Oct 16·edited Oct 16

Let's see, one side believes in free speech and the other side in censorship by whoever is in charge. One side believes in forcing unnecessary, untested medical treatment that is pushed by criminal pharma companies, the other side believes in the Nuremberg code of informed consent - no forced medical treatment. One side believes the government has a monopoly on weapons, the other side thinks that's bad idea. One side believes in securing elections, the other side believes the looser the rules and easier to cheat the better. One side believes in pitting factions against each other with identity politics, the other side believes in equal treatment - we're all Americans. I could go on. Tribalism is at play, sure, but there's a lot more than tribalism at play here. Like, lucidity.

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Oct 16·edited 21 hrs ago

Well said, and most of those lib "beliefs" (all the absurd ones) are unconscious positions that either fall apart upon being called out, or their critics are reflexively dismissed with labels like "conspiracy theorist", "anti-vaxxer" or "misinformation spreader".

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One wants to rebuild America and the other wants it disabled.

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You are missing some salient points on paragraph 4 regarding the differences between the Jan. 6 protest at the Capitol and the "mostly peaceful" BLM riots. It wasn't just billions of dollars in damage due to arson in the first degree (usually 25 years to life) that differentiated the two acts. There were at least 20 documented murders, including off an duty police officer.

We also now know there were 18 undercover FBI agents and another 20 DHS agents within the crowd on Jan. 6th, who clearly were not there to prevent criminal activity, according to Former Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund per NY Post article Sept 19, 2023.

The mainstream media lies, like an officer being beaten to death with a fire extinguisher, continue to persist to this day and they knew they were lies all along.

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And they lie about police officers being killed when the only people killed that day were patriots; not just Ashley Babbit, but Roseann Boylan who was bludgeoned to death by a female police officer and 2 gentlemen who were assaulted by flash bombs and chemical gas. Numerous other patriots were also injured that day, being shot in the face with rubber bullets and sprayed with chemical gas and hit with flash bangs, setting people’s clothing on fire.

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Exactly this. Contrast the treatment BLM rioters got vs the J6's imprisonment and their treatment. Contrast BLM leaders being visited by FBI agents vs elderly attendants at the J6 rally. This is clearly a case of "the authorities" making sure you know who's in charge and don't you dare challenge them.

Our collective memory is infuriatingly short, the Dems under Biden abused their power and offices with impunity: labeling parents questioning queer grooming practices and pro-life Christians as terrorists, the lock downs, outlawing one form of transportation over another, and then demanding they use less electricity, inflation, good God, the list is long, and outright staggering. And if you dared to stand up for your rights you'd be jailed and lawfared unto insolvency. This is Marxism in real time.

As for two tribes? One can easily deliver a 50 page essay on the components that have led to it, but the lions share sits with social media and their algos manipulating the unthinking masses along with the creep of Marxist ideology being pushed through the schools exploiting a vulnerable youth. But it was the Obama admin and like minded individuals within the intelligence agencies, that put the pedal to the floor, and it was Obama signing into law the ability to wage propaganda against the US population by US media.

Personally I think we should go all BLM on the MSM studios for their openly lying about damn near everything, burn them all to the ground and tar and feather their entire staff. Shame and terrify them till they hide in a basement and never crawl out to see sunlight ever again. And then sit down for a long chat with school admins and professors, weeding out the Marxists among them, and put those who buy into it to work cleaning sewage lines.

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"rioters did not destroy the building apart from smashing windows, prying open doors, and overturning furniture and file cabinets in Congressional offices"

NO! It was NOT the people protesting the obvious election fraud who did those things.

It was Pelosi's FBI AGENTS who were smashing things up and that is why we are still not allowed to see all of the video footage, and why the FBI still refuses to disclose the number of such violent plants they installed in the crowd.

The legitimate protestors were walking nicely through the velvet ropes and being given tours by Capitol Police from room to room, as the footage of the Buffalo Man shows. Those protestors should each be given the national Medal of Honor and Jan 6th should be a permanent national holiday to commemorate their just and measured opposition to election fraud and their horribly unjust suffering in prison:


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When the mainstream media and the ruling class decide to pick on a critical issue, it is usually for two reasons: first, the issue is serious enough and is affecting their interests, and therefore the narrative must be controlled to ensure that the results are in their favor. Second, in doing the former, the ruling class gets to strictly filter and manage the narrative on what needs to be said about any given topic; which ‘experts’ are given the stage to speak; and whose voices are excluded from debates, or even defamed and slandered, if necessary.

