The goal is clear but not stated. Ukraine was/is the primary money laundering center for western politicians and other grifters. The goal is obviously to maintain this source of huge wealth for crime cabals run by Biden, Kerry, Romney, and many others. Ukraine provides a method of "washing" U.S. aid dollars and placing them in the pockets of the "elite."

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I like your comment but the substack Like button within comments doesn’t work for me any more.

You speak true words although I suspect there are laundering hubs across the world.

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Ditto re the ‘like’ option - not working at all on any ss page on my not so smart phone. Will try the PC next…

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Thanks. I'm sure you are correct. Plenty of cash being laundered in outposts around the globe. Having never been invited to the party, I do not have a complete map of the hubs. lol

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At a lunch with a former co-worker, we chatted about the failure of the COVID vax. He blurted out, "We had to do SOMETHING"! Yes, this is as childish as "we tried to help", and very, very wishful thinking. Coming from a trained scientist who is very talented to boot. The elite have perfected the emotional manipulation "game", leading to our collective acceptance of these horrible and costly initiatives because we "had to do something".

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I just made this exact comment. It's deeply unsettling. I guess there was some kind of threshold they'd got over with being wound up, where they'd been so freaked out anything at all was a relief. Even repeatedly experiencing the actual virus and how mild it is doesn't give them pause.

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Two points:

1. I thought victory in Ukraine was defined as restoring all unicorns and dragons to Ukraine that were stolen by the Grand Duke of Muscovy and ... oops ... sorry, I meant reclaiming all territories to the 2014 frontiers, joining NATO, the European Union, and the YMCA.

2. For every "at least we tried" you mention, it seems that a small well-defined bunch of people make huge amounts of money. Could that be a pattern?

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It is striking indeed that many 'measures' implemented over the last few years have neither been shown to have the purported effect, nor would that effect have a significant outcome with respect to the bigger objective. For instance, many jurisdictions have a goal to 'reduce litter' and they then proceed by banning single use plastic bags. However, those bags make up less than five percent of plastic waste an a visual inspection of the litter in certain public spaces confirms that virtually none of it consists of plastic bags. So why implement a measure that inconveniences and fails to hit the target? The list of such measures is endless.

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Sitting next to a friend in her car listening to her tell me 'They had to do something' after I'd explained that injections can give you auto immune disease and my partner was going to lose his job just for a virus, for which you can't immunise, I realised the disease was hysteria and I had to restrain myself from running away from a nutter. Winning was forcing millions to get the injections, a lot of whom knew damn well it couldn't work, wasn't tested long enough, went against everything we know about both viruses and the immune system but you know, 'they' had to do 'something'.

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As Julian Assange said re Afghanistan, they don't want 'victory' - they want 'forever wars'. He described it as a means to launder billions out of the public tax base and into the hands of the global weapons manufacturers.

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It seems the West also cannot define what a vaccine is nor what a woman is, so the level of stupidity in the West is reaching critical mass....

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Not stupid. Frightened. "They" will control what you say.

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Only if you let "them." Being frightened is stupid.

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It appears “ victory in Ukraine” is an enormous death count and the U.S./UN/WEF/NATO globalists appropriating Ukraine for themselves… and continuing to provoke Russia.

Of course, allowing a massive flood of Islamist “ migrants” for the sake of “Multiculturalism”. BlackRock is already “ helping” by stealing all the real estate.

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Thank you for "A man's got to know his own limitations." - a quote I use frequently from Magnum Force, my favorite of the Harry Callahan flicks; Clint should be on Mt. Rushmore (just kidding; for effect) and Hal Holbrook was so great! But I digress.

I can't speak for the "west" but I have observed this nasty habit that this former constitutional republic has developed over the past 72 years - our rotten government loves starting wars, but hates finishing them, and the military hierarchy seems more than willing to go along to get along - the whole rotten bunch lining their pockets at the expense of the peasant class.

I still remember the deer in the headlights look displayed by William Westmorland when questioned about a strategy for victory in Viet Nam; there was no strategy other than perpetuating the war.

By now, a reasonable person would think We The People would be getting a bit tired of seeing our young people slaughtered, our national treasure squandered, and our supposed position the beacon of liberty (spit) revealed for what it actually is - a gigantic flipping lie.

Why do we continue this insanity. Why doesn't God just mildly cough and blow us in to the Sun? - This is rhetorical; no need for anyone to explain. I know, He has a plan and He does not lie.

I'm sick and tired of this bullshit.

People, please stop sending your sons and daughters to support this sick, evil scam. Do anything you can to talk then out of joining the military. And stop voting for these warwhore slime we call politicians.

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The habitual Throwing Of The Money also results in endless opportunities to launder fake money into real assets and power for western Plutarchs. It is a luxury offered to the reserve currency holder that closed the gold window in 1971.

The latter situation is coming to an end and suddenly the Parasitic Plutarchs are in a frenzy of money throwing but God only knows what feverishly desperate maneuver they will pull when they finally notice that their money throwing is no more effective this time than it has been for the last 50 years.

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This is not a ‘just war’, but an unnessary sinful war that has caused untold misery and death to thousands of innocent people. All those who have enabled this war will deservedly feel the wrath God. There will be no winners.

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I’m glad you brought up “just war.” How many Christian denominations have called out the Ukraine war for what it is, namely, anything but just. Or will it become an unjust way only after Americans are being slaughtered by the hundreds of thousands, in the name of Daddy Warbucks. The days are short, the night is overtaking us.

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The church in general in Canada kowtows to our Marxist pagan government and follows the culture instead of scripture. I am unaware of any church calling out the government on their enabling the war in Ukraine. If there are any it will not be made public because the MSM is in Trudeau’s pocket, like most bureaucracies here. 😇

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There will be no victory for the West, John. The war was lost when it began. Why no peace negotiating as offered by Vlad? You know the answer.

From the beach...


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Victory comes when warmongers finally make enough money and/or Biden launders as much money as he wants.

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The far left agenda.

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