Satanic is too mild an adjective. I thought the vast death and destruction of the "vaccine" would be enough to alert and awaken the sleeping public. I was wrong. We sleepwalk into annihilation. But because we are so glad to leave a legacy of death...through engineered "virus", toxic injections, visible chemical destruction of our skies, fluoridated poison water, and "food" genetically modified and soaked in chemicals and "sprays"--It just wasn't enough. Oh sleep on into DEATH--America...the once beautiful and the former free. Suicided by lies.
Truth, MK. Yet those who dismiss the “unwanted” don’t care one whit about the sacredness of human life. They champion torturing the preborn, the partially born and the newborn who survives her abortion attack to death like it’s their favorite sport.
I heard recently that more babies are dying after birth now. Why - could be complex. Like, why did they not want the baby in the first place? Was it that they could hardly afford to sustain themselves financially, never mind the cost of raising a baby and the loss of a paying job. Or, maybe the parent(s) had zero feelings of love for this unwanted child so, maybe they were neglectful in it’s care leading to illness and death? Some of these unwanted or disabled children may be scarred for life.
Wendy, please stop. You sound petulantly foolish parroting Uniparty talking points under the One Democrat banner. Only the elderly like my Boomer generation and low info people listen to Meta, Google, and MSM that the uniparty controls.
Do some research in objective alternate media for your own sake. God can take care of God, if you have any faith in anything other than the big brother One State hypothetical narratives you are parroting.
You have made some very important points here and in your first post. The solution to the problem lies not in any government actions, but rather in the lack in a free society of any one or group to violate the inherent liberties of any other individual. Instead, before the time of viability of the fetus outside of the body , as always it is the woman's decision to do anything she wants with her own body. But after that a method of *rejection* must be used to remove the developing fetus from her body, which method does all possible to end with an independent child. If the fetus does not endure through this rejection procedure to become an independent child, then the mother has effectively made an *abortion* decision with her own body. If the fetus does become an independent child, then others should be found (best beforehand if outside viability is likely) for the purpose of financial and contractual relationships concerning the disposition of any fetus that becomes a child. Note that this last state continues as long as the child is dependent on the mother (unless one or more other individuals will voluntarily take over care of the child).
When I was in my mother’s womb, it was me, my body, that was in there. My right to life didn’t start at any point other than the very beginning, at my conception. Still you say if I was not yet viable, I could be disposed of as biomedical waste because of my weakness and inability to survive a premature birth?
Yet you next advocate for the young child, “the fetus,” to do his or her best to “endure through this rejection procedure to become an independent child?” What are you talking about, an early delivery of what now is a 23 or 22 week old baby? That’s very traumatic to the child and especially ironic as the mother surely wasn’t intentionally kicked out of the womb while she was there.
Having the physical power to poison me by pills, suction me to shreds, pull me slowly apart with a sopher clamp, inject my head or torso with a heart attack causing drug, deliver me to my neck so my throat could be slit and my abortionist not be bothered by my cries as s/he next collapsed my head…or killing me if I dare to emerge alive…that’s one thing, a very cruel, wicked and unjust thing. But somehow the proAbort forgets their own respectful, gentle treatment while they were that helpless and young, never mind there’s no moral right to take my life and purposefully shed my innocent blood. Might makes right, right?
Do you people not realize you once were where these children are now?
I see that you chose to ignore my sentence, "But after that a method of *rejection* must be used to remove the developing fetus from her body, which method does all possible to end with an independent child". This clearly means the " rejection method" (usually done by induced labor) is to avoid any possible harm to the fetus. Therefore, I will ignore your own irrational and only emotional response.
Yap, yap, yap. Saying more does not equate to intellectual prominence dude, yes dude, that’s all you’ve got, words. I have no doubt you are also an agreeable eugenicist, as long as you get to live.
By all means give the viewers your word salad on the uselessness of the elderly, disabled, and any unviable being that does not make muster of the WHO/Communist social credit score.
By the way, we do not live in a “society” but a unique Constitutional Republic of citizens, not a democratic society of liberated lunatics that falsely calls itself a democracy just because we vote.
Good to raise this point. However, unless the father has a priori contracted with the woman to retain some ownership of his sperm (and therefore of all its DNA), or they come to such an agreement after the fact, he has effectively given his sperm to the mother without any strings attached.
Oh Wendy, if you only knew how confused you are. No doubt you are well meaning, but please explain who “they” are.