That's why I enjoy wearing this "Don't let mass media tell you what to think" shirt in front of sheeps 👇


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The Hollywood access comment about women makes me wonder how far we have come since the Bronze age. For many women, especially single parent women, trying to make ends meet, the promise of an adequate social safety net will tip the scales for them, more so than immigration reform. Also, breaking a glass ceiling by a woman is appealing to many women voters. Most people in general are unaware of the dangers of censorship, the danger of aligning with the WHO, the danger in surrendering health choices etc....So, that won't play into their vote one way or the other. It will be the issues that 'appear' to align with their personal needs that will be the deciding factors I believe.

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I’ll never understand why so many people think this country is divided in half. It’s not logical. Is that why the Left needs to recruit millions of illegal invaders to vote for them and cheat like Hell to win elections, to include an obvious plandemic?

Look at the rallies. American Patriots have never been more involved. Everything the Radical Left does is lies and optics. This is why fake news should be at the top of the traitor list. ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!

One of the biggest worries of the people who have not only been inundated with illegal invaders, like GA, but those of us fleeing bad situations is some of these people are still voting Blue. I said surely that couldn’t be true. They can’t be that stupid. Sure enough an electrician was at my home talking about voting for KH, had to leave NY cuz he didn’t want his son exposed to gangs. I’m not even a GA native, and that ticks me off so bad.

I’m so looking forward to the lies being exposed in the future. The polls are laughable; according to the fake news, they’re always neck in neck, so close, but just cuz you put lipstick on a pig doesn’t make it a lady, and no matter what you say or do about Biden or Harris, they’re still a waste of space. They have no redeeming qualities, but yet the whole country is to believe Biden won by 81M votes, and no doubt her numbers are going to be much better. It’s really going to be too big to rig. Buckle up!

One of my big questions is: Where has 🐜ifa been? I guess they’re all getting ready to impersonate Patriots after the elections, or before, depending what the DS’s plans are for the election.

Please go to truethevote.org to get the VoteAlert app. Emailed them because we couldn’t get the app in the App Store. You can only get it at their site - should have known. “Join the Frontline of Election Protection. concerns and join a boots-on-the-ground coalition dedicated to election integrity.”

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The Trumps want the polls to say 'neck & neck', to make sure everyone goes out to vote - if they were front runners in polls people might not bother.

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Very good point!

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The division is the axiom that all people are created equal and are endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

One side believes our rights are from God.

The other doesn't.

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True. Or stated in different terms, one side focuses on the physical or external differences, while the other side sees the Divine in the other, which erases all the manufactured and deceptive differences.

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Tribalism back in the day was fulfilling some "...natural evolutionary function?" Nah, it's just sin nature. As if men today are "more evolved" and therefore aren't attracted to "young and beautiful women," haha! God created, Adam fell and we all inherited sin after that, death is the penalty for sin, Jesus paid the debt for all who "repent and be baptized" (Acts 2:38). Thank you, Jesus! When Jesus said "love your neighbor as yourself," he was addressing our very real sin nature. It's through Christ alone that humans have any hope of tearing down the "dividing wall of hostility" (Eph. 2:14) that we are born with and that leads us towards unhealthy forms of tribalism. Tribalism at its core is about our sin nature, not some evolutionary "survival of the fittest" idea that Darwin et al made up.

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"I’d rather face Achilles himself than a legion of female Kamala Harris supporters. The former would give me a quick and painless death, while the latter would vex me to despair."

😂 😂 😂

Fortunately, I'm an introvert, enjoy my own company, and have an endless number of ways to amuse myself, by myself. All I need to know about a person is what news service(s) they consume. That single point of reference determines whether I stay or go.

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SO TRUE, on the news service. It completely codes for them.

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Indeed, a major part of our composition is derived from the tribal genetic imperative. We are the first species that is designed to form groups and stay in them forever, as a means to transcend the rather fragile and weak bodies, compared to the mammalian kingdom.

The tribal genetic imperative is the defense and support basis of our species. Without it, we wouldn’t have been able to develop our intelligence. When we are born, we cannot survive alone. It takes time to develop adequate intelligence to survive independently.

Studies on feral children have indicated that around seven years of age is the threshold for being able to survive somewhat alone. Therefore, we are designed to be born into a supportive environment that provides for our basic needs, enabling the development of essential intelligence.

The smallest tribal unit - the clan - has always been represented by the family. It serves as an initial support base—the first group we encounter in our lives. As individuals, we often sacrifice a significant part of our individuality for the family. In return, we receive various forms of support: nutritional, self-preservation and emotional. Therefore, as evident by biblical stories, the value of sacrifice is an essential part of the integrity of the tribe.

