Very well said. Just imagine how events would have turned out differently had more strong principled people had just said NO.

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What gets me is how many people in the Bay Area say they went along to be "nice".

I had to wear the f-n mask because otherwise when I walked down the street in the open air, stupid young males and frightened seniors would yell at me or complain to my husband. So much for being nice.

For quite awhile, I got mad at the people who were still wearing masks. They didn't like it. I probably shouldn't have said anything but in San Francisco it was getting beyond absurd and it really irked me. I've given up at this point but plenty of Chinese people and more than a few young people are still wearing masks here.

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You caved and didn't stand. That's a shame. You're part of the problem. You wore a mask walking down the street cause people yell at you? You're weak


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Mar 12, 2023·edited Mar 12, 2023

Yeah, sure. Where do you live?

I really love these hypocritical people who hide behind masks or anonymous postings as they take potshots at people because they themselves are perfect.

F off.

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Naw, youre a coward bitch. You fuck off. You're worthless. Of course you'll come at me on message board online as you wear a mask outside because people yell at you. You should be ashamed. All the grief I took because of people like you. Unbelievable you have the Gaul to show an ego as ul wore a mask outside. How are you different than them? You're worse.you KNOW and still have no stones. You're a disgrace.

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with all due respect - seriously - I wish you would utiize that ire on the real enemy, the masked morons. How do you do this? I get it that it is VERY hard to go against the grain, but that is what courage is! What I do in situations like this is have some scientific facts at the ready. To wit: The average mask you see has holes in it maybe 80 -100 microns. The virus maybey 0.1 micron, a thousand times smaller. So, I ask the masked moron, "Do you really think that mask will stop a virus this is 1000 x smaller than the holes in your mask? Do you also think chainlink fences stop mosquitos as well??

Then ask if they have ANY scientific or intellectual honesty? If so, show them this 2 min vid, which you should have ready on your phone, of a MD vaping through a mask - where the vape particles are LARGER than the virus!

Then why do doctors wear masks? Our masked moron asks. But of course, you reply, it is right in the medical literature that it is to stop droplets from the doctor getting inside a body opening.

Just a modicum of FACTS usually shuts up these leftist morons. I also note that, per Dr. Stephen Porges, we all read micro expressions on each others' faces; kids are particularly sensitive to this, where the decode feelings of security, safety, alarm, etc. ALL THIS IS REMOVED WHEN FACES ARE OBSCURED. This is one reason why suicide rates have skyrocketed. One report had California girls suicide rates up 58% last year. ****I conclude my interaction with the invariably wokester masked moron that "YOU are killing kids with your mask policy. Sorry, but not doing it. Then walk away.

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No, I don't have Gaul, which is what France used to be called. What I have is gall.

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You're a fucking loser is what you are. I'm driving a car telling you where to get off at. Gail your ass. You're a stoneless joke and should be ashamed of yourselfyou clown. You belong in that shithole of SF. Movied out in 01. But i make shit happen you let shit happen..

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5 people liked your comment? My head hurts.

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Mar 12, 2023·edited Mar 12, 2023

Sadly, I feel bad now. Reading your comments has me believing you're mentally challenged. I feel like I'm making fun of a mentally disabled person.. You are on a blog where people are awake and despise tyranny. You don't seem to get it. You complain about young men and old ladies yelling at you for breathing outside but wore a mask anyway. Then I called you on that without bad words and you shot back at me and told me to fuck off. At least own your cowardness. Don't turn it ino ego. If your husband owns you and you did for him say that. But you make no sense.

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I actually told you to "F off". I realize now I erred in not using the entire expletive.

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For both of you. Read this protocol designed by the monsters behind all of this:


See if you spot the effect it would have on the public when they deployed it into the population right from the beginning. Both of you are actually cooperating with its intent, without realizing it. No one was weak in this, except the malignancies who perpetrated it. Humans are social creatures and THAT was the strength that was exploited in Covid. Also empathy for others and all manner of other human strengths. Please don't unknowingly make stronger the social engineering effect that those hiding in the shadows want you acting in accordance with. Now you know what it was, and what destroys that effect: unity. In all of us. Against them.

