It was difficult to convince my kids that the smartest choice was to avoid the covid injections. At least we were able to have the conversation. But when it comes to recreational drugs, teens think they know everything and can handle the risks, and therefore often cut Mom and Dad out of the entire picture. I think sharing this video is an excellent idea for parents of teens.

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They still believe Marijuana is harmless too; doesn't make either true...

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My wife is an APRN who works in addiction medicine and is the medical director of a full service behavioral health clinic. She will tell you that almost every patient comes in telling her they took something other than fentanyl but they ALL test positive for it. It is literally in everything now, even laced on weed sometimes.

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Yes I know of a teen who put it on weed and died quickly after smoking it.

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There are millions of youngsters around the world. Many of them are leading productive lives. And many of them have become overwhelmed with the state of the world and their future....leading them to drug use. This is a choice. Since the 60’s many young people dappled in drugs. Some just smoking a joint and then others shooting heroin. Nothing has really changed. Kids are not dumb. They are not innocent. A great effort has been made to prevent drug use. In Singapore punishment for the use of illegal drugs.....death sentence. They don’t seem to have a problem. USA, marijuana now legal in many states, in Glasgow Scotland, shooting pods made available for drug users. In major US cities, drugs proliferate on the street with people posed in zombie like poses. I don’t know, we seem to be losing the fight on drugs. When I nursed in the 70’s as an RN in Recovery Room, Fentanyl was one of the drugs used by anaesthetists. Today, it is a street drug. How in the hell did that happen?

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rather there just certainly must be a whole sub-culture of solid friendships built upon the very foundation of smoking gangja weed, spiritual marijuana sacrament. Friends opposed to the government oppressors in any state whatsoever. It happened because you people just did not care.

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Not true! It HAPPENED because the CIA was heavily involved in drug selling, to pay for their black ops, for decades, and did not want that interfered with by the gov't! That was a main reason for the JFK assassination; he intended to shut them and the federal reserve down; neither was having it!

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In Jamaica, marijuana or "ganja" is a natural product combined with a natural lifestyle. That is the essence of my comment. I don't know if it is still that way but don't paint everything with the same brush is all.

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That still doesn't make it safe or "right", is my point. In NewGuinea, cannibalism was still actively practiced as " normal" among some of the Aborigines well into the 20th century, and by some Muslims in the ME as well, but both were subject to acquiring a prion disease similar to "mad cow" disease, " normal" to them, or not! Just because lots of others do a given thing does not make it healthy, safe, or wise!

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Yeah. One needs to use one's intelligence to determine. So read up on the rastas! Mon.

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I "read up" on drugs decades ago , and as new ones pear since; it was part of my job description. You might try it...

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" In major US cities, drugs proliferate on the street with people posed in zombie like poses."

~ and they are Black too are they not? This is just "oh, I know that man is a monster! Oh, look! You can see how evil he is by the look of his eye. They use DRUGS!!!!! OMG! Dont you find him terribly evil?" Actually no. They are people. Sorry to interrupt what you were doing. . . .

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They’re not ALL black in Seattle. Not even half of them.

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Do you really think a nurses use of pts drugs is the issue here? Maybe you do.

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Black market, of course.

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I know someone whose daughter was found dead the day after Christmas a few years ago. Her brother was staying with her at her apartment and she hadn't come out that morning so he went in and found her (poor guy). Didn't know what happened. Found out only recently through the office grapevine that she took bought a Xanax the night before and we know the rest of the story. Sadly they have stayed quiet about it. I can't imagine the pain of their loss, but what would benefit others is to tell her story as many parents and family members are doing through a YouTube channel called "Texas Pictures Documentaries." The other question that must be answered is what led to this - so many of these kids were brought up being drugged up with Ritalin, et al (instead of parents doing their job) to get them to be docile compliant children and they can't cope with life.

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that's Big Pharma, killing people----our kids.

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Ritalin (methylphenidate) causes brain damage and lifelong dependence on stimulants; more so than most of the others.

