I really hate to be the contrarion here... Well maybe not so here goes...

There is a difference between broken and corrupted by corrupt administrator's. I've spent many hours trying to corelate Massachusetts death certificates to VAERS reports. What I've noticed is this; the people running that database are clearly scrubbing data that they don't want us who are mining the data to see and then report...

They, who ever they are, are clearly engaged in a cover up. Whether you want to call it murder is your business but I call it murder and they are accessories to murder participating in the cover up. People have died as a result of injections they took. Friend's of mine who weren't properly informed. One friend of mine that was informed was murdered via the medical murder protocol. The general public were cooerced through fear tactics, your going to kill Grandma. They were threatened economically, jab or your job. And they were forced by mandate, dishonorably discharged from the military for not submitting. For those of you who may not be aware, military personnel who receive dishonorable discharges are not able to vote and the stain of that mark on their record will follow them into the employment sector for the rest of their lives.

No folks the system isn't BROKEN it's corrupt like the Mafia corrupt. And most people aren't standing up because they don't want to be marked for destruction. Just like what would happen in a system run by the Mafia. Just like what's happening right now in the court system. Just like what's happening with the American Stazi AKA - FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ et al.

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You are spot on! I particularly like your mentioning the corrupt court systems towing the murderous cabal line. Those of us who are suing employers are finding the judges are in on the corruption. Especially in California!

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Ty professor...

Did you know Midazolam was one of many CNS suppressing drugs included in the COVID-19 treatment protocol hospitals were administering?

Did you know Midazolam is one of three drugs administered to death row inmates to kill them?

Question regarding the BIOWEAPON called COVID-19. If someone were having difficulty breathing secondary to a respiratory illness (hospitals told people to stay home or go home until they had severe difficulty breathing) would I be correct in thinking drugs suppressing the CNS would be avoided?

The hospital protocol was tell people to go home/stay home until they can't breath then when they return put them on a vent and remdesivir to cash in then give them Midazolam and morphine to finish the job.

IMHO if you were trying to kill people you wouldn't do anything different.

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Someone reported that Hancock in the U.K. used two years supply of midazolam in a six month period in 2021. IDK, but the Liverpool Care Pathway authorized doses of up to 60(!)mg!

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That's mass murder...

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Sadly, read Bill Rice Jr's newsletter on why we won't see real justice. Hope he's wrong.

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Tell me about it. Nam veterans were slandered into lifetime stigma oblivion. “Murders, druggies, rapists, and yes, baby killers. No jobs, wary friend and family, media depictions of veterans going nuts. Sound familiar? Many of the seniors today in all things government and American institutions were the 8% of my Boomer youth at elite university and followers who listened to the strategically placed Marxist professors. They followed the popular 1960’s Marxists like Gramsci (march through the institutions) that they hated as they filtered the hate America propaganda sloganeering down through tiered colleges, high schools and onto kitchen tables. America was “irrefutably bad”, the military complex evil, and their soldiers, the kid next door was a murderer for pushing back on Communism where both the CCP (PLA) and Russia (USSR) were infiltrating the South and were the real war elephants in Vietnam. The drugged up dopey hippies and Jodie’s loved carrying the message like today’s Antifa and BLM and now Hamas lovers. “America still bad, must destroy to build back better”. If you wanted to know what was coming to America six decades later, all my Boomers had to do was ask a Nam combat veteran upon their return to the country that was indifferent at best.

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Indeed. If I'd known in the 2000s what I know now I'd never have volunteered for OIF,OEF, NEW DAWN. I'm actually ashamed of my service as it only served the Military Industrial Complex.

And sadly there is a truth within their propaganda. Our government is very bad and does very bad things around the world in our names giving America and Americans a very bad name which is then conflated to "America is bad".

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Same here Steve. 25 year vet here did OEF/OIF and others. I cringe when someone says "thank you for your service"...

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Right on!!

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Ain't no use in lookin' back, Jodie's got your Cadillac.......

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I know 11 that died just after injections. None reported to VARS. These were all in a small town in Ecuador of which I probably only know about 200 people well enough to hear of their deaths after the deathshot. I have no doubt there were many many more. The wake tents popped up all over town every time just after they had a round of shots. They did everything to mandate the shots here. Even illegally preventing people from entering stores to buy food without presenting a vax card. They scared the poor sheeple here so bad they wore masks walking down the beach. They prevented fishermen from going out in their boats to fish in small fishing villages. The then president was good friends with Bill Gates, enough said. Depopulation agenda. The people who took their lethal injections are still dying of heart attacks and cancer. Keep spreading the word, maybe there will eventually be justice for these mass murderers.

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You are absolutely correct in your assessment of VAERS corruption. To take things to the next level of criminality, the ‘Covid virus’ never existed in the first place, as proven by

Christine Massey of Flouride Free Peel.

Ms. Massey is an expert at demanding health related information through FOIA demands.

At current count, she has received 218 WRITTEN ADMISSIONS from major ‘health’ agencies, that they have NO RECORD of any isolated, purified, contagious Covid virus!

This is the largest criminal fraud in world history!

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You are 100% correct. No viruses exist. "A Farewell to Virology" by Dr. Mark Bailey, documents the virology fraud starting at it's beginning.

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If you enter a Canadian hospital with flu like issues ,one is taken prisoner and put on death row for extermination .The kill protocol mandates sedation isolation remdesivir ,ventilators and brutal inhuman treatment ,that a horse would not survive ,most often with no way to escape .Your dead body means a huge payout to the administrators of the place .The ones running the murder mill ,know that it will kill the victim ,but orders are orders .It is what extermination camp guards claimed after world war I I . and are claiming now . It is this murder program that killed my brother in six days .It is not only me who writes ,what goes on in slaughter mills ,but many others had a similar story to tell ,you will find it if you look .The kill ratio is close to 100 %

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Sorry for your loss. They've murdered at least 11 of my friends either by the poison prick or medical murder protocol.

I won't be satisfied until I see these bastards swinging from ropes.

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The greed generated by the financial incentives to inject and treat with Fauci's Fatal protocol need to be hidden and denied. In addition, my view is that the FDA doesn't have the manpower to manage the VAERS system that is overwhelmed! Dr. Kessler was the last FDA Director who believed he had the job of protecting American citizens from harm. The Tobacco lobby successfully pushed Dr. Kessler and Dr. Koop out of their positions because they wanted tobacco products to be considered a drug since they delivered nicotine which is harmful overtime. Excerpt from my book. Dr. Kessler, who was in charge in the 1990’s, only one of the two FDA Commissioners I remember that truly put patient safety first, stated he believed that only 1% of ADR’s are ever reported. The actual death toll from Zomax was truly much greater and a factor of 20 is very plausible. The same issue is true in 2022, when the VAERS system has reported by October that about 32,000 have died from mRNA injections. Also, the lack of reporting of ADR’s is a major factor. My view is that the FDA is OVERWHELMED with adverse reports on the mRNA injections and the input is not up to date because of LACK OF REVIEWERS TO PROCESS THE RAW DATA. In turn, the data being released is just the tip of the