While you are at it you might try and realize your latent confusion comes not so much from you obviously denying having been propagandized by the Democrat’s captured media who know it’s days are numbered by alternative news, so today only fools follow their narrative, but because you show you must make it your personal war against villains they paint for you, but that you know nothing about. Democrat owned MSM have told you to hate Republicans and anyone who disagrees, but please explain exactly who are the “unwanted babies” you dismiss? Are they the same that this One Democrat Party banner has dismissed as collateral war dead and have done so for the past six decades along with their handful of RINO’s that are considered by MAGA to be Republican values traitors.
You live under a uniparty of the Democrat “inclusive” banner fantasy world of people who claim not to know what a woman is. Of course you are confused and angry, you refuse to accept the humility of being wrong so you say “they” did it.
So true. This Elite class of probably just a few families behind the scenes of our political games needs to be exposed and eliminated. But this will not be without cost to all the rest of the world who have either participated in allowing it to happen or prefer not to ask questions about things they KNOW will lead to death and destruction. Waking up will mean we have to face our part.
I was stationed in Minot North Dakota at that time. Our B52 bombers were airborne with kc135 refuelers airborne to keep them in the air . Our days allowed for just time to sleep as other equipment was being prepared. Now we have an administration that tosses around the term nuclear war so casually. That main change that has changed in 62 years is a population that is detached. I am being kind.
so many factors have contributed. I watched my own "highly educated" family...happily inject themselves with a bioweapon while their tv's ran nonstop with trash as engineered frequencies were broadcast to disable their critical thinking. On their way home from work...they stop by McDonald's to bring poison home to the kids. What a life. We have been colonized and have no one to blame but ourselves.
I clearly remember the drills at school where we were instructed to crawl beneath our desks in the event of a nuclear attack. My father built a bomb shelter in our back yard.
From what we’ve witnessed in her capacity as VP, the thought of her having the final word on handling of ANY crisis is chilling! A nuclear crisis….GOD HELP US ALL!!!
Oh do not think the devil does not exist and that evil is just "misunderstood" goodness...
There is evil abroad....having their way with the entire world---fake "pandemics".. toxic death "vaccines" .engineered "starvation" while food is wasted and thrown away.
medical murder in hospitals of healthy infants and elders.
Attorney Reiner Fuellmich was exposing the whole horror show....guess where he is now?
Research Brigadier General Albert Pike in 1879, and his association with Mussini and the Satan controlled Masons (Illuminati). Pike designed the 3 world wars to control the planet.
What’s happening today is a continuation of the reason for every human being’s existence on Earth throughout the ages: choosing a side in the battle between Light and Dark. On the side of Light: The Awakened God-fearing. On the side of Dark: The Awakened God-hating. In the middle: The oblivious, pleasure-seeking masses, refusing to be awakened from their sleepwalking mindlessness. I’ll admit, it’s hard to be awakened, to be a feeling human being, to be aware of the overwhelming evil let loose on humanity. Being without pills to numb and dumb one down is hard. One cannot unsee, unhear, unknow. Just going to town is an ordeal, feeling attacked by the noise of people hellbent on getting more, more, more. But there are compensations: loving silence and aloneness, having long, mindful conversations with like-minded people, having communion with God.
Why is Kennedy given any credit in this episode? The only reason the USSR was putting missiles in Cuba was precisely because the US had already put missiles on the border of the USSR in Turkey. Why give someone credit for the mess he and the former president created in the first place? Remember the missiles in Turkey were installed in the early part of the Kennedy regime so he should be given zero credit for "saving the world" from the nightmare he had created in the first place. When are people in the US going to waken up and see the true evil the US became after Lincoln shredded the constitution to attack the South so enabling the string of attacks on other countries in the last 160 years that are also in total defiance of the constitution?
Greetings John, The Jupiter Missile program was conceived and developed during the Eisenhower administration, the agreement to place an installation in Turkey was signed in October 1959, and first missiles were placed in Turkey in 1961 pursuant to the 1959 agreement. Kennedy did not throw the brakes on the program upon being sworn in, but he successfully used the program as a negotiating chip with the Soviets to resolve the Cuban Missile Crisis. As Eisenhower pointed out in his Farwell Address just before Kennedy was sworn in, the Military-Industrial Complex had already become unmoored from representative government. With his skillful handling of the Crisis, Kennedy pushed back against this Complex, which may explain why he was assassinated a year later. Regards, John Leake
Would you rather have had Biden, or Bush junior? Or rather Cheney... Kennedy had a rapport with Mr K - they communicated, which helps. We're still here, albeit by our fingertips - that's why JFK is lauded.