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True. The son who was put on a drug early in elementary school began to experience the known side effects from that drug. What did the pediatrician do? "Well, let's try another one." And on and on it went. Just sad.

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That, plus seeing parents popping pills to cope, are indeed key factors. So is taking Yhwh God out of schools and lives. Without that spiritual anchor, they're like "weightless in space", even on the ground. They're looking for an anchor.

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It's the job of the church to teach the gospel, not the state. Any failure of the people not to find meaning and direction through a relationship with God will lie in two areas: 1) their distraction with the things of the world; 2) the failure of the church to teach the true gospel, and live it.

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I didn't say it was the duty of the state to teach Godly values! I said by driving Yhwh God out of schools (denying personal Bible reading or praying,teaching humanism only, etc), they are creating a confusing environment, INTENTIONALLY, depriving children of a spiritual anchor, by teaching against parental and/ or church teaching, which they actively do.

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First of all, they cannot drive godly values out of godly kids, and they can't stop your child from reading a Bible in their spare time at school. Secondly, if you disagree with the curriculum, then the proper solution is to either homeschool, or start your own church school. Jesus was not sent to the Rabbinical schools either, and it would have been impossible for Mary and Joseph to demand a change in the curriculum.

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Unfortunately, yes they can, and do, including stopping Bible reading. Jesus is a rather unique situation, since HE is the living Logos, the inspiration to all those scribes who wrote the Scriptures, so He, as Emmanuel, had no need; He was teaching the Rabbis in the Temple, at age 12, if you recall. Fortunately , I have no children being corrupted now; they're long past school age, but that doesn't mean I don't care about other innocents being perverted by those "schools" now.

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Jesus is the pattern. He took humanity, so that He could join His divinity with our humanity, so that we could live His life. To make a division between Christ and us, so far as holy living is concerned, is the doctrine of Antichrist.

I don't think it was easy for Daniel and his friends to keep their faith in the midst of Babylon. They had to take some stands that involved life/death. Likewise Joseph as a young man in Egypt, or David as a shepherd boy. Moses was raised in the idolatrous schools of Egypt, and he clung to the true faith. It's actually a good thing to have to sacrifice and suffer for our faith:

James 1

2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations;

3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith works patience.

I highly doubt the schools can stop a child from reading his/her own Bible during recess or lunch. Yes, they could prevent the student from having a public "Bible reading" in one of the classrooms, but if they actually tried to take away the freedom to read what you want in your spare time, the children should be defying this, and reading anyway. Besides, most children (except the very young) have cell phones and can easily read the Bible on those, or listen to it in audio form.

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So many of these kids were brought up being brain-injured by vaccines (about 50 injections totaling about 72 doses of various vaccines on the CDC's recommended childhood vaccination schedule)...no wonder they can't cope with life. (The more severe kids on the "can't cope spectrum" get a diagnosis of autism.)

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My former 'doctor' was given a six month suspension for prescribing himself happy about 9 times by AHS. Miracle of miracles he's been relocated! ... Just like pedo priests, cops, politicians, etc. No crime no time for some...

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My cousin’s daughter - age 20- bought what she thought was a Percocet… stamped even with a P… we know this because she took a picture of it before she took it… and it killed her.

It was NOT Percocet. It was 100% fentanyl,

Per the autopsy.

That’s not a drug overdose.

That’s murder.

These murders need to be prosecuted.

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Jan 5·edited Jan 5

Yes,they do, but where will you go to find the court and prosecutor? They won't even deal properly with the ones right in their faces!

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Friends of ours found their 18-year old daughter dead in her own bed on Christmas Eve a year ago (2022). They found out she bought a pill that was supposed to be adderrall on Snapchat and that was it for her. Just tragic. She’d just finished her first semester of college.

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I liked the cheeky way John explained the difference between clot shot death and Fentanyl death.

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“There arer a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one that is striking at the root…”

Henry David Thoreau

The CCP is directly and indirectly working with FTO Mexican Drug Cartels to kill 100,000+ Americans each year.


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Where can we download the Epstein docs? Also, I am wondering why they were released now...what are they trying to distract us from....

