asylum" who ever made the trickle down argument. None. Thank you for your reply.

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I have his books they are excellent.

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Thank you for this quote.

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The globalists no longer hide their plans. The transition to "renewable" energy and the capitulation of U.S. sovereignty to the W.H.O. is part of the process of restriction, control and propaganda that will essentially eliminate liberty.

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What shawl we do to stop them?

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Do not comply

Share info so folks can see truth and dismiss propaganda and tv programming

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Are you from the deep South?

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no but i lived in tallahasseee fl for13 years

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I wondered, because you spell shall, shawl, the way it's pronounced in the deep South.

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I had an interesting discussion with my 16 yo about the abuses of power as we walked about the buildings of the Supreme Court and Congress on this beautiful Sunday. The 100 year progressive movement and March has brought us to this point where “we the people” has less meaning and power than it once did. Our nation and its constitutional freedoms have eroded so rapidly, it seems we have gone beyond the point of no return. I will retain hope and my prayer is that my 16 yo and others of his generation will stand up and take back the freedoms we have lost, especially over these past 40 years. If not, Lord have mercy upon us all.

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I am heartbroken for my children who are young adults now trying to carve out a life in the corrupt and tyrannical setting they are left to endure.

A slow erosion of our liberties that came to this day when it all snowballed suddenly or so it seems. And now our Ethics Committee's formal ruling that our PM was correct in instituting the Emergency Act which went so far as freezing bank accounts of Canadian citizens who thought to express concerns about the Mandates has sealed the deal against protestors. A very dark day in Canada's history. Here is the Defense Lawyer Keith Wilson's reaction...I am sure anyone who takes a few moments to watch this will understand I have not overstated the peril we are in...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7ejwDERycU

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Thank you Wendy for sharing this clip of Keith Wilson's response. You bet that this is a terrible decision but one most of us saw coming. Considering Rouleau was appointed by Trudeau and he has given donations to the Liberal Party etc. he wasn't going to squash Trudope like he should have. Our country is in a dire situation. It is baffling to me on some level though that so many don't see a problem with this or other things that are happening. I hope you have better luck explaining to your young adult children than I have had explaining to my adult children. :)

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No; you've understated it. How about imprisoning the bank accounts of the protesting truckers. Canada used to seem like a sane country to me, a US citizen. Now I se it's on the same path to fascism and self-destruction, run from below by the same criminals.

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I will never forget the gleeful look on Christa Freeland's face as she proudly declared the freezing of bank accounts of honest protestors. I felt like I was looking upon the face of pure evil.

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That was incredible, and deeply frightening……..

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Peaceful protest is War?

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According to our Liberal government, yes.

It used to be called THE WAR MEASURES ACT, but somewhere along the way they renamed it THE EMERGENCY ACT, which helps them to call it anytime they feel like it !

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Depends on who is protesting…….

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You are blessed, as is your 16 year old. And you bless those who read this.

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I hope we do take it back but we need to quit passing the buck to someone else. And especially not onto the backs of our children. We need to stand up ourselves.

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Agreed—thus I do not even let my octogenarians or even older clients stand idly by waiting for their time to pass. To use a sports analogy, this requires all who are able to suit up, to get in the game and for everyone else, do what role they can fulfill. I see my octogenarian clients light up when I say they still have a role. It may be as simple as praying or it could be writing a letter if capable. It gives them hope and a purpose to keep on keeping on for not only the sake of their grandchildren, but also for this great nation.

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My grandfather was a medic in WWII and many great uncles served. My father served in the USAF 1954-1976. My sister served 20 years also with two brother in laws.

We were raised to never trust your government. Ever. It still boggles my mind how many believed during 2020 any of the government actions were meant to “help” us. My family was highly suspect from the start. Many of our relatives have suffered vaccine injury. It’s terribly sad. The government is number one, first in line, always before We the people.

Maybe now Americans realize that more than ever, and we will not fall for their lies again.

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Kamaka, my father volunteered for WWII service at the age of 29. Over these last few years, I have thought many times that he most likely would feel like he was kicked in the guts. War is just the taking of innocent people and innocent service members while all those that start the messes are safe at home.

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You are on the money. I fought in Vietnam, a massive waste of lives. If the US has said to Ho chi minh at the end of ww2 “what do you need to get your country up and running” it would have cost a pittance and no loss of life and a good ally.

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Unfortunately history has proven your words fall on deaf ears. Never listen to government without cross referencing their dribble.

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If only saying no thanks would work.

