Our "government" has declared war----on US.

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I've been saying since the beginning "we are under attack from our own corrupt gov't" I pray hard, all day, every day for humankind to wake up to the Truth. I believe our Creator lives in the TRUTH. I will never stop speaking Truth to tyranny - God help us all ...

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The "human body" is the greatest revenue stream for the banksters, which believe , they own the world. Simply put, the greatest window of opportunity to create the dependence on the witchcraft masquerading as Science. The first seed of evil is corruption!

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Well put, Michael Kramer.

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FIRST Big Pharma vacuums TRILLION of citizen dollars through their “bought off stooges” in the government, THEN they mandate (vaccination schedules) through the “bought off stooges” in regulatory agencies, THEN they launder the whole scam through the “bought off stooges” in the FNM. Best, deadly multi-TRILLION-scam Big Pharma can buy!

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The modern stone age medical mafia is in existence for one purpose and one purpose only. To control every human for the purpose of monetary profit.

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Probably more than half accurate.

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John and all,

I am very tired of the same information and/or evidence of the massive evil occurring in America!

Aware and awake humans like me are demanding…where is the SOLUTIONS phase to help end this massive evil?

Tell us about the serious solutions!

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The solution is and always be waking up your neighbours. Flyers, boots on the ground.

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I’m brought to the brink of tears with gratitude that there are people such as yourself, John Leake, with Drs. Peter McCullough, Paul Marik, Pierre Kory, Tess Laurie, Jay Battacharya, and the countless other unsung heroes with the courage, determination and EXPERTISE (wake up, America!) to tell the world the truth at great risk to their livelihoods and lives! You are TRUE HEROES in your efforts to keep us healthy, alive and FREE!

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Jay said jabs ok for oldies. Limited Hangout

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I never connected the dots between both the military.industrial complex and the bio-pharmaceutical complex until now. Both dangerous and corrupt to it's core. How come evil so powerful?

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I think maybe because we’re ALLOWING it to be. We need to do a better job of sticking up for our rights.

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Something seems to be wrong with the recording that has the slides. No sound.....

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I wasted a good bit of time trying to get the slideshow audio to work. Then I finally realized you have to run the voiceover separately while you manually advance the slides. I hope he will combine them to make sharing easier.

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Excellent presentation - thank you for yours and Dr McCullough’s work!

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Occam's Razor analysis:

Bio-pharmaceutical Complex makes Billions when people are SICK... Do you think they want people cured?

Military Industrial Complex makes Billions when people have WARS ... Do you think they lobby for Peace or for War?

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Of course not, to both of your rhetorical questions.

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So then lets simply REJECT both the Vaccines and the War for Peace SCAMS for starters!!

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The U.S. is NOT a "democracy"! Or, it is, but it is NOT the kind of Truly Free government that we're ONLY supposed to have: A constitutional republic. How many times do you folks who falsely think "democracy" is a "good thing", have to be told this? "Dem(on)ocracy" always degenerates into and leads to corporate-fascism. It happened in the 1920s "democracy" of Germany, and it's now happening in 2020s America. Yet not just in America alone, but throughout the West and much of the world.

The warning lights are flashing RED all over the place. We are being turned into a totalitarian militarized police state with no true liberty(ies) and freedom(s) whatsoever, and people such as yourself are touting "democracy" as if it's something that we want to aspire to. Yes, "democracy" has falsely come to represent "liberty" and "freedom", but that is NOT what it represents. It represents unfettered corporatism, aka fascism, and total subjugation and control of everyone under a "democratic" slave state, or a slave state "republic".

We are already there. We're already enslaved. But it is incrementally being made worse and worse. We don't have much freedom of speech anymore. And we don't have much privacy left anymore either. And once we no longer really have those rights in actuality, we are no longer a truly free country or world. But, since you're still able to travel and give speaking presentations all over the world, FOR NOW, you falsely believe we're still "free". Everything is controlled, monitored and data-mined so that we have no real privacy anymore, and thus no real liberty and freedom:

WE THE EXPLOITED: The U.S. Government Buys and Sells Its Citizens for Profit and Power

By John & Nisha Whitehead

November 15, 2023



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You know the old saying:

'Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.'

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Excellent presentation! Bravo!

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Great presentation. Difficult to share because of the unwieldy combination of separate slides and voiceover. Would it be hard to make a video combining the two?

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Fantastic John, thank you.

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It looks more and more like this covid scam was planned way ahead of time.

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