The tribal genetic imperative is not democratic. It’s hierarchical. Families are inherently non-democratic. If they were, they wouldn’t have been able to survive. Families historically expanded through marriage, increasing genetic diversity and ensuring prosperity, economic survival, and food security. The family is all about survival and support—ensuring continuity of bloodlines and the expansion of the genetic pool.

Over time, families merged to form communities, counties, and eventually nation states, competing for control. Individuals were born into fixed roles—shoemakers, farmers, warriors—with no expectation of upward mobility. Social pressure ensured adherence to these roles, reinforcing the established order.

Each of these traits reflects nuances of such genetic marker, unique only to us, that over the course of human evolution, became codified as the laws that hold tribes together. The word ‘religion’ is derived from the Latin word ‘ligare’ (meaning to bind), reflecting this binding force that ensures the adherence to common principles and values. Without this adherence, the survival of the tribe is at risk.

And so the entire human organization engine was predominantly facilitated by the tribal imperative, which was all about ensuring the continuity of our species.

Conversely, the collective, too, is derived from a genetic imperative, albeit a different one. It’s vastly different from the tribe. The collective is the unfamiliar. It’s the world of strangers - beyond the borderline of the familiar (the tribe). The collective is the conciliatory and civilizing factor. It’s the thing that brought us democracy. It’s the very thing that has brought us the themes of inclusion and equality and all those things such as: human rights and political correctness.

The collective is all about normalization. It’s the very thing that always tries to reach an egalitarian formula in every field of life. If it weren’t for the collective we wouldn’t have been able to develop globally and accelerate our intelligence.

And so what we currently see in the world is the rising tension between the two. Rather than assume that this is about tribalism, according to what I know it’s actually a mirage. It’s more about the tension between past and future. That is, the rise in fundamentalism is basically a backlash response for the dissolution of the tribal imperative in us. Conversely, the rise of unity, as one world order, is the rise of the collective as the dominant theme. And so as far as I can tell, politically what we see is not actually left vs. right, but more so left and right merged together in opposition to something new but distorted.

What is deemed as the ‘left’ nowadays has become an appendage that is not really connected to the “body” - a type of a foreign agent of globalization that “pretends” to be a political left, but is not really the left anymore. It drives global processes from within any country that are not necessarily parallel to the country’s identity and civic platform.

This is unprecedented because nowhere in the history of our species has the collective been so powerful as it is now. It’s a relatively new predicamen, but don’t quite know or have the appropriate language to accurately describe.

One of the major attributes of such loss results in a distortion where past values are interpreted as inhumane and unrelated to our humanness, which is a form of self-rejection or self-denial. This internal conflict is hazardous to us because it strips us of context. We fail to recognize that the radical changes we observe in the world are reflections of radical changes occurring within us.



The above is an excerpt from an essay I wrote and published not long ago in regards to this fascinating topic, albeit vastly misunderstood in our times. It aims to clarify and educate where this tension arises from, and where we are heading as a society.

And so until you receive the book, John, I invite you to read it. I’d be pleased to know your thoughts.


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That might explain why the globalists are working so hard at encouraging football team tribalism. Their take is fake and glossy though, and they can't help using it for layers of social messaging.

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The tribalism is so strong that the blue will continue voting blue as their friends and family drop dead all around them. I know “liberals” who can’t understand all the diseases and death everywhere, but they would literally rather die than vote any other way.

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Agree completely. As I wrote on another stack, if they re-introduced slavery, banned abortion, closed the universities and chanted "Drill baby drill", 30% would still vote for them.

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Re: "a legion of female Kamala Harris supporters"-- it seems to me that those ladies (& those who identify as such) will more likely than not have taken a multitude of injections of whatever-the-heck's-in-those-vials. Perhaps not always on the level of the individual (but I do not know), but it seems to me that on the macro level, the data's in, the jabs are killing and injuring millions, and this playing "Russian roulette" with the injections isn't going to end all "kumabaya" for them.

Where I live, the pharmacies have chalkboards out on the sidewalk urging pedestrians to come in for a whole slew of jabs, including, of course, the updated spikeshot. And I now when I go downtown I see an absurd number of people who have trouble walking. Sometimes it's subtle (seems they have numb feet), sometimes it's extreme (using crutches / walker / wheelchair).