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Chinese always wore mask, long before COVID, in CHINA & HK and Chinatown.

Smoke, particulate, always for the health

For a short-time during the CIA riots the HK gov had to ban the mask, cuz the rioters were using the mask for disguise, but now 'mask for health' is back;

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023

A friend of mine says that Chinese people were wearing them before Covid in parts of the South Bay but before Covid I never saw anyone wear one in my San Francisco neighborhood which is predominately Asian.

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Nice People? They act nice to groom your children

SV-silicon valley

VC-venture capital

SVB - SV bank

SBF-sam bankman friedman ( altruistic non-binary ponzi leader )

This is easy, its why SVB/SBF exist in SV

Since 1990's inQtel (CIA) has ran VC in SV, they pick & choose winners, like google, ...FB, ...

Primary selection of funding is homos like sam Altman and peter Thiel (trump campaign mgr 2016&2024 Bilderberg USD-President, real life human-vampire, old guard VC-SV was xerox-parc&HP, ,but largely closet homo-sexuals;

Post late 1990's Stanford Univ hosted high-school entrepreneur camps ran by homo entrepreneurs; The entire idea is that twitter, FB, google, amazon, only hire non-binary fudge packing homos; Get the picture yet?

So now most of the RICH people in SV are pro-LGBTQ they have the money, they vote with their genitals.

Who knew? Good news is that WOKE GOES BROKE.

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Re the masked morons, how do you do an interaction with one of these nuts? I get it that it is VERY hard to go against the grain, but that is what courage is! What I do in situations like this is have some scientific facts at the ready. To wit: The average mask you see has holes in it maybe 80 -100 microns. The virus maybey 0.1 micron, a thousand times smaller. So, I ask the masked moron, "Do you really think that mask will stop a virus this is 1000 x smaller than the holes in your mask? Do you also think chainlink fences stop mosquitos as well??

Then ask if they have ANY scientific or intellectual honesty? If so, show them this 2 min vid, which you should have ready on your phone, of a MD vaping through a mask - where the vape particles are LARGER than the virus!

Then why do doctors wear masks? Our masked moron asks. But of course, you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=il-5HVmmMXE, it is right in the medical literature that it is to stop droplets from the doctor getting inside a body opening.

Just a modicum of FACTS usually shuts up these leftist morons. I also note that, per Dr. Stephen Porges, we all read micro expressions on each others' faces; kids are particularly sensitive to this, where the decode feelings of security, safety, alarm, etc. ALL THIS IS REMOVED WHEN FACES ARE OBSCURED. This is one reason why suicide rates have skyrocketed. One report had California girls suicide rates up 58% last year. ****I conclude my interaction with the invariably wokester masked moron that "YOU are killing kids with your mask policy. Sorry, but not doing it. Then walk away.

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I wanted to go to Rochester to hear steve kirsch but could go. I am glad to meet dr McCullough today in Buffalo. I found him very approachable and down to earth, just like his podcast. I can’t wait for the event to begin

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He is a giant and we are all leaning on him! Less leaning and more civil disobedience is necessary maybe...Hope you enjoy his presentation!

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The event is about to take place. THE EVENT. The event sung about in this 1990's song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPHEXuPFPio

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We do need people to be strong and stand up. But it's also important to recognize how much people stand to lose when they do. It's tough for doctors to stand up for sure but most doctors make a lot more money than the average person working at an average place and many have savings and other forms of income so it's difficult to compare the two situations. Seems that the people who planned this were intending to have a loose-loose (take the shot or be financially ruined) situation set up for the common person. So much evil.

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Yes, the doctors, more than others, should have taken a stand, especially the ones who practice family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, and obstectrophy. They chose that field. There are responsibilities that come with that. But, of course, they feel entitled.

