Kennedy's "newer world" would actually look a lot like Democrat dystopia - climate emergencies and green energy boondoggles, white fragility and reparations, abortion on demand, gun control, etc. His leftist dogma runs deep. I'll keep my pre-Marxist "old world" thank you very much.

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I pray we can keep your "old world" indeed!

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Jan 27
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Egerton, I totally get what you are saying. I suggest though, that if we can use Robert to stop the global jab genocide, take Davos down from their throne, exit wars, screw Blackrock and fix elections, that we kick the can down the road and deal with issues later, after and if we survive the onslaught. Bobby or no Bobby, they're not going to get our guns. Trump or Bobby? I could live with either, but I'd prefer to see those 80 billion dollars spent at home, like 80 billion to fix SS? I have no problem with saving Social Security and detoxing the environment. Things just need to go slow, just like LEGAL immigration was made to go slow when it works right to slowly create devoted freedom loving tax paying patriots.

I do think Bobby will be the only candidate going after the pharmaceutical giants. Trump might get out of WHO but don't think he'll go after Pfizer. None of the rest will matter if they kill and censor most of us.

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Very insightful comment. Although, I am more adamant about Trump being the best “fix” at this point. It won’t be a magic wand- we’re too far gone for that. If you’re a Christian you understand we truly have nothing to fear in the end, though! So, I hope a wise man like you knows that 🙏

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Serious and light hearted. Whoever we end up being president, humanity's got a tough row to hoe. Not a stone will be left unturned and Mama Earth is just getting warmed up.

We've got a much bigger fish to fry.

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Jan 27
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That is not quite on point that Kennedy is brainwashed about climate change. Did he not say explicitly that he would like to set aside climate change fir the time being and rather focus on reducing pollution?

I think that is what he would do if he became US President. Being responsible and reduce environmental toxins. He would probably reduce fracking, and try to reduce plastic pollution to some extent. Healthier options by reducing antibiotics/or doing away with mRNA and DNA vaccines in animal farming. Bit back to the natural state. More naturally grown things. His thinking is very well thought through and logical. This would be really helpful and a good start. Small steps in the right direction.

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Got it. Good points. I do think he distinguishes between our natural desire for a good environment and the slave system co-opting of it from Davos. To bad about the reaction from certain progressives. I would hope that enough sudden deaths type reporting is getting around.

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I like Kennedy and think he would make a fine president. Unfortunately, the abortion issue is the great divide. He picks the human women’s rights. I pick the human baby’s rights. This is the issue that divides and decides.

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That's it for me, too. Kennedy is "abort even up to the time of birth." These are humans.

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Jan 26Edited

the abortion worshipping just shows how deluded they are by satan and that they ARE minions of satan. It's not even a topic to debate.... a 5 year old would tell you it is murder. If I was raped...I would take a damn pill to end it, but that minority of instances doesn't compell the entire groupthink. You can't legislate morality, ppl gonna do whatever they can get away with....many want to learn the hard way...there is mental torture for years for most walking this path.

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Citation needed. I don't believe that's true.

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Wow. I’d like to confirm that. Very discouraging.

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"Hours later, Mr. Kennedy’s campaign released a statement saying he had “misunderstood a question posed to him by an NBC reporter in a crowded, noisy exhibit hall at the Iowa State Fair.”

“Mr. Kennedy’s position on abortion is that it is always the woman’s right to choose,” the statement said. “He does not support legislation banning abortion.”


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So RFK had to “walk back” after stating no abortion after 12 weeks ( except the usual extenuating circumstances). He’s squishy on the topic. I saw a report issued by a liberal organization that tracks U.S. number of abortions, it stated that the last year under RvW there were on average approx. 77,000 abortions monthly (!) after RvW was abolished it jumped comparatively to 88,000 monthly. So the numbers reflect that access to abortion is as easy as ever, contrary to the liberal narrative of less access. Organizations like Preborn.org & Tiny Heartbeat offer free ultrasounds to pregnant women along with support and resources needed should they decide to keep their pregnancy are so important.

