It's basically working like an allergy shot to desensitized people to covid.

BUT allergy shots desensitize people to harmless things like pollen...the body need not go into defense mode for pollen.

Having your body mount NO defense to a pathogen that damages organs if left unchecked can be deadly.

In addition, you just created people who are feeling well, yet walking around distributing virus as it's damaging their own organs.

So....it's worse than Gullivers Travels. These people have been turned in walking plague spreaders. PEOPLE have been weaponized.

And when they're out if ammo, they're just going to drop dead anyway. Killing two birds with one stone.

Personally, I think they knew.

There are papers dating back to igg3-igg4 study and it's deadly effects well before covid.

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All of this is by design. Everything has been researched for decades and patented. All of the actions were coordinated worldwide to maximize uptake of the BIOWEAPON.

When do you finally say it aloud? At 10 million dead? 20? 100 million?

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How could they NOT have known. This was precisely what they wanted, the money hungry, power hungry evil subhumans!

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Who is they?

You underestimate stupidity and silo-thinking. There are 100k papers out there. But the selection of what studies are known is based on the prevailing belief system, egos, and the (financial) interests of the organization.

And of course pushing a flawed view with all means on others is purely evil by itself.

But I really doubt it's all a bioweapon to eradicate a large part of the population by design. The motives to do that clash with Big Interest. And every fraudster or profiteering criminal is not a Hitler.

The true issue here is the naive gullibility of homo sapiens and its aversion of deep analytical thinking about complex systems. People prefer simplicity and following "natural leaders" over people with wisdom and integrity.

Maybe look at yourself and see what you believe or who you follow and on what basis. Intuition?

Well not bad but it can easily fool you too.

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Jan 23, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023

World Economic Forum,

Bill Gates and his FU foundation. Listen to him talk about controlling the population.

People are naive and stupid because they are missing what is right in front of their face that has been going on for years in this country.

Now, they are working on a way to financially destroy the country.

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They definately want people weakened, sick because there’s big money in that and they are easier to control. Good points, but I respectively disagree with you’re doubting the bioweapon section. Research. It’s all out there!

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I think we have a different understanding what "research" means.

It's not because site X, channel Y or personality Z repeatedly makes certain claims, that they are (necessarily) true.

If you believe that, then you are a mirror image of those who blindly believe Anthony Fauci or The Washington Post.

You then only have a different authoritative source that you trust. A guru that you follow. Frankly most people are like that.

But you should always do a source analysis. Check if the source material is authentic. Whether the source has reasons to not be reliable (such as conflict of interest). Whether they have proof or convincing evidence for their claims. Whether their information is coherent. Whether there are other independent sources that confirm or contradict the claim. Whether it all makes sense. Etc.

Can you truly say that you have applied that on what you claim here?

You may have a suspicion. And the suspicion may be true. Or half true. Or wrong.

Looking at many historical parallels there are plenty of other reasons to explain what has happened. From sunk cost fallacy, to well-meaning idealism that turned completely sour, to being sucked into a black hole of group-think.

See my other post on that.

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read SASHA LARYPOVA and know the truth...


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Good layman's overview, Dana.

What is the latest thinking on asymptomatic transmission?

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Thank you Laurie. Well, at one point I was reading articles on the infected vaccinated actually having a higher viral load than the infected unvaccinated. I've since also seen articles saying the viral load of unvaxxed to vaxxed are equivalent, but these were mainly in support of the claim that the shots do not stop transmission.

I would think the articles claiming the vaxxed having a higher viral load would be a more accurate claim as it seems their bodies are doing little to nothing to defeat covid, so the virus multiplies basically unchecked.

Thoughts on asymptomatic spread. Many viruses have a period just prior to symptomatic illness where the person is infectious but as yet showing no signs, so one need not be symptomatic to spread disease. If these shots cause people to remain fairly symptom free, as the virus multiplies, I'd think it very likely that they're fueling a big part of current cases and mutations (as the virus stays within them longer and evolves).

Globally 67% of people have herpes virus. More than one in two, yet how many even know they have it? Asymptomatic spread is just a virus' survival tactic.

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According to UK data (The Expose) hospitals are many filled with the jabbed, in far high numbers (after adjusting for uptake) than the unjabbed.