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Mar 12, 2023·edited Mar 12, 2023

I agree. The disappointment that I've felt for the medical profession is enormous, with the exception of those fighting the system. I know that there are a lot of factors that we probably can't understand and obviously, they punished any doctor who spoke out, but I can't imagine how they could go along with such a nefarious plan that flew in the face of reason and logic. The pandemic response was literally the opposite of health and wellness.

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Doctors bought in to the Government money and policies that are driving the hospitals where they work. Most docs are now govt mouthpieces and no more.

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Easy lose your license if you tell truth

Going to get better soon, non-binary & non-white can enter MED-SCHOOL with no education, GED, or test scores; Can get MD after 1-2 years with no testing.

Future medicine in USSA is going to make today look like the golden age of med

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Mar 12, 2023·edited Mar 12, 2023

They're not doctors if they didn't. They're hacks and worse.

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They should start a clinic, "Quacks and Hacks."

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The only criteria for success is money. The way money is designed is to ensure slavery. Of course money is just a game and it doesn't have to be designed this way, but it is and nobody notices the culprit of what ails society. It's a word-wide thing because everyone uses centralized money. Money is the vehicle of the contagion - it makes tyrants powerful. And when we use money, we actually continue to build the same predatory system.

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I can see truth to what you are saying. On the flip side, money helps facilitate trade and encourages efficiency and production. As with anything, there’s a good and bad side to it. The bad side always seems to depend on the character of the people involved in the situation, which is a universal problem, no matter what the issue is. Some people just don’t mind harming others for their own benefit.

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As Wisdom clearly points out, the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. It is the acquisition of wealth for the sake of wealth, that is as perverse as it is corrupt.

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Yes, good points, and as I see it, when freedom is under attack it's not a black-and-white, not a you either stand-up-in-this-particular-way or you totally-sit-on-your-hands kind of thing, but rather, an invitation to use one's imagination in service of one's own power. What precisely is one's power? How can this unique power best be utilized, and leveraged? The answer will be different for different people, of course, for we all have different talents, different responsabilities to others, different resources, and different capacities to take on risk and conflict. The key thing, in my view, is to ASK ONESELF THE QUESTION, LISTEN ATTENTIVELY, THEN DECIDE, AND THEN -- GRIT TEETH IF NECESSARY-- TAKE ACTION.

That action may not be what someone else approves of. Everyone and their cousin's neighbor's monkey seems to carry around a pailful of "shoulds." So be it.

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... which isn't to say that I am not gravely disappointed in most of the medical profession. But I do believe there are some doctors who may not be not standing up in the public eye but who have nonetheless accomplished a great deal behind the scenes. Also, and I see this in my own project of transcribing censored and shadow-banned video, many doctors HAVE stood up, and at immense cost to themselves, however, the MSM and social media algos have buried their words and actions, so we just don't know about it. I have been looking, very carefully, almost every day for these videos and I still happen upon important ones that are over a year old that are total news to me. One of my comments with a transcript on his substack blog alerted Steve Kirch of the Vaccine Safety Foundation to a group of British doctors who were calling for an end to the covid jabs. I mean to say, wow, this is how powerful the censorship has been. (You can view that transcript here https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/58651.html )

Here's another example of something I only happened up very recently:



source: https://kytruthsummit.com

KY Truth Summit, October 8, 2022



DR. STEVE LATULIPPE: I want to talk out of the box today, out of the doctor's box, because what I've done, and I did it pretty early on in this whole pandemic thing, you know I actually believe I treated my first covid patients in I believe it was late November early December of 2019 and then again late December early January of 2020.

