Until people I trust can adequately explain what happened to all of the influenza cases that vanished during 2020-2021 and then demonstrate that "covid" was a distinct and identifiable unique pathogen with an actual ability to make people sick versus deliberate hospital and health care protocols that truly caused the problems, I am not convinced there was anything other than a great deception, not a great infection. If we simply had a bad flu season whereby 100,000 people died - typically about 60-80k people die...so do the math with an aggressive mortality rate of flu of .1% - then what was "covid" responsible for? Remember, the charts still say that during "covid-19" there were only 4,000 flu cases.
So many lies including current "vaccine" and "treatment" studies are built upon and amplified by this foundation of lies that no one seems to be getting to the bottom of.
Many, many people died before they could even get to the hospital. They were told to stay home until they turned blue. They were denied treatment with ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and other early treatments found to dramatically reduce hospitalization and death. I am convinced that there was a great infection, just not to the degree and extent that the fear porn propagandists wanted the world to believe so they could sell their “vaccines,” miscode diagnoses as COVID and put people on ventilators unnecessarily for the added bonus. And certainly get a bonus for every gunshot to the head victim or decapitating motor vehicle crash victim who may have tested positive for COVID at the time of their death.
They were denied treatment with antibiotics and corticosteroids first. Nobody needed ivermectin or hydroxychloroquin. They needed the standard of care for post infection pneumonia, which was denied.
The spike protein is not an influenza feature and those tracking and trying to defeat its bad behavior, Dr. McCullough in particular, would have to be engaged in an additional global conspiracy for your denial to be correct. As a disease it has unique and deliberate features not typical of bad influenza, too (neuro-vascular and genital injury, just to name two), so it makes no sense to try to claim mistaken influenza cases. Rather, the answer to your question is well known acute immunological protection against other viruses by an activated response to one. SARS CoV2 is highly contagious and many who might have developed influenza were hit with it first, especially among populations most susceptible to severe disease.
Nope, fan boy, I did not accuse McCullough of anything but nice try at attempting to misrepresent what I wrote.
"Hit with it first". That's the explanation for a 90%+ dropoff in flu cases...timing? That's patently ridiculous.
And you posit that spike protein presence equals covid illness. This is false. The entire world could have spike protein in them due to multiple reasons. This would have nothing to do with getting a positive result on a flu test since the body would still make antibodies to it. It would also not prevent reporting those numbers - and subsequent deaths "with influenza" - as in previous years.
Your post sounds like copy and past hand waving and pseudo-science around how the immune system works, crafted to try and dissuade people from asking WTF happened to flu. Try harder.
Ruth, do you think that this whole blasted mess was a war of semantics, false test results, and slight of hand?
-- no flu results because the same sequence of proteins on many pathogens has what the CPR test is programmed for. Possibly, multiple CPR test templates in use to multiply the false positive effect to "see" any actual pathogen or protein sequence as "COVID"!
-- no tests available to discern for doctors difference in symptoms based on actual flu or actual Covid 19
-- purposefully remove early treatment to exacerbate death slope rise, MSM stories; purposefully intubate without need to exacerbate deaths with same MSM result.
-- Use MSM and big tech to brainwash and censor
All combined, it appears to make sense.
I still have the one remaining reservation about the symptoms of loss of taste & Smell, but still have heard this can be elicited by the type A flu too.
Loss of taste and smell-anosmia. This can happen with a cold or flu. Not just Con-vid. Happened to me twice this year with nasal/sinus cold. Have experienced it in the past also as I’m sure many have.
Yep, have heard that. What still throws me is that I cannot recall hearing this about ANYTHING cold/flu related before 2019 in my life. I must simply deal with this cognitive dissonance by rationalizing:
It only came to my attention after huge social discourse occurred like never before, after MSM / Gov't agencies pushed this particular narrative as they did with many things to con all citizens--
All of us who have lived any amount of time have experienced multiple colds and flus. Many times things taste different or smell different or even possibly we can't pick up any odor. They manipulate this because they know most of us have gone through this so many times that we don't think of impaired sensory perception as anything unusual. That is until someone floods the information channels with these "new symptoms". People are very easily fooled when there is enough stress pushed on them.