It seems, anytime you get a group of people together it's mans instinct to chose a leader. There will always be a charming power hungry narcissist who riles everyone up to fight over resources, use God as an excuse to rape and pillage, divide and conquer. Narcissists adore games where someone else gets hurt. Their followers proceed to push people into volcanoes then jump off a cliff for him.

There will always be opportunists, snake oil salesmen, religious or cult like zealots who want to war with others and silence any who question their authority, stand up to their evil hypocrisy.

Sometimes I feel like we're living in a movie script that cycles over and over like groundhogs day.

No one wants to learn from the past so its bound to repeat.

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Neither are we ever told that what ended that first bloody war is a people's revolution:


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I think revolutiom may be our only solution. When you look to leaders to step up, the next in line is lobbied or threatened. Nothing changes. If it does change, what they do behind closed doors is make a new even worse policy decision.

Like when they ban/recall one pesticide or black label drug only to approve a worse one or re-lable it and put it back on the market. It's all for show.

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Beautiful. 🙏❤⚘

I'm partway through, will read the rest and follow.

My mind first went to how healthy it is to contemplate good things at a time when bad is everywhere.

I daily count my blessings. My grateful lists reveal the smallest things are what swell my heart and give me peace.

Sadly this article made me wonder if people of the future will have true memories or implanted ones for compliance. Which makes one more thing to be grateful for right now.

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I'm 70! I don't have much time left on this Earth.

I intend to resist digital ID...

Indeed some of us will end up murdered.


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I hear ya! 👍

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Unfortunately, western culture w all it's greedy materialism has turned death into something foreign to life thereby making it fearful and unknowable. Death is inextricably entwined w life and rather than trying to outrun it, which is impossible, the Buddhists have embraced it and understand it. Their mostly peaceful existences cannot be overstated. On the other hand all one needs to do is to observe the depravity of western (un) civilization.

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How would people even know if doing more would make them regret less?

I feel this is impossible. I think people can tell themselves if they left no stone unturned, it would be enough. As I see it, only those who make life into a game they win might they die in some form of narcissistic triumph, possibly knowing after death their game will go one somehow their (evil) actions might carry on.

I wouldn't chose to be 18 again for so many reasons. I would need to be 22, after I had my son, not before. Even then I imagine I would be wishing for a groundhog day experience where I could redo redo redo until I finally get it right. My son has so many health problems I would like the knowledge I have now and yet I know it could easily end just as bad if not worse by having a do over. Atleast right now, he is fairly healthy.

Most days I feel ready to die. Not because of the things I did. I have actually had almost no life because my sons thymus organ was taken during heart surgery leaving him severely immunodeficient. I chose to not be around others to save my son and do my best to make him happy, keep him healthy. I have no regrets there. I've done all I can do except maybe pay off a few bills so my husband isnt left with them. I am here solely to care for those I love. Maybe you just need to be happy with what you have and grateful to move on.

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Thanks for sharing. I love that.

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I know what you mean.

Life is not easy.


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Yes, all very true, thank you. However, there must be a wider knowledge of the Khazarian Mafia which goes back millenia to fully understand the depths of the worldwide evil we are facing today.

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Yes, there is a vast litt. on this subject:

Daniel Estulin;

Pierre Hillard;

Carroll Quigley; etc.

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🙏❤ Thank you for recommending this. I will hunt them down and read more

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The soldiers were never meant to win OR survive. These WW were meant to be killing machines just like our Plandemic!

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100% DD. Meatgrinders for the Retention of Power and Resource Control.

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Dr. Tenpenny had an excellent article on WW1 yesterday.

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I know some True Warriors who passed this to me…

What does all war cause? Death and destruction with no one really winning…

Do you know how to win a war? Learn how to never start one…

Apparently…US military leaders and experts never learned this in all their fancy war colleges!!!

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Re your statement "with no one really winning…" there is one group that always have won every war they started. They're called Bankers.

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That's not what they're taught

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They don't care

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Thank you for saying this. I wish we could put the entire essay on TWITTER.

I am going to put it on my facebook page...would that be okay?

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And if the slaves refuse to fight the wars for them, they will be imprisoned and killed. The government always has its way with our lives.

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Of course Australia's moment of glory was supposed to have been at Gallipoli. At school I was taught that our defeat in the Dardanelles was due to the hard fighting of the Turkish infantry - a worthy adversary. Only in adulthood did I discover the true story - the stupendous incompetence at every level of leadership, the unbelievable callousness and disregard of human life.

The result was not the noble scene of armed struggle inspired by great-hearted patriotism of the school history books. No. The result was a vile, pointless slaughterhouse, which saw a generation of the cream of Australia's young men massacred - for nothing except to protect the egos of politicians and army generals.

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