You are so, so correct! Watching my Nation slide into this disutopian hellscape with nary a peep has shocked me to my core. Thank God for the individuals with the Courage to STAND UP!

And without a publisher willing to produce the books that tell their stories we would be alone in the darkness without real light, as the internet is in a death grip, held by forces arrayed against us.

Thank you Tony Lyons-

One of the many Lions among us!

; )))

And, may God raise up many, many more!

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I bought the book early on and can recommend it highly. It is a story of the horrifying sequence of events that the fascistic (Big Pharma-"owned") medical establishment took to destroy Dr. McCullough's career and life. It gives me great satisfaction to see that he recovered Phoenix-like and continues to lead the medical resistance. Bravo!

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I've noticed this recently: "Václav Havel understood that tyranny is not only imposed from the top down, it is widely embraced by the majority of people who crave to conform and to signal their ideological bona fides." Fromm and Hofer made similar observations.

Justice Gorsuch in his opinion in 303 Creative last week said, "the freedom to think and speak is among our inalienable rights.” Consider how far down the totalitarian path we must have traveled to be reminded of the centrality of the right to think and speak what we wish.

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I read the piece on Skyhorse referenced in this story. Thank goodness for courageous publishers like Lyons. And lots of thanks to Courageous Discourse, too.

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AGAIN planned parenthood is Evil lying jihadee communism to downsize population whom they want to conquer = FACT https://www.newstarget.com/ UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS,,,,, NOW NOT TOMORROW-----https://rumble.com/v2xnnoa-the-illegal-immigration-is-part-of-the-deep-state-take-downs-coming-to-ever.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Trending --THANK YOU

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G’day Peter/John, Many thanks for this post. I’m in complete agreement on what you’ve had to say above. Whether to do with your comments about the New York Times and about Tony Lyons from Skyhorse Publishing. Below yourself and your readers will see links to a 2 part report I myself penned about 12 months ago on the state of modern journalism and indirectly, on trade publishing, amongst other topics. (See below ⬇️).

In this report I showcased the New York Times as an exemplar of everything that is wrong therein with the Fourth Estate. In undertaking this wide ranging critique -- and in order to underscore some fundamental themes of the exercise as laid out in the preamble below-- I drew in part upon Mr Lyons’ on record experiences dealing with the NYT over RFK Jr.’s Fauci book. Needless to say, Mr Lyons comes up smelling like roses in my narrative; the NYT, well, not so much. And that was just one example amongst many I had to draw on in order to complete the aforesaid “exercise”.

On a slightly different note, I thank you both for the work yourselves and your close associates have been doing. You’ve been a terrific inspiration to myself and so many others.

Best, Greg Maybury


The No Fly Zone

TNT Radio (LIVE)


BRIEF: Since its establishment in 1851, the venerable New York Times has enjoyed one of the most enduring, iconic reputations of all the world’s leading newspapers. Of this few folks would be in doubt, including those who might be less enamoured of the so named “Old Gray Lady’s” unique charms. What’s less certain though is whether such ‘notoriety’ is still deserved after all these years; as heretical as it might be for the ‘faithful’ to contemplate, perhaps ‘her’ best days are past. In this two part series, Greg Maybury ‘spills some ink’ in the service of a higher truth about this self-styled bastion of journalistic integrity.

All the News that’s Fit to Fake & Hide — The Lies and Crimes of the New York Times (Parts One and Two), by Greg Maybury.

ARTICLE: All the News that’s Fit to Fake & Hide — Part One: The Slander & Lies of an Old Gray Lady

👉🔗👀 https://tinyurl.com/2p9542kx

ARTICLE: All the News that’s Fit to Fake & Hide — Part Two: In the Citadel of Truth & Certitude

👉🔗👀 https://tinyurl.com/33mejhs2

#NewYorkTimes #Covid #Propaganda #Censorship #FakeNews #MSM #NineEleven #RFKJr #RobertParry #PerceptionManagement #ChristopherBollyn #ConsortiumNews


The No Fly Zone with Greg Maybury on TNT Radio (LIVE)



| 6.00AM-7.00AM (LONDON)

| 1.00AM-2.00AM (NEW YORK)



The No Fly Zone is a weekly one hour live broadcast presented by Greg Maybury on Australia’s TNT Radio. In the spirit of alternative/independent media, Greg seeks via brief op-ed and extended interviews with prominent authors, writers, activists, commentators etc., to explore deeper aspects of the news and unfolding events and developments. Of special interest will be news, views, and themes which the establishment media have declared “No Fly Zones”. Post-interview podcasts are available on the usual platforms.