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It is my understanding that usually the before-symptom spread of an infection is at as much of a problem because viral load is smaller at that stage. Once the load reaches a high enough point for symptoms to become noticeable to someone then the load - and virulence - has increased. A person is most infectious at the point of light symptoms they chose to ignore and try to still move around in public. The answer to that seems to me to be to train people to not ignore fatigue, pressure in the nose of sinuses or base of the neck, light headaches, mild cheek flushing and mild drainage. I cannot tell you how many times I repeated this mantra to my patients, trying to encourage folks to catch an infection early, treat it early with my herbal blends and stay home. Employers weren’t keen on paying people to stay home even though I tried to educate them, too.

With this new development with the shots, things may become different. Those of us unvaxxed need to still pay attention to early warning signs of infection and treat. And we also need to treat prophylactically as we move in public. Herbals are good for that as the microbes tend not to become resistant to herbals as they do to drugs.

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What I think you are describing are symptoms so slight they are easily ignored. I appreciate your explanation, I have never encountered it before. Perhaps the public, and myself!, need some education about the benefits of early treatment. And yes, employers need to understand the implications for contagion in the office/work place and sick leave. I guess that early treatments are simpler and easier to administer.

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I actually found that people notice the symptoms but choose to hope it’s “nothing.” Allergies or a cold and neither of those are worth losing a day of work for. If we learned to not shrug off early symptoms but treated as if getting sick and stayed home for a couple days, we could recover faster and not infect so many people. Way back when I read studies that showed that employers who let folks stay home and treat for early symptoms when something was running around actually came out ahead by having fewer folks out sick and the ones who were out early, came back faster. There are always exceptions but as a rule learn what your early symptoms are (they can be slightly to a lot different for everyone) and don’t shrug them off. As I trained my patients to pay attention they would call me sooner and get better faster. It just makes sense to nip a bug early on.

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Always listen to your body.

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If there are no symptoms, who cares? The invisible infectious agent? I'm not being facetious here, just curious. SARS 2 is the only agent I recall where asymptomless people posed a hazard in that they were believed to be ontagious. Where is the proof of that? Surely not the unreliable PCR "test"!

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Right. This is now the chicken farm. Unvaccinated people are being challenged constantly by the virus that has found a happy home in billions of people. It can't be good in the long run to have your immune system in a chronically inflammatory state. Still, I'd rather take my chances given the alternative.

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Hopefully if they’re not shedding the vaccine to the unvaccinated this will create super immunity in unvaccinated. Like after the red death plague.

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Pretty sure it was a vaccine designed to shed

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Wouldn't the same protections I have that prevented me from getting COVID also prevent me from getting the lab engineered version? There must be some reason the globalist cabal is so desperate to "jab" us all.


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I don't believe covid and the vax are one and the same weapon. They are two different bioweapons. Karen Kingston is amazing with her patent and law knowledge. Dr. Ana Mihalcea and her team have done some extensive work on the content of the vials.

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So it’s not the people that won’t take the JAB that should be locked up it is the JABBED that need to be avoided or dealt with, Now I get it! If your JABBED save humanity and stay indoors alone.

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Let them be the ones placed in the reeducation camps, not the unjabbed!

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Jan 22, 2023·edited Jan 22, 2023

For anyone that is interested, There is good video explaining vax evasion by mutation after mutation, and eventually zero natural immunity for the vaxed and boosted(Geert Vanden Bossche). Voice for science and solidarity (name of the site). There is massive amount of info on the site. The video is around 42 minutes (posted Jan 6). The take away is biology always wins not technology.

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I find that reassuring, since technology got us into this mess.

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You underestimate stupidity and silo-thinking. There are 100k papers out there. But the selection of what studies are known is based on the prevailing belief system, egos, and the (financial) interests of the organization.

And of course pushing a flawed view with all means on others is purely evil by itself.

But I really doubt it's all a bioweapon to eradicate a large part of the population by design. The motives to do that clash with Big Interest. And every fraudster or profiteering criminal is not a Hitler.

The true issue here is the naive gullibility of homo sapiens and its aversion of deep analytical thinking about complex systems. People prefer simplicity and following "natural leaders" over people with wisdom and integrity.

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Maybe not eradicate mankind, but something surely Josef Mengele would approve of. And there is naiveté and gullibility out there, misplaced trust, but it's not a conscious desire/choice to follow 'natural leaders'.

