Not only did American banks fund the Third Reich but all three major automakers built factories in Germany to build military vehicles for it.

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Henry Ford in 1923 stated, "If 70 bankers were arrested global war would be an impossibility."

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1923 and still the same situation this time America is designed to lose and whole world goes down , so they can force NWO system on CCP SOCIAL CREDIT SYSTEM, DIGITAL CURRENCY, and TRANSHUMANIST AGENDA instead of doing something to arrest them or expose them, FORD joined them in profit

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IBM joined the fun, too!

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They certainly did! And they were there again for the “tracing and tracking” during the plandemic. Funny, that.

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Everything would be radically different if not limited to Hollerith cards.

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YEP run by Jews , they made the Concentration camp locating , accounting and tracking system down to how much gold was pulled from their teeth, and stashed in SWISS BANKS also run by Jews, does not matter if its the fake Khazar converts or real ones, evil is evil. AND lets not forget IBM gave little Billy his Microsoft start

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Your anti -Semitism is showing! Not all Jews are part of that; Yhwh God always has His remnant of faithful Jews, including now! Don't lump them with the apostates committing evil acts!

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Yes. History demonstrates that in the camps, some Jews were capos, outside the camps during the roundup, some Jews were snitches in hopes of saving their own skins. But isn’t this representative of life? There is no group devoid of evil individuals. Judgement must be meted out individually. It doesn’t apply to groups.

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Human nature.

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That is why we need to worship God. ( God does not need us to worship Him, He has plenty of self-esteem. LOL. He does not need us, we need Him)

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The "Jews" you mention are not the descendants of the Biblical Jews, they are turkic Mongol Asiatics whose ancestors converted to Talmudic Judaism in the 8th century AD by decree of their king, King Bulan, and not one of the ancestors of these Turkic Mongol Asiatics ever set foot either in Palestine or the Middle East, and just for the record, the Turkic Mongol Asiatics are not a Semitic peoples and conversion to Talmudic Judaism does not make someone a Semite. See Benjamin Freedman on YouTube:"A Former Jew Warns America."

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Not all of them. Yhwh knows exactly who are the children of Israel, heirs to the promised land of Israel, and who are not. Granted there are many squatting in the land of Israel who have no ancestral claim to it, and the Talmud is not the Torah! Those issues will be dealt with,according to Yhwh God's Word and will. Be careful making sweeping assumptions about the Jews; Yhwh's promises regarding those who bless or curse them still app!y today!

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The Israel of today is not the Israel of Biblical times.

We’ve been indoctrinated that Israel is the Apple of God’s Eye (Scofield Reference Bible commissioned by Rothschilds), which will be used to deceive many, except scripture doesn’t specify Israel which did not exist in Genesis 12. YHWH is speaking to Abraham about the Messianic lineage. This is prophecy and promise of Yahusha, Lord and Savior.

Genesis 12:3

And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

Galatians 3:16

Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.

The current state of Israel was created by the Rothschilds in 1948. Israel and the US (Zionist-controlled governments) created and fund Hamas. All world governments are infiltrated and controlled by the Rothschild Zionists aka Freemasons, Jesuits, Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations, Illuminati, etc. dba UN/WHO/WEF (many names to create confusion).

Zionists control everything in this world; politics, government, judiciary, commerce, finance, science, technology, medicine, agriculture, education, and media (news and entertainment). The Zionists want their NWO, one world government/currency/religion, mass worldwide depopulation (GMOs/famine, 5G, HAARP/geoengineering, pharma/vaxx, biowarfare/pandemics, war, etc.); and absolute control over humanity (ID2020/nanotech/graphene oxide/5G). The UN is not the humanitarian, peacekeeping entity it masquerades. The UN’s library/publishing house is Lucis Trust (originally Lucifer). The UN is the nascent one world government of the NWO beast system. The Zionists are the Luciferian cabal that rules this temporal world.