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Speaking of the Gray Lady, a very revealing book on the NYT is, "The Gray Lady Winked", by Ashley Rindsberg. Though I already knew some of what is covered in the book, it nevertheless was a real eye-opener. Sadly, I was not at all surprised to learn what I did.

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Hi Debra, 🙏 For your reply. I was aware of Rindsberg’s book (and a couple of others). But I had not read it. As with these things, there’s always plenty of new insights to discover that will as it were open one’s eyes even more so to the faults, failings and shortcomings of establishment media. For the purposes of the exercise I already had sufficient material. But I will nonetheless look a bit more closely at that book you name-checked. Bottom line is that if the establishment media is a relic of the past, the Old Gray Lady is perhaps the Tyrannosaurus Rex in the museum. Best, GM

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DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zSdinITJ_w - America: A Christian Nation YES INDEED, UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED..

“If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

— Psalm 11:3 🙏

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"The descent of an intellectual culture into vulgar, childish, stultifying conformity ... is why so much of New York City trade publishing is apparently more interested in race and gender than storytelling."

It seems like both liberals and conservatives recognize the extreme difficulties of creating an interracial society that functions smoothly and without constant and debilitating conflict.

The Democrat approach to this is (more or less) a mandatory racial quota system for hiring, college admissions and even literary themes and political positions. For these Democrats the only way our society can become truly functional is through the destruction of individual rights of speech, opinion, assembly, voting and earning a living. The individual's rights are secondary at best. And that approach violates the US Constitution quite readily and often.

OTOH, it seems like the Republican or conservative approach is often based on retreating to some sort of rural zone defended by the Second Amendment, or just mindlessly accepting and demanding full individual rights under the constitution, even though such idealism is anything but pragmatic and means the society and the country may well fragment and totally break apart one day, leaving a lot of people in the lurch. Being extremely idealistic -- about anything -- often creates huge unforeseen problems.

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Well, yes you are likely "right" about the conservative approach to retreat to rural strongholds and whine. Is there a better answer or is civil war inevitable?

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I don't know. The country seems to be suffering from a kind of mental illness or something. Maybe if we all sort of separate out into states consistent with our own values and priorities and style of government, and if the federal government stops trying to forcibly impose a single system on top of everyone in every state, we can keep the country from totally falling apart. But even in that scenario, we have border states demanding that the federal government do the border and immigration job it's supposed to do, and it won't. So what then? Does Texas need to secede?

To me it looks like the nation is has drifted into "developing nation" status with all the corruption, hopelessness, rampant lawlessness, crime, unregulated pollution and poverty that many such nations have. And yet it's also a superpower? How long can that last?

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It can't. China and Russia and others are watching closely.

When we stumble, the ax will fall. . . as we speak, even with assistance from within.

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There are so many books, written as one (in spirit) about the foul cowardice of man when confronted by a voice. Usually calm and attentive, a valued voice until...

That voice, smothered by the din of exuberant humanity, lauding their own rebellion, the rejection of Truth. Rejecting a perfect path of joyous thoughtlessness (meaning there is no need to think about it),

facing directly towards truth/light peace/calm/strength of self.

Few be those who choose the path...

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Thank you so much. Appreciate the information

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IMPORTANT - Not related, sorry, but important and very eye opening...

- These two links need to be watched, one after the other, to get a good understanding of what is going on.


1. Glen Greenwald

How Powerful US Institutions Co-Opted the 2SLGTBQIA+ Movement | Locals Q+A


2. This is the song that he refers to in his comments:

"A Message From the Gay Community"

Performed by the San Francisco Gay Men's

Chorus - YouTube



CONSENTING ADULTS - Do what you want. But leave kids to be left alone.