There is intentional manipulation to get the herd to follow these leaders. Once people's existential anxiety has been activated, by any event whether natural or orchestrated, the brain 🧠 douses the fires of executive function and turns on a more primitive, survival motivated portion of the brain. This portion of the brain doesn't have the capacity to consider wisdom and integrity, only survival.

There are many social anthropological studies showing this. Insert a crisis and you have the means to guide and control the masses, who have been reduced to "stupidity and silo thinking." It is a natural and studied phenomenon and currently it is being used by our psychopathic elite for their own sick pleasure and goals.

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I think the fear psychosis hypothesis is too simplistic. Surely it is (or mostly was) a factor. But so is herd mentality, peer pressure and people wanting to belong, cowardice to speak up (e.g. in academic or media circles), and plain laziness.

Add to that the "sunk cost fallacy". It's gigantic. And lot's of historical parallels exist of that.

Add to that people have entrenched themselves in positions they can't leave without totally losing face, and thus are reluctant to do that. Some even to an extent that they'd rather aggressively continue their attack on opponents, "till the very end" than cave in to the truth.

But that the grip of psychosis is not that strong, isn't it proven by people like you and I, who still managed to think critically and logically, in an independent way?

Though if it's only - let's say - 5% of the population with the right attitude and intellectual abilities, then there is another problem with humanity.

And indeed, history is full of examples where the masses have been misled to do the worst possible things to other people.

However, doesn't history also show that the worst atrocities can also happen as a result of a "well-meant" idealism?

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I don't believe there's much psychosis involved at all. Psychosis would be in having a perception so far from the norm as to be ill. What's going on is a masterful manipulation of people's fears, from existential anxiety all the way down to the fear of losing face, or losing friends. Judgement and decision making capabilities are hampered and dulled during times of emotional stress, and this predictable human nature is being used to our disadvantage. Mob mentality is another example of misdirected feelings and thoughts, where the individual temporarily surpresses his own thoughts and feelings and adopts the mob's. Atrocities don't arise from idealism. They are born of manipulation, dishonesty, censorship, oppression, force, etc. If the idealist has power, and is psychotic, of course, then you have a point. Intellect doesn't play a role either. Both the smartest and the dumbest of us can be felled by fears.

Remove the fears and you've removed the driving force behind practically all of this mess. You and I are thinking logically and rationally because our minds are not being ruled by fear.

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No. I'm pretty worried. I am. The way our world is changing, with massive military payops against their own populations. It's pure fascism. And how people are set up against each other. The hate speach that non-vaccinated had to bear. It's like during the Cultural Revolution in China. And there you have an example of idealism that had turned into pure evil and atrocities. And to give another example, the policy makers in the USA and Canada abducted many indigenous childeren to raise them in the way to "give them a future as industrious and assimilated citizens". A well-meant idealism that nevertheless caused massive drama and suffering. An atrocious cultural genocide. But with "good intentions" to "turn the Indian into a civilized man".

It's also born out of arrogance of people who got very rich and/or powerful out of nothing. They really believe that they know better than anyone else and that their programs are truly charitable.

For the rest I largely agree that large scale malicious manipulation, and what you describe, has played a big role in shaping the situation we are in.

However we must not fall for simplistic analyses or conclusions how to deal with it. I also think some "bad guys" figureheads have been deliberately created by media to function as lightening rods. The rot is much deeper in society and even in people and their attitudes themselves. A lot of "alternative" voices are not helpful at all.

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Thanks Dr. McCullough! All the evidence points to the mRNA “vaccines” being either a giant human experiment, or a nefarious plot. Given the fact that France had pulled Hydroxychloroquine from being an OTC product at the end of 2019 and the removal of basically all therapeutics as treatments. I’m definitely leaning toward the latter. Either way very evil and sad.

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Funny now macron wants to increase the retirement age by 2 years and he’s getting huge flack from the people.

Putin tried the same thing in 2018 and also had huge protests.

Many countries have underfunded retirement funds. So the shot put out by the DOD sure makes you wonder if it was an operation to save countries from their retiring baby boomers.

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While superficially it sounds sensible corrupt leaders would kill off elderly to boost solvency of retirement funds, that would require that corrupt leaders care about the solvency of the retirement funds. They don't care about that or anything else about the public welfare. The motives must lie elsewhere.

