After Zelensky’s awful speech where he talked about our children fighting in this war I was physically ill. We were out of all war until Biden and his advisors started the cycle again. This is a dangerous path. Our children, being indoctrinated in liberal schools, have no idea what is hanging over them.

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Can't Zelensky go back to his dancing? Perhaps with Hunter. I think Hunters calendar is open....

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023

😂every time I see him on TV I think of that horrible video of him dressed in high heels, dancing. Hunter with him would be priceless!

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Granny Biden is already dancing with Zelensky

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Any parent who abdicates their God Ordained Responsibilities in raising THEIR Children to the state,

although out of necessity, they must be placed in the states schools, excuse me indoctrination centers, is getting what they deserve in their children, and will answer to God for it.

My wife and I homeschooled, and I passed over several very suitable women who were not willing to do so, until I found my wife who wanted what I wanted and placed God first in her life.

Even so, my son is showing some liberal tendencies after three years in college

The Bible says that if you train up a child in the way of the Lord, he will not depart from it. I’m sure when he gets into an environment where he’s not surrounded by leftists Dogma he will return to his roots.

I cringe at some of the things that I picked up.

Even if you have to eat cold, pork and beans out of a can three meals a day homeschool your children, or give up money so that your children can homeschool their children , or else you may be looking at them, up against the wall, and they will be holding the rifle.

do a little studying on the killing Fields of Cambodia, of children, killing their parents because they did not fit the new order.

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Silent scorn

You are distorting what Zelenskyy said. He is not requesting and does not need American fighters. He was talking about the next war if Russia succeeds in Ukraine.

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023

I disagree. He wants us over there helping him. We’ve already come as close as we can to stepping outside of NATO terms. I do not like the the fact that he keeps showing up in DC asking for more and more money. And why did merrick garland, Janet Yellen, Joe, and Kamala all go to Ukraine when our own country is in deep crap at the border and financially? Take a look at their actions-they are committed to this war because they can’t lose this proxy war. It will show them up for what they really are- they do not have our country and our constitution as their first priority, as they swore to do.

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Anything to wipe their feet on us. The border aspect hurts.

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I agree with all you’ve stated. Of course he wants our kids. This is such a useless war and money laundering project, it should have ended before it began! Zelensky is and actor thug. Putin shoukd have finished this by now.

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America has many wars to fight .The whyruss war is fought producing many wounded and dead ,with the weapon of snout pouches and endless venom injections .The hospitals where commanded to kill not the whyruss but the unfortunate thinking their flu will be taken care of ,but they are instead taken prisoners ,sedated ,remdesivired ventilated and mistreated to death .Than the war of the global warming ,between planet earth and the sun .The sun must be fought ,until unconditional surrender .The sun is our worst enemy ,as told by Polititians night and day on TEE VEE .The worst enemy of all is the horrible humans who must be exterminated at all cost .

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023

Zelenskyy has not requested American troops. He has requested American weapons ( which will never be used unless America becomes engaged in a land war). Zelenskyy is smart enough to know that one American death will end declining American support for the defense of Ukraine.

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We have American there that were sent by our government... they are contractors. Some have died... there is American blood shed in Ukraine.

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Never say never-if I were to be a betting person, American weapons are already being used in Ukraine.

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It also just occurred to me that this administration got away with shedding American blood in the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan and the normies didn’t bat an eye. Sick.

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Of course American weapons are already used in Ukraine. The HIMARS missile systems are high-tech American armaments. We have already supplied all kinds of weapons and ordnance; weaponry was funneling in long before the conflict started. Angela Merkel admitted that the Minsk Agreements were only engaged in to buy more time for arming Ukraine (before war began). The USA has been a duplicitous supporter of bad-faith negotiations, among many other diplomatic failures. The warmongers in D.C. will never stop unless "We the People" push back forcefully.

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Wow. It’s been planned for so long. Someday , if the patriots stay focused and are incredibly tough, a summary of all this will be written that will blow people’s minds. Conversely, they’ll go to hell and it will be dealt with then.

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definition of "fighters" =

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Careful with the word "liberal". It properly means freemen the Jesuits have not subjugated.

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Doesn't sound like it would apply then. Thank you. What is the correct term?

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023

Woke, leftist, progressive, buttinski, statist, meddler, and authoritarian all have arguments. I'm still looking, but usually use illiberal, even though it has other meanings.