? Fan boy? Whatever. You are pointlessly denying the existence of a plainly demonstrable unique pathogen for no meaningfully good reason. Lab technology has been used to rearrange virus genes for twenty years. Nothing particularly challenging or novel about that. We have the very blueprint for how the “gain of function” research was done to create it, discussed elsewhere in this very same forum. The creation and dissemination of such a pathogen was then used to justify the creation of the spike-laden mRNA shots. So why any need to cook up a “it was just a big influenza psy-op” storyline? Is it you are afraid people really can and will do such things in the lab? Sorry, but they can and do. That does need to be stopped and we can’t do so by trying to act like it was just influenza in disguise. A lot of “influenza” cases—most of them really—never are documented to be influenza anyway, so no doubt many “COVID” cases were influenza, or some other virus, but that doesn’t make the reality of bioengineered coronavirus any less real. Instead of wasting print with ad-hominem insults, why not educate yourself on immunologic activation by one viral illness providing transient protection against others? While far from being understood it’s a well documented phenomenon. Look it up. “COVID” emerged in the USA after the 2020 influenza season was largely over, so it had plenty of time to work people over before 2021.
Doesn't anyone find it odd that the only part of the so called virus that they isolated was the lab version of the spike protein not the real spike nor the whole virus? As discovered by Italian researchers, The infected contained up to 37 different venoms that were aerosolized and systematically released into populating centers. Those venom plasmids caused the exact same symptions they ascribed to the bogus covid 2 virus. They used the seasonal flu as an effective cover for this "new" virus. That's why the flu essentially disappeared. All they had to do was trot out those flu cases under the new name of Sars covid 2. The world was poisoned by a two-pronged attack: the aerosolized venoms that caused flu like symptoms and by a deadly vaccine with multiple bioweapon technologies including: DNA contaminants; toxic spike proteins; self assembling nano particles; luciferase; toxic lipid nano particles. That's why Biden pardoned Fauci because Fauci knew about it all.
I’m really bothered by all the ppl within the “medical freedom movement” insisting that viruses do not exist. Maybe I just don’t understand enough about it, but it seems to just further confuse ppl. As soon as ppl start understanding that SARS COV 2, for example, can be detected by PCR, but the detection alone doesn’t mean one is “sick with COVID”, some ppl jumped straight to “well you can’t be sick with COVID bc viruses don’t even exist”. As soon as we establish that there was no “pandemic driven by asymptomatic spread”, they jump straight to “there’s no asymptomatic spread bc there’s no virus”.
Ok, then, what was it?? Bc my family and I most certainly had SOMETHING that we had never experienced before. So did a lot of ppl. It was unusual in every way. Thankfully we got sick during Omicron, so our symptoms were upper respiratory in nature, and I firmly believe that our symptoms were fairly mild BECAUSE we were unvaccinated (and remain so). Getting back to my point, these ppl are now using the assertion that viruses don’t exist to discredit anyone operating under the established medical belief that viruses DO exist. I’ve even seen them go after Dr McCullough for “taking advantage” of ppl by selling kits to address a number of illnesses. As a layman, it’s incredibly frustrating, bc while I’ve educated myself as much as possible (and continue to), even learning how to read medical journals and studies to the extent that I’m able given my level of understanding, sorting through the mountains of data is nearly impossible. Thankfully, I’ve been really good at deciding who to listen to and who not to. Meaning that if someone has predicted correctly, and adjusted their model as more information came in, then I listen to what they have to say. Ppl who stay stuck on a particular narrative, despite having more information that should cause them to adjust course but doesn’t, I put them aside. This helps a great deal—just knowing who is likely telling the truth based on their actions—but it’s still just so much to try and understand. My conclusions so far are fairly simple: SARS COV 2 is likely a bioweapon meant to weaken a population, and it was used as a means of control, and whether it was intentionally released or whether it was an opportunistic power grab, the results are the same. I have to conclude that viruses, or at least what we call viruses, DO exist, and they do spread throughout a population, and once they hit the ground running there’s no stopping them until herd immunity is reached, and our herd immunity was disrupted by a transfection agent that makes the vaccinated incapable of mounting an effective defense against future variants. Furthermore, the “vaccine” has killed and injured millions of ppl, yet it’s still being pushed on our most vulnerable members, our very future, and if it’s not stopped, I worry that this could result in effective extinction. I know that last part sounds a little melodramatic, but there’s plenty of evidence supporting this as a possible outcome simply bc we CANNOT know how these shots will effect the complex systems they were literally injected into.
This substack has been, and continues to be, a wonderful source of information, and the two of you (Peter McCullough and John Leake) are two of the few I trust bc you’re two of only a few who constantly readjust your models to deal with the influx of new data, and I’m grateful.
You do know we can be poisoned in many different ways to inflict illness by our government, military & experimenting scientists? Food, water, air, surfaces.
Can’t rule this out. Toxins could have been dispersed here and there at various times.