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Once again I remind my Boomer generation, born in the bosom of unprecedented freedom and liberty and the first children to fear the end all nightmare of instant nuclear Armageddon. This schizo bipolar effect set the stage for the Marxist assault on the Constitutional Republic. From Boomer childhood indoctrination of, “this PROGRAM is being brought to you by” on their new 12” black and white TV’s the despotic academic, cultural Hollywood from NY to CA, and fickle media under pressure from the coming technological censorship, Boomer youth took part in the hijacking of the original legitimate anti war protests. In their hubris of freedom and opportunity, the American Boomers were convinced they were the chosen ones to take the world to utopia. No more wars, “hell no, we won’t go” even though the PLA (CCP) and Russia (USSR) were the real war elephants in their war. They had no idea, at least most, that they would be the generation to expunge their own way of life. The beginning goal of the tyrannical totalitarian regimes was to capture the human science of dissent and its beacon of freedom. The brilliant Founder the catalyst for the establishment of the Constitutional Republic was truth by dissenting ideology. Both liberal and conservative dissent was absolutely necessary for research of peer review study and illuminating history for true progress. The greatest fear of the Founders was that democracy would again, historically cannibalize itself if unfettered liberalism of unending victimhood and meaningless equity were used to hijack and usurp conservatism’s “why and what then” dissent by subjugating it through the power process of “democracy” of one Party. From there, liberalism blinded by its own moral platitudes and good intentions could slander conservative dissent to stop the pendulum of reason.

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I recall reading "Live Not By Lies" by Rod Dreher a couple of years ago. Excellent book that mentioned Havel quite a few times. The United States, in general, is currently living a lie. There are truth-telling warriors, like Peter and John, that are making a difference. Their book "The Courage To Face Covid-19", is amazing - I felt like I was traveling through a time tunnel, reliving all the utter nonsense for a pandemic that never took place.



It's painfully obvious that covid is a eugenics program. Watch Dr. Rancourt's testimony. There was no pandemic.

Live Not By Lies. Peace.

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Is there any indication of these cancers’ increase in the last 3 years?

Soft tissue sarcoma

Cancer of “tonsils” (even though decades old tonsilectimy)

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Not connected to today’s substack but I can’t find answers and two jabbed relatives have these now.

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You need to learn about fenbendazole (yes, that fenbendazole - the one meant for treating worms in dogs). It has shown remarkable success in treating/curing many forms of cancer in humans (& animals). There are now multiple studies & articles. Here is one from August 2018...https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-30158-6 Here is another one from August 2019. I have several more. These are just two. In fact, I just received another one today from a fenbendazole substack source. Please research this & let others know too. It also appears in a new cancer treatment guide using re-purposed drugs by Paul Marik, MD. The free downloadable guide can be found at flccc.com

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If you go to fenbendazole.substack.com, you will see the article that I received today on the effects of fenbendazole on cancer stem cells plus other related articles. I try to tell as many people as possible about this little known cure for cancer, as you will not hear about it from any mainstream news source. It is OTC, off-patent, safe, inexpensive, & can even be combined with more traditional treatments such as chemo or radiation if that is what you wish. Since it will not generate huge profits for Big Pharma or within the cancer treatment industry, do not expect to hear about it from those who stand to benefit from keeping this information from the average person.

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Great article. FYI - Vision Pharma in India sells:

Mebendazole 100 mg Tablet Cost 8.5 usd for 100 Tablet.

I have used them for IVM and HCQ. Top quality and good prices.


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Do you happen to have a link? TY

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WhatsApp Number is +91 9326646654


I just email them with a request for pricing & shipping and they respond quickly. Shipments and payments have been perfect and easy. Quality product. I have been using them for 2+ years.


PS - I found them through India Mart - a resource that lets you find suppliers for all kinds of stuff in India. Peace.

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I also have used India Mart, last year to acquire both IVM and LDN. Works pretty cleanly. Paid using WISE-- similar to PayPal but international, based in UK.

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Here is the other article on fenbendazole that I meant to include in my previous comment https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-30158-6

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