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Source? I have never heard that from Kennedy

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I do not know of any woman who would abort at birth unless either the babies health or the moms health is at risk. that is an incredibly ignorant statement. sheesh

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Do you think there is any truth that babies are being aborted in the ninth month to supply body parts and organs?

Do you believe there could be that level of evil in the world? Moloch and Ba’Al worshipers perhaps?

I do believe that level of evil exists and protections are needed for the unborn to prevent such evil.

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There is no doubt this is true at all. There are current investigations being conducted into illicit use of Federal funds by universities conducting research on such body parts (which remains illegal) see https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/federal-investigation-opened-into-pitt-over-fetal-tissue-experiments-emails-show/ar-AA1lBOvA and David Daleidan's on-camera expose of Planned Parenthood officials admitting to it makes any denial impossible.

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You don’t abort a developed fetus - you give birth ! If the mother can’t be pregnant - induce ! If the baby is in danger - give birth !!

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This is the issue that divides--period. It is currently irresolvable and that is why both parties use it to drag their constituents around like hogs with rings in their noses.

Besides, in case you haven't noticed that SCOTUS overturned Roe vs. Wade about a year and a half ago, it's not even a federal issue anymore. Why would you waste your vote for POTUS on a state level issue?

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While I support an unborn baby's right to life, I recognize that we have a divided populace, and therefore I would support a European-style compromise, where abortion is allowed up to some number of weeks, such as 12.

Jesus indicates that some legitimate laws were written, "because your hearts were hard" (see Mark 10:5). Those of us who are anti-abortion instead of pro-abortion can use persuasion to convince women not to abort babies before week 12.

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At 12 weeks, the size is such that they have to go in and pull off the arms and legs off first, in order to get the rest of the baby out.

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Agree with Jennifer. While working in medical field I witnessed the horrors of abortion. Never again. Ever notice all of the people who support abortion are already born?

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Their suction machine openings are very small and they have to scrape everything out of the uterus even at 12 weeks, so they have to really get in there. All of the organs exist then, too.

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I agree. I can't get too excited about the 'rights' of fetuses that haven't even developed neural networks. Still, this is a legitimate legislative issue subject to the democratic process but at the STATE level now that Rowe vs. Wade has been overturned.

Absent an amendment to the Constitution, it is now just plain silly to vote for federal offices based on abortion. Federal candidates will still campaign on their abortion stance, of course, because it's an easy way to pick up voters who are too unsophisticated to understand this.

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Neural network formation in progress at 16 days gestation, so gives you a pretty small window to lack excitement

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That is not consistent with what I've read at all. Most sources I've read say that begins somewhere between 6 snd 8 weeks.

And that is just, for me, the absolute lowest threshold of any developmental factor that I would consider a good argument for personhood. I think a good legal compromise would be the activation of the prefrontal cortex that begins around 4 to 5 months.


Before that the only thing distinctly human about the fetus is it's genome.

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Neural plate development in progress at 15 days, you can look that up. The key thing is only the unique genome really and unequivocally defines the individual—and that there is life, which none of us really understand. Anything else is arbitrary. Your own existence, is arbitrary to anyone else’s definitions—all of us are human in our most basic existence or none of us has any claim. It really is that simple.

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Yes, abortion is now a matter for the states. A problem with this is that it crosses state lines. Whether it’s buying abortifacients across state lines or activists transporting minors across state lines without their parents knowledge. The US Constitution also identifies a right to life. Trump recognizes the problems that Republicans have had with prolife messaging. The Demonrats are planning on using the abortion issue very heavily in the 2024 federal and state elections. Trump has suggested a number of measures to try to incentivize women to choose life for their baby.

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Regarding the right to life in the US Constitution, are you referring to the 14th Amendment? If so, it begins with "All persons born or naturalized in the United States." Therefore, it does not explicitly help pre-born persons.