I don’t see contagion playing out in my family for the past 40 years. No one has ever been sick at the same time with the same symptoms. Mostly in our family people have been sick one at a time spread out. I have slept in the same bed with my husband for 40 years even when one of us had been sick. We have never come down with each other’s illness. As a mother, I have been coughed and sneezed on, touched the bodily fluids of my children and have never become ill from them.
I think there is a ton of things we don’t yet understand about the human body and condition. And I think it’s great that there are others who are looking at illness in other ways.
I sure hope you KNOW the FULL story of the PCR test, and it's inventor, Dr. Kerry Mullis, who "conveniently" died in 2019!....He said PCR should NOT be used for diagnostics, due to it's high false-results rate. It's an industrial process. And, find the data sheet for a PCR test, and try to read it! You can find that online.
During WW2, the FedGov released a specific flu virus off the coast of San Francisco, then monitored all the Dr.'s offices, to see who, and how many people got sick from it. The purpose was to develop better defenses against an enemy bio weapons attack....
I agree that this is a definite possibility. Fortunately, I think fewer people will take any "vaccines." I know I won't, because it would likely be a mRNA one. I think if this happens it would be sooner than later, and in the fall or winter of 2026. I think this because they would want to try to cause difficulty for Trump to hurt his legacy.
Even if they SAID it wasnt mRNA , there are still all the other deadly poisons, mercury, aluminum, etc. and graphene! Deadly deadly. They can never be trusted again. To be allowed to put anything into other peoples bodies.
Thank you for mentioning how you deal with different perspectives from the people who we follow and admire and count on for their expertise, like the question of whether these bioweapons that they are assaulting us with are actually transmissible. I think Sasha Latypova and J.J.Couey among others maintain they are not (please forgive and correct me if I'm misstating), that they are more likely chemical agents that are released intentionally under the cover of a "pandemic."
Hell yes, JL, the entire Sars nonsense was a diabolical plot to neuter Trump, create an economic calamity and set the stage to steal an election. Fauci belongs in a dark cell without adequate ventilation and a clogged toilet. Man made virus. Government funded. Criminal.
While I appreciate your thoughtful analysis, I must respectfully challenge your acceptance of the SARS-CoV-2 lab origin narrative, as it highlights a deeper issue in how we approach scientific truth.
The problem has become deeply problematic on two interconnected levels:
First, we've strayed far from empirical science into a realm of theoretical constructs that often bear little relation to reality.
Consider a fundamental assumption in modern medicine: despite over a century of research, there has never been definitive scientific proof of viral contagion and infection through contact, proximity, or aerosol transmission. Yet through constant repetition over decades, including the unquestioned acceptance of Germ Theory as the dominant paradigm, this belief has been elevated to the status of "settled science."
Even well-meaning medical professionals and researchers, in their posts and statements, unconsciously reinforce this paradigm without examining its foundational premises. This exemplifies a broader issue in modern science - researchers increasingly rely on computer models and laboratory simulations rather than real-world observations. They build elaborate theoretical frameworks, piling equation upon equation, until they've constructed something that, while mathematically elegant, has lost touch with physical reality.
This leads to the second, more subtle problem: we're caught in an information paradox of our own making.
In our current age, we have unprecedented access to data, allowing us to support virtually any position, no matter how improbable. Yet this abundance of information paradoxically leaves us knowing less with certainty. It's become a form of intellectual alchemy, where truth becomes malleable based on one's skill in data manipulation.
But here's the deeper irony: in our well-intentioned efforts to expose these problems, we may actually be reinforcing them. Every time we engage with these narratives - even critically - we embed them more deeply in our collective consciousness.
When we constantly discuss potential pandemics or question official narratives, we're unknowingly participating in their propagation. Most people share information seeking social validation, rarely considering how their actions shape collective perception.
This creates a peculiar feedback loop in which our attempts to counter harmful narratives often end up strengthening them through repetition. Consider how mass phenomena like pandemics might actually manifest partly through collective psychological response - our shared beliefs and fears creating biological manifestations beyond any external orchestration.
The ultimate challenge, then, is recognizing how our very efforts to resist these narratives might be perpetuating them. In our quest to expose truth, we may be unwittingly contributing to the very distortions we seek to correct.
Viruses, unlike bacteria, are fundamentally biochemical machines in a pure sense, more analogous to a robot than a living thing. As such, those who understand how to manipulate nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) can readily “mix and match” their components to obtain or exploit the desired functional outcome. Anyone who thinks that cannot be done lacks understanding of the state of technology.
As I have stated previously...VIRUSES DO EXIST...BUT they can even be made to be "contagious" as the SPIKE PROTEIN--- which is NOT a virus-- can penetrate into cells and cause the victims own body to "self-attack"
It is auto an immune response...NOT a virus.