In all honesty, don't grasp the nightmare aspect of Kackles.
Just another Demon Worshiping Nazi with a Slave Mentality on her knees as always in her personal historical sense. Nothing except another slave to the same Psychopathic Criminals Against All Life on Earth as the Dementia-Ridden, Pedo Puppet Minion already playing the role of 'Executive' unable to find his way off of a 12' x 9' Stage.
THE WHOLE EAST COAST SEWER CORRIDOR IS A NIGHTMARE and 'The People' are to blame as we are spoiled, weak, stupid and cowardly to tolerate and empower these evil agents of the overseas ENEMIES of the U.S. Constitution and their TREASONOUS Puppet Minion Agents to begin with. They're all so PREDICTABLE...It's no longer stunning or terrifying to hear their threats of Nuclear Holocaust or imminent Foreign Occupation since Foreign Occupation was already carried-out by the TREASONOUS now installed since 2020.
She is a DEI post 🐢 of garbage gums, vegetable salad and inferior curiosity placing her with Joe Biden at the bottom of class standing in mastery of the facts.
Dick Cheney, the driving force behind the Iraq War that killed more than one million human beings, endorsed Kamala Harris. Why? Because she is beholden to the war machine that thrives on conflict and chaos, no matter the cost to American lives or global stability.
Recent events paint a clear and alarming picture. Israel is expected to hit military targets inside Iran; China’s President Xi is ordering his troops to prepare for war; North Korea’s dictator, Kim Jong-un, has blown up vital roads and railways, isolating his nation for whatever comes next; and there are reports NATO is considering arming Ukraine with nuclear weapons, bringing the threat of global conflict to our doorstep.
The world is on the brink, and Kamala is ready to drag us right into it.
Under Kamala’s leadership, the same failed policies of intervention and military expansion will continue. She stands with the defense contractors and corporate elites who profit from conflict while American families pay the price.
But there is a path to peace—and it starts with electing President Trump and sending Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to DC.
Together, they are the only ones willing to stand up to these entrenched interests and stop the Military-Industrial Complex from dragging us into devastating wars. RFK Jr. will bring a new voice to the administration, working alongside President Trump to dismantle the war machine that Kamala is ready to empower.
With war looming and only days left, we need your help to stop Kamala and her military-industrial backers. The clock is ticking.
President Trump is the only candidate willing to stand up to these powerful forces and fight for peace. He will not bow to the war machine, and with RFK Jr. at his side, he will ensure that our country is not pulled into a catastrophic conflict.
Time is running out. The future of peace is in our hands.
(I was a lifelong democrat and I approve this message.)
I would love to have a female president. A strong, capable, savvy, sane woman such as QE1, Indira Ghandi, Wilma Mankiller, Nancy Green, Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meir.
Ms. Harris is not that. Her bloviating is not, as I have heard put, a hallmark of superior intelligence but rather the useless bray of a midwit trying to impress her perceived "betters". She is the not too bright child in a room full of adults seeking attention.
Her true danger is exposed when one sees the devastating ad showcasing her bragging about the "swipe of my pen" devastating the lives of children and families for *truancy*. And when one reads about the people she locked up despite evidence of innocence.
To Kamala Harris, first of her name, ruler of the midwits and the new tribe of unsullied she and her cronies are creating, I say NO. I will not bend the knee.
Satanic is too mild an adjective. I thought the vast death and destruction of the "vaccine" would be enough to alert and awaken the sleeping public. I was wrong. We sleepwalk into annihilation. But because we are so glad to leave a legacy of death...through engineered "virus", toxic injections, visible chemical destruction of our skies, fluoridated poison water, and "food" genetically modified and soaked in chemicals and "sprays"--It just wasn't enough. Oh sleep on into DEATH--America...the once beautiful and the former free. Suicided by lies.
I find it amazing that they are so adamant about saving the lives of unwanted babies by banning abortions yet, they don’t mind killing off the adults.
Does "wanting" a human to exist make him or her more valuable? All human life is sacred.
Truth, MK. Yet those who dismiss the “unwanted” don’t care one whit about the sacredness of human life. They champion torturing the preborn, the partially born and the newborn who survives her abortion attack to death like it’s their favorite sport.
