Insane! And 40 Years for “killing” a man who was walking dead on his own accord. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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America is now a totalitarian state where nomenklatura judges do the bidding of the commisar elite. Including scapegoating an innocent man when ordered to do so.

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Been that way for some time... if you get a trial.

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Precisely! Officers are not mind readers, or MDs, and Floyd never told them he had taken dangerous drugs before their encounter with him; so far as they knew, his complaints were just another crook seeking a chance to break free.

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They saw him swallow his stash of drugs at the beginning of the arrest.

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He took his drugs before he went to that store and tried to pass the bogus $20. Anything he swallowed that close would not have been in his system; takes 30-45 mins for oral drugs to be digested and start to absorb.

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Much quicker than that.

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What's your pharmacology training? Mine is for RNs.

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Fentanyl can be rapidly absorbed directly into the skin and intestinal tract so (depending on how it was formulated i.e. a pressed home made tablet or powder etc) it could have been a matter of minutes.

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A big dose would start taking effect in 20min.

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maybe you need to go back to class. you have no clue what form the drugs were in.

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who says he passed a bogus $20?

the reason i ask is one time i tried to use a 1929 $20 bill and the clerk wouldn't accept it.... it didn't look right to them.

it is still a valid bill today....

and how come the clerk never rejected the bill at the counter and refuse the sale?

btw.... it is the U.S. Secret Service that really decides of a bill is bogus or not.... that is who has the jurisdiction.

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That and his intoxicated behavior were why the police were called in the 1st place.

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Sandra Lee Smith so was the bill indeed bogus or NOT?

otherwise all it is, is an accusation... and yes, it is reasonable for the police to investigate accusations.

i'm puzzled as to why i have never seen a picture of the supposedly bogus bill, but often times i see pictures of guns that are alleged to be used unlawfully etc....

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Eat a couple of croton seeds. But make sure your pants are down and you are at most 6” away from a toilet. If you are a foot away or if your pants aren’t down you won’t make it in time. Croton seeds take 3 seconds to cause a massive purging.

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Seeds are not pharmaceutical products.

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Was there anything deadly in that stash that might have mitigated charge against the cops?

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I read that; it's the gov't narrative, and does not fit the autopsy report which I also read, or what I saw in the videos. In fact, I was very disappointed to see Dr Kory put that out, it suggests he's been "got to". I saw the early videos, read the autopsy report a few weeks later and found what I SAW, not what the media announcer was telling everyone to see, thoroughly backed up in that report. Being a retired RN I know how to read those reports. And being an experienced EMS 1st responder, I Know how to "read a scene", including similar experiences on scenes.. As I said, I was very disappointed to see Dr Kory put that out.

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Anyone paying attention to the full body cam video (that took way to long to be released after the 8 minute side walk watcher) made it clear Floyd was handled correctly by the police, there was nothing racial, he was even in the police vehicle and he requested to be let out. He said he could not breathe in the back of the squad car. The entire miscarriage of justice is tragic. I can’t imagine being wrongfully accused and imprisoned like Chaivin. But we still have J6 people in jail over 1000 days without a trial. Our entire justice system is insane.

Saw the Tucker episode when it came out and wondered if, perhaps as Tucker was able to do for the J6 “Shaman” get someone freed, but in the case of the Floyd lies, I doubt it.

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40 years in prison for calling an ambulance and, while waiting, restraining a drugged-up nogoodnik with a mean criminal record in a routine manner. At least one of the jury members later admitted they said guilty because fear for their life.

Just another example of extended trial by media (extending into the court room)

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Shame on that person. I could never live with myself if I made such a cowardly decision.

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Because you have integrity. Most do not.

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Don't judge too harsh. Likely the jury was tampered with, and they KNEW it. Label the judge and the Governor of Minnesota for THEIR cowardice.

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How does one "like" a report that a juror reasonably felt intimidating into railroading a defendant, that, absent all that publicity, (s)he might have acquitted? Another reason for Chauvin's conviction to be overturned immediately.

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The unconstitutional J6 detention is not insane, it's a despicable travesty in that insane people arguably have some kind of excuse for their behaviour. There is none for this in America. Our wanna be Bolsheviks have declared anybody not on board with the Dementia/Dragqueen Party to be kulaks/untouchables/white supremacists/domestic terrorists and to be exterminated accordingly, beginning with lawfare.

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J6 and Chaivin cases are just evil!! Our country is lost!