And yes it is "contagious" because the spike protein can spread in a number of ways.
I have always considered viral bioweapons to be a non-starter because natural selection attenuates them too quickly. The paradox to overcome for the weapon designers is that the more lethal the virus, the quicker they are naturally attenuated.
If SARS-CoV-2 is not a virus, it may have a similar effect if it is a chemical poison that is highly transmissible. Virus or chemical, dead is dead, a resulting poisoning can be just as devastating.
Accuracy as to the cause of an illness is very important. Only by knowing the cause can a solution be found and/or created.
This bioweapon was purposefully created to look like a virus. I matters ALOT as to what it actually is. This information will help us protect ourselves and our families from "their" attacks.
There’s no doubt… the tech to do this over and over and over again… all exists.
And that’s what narcissists do- the same diabolical thing ….over and over and over again… until their victims wise up and understand what they’re doing to victimize them
There is a cohort in the scientific/medical community that asserts that SARS-Cov2 was a chemical weapon and not a biological one, that it was created in a lab and was never a living organism, or that it was no longer a living organism when it escaped(or was released) from the lab. Personally I don’t know, but it does seem to me that the distinction is an important one. If SARS-Cov2 should in fact be designated as a chemical substance then it would follow, ipso facto, that it also be designated a poison. If true, this changes the entire dynamic of the public debate. One can speak of harm coming from nature, of viruses and bacteria and fungi and parasites, and of courses of action, public and private, that are needed to protect individuals and society from such agents. Poison? One can only speak of the perps.
My concern has been that the NEXT deep state virus may require a medical intervention so those of us who have sworn off taking vaccines will be the ones to perish/suffer debilitating illness. It is important to keep your eyes and ears sharp to what the deep state does in the future and have good sources of information.
It was NOT a virus. The "vaccine" killed and/or harmed millions of people. "vaccines" will not save anyone either in a "pandemic" or not in a "pandemic"...they are a purely psychological phenomenon.
The so-called "polio epidemic" occurred during a time when massive amounts of DDT were being sprayed in the home and on the crops.
Question: What does DDT do?
Answer: It paralyzes just exactly in the same manner as "polio"....The polio "vaccine" never worked. People just stopped spraying themselves with DDT so the "epidemic" ended. No one gets polio now. It was NEVER a virus.
You can take a test and discern the spike protein antibodies one has in her/her body. COVID-19 was real. As far as the "abominable state" is concerned, this is a new administration. Hopefully new leadership at the HHS and NIH will facilitate a different outcome.
Some of my fellow Substack authors have asserted that bio-technicians simply cannot manipulate viruses to make them transmissible and pathogenic to humans. Are they blind, crazy, or just stupid?
First off...yes it is confusing...and purposefully so.
But it has been known for decades that the "elites" plan to depopulate the planet
Secondly the information is now unassailable...Viruses do NOT EXIST. The concept was invented to be able to poison the "useless eaters" by scareing them so much they will submit to a horrifying "vaccine"...Please read the book by Dr. Peter Duesberg INVENTING THE AIDS VIRUS.... yes the idea of "virus" was invented.
They do not exist in real life.
No one on the planet has ever been able to cultivate or to grow a culture f viruses.
This topic was first broached by scientist Kary Mullis who stated that the PCR
test was never supposed to be used to "diagnose" any disease. It was purely to be used by chemists under laboratory conditions.
This PCR "test" was commonly used during "covid" to frighten the public into lockdown mode. See what Dr. Sucharit Bahkdi and their stay on the topic of "virus"....
The putative "virus" are the debris that healthy cells create while performing their functions in the human body. They are excreted through sweat/urine/feces
Thirdly...as Denis Rancourt--top researcher and scientist at COORLATION CANADA has proven in his substack there was no pandemic at all.
The enormous death toll we have all witnessed took place AFTER the vaccines were injected in billions of people.All the evidence is there.
Until people I trust can adequately explain what happened to all of the influenza cases that vanished during 2020-2021 and then demonstrate that "covid" was a distinct and identifiable unique pathogen with an actual ability to make people sick versus deliberate hospital and health care protocols that truly caused the problems, I am not convinced there was anything other than a great deception, not a great infection. If we simply had a bad flu season whereby 100,000 people died - typically about 60-80k people die...so do the math with an aggressive mortality rate of flu of .1% - then what was "covid" responsible for? Remember, the charts still say that during "covid-19" there were only 4,000 flu cases.
So many lies including current "vaccine" and "treatment" studies are built upon and amplified by this foundation of lies that no one seems to be getting to the bottom of.