I heard recently that more babies are dying after birth now. Why - could be complex. Like, why did they not want the baby in the first place? Was it that they could hardly afford to sustain themselves financially, never mind the cost of raising a baby and the loss of a paying job. Or, maybe the parent(s) had zero feelings of love for this unwanted child so, maybe they were neglectful in it’s care leading to illness and death? Some of these unwanted or disabled children may be scarred for life.
Wendy, please stop. You sound petulantly foolish parroting Uniparty talking points under the One Democrat banner. Only the elderly like my Boomer generation and low info people listen to Meta, Google, and MSM that the uniparty controls.
Do some research in objective alternate media for your own sake. God can take care of God, if you have any faith in anything other than the big brother One State hypothetical narratives you are parroting.
You have made some very important points here and in your first post. The solution to the problem lies not in any government actions, but rather in the lack in a free society of any one or group to violate the inherent liberties of any other individual. Instead, before the time of viability of the fetus outside of the body , as always it is the woman's decision to do anything she wants with her own body. But after that a method of *rejection* must be used to remove the developing fetus from her body, which method does all possible to end with an independent child. If the fetus does not endure through this rejection procedure to become an independent child, then the mother has effectively made an *abortion* decision with her own body. If the fetus does become an independent child, then others should be found (best beforehand if outside viability is likely) for the purpose of financial and contractual relationships concerning the disposition of any fetus that becomes a child. Note that this last state continues as long as the child is dependent on the mother (unless one or more other individuals will voluntarily take over care of the child).
When I was in my mother’s womb, it was me, my body, that was in there. My right to life didn’t start at any point other than the very beginning, at my conception. Still you say if I was not yet viable, I could be disposed of as biomedical waste because of my weakness and inability to survive a premature birth?
Yet you next advocate for the young child, “the fetus,” to do his or her best to “endure through this rejection procedure to become an independent child?” What are you talking about, an early delivery of what now is a 23 or 22 week old baby? That’s very traumatic to the child and especially ironic as the mother surely wasn’t intentionally kicked out of the womb while she was there.
Having the physical power to poison me by pills, suction me to shreds, pull me slowly apart with a sopher clamp, inject my head or torso with a heart attack causing drug, deliver me to my neck so my throat could be slit and my abortionist not be bothered by my cries as s/he next collapsed my head…or killing me if I dare to emerge alive…that’s one thing, a very cruel, wicked and unjust thing. But somehow the proAbort forgets their own respectful, gentle treatment while they were that helpless and young, never mind there’s no moral right to take my life and purposefully shed my innocent blood. Might makes right, right?
Do you people not realize you once were where these children are now?
I see that you chose to ignore my sentence, "But after that a method of *rejection* must be used to remove the developing fetus from her body, which method does all possible to end with an independent child". This clearly means the " rejection method" (usually done by induced labor) is to avoid any possible harm to the fetus. Therefore, I will ignore your own irrational and only emotional response.
Have a nice day.
--Paul Wakfer
Yap, yap, yap. Saying more does not equate to intellectual prominence dude, yes dude, that’s all you’ve got, words. I have no doubt you are also an agreeable eugenicist, as long as you get to live.
By all means give the viewers your word salad on the uselessness of the elderly, disabled, and any unviable being that does not make muster of the WHO/Communist social credit score.
By the way, we do not live in a “society” but a unique Constitutional Republic of citizens, not a democratic society of liberated lunatics that falsely calls itself a democracy just because we vote.
That only makes sense if women could get pregnant spontaneously, without the input of the father....
Good to raise this point. However, unless the father has a priori contracted with the woman to retain some ownership of his sperm (and therefore of all its DNA), or they come to such an agreement after the fact, he has effectively given his sperm to the mother without any strings attached.
confused here.
Who is THEY?
Oh Wendy, if you only knew how confused you are. No doubt you are well meaning, but please explain who “they” are.
While you are at it you might try and realize your latent confusion comes not so much from you obviously denying having been propagandized by the Democrat’s captured media who know it’s days are numbered by alternative news, so today only fools follow their narrative, but because you show you must make it your personal war against villains they paint for you, but that you know nothing about. Democrat owned MSM have told you to hate Republicans and anyone who disagrees, but please explain exactly who are the “unwanted babies” you dismiss? Are they the same that this One Democrat Party banner has dismissed as collateral war dead and have done so for the past six decades along with their handful of RINO’s that are considered by MAGA to be Republican values traitors.
You live under a uniparty of the Democrat “inclusive” banner fantasy world of people who claim not to know what a woman is. Of course you are confused and angry, you refuse to accept the humility of being wrong so you say “they” did it.
