It’s an uphill battle from the edge of the abyss, but it’s desperately needed. Children are our future. The traditional family is the cradle of civilized humanity. We will all fall into chaos without it; as it is we are hanging on with our fingertips while Satan jumps on them.

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I could not agree more. So much evil surrounding us but this ‘medical treatment’ is truly an abomination. 💔

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Amen! 🙏

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I couldn't have said it better.

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I can't believe those morons ever thought it would be a good idea to shove puberty blockers into kids, then to remove their penises and breasts. This was straight up satanic and they knew it but they only cared about making millions and destroying the family unit. There are now millions of kids forever damaged by this, I believe the parents who allowed the mutilation of their kids should be forced to research all of it and listen to the thousands of kids who are now suicidal AFTER being mutilated, they should also lose their kids. I can't believe no one saw this coming before it reached mass destruction. Satan had a big hand in all of it.

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You must believe, but it has nothing to do with being a good idea. This crap is totally about the money and of course the perverts that go along with it so they can have fun physically destroying kids themselves.

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It's all about satan. The children are the most vulnerable, and they are the future. This is to confuse them, and condition them to the perverse life of demons. satan is the author of confusion. Our politicians are just his puppets.

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It was probably an experiment in seeing how easy it was to destroy parental care and sever the parent/child bond.

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Yes, it's all mapped out. Destroying the family. No fathers, women going into the work force, etc.

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How could anyone take 'the Admiral' seriously?

If ever a picture was worth a thousand words.

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I was laughing at the photo of this ridiculous clown. Sheer lunacy. And these guys on either side looking slightly uncomfortable. It’s all so absurd…

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Exactly! At least the 'Admiral' could get a decent hair-do! xxx

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Funny that the person talking about mental health is an obese, demented (mentally ill) person pretending to be something he's not. It's comical.

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With no attempt at nice hair or make-up! Hilarious!

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Another example of the Marxists using language to corrupt and undermine Western civilization. Encouraging children to "identify" and select "pronouns" is indoctrination, perversion and corruption. Performing unnecessary medical procedures is child abuse.

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Thank god there's still a shred of common sense somewhere in this world.

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Age 25 if ever. Brain is not mature until at least age 25. The whole thing is another WEF project.

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I would've said 27, because the idea of having babies didn't cross my mind until I was 27, and I'd suspect many males would reach that point of reproductive maturity later still. I was a sporty, active girl, who used to joke about breast reductions because they were a bit of a hindrance. I ended up pregnant and breastfeeding for 12 consecutive years. The kids have no idea, and their parents have been attacked and controlled.

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Loved the “12 consecutive years” !!❤️🙏

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:D More accurately, 12 overlapping years, in cumulative individual child time, 16.15 years. They wouldn't get off.

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I’m chuckling!😂🤗

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Gender affirming care should only ever include telling gender confused boys and girls that they really are boys and girls no matter what their blue haired teacher with the nose ring and the pussy hat said.

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Think about it, what exactly did the perverts cover up when they came up with the term 'Gender Affirming Care'? Maybe 'Child Love'?

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Legendary comment. Bravo!

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What bleak insanity ever supported this?

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Our Enemies!

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Why not a gender affirming car? A mobile clinic. A drive by. Or a drive thru. Makes some sense in our culture. Do you remember Christopher Lasch's Culture of Narcissim? Great book from 40 years ago. He describes Americans as "pursuing fun with a vengeance". We are pursuing a lot of things with a vengeance now. A meanness. We are deeply unhappy. Glad to have you and Doc McCollough to bring some erudition and insight into the mix. We got a lotta work to do.

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As a parent of three boys between 17 and 21 years old I'm relieved that they didn't have to undergo the worst of an ever increasing social experiment bring perpetrated against children in the name of progressive insanity. That said, I am ever grateful to you and other medical professionals pushing against this unscientific Mengele-esque monster think.

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“Gender affirming” 1984 you affirm something not by desecrating it. Twisted words. Kids are groomed to be confused in school. Parents where are you, or rather where are the adults? Gender affirming is like social distancing, or domestic violence nothing social about distancing nor domestic about violence. Suicide is not prevented by “G.A.” But caused by the empty promises and process.

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Alberta's Premier bands surgery for under 18.


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Let’s be clear: this is child abuse (sexual, psychological, physical, the whole ball of wax) for profit, for depopulation, for destruction of our country, culture, and civilization.

Those behind it are evil and need to be removed from society by the most expedient and permanent means possible.

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Excellent post, as usual. This is the time to stand.

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the endocrine disruption from the pesticides, all the unsafe yet allowed (due to $ changing hands) gmo’s , warming oceans but no one mentions fukushima leaking for over 13 yrs now directly into the sea , wars fought to hide the fact the economy is broken , and then there are the negatives :-)

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I just saw a video taken in Yeman of hundreds of thousands of shrimp washed up. They look like they were cooked. Bright orange. It is so shocking. I’m sure it’s from Fukushima radiation poisoning. Why it’s allowed is heartbreaking 💔

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From a former high school teacher/counselor's perspective... most adolescents neither know WHAT they want nor who they are... they are LEARNING these things... brain development is not fully complete until a person's mid to late 20's... some days adolescents can't make up their minds about what to wear to school, much less make a permanent, life altering decision about their gender... & how can these life altering mandates be enforced by politicians & judges, some of whom can't even define what a woman is?? Ironically though, doctors seem to know that a man's genital anatomy must be removed to build a semblance of a v@gin@ or a woman must have phaIIic parts "built" to "become" a male... so SOMEBODY out there knows the anatomical differences between a male & a female... It's beyond the pale that there are folks willing to take $$ to mutilate children... sadly, these practices speak to the state of our union... Heartbreaking...

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And when someone digs us up in a 100+ years, what do you think they will find, MALE AND FEMALE skeletons.

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