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Sorry, I was having a senior moment. It is the Declaration of Independence that speaks of unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

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No problem. I am not enough of a legal scholar to know if the Declaration of Independence has any legal weight since the US Constitution was adopted.

Nevertheless, the 14th Amendment mentions a right to life, but it also mentions "born".

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As we are currently seeing, once in power many things are moved to the forefront and manipulated to change.

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Yep. That’s the bottom line for me too. If it was a lesser issue, I could live with voting for him, but this is always going to be a deal breaker for me.

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I am not sure you will find a political candidate whom you agree with on all fronts. I have heard several of Kennedy’s speeches and I am impressed. Integrity and intelligence z

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Consciousness (with capital C) is the issue that divides and decides. Just to paraphrase your last sentence. The divide at the USA level and world level will continue until we raise the question: Am I Conscious of being Consciousness? Who Am I? Here in 16 mins the message of a speaker of Non Duality (Not Two, Just One. Transcending the Ego-Mind-Individual MODE) 'Why humanity's survival depends on recognising that consciousness is primary' - Rupert Spira https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuscFa_VU0A

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You are all fools making abortions or other political issues the deciding factors. Politics change, men don't. Do you want a narcissistic flawed toddler, a senile old man or a decent honest intelligent leader that sees the big problems. As soon the soft-totalitarian global system is fully established, abortions will be the least of your problems, trust me. If anyone has an outside chance to turn the systematic sell-out of nation states around it is Kennedy. Wake up fools. You get deliberately distracted by insignificant side-shows. See the big picture. Same with gun laws. When the cognitive warfare is fully established, they can nudge you to use your guns for whatever purpose they see fit, including shooting yourself. You wont stand a chance unless you start waking up from your Jesus-and-guns will save me trance. You have to start to understand how your own mind works very rapidly if you want to survive this and guide your family and community. You have no idea what's coming if those soul-less technocrats rule supremely. They already ate orange man for breakfast. Why can't you see that he already tried and failed? He was outsmarted and cheated and booted out. What makes you think he will defeat them next time? Trump, at times, means well but he is not the heroic leader that works for the common good, ready to sacrify himself, if needed. Kennedy might.

See the big picture. Drop everything you think you know and start looking what is really going on. You are played and not even know it.

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Jan 27
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I would argue that Trump stirred the Israel/Gaza conflict by accepting money from Sheldon Adelson (Birth Right, a settler colonialist organisation), giving Sheldon Adelson's the highest US medal, moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, and allowing Netanyahu to call the Golan Heights "Trump Heights", and by putting on a complete show when coming up with a joke of a peace plan that was totally biased towards Israeli settler colonialism. He was clearly making fun of the Palestinians. That is not behaviour that prevents wars. It is behaviour to embolden the Israeli government and illegal Israeli settlers to steal and occupy more land from Arabs.

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He’s for gun control. No deal.

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I think he's gotten his head right(er) on that. Certainly way more pro-RKBA and nearly all current Dems.

His big suck up to Israel is closer to a deal-killer for me unless it's some sort of Jedi mind f*ck so that they don't take him out like they likely did his father and uncle (JFK primarily for his firm opposition to letting Israel acquire nukes).

Means, motive...


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You have posted a link to an opinion piece by the REPUBLICAN SENATOR of Louisiana JOHN KENNEDY (no relation).

RFK Jr. is NOT a Senator. And he has NEVER held public office.

RFK Jr's position on gun control threatens the 2nd Amendment.

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Kennedy needs to cross the floor to the Republicans, it is too late to save the Democratic party, the corruption and socialism within it must be terminated. To say Trump can not lead because some of the population has been brainwashed by main stream media ??? That is the talk of a loser or a communist supporter, with an agenda. The segment of the population that has been brainwashed needs to be educated, not appeased, I have never heard such a weak, ridiculous reason not to elect the right man for the job.

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Blue state Trump voter here.

Legitimate question: In a state Trump was destined to lose in the general, wouldn't voting for Kennedy be a reasonable way to go if it looked like he had any prospect of beating Biden there?