I am a good husband and one day [on large screen displays photo of himself speaking into a microphone] November 7th 2020 is when my darling wife asked me to go to a "Stop the Steal"* rally at the Capitol Building in Salem, Oregon. And I thought, that's very nice honey but you know I've got 60 charts I have to get done, and this is a Saturday and of course we're starting up seeing patients on Monday, so please excuse me, I'd love to go, but I can't. And you know, when a wife says, no, I think you need to go, this is very important, and so, get in the last word, right? Yes, dear. Here we go. The charts could wait. And they did, so I went and you see me there, I'm in my grubby jeans because I was actually working out in the yard, hat, baseball cap, I wasn't planning on speaking on that wonderful day. But we got there and there was quite a crowd there. I was surprised for Oregon because you know, it's very liberal, and I was pleasantly surprised. I had no idea I was going to speak that day. And of course I had no idea whatsoever that that day would be a fateful day for my destiny as a medical doctor.

I am the first medical doctor in the United States who had my medical license suspended really for doing my job. But what they said is that, they suspended my license because I was not masking. And they accused me of three things pertaining to social distancing which were, two of the allegations were erroneous, the third was I wasn't masking. But they said that four months prior to this day, November 7th, when I actually spoke, so they knew for over four months I was not masking in my clinic.

And why would I do such hideous thing? I was following the science, right? The best science says, masks are absolutely worthless.


And so, OK. Oh, and by the way I have PhD training in microbiology long before I ever became a medical doctor, so they could not dupe me.

And by the time I got to this point, like I said, I was going to be a spectator at this rally, and somehow I was asked to speak and I looked at my wife, she looks at me, we looked at each other, I said, well, OK.

But if I'm going to speak, I'm going to speak because by that time I had only treated 75 patients because Oregon didn't get that many cases. But I had elderly patients with co-morbidities, and guess what? With my protocol they all got better in a week's time. And by the time things happened and they stopped me from practicing medicine, I had treated only 200 patients, but they all got better 100% within one week's time. I'd call them all the next day, the very next day. How're you feeling? Hah, thanks, doc! I'm already drastically better. On my way to recovery. Great. Good to hear it.

And my real sin, the real reason that they took me down, the corrupt Oregon Medical Board took me down, because on November 7th— remember when did the vaccine hit? January 2021. That was just a short while. And here's this little kind of quasi country doc from Oregon speaking publicly, videoed by the Multnomah County RNC, that's up in Portland, you know, that crazy area, they video-taped me and my speech went viral on YouTube and it went viral globally. So I had doctors, next few days, calling me from Europe, Asia, all over the US, talking to me. But apparently on the day following, November 8th, the Oregon Medical Board saw it and read it, and on November 9th, a letter was written by the medical director of the Oregon Medical Board saying, Dr. LaTulippe, you are screwing up.

Is that in the Bible? Huh. Huh.


Yeah, you're kind of messing up and you'd better get your act together, buddy, because you are not practicing medicine according to the dictates of Governor Kate Brown! And if you don't start obeying Kate Brown's executive orders on how to practice medicine, you're going to face sanctions from the medical board.

And I thought, well, OK, I had you know 23 years thereabout of good medicine by that time. I thought, huh, wonder what sanctions mean?



#   #   #


The website https://kytruthsummit.com states that the Kentucky Truth Summit was sponsored by Global COVID Summit, AFLDS and myfreedoctor.com. Among the many speakers were Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Angie Farella, Dr. Jennifer Hibberd, Dr. Mollie James, Dr. Kat Lindley, Dr. Robert Lowry, Dr. Kim Milhoan, Dr. Renata Moon, Dr. Molly Rutherford, Dr. Dan Stock, Dr. Richard Urso, Dr. Monica Wehby, and, among other vaccine injured individuals, Maddie de Garay (age 12) who suffered neurological damage in the pre-roll out Pfizer Trial. The Kentucky Truth Summit was held in Pendleton, Kentucky. Participant Dr. Molly Rutherford offers several posts about the summit on her Substack blog, UnbridledMD:


See also:

"Doctor Who Refused to Wear Mask and Supported 'Stop the Steal' Rally is Suspended"

by Brendan Cole, December 5, 2020


"Dr. LaTulippe's Story of Tyranny"


"My David and Goliath Moment Against the Oregon Medical Board"

by Dr. Steve LaTulippe September 21, 2021


More of Dr. LaTulippe's essays and podcasts can be found at America Outloud


*The Stop the Steal rally was organized by Oregonians for America [ https://ofamedia.org/ ] to protest the results of the US presidential election and show support for President Trump.