Zionism is a political movement, not Judaism. It is not antisemitic to be anti-Zionist. The Zionists hide behind the cloak of antisemitism, and yet they are the false Jews, synagogue of Satan, YHWH warns us of in Revelation.

YHWH was very careful to separate the Messianic line from the Ashkenaz line. The Ashkenaz are not of the Messianic line. Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham, Japeth. Shem’s descendants are Abraham, Isaac, Jacob/Israel, David, Yahusha; the Messianic lineage. Ham’s descendants are the Canaanites. Japheth’s descendants through son Gomer and grandson Ashkenaz are the Ashkenazi Khazar Jews.

Zionists originated as Ashkenazi (Noah’s great-grandson Ashkenaz; Genesis 10:3; I Chronicles 1:6) Khazar Jews first in what is now N. Turkey, then migrated to Khazaria (present day Ukraine) where they converted to Judaism while practicing dark arts, sacrificing to Baal. The Zionist Ashkenazi Khazar Jews follow the Babylonian Talmud, not the Torah. They gained power through the Bolsheviks, Rothschilds (Ashkenazi Jews) and Rockefellers (Sephardic Jews). AshkeNAZI Khazar Jews are the Khazarian Mafia. An estimated 92% of Jews today are Ashkenazi.

YHWH warns of the false Jews.

Revelation 2:9

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

There are many layers to the deception. What’s depicted on the Israeli flag as the star of David is ancient idolatry, the star of Remphan. The six pointed star; satanic Star of Remphan. The same star the Freemasons have in their symbolism, the same star of the Satanic Church America.

Amos 5:26

But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.

Acts 7:43

Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

Word to the wise, we’re watching Biblical prophecy unfold. The Zionist UN/WEF globalist agenda is one world government/currency/religion, mass worldwide depopulation, and absolute control over humanity. The Zionists want a NWO. The Zionists will build the third temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem (current site of the Dome of the Rock) and their deity/messiah, the man of perdition aka the Antichrist, will sit upon the throne and declare himself god. He will be charismatic and powerful. Many will be deceived. All people, great and small, will be forced to worship the beast and accept the mark of the beast (right hand or forehead; the technology is ready) to buy or sell. Those of us that refuse will face death. The fate of those that accept the mark of the beast is sealed.

Watch the site of the Dome of the Rock, the Temple Mount, which was the location of the first two Temples of Jerusalem. The Dome of the Rock, at the center of the Al-Aqsa mosque compound on the Temple Mount, is the Islamic shrine which was built in the 7th century. The Zionists want this site on the Temple Mount for the building of the third temple where their messiah, the man of perdition aka as Antichrist, will declare himself god.

The Jewish people broke YHWH’s covenant through idolatry, Baal worship and rejection of Yahusha as Lord and Savior. YHWH’s chosen people are ALL believers in Christ; those that accept Yahusha as Lord and Savior. In Christ there is no Jew or Gentile. YHWH has protected a remnant of the descendants of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, the 144,000; they will accept Yahusha as Lord and Savior and proclaim the Gospel during the Tribulation.

YHWH’s covenant/promise is future tense, the New Jerusalem, prophesied in Revelation, to all believers in Yahusha, Lord and Savior, and not of this temporal world. YHWH will destroy this world in the pouring out of His wrath and the final battle between good and evil, Armageddon, on the Mount of Meggido. Lucifer and his evil minions will be cast into the Lake of Fire. Why would YHWH’s covenant of a promised land be temporary? His covenant is future tense, His Kingdom, the New Jerusalem, with ALL believers in Yahusha as Lord and Savior.

All glory to Yahusha, Lord and Savior.