VP picks are going to be important this time around - I never hear Tulsi Gabbard mentioned as a possibility for Trump - would be a smart move on his part, wonder if RFK will try to grab her if DJT doesn't...

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YES, to answer your question.

I foolishly voted for Ross Perot and assisted the Democratic Party elect Slick Willie instead.

A 3rd party candidate is a spoiler for whichever candidate his views are closer. (Biden, here)

However, that is true only for those viewing the election options as between THOSE two--e.g. a democrat choosing Biden or RFK, Jr.

If you truly support Trump it is still best to VOTE for him!

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Answer: No, it's best if Kennedy doesn't get any Electoral College votes by winning the state. We want him completely knocked out where he doesn't even get Massachusetts Electoral College votes.

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So, if it's a situation where it was either Kennedy or Biden that was going to get the EC votes it would be better for them to go to Biden??

If you're a Trump supporter in a Red or swing state then I'd say by all means vote for Trump.

I'm talking about a hypothetical but plausible situation where Trump is likely to come in third anyway - in which case I'd much rather see RFK take it than Biden...

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Won’t be Biden on the ticket. Vote red, regardless.

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Gabbard is a leftist, surely not a conservative. Fortunately she left the Marxist Demonrat Party.

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Yes, she would...

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No, and loosing the popular vote (whether legitimately or not, if you live in CA) only fuels the push to abandon the electoral college. RFK makes some good points, but he doesn’t stand a chance against whomever the Dems will install in August. Everyone knows that Biden will not be on the ticket.

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Jan 27
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Don't know what you recall, but that has been thoroughly debunked.

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His wife will never let him become a republican

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Absolutely agree. The brainwashed and uneducated destroyed our cities during the “summer of love”. Will never forgive nor forget. These people are evil loonies and paid for by the Dems and educated by the unscrupulous hateful leftist college professors and msm.

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I absolutely agree 1000k percent!

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Nice try but foolish. The Divides here will not go away if both Biden and Trump depart.

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Trump & Biden are symbols of the divide, but NOT the cause of it..... & Biden will NOT be the Dems nominee, IMHO....

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Biden-Harris will be replaced by some combination of Noisome, Whitlessmer, and Mikhail Obama.

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....you're probably correct, but IDGAF WHO loses to TRUMP 2024, lol....


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...as long as they lose!

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I would not agree. . . foolish, wrong though.

Electing RJK, Jr. "sounds" good to some extent but it will simple spoil the election, so to speak for one of the two mains. Besides, I believe more important, it will simply delay the eventual inevitable collision between the Marxists and Conservatives.

(I include RINO'S with the Marxists.)

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A few things trot through my head these days....one is a Trojan Horse....there is much much much more to the globalist agenda then vaccines/mRNA tech and climate change....how about social impact markets for starters? The shifting of the financial paradigm whereby our governance is securely placed in the hands of the elitist who will manage us like cattle? Notice how the “dream team” steers clear of detailing that central piece to the masses and its significance in the coming NWO. Why is that?

Second thing that comes to mind is Machiavelli’s “The Prince” and his age old admonition....beware the rule who presents himself as half man and half beast for the public/masses/electorate....he wins favor by acting relatable and connecting in human ways and then presents himself as a warrior willing to do what must be done to protect his people....but in reality the effective ruler is actually full beast and that realization is what will keep the masses, strangely out of fear, from seeing him for what he is.

Is Kennedy, given some of his views, truly the leader who would be 1/2 man/1/2 beast as a means of governing or is that a charade designed to win favor and we risk getting more than we bargained for in our anointed savior? His views on certain subjects align with the globalists a little too closely to not examine the realities that would accompany a presidency by him.