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Thank you. I may use that too. Jesuit are scary and they run this town.

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Excellent post. I'll send this to Lindsay Graham. He should get a kick out of it.

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I hope many people in SC are contacting Lindsay Graham to tell him to stop pushing this war in Ukraine! He loves that this war has continued and is very enthusiastic about sending our weaponry as well as our billions over there. He frustrates me!

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Lindsey graham even encouraged the Ukrainian leadership to provoke this war on site in Kiev in 2016 (together with McCain, what a surprise).

Anyway, he said to Poroshenko et all that "Your fight is our fight". However, no fight was going on other than Ukraine shelling their own people - of Russian decent - in the Eastern territories even killing about 14000 people since 2014, of which nearly 10.000 dead civilians. How brave the Nazis are!

Then he went on to say: "Twenty seventeen will be the year of offence." And he continued: "Now we will go back to Washington and push for this case".

And the whole group of military personnel, including president Poroshenko, left the meeting. What a sacred moment. All the evil spirits filled the room.

And Mr T is cosying up to this rattlesnake, which doesn't bode well even after O'biden is done.

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McCain was there as in the phots from that bust, I believe that Obama and Victoria Nuland were there as well. Trump was not.

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I like the one where McCain appears to be sleeping.....

What a dynamic entourage

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 18, 2023

I was referring to this episode. Hopefully I quote Lindsey literally correct, but at least I know my wording is close to what he said. These are criminals head to toes:


And true, Trump of course wasn't there. Instead the plan to start the offence probably got off the rails because Killary didn't win the election, but never mind.

Again, me mentioning Mr T cosying up to Lindsey was of course not related to this event in 2016. Instead it was what I saw happening only a few weeks ago, and that actually surprised me. Dancing with the wolfs can't end well.

Apparently he's in the hawk's claws these days. In the warmonger's claws.

And that seems like a new development. And if we regard that the man isn't likely to understand what it means to threaten a cornered guy with nukes which no longer has any hope of improved relations, anything bad can happen.

Based on US policy of preemptive strikes with nukes I'd expect Mr T to actually make use of them, especially if rattlesnakes like Lindsey have something on him. Mr T is human too, and the risky thing is that he still would like to be accepted by those who despise him.

Dangerous, dangerous.

And besides, Mr T was totally deceived into siding with Egypt and Sudan against Ethiopia. That's a huge mistake I can tell. But the biggest mistake of them all, so far, is probably the deal he struck with Big Pharma on the warp speed vaccines. And the slow pace in which he simply doesn't let go of that disaster.

So with all the good things about Mr T taken into account, no, I don't trust American leadership for a second, Mr T included. They got the best of him and the swamp and its corruption is too deep, no matter how good the intents would be.

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Mar 18, 2023·edited Mar 18, 2023

I’ve seen that clip you provided, definitely. That’s the one that made me understand what Lindsey is, opened my eyes to McCain, and I think that’s the one a young Obama is in as well. I see where you’re going with trumps desire to be accepted, and it’s concerning, a weakness. But I personally don’t believe that he’s a war starter. If you’ve watched any of the videos he’s put out recently about the brink of war we are at, you might see what I mean. He’s speaking out forcefully against the imminent danger that is here, now. Yes, the uniparty American leadership is atrocious ( I used to be a Republican but am no longer if it’s the swamp arm of the party). That’s why we saw something different in Trump. I personally am praying that man that doesn’t want war is the real deal and does what must be done. No matter what anyone may have on him. There was a good article out this week about how he aided in taking down organized crime in New York years ago that speaks to good character. He also knows a lot about the filth of the political elite and their twisted history. I’m apt to believe he has more on them than even exists on him.

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Mar 18, 2023·edited Mar 18, 2023

The warp speed vaccines are confusing and yes, disappointing to many of his supporters. They are death. I can’t pretend to understand what warp speed really is as a project but I’ve heard it’s bigger than just the vaccines, and that he underestimated the evil and greed of big pharmaceutical. I sure underestimated the integrity of our food and drug administration! They are rotten to the core( the higher ups). I know there are good people at the state level, I’ve met them. But the way these “vaccines “ were approved by the FDA, and the lies about emergency use vs approved drugs, the hiding of data, is utterly shocking. The FDA, the WHO, CDC, and Fauci et al must be held to account, harshly.

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Awesome!! Do it!