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Well true in a way but after conversion they migrated throughout Europe and Russia and what is now Ukraine and Spain they sent representatives to Spain even before conversion, were fighting fighting tribes all over which ALWAYS LEEDS TO BABIES, and mixed all over the place The Khazars CLAIM to be originally from the same descendants of the supposed survivors in Noah s very BIG boat so tell me who is NOT RELATED in that part of the world if you go back far enough show us who what you call "biblical jews" did not mix with everywhere they went and or were thrown out of or enslaved by

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Dont you dare throw that anti semitism , mind controlled crap at me until you have done real research. These people ,cultures, tribes have a LONG history of violence , hostility and kill all others and take their land behavior , LONG before there were fake KHAZAR converts to blame it on, commanded by the jealous , psychotic, enslaving old testament "god' yhwh, who is NOT the Supreme creator mind of all, and nature , but an alien imposter. If a people , culture , tribes are constantly exiled , purged , thrown out, of EVERY culture , people , tribes and places they end up, are you SERIOUSLY going to always blame all others? That is insanity and mind control. Do the research on what the term Synagogue of Satan means , how far back it goes in history. Do the research on the Sabbatean Frankist s and their behavior and infiltration into all other groups. This all must be addressed or we go extinct as a species , BECAUSE THE MAJORITY [not all] of world billionaires are of these people [or aligned with their transhumanist , depopulation agendas}. THIS DOES NOT MEAN Im saying ALL people of this faith are evil or do bad, most people of all formal religions have no idea of their real history or who created these mind control beliefs. Nor do I hate anyone because of where they come from or religion , but evil is as evil does and that is another matter. It IS A MATTER OF SELF DEFENSE AND SURVIVAL NOW . I dont lump anyone in anything they dont belong IN , but their silence and acceptance from within is equally responsible. If the so called good, and faithful dont eliminate the evil ones THEY TOO WILL BE BLAMED, history is filled with this.

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Virgil:"Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito." Translation:"Do not give into evil, but proceed ever more boldly against it."

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I not only WILL "dare"; you, dir are dead wrong about Yhwh, about the children of Israel, about the " synagogue of Satan, about the exiles, and anti-Semitism through the centuries, etc! YOU are the 1 being "mind controlled" by the lies and liars, not I. The sad thing is you lump the children to whom the promises were made with pretenders who have NEVER had a part in those promises. I am aware of the history of the children of Israel, and of the hate against them, of the wars, they fought as executors of Yhwh's judgment against sinful and unrepentant tribes, of the chastenings against the children of Israel, for their failings, etc.

You claim you don't hate because of where they come from, or their religion, and yet your own words belie that. The good and faithful, throughout history have been a snap percentage of the whole, just as they are now, and only in Yhwh's time will they have the power to do what you demand, but it is coming, sooner than most are willing to see or believe, including you! The same is happening globally!

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Not even worth replying to , your mind controlled

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American banks funded the Bolsheviks in Russia and American industrialists invested in Soviet Russia right up to the fall of Communism in Russia. The Roosevelt administration gave Soviet Russia Lend Lease Aid to the tune of 11 billion dollars which was never repaid back to the American tax payers, at a time when Germany was defending Europa against Jewish Bolshevik Communism, and over three million Europeans fought in German uniforms as did over one million anti-Communist Russians who fought to destroy Communism in Russia. Josef Stalin massed over 5 million Soviet troops on the Western borders in preparation for the invasion and conquest of Western Europe, but Adolf Hitler launched a pre-emptive defensive attack against the Soviet Union. The German Army captured millions of Soviet troops in the opening weeks and months of Operation Barbarossa that were massed on the Western borders. The Roosevelt Administration was riddled with Communists who advised FDR.

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"Jewish Bolshevik Communists..." still truckin'!

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that is true BUT the Communist takeover of Russia was planned and financed also by

JESUIT/VATICAN AGENDA They love to let the Jewish bankers take all the blame when they are business partners.

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Produce the evidence to support your claim that the takeover of Russia was planned and financed also by JESUIT/VATICAN AGENDA. The Vatican issued several Papal Encyclicals condemning Bolshevik Communism. America was the prime source of finance to the Jewish Bolsheviks in Russia and it is worth noting that the Jews took over America in 1913 when they established their private central bank the Federal Reserve, so it should come as no surprise that the Jewish banisters in America should finance their cohorts in Russia the Jewish Bolsheviks.

