I didn't find it onerous at all to listen to the history and back up to explain Russia's stance on how they believe we arrived to this point. I found it refreshing that Putin/Russia DOESN'T forget their history and their past. They plan 50-100 years out for their country, with a vision for their citizens, while we change directions every 2-4-6 years depending on elections with no real long term goals and throwing our own history in the trash. Fascinating interview, worth listening to a second time.

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It was a great pleasure to listen to such an accomplished and articulate world leader as Pres. Putin. What a gift for the Russian people. How sad that our leaders in the US are so incompetent and actually evil. Lord Jesus help us!!! Thanks to Tucker Carlson for a job well done.

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Feb 9·edited Feb 10

One thing I found telling was that, when talking about the Minsk Accords, Putin did not bring up the fact that Angela Merkel publicly advised that this ‘agreement’ was solely a ploy to allow the west to continue to build up and train the Ukrainian military, for the eventual conflict. Putin is a lawyer, intelligent, reasonable ,etc. I have heard his speeches before, and found this interview very interesting. I believe that he went through the entirety of Russia’s history with Ukraine, as he is well aware that most Americans have no idea about any of this. Tucker should not have become ‘impatient’ with this history lesson. After all, we have seen that when some Americans are asked who Washington DC was named after, they do not know the answer. I suspect that Putin felt a bit of education might be helpful to some Americans.

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The interview is long and detailed and requires careful listening. It's somehow dissimilar from the pomp, pablum and propaganda we get from our own leaders, where Biden is posed against an ominous black and red military backdrop for example. I was astonished by the great, thoughtful care Putin took to put forward his side of the story. There were several times when Tucker asked a pointed question and Putin steered the conversation in another direction, and I suspected dishonesty. On the whole it was an important history lesson and a pointed critique of the US approach of doing something outlandish and then urging all of us to forget it had happened--even as we were suffering the consequences. I applaud Putin for repeatedly urging us to consider cause and effect first, and ideology second.

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It would have been difficult to understand Putin's justifications - without the history lesson. I think Tucker's concern was two fold - boring his audience and not having time to cover the topics he wanted to raise - thus the interruptions. Most American's have short attention spans - they want bumper sticker summaries - we have been programed for that. So here is one - You can't go forward without understand where you have been. People need to start putting pieces together and dismiss the accidental theory of history - it is a fraud.

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yes, NATO expansion east of Germany was one of the worst foreign policy mistakes the US and Europe have ever made! The Russian people threw off the yoke of communism! Why didn't we welcome them into the European community, even into NATO. We told Russia in 1991, not one inch east of Germany! We would not expand NATO east of Germany. Guess how many NATO countries are now east of Germany? Thirteen! After we promised them no NATO countries east of Germany, we added 13 countries east of Germany to NATO. The word of the US is garbage. Ask Qaddafi about that.

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Wise men often tell a story to put the discussion into context. I thought it rude of Tucker to not let Putin tell the story without interruption. I am thankful that Tucker did this interview to give a different perspective on the Russian viewpoint.

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Superb public service.

Superb interview.

Bravo Tucker.

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How pathetic there are so many comments around boredom with history. That’s how we see a completely dumbed down population with useless leaders at the helm. Putin showed that up perfectly. As usual, most comments focus on the American dollar and how they are screwing themselves over. It’s all about the money, including this ongoing war. End of.

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As John wrote, contrast the highly intelligent, informed & articulate President Putin with Alzheimer's patient Joe Biden who in a recent press conference called al Sisi, the president of Egypt, the president of Mexico. And when he was interviewed about his stealing of classified documents, dumped in a garage next to a collapsed dog crate & broken lamp, literally could not remember when he was Vice President. Why is this allowed to go on?!

I was only disappointed that Putin didn't say that during negotiations regarding the reunification of Germany, then Secretary of State James Baker stated that if Russia agreed to this, NATO would not, I quote, "move one inch east." Russia agreed & the US immediately began gobbling up country after country in Eastern Europe, literally right up to Russia's borders. Imagine what the US would do if Russia's military established bases in Mexico! Armageddon!!

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Awesome interview!

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The "Thousand Year Gaze" of Russian and Chinese leadership is distinctly different from western "5 year business plans". https://drjohnsblog.substack.com/p/thousand-year-gaze

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I really like Vlad; always have! He gives people NO REASON NOT to like the guy! Putin is thee ONLY 'Adult In The Room', as far as 'World Leaders' go! Over the years, I try to listen/watch ALL of the speeches/talks with Putin. The MAN speaks nothing but TRUTH!!

I LOVE Russia/Russians!

And whatever Putin/Russia NEEDS to do, to stop these Globalist PSYCHOPATHS.....I won't hold it against them! If ya gotta 'nuke' the District of Criminals, Vlad?.......HAVE AT IT! The *cough* 'US' government is NOT AMERICA/AMERICANS government! They're ALL CRIMINALS! (and WAR CRIMINALS, at that!)

Only DUMBED-DOWN AmeriKans hate Vladimir Putin!

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Being of Ukrainian descent, I found the interview and the history lesson enjoyable. However, aside from a few minor points, there is one glaring issue that needs addressing. At one hour, 30 minutes, and 30 seconds, Tucker posed a pivotal question. Yet, Putin's failure to provide a honest response was profoundly disappointing. When Tucker inquired about Putin’s views on the the identity of ruling class, the elites who control the government, Putin dissembled and claimed ignorance with his response, "I do not know." Had he been forthcoming and articulated the truth, it could have altered the course for everyone, providing direction and inspiration to reclaim our country and institutions. Approximately 40% of people know who they are but as long as they are allowed to operate under the veil of anonymity, they will continue to orchestrate our collective demise with impunity.