Does it given anyone else pause that most of the Weinstein dream team were literally die hard democrats fully entrenched in the progressive left that has brought us to this place in history? If they are so smart, worldly and knowledgeable how did they not see the writing on the wall? As a mother, coach, educator, lawyer...etc. I saw it. Sorry, but their claims that they are only now, with the COVID Chronicles, all awakening to the ruse that has been engulfing us for at least 15 years....no longer buying what they are selling.

Is the RFK potential presidency about true reform of is it more hopium and a regime change as the agenda advances? After 4 years, I have my answer.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Each man or woman will have to decide for themselves. What seems clear to me...TPTB are playing us like a fiddle.

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You are a voice of conscience and illumination, Laura.

Thank you.

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Then how do you decide whom to trust?

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I trust my intuition, my research skills and most importantly I trust those who do not seek to silence, censor or shame the voice of others.

You probably will think that is idealistic and naive. However, I have learned over the last 4 years the following:

1) next time, the security guards at my local hospital will have to arrest me to keep me from seeing a loved one;

2) next time, I will not ask permission to advocate for a loved one’s care...the “following their rules” cost my mother her life....turns out my intuition and research was right and spot on, while those responsible for her care wrung their hands, lied and kept me outside the hospital walls;

3) I fought to keep my daughters unvaccinated due to family medical history of autoimmune. They were typical high school teens being shamed and shunned and excluded from what should have been normal high school years....it was rough, emotionally and mentally....but now, having matured through this crisis they profoundly thank me for keeping them safe.

I would do it all over again...but recognize how tired and worn down I am from the efforts of the past few years....therefore am not a fan of the “forgive and forget” mantra...let’s not get caught up in the quagmire of retribution. WTF? If there is no accountability it WILL happen again.

I will trust those who do not shy away from asking inconvenient questions and seeking answers even if it takes them to unimaginable places. To do otherwise is to kick the can down the road and put the lives of my daughters in jeopardy.

There will is no meaningful “heal the divide” until there is an honest accounting of what happened. They wanted to put poison in my kids’ arms and sorry, but THEY knew what they were doing. Mistakes were not made.

The apologists for the supposedly incompetent administrative agencies are just that...apologists.

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I am sorry to hear all you have gone through, especially the death of your mother. I live in Europe, so some things were different than yours but I recognise a few things. Thankfully no one in my family died (so far), but my kids were one of the very few unjabbed and they had to test all the time, where the jabbed didn't have to, even if THEY were the ones being sick all the time. And sometimes, when I think back of the fact that I wasn't allowed in any restaurant or other public venue, I still feel a rush of stress, which makes me think that it affected me more than I thought. Honestly, I am also tired from this and I can only hope I will be able to muster up the determination to hold out again, should it be necessary.

I do not think you to be naïve or idealistic. I asked you the question because you came across very confident in not trusting certain people. I am less confident, with the result that, not knowing how to decide whom to trust, I do not trust anybody, and this is not a great place to be in. This is aggravated by the fact that the dissenters also throw mud at each other regardless of a lot of them asking inconvenient questions.

And when it comes to accountability, I really don't have much hope. It requires too much from too many, and I can't see how it could practically be done with so very very many people guilty one way or another, for all that was done to the people. Maybe I simply lack imagination and it can happen sometime, but I don't hold my breath.

Thank you for taking the time to reply.

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Oh Gingerbread...I feel your pain and understand your struggle. I apologize if I came across as angered in my reply by your question. Honestly, it is triggering because some in the medical freedom movement seek to placate with the “to move forward we have to find ways to heal the divide” and I am not there because in my real life I am still suffering....seen by family and friends as the problem because I would not vaccinate, told by total strangers that my mom could not have died from the vaccine because “safe and effective” therefore I’m a liar yet they know none of the details or mountains of research that did get me exemptions for my daughters, finally. And even in-laws who continue to boost and the message in part is...you are not allowed to grieve your mother’s horrific passing because Fauci said it is not possible.

Trust your instincts. Ask questions. Check out my substack. Part of why I speak confidently is prior to the pandemic I had very personal and real experiences on some of the issues that have been more exposed during the past 4 years.

