Just the start of a tsunami of death and disability of the vaxed. It will get worse. The new malaria vaccine being spread over Africa now will have the same result. Wait for a year until the numbers for those are added to the mRNA numbers. A catastrophe. Be thankful for the Federal judge in Texas who did not allow Pfizer to hide their internal records for 75 years and make them available for study by Dr. Wolf's team. At least some were able to avoid the injections completely or just get 1. If not for them, most people would have averaged 7 each by now. That is, the ones not dead or seriously injured.

Danny Huckabee

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So many people maimed or gone that should be healthy, whole, and still with us. 💔

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John Leake and Ed Dowd--

I concur from the field. I live in a tourist town. Small Sierra foothills town near Yosemite NP. Our local post office cannot deliver some days because of lack of employees able to work. Local famous bar/restaurant has to close now Wednesday and Thursday for breakfast and lunch on account of lack of employees. And this is height of tourist season. They are passing on tons of sales because of this.

The economy is contorted in extreme ways not yet fully revealed.

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Looks like the Psyop backfired. Instead of reducing the overall population and financial burden required of the government covid bio weapon has created a severely crippled large section of the general population..

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There is a social crisis coming that we cannot even imagine how severe it is.

Towards the end of this decade hundreds of millions of people will lose what they thought was going to be their retirement money. In 2028, the retirement and pension funds run out of their trust funds.

It’s important to note that one of the things people tend to ignore or forget is that there is an unholy alliance between insurance companies and the healthcare system. Insurance companies are asset holders and portfolios. These are the people who need to have money in the present to cover for issues in the future.

The problem is that central banks all over the world have depressed the value of the return on money over the years, so the money is running out faster than expected. This is a trap that the world's key policy makers are currently stuck in: the increased inflation resulting from their stimulus policies collides with a slowdown in economic growth. Their choice at this point is to either impoverish the public through rising inflation (and ultimately kill the economy), or crash the debt-laden economy straight into recession or depression by tightening.

So the harsh reality is that mutual funds run out of money in 2028. And here comes the kicker: the same goes for the pharmaceutical industry, because it turns out that the money that goes into the pharmaceutical industry actually pays for the manufacturing of drugs. It means that the 400 plus year tradition we have, in which nation states were built on the back of the drug trade, is coming to an end.

It will end around 2028, because we have a convergence that none of us know how to cover. The convergence is that the people with the money, the big pharmaceutical players, are the beneficiaries who benefit from a system that is going bankrupt due to their past actions.

There is a social crisis that we cannot even imagine on the horizon because millions of people will need health services but will have to face a bankrupt system that is unable to support their health and livelihoods.

As many more people are going to experience morbidity in all ages, by the time these things occur we will not have the ample support infrastructure required to handle the load.

Because if we have people who have to stay at home with sick children; if we have more and more people who cannot work because they suffer from chronic fatigue or an autoimmune diseases; if we have people who need to take care of their elderly or sick parents; if we have a huge share of the baby boomers generation laid off or unable to return to work, that means more and more people, both healthy and ill, will need around-the-clock medical care and/or financial support from their families.

This means that there will be fewer and fewer people to fill the roles that maintain the support infrastructure underpinning our modern civilization..

That is, if we want a functioning society, we need the laws and those who can uphold them; we need the resources and those who can work the land to grow and produce our food, we need the transportation system and the drivers that operate it, we need the schools and those who can teach our children, we need doctors and the nurses to populate the our health care institutions and so on and so forth, - all those things that we have learned to take for granted.

And if we don't have enough drivers, pilots, teachers, doctors, lawyers, firefighters, police, ambulance personnel, etc., who fill in the necessary roles then one can begin to understand that this is the beginning of the end. Then we will have enormous damage and all the things that go with it: mental illness, suicides, homelessness, crime, violence and lawlessness. Social disruption like we have never experienced before.

Even those who are the "lucky ones" who still have a job left and are healthy, we will no longer have the ability to enjoy life and freedom as they were used to. They're going to bear a much heavier financial burden.

And much of this is a consequential derivative of the measures humanity implemented in 2020 with the thought that it was all for a greater good; an emancipation from a pandemic with a mortality rate of less than 0.1%.

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Don't worry, the US Fed will cover everything with it's fake electronic-pesos-from-the-sky program.

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Holy cow. The numbers do not lie. This is frightening. Are people in the UK screaming for justice????

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The disability aspect is one thing. The constant illness is another. There are deaths, permanent disability, and a third category harder to quantify. A large portion of the vaxed pop is semi hurt. Still

Working, but sick a lot and making many mistakes at work. They are now 20-30% less competent. Like the State dept employee at a press conference saying ‘this war is a black eye and a failure for Ukraine...’ and he went on. The press shouted out RUSSIA. He said ‘Right. Russia. Not Ukraine. Okay then the war is a failure for Ukraine’. Again Russia shouted out. Everyone laughed it off and corrected him again. He was about 40 and he had a 70 year old brain fart. My guess is the guy was super sharp. And he is distracted and out of it. I am seeing this all over in my work.

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Imagine what will happen to the sheeple who line up for the 3 in 1 flu,rsv,covid jab this fall.

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This looks exactly like the 'employed women with disability US curve,' from Ed Dowd:


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From the beginning I thought it very surprising how unprecedentedly, and expediently the very graphic pictures of the scary ball with “spike” proteins immediately flooded the internet and TV about the scary virus that came down onto flat earth. We humans are primarily visual creatures. Then came the masks to constantly remind everyone, everywhere, driving in cars, home, kissing, don’t forget what scares you, and make sure your babies get a good dose of fear so they never forget. Worry about human collateral damage later, grand ma and pop are gonna die, and probably you too, so stay away from them, they know history. Demonize and isolate non compliance because central control has the answer to calm your fears, just do as you are told. Trust us for the good of all, there is no immunity but the jab.

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You answered it...'spike' protein.

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Breaking @3PM 12 July 2023

Please note the SHOW MORE section (below that commercial-free upload).

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Cue legalized assisted suicide nationally or even worldwide, with doctors allowed to make that call for the patient...

Sadly I am not at all surprised by this trend.

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We just got a new policy and I was REALLY surprised they didn't ask us if we'd been jabbed. Shouldn't that be the number 1 question based on the money they're likely shelling out?

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