The Real Covid 19 was in the.shot. The worst illnesses, came from the shots.!!!
The real thing is, the real 'virus' with Plandemics is; that they sell and spread fear.
Many, many people died before they could even get to the hospital. They were told to stay home until they turned blue. They were denied treatment with ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and other early treatments found to dramatically reduce hospitalization and death. I am convinced that there was a great infection, just not to the degree and extent that the fear porn propagandists wanted the world to believe so they could sell their “vaccines,” miscode diagnoses as COVID and put people on ventilators unnecessarily for the added bonus. And certainly get a bonus for every gunshot to the head victim or decapitating motor vehicle crash victim who may have tested positive for COVID at the time of their death.
They were denied treatment with antibiotics and corticosteroids first. Nobody needed ivermectin or hydroxychloroquin. They needed the standard of care for post infection pneumonia, which was denied.
Ruth - I agree. None of the statistics mean anything any more; they’ve all been corrupted and/or falsified in too many ways.
The spike protein is not an influenza feature and those tracking and trying to defeat its bad behavior, Dr. McCullough in particular, would have to be engaged in an additional global conspiracy for your denial to be correct. As a disease it has unique and deliberate features not typical of bad influenza, too (neuro-vascular and genital injury, just to name two), so it makes no sense to try to claim mistaken influenza cases. Rather, the answer to your question is well known acute immunological protection against other viruses by an activated response to one. SARS CoV2 is highly contagious and many who might have developed influenza were hit with it first, especially among populations most susceptible to severe disease.
Nope, fan boy, I did not accuse McCullough of anything but nice try at attempting to misrepresent what I wrote.
"Hit with it first". That's the explanation for a 90%+ dropoff in flu cases...timing? That's patently ridiculous.
And you posit that spike protein presence equals covid illness. This is false. The entire world could have spike protein in them due to multiple reasons. This would have nothing to do with getting a positive result on a flu test since the body would still make antibodies to it. It would also not prevent reporting those numbers - and subsequent deaths "with influenza" - as in previous years.
Your post sounds like copy and past hand waving and pseudo-science around how the immune system works, crafted to try and dissuade people from asking WTF happened to flu. Try harder.
Ruth, do you think that this whole blasted mess was a war of semantics, false test results, and slight of hand?
-- no flu results because the same sequence of proteins on many pathogens has what the CPR test is programmed for. Possibly, multiple CPR test templates in use to multiply the false positive effect to "see" any actual pathogen or protein sequence as "COVID"!
-- no tests available to discern for doctors difference in symptoms based on actual flu or actual Covid 19
-- purposefully remove early treatment to exacerbate death slope rise, MSM stories; purposefully intubate without need to exacerbate deaths with same MSM result.
-- Use MSM and big tech to brainwash and censor
All combined, it appears to make sense.
I still have the one remaining reservation about the symptoms of loss of taste & Smell, but still have heard this can be elicited by the type A flu too.
Loss of taste and smell-anosmia. This can happen with a cold or flu. Not just Con-vid. Happened to me twice this year with nasal/sinus cold. Have experienced it in the past also as I’m sure many have.
Yep, have heard that. What still throws me is that I cannot recall hearing this about ANYTHING cold/flu related before 2019 in my life. I must simply deal with this cognitive dissonance by rationalizing:
It only came to my attention after huge social discourse occurred like never before, after MSM / Gov't agencies pushed this particular narrative as they did with many things to con all citizens--
"THIS is different! Be afraid, very afraid."
All of us who have lived any amount of time have experienced multiple colds and flus. Many times things taste different or smell different or even possibly we can't pick up any odor. They manipulate this because they know most of us have gone through this so many times that we don't think of impaired sensory perception as anything unusual. That is until someone floods the information channels with these "new symptoms". People are very easily fooled when there is enough stress pushed on them.
? Fan boy? Whatever. You are pointlessly denying the existence of a plainly demonstrable unique pathogen for no meaningfully good reason. Lab technology has been used to rearrange virus genes for twenty years. Nothing particularly challenging or novel about that. We have the very blueprint for how the “gain of function” research was done to create it, discussed elsewhere in this very same forum. The creation and dissemination of such a pathogen was then used to justify the creation of the spike-laden mRNA shots. So why any need to cook up a “it was just a big influenza psy-op” storyline? Is it you are afraid people really can and will do such things in the lab? Sorry, but they can and do. That does need to be stopped and we can’t do so by trying to act like it was just influenza in disguise. A lot of “influenza” cases—most of them really—never are documented to be influenza anyway, so no doubt many “COVID” cases were influenza, or some other virus, but that doesn’t make the reality of bioengineered coronavirus any less real. Instead of wasting print with ad-hominem insults, why not educate yourself on immunologic activation by one viral illness providing transient protection against others? While far from being understood it’s a well documented phenomenon. Look it up. “COVID” emerged in the USA after the 2020 influenza season was largely over, so it had plenty of time to work people over before 2021.