“ if you want to know who is in charge, simply look at who it is illegal to criticize”

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This is really worrisome! Are these people engaging in wrongdoing without any way to stop them (NATO + CIA)? It appears that way.

- Luc

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I agree. That’s the first thought I had today: Putin’s intelligence is rather a bad reflection on American leadership; its intelligence and its competence. From both sides of the spectrum, by the way.

I also appreciate you taking the time to distill the key points takeaways from this interesting and important interview. Thank you.

In general, I’ve never followed Fox or Tucker Carlson too closely when he was on Fox, but as I’ve been watching him more frequently lately, apart of his talent for asking poignant questions, I cherish his childlike facial expressions, which to me, show for intent listening, wonder and keen interest in his subjects of interview. Qualities worth keeping even in older age.



By the way, dictators are essential. This view, that democracy is supreme, is an illusion.

Whether organized by democracies, dictatorships or monarchies, humanity is still organized in hierarchies. Suggesting how bad, how awful, how unempathetic and unjust it is, or was in the past, shows lack of knowledge about the underlying mechanics of human nature.

Everything in human interaction is eventually about organized control. You put three people together, it's just a matter of time until conflicts arise, which stem from differing emotional principles and expectations.

It is always easy to look at this or that leader and point the fickle finger of blame at them because the leader constitutes a centralization point which removes from people the need to find responsibility in themselves.

The human species from time immemorial was organized by the tribal imperative. The tribal imperative is hierarchical in nature. It’s where our social classes stem from. This is not something philosophical. It’s predetermined in our genes.

The class system established a certain boundary line.

If everyone could be anyone they desired it would have been chaotic. From the bird's eye view, this imperative was essential for the organization of the human species for the good and the bad.

Democracy, on the other hand, is the rule of the collective. The collective, as a whole of tribes that is greater than the sum of its parts, has been in power only for the last 200 years. With our migration into and the construction of megalopolis cities, it was the only time in human history that the collective became superior to the tribe. The tribal infrastructure began to lose its power.

Now, we’re on the other side of the arc; for the first time in human history we have more people that live in cities than outside of them. This is unprecedented.

Democracy gives the people the illusion that they control who will be in power. We are happy with this because it makes us feel good about ourselves and believe that in principle it is decent and that we have an equal say in the direction our nation is going. But it’s still an illusion.

The harsh reality is that behind closed doors is where humanity is organized. It’s still the tribal infrastructure that governs human interactions. It’s still the glue of every community and every organization. Here's the thing, the family, which is the smallest tribe - the clan - is hierarchical in nature. There's no democracy in it. If it were a democracy, it would have been chaotic. We would not have had civilizations.

This is the crux behind the current human conflict. The conflict is between the New and the Old: between the rule of the Collective and the Tribe, expressed in our world as the tension between globalism and nationalism.

This is what Putin vs. US/NATO conflict reflects.

It's also the underlying value behind the inner conflicts we have in every country. These are a reflection of the change in the larger order. Evolutionary speaking, the world and the planet is moving towards melded consciousness. Our technological development is but a reflection of this.

The caveat Is that it's not for us to experience.

That is why we have this rise in racial tensions, tribal wars and fundamentalism. It’s a backlash effect to the fact that genetic information is disappearing from humanity.

So in a way Putin, as well as other world leaders, such as Viktor Orban, for example, represent the resisting force to the “sterility” and homogenization globalism brings, even though internally they use technocratic endeavors - tools favored by globalists. (My estimation is that no one really understands that they can't escape the direction evolution is going).



People tend to paint these controlling agents (dictators) as a pejorative. To me, it’s a reflection of the forgetfulness of what freedom really means.

Everything in the universe is built on the mechanics of duality juxtaposed: two opposing forces meeting in the middle, maintaining balance. And so here. True freedom is the sliver between two oppositions: desire and self-control. True freedom is the quantum that arises from acceptance of limitations.

Over the years, however, the value behind freedom has morphed to mean one can do whatever they want; the freedom to indulge in the gratification of one’s desires on a momentary basis. And since this is not true freedom but erratic, unexpected behavior, the average human is essentially a trapped beast in a cage.

Dictators, therefore, are essential. They serve as a counterpoint. When you remove dictators, you see how quickly you want them back. Otherwise, we have chaos, looting, murders, rape, the whole Mad Max: Fury Road on one’s doorstep in the name of "freedom".

In this way one comes to the realization that people are not free. Certainly not in democracies. They are given the illusion of freedom by diversion. That way they’re kept under control.

So whether one likes or agrees with him or not, it’s important to view Putin from a larger perspective.

No country on this planet is excluded from the transition and the chaos that looms on the horizon, including Russia. There's no country in the world who’s not going to suffer, because this is a larger movement which talks about a new order.

But in my view, Russia is perhaps much more equipped and resilient to deal with the crises than America - the epitome of “democracy” - because America has long ago forgotten the underlying principle that stands behind true freedom.

In other words, “We the people” has never been a theoretical idea thrown on a society from the top down, in which the individual is merely downsized to a parasite, expecting everything to be handed to him on a silver platter, but a construct based on mutual involvement, rooted in individual self-responsibility, from the bottom up.

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