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The videos made by cellphone of the cops restraining Saint Floyd showed clearly that Chauvin was not "kneeling on his neck" at all, as the media kept repeating. Chauvin was kneeling on the pavement with all his weight on one knee while the other knee was just in a position at the upper back with almost no weight applied.

The media and internet trolls on discussion sites repeated the "kneeling on the neck" lie ad infinitum. That lie is still being pushed today.

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Just another false event to divide us and make I’ll informed blacks pillage, harm , & generally do wrong. Wake up! Do something positive every day for another person!

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Trans Floyd is next.

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I like Pink Floyd

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Maxine Waters, Pelosi aggressively incited them to riot. Morons literally listened to the Establishment itself, when it's been known congress dragged their feet to fund a police

database to track the use of force.

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When do his statues get torn down and murals painted over. Floyd, BLM and covid was the greatest psyop against a population in world history and given to us by the deepstate commies destroying America and the world for their own gains. EVIL!

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We already knew the drugs killed him. Nobody paid attention to this the first time, nobody will now either.

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Fentanyl Floyd was taken out by Fentanyl? What about all the lies and the fraudulent conviction? I'm glad I watched the whole video in the beginning. Facts are facts.

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Not only did the video show clearly strangulation and manual asphyxiation did not occur, but that Chauvin was acting as trained, to retrain a resisting arrestee.

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His own department and the City threw Chauvin under the bus.

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That was exactly what happened, like so many Neville Chamberlains, and no one was appeased anyway!

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ALL orchestrated so THEY WOULDN'T BURN DOWN THE CITY.... sacrifice an innocent Police to push the agenda leading up to corona 2.0 WHO and GATES BS. and ALL to soothe the ignorant the trump haters...to destroy the world simply b/c they could not stand to hear the truth.

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Didn't work: they burned the cities anyway, and lionized a petty THUG, because he had an high melanin level, as if that somehow exonerated his criminality!

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Aren't we tired of the inmates running the asylum. Ignore their fake cries!

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Oh no. I expressed my opinion and apologize. Dr Pierre Kory wrote a rebuttal. It is clear and I believe him already about Ivermectin. Mr George Floyd - Dr Pierre Kory - https://open.substack.com/pub/pierrekory/p/george-floyd-did-not-die-of-a-fentanyl?r=r9p0d&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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IIRC, Pierre Kory was an expert witness on the Floyd case. I think he wrote a Stack on it.

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I was just going to bring up that point. Pierre Kory was an expert respiratory witness on the case. My other comment: dear God stop attempting to Legitimatize the PCR test as something that tells you something. Direct from the inventor........


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The PCR is a license to create (fake) pandemics.

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and to create hypocondriacs! THAT is the only reason that the govt mailed out free test kits...to keep the drama train on the tracks. My super wealthy and highly educated friends just ordered govt mail out tests to every address they own properties! They aren't getting a 4th jab but they're still covid zombies. They may as well have swastika's on their masks or arms...that is what the govt wants...a bunch of nazi's, unconscious ppl who they can train and direct their every move.

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........Probably had something to do with mullis's sudden mysterious demise just before the scamdemic broke out. Just another baffling coincidence...

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In Kory's book, he stated his opinion that Chauvin injured Floyd, causing death. I like and admire Kory, but disagree 100% with his opinion.

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Yes I saw Dr. Kory's opinion when I read his book, "The war on Ivermectin" I respect and admire Dr. Kory, but completely disagree with his opinion regarding Mr. Floyd. When you read Dr. Kory's take on the "officers on Mr. Floyd" you have to take the disparity of Chauvin only weighed 160 Lbs, compared to Floyd at 225 lbs. And Chauvin was on the part of Floyd that would have caused injury, not the other cops. Chauvin was following procedure when Floyd refused to stay in the car, Floyd wanted to lay down, Chauvin was required to "restrain" him. The officers realized Floyd was having a medical emergency, so they called for the ambulance, which is a notable gesture towards helping Floyd, (not meaning to do him harm). At the very least I'd have to go with accidental death, I don't believe the officers were trying to kill Floyd. They could have just shot him a few times for resisting arrest if they wanted him dead.

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And IIRC, he said Flloyd was definitely strangled.

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Disagree with Dr Kory on that one big time. It left me quite perplexed actually. I wont go into all the reasons why - I decided long ago to not waste any more time on GF.

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Cities burned down over an OD.

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At the time of his arrest, anyone who died within 60 days of a positive PCR for SARS-cov-2 was declared by CDC to be a covid death. So George Floyd was a covid death. Can't blame the cops for that one.