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GO STUDY some very good deep dives into the exposure of Jesuits , Reinete Senum had some good ones awhile back http://disq.us/p/2mb0lgp I dont have time at moment to go back and find countless things I exposed decades ago do the research you will find this and more ..

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Very true; a Vatican agenda since 1541.

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Produce the evidence to support your claim of a Vatican agenda since 1541.

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That was the yr in which the Jesuits, under Ignatius Loyola, were unleashed on the world with the 2 pronged mission to destroy the "Jews", and to destroy the Protestant reformation; their mission has never changed!

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Germany was "defending" no one against anything!

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You don't know the history of WW2 other than the official government narrative.

See Josef Stalin/Boris Shaposhnikov: together they worked out a two year mobilisation plan that was to culminate in an attack against Germany and the subjugation of Europa. Stalin massed over five million Soviet troops on the Western borders in preparation for an attack on Germany and Europe, but Adolf Hitler launched a defensive pre-emptive attack on the Soviet Union that took Stalin completely by surprise and if Adolf Hitler had not acted when he did, Europe would have fallen to Bolshevik Communism. Americas contribution to Bolshevik Communism was to bankroll Communism on three occasions.

If America had not bankrolled Bolshevik Communism, Bolshevik Communism would have completely failed in Russia and millions of Russians would not have been liquidated and enslaved in the Jewish Gulag system. USA stands for:The United Soviet of America and the traitor Franklin Delano Rosso-campo Rozenfelt introduced the nine planks of Communism into America disguised as the "new deal" that Rozenfelt touted during the 1930s. For "new deal" read "Jew Deal."

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Not true. My parents, neighbor men, and most of my male teachers over the last 6 yrs of public school were WW II veterans, from both theaters. My father had been a certified HS history teacher before the navy firmly planted his feet in the clouds, so history was strongly emphasized in our school yrs, at home as well as in school. I learned a lot more about that war, the yrs leading to it, and the very early yrs I was too young to recall following it than most did. My parents had little use, and no love, for FDR and his policies

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Most teachers of history, especially the history of the First World War and the Second World War, only follow the official government narrative because if they deviate from the official narrative they will be out of a job, they are 'compliant' historians, or what I prefer to call 'story tellers.'

As I said:" See Josef Stalin/Boris Shaposhnikov, together they worked out a two year mobilisation plan that was to culminate in an attack against Germany and the subjugation of Europe. Stalin massed over five million Soviet troops on the Western borders in preparation for an attack on Germany and Europe, but Adolf Hitler launched a defensive pre-emptive attack on the Soviet Union that took Stalin completely by Surprise.

In 1933, Adolf Hitler kicked the Jews out of Germany following the Jewish declaration of war on Germany, see:"JUDEA DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY," March 24th 1933, just two months after Adolf Hitler was elected Chancellor and Fuhrer of Germany, and before or by 1941 German intelligence was fully aware of Stalins mobilisation plan that was to culminate in an attack against Germany and the subjugation of Europe.

That is why Adolf Hitler launched a defensive pre-emptive attack against the Soviet Union. America was primarily responsible for the development of Jewish Bolshevik Communism in Russia, and if you say that what I have said is not true, then prove me wrong. Most Americans are completely unaware of the factual history of World War 1 and World War 2, they only follow the official government narrative, a case in point is the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour which historians taut as a completely un-provoked attack by the Japanese, but the fact is that Franklin Delano Rosso-campo Rozenfelt placed an oil embargo and sanctions against Japan which amounted to a declaration of war by America against Japan, and that was the reason Japan attacked Pearl Harbour. The same applies to Germany when Rozenfelt ordered the American Navy to attack German shipping that amounted to a declaration of war against Germany, and Adolf Hitler had no choice but to make a declaration of war against America.

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They were not teaching out of books, neither were the refugee immigrants pouring into the area (legally, I might add), from all over the world, with stories to tell about their experiences. You see, you missed the point of my previous comment. Those folks were THERE, in real time and "living color"! And you know very well it's not possible to "prove" a negative! Especially 1 from 60-90 yrs ago, or more!