I am a breast cancer survivor who had implants placed in me in n the recommendation of docs and approval of FDA that we later found out cause cancer!!! And mine were even ruptured and I had to fight to get proper care because I was dismissed repeatedly but knew something was wrong. 😑 wrote two substacks on that saga...so zi was well acquainted with the fraudulent practices of the FDA and big pharma before the vaccines....experience is an amazing teacher!

And I became well acquainted with the globalist agenda in my state when Gates and the technocrats hijacked our public schools with their “reform” efforts which are just about building a pipeline for workers for the coming gig economy of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Same playbook was used in COVID as they used in education. They are doing the same in energy, finance, health, health industry, etc. It is a global coup by the elite.

I think it is important to keep one’s eyes wide open. Ask questions. Get out of debt as much as possible. Prepare for potential scenarios that might leave you vulnerable to scare tactics. And find like minded individuals in your community. And as hard as it is (and lonely) use your voice when possible to speak truth and raise the alarm. That being said, don’t waste energy on those who can’t even use common sense to see the holes in the narrative right in front of them. Conserve your energy on that front.

Protect your children and never apologize for the momma bear instinct/intution....nature and God gave it to us for a reason. Sometimes your survival depends on it. So far mine has served me well and gave me the knowledge and strength I needed going into the pandemic to stand my ground while everyone around me was telling me I was wrong and a problem. Some now sees things differently...so I hang onto that. But like you...some days I don’t hold out much hope for real change.

Best of luck. And try to take comfort in the fact that you are not alone. There are others like us out there. Be well and God Bless.

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Great post. . . and I thought Laura's was great! .. . with you BOTH on your takes' of this situation; hate it that our candidates like to eat their own and that commenters(a few) do the same. We must be united if we ever expect to pull out from the muck up to our necks and coming closer . . .

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Thank you :)

It's not easy to navigate the world and all developments that are going on.

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I'm so, so sorry about your mother, Laura.

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Thank you. Has been a season of loss. I have survived to fight another day. Thank God.

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Don't forget that He always walks by your side and will give you continued strength.

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Thank you. Bam finding that to be true.

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Please Laura, run for election. . . for something, somewhere. You must be a twin to Margaret-Anna Alice!

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The apologists are experts at propaganda broadcasting, Laura. They lie, cheat and steal

then blame us for what they are doing. Truth evades their vocabulary.

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You have described my feelings and thoughts as well. There is no way I will comply next time around. I will trust myself as every decision that I made while listening to “experts”, “officials” and “The Science” I regret, but those made when I did my own research and reasoning- no regrets. I put my faith in myself to withstand ridicule and censorship to survive.

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EXCELLENT comment, Laura! I'm very sorry about your mom. Wishing you peace, comfort and justice.

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Because the establishment “conditioned” us to hate Trump is the only reason I need to vote for him. The establishment also “conditioned” me to take the vaccine, and when I didn’t, divide me from those that did. Soft men and women go along to get along.

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Over the past 4 years I realized there are two Establishments. Both are telling different lies.

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Sorry, but RFK is a wishy washy man. I've watched him too many times make a true statement and then someone got "offended" and he caves. No thank you.

How can a man that knows the depths of Pharmas depravity defend them when it comes to the transgender ideology? They are using drugs on children that have never been used but he made the statement he will defend Trans rights??? He threw Mom's for Liberty under the bus after he just spoke to the president of Mom's for Liberty and then blamed his assistant. Frankly I have no faith in any politician. His family was in politics longer than Bush's, Clinton's and biden. Yet the policies they put forward just led to more destruction of our families.

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He also voted for HC and the current WH occupant. So hard NO.

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Did not know that info. Thanks for educating.