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Here's another doctor who stood up-- bless him.


Oct 6, 2022




DR. DAVE MARQUIS: Hey everybody, Dr. Dave Marquis here and I have a message that I wanted to share with you relative to spike and kids. And you know what I mean when I say that.

The concept of rolling out a procedure to be used broadly on kids after only being studied on a handful of mice, doesn't really add up in terms of risk to benefit ratios in my mind because we don't know anything as to how it's going to work in kids other than, we can look back over the last two years and see how its worked out for everybody else. And that hasn't been so great, matter of fact, it's been the opposite of great.

We're seeing some really horrific results, whether it be myocarditis, whether it be brain fog, whether it be Guillen Barré where the nervous system's getting attacked. In the female population menstrual disorders are up over 8,000 percent. How did that happen?

The list just goes on and on as to the things that people are dealing with secondary to what we have embraced collectively, maybe not embraced, maybe that's not the right term, but been subjected to and many people unwillingly received just so that they could keep their job or stay in school or whatever the reason was, some family pressuring.

No one should make a health care decision for themselves or their children in that frame of mind. We should never go into a decision process that can have lifelong negative impact under fear.

We need to make these choices knowingly and have all of the data out in front of us so that we can review that and analyze the actual risk to benefit. And we shouldn't be using mice that were studied for a couple of months at best and imply that that is going to be useful information extrapolated out to all of our kids broadly. That's criminal!

So I'm fired up about this because I don't want to be treating people that don't have to be sick. And people need to hear that. And I need your help. Because I'm one person, I'm one doctor. I see it on a daily basis, I hear about it through my patients, from their loved ones. And I'm seeing a tidal wave of illness on the horizon if we don't stand up collectively and make a change.

So I'm reaching out to you through this medium asking for your help, to please research these things. Don't allow media bias to guide you or to blind you. Do your own research so that you can understand what I understand.

And if you come to a different conclusion please let me know so that I can analyze that. But I've been living in these trenches now for over two years, I'm seeing this on a daily basis. The literature is only becoming more and more supportive of what I initially thought, and that's more than concerning.

So I hope you get the sense of the seriousness of what I'm trying to share with you. We don't have time to allow for our kids to be the test subjects. And it creates a lot of unknown things and some things known because we've had the opportunity to see over the last two years. I don't like either end of that scale and I don't think you would either if you actually looked at the data and saw the patients suffering.

So please take the time to research. I hope this puts a fire under you so that you take action on that. We have to make a difference, we need to be proactive and talk to our medical providers, we need to talk to our politicians locally, state-wide, nationally. We need to make our voices heard. And then band together so that our numbers grow and people will see that, hey, you know what, there is a whole population that has awakened to how wrong this is. I want to be in that camp and I want to support them.

We need you. Please join us. Have a great day.


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As Chris Hedges advocates, workers must use their collective power, get beyond their fear of the system control, the propaganda , of loss of income. This system needs workers, but the workers do not need the capitalists.

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It's very difficult to know how to fight what is going on. I think one of the main new aspects of today's war on freedom and truth is the implementation and use of artificial intelligence. If people wouldn't' t have been so brainwashed for so long, from so many forms of electronics, they would have recognized what was going on. As it stands, there just weren't enough people to stand up to the system and have any meaningful effect on it. So those who did took a big hit. Thank goodness people did stand up, because all of us living in "reality land" felt like we were going crazy due to the widespread nonsense and those few voices of reason gave us hope, but it wasn't enough to stop it. I would wager that if every single person who understood how fraudulent the pandemic response was stood up against it, it still wouldn't have been enough. (Grim outlook, I know) So doing whatever we can, however we can is just going to have to do until people join the movement. I think your suggestions are excellent and encouraging. Who knows how it will end. At least we will be trying.