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The Eugenicists of U.K. spread their poisonous ideology far and wide into the U.S. and Germany; working through The City of London Banks and the Industries of the old Dutch/British East India Trading Company.

The failure of the attempted Foreign Military Occupation of the U.K./French Navies into the U.S. during the U.S. Civil War the U.K. supported both sides of enlightened the Fabianists of The Black Nobility that the U.S. couldn't be taken Militarily; thus it had to be ate from the inside and was manditory to achieve as without the U.S. the dream of their One/New World Police State wouldn't be possible.

Both World Wars following the installation of 'The FED' under The Bank of England were to bring the U.S. into sync with Britian who were already conniving and manipulating the Germans into Totalitarianism. Industrialists were united...And, it's mostly apparent in viewing maps of the Air Wars over both U.K and Germany. NOTHING of the Industries having branches in two or three of those countries and Bankers was destroyed...Only the Military Installations and Civilian Residential Areas.

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It is not clear that you understand that The City of London is their Wall Street rather than a recognition that the banks are in the city called London.

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Always understood what you've wrote.


the Bastard Kind never conquored it...Which is mirrored in the Sewer of D.C.

It is NOT as Wall Street as Wall Street is a district within a city in the Natural Territory of the United States and subject to The U.S. Constitution.

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Why would the financial district of the City of London (as opposed to the city called London) be any more subject to the U.S. Constitution than the financial district called Wall Street isn't? Kindly cite the language in the Constitution that makes either of them subject to it.

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Would advise to end the 'circular speech'; a prime bit of common strategy of The Tavistock Institute and Bernaysian Ideology.

Placing words in other's mouths and challenging someone to absurdity as placing The City of London or indeed Greater London under the auspises of The U.S. Constitution is unthinkable.

Now, cease behavior of 'Fester the Pesterer.'

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It would be better if you took your own advice.

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What is your definition of *eugenics*?

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The study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of heritable characteristics regarded as desirable. Developed largely by Sir Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, eugenics was increasingly discredited as unscientific and racially biased during the 20th century, especially after the adoption of its doctrines by the Nazis in order to justify their treatment of Jews, disabled people, and other minority groups.

Anybody willing to ask about such a repugnant, murderous Ideology most certainly knows all about it. While it good to spread heritable characteristics; even among the most sublime will arise the less desireable which may or may not change in time, place, circumstances.

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So how did the eugenicists, as defined by the dictionary of the English language and not Wikipedia, destroy the West?

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You really must do your own research...It's a long story addressed in many books of both the eugenicists, themselves as well as those warning of them.

I'm not willing to inform the TROLLS.

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No. You are either misusing the word eugenics or you are using the enemy dictionary.

Aside from that, how does the word eugenicist fit in your attribution of the responsibility for murder and genocide?

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The left and the right are really the wings of a giant bird of prey and that bird is preying on you


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Will Rogers: "Left wing, right wing: same chicken."

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Maybe using a plane rather, than a chicken, with unequal, or even absent power outputs, is closer to the situation. It is the same plane, but not functioning as intended, because the wings, instead of working together, are working against each other. That can only have 1 outcome: a crash... How bad depends upon how competent and skilled the guys him the cockpit are, and how well THEY work together! Think of the plane as Congress, and the guys in the cockpit as the executive and judicial branches.

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And, yet, they are all paid for by the same chicken. They may appear to be working against each other, but that's a distraction. They are all working for the same bosses. We have a corporatocracy.

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Good analogy.

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which is totally evidenced via the creation of the "federal" reserve in 1913 // there is nothing federal about them.

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The top guys are not even US citizens!

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" Eric Weinstein, who has long struck me as one of the most fascinating conversationalists around."