Leake talks about "transmissibility" and "uncertainty". He doesn't recognize that he is talking about the perfect hoax.
Not to mention the scam of people dying "with Covid".
Doesn't anyone find it odd that the only part of the so called virus that they isolated was the lab version of the spike protein not the real spike nor the whole virus? As discovered by Italian researchers, The infected contained up to 37 different venoms that were aerosolized and systematically released into populating centers. Those venom plasmids caused the exact same symptions they ascribed to the bogus covid 2 virus. They used the seasonal flu as an effective cover for this "new" virus. That's why the flu essentially disappeared. All they had to do was trot out those flu cases under the new name of Sars covid 2. The world was poisoned by a two-pronged attack: the aerosolized venoms that caused flu like symptoms and by a deadly vaccine with multiple bioweapon technologies including: DNA contaminants; toxic spike proteins; self assembling nano particles; luciferase; toxic lipid nano particles. That's why Biden pardoned Fauci because Fauci knew about it all.
Very good thinking ! Discernment against ALL possible deception is vital from now on more than ever !
I’m really bothered by all the ppl within the “medical freedom movement” insisting that viruses do not exist. Maybe I just don’t understand enough about it, but it seems to just further confuse ppl. As soon as ppl start understanding that SARS COV 2, for example, can be detected by PCR, but the detection alone doesn’t mean one is “sick with COVID”, some ppl jumped straight to “well you can’t be sick with COVID bc viruses don’t even exist”. As soon as we establish that there was no “pandemic driven by asymptomatic spread”, they jump straight to “there’s no asymptomatic spread bc there’s no virus”.
Ok, then, what was it?? Bc my family and I most certainly had SOMETHING that we had never experienced before. So did a lot of ppl. It was unusual in every way. Thankfully we got sick during Omicron, so our symptoms were upper respiratory in nature, and I firmly believe that our symptoms were fairly mild BECAUSE we were unvaccinated (and remain so). Getting back to my point, these ppl are now using the assertion that viruses don’t exist to discredit anyone operating under the established medical belief that viruses DO exist. I’ve even seen them go after Dr McCullough for “taking advantage” of ppl by selling kits to address a number of illnesses. As a layman, it’s incredibly frustrating, bc while I’ve educated myself as much as possible (and continue to), even learning how to read medical journals and studies to the extent that I’m able given my level of understanding, sorting through the mountains of data is nearly impossible. Thankfully, I’ve been really good at deciding who to listen to and who not to. Meaning that if someone has predicted correctly, and adjusted their model as more information came in, then I listen to what they have to say. Ppl who stay stuck on a particular narrative, despite having more information that should cause them to adjust course but doesn’t, I put them aside. This helps a great deal—just knowing who is likely telling the truth based on their actions—but it’s still just so much to try and understand. My conclusions so far are fairly simple: SARS COV 2 is likely a bioweapon meant to weaken a population, and it was used as a means of control, and whether it was intentionally released or whether it was an opportunistic power grab, the results are the same. I have to conclude that viruses, or at least what we call viruses, DO exist, and they do spread throughout a population, and once they hit the ground running there’s no stopping them until herd immunity is reached, and our herd immunity was disrupted by a transfection agent that makes the vaccinated incapable of mounting an effective defense against future variants. Furthermore, the “vaccine” has killed and injured millions of ppl, yet it’s still being pushed on our most vulnerable members, our very future, and if it’s not stopped, I worry that this could result in effective extinction. I know that last part sounds a little melodramatic, but there’s plenty of evidence supporting this as a possible outcome simply bc we CANNOT know how these shots will effect the complex systems they were literally injected into.
This substack has been, and continues to be, a wonderful source of information, and the two of you (Peter McCullough and John Leake) are two of the few I trust bc you’re two of only a few who constantly readjust your models to deal with the influx of new data, and I’m grateful.
You do know we can be poisoned in many different ways to inflict illness by our government, military & experimenting scientists? Food, water, air, surfaces.
Can’t rule this out. Toxins could have been dispersed here and there at various times.
I don’t see contagion playing out in my family for the past 40 years. No one has ever been sick at the same time with the same symptoms. Mostly in our family people have been sick one at a time spread out. I have slept in the same bed with my husband for 40 years even when one of us had been sick. We have never come down with each other’s illness. As a mother, I have been coughed and sneezed on, touched the bodily fluids of my children and have never become ill from them.