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BAM. A sucker punch right between the eyes, with a fist of ignorance. Placing Trump in parity with Biden, as if this is just about a nasty political campaign, reeks of cluelessness. Refusing to support a man working for our liberty just because the evil attacking him screams so loudly at their future demise is so self-defeating. The fact that "a huge swath of the country has been programmed to hate him" demands we support him and not abandon him. I hate to think what you feel about Jesus now that a large swath of the country has been programmed to hate Him. Guess we should abandon our Savior so we can "just get along." This was a terrible post. Kennedy has NOT stood up against the tyranny of the Democrat party as it has become a Marxist stew of destructive poison. Kennedy does not rise to the level of being trustworthy. He is steeped in weak ideas that are nothing but the yeast in which Communism grows and overtakes our dreams, our freedom, and our survival. C'mon, John, pull yourself together and start thinking straight. We face evil and this is no time to play possum just because the demons are screeching.

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Beautifully said.

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POWERFULLY stated Truths! 🙏🇺🇸❤️🙏

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The elitists are threatened by both Kennedy and Trump thus the ostracization of one and loathing of the other. They upset the power struggle of the demoncrats and the RINOs. I don't dislike Kennedy but I'll never vote for a pro choice/abortion politician, at any level. If he was more of a Zell Miller then perhaps. but I'm a Trump supporter namely because I support his policies, not his personality.

Trump has the best policies overall, hands down. The media and democrats don't want peace or healing or compromise, they only want capitulation, weakness, go-along, yielding to their will, etc. Conservatives need to fight back and that's why Trump and the MAGA movement is strong, he's a brawler who is willing to fight.

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Thank you.

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Kennedy keeps using the word “democracy” and that gives me such pause. We are NOT a democracy and someone who continues to use that word makes me think they want to move us in that direction. The global governments that are true democracies are in a bigger fractional mess than we are (if that’s even possible). I’m a big fan of Kennedy. He’s thoughtful, cogent, has been fighting tough “machine battles” a long time, and clearly cares, which is a big deal. I get it that people may not personally like Trump. But 98% of those people will never have to even shake his hand, let alone hang out with him on a regular basis. Why is everyone so hung up on “liking someone” who they will NEVER have to spend time with? Turn off the news and go be with the people you WANT to be with! The personality profile and arrangement needed to even BEGIN to clean up this mess is not going to be someone that MOST of us would want to hang out with. And who cares? We need someone who will be tough on corruption and draw heavy lines in the dirt and bring justice to some really nasty characters. We don’t need someone we’ll go to dinner with--which I’m just CERTAIN your mother’s dinner party was over-the-top-lovely! ☺️

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Well said. Many people just can't think logically. It has to be who they "like."

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RFK Jr. is a powerful advocate. He will make a superb contribution to American History by gutting the corrupt cabal in HHS, FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID (his book the real Anthony Fauci is just the tip of that iceberg). As Secretary of Health and Human Services for the Trump 2025 administration he could fight with other virtuous warriors to slay the Deep State.

Godspeed RFK Jr., your father and uncle are cheering for you.

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RFK Jr is a creature of the swamp. Given carte blanche to do as he pleases - which will never happen, thankfully - I have zero belief that he would do away with HHS, FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID. He is angling for the Presidency and will take whatever position he thinks will get him there. Being anti-vax does not a good leader make. He will never get my vote.

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Can we all please get away from Trump's personality and some of the things he says? Please stop getting your feeling hurt, you sound like the whiners on the left. Policy, policy, policy and draining the corruption and people from the swamp that are destroying our country is all that matters. All of Trump's policies were America first, though he did fumble the ball on Covid and the jab. We need to close the border, deport, crank up the fossil fuel machine, start building nuclear power plants, rebuild our military and root out the wokeness from every department and branch, shrink the government by at least 1/3 to 1/2, create a flat tax code and restore "For the people by the people!"

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If people are worried about the circus of the Trump-Biden competition, they're thinking WAY too small about the future of the world. The shamefulness of that circus is nothing in the scheme of things. It's this level of ignorance as to what is coming that keeps me very pessimistic about our prospects of stopping tyranny.

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I gave up on that. Regardless of who "wins" the election we will have an ugly civil war which will usher in the Technocrats' Reset.