And to your comment about being disappointed in the medical profession... Yes. So much yes! So disappointed. I think it shows the power of the pharmaceutical/medical industrial complex and it's influence on the entire medical system over the last several decades (medical journals, education institutions, medical boards, media, hospitals etc). I hope I never need a doctor. I'm going to live as healthy as I can, drive a little more carefully and hope to avoid the system altogether for as long as possible. I felt that way before the pandemic, but the pandemic has strengthened my distrust by a thousand-fold. Before the pandemic, I thought it was incompetence coming from the top. Now we can all see that it's much worse than that. I would hate to be a doctor and have an aha moment at this time in history. Your whole life turned upside down. It's so criminal and insane.

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In my humble opinion, the wimps are those who leave GOD outside of their choices.

Galatians 6:9 "So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up." In my humble opinion.

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The thing is we're all different so we're all going to see things differently. I cannot see how this myth of a god has done anyone any good meeself.

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I’m sorry you don’t believe in my God Who literally sent His Son, Jesus, to save me from the ultimate penalty of my sins. Not only does He provide me a way to live in eternity with Him in heaven, He sustains & guides me everyday. These last 3 years of madness, evil, uncertainty haven’t put me under bc I know Who holds the future; that brings assurance of hope. Here & after death.

We live in a fallen world today; that’s why we see so much that disturbs, dismays, discourages us. But this world isn’t eternal & one day all will be restored as God intended when He created all things. Man decided he knew better & screwed up the perfect world of Eden. We are paying for that action. The prince of this fallen world is satan, the once beautiful angel who rebelled against God in heaven & was cast out. He wanted to BE God, not serve Him; He played huge role in Adam/Eve fall in Eden. You may think all this (brief simplified version) a storyline only.

My prayer is for you to encounter the One I know. God speed. John 3:16

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Dear SusanMc, your reply was grace and good news given. We believe because HE first loved us. Your words are meant for all humanity and putting God the Father, God the Savior Jesus and God the Holy Spirit comforter on the inside of all our choices.

You know, you are loved forever. And I am grateful for you.

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You are to be pitied. Praying for you to have a run in with the Living God

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Incredibly moving. What indeed.

The same perpetrators who are today wielding these toxic by design injections have, over the last 50 years, poisoned the discourse so that men with male attributes are made to feel very unwelcome.

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Ireland fell to the Covidiocy - stayed in their homes for a year lest they dare sneeze, locked up unvaccinated passengers from the US for 10+ days (at the traveler's expense; ran into this one myself) upon arrival to the airports, denied unvaccinated people rights (I fled the country before this started), masked children in schools and daycares, and generally got wrapped up in the hysteria. It was, in the vernacular, a feckin' muppet show.

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X2. I live here.

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I'm from Ireland. Moved to the US in 98. Moved back to Ireland in November 2020 because the US was going crazy. Ireland was worse. Moved back to the US in May '21. I'll eventually stop screaming..

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It is not unusual to still see people here wearing masks, driving alone in their cars, etc. We still have the ‘regulation’ that masks must be worn in any ‘health service area’, like drug stores, hospitals, etc. I had a ‘pre admissions’ interview by phone for a pending hospital appointment. The nurse asked me if I ever had covid. I said no, and I’m not vaxxed, either. She said to me “you’re one of the lucky ones”. The hospitals are overwhelmed here with the vaxxed. And they are still trying to push the booster.

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Mar 12, 2023·edited Mar 12, 2023

Where do you live?