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I vote plot. Bill Gates' dad was a Planned Butcherhood director in Seattle. Everybody on the planet is better off today than their predecessors in Malthus' day, and they still talk about that fool's word, "overpopulation". No such thing. They changed one of the points in the Karl Marx plan. He said spread everybody throughout the countryside. Now they want to bunch them together.

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Considering the several decades of mRNA experimentation studies and previous attempts at crafting a coronavirus vaccine, I find it difficult to believe that the producers of the inoculations du jour were /unaware/ of what their products would do to the injected.

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Good point - how could they NOT know some of the scientific truths? If so, then their conduct was indeed criminal. Prosecute!

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Everything about the whole covid matter shows they didn’t care but knew the fiasco that would occur. That was the plan to cause as much chaos as possible. The cruelty of it all is staggering. Desperate to keep their money and extend their power globally.

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Yes chaos is what is desired.. eg the southern border

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They didn’t know because all of the animal subjects died upon exposure of the virus, if not before. There’s no long term data if everyone dies.

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No long term data, but plenty of evidence of antibody dependent enhancement, cardiac issues, and death.

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Maybe, but effectively speaking, they were paid not to know and or lie.

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Yeah, that sums it up!

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Jan 22, 2023·edited Jan 22, 2023

The IGg4 spike in response to repeated vax or exposure is not a newly discovered phenomenon. Another substacker posted a study from a decade or so ago describing its documented occurrence and the implications. I don't want to run it down right now but anyone motivated enough can find it fairly easily.

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Jan 21, 2023·edited Jan 21, 2023

Yes. That’s why I wonder about the Uighers? How come we don’t hear about them anymore? Were they the original test bunnies?

Why were most covid studies after it spread coming from other countries vs the CDC? It’s like America/China already knew most answers.

Is that how the virus escaped years ago?

Anyways.... just some ideas to ponder.

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Some theories are that the CCP used them to harvest antibodies by infecting them with an attenuated virus of some kind.

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Really? Interesting.

Never heard that before but I’m open to the possibilities.

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Go to about the 19m mark

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I watched the whole video.

Thanks. Lots of info there.

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Dr. McCullough. You are either too nice or too naive. You stated that “they” didn’t understand the immunology of “the vacines” “they” created. Let’s not forget that these “vaccines” are military bioweapons designed to kill. Whoever designed them knew perfectly well what they would do and not do. We are unfortunately dealing with monsters and if we are to have any chance at defeating them, we must recognize their true motives in order to mount an effective response. Having said that, I will take the opportunity to tell you that you are one of my foremost champions in this ongoing battle. Thank you for all the sacrifices you have made for all of us. God bless. Edmund Roache MD

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Dear Mr. Roache, I (John Leake) am the author of this piece. I limited my analysis and observations to what the authors of the paper state. They CLAIMED that their finding was unexpected, so I focused my commentary on their claim.

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Thank you & Dr McCollough for fighting for humanity. God bless you.

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Mainstream scientists often claim to be “baffled” “surprised””puzzled” “mystified” when a pet idea fails or shows outcomes they can’t explain. Yet you will often find in the background many who have long been warning and predicting correctly using alternate theories and paradigms. One of my favorite examples are cosmologists always surprised at a finding that physicists, engineers, astronomers, geologists, catastrophist historians who are proponents of The Electric Universe model of the universe have been describing and predicting for years.

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This is more excellent material for the lawyers pursuing fraud against Pharma. Clearly, their execs did NOT know the effects of the Covid jabs, so their insistence that the jabs were ‘safe and effective’ was FRAUDULENT.


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I think they knew.

But either way, legally, hopefully, they're screwed.

If they didn't know, then it's fraud.

If they did know, it's criminal.

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Yup! It may be hard to prove what they DIDN’t know, but there sure is proof that they were just making stuff up!

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They weren't required to figure anything out like this though.

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Maybe not, but there is now SO much data showing that their assurances were just made-up marketing propaganda. Remember in the November European press interview when the CEO of Pfizer admitted that the ‘vaccines were not tested for transmission’? When then HOW, Mr. Bozo, could you assure us that we must get the jab to protect Granny? You don’t even have ANY data on the ‘vaccine’ preventing transmission!

I’m no lawyer, but this sure seems fraudulent to me!