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What they don’t tell us is about the atrocities committed by militia-style Ukrainians against the Russian population in the eastern Donbas since 2014. They also don’t tell us about the constant push to have Ukraine enter NATO. The Russians warned the West to keep Ukraine neutral. But no, the Americans kept pushing because of the crazed obsession with Russia.

This war could have been prevented before it got started.

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Not "Americans" in general, though nearly all are enthralled to Masonic/Jesuit swearing of oaths such as legally being considered perjurers. (That means you'll pay for it whether you like it or not, or go to federal prison, since you've already confessed you're under penalties of perjury.) They train them in skools, skouts, and political meetings with Francis Bellamy's "Christian" (haha, actually Calvinist Baptist) socialist Pledge of Allegiance. Far too many (the woke) are chronic stoners or similar malevolent psychotics. (Replace all the THC with THCV, and remove the ban on psychedelics. Note: combining THC and psychedelics can be quite deleterious; you might become a Neocon or so-called "Evangelical", depending on the company you keep at the time.)

See the Fatima/Our Lady of Medjugorje and Edgar Cayce prophecies concerning Russia. These psychologically projecting, woke Merry Cats are diabolical!

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And the war in Europe could've ended by Christmas 1944 if Patton had gotten his 400,000 gallons of gasoline instead of having it diverted to Montgomery for the failed Market Garden offensive. Politics.

Unconditional surrender from an existential enemy creates lasting peace for decades. At this rate, Russia will get it this time, and Ukraine will cease to exist after horrific and unnecessary loss of life and treasure, largely fueled by the anti-Russian military industrial complex in the US who've been fighting Russia since it turned against them in 1999 with Putin's election.

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Send to Joel Skousov (Skousen). He'll get a kick out of it.

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Ukraine never applied to be a sovereign national after the 2014 Obama/Soros coup. Putin is the President of Ukraine. He is taking down the US Biolabs, the money laundering, the child traffickers, the people experimenting with children, the Neo Nazi’s in Ukraine.

There will not be a WW3, even though that is what the Deep State, the Globalists, the WEF, the United Nations etc want.

Fake Biden does not have any access to the nuclear codes. The US Military ( White Hats) and militaries around the world are taking down all of this corruption.

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i hope that this is true- he is fake biden

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Yes, it is true. Look at his previous pictures and now.

He is being played by a White Hat’s actor- while people are being arrested behind the scenes.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

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That's my understanding. You think Biden is fake too. I think there's 2 fake Bidens. Earlobes don't match. Shape of periorbitals don't match. Jawline. Size of hands. One has thicker legs. It's disguised well but not well enough. That case with the codes is actually full of pull-ups. I wish Lindsey Graham would go away.

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Happy St Patrick’s Day l- Marilyn.

Take care!

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To you too. Does anyone know why the fake Bidens are so pale? Looks like he's down 2 to 3 units of packed red blood cells... Lady G on the other hand finds all the talk of war or in his case kill porn invigorating. Draft the snowflakes. Already made my case on that.

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Well said DDS - and I agree with everything you said and believe it true. Putin is acually working with the White Hats all around the world. While I serioously doubt the WW3 scenario, I do believe the "Globalists" or "Deep State" would like to cause as much trouble and death as possible. I also believe God is guiding US all and will save the world. And a Happy St Pat's to you sir. Reb

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Unconditional.LMAO. Lyin’ Biden has No authority, moral or otherwise, and No means to force such an absurd notion on Anyone, especially Mr .Putin. Its no more than a statement of exaggeration to justify his little growing war of lies. And he will lose. First, the printing of fiat money to support it. And militarily. That is, unless you naively believe the other source of lies, the evil and irresponsible lame stream media.

Russia won’t need China’s support, but will have it if needed. The swamp of the USA and Canada and the EU will be drained. Eventually.

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023

A policy of unconditional surrender between nuclear powers is in fact unprecedented. If pursued, it will lead to the end of civilization as we know it.

To explain: the Russians have already stated that they will use their nuclear weapons if they face an existential threat that cannot be controlled with conventional weapons. They now consider the Donbass region of Ukraine as Russian territory (it is indeed ethnically Russian.) So the joint US-Ukrainian goal of retaking the Donbass (and even Crimea, which never belonged to Ukraine) is a direct road to a nuclear holocaust.