Drugstores? Here in California they are finally letting average people stop wearing them in health care areas provided it is okay with the people in charge of the organization. Health care employees still have to wear them. But drugstores were never considered in the same class as doctors' offices.

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I said ‘drugstore’, because here in Ireland it’s actually called ‘chemist’s and most American wouldn’t understand. We still must wear them in ANY health care area, even the place where you purchase eyeglasses. I have never worn a mask, and my go to response when questioned is ‘I have a medical exemption’. I’ve even said that in my doctor’s office…lol…I would have thought that perhaps he knew better (as I don’t have one).

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Chemist's, sure, but yes, that is the same as a drugstore and no, we never had to wear masks there except that it was classified like any other store.

Ireland still has those restrictions then. I thought California was bad. Does anybody refuse you entry when you claim you have an exemption?

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I live in SF. A couple of months ago, I went to get my haircut. The woman who cuts my hair is from Ireland. I asked her why she was wearing a mask. She said it was because her mum was visiting. I said, if it makes her feel better, OK, but it doesn't do *&^%. She took her mask off halfway thru my haircut. But she took the shots. Her daughter had to too because the University of California still requires them. It's appalling.

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What would the Irish laborers who dug the Erie Canal think of us today? But I don't think there's a uniform "us." Some people living today would be worthy of a tough, hardworking man's respect and admiration. Some might merit the tip of a cap, maybe. Some people, skankers, they should be in jail. As for the Irish laborers themselves, I would guess the same could be said-- some were grand fellows, some not especially, and a few characters you'd best steer clear of.

I concur with Dr. McCullough's advice. I'd put it this way: Get a spine, man. Your boss is an ignoramus and if he fires you because you didn't take an experimental injection, he has committed a crime-- a very serious one. And, by the way, check out Peggy Hall's advice on fighting back against this crimninal nonsense. https://www.thehealthyamerican.org/

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We know little about the "young, strapping man" who queried Dr. McCullough, other than he has the sense to avoid being part of a failing medical experiment. In general, we know labor is scarce and jobs plentiful, so it does seem that he could find work elsewhere. But perhaps he's in a specialized, well-paid position and couldn't readily switch. Perhaps he has major financial obligations and the jab could be worth the risk to him. I hope not.

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Yes many people for various reasons have taken the decision that is best for them. And that is as it should be-- that each decide what is right for him or herself.

That said, having read a good number of the reports on www.realnotrare.com I am sorry to say that many jab- injured people apparently see the importance of their job very differently in hindsight. The saddest stories are of the ones who were healthy, took the jabs under duress, only to keep their job, then lost their job because when injured they could no longer work. Some also took the jab to protect their elderly parents-- and now, injured, they cannot care for their elders, either.

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What a satisfying read. Thank you. I propose Irish Americans reading this share where their people came from. My paternal grandparents came from County Mayo and met once in the States. I have felt my grandmother’s spirit with me every time I have stood up to the insane tyranny in my California suburb. When she was old she successfully returned shoes to a big fancy department store that she had worn but disliked (LOL)imagine her opinion of corporate brand worship today. She was fierce. What she went through ending her childhood alone at 15, during a trip to Ellis Island. When I asked my great aunt her sister what it was like to leave so young, she said “it’s a wonder Ireland is so wet” meaning Ireland’s greatest export was their people, and all their homesick tears were shed in America. They knew it was worth it, and they knew who built much of the infrastructure we all enjoy, through daily available supplies. My father, my grandma’s youngest son, a real true physician, would be listening to McCullough today, not Fauci. He served his oath and people of all walks of life with decency and common sense. When he died in 2017 I had heard him refer to mainstream corporate news as “trash and trivia” hundreds of times. Thanks again. We who came from fiery folks who did the right thing must stand.

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As you can tell by my name, I’m Irish.

I called my Primary Care Doctor long before the jabs were available to tell her I’d never take them because they weren’t what they claimed to be. I went on record with my protest.

Her telling response?

“I don’t think that’s going to matter.”