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The neck hold employed constricts the carotid artery, by design, not the airway (part of my military background). And the video made it clear that the officer wasn't applying enough pressure to constrict the artery he was just positioned to do so. The hold is a nonlethal technique.

Floyd very evidently died of a self inflicted overdose with an extraordinarily toxic substance which kills huge numbers of substance abusers every year. Watch the body cam video. Why was Floyd, who had bad heart, having trouble breathing before being restrained? Incidentally, that is why the officers called for the med unit no doubt.

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The hold was also an approved by his department. He had enough Fentanyl in his system to kill 100 elephants. Nurses see it everyday.

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Nobody on jury would let Chaivin off knowing their lives were in danger if they didn’t convict. Their homes would have been burned down. Their Cars destroyed.. they did the right thing for their families, but not for Chauvin.

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Are you saying that it would be ok for a jury to convict you of murder if they were scared so ething "might" happen to them? I would never want you on my jury!!!

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Because integrity. You have it. Most others do not.

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So sad for him!! Hope this can be reversed some day.

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Sure seems like George was a pillar of his community; drug using community that is...

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Employment of that hold and similar neck holds are part of my military background (many years ago, but necks haven't changed). The holds are designed to constrict carotid arteries, which blacks the subject out very quickly, not the airway. I could tell from the video that the officer wasn't even applying enough pressure to constrict the artery, he was just positioned to do so if needed.

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The sworn deposition may be new but the revelation is not. Alternative media revealed at the time that the likely cause of death was drug overdose, specifically fentanyl

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I worked in law enforcement and we had excellent training re: excited delirium. These officers also had the training as one of the officers mentioned this condition to the other officers involved. Whether he would have died from the drugs or a combinations of both. Having your knee on someone's neck doesn't help the situation. We were trained NEVER to place our knees on anyone's neck.

Then the last officer on scene turned the situation around. Floyd was under control in the cruiser, he was complaining of not being able to breath, his in-coherent speech, and mannerisms were signs of excited delirium, also he should have been placed in a seated position, not on his stomach, as he definitely would have a hard time breathing, restricting the diaphragm and medical attention sort asap. Would he have lived if he had gotten to the hospital? We would never know?

Our training was a result of this incident : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Robert_Dzieka%C5%84ski

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'Scuse me, but Chauvin's knee was never on Floyd's neck; it was on his SCAPULA, right where the bruises were. The full autopsy report declared NO internal or external bruising on the neck at all! Media TOLD you to see it on Floyd's neck. I watched that video too...but as a trained RN and EMS 1st responder, I was trained in "clinical observation" (see what's there, not what someone tells you to see). In fact, the bony structures of Floyd's jaw and shoulder girdle were protecting his airway and vital vessels from even accidental incursion by Chauvin's knee.

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I don't know what video you saw, so i don't know what you have seen. Again this simply wasn't one act it was the whole situation, that some of these officers failed to respond to properly.

If he never was taken from the cruiser by the last officer, and that officer would had listen to the other officer that that said "I think he has excited delirium" could a different course of action helped?

We never will know. Floyd didn't died from one action alone. When you have any life and death situation one should be competent enough that to not add to the danger of someone dying. If these officer had done all they knew to do and he still died they wouldn't have been found guilty regardless. I'm not and expert, just 30 years of frontline policing and these officer obviously didn't do what they were trained to do.

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Have you ever been to a scene with cops dealing with a drugged suspect? I have, several times, with different police groups ( as an EMS 1st responder). FLOYD asked to be allowed to lie down! The officers were complying with his request. But again, they are neither mind readers, nor MDs. They had EMS en route, and were doing the best they knew to do within the parameters of their training and maintaining control of their prisoner. You are just WRONG about them being found guilty; that was decided before they ever stepped into courtrooms! Those men did not receive fair trials, the evidence exonerates them all!

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Smith is ignoring the facts you state and repeating the narrative.

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That just tells us which side of that divide he's on.

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"Smith" is obviously a TROLL. Ignore him.

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Bottom Line Toxicology Report. Nurses see Fentanyl Deaths everyday, he died of OD

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Smith is a shill for the "Saint Floyd as murder victim" crowd.

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The manuver hold was approved by his police department, Floyd was Dead Man after eating a bag of fentanyl pills in the cruiser. Fentanyl Fentanyl Fentanyl

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So when does Chauvin get appealed, his conviction tossed and his record expunged? Until then, there is no justice, only Deep State propaganda and abuse.

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