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" (it is indeed ethnically Russian.)" - You clearly are not aware of the history of that region. Prior to 2014 the mix of citizens in the area were not aligned with Russia. There were E-W divides in politics as the US has a N-S red/blue divide.

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Lloyd, i agree. Putin sees nothing but pathetic weakness in his sad enemy biden and his wokeass followers.

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With all due respect to Dr. Mccullogh, you are out of your league with talks of global geo-wartime politics. I follow Scott Ritter and Colonel Doughlas Macgregor because of their extensive military experience and knowledge of European history and their independence from the official US government narrative. Russia was pushed into this war by the U.S. and NATO. Russia had no choice but to intervene militarily in Ukraine, and now because of the Billions of U.S. military aid to Ukraine, and America's resistance to a negotiated settlement, Russia is forced to fight to the bitter end, which means the total destruction of Ukraine and the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives. Stay focused on the deadly mRNA vaccines and the horrid mishandling of the Covid "pandemic". Thanks, and bless you for all you've done in that area already.

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Dear Mr. Smith, thanks for reading my (John Leake's) post. I am curious: What in my post suggests that I disagree with the analysis of Scott Ritter and Col. Douglas MacGregor?

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You may not have noticed, but the top of the article shows the author as John Leake. :-) Side note: He is an excellent author IMO. I am currently reading the book THE COURAGE TO FACE COVID-19 written by him and Dr. McCullough.

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I totally admire Mr. Leake and Dr. McCullough and support all they are doing 100%. I look forward to reading their book.

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And with all due respect, it is good you tempered yourself. You were thoroughly met by someone far above your league who gave an opinion. Geez!!!!!!!

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Ha ha ha.....I well know there are many, many "far above my league"....I am aware of how little I know. Thanks for pointing that out.

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I watch them too. Only truth I can find. Usually by way of Gerald Celenti or Stephen Gardner. Is Scott Ritter okay? He does a blink I've seen once before in a survivor of the 'Conspiracy of Silence'. God only knows what Mr Ritter has been through.

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You can be sure Scott Ritter has been threatened in the past over his declarations that Iraq had no "weapons of mass destruction" that would justify destroying and then invading and occupying Iraq, killing millions(?) of people in the process. He is no "friend' of our powerful military industrial complex which thrives on all these foreign wars America creates or otherwise gets involved with. The same thing is happening now in Ukraine with "their" (actually America's) war with Russia. The only ones who benefit are the arms manufacturers' and those they bribe to start and continue these wars. I think he has great courage to speak out against "official" American policy. People have been killed or "disappeared" for lesser actions. I consider him a true patriot, upholding his sworn pledge on joining the Marines "to protect and defend" the Consitution, that document, when adhered to, defines and protects America and every one of its citizens. May God protect and bless him.

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brilliant- it's always good for the american people to be reminded of the traitorous behaviour of so many presidents- who have ALWAYS been the pals of the rich and famous and not of the 'common' people or throwaways

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Thanks John. I agree. Diana West's "American Betrayal" does a deep dive on the war years. The war could have been stopped much earlier - and many innocent souls saved. Peace. :-)

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This war is happening because the neocons (on both sides of rhe aisle) want it.

This is the former adviser to Zelensky, Alexey Arestovich, who quit in protest. He has publicly stated that “The west deceived Russia. They promised not to push NATO to the east, and they did. They turned Ukraine into a huge anti-Russian country. If I was in Russia’s shoes, I would have done the exact same thing.”

The Ukraine People Must Overthrow Zelensky to Save Their Country


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Nothing but unconditional surrender means WWIII and horrors no person alive today can imagine. The current occupant of the White House is going to get Billions killed as we slip into a war over nothing. FJB

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Only a few days ago Zelensky and Sunak were reported to have agreed that war would have to end with negotiations, but the present was not the time, but it is very hard to see however how Z and the West will ever get into a better negotiating position. This I suppose why the Biden admin, Boris Johnson and the Chair of the UK House of Commons Defence Committee, Tobias Elwood, who is also somehow in the British Army, seem to favour nuclear war.

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I heard Lee Merrick on a podcast and others claim body parts from Ukraine soldiers are for sale, if true, war is life saving for the extremely rich Soro s-types.

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nothing would be surprising

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You greatly underestimate Putin.

He was fully aware of how the US & NATO would react and he planned accordingly.

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Ukrainians better get rid of Zelenskyy before there is no Ukraine left.

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