Just tell him to come across the Mexican border. We know the Biden crime family won’t stop him there and none of the illegal migrants sre vaxxed. What a joke!

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Unfortunately, Novak has too much class to do that. I greatly respect the man. A less honorable person would do it and perhaps be able to truly embarrass the US. The problem is those who promote this nonsense don’t have a conscience or a care for what they do to others. That is the US today. So sad.

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He may come as a guest of DeSantis, via boat from the Bahamas.

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He could get 40 grand too!

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Don't forget the Big Mike burner phone

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Our Country is no longer free and hasn’t been for awhile now.

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And sadly, its citizens either don't care, or are too dumbed down through woke identity political programming to grasp what their compliance is costing them.

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Well said, and we unvaxxed can be so proud that we have been immune to all the brain washing, fear mongering, coercion and intimidation.

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Except we haven’t stopped the descent to tyranny

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But, the globalists and their sick plans have never been more exposed than now, and I believe people are waking up on a massive scale.

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He just needs to cross the US Mex border and is home free. Easy Peasy.

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Free is one thing, but psychotic is another. Over half the population appears to be delusional.

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Unable to think for themselves, which leaves one with absolutely 0 situational awareness.

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Can we just drop the stupid mandates already? We are literally the only country still upholding this lunacy. Let the man play.

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Let's move the "stupid" from the first sentence to the second sentence right before the word "country." With what we have in charge, it's more fitting.

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What’s odd is as a US citizen you don’t have to prove vaccination for covid when you leave country and come back. Yet any other country has to prove they are vaccinated. Most of wrote doesn’t require proving vac status for US citizens either. I just returned from Europe and I have natural Immunity. I didn’t have to fill any paperwork out at all. Wonder why that is?

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And I am in Japan waiting three years now to visit my family in the US. I’m healthy and fit and refuse to take a finagled PCR or have anyone other than my ENT doc put anything up my nose, let alone at an airport. So glad Novak stands on principle at great personal sacrifice, much like those of us here.

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My daughter waited till this last October to finally visit her boyfriend in Canada as we aren’t vaccinated. What a long ridiculous wait.

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Trudeau is a tyrant. He says the most vile thing. Against unvaccinated. He and Fauci should be in jail.

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I agree the Turd is a disgusting buffoon. Worthy of a ghost pepper enema.

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If he enters via a land crossing he doesn't need to be vaccinated, only if he flies in. Explain the logic in that. We live in Canada. If we drive to Seattle no vax, if we fly to Seattle proof on vax required. Sheer INSANITY

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That's because someone told the government it's an 'airborne virus'

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Haha! Thanks, I laughed out loud & needed it!

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Oh my the us just coffee snort of the day!

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Actually he does. Sometimes you’re asked, sometimes not, but we have been turned away numerous times in New Brunswick m Ontario and BC!

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Thanks for your reply. I looked it up recently (as we are due to fly) and the artlice said only arrivals by air. I will try and find it. Perhaps he should cross at the southern border. No restrictions there I hear.

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Yep. It’s ridiculous. Especially since there is no consistency at all. Sometimes we were asked and of course we would never lie, but other times we weren’t. It’s insane.

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It’s on RHS.com fact sheet for land ports entry Covid -19.

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DHS.COM . I really shouldn’t attempt to use my iPad without my glasses- sorry. Homeland security website has it.

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Fly to Toronto and drive across

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Officially, your proof of Covid vaccination is required, according to the DHS, however I hear many US border guards are no longer asking for verification...

However if you are asked? DO NOT LIE to a border guard, as there are penalties.


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But why chance it? We drove to the border, two hours from home and were asked and said NO, and we’re turned back. It’s a pain in the ass. Another time we weren’t asked.

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Wait I had no idea you could drive in unvaccinated.

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Stand your ground Novak! You are right. No competition is worth trading your bodily autonomy for. And I don’t believe for one minute that many other players are actually vaccinated. They have plenty of money to pay for a fake vaccine certificate. Novak however has decided to be truthful and fight for what is right. I respect this highly!

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👍 yep...what a load of 🐎💩

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Novak Djokovic is a legend. Missing these tournaments only motivates him to further distance himself as the GOAT. While he rests, the other players will battle for his scraps. He will win the Grand Slams because he is more refreshed and a superior player. https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-play-like-a-champion-part-018

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And one has to wonder - how many of his jabbed opponents will be around to play in the next year or so, or will the die suddenly and unexpectedly at home in bed, or on the court playing? He is one legend that will be well remembered and respected in history. As to those pushing the mandates? #NoAmnesty #NoQuarter #Resist #DoNotComply

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I was thinking the same thing. It's funny how through what seems like divine intervention, even though they took his points away, and banned him from AU last year he has still managed to remain #1

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Agree with the points made in the article. Djokovik should be permitted to enter the USA and play, but not because he should be treated as an exception. The policy of vaccine mandates is ridiculous, and violates common sense and the most basic democratic principles. It is a disgrace. It is a shame that other players and the whole tennis organization do not stand-up for this player.

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The other players should refuse to play, but they have no morals. In fact, the tennis federation should move contest to free countries.

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I won’t watch in protest. This doesn’t even occur as something to do from my tennis friends. I’m disappointed in so many people’s lack of conscience.

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"There will come a day when the Biden Administration’s conduct in this matter is generally regarded as an embarrassing disgrace."

That day was the day Biden hissed "Get Vaccinated!" while addressing the nation. Also the day he promised a dark winter of death and misery for the unjabbed. His conduct has been an embarassing disgrace for a long time and he isn't showing any signs of enlightement. The harm he and his mandates caused for healthy people who bore no threat to any others is immeasurable.