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It is absolutely fraudulent. Now let me tell about the Brooke Jackson Qui Tam false claims act case.


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Thanks - I just added this writer to my Substack subscriptions!

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Yeah, this brings to mind something that Robert Kennedy, Jr said in an interview a couple of months ago. He told how it can be traced to a secret DARPA meeting with Obama years ago, and getting Fauci on board resulted in Fauci becoming the highest-paid government employee in America.

It likely will be extremely difficult to trace -legally- all the secret-government shenanigans. But if just one Pharma exec could be convicted of fraud and/or criminal intent, then his defense could shed light on the total corruption. Bottom line: WAY bigger than Watergate!

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I would like to see "discovery" in this area on Barry Obama!

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I'm no lawyer either but fraud seems obvious and easily provable. Which removes their immunity from lawsuits. The damages are enough to bankrupt Pfizer and Moderna many times over. It should happen - I'm hoping.

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Pfizer already admitted to fraud in its motion to dismiss the false claims act case.

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But I agree that it is very difficult to attribute incompetence to this IgG4 issue. They are paid a lot of money to know this.

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Papers were written years ago detailing the IgG4 response to repeated vax or exposure. The phenomenon is not a new discovery.

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Thanks for all you do, Dr. McCullough. There’s a pretty large contingent of us who refused it from the start. Now that some who took it are realizing the truth, let’s get past the safety and efficacy discussion. They never were either. We need to get to what is actually going on and it’s way beyond the obvious financial reasons. This is mass genocide by design. They have telegraphed the entire thing and what? Does everyone actually believe that they were able to tell the future? If there is a justice system, it will be way too long before they are brought to justice. It’s time everyone start rising up and eliminate the global elite one by one.

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Court system is almost entirely corrupt as is glaringly apparent to anyone with at least one eye.

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street justice

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That’s what it’s going to take.

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I am waiting for solid information on “ shedding “. I had bleeding in menopause. On disability since 2003 after a booster shot ( ironically to work in an autistic classroom in upstate New York.)

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And by January, 2023, Japan began an official investigation into excess mRNA vaccine deaths. https://www.technocracy.news/japan-launches-official-investigation-into-millions-of-mrna-vaccine-deaths/

Here are two professors speaking out (one, from, fittingly Hiroshima University, home of that other mass death event) on Twitter https://twitter.com/i/status/1607008929430769665 abd Prof. Shigetsoshi Sano from Kochi Univ. https://twitter.com/i/status/1607008954844078080 Says the article, “Prof. Shigetoshi Sano of the Kochi University School of Medicine discussed discovering spike proteins at the site of skin lesions (see the original research paper on synthetics spikes found in skin lesions here: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cia2.12278) and other skin problems on patients who were vaccinated. “The spike protein derived from the vaccine was found in the skin,” Sano explained, highlighting a slide showing a bright green region on a lesion made visible by a special dye. Spike proteins are locally suppressing the immune system,”

Sano told reporters. “As a result, the spike proteins facilitate in reactivation of the herpesvirus.” The process of the spike proteins degrading in the immune system prompts inflammation throughout the body that also leads to blood clots, Sano concluded. “The function of the spike proteins to produce adverse reactions is formation of blood clots,” Sano explained. “And even worse, spike proteins can also locally induce inflammation.” Agreeing that a suppressed immune system makes someone more vulnerable to infection, Sano went on to say, “I don’t know if I should say this, but it has been found that vaccinated people are more likely to get coronavirus than unvaccinated people.” “Sometimes, things that are not good are introduced into the human body. Vaccination may cause our overall immune system to fail to fight against such bad things,” he warned. The doctors’ investigations come as Kyoto University Prof. Emeritus Dr. Masanori Fukushima slammed Japan’s Ministry of Health for refusing to halt its Covid vaccination program, citing data showing a number of adverse reactions and deaths stemming from the jab.”