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Probably the machinations creating the coming fiscal crash.

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It's not just a street drug:

A hospital nurse swapped out liquid fentanyl with tap water in in 2022, 10+ patients died:


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If they start putting that shit in vodka I'm leaving this planet.

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We do not need John Leake telling us what to think. We aren't stupid. They seem manipulative. I don't go in that direction, sorry.

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@silverman How obnoxious you are. Mr Leake just shared with us the useful information. It’s totally up to you if you want to be live a life of Hunter Biden’s or Pedo Joe’s.

In fact, why did you read John Leake’s article? Do you suffer the same bullsh!t discrimination as Claudine Gay has claimed?

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So you would want me to be shut down. For giving my view? That is not what I consider free speech and not what I consider Substack is in favor of. If I was not a controversial person, then who would you want me to be? Like everybody else maybe. I am rude. I am often nude. Always outspoken.

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@jacob silverman Exactly. To tell you the truth, because your “view” expressed above is nothing but SH!T.

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On second thought --- what am I even doing here, on this newsletter's Comment section, if I do not like it? Hey. Maybe you have a point. If other persons want to read my stuff, just like on that icon you see next to my name. Or even click ON my name, for more obnoxiousness. Or else click on 'jacob's Newsletter'. We can take this whole discussion over there. How's that??? So many options exist, huh?

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Well, that worked. I clicked on your icon and saw that you have quite a few Substacks.

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Like a one-celled organism, multiplying... I will go click you now!!!!#

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What Mr. Leake didn't say, and I wish he had, is that, if cocaine, xanax, heroin, and other drugs were available legally over-the-counter, then reliable brand names would be available, and fentanyl contamination wouldn't be a problem.

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Narcan now sold in the drugstores. But, rumor has it some need two doses; this is very bad for our country.

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And the long term fallout from that is just awful. One of my granddaughters, now in her mid-twenties, had an independent streak, moved out of the house before graduating high school, always made plenty of money in various high end waittress jobs, but even while in high school, got in with a fast and loose crowd and has lost 10 friends, starting her senior year in high school, to drug overdoses or suicide. She is solid in recovery now, but lucky to have survived, having to make up for years of lost time, deal with survivor guilt and PTSD. I'm sure this story is repeated thousands, maybe millions of times throughout the US. A monumental societal tragedy. Recovery is hard, but possible.

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France Study: 20M Died from HCQ ft Death Spikes Match from Remdesivir, HCQ, Ivermectin, Flu, Vaccine + Long-Vax https://bitchute.com/video/mII9WJeBb6Rf/ February 2024 Deaths induced by use of HCQ during (causing the 2nd wave) the first COVID-19 wave https://sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S075333222301853X -- 17,000 people may have died from hydroxychloroquine, 5,000 in France, 12,000 in 4 other countries; (causing the 2nd wave of COVID-19 in 2020). The U.S. stockpiled 63M doses, leading to as many as 6.3M deaths. Big Pharma sent out 200M doses to other countries leading to as many as 20M deaths. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4389800-hydroxychloroquine-deaths-study/

January 4th 2024 Study: 20M Died from HCQ ft Death Spikes Match from Remdesivir, HCQ, Ivermectin, Flu, Vaccine, Long-Vax + Excess Mortality & Low Birth Rates https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/study-20m-died-from-hcq-ft-death

January 1st 2023 Trinary Weapons - HCQ Bleaching, Ivermectin + AZT Antivirals https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/binary-weapons-poisons-fake-cures-used-for-world-de-population

December 22nd 2022 Snake Oil - HCQ, Pfizermectin, Antivirals for No-Virus + Cures https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/snake-oil---pfizermectin-antivirals-hcq-for-no-virus-cures

August 27th 2021 Vaccine = Poison. Clean Water, Food, Health & Electricity = Cures https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/vaccine-poison-clean-water-food-health-electricity-cures

June 7th 2021 Hydrochloroquine Hoax as a Vaccine for Malaria or Coronavirus https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/hydrochloroquine-vaccine-for-malaria-or-coronavirus-hoax

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