This fighting over which scumbag gets into the WH is pointless if they both work for Klaus Schwab. Watch what Trump and Biden have actually done. Not just the words coming out of their mouths. Both have been advancing the globalist agenda.

Instead, we should focus on surviving what lies ahead (spiritually if not physically), and existing outside the NWO Systems which the willfully ignorant masses will let themselves be herded into. To acquiesce and be a part of the Global System will be a fate worse than death and cost your soul.

If DJT gets in he may herd his followers into the 15-minute cities just by rebranding them Freedom Cities. Some may resist by arguing, "Trump really didn't want us to go there. When he SAYS he wants us in these surveillance cities he really MEANS blah, blah, blah. This is just 4 D chess to help him own the globalist libtards. Be sure to show up at the center of the Freedom City nearest you to show your support for President Trump. Trust the plan. Bring popcorn."

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I still tend to think that they will provoke more war they than can manage, making the future pretty unpredictable. The only thing I'm sure of is that, apart from divine intervention, it's going to get really bad. And that's because I'm convinced that most of this insanity is driven by the unpayable debt and unfunded liabilities the governments of the world have racked up. Arrogant people are stupid people. They don't know when to back down.

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And all the illegals--including a lot of military aged young men--pouring over the border are not just going to disappear. Nor will all the effects of those vile jabs. Or the damage done to our economy.

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Yep, and supply chain break-downs, inflation, job loss due to high interest rates, AI and robots, etc. They are accelerating the collapse to a speed they will not be able to manage. If Trump is elected, the MSM will fuel hatred like they never have before, speeding it up even more.

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You know, as I consider how Trump was elected in 2016, won primary for 2020, and how he is winning the 2024 primary it seeeeeems apparent the same thing is happening and it is a setup:

-- Trump runs rough shod over the other primary candidates and MSM covers it all

-- Trump wins mostly in the early primaries and 16 candidates drop like flies(2016); less of them in 2020; what?, 4 in 2024. Heck even Nicky will not last past the next one, at most one more. . .

-- MSM rants, raves, promotes, demonizes and gives Trump plenty of coverage over the rest and, voila' BAM Trump is the only choice. Many states won't even bother to caucus or have a primary because it is pre-decided. . . by the media.

The entire conservative demographic is being played like a fiddle.

MSM will get their favorite reason for being-- a flamboyant story.

MSM is doing the bidding of the CIA who is doing the bidding of the PTB and, finally,

The Trump election fix is in as they have now refined their algorithm for stealth election fraud.

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That is somewhat plausible since they will have the rabid left foaming at their mouth by the time of the election. Any claim of cheating will be attacked with a level of fervor that will scare the center into silence. And then those who still speak up will be demonized, furthering their agenda. The WHO amendments may even require censorship in the matter.

Then again, they may create a level of chaos for which they can call marital law and postpone the elections. I honestly think all manner of extreme idiocy is conceivable at this point. They're desperate to hold onto power. They know if they lose it for 4 years, people will see that the climate apocalypse was not right at the door after all. And then their con for getting people to voluntarily accept poverty will be exposed. That and other reasons have them scared to death of losing power. Vaccine revelations, e.g.

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Anyone who would vote for a man who says that the Palestinian people are the most pampered people on Earth is himself complicit in this genocide. Time to go back to school, John, and get your Ph.D. This time, try Ethics, because you don't seem to know the first thing about it. You also may want to minor n political philosophy, because if you don't see that RFK is just as unpopular with Gen Z as Genocide Joe, and for the same reason, you're just blind.

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Close, but not quite a deal-killer for me.

He must know that Israel is the most plausible suspect in JFK and his father's assassination:


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So he's a stealth anti-Zionist?

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Would be good if it were so. Probably wishful thinking.

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Just an observation.. It seemed like he had much more support before he seemed to come out for Israel wiping out Gaza. He seemed to be a rising threat to the establishment before he jumped in with it.

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