Follow the money... Eric worked for Peter Thiel's Palintir so any views he promotes are backed by weaponized piles of money acting on behalf of the billionaire class. The entire Intellectual Dark Web is populated w self proclaimed experts in many things who ask the wrong questions and withhold critical details. Ask Eric how he and his brother Bret have world famous IP attorney in the antibody biotech space appointed by JFK but never mentioned by Bret in the RFK Jr interview Bret sat on for 18 months before releasing.

As for Bush Nazi connections it's far deeper and clear cut than the limited hangout in corp news. Antony Sutton - Hoover Economics Chair at Stanford documents the history of Wall Street funding including Hitler. This chapter from Fleshing Out Skull and Bones is fab jumping off point built on what's posted here.. highly recommend everything Sutton! https://web.archive.org/web/20061012044406/http://www.ctrl.org/P.Bush-Union_Banking/P.Bush-Union_Banking.html

Also fab source on Substack Michael Chossudovsky brilliant creator of Global Research w decades long record of being correct about lies & liars who tell them. https://michelchossudovsky.substack.com/p/history-adolph-hitler-was-financed

oops forgot my Palintir link.. beyond evil!!


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all you name and their friends and agendas are pure EVIL

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History aside, the contemporary corruption, criminality and frankly, abject treason is so ingrained, so pervasive throughout what is now a government so complex and massive, that it flaunts it's lawlessness without fear of oversight, restraint or accountability. IMO, there is no way this will ever be corrected at the ballot box. At some point, the price of ignorance, apathy, greed and power-lust will be paid in the streets.

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Why are we so easily influenced by these scams? Why do we comply? Moreover, why can't we prosecute this globalist class? Any thoughts?

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The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences.

Carroll Quigley

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Still true, today!

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The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.

Lord Acton

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No people versus the bankers banks are not run or owned by themselves.

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the biggest contributor=. lying via omission via the boob tube.. One is not fully awake to their mission unless you refuse having a boob tube in your house. Even then you have little chance to avoid the political correctness which is the death of truth.

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Yes its called hypnotic mind control and black magic reinforced by cunning political pressure withholding secret knowledge for power UNTIL you control enough wealth to FORCE IT ALL, and corrupt all institutions ,mastered over many thousands of years. AND of course kill all the dissenters, and exploit all differences to the point of on inflaming them to turn on each other . NOW everything I just said is scientifically and technologically manipulated and controlled, like even the weather.

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This is exactly the reason why more and more voters are opting out of the traditional parties in most Western countries. Instead of addressing the root cause, governments and its cronies stick to self-aggrandizement and delusion and push for censorship of those who are not as 'sophisticated' as themselves, where 'sophistication' means to have been born in a place that has access to the feeding trough.

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Governments do not govern, but merely control the machinery of government, being themselves controlled by the hidden hand.

Benjamin Disraeli

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There's still nothing 'sophisticated' in merely executing the wishes of a 'hidden hand'.

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The UK Guardian piece was a slow-rollout of the work of a DOJ Nazi hunter prosecutor, John Loftus. Who turned to the National Archives (now weaponized against Trump) to follow his investigation of Nazi money in and out of the US before, during and after WWII. His investigation revealed these facts about the Bush Family Crime Syndicate in November, 2000. But a little "hanging chad" election result consumed all of the media oxygen in the room at the time. Coincidentally?

Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, The Nazis, and the Swiss Banks

Sarasota Reading Festival, November 11, 2000


(Bush-Thyssen specifically discussed from 20:44 - 34:44)

In the C-SPAN video the prosecutor also details how the OSS/CIA under Dulles, a co-conspirator with Bush, Rockefeller, Brown, Walker, Harriman, etc Fascists whitewashed Prescott Bush's anti-American profiteering from the Nazi Party so he was even elected US Senator a few years after being named in trading with the enemy charges during WWII. And enabling dynastic Bush to continue the work of Fascists under two heirs, the "New World Order," and even reconstitute a Hitler-Stalin-esque Pact between Fascism and Communism (US/EU-CCP) with signators who learned from history: defeat western liberal free market capitalism and individual liberty first. Then contest which authoritarian governing model will control the future. The Bush family legacy.