I think there is a ton of things we don’t yet understand about the human body and condition. And I think it’s great that there are others who are looking at illness in other ways.
I sure hope you KNOW the FULL story of the PCR test, and it's inventor, Dr. Kerry Mullis, who "conveniently" died in 2019!....He said PCR should NOT be used for diagnostics, due to it's high false-results rate. It's an industrial process. And, find the data sheet for a PCR test, and try to read it! You can find that online.
Something caused the sickness.
During WW2, the FedGov released a specific flu virus off the coast of San Francisco, then monitored all the Dr.'s offices, to see who, and how many people got sick from it. The purpose was to develop better defenses against an enemy bio weapons attack....
Will the mRNA injested in the food supply cause severe illness and/or death?
Have jeu already?
I agree that this is a definite possibility. Fortunately, I think fewer people will take any "vaccines." I know I won't, because it would likely be a mRNA one. I think if this happens it would be sooner than later, and in the fall or winter of 2026. I think this because they would want to try to cause difficulty for Trump to hurt his legacy.
Even if they SAID it wasnt mRNA , there are still all the other deadly poisons, mercury, aluminum, etc. and graphene! Deadly deadly. They can never be trusted again. To be allowed to put anything into other peoples bodies.
Hate to Admit, Politics played a Massive role; Plandemic to Hurt "Trump" @ all cost.
Thank you for mentioning how you deal with different perspectives from the people who we follow and admire and count on for their expertise, like the question of whether these bioweapons that they are assaulting us with are actually transmissible. I think Sasha Latypova and J.J.Couey among others maintain they are not (please forgive and correct me if I'm misstating), that they are more likely chemical agents that are released intentionally under the cover of a "pandemic."
but...CAN still be spread to seem like a contagion.
But how do we know that?
Hell yes, JL, the entire Sars nonsense was a diabolical plot to neuter Trump, create an economic calamity and set the stage to steal an election. Fauci belongs in a dark cell without adequate ventilation and a clogged toilet. Man made virus. Government funded. Criminal.
Can't let up on these agency operators, ever! Known C-19 markers: HIV, SV40
While I appreciate your thoughtful analysis, I must respectfully challenge your acceptance of the SARS-CoV-2 lab origin narrative, as it highlights a deeper issue in how we approach scientific truth.
The problem has become deeply problematic on two interconnected levels:
First, we've strayed far from empirical science into a realm of theoretical constructs that often bear little relation to reality.
Consider a fundamental assumption in modern medicine: despite over a century of research, there has never been definitive scientific proof of viral contagion and infection through contact, proximity, or aerosol transmission. Yet through constant repetition over decades, including the unquestioned acceptance of Germ Theory as the dominant paradigm, this belief has been elevated to the status of "settled science."
Even well-meaning medical professionals and researchers, in their posts and statements, unconsciously reinforce this paradigm without examining its foundational premises. This exemplifies a broader issue in modern science - researchers increasingly rely on computer models and laboratory simulations rather than real-world observations. They build elaborate theoretical frameworks, piling equation upon equation, until they've constructed something that, while mathematically elegant, has lost touch with physical reality.
This leads to the second, more subtle problem: we're caught in an information paradox of our own making.
In our current age, we have unprecedented access to data, allowing us to support virtually any position, no matter how improbable. Yet this abundance of information paradoxically leaves us knowing less with certainty. It's become a form of intellectual alchemy, where truth becomes malleable based on one's skill in data manipulation.
But here's the deeper irony: in our well-intentioned efforts to expose these problems, we may actually be reinforcing them. Every time we engage with these narratives - even critically - we embed them more deeply in our collective consciousness.
When we constantly discuss potential pandemics or question official narratives, we're unknowingly participating in their propagation. Most people share information seeking social validation, rarely considering how their actions shape collective perception.
This creates a peculiar feedback loop in which our attempts to counter harmful narratives often end up strengthening them through repetition. Consider how mass phenomena like pandemics might actually manifest partly through collective psychological response - our shared beliefs and fears creating biological manifestations beyond any external orchestration.
The ultimate challenge, then, is recognizing how our very efforts to resist these narratives might be perpetuating them. In our quest to expose truth, we may be unwittingly contributing to the very distortions we seek to correct.
Viruses, unlike bacteria, are fundamentally biochemical machines in a pure sense, more analogous to a robot than a living thing. As such, those who understand how to manipulate nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) can readily “mix and match” their components to obtain or exploit the desired functional outcome. Anyone who thinks that cannot be done lacks understanding of the state of technology.