Is this suspicion of the vax “conspiracy theory” among 120 million Japanese too? And speaking of conspiracy theory, maybe people just don’t want to be lab rats in the government’s secret experiments, which as John Whitehead wrote, “which include MKULTRA and the U.S. military’s secret race-based testing of mustard gas on more than 60,000 enlisted men. Indeed, you don’t have to dig very deep or go very back in the nation’s history to uncover numerous cases in which the government deliberately conducted secret experiments on an unsuspecting populace—citizens and noncitizens alike—making healthy people sick by spraying them with chemicals, injecting them with infectious diseases and exposing them to airborne toxins. Think Tuskegee. Think the Navy spraying SF back in the 1950s. Think what they did to Guatemala. Unfortunately, the public has become so easily distracted by the fasco-Marxist leftist spectacle out of Washington, DC, that they are altogether oblivious to the grisly experiments, barbaric behavior and inhumane conditions that have become synonymous with the U.S. government, which has meted out untold horrors against humans and animals alike.

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As an added bonus, the shot destroys your immune system too! ADE means that rather than enhance your immunity against the infection, the vaccine actually enhances the virus’ ability to enter and infect your cells, resulting in more severe disease than had you not been vaccinated. Then there is Lethal Th2 immunopathology, where a faulty T cell response can trigger allergic inflammation, and poorly functional antibodies that form immune complexes can activate the complement system, resulting in airway damage. The benefit – at least for the Ezekiel Emanuel of Obamacare types – is that pension and healthcare costs are cut! See https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/10/why-i-hope-to-die-at-75/379329/

Or as the International Journal of Clinical Practice, October 28, 2020, points out that "COVID-19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralizing antibodies may sensitize vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated. There’s evidence showing the elderly — who are most vulnerable to severe COVID-19 and would need the vaccine the most — are also the most vulnerable to ADE and Th2 immunopathology.” See one PNAS study here. As is well-known, previous attempts at mRNA based vaccines for Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) all tended to elicit ADE. Pretty much the opposite of what you wanted the shot to do! A paper in Viral Immunology, after the SARS pandemic of 2003, Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of Virus Infection and Disease, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12725690/ puts it this way:

“In general, virus-specific antibodies are considered antiviral and play an important role in the control of virus infections in a number of ways. However, in some instances, the presence of specific antibodies can be beneficial to the virus. This activity is known as antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) of virus infection. The ADE of virus infection is a phenomenon in which virus-specific antibodies enhance the entry of virus, and in some cases the replication of virus, into monocytes/macrophages and granulocytic cells through interaction with Fc and/or complement receptors.This phenomenon has been reported in vitro and in vivo for viruses representing numerous families and genera of public health and veterinary importance. These viruses share some common features such as preferential replication in macrophages, ability to establish persistence, and antigenic diversity. For some viruses, ADE of infection has become a great concern to disease control by vaccination."

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Blaise, thank you for stepping back and expanding the discussion. I haven't listened to Dr. Tenpenny recently; at last count she had documented over 40 mechanisms of injury from the original shots. The brave practicing physician, and hopefully groups such as FLCCC, should fork over the small sum she asks in return for all the time she spent generating a review of the existing literature. And note, this literature goes back at least 20 years, and documents in spades what these mad scientists knew, or darn well should have known. Even if we don't know the precise ingredients of the Devil's Delivery system, an understanding of these mechanisms is a critical first step to treating those who recognize that getting "shot up" was a mistake, or who suffer from the shedding from a loved one who succumbed to the siren song of government and Pharma propaganda.

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Yes, well said

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Now that all of this clear evidence against these companies is coming out, why can we not find a governor or two that could declare a health emergency, shut down all jabs in the state until thorough investigations are completed. At least this would make the public aware of the dangers.

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Good point Sherri. I am going to email my Governor Abbott right now. We must not be silent.

I email many people on FOX and to NTD news, Newsmax and The Federalist about the maiming and killing vaccines. I am not silent.

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Can you share email addresses of Fox and NewsMax?

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Sorry I just got your message.












There is a post on Telegram my friend, Lana Rogers sent and I would like to post it. I have to figure out "how".

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Oh wow. Thank you so much!

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Maybe that can happen.

But isn’t it already too late? What does our future already look like?

This is already a ‘known known.’

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Many are still getting vaccinated which means they are unaware of the danger involved. Also, we need to get to the bottom of the corruption so that it can be dealt with appropriately.

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Greetings from Germany! Best candidate for that right now, IMHO, Florida’s Gov. Ron De Santis.

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To say they didn't know is an excuse for criminality. They knew and must be held accountable for mass global genocide and democide. They knew and know. Don't give them the wiggle room they want. Committing mass genocide isn't an excuse but deserves punishment fitting the crime.