Not just Bush. All of the corporations and bluebloods who supported Hitler, eugenics, centrally-planned economies and hierarchical caste systems of social engineering and control. The model we see unfolding around us today. More of the co-conspirators from nearly a century ago:


Their legacies continue the work today, through descendants and foundations they established (like the Rockefeller Foundation.) As well as through their corporate board rooms.

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Oh goody, we get to elect a new master, or perhaps we are satisfied with the current master. In the end, you are still a slave. The citizen does not count. No matter who goes into the Black House, nothing will change. If it does, it will eventually change back. Both parties are slave drivers and anti-country.

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The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.

Felix Frankfurter

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they are not in DC! They are the banksters @ the federal reserve.

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Run out of NY, but headquartered officially in DC.

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This is not a new phenomena. You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning.

Andrew Jackson

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there is absolutely NO doubt that we were MUCH less enslaved under Trump. If you cannot see that ..

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Until he totally misplayed the Covid Hysteria! Warp Speed, Two Weeks to flatten the curve. Then there is the matter of Chris Wray, Bill Barr, Mark Milley to name a few less than stellar appointments.

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It was the Demonrat governors who continued the lockdowns. Trump took advice from people who knew DC because he was an outsider and made some bad appointments, very true, but he also fired some of them. He wants to be able to fire the Deep State employees protected by their civil service positions and the Demonrats have called him out on this and will fight against that to keep it from happening.

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trump failed in the Covid Hysteria. To this day he still touts the mRNA concoction which is neither Safe nor Effective. The stimulus money ignited a smoldering inflation. As the Captain of the Ship of State he failed. I never knew a man who was good at making excuses who was good at anything else.

Benjamin Franklin

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Your complaints about Trump you listed above are true. Damn that COVID bioweapon! But I believe Trump is sincere in his beliefs and did what he thought was best for the country. Not being a physician or epidemiologist himself, he listened to the so called “experts.” He would never admit that he was wrong, especially before an election, but once elected I am confident that he would acknowledge that he believed the lies of the “experts” and he would have an opportunity to set things straight. His overall record still makes him the best choice out of all of the current candidates for President. I think Natasha Owens’ song, “The Chosen One,” is a wonderful tribute to Trump. Nobody wet your pants; the song does not compare Trump to Jesus Christ. Ms Owens points out that Trump “is only human, gets in trouble bigly and makes mistakes” which is part of what makes him “chosen.”

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but. this was by design and part of The Plan. It was (evil) genius and there are STILL parts of the it to play out that are equally (evil) genius. Such as the almost trillion in fiat money laundering by medical science being turned into the commodity it is today and will continue being due to the money big pharma can spend lying to us and removing science from the equation once and for all..

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Agreed! It does seem to have been a trail run and the degree of compliance and obedience to this SCAM was astounding! As you say a plan: Governments don't want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation.You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own, and control the corporations. They've long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear.

George Carlin

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One more thing. I think there is plenty of conspiracy. But don’t assume those self-important fools are all that good. Nor do they think of everything. Far from it. But often it’s quite simple. Things are not clear. It looks like an ok deal. No one sees the future. Lending money might help (the bankers often convince themselves), we can make some money. So, they lend and make money. Expect sharks to be voracious and indiscriminate.

And, if we have some decent free speech, the people become a force that these conspirators can never master. Fight for free speech.

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but it IS amazing how much evil can be bought and paid for by fiat // and speaking of fiat dollars: its rather sickening to think of what will be done with the almost trillion big pharma raked in during the pandemic business plan that oversaw any medical oversights that may have saved lives.. right Dr McCullough?

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First you say, it’s quite simple. And THEN? Then you appear to buy in to “Confuse a Cat.”

Back in the Laugh-In days…there was a segment mocking us that things are so confusing cats jump onto their heads to look at the world upside down.

