Historically, vaccine adverse effects are under-reported to VAERS - by factors of 20-100 to 1. A Harvard Univ study concluded only 1% of adverse effects are reported. Given the extreme censorship and threats surrounding covid "vaccine" reporting, we can be sure that under-reporting for these products is on the high side. I believe we can safely multiply reported effects by 100 to get a more accurate picture.

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This raises a very interesting point and raises a simple question that only the patient or someone close to Damar can answer- Did Damar have any other issue going on like a URI? Did he take any OTC meds that prolonged his QT interval and then received a "mandated booster" PRIOR to the playoff's! Did this JAB push him over the top and set him up for Sudden Death Arrythmia! Only the patient will be able to answer this question when GOD WILLINGLY HE SURVIVES WITH NORMAL MENTAL FUNCTION and will be able to give us more insight! Keep up your great efforts Peter! Bruce L Boros MD FACC

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From my understanding, this article would suggest that we need to begin screening every person who received a Covid shot with not just an EKG and Echocardiogram but a Cardiac MRI to show any heart muscle damage that may have occurred. I feel like mass screening could bring the number of sudden deaths down significantly.

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No….the ‘lesson learned here’ is that, after the history of this 65 year old woman’s heart ailment, if it was her GP that recommended she take the booster, that GP needs to find another career. I am just appalled at the ignorance and blind servitude of, what appears to be, the majority of the medical profession.

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This is a very important case report. I am a medical doctor. I think there is an overwhelming amount of information - case reports, epidemiological studies, pathological examinations... - that point to the great harms caused by these "vaccines". There is overwhelming evidence to just stop using these inocculations. But even after reporting such a severe case, authors such as Abrich et al are compelled to say some stupid BS about "COVID vaccines are important to reduce the risk of hospitalization..." and just half-heartedly mention a warning about the adverse outcome. All doctors should be unanimously calling to stop these inocculations. It is the worst disgrace I have seen in 45 years of being in the field of medicine.

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Tis interesting to note that it seems the un-vaxxed cohort has a much higher belief protocol,

Of our tax payer funded USA CDC VAERS recording systems than vaxxed ones have! Jab me not!

Do the words "UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE" maybe ring a bell? Question Authority on "SPIKE" mRNA!

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I found ths very educational. One would think the team docs are screening their players but if there wasn’t anything to see. Then a booster then.... Makes sense

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To exclude just a pointed result from a COVID injection is to commit so many to death...and at an unmonitored time with lethal results. This is very scary for those who have been injected and those who will get it....And for the FdA to essentially disregard this event too commit to a lethal event in those who THINK they are doing good for their bodies...when such is the opposite. Truly people who desire this jab should have paid funeral plans or in the least life insurance for their families could easily be called upon to be economically impacted without adequate finances....death is a thriving business for a few and it is not cheap to go thru.

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Given what we know about the mechanism for the vaccine causing myocarditis leading to arrhythmia it seems likely that this is more of the same but at such an early stage that the myocarditis is not detectable with the testing that is available.

This will make establishing the vaccine as the cause difficult in these cases even when the timing should provide evidence of cause and effect. Because of strong bias against that conclusion.

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Jan 5, 2023·edited Jan 5, 2023

I recall seeing "torsade de pointes" in 2020. See this JAMA article:


This was enough to stop the use of hydroxychloroquine in a few places not equipped to do QT interval screening.

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Dr. McCullough - Cernovich on Twitter is claiming the study you cited about historical data of athletes dying suddenly is Junk. Can you please respond? He keeps trying to normalize sudden death in athletes and I have cited you many times and tagged him in. https://t.co/KH4GccswD6

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