As I have stated previously...VIRUSES DO EXIST...BUT they can even be made to be "contagious" as the SPIKE PROTEIN--- which is NOT a virus-- can penetrate into cells and cause the victims own body to "self-attack"
It is auto an immune response...NOT a virus.
And yes it is "contagious" because the spike protein can spread in a number of ways.
I have always considered viral bioweapons to be a non-starter because natural selection attenuates them too quickly. The paradox to overcome for the weapon designers is that the more lethal the virus, the quicker they are naturally attenuated.
In layman’s terms, highly lethal viruses fail to spread widely because they kill off their host.
Keeping an eye on the big picture, how about simply not have any bioweapons labs?
If SARS-CoV-2 is not a virus, it may have a similar effect if it is a chemical poison that is highly transmissible. Virus or chemical, dead is dead, a resulting poisoning can be just as devastating.
Accuracy as to the cause of an illness is very important. Only by knowing the cause can a solution be found and/or created.
This bioweapon was purposefully created to look like a virus. I matters ALOT as to what it actually is. This information will help us protect ourselves and our families from "their" attacks.
There’s no doubt… the tech to do this over and over and over again… all exists.
And that’s what narcissists do- the same diabolical thing ….over and over and over again… until their victims wise up and understand what they’re doing to victimize them
Only then- does it stop.
These criminals are not simply "narcissists"--a narcissist is someone with a psychological problem that could possibly be addressed.
Mass murder is not a "neurosis" it was cold blooded genocide.
We don't need psychiatrists in this instance. We need well functioning unpolluted
courts, lawyers judges and reliable witnesses.
There is a cohort in the scientific/medical community that asserts that SARS-Cov2 was a chemical weapon and not a biological one, that it was created in a lab and was never a living organism, or that it was no longer a living organism when it escaped(or was released) from the lab. Personally I don’t know, but it does seem to me that the distinction is an important one. If SARS-Cov2 should in fact be designated as a chemical substance then it would follow, ipso facto, that it also be designated a poison. If true, this changes the entire dynamic of the public debate. One can speak of harm coming from nature, of viruses and bacteria and fungi and parasites, and of courses of action, public and private, that are needed to protect individuals and society from such agents. Poison? One can only speak of the perps.
My concern has been that the NEXT deep state virus may require a medical intervention so those of us who have sworn off taking vaccines will be the ones to perish/suffer debilitating illness. It is important to keep your eyes and ears sharp to what the deep state does in the future and have good sources of information.
It was NOT a virus. The "vaccine" killed and/or harmed millions of people. "vaccines" will not save anyone either in a "pandemic" or not in a "pandemic"...they are a purely psychological phenomenon.
The so-called "polio epidemic" occurred during a time when massive amounts of DDT were being sprayed in the home and on the crops.
Question: What does DDT do?
Answer: It paralyzes just exactly in the same manner as "polio"....The polio "vaccine" never worked. People just stopped spraying themselves with DDT so the "epidemic" ended. No one gets polio now. It was NEVER a virus.
It was the result of systemic poison.
You can take a test and discern the spike protein antibodies one has in her/her body. COVID-19 was real. As far as the "abominable state" is concerned, this is a new administration. Hopefully new leadership at the HHS and NIH will facilitate a different outcome.
Some of my fellow Substack authors have asserted that bio-technicians simply cannot manipulate viruses to make them transmissible and pathogenic to humans. Are they blind, crazy, or just stupid?
First off...yes it is confusing...and purposefully so.
But it has been known for decades that the "elites" plan to depopulate the planet
Secondly the information is now unassailable...Viruses do NOT EXIST. The concept was invented to be able to poison the "useless eaters" by scareing them so much they will submit to a horrifying "vaccine"...Please read the book by Dr. Peter Duesberg INVENTING THE AIDS VIRUS.... yes the idea of "virus" was invented.
They do not exist in real life.
No one on the planet has ever been able to cultivate or to grow a culture f viruses.
This topic was first broached by scientist Kary Mullis who stated that the PCR
test was never supposed to be used to "diagnose" any disease. It was purely to be used by chemists under laboratory conditions.
This PCR "test" was commonly used during "covid" to frighten the public into lockdown mode. See what Dr. Sucharit Bahkdi and their stay on the topic of "virus"....
The putative "virus" are the debris that healthy cells create while performing their functions in the human body. They are excreted through sweat/urine/feces
Thirdly...as Denis Rancourt--top researcher and scientist at COORLATION CANADA has proven in his substack there was no pandemic at all.
The enormous death toll we have all witnessed took place AFTER the vaccines were injected in billions of people.All the evidence is there.