No one sees into the future? Trend analyzers do. Dr. David Martin did. Alex Jones did. I did. All it takes to make informed choices is TO GET INFORMED.

I realize that’s time consuming, but to say it can’t be done because Truth is just too confusing, (boo hoo) is FALSE. It takes more effort than taking poison pablum by the spoonful from talking head sources we ALREADY KNOW LIED TO US.

You had it right. This is simple. I’m a Research Journalist. To predict trends, all you have to do is follow influencers and see who turns out to be on the right track again and again.

But it doesn’t stop there…then you need THREE independent sources who do not know each other, confirming any theory you’re examining.

And STILL that’s not enough. Then you have to consult the source documents and hearings.

Oh, too much trouble. I can’t possibly follow, folks say. I can’t possibly discern what TPTB are intending. It’s too hard.

Hear it in your head out loud WHY we’re in these Straits by listening to what folks are saying. They say: Knowing the Truth is too much trouble. Sort of like you.

But KNOW this. If we DO NOT take the time and trouble, as HISTORICALLY we USED to do…before talking heads told us we were too dumb to know what’s going on with our own country…

…then…We’ll keep being lead around by the glam rings in our noses. Odd as all heck to me that FOLKS are actually COMFORTABLE with this, as if it’s inevitable.

It ISN’T unless we remain LAZY

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Maybe you should dig a little deeper? Granddaddy Prescott Bush was CENSURED by the Senate for his role in bankrolling the German War machine…as I recall, through Union Bank. It was a traitorous act that was NOT IGNORED, but like now, accountability stopped short of making any real deference.

It was known that the wBush/Hitler War Chest provided the steel that built German subs.

This is not a “theory,” and it hasn’t been hidden. I’ve known of this connection for 20 years after taking the time to research it’s just new to YOU. The timeline of event transactions has been totally validated.

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Trading with the enemy act.

No big deal is it?

Rules for thee ....None for me! The Bush Family Door Mat Moto.

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accountability is a word much like its cousins duty discipline accountability and discipline. These moral words have virtually no meaning in a society where love now means the absence of boundary and law.

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Well that took Eric a bit of time to figure out. The deception, corruption, the darkness has been long known to those who have made the effort and dug a bit deeper. The emperor is naked, unfortunately too few can see it. "Look to my coming on the first light of the fifth day, at dawn look to the east." The battle for Middle-earth is about to begin.

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either that or perhaps the eschaton in on approach? Middle earth?

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True, but not new. America was run by and for benefit of the elites in the 19th century, maybe even before. The good news is that we survived. So far.

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The division of the United States into federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War by the high financial powers of Europe. These bankers were afraid that the United States, if they remained in one block and as one nation, would attain economic and financial independence, which would upset their financial domination over the world. The voice of the Rothschilds prevailed... Therefore they sent their emissaries into the field to exploit the question of slavery and to open an abyss between the two sections of the Union.

Otto von Bismarck

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Number one source of Nazi wealth during 1930s to 1945 - stolen Jewish wealth, including a tremendous amount of gold that was shipped to and held by Swiss banks. In total this could easily have been the number one source of wealth for Hitler and the Nazis. Many thousands of the 6 million Jews were wealthy, some fabulously so. All of their wealth was confiscated. All of it went to support the war effort.

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Yes six million. 🫣

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The Peripheral (William Gibson). Realer than real...

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This is similar to MIT Linguist Noam Chomsky who remarked that "there are two major political parties in the United States, and both of them are the Business Class". The only difference between the two, he stated is that one party is a bit more overt about its commitment to the Corporate Ruling Class then the other, but that they are essentially the same in this regard.

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So, some good news, despite all the problems of Roosevelt and his ilk, and all the other bad stuff and stupidity….at least at the end of the day, after a lot of work, America pulled the world’s bacon out of the fire of the Axis. By far, it was complicated, and we helped the evil (well, yes, really that simple) Soviets and they ended up enslaving lots of people. But at least WW2 ended…mostly good. And the British and even the French and definitely some others were big help, too.

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