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Yikes- as in your unwillingness to consent doesn't matter?

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I didn’t probe but that’s my take on her words.

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I see, probably wise. ☹️ A new level of care will emerge from demand.

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The majority of people have been fearful throughout recorded history. History is filled with one tyranny and fascism after another. Only reason for these occurring over and over is that most people don't have the courage or integrity to fight evil or corruption. This pandemic brought the extent of that fearfulness to the surface, especially with technology and social media giving everyone in the world a voice. Only a small percentage of people rise up to fight against tyranny, and that's true for this falsely inflated covid pandemic as well.

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Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior. HOMES. I grew up in Michigan, and am glad to know about the Irish laborers. Imagine fleeing a potato blight famine to end up digging a giant ditch. Here is a blurb on that....I am sure there is a lot to say about what happened with the Irish potato famine...'The Irish Potato Famine of 1845 is believed to have been caused by the HERB-1 strain of Phytophthora infestans, a fungal pathogen that arrived in Ireland via Mexico in 1845.02 However, it may also have been caused by England's long-running political hegemony over Ireland, resulting in large chunks of land being given to Englishmen.' from https://www.irishcentral.com/roots/history/irish-famine-mystery-pathogen

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Well, I think this part of the poem sums it up.

“The best lack all conviction, while the worst   

Are full of passionate intensity.”

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People are not paying attention to who is running their cities.

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They just don’t make people like they used to. Wonder what it will take...

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My wife, who is a thin, non-muscular typical Canadian nice woman was in the grocery store one day during the height of the mask mania. She looked at me in the middle of the store, and said "I'm not doing this anymore," and tore it off.

This put us in a great position, actually. We all know you NEVER attack a man's wife; even the police know that domestic disputes are where police get killed or injured.

I was JUST WAITING for someone, anyone, to come up to her and approach her for this. If they did, that would be the last thing they would ever do.

It's time we just quit conceding everything away.

Can we REALLY be the descendants of the Greatest Generation ? Have we gone in one generation from the Greatest to the Most Entitled and Most Cowardly??

Most people I know ARE cowards, and just go along with whatever they are told. That's ok, but when freedom and truth are at stake, that is non-negotiable. Period.

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Freedom Fox Truths:


Weak rulers make hard rules the people must follow.

Strong leaders ask the people to follow his lead.

The former demand obedience using threats, the people do not trust them and must be forced to obey; they know instinctively the rules are in the ruler’s best interests, not the people’s.

The latter is trusted by the people he leads and follow him willingly; they know instinctively the leader’s ask is in the best interest of all.

Which is why authoritarian governments are inherently weak. They are led by weak people. Who know they are weak. Who resort to brute force to impose their will on the people they govern. Free people must be governed by strong leaders. Who earn the trust of the people they govern. An instinctual phenomenon, can’t be faked. Free people who become subjects to authoritarian regimes suffer from weak leadership. That overcompensates with bullying tactics and shows of force. Napoleon complex, those with short stature who become tyrants applies to all of the weak pretenders who ascend to a throne. Authoritarians are weak. Never forget it. They don’t.


Those who advocate for censorship believe the people are unable to discern truth from fiction, right from wrong, have uncritical minds that will believe and do anything they are told to believe and do.

Censors believe this because:

A. Censors, themselves, have uncritical minds and believe and do anything they’re told to believe and do.

B. Censors, themselves, are benefited by telling the people to believe and do anything they say, requiring A.

Which is why authoritarian governments censor. Remember, these are weak pretenders who’ve ascended to thrones, positions they benefit from, not the people. They need uncritical minds to keep their thrones, and the privileges granted. Uncensored information in the people’s critical minds threatens the tyrant’s throne. Authoritarians are pretenders to thrones. Never forget it. They don’t.

Truth is very simple. It’s the lies that are complex.


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8,000 Irish immigrants died digging the Irish Channel in New Orleans.

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