So true. This Elite class of probably just a few families behind the scenes of our political games needs to be exposed and eliminated. But this will not be without cost to all the rest of the world who have either participated in allowing it to happen or prefer not to ask questions about things they KNOW will lead to death and destruction. Waking up will mean we have to face our part.
Yes an it goes on & on
Within a mere 4 years.
I was stationed in Minot North Dakota at that time. Our B52 bombers were airborne with kc135 refuelers airborne to keep them in the air . Our days allowed for just time to sleep as other equipment was being prepared. Now we have an administration that tosses around the term nuclear war so casually. That main change that has changed in 62 years is a population that is detached. I am being kind.
so many factors have contributed. I watched my own "highly educated" family...happily inject themselves with a bioweapon while their tv's ran nonstop with trash as engineered frequencies were broadcast to disable their critical thinking. On their way home from work...they stop by McDonald's to bring poison home to the kids. What a life. We have been colonized and have no one to blame but ourselves.
Thank video games for that, largely, with indoctrination a close 2nd!
I clearly remember the drills at school where we were instructed to crawl beneath our desks in the event of a nuclear attack. My father built a bomb shelter in our back yard.
heh heh....United States of FEAR.....I remember those days. We will all die.
In the meantime...don't live like a worm. Thank you Dr. McCullough and John Leake....for continuing your courageous discourse.
Stand and deliver.....YOU BET....drag me out in a hearse before I bow to the death vax.
I can’t imagine being a U.S. citizen and NOT being detached.
I was only 8 at the time but i remember my parents being very nervous and worried about something that i later found out was the Cuban Missile Crisis.
From what we’ve witnessed in her capacity as VP, the thought of her having the final word on handling of ANY crisis is chilling! A nuclear crisis….GOD HELP US ALL!!!
The American Experiment is in peril.
Vote like humanity depended on it.
P.S. Who has been “in charge” for the last 4 years?
I welcome comments on your very good question. Who has been “in charge”?
Satan . . .
so we see among others..."the chosen"
Oh do not think the devil does not exist and that evil is just "misunderstood" goodness...
There is evil abroad....having their way with the entire world---fake "pandemics".. toxic death "vaccines" .engineered "starvation" while food is wasted and thrown away.
medical murder in hospitals of healthy infants and elders.
Attorney Reiner Fuellmich was exposing the whole horror show....guess where he is now?
Merely speculating--folk from the CFR, DoD, since at least Bush Sr., if not much earlier.
Research Brigadier General Albert Pike in 1879, and his association with Mussini and the Satan controlled Masons (Illuminati). Pike designed the 3 world wars to control the planet.
I can picture her riding the dropped bomb, high on coke, cackling all the way down.
What’s happening today is a continuation of the reason for every human being’s existence on Earth throughout the ages: choosing a side in the battle between Light and Dark. On the side of Light: The Awakened God-fearing. On the side of Dark: The Awakened God-hating. In the middle: The oblivious, pleasure-seeking masses, refusing to be awakened from their sleepwalking mindlessness. I’ll admit, it’s hard to be awakened, to be a feeling human being, to be aware of the overwhelming evil let loose on humanity. Being without pills to numb and dumb one down is hard. One cannot unsee, unhear, unknow. Just going to town is an ordeal, feeling attacked by the noise of people hellbent on getting more, more, more. But there are compensations: loving silence and aloneness, having long, mindful conversations with like-minded people, having communion with God.
Why is Kennedy given any credit in this episode? The only reason the USSR was putting missiles in Cuba was precisely because the US had already put missiles on the border of the USSR in Turkey. Why give someone credit for the mess he and the former president created in the first place? Remember the missiles in Turkey were installed in the early part of the Kennedy regime so he should be given zero credit for "saving the world" from the nightmare he had created in the first place. When are people in the US going to waken up and see the true evil the US became after Lincoln shredded the constitution to attack the South so enabling the string of attacks on other countries in the last 160 years that are also in total defiance of the constitution?
Greetings John, The Jupiter Missile program was conceived and developed during the Eisenhower administration, the agreement to place an installation in Turkey was signed in October 1959, and first missiles were placed in Turkey in 1961 pursuant to the 1959 agreement. Kennedy did not throw the brakes on the program upon being sworn in, but he successfully used the program as a negotiating chip with the Soviets to resolve the Cuban Missile Crisis. As Eisenhower pointed out in his Farwell Address just before Kennedy was sworn in, the Military-Industrial Complex had already become unmoored from representative government. With his skillful handling of the Crisis, Kennedy pushed back against this Complex, which may explain why he was assassinated a year later. Regards, John Leake
Would you rather have had Biden, or Bush junior? Or rather Cheney... Kennedy had a rapport with Mr K - they communicated, which helps. We're still here, albeit by our fingertips - that's why JFK is lauded.