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It's amazing...isn't it? Death jab still being "offered" everywhere....despite substacks like DIED SUDDENLY and Courageous Discourse etc. I did my little part....I protested etc. I brought a stack of books to loan to the doctor administrating kill shots in our retirement community. McCulloughs, Breggins, Pam Poppers etc...Guess what happened? He left town and did not even bother to return my books .... even though he could have just left them at the desk at the clinic as they had my name and phone number etc.. He can't be found anywhere. I think he may feel afraid cause he killed a lot of people....three that I know of....died not too long after their "vaccines". I don't know what goes through their minds...probably just "I gotta save my sorry ass".

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“Just the facts ma’am”, said Sergeant Friday.

On J6 there were more than a hundred federal agency personnel in covert collaboration strategically mingled with the crowd as it peacefully amassed at the Capital eventually infiltrating and instigating trouble. It took three year to get the FBI and DOJ to admit it and by the time they did everyone with TDS was already propagandized. Many were wearing Trump or MAGA gear breaking windows, pushing and shoving from the back, and chanting to “go inside”. Yes there were a small number of knuckleheads claiming to be MAGA there to pretentiously polish their egos and therefor helped create the entrapment of the great majority of middle aged paunchy people who felt their vote was expunged by the absolutely proven cheating by the Democrat establishment. They are facts. A Capital police force in total disarray then seized on the crowd with gas, rubber bullets, and face bombs.

The pipe bombs at both the RNC and DNC buildings were both representative of an earlier plan by the Democrat operatives in government agencies to disrupt the electoral count without recount when the people would nationally hear the arguments by Republicans, blame the pipe bombs on MAGA, but when J6 happened those plans were scraped, but the ruse was already set up, and the operators had to back out of it with missing video, unidentified operators on scene, and claiming it was just a training exercise, but frankly nothing that they FBI, DOJ, or SS claimed made any sense but a coverup of a plan to accept the recount and just move on. Once J6 happened they no longer needed the bomb ruse. Pelosi and Mayor Bowser had both refused a week earlier the offer by President Trump of ten thousand National Guard which by law they would both have to agreed to.

For nine years now we have all been propagandized by the slander of Donald Trump 24/7 by MSM that we all know are untrustworthy both by naive and nefarious reporting. People who will willingly parrot a narrative without research, taking the word of the Executive Branches “expert” academic and institutional lackeys and deep State operators. If you deny this, it simply means you have yet to accept that you could possible be propagandized which points to the demoralization process that has been an insidiously tightening down on the people’s ability to survive the continuing chaotic “anomalies” that comes with the demoralization process. Those that keep their logical head about them have survived and there are always new comers who have yet to be propagandized, but those who choose the fake belief that “this can not happen in America” because they don’t want it to happen is the naïveté and denial they chose, like TDS which is the easy villain they chose. The weak, indifferent, fearful, lazy minds, like wearing a mask, or being locked down that makes no sense, like “following the bouncing ball” in a drive in movie. Imagine that. Hear the same propaganda enough, and no matter what proof one is shown they will not change their minds until the boot hits their neck”, Yuri Bezmenov, KGB intel defector. A people so existentially propagandized by fear and hate it becomes a constant dopamine hit to slander another like the lifetime plagiarizer and sociopathic liar Biden, they find pleasure and ego by temporarily fooling others who believe him.

We are in a war against America’s demise that is currently in the process by the WHO since 2005, WEF circa 1971, and decades prior to reach these landmarks. It is being waged through the One Democrat Party banner which is a uniparty of non dissent, the antithesis of the catalyst of the Unique American Constitutional Republic.

The Leftist Marxists and Friendame Fascist that most still deny, along with other foreign regime operators move about the chaos brought about by the global tentacles that reach deep into every and all institutions of America and Europe to eventually control population on the way to depopulation through eugenics. By creating a cannibalistic “democracy” of America through the One Democrat Plantation Party, the uniparty of non dissent was the obvious choice to proceed by global rulers.

This is so much greater and horrifying than just this election, but first things first. We must determine who our Representatives are, and with all due respect for Star Wars, realize this war like all wars are fought on the ground, with logistics, trenches and tunnels. One battle at a time everywhere. Freedom is not free, and those who think it is because they were born with it deny evil exists.

See: courageous discourse, Dr Peter McCullough and Atty Lisa Miron, “The WHO is in complete control”. 10/15/24.

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Ayn Rand wrote extensively about collectivism; probably the most famous example is John Galt's speech in Atlas Shrugged.

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I loved that book years ago. She sure got trashed by the literary snobs later on. I think I will read it again...thanks for the reminder.

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I just love you! You are so eclectic, so curious, and so well read! I love all the literature you throw into everything. Thank you for sharing with us part of your brain.

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Keep an eye on the counting of electoral votes, which is presided over by the Vice President.

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