Operation Warp Speed was the "shot" heard around the world...

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So, I've been saying right along that what I was seeing was people taking the jab and then getting sick within Couple weeks. And my observation was and is that people aren't "catching" COVID but rather they're producing it themselves because that's what the instructions in the mRNA tell the body to produce. The body continues to produce spike protein which the body cannot fend off because the body also produces an antigen that tolerates the spike protein being produced.

This finding seems to support my observational hypothesis.

I hate to tell you I told you so but I TOLD YOU SO!

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The ones in charge knew and its a part of their Agenda 2030.

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Until the Wuhan lab documents are fully disclosed it is logical and imperative to presume that the virus originated there. It’s probable origin there has already been conceded. Given this concession in this environment it becomes nearly certain.

It is equally imperative and of utmost urgency to also presume that the release was intentional.

These are very straightforward deductions. The total neglect in pursuing the truth also requires explanation. The “disinterest” points strongly to a powerful global conspiracy that is stonewalling against any accountability.

This line of reasoning is dismissed by the establishment as a dangerous conspiracy theory. With apparent success as outrage is expressed by only a small minority.

My purpose in laying it out is to keep the most essentials from being under emphasized or forgotten in our conversations.

The Wuhan lab is still operating. With our support. We now know of many other similar labs in the Ukraine and presumably around the world.

While I am not optimistic that our politicians are up to the task they should be under constant pressure to uncover the truth, to administer justice and most importantly to defend us and our children from this dark evil.

I hate to say it but this may be a pipe dream. It seems that the globalists already own almost everything.

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The laws used for EUA says merely that there has to be a belief that the product may help based on available evidence. Any product can be made to look like it may help with selective evidence. Therefore, ethics-free human experimentation is now part of US law.

Since it is potentially extremely profitable especially when combined with media induced panic and direct sales to government, we can expect that people will be coerced into taking new experimental products periodically until and unless the public decisively rejects this rule by pharma. Sadly, despite all the death and injury we are not even close to that point. I hope there is some limit to the number of sudden child deaths that the average person will accept before demanding answers.

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This paper is a distraction from the fact that the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines do not generate neutralising antibodies against Sars-Cov2.

Even though if it does generate neutralizing antibodies against the vaccine synthetic spike proteins that will not be a guarantee that the same effect will apply to Sars-Cov2 spike proteins because if it really did work then the vaccine should be able to confer long term immunity and their will be nothing like the breakthrough or rebranded rebound infections.

I have extensively researched and written on the non effectiveness of this gene vaccines on my substack article "Opening the mRNA vaccine failure black box: Antigenic sin and Omicron , connecting the dots"


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Reading about the dose-dependent IGg4-shift due to repeated modRNA shots I thought about another and possibly catastrophic mechanism of harm (I hope, I’m wrong). AFAIK, human respiratory viruses like SARS, Influenza, RSV share a certain amount of immunogenic epitopes. I remember a DoD study from 2020 stating as much. What if these other viruses “learn” to adapt to the IGg4-shift by mutations in these epitopes? Don’t we already have a global increase in e.g. RSV cases that leaves our esteemed experts baffled once again? Is that IGg4-shift reversible?

What if all those who had 3 or more jabs are now permanently susceptible to getting their IGg4-shifted immune defense overwhelmed by every banal respiratory virus? There would be a new global market with billions of people depending on whatever concoctions the PharMafia will come up with just to stay alive. They’re doing this already with modRNA injections for all those suffering from Pfizer-myocarditis, and there’s another jab in the pipeline for those suffering from turbo cancers. Way to create a new global caste system of drug dependent slaves, probably cooked up by Bill Gates.

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Perfect time to release a virus that kills only the vaccinated. When do we get to the h*ngings?

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So at the very least they were arrogant and reckless. Meanwhile, we know others involved were engaged in bioweapons development, while others, who had taken control of the host governments, had publicly called for depopulation...

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And - doesn’t it appear as true as it ever was - no number of lawyers (are there still judges?), the superannuated 'rule of law' or 'truth always prevails' will release their death grip.

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Psychopaths will not voluntarily release their death grip.

While we allow psychopaths in positions of power, concepts like 'rule of law' are impotent to protect us from pathocracy.

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Oh you will like my latest article. Psychopaths in positions of power is right...


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