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I just happened to catch a clip of McConnell while still speaker urging everyone to get vaxxed. Wanted to hurl. He's even worse than dementiaed Joe. 🤮

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The disgrace is that WE allow it to continue.

Let’s do a completely unscientific poll:

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Upvote if you think this madness will require pitchforks and torches to correct.

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Upvote if you think this madness can be corrected through legal or political means.

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I don't believe Biden hissed those words.

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Was it the demon within hissing?

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Perceptive Julie!

The hiss plus how his lips didn't seem to move quite naturally. As if he was a puppet being manipulated by another. I have seen this 'tell' in just a few people (thankfully) but they were all eventually found out to be long-standing consummate liars. They were also all prone to sometimes revealing tiny outbursts of rage when questioned. Like the Word says - "don't be angry, lest you give the devil a foothold".

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I was attacked by a Tdap jab in 2007. Weaponized nanoparticles, 73 weaponized viruses and all. I have so many autoimmune and neurological disorders it’s unreal. Being worked up for a VERY RARE form of laryngeal cancer as I speak. Well, I’m trying. It’s against hospital rules to admit “chronically ill persons” thru the ER due to Covid crackdowns. No worries if I’ve lost 21.3% of my body weight in less than 2 months and my bp and heart are going crazy, can’t breathe or swallow. No biggie. Thanks Toledo hospital.

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" Thanks Toledo hospital. "

You forgot to thank the numbnut in the WH.

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Yeah. OBiden too. Thanks!

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Wishing you a good outcome. My prayers as well

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Wow, horrible!

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So sorry. But sounds like you've got a good attitude, that helps. 🙏

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please find a doctor who would get you alternative medicines, like fenbendazole and monoclonal antibody treatments, as they are healing people in stage 4 cancers...praying for you!

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I went on disability in 2003 after a booster shot (?mmr, I had to get 3) for work in 2001. I will keep you in my prayers Catherine

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So sorry to hear this - my daughter was vax injured with the rabies series - she twitches - it's neurological - for years - we've been everywhere - it was a real wakeup call, the dangers of many vaccines. her son was given the HIB shot and the same happened to him. He's a little over a year old - thank God the twitches dissipated for him. No more vaccines for him. Big Pharma lie and hide the facts of these vaccines. one in 30 children now are diagnosed with autism. It's a life sentence for them and their families. We need to fight back and alert people so they truly have informed consent before they take any shot OR give it to their children.

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My integrative medicine doctor is making a huge difference in my life. Just glad I got this far. Laundry list of autoimmune issues and because of my poverty income on disability, got biotoxin mold illness. The irony is, it was for the most rewarding job I ever had in an autistic classroom. Back then it was one in 148 children . I’m sorry for what your family is going through.

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I’m glad you have found help. My daughter is learning to live with it we’ve been everywhere. But when it happened to her baby. We know there’s a genetic component. So. I shots for him.

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Twitching is one of my main symptoms. It was my first side effect that began instantly from the dtap shot. My face, my arms, my head (I cannot sit my sunglasses up on my head because the head starts twitching and jerks the glades back and forth and it looks so weird to others and annoys me sooo bad) It became systemic after some time. Now my entire head jerks to one side or the other and at the exact same time my leg on the side opposite to where my head goes, will jerk really hard! It looks ridiculous and it hurts too. I’m really sorry that this happened. But I’m glad it has gotten better. Warn as many as you can. The EUA is allowing EVERY childhood and adult vaccine to have this technology put into it. But I can tell you for sure, they’re all pouring without that. That just makes them even more dangerous. We were just “removed” from my kids pediatricians office permanently for me telling them in person and then sending them a email with data from Karen Kingston, that the jab is maming and killing MANY and that they’re culpable abc need to STOP THIS. I got a letter in the mail telling me we were no longer welcome in their practice. But they said it was for missing a appointment. After 21 years there. I doubt that verrry highly. If the doctor who owns the irs tube wasn’t out in medical retirement, he would’ve never allowed this to happen.

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May be a blessing in disguise getting kicked out, I’m so sorry. When I had terrible side effects from foolishly taking Enbrel for psoriasis, I was living in a moldy trailer. My dermatologist kept changing my appointment months away- he was afraid I’d sue him. I was too sick to even attempt that, I just needed help. Thanks for your comment and keep up on Karen Kingston- she’s a ray of truth in this mess.

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I’m in that kind of mood right now but seriously, if he were a they/them, non-binary, gender fluid, trans (human), WOULD WE BE HAVING THIS PROBLEM? Negative. They/them etc, would be welcome with open arms, get a parade, dinner at the WH with the cast of evil characters holding office, a key to the city (who would want one!), a National Holiday, a puppy and a creepy hug and sniff from Sloppy Joe. There! I said it. I feel so much better, but I always say exactly what is on my mind. The End.

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The millions coming thru our borders aren’t showing their vax status.

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Yeah, but they are coming into the country to replace the people who were foolish enough to trust their government, and took the clot shots. Unfortunately, many of those people probably won't be around much longer.

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Unfortunately, many of these people are our military.

Dec 21, 2021 "The United States Army announced today that 468,459 active-component Soldiers have been vaccinated against COVID-19, fewer than 120 days after a vaccination mandate went into effect for all U.S. service members. That number represents 98 percent of the active-duty force who have received at least one dose of the vaccine, while 96 percent – a total of 461,209 Soldiers – are fully vaccinated"

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It's actually WAY past the day being a great disgrace.

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Unbelievable! Makes me furious how backward our country is!

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How backward our senile Democrat President is.

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Australia may have let him in but NSW Health in Australia still mandates the rubbish for health workers. There is no logic or science behind any of this and never was. It's like being back in the dark ages.

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BIden's too busy fighting Russia, or Corn Pop, or whatever, to bother. No joke....

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