Lord, have mercy! That is a nightmare!
In all honesty, don't grasp the nightmare aspect of Kackles.
Just another Demon Worshiping Nazi with a Slave Mentality on her knees as always in her personal historical sense. Nothing except another slave to the same Psychopathic Criminals Against All Life on Earth as the Dementia-Ridden, Pedo Puppet Minion already playing the role of 'Executive' unable to find his way off of a 12' x 9' Stage.
THE WHOLE EAST COAST SEWER CORRIDOR IS A NIGHTMARE and 'The People' are to blame as we are spoiled, weak, stupid and cowardly to tolerate and empower these evil agents of the overseas ENEMIES of the U.S. Constitution and their TREASONOUS Puppet Minion Agents to begin with. They're all so PREDICTABLE...It's no longer stunning or terrifying to hear their threats of Nuclear Holocaust or imminent Foreign Occupation since Foreign Occupation was already carried-out by the TREASONOUS now installed since 2020.
She is not and will never be.
She is a DEI post 🐢 of garbage gums, vegetable salad and inferior curiosity placing her with Joe Biden at the bottom of class standing in mastery of the facts.
That she is a DEI post is not hyperbole; Joe Biden made it clear in 2020 he would pick a woman running mate.
The thought of Kamala being in charge of the nuclear codes scares the crap out of me!
the creepy witch is only a mask. Nothing is there. She is in charge of nothing.
follow the money....shall we?
If the dem Apparatus were to prevail, then the USA would indeed be ruled by AI.
Skynet and Hal... What a chilling thought!
"...the horror, the horror..." Cnl Kurtz (Brando rubbing his stubble) Apocalypse Now.
Spread the word, before it's too late:
Dick Cheney, the driving force behind the Iraq War that killed more than one million human beings, endorsed Kamala Harris. Why? Because she is beholden to the war machine that thrives on conflict and chaos, no matter the cost to American lives or global stability.
Recent events paint a clear and alarming picture. Israel is expected to hit military targets inside Iran; China’s President Xi is ordering his troops to prepare for war; North Korea’s dictator, Kim Jong-un, has blown up vital roads and railways, isolating his nation for whatever comes next; and there are reports NATO is considering arming Ukraine with nuclear weapons, bringing the threat of global conflict to our doorstep.
The world is on the brink, and Kamala is ready to drag us right into it.
Under Kamala’s leadership, the same failed policies of intervention and military expansion will continue. She stands with the defense contractors and corporate elites who profit from conflict while American families pay the price.
But there is a path to peace—and it starts with electing President Trump and sending Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to DC.
Together, they are the only ones willing to stand up to these entrenched interests and stop the Military-Industrial Complex from dragging us into devastating wars. RFK Jr. will bring a new voice to the administration, working alongside President Trump to dismantle the war machine that Kamala is ready to empower.
With war looming and only days left, we need your help to stop Kamala and her military-industrial backers. The clock is ticking.
President Trump is the only candidate willing to stand up to these powerful forces and fight for peace. He will not bow to the war machine, and with RFK Jr. at his side, he will ensure that our country is not pulled into a catastrophic conflict.
Time is running out. The future of peace is in our hands.
(I was a lifelong democrat and I approve this message.)
I would love to have a female president. A strong, capable, savvy, sane woman such as QE1, Indira Ghandi, Wilma Mankiller, Nancy Green, Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meir.
Ms. Harris is not that. Her bloviating is not, as I have heard put, a hallmark of superior intelligence but rather the useless bray of a midwit trying to impress her perceived "betters". She is the not too bright child in a room full of adults seeking attention.
Her true danger is exposed when one sees the devastating ad showcasing her bragging about the "swipe of my pen" devastating the lives of children and families for *truancy*. And when one reads about the people she locked up despite evidence of innocence.
To Kamala Harris, first of her name, ruler of the midwits and the new tribe of unsullied she and her cronies are creating, I say NO. I will not bend the knee.
Harris is an empty vessel, perhaps a channel for Hillary Clinton, who appears to be channeling Moloch again...