Thank you for alerting us again of the very serious threats from exposure to EMFs. The risks to brains of the unborn and young children’s developing brains are both shocking and appalling. How much damage has already been done to us and to future generations???

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Excellent interview. Practitioners who were on the leading edge like Dietrich Klinghardt, etc. found strong correlation between EMF and their patients inability to heal from autoimmune, lyme, mold & cancer. Research showed mold grew 600x faster in the presence of EMF's (WiFi). This, plus sugar/yeast leads to serious concerns for human health.

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You're wearing radio transmitters in your ears.

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THANK YOU, Dr. Hulscher, for shining light on this VERY IMPORTANT issue!

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Nick there you are wearing ear buds oooops !!!

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I have wondered about this issue since the wide adaptation of cell phones almost 20 years ago.

Having worked for years in the field of occupational health in the midst of engineers who were insensitive, as a rule, to biological data and information, Dr. Burt’s comments about the engineers ignoring all health effects other than heat, rang a very familiar, and unpleasant, bell in my memory and experience.

Now, due to the work of Nicholas and the McCullough Foundation, I know what’s going on and WHY, in the area of the health effects of EMF RADIATION.

VERY SIMPLE REALLY, as in all of these health versus money issues, men choose to worship money, not God, just as the Apostle Paul, because he actually cared, and therefore warned us, because God ACTUALLY CARES ENOUGH TO WARN US; “You cannot worship God and Mammon.” You can try, and you can tell yourself you can, and we do, but we are wrong; ‘you CANNOT’, and when we try to, in defiance of God’s warning, we “reap what we sow”, which is disease and death, both temporal, and eternal.

AND, as noted in the interview, the danger is not inevitable or unavoidable, because simply wiring access avoids the problem, doesn’t it?

But, that is not acceptable to those who wish sell your data and avoid the costs of running wires…our health, and souls, be damned.

Once again, thank you Nicholas for this excellent work of TRUTH BEING MADE AVAILABLE TO ALL WHO LOVE THE TRUTH.

TRUTH, though painful at times, is a very BEAUTIFUL THING!

Keep up the good work Nicholas, we truly appreciate what you are doing, and I believe God does too, and is Glorified in it.


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In public policy the word “may” also conveys “may not” and is useless in construction of any meaningful policy recommendation.

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A good interview BUT Dr Burk needs to update his knowledge about mobile phones. Turning on “Aeroplane Mode” turns off the cellular network component, BUT DOES NOT turn off the Wi-Fi part of the phone (and sometimes the Bluetooth component). So putting a phone in aeroplane mode does NOT turn off all the transmissions from the phone, just the cellular network part. Check your own phone with an EMF meter. I suggest everyone gets a meter. Otherwise you are guessing

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After reading The Body Electric and calling its author in 1984, I ditched electric blankets and took some minor other steps. The real shocker 41 years ago was how many other nations (esp Scandinavian) knew better and acted against lesser EMR dangers than allowed in the USA…so far.

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His thoughts on grounding mats or sheets?

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I stopped wearing the Apple Watch. I stopped looking intensively at my I phone during the day limiting usage. I don’t use wireless headphones. Someday I hope to throw my iPhone into ocean.

We are like trained rats bowing down to the gods of the lowly “elites”, who’s god is Satan.

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I have a greedy selfish brother who was one of three inheritors of a large farm property and made a deal with a cell tower for assembly and a fee paid for rent.

It worked out to nine ground a year and that selfish greedy fool sold out for thirty pieces of silver WITHOUT considering the impact on people and children.

My son was much better principled and killed the deal. The greedy pos fat assed fake brother whose pension is close to 100 grand a year is still whining and crying about the mere three grand per year he is losing.(I do not care if he was my brother, I despise and reject him)

What most do not know is that even agreeing to a 4 transmission level, the tower owner can raise it as high as 10!!!

I have disowned the greedy lying puke and estranged him as a brother. I am not a respector of persons even if they are relatives. An asshole is an asshole even if it is related.

A neighbor across the road had a cell tower company meet with him and offered him ten grand a year they would pay for rent if he allowed erection of same on his property.

He booted them, chastising them for their stinginess in only offering to pay ten grand a year when they would be making multiple millions in the same period of time. I have good neighbors all around me in the rural area I inhabit.

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The new administration will obviously not do anything that could possibly jepordize this multi trillion dollar industry. It is really naive to believe that.

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EV... Electric cars, bikes etc...

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My husband's largest cancers were where he kept his phone. I'd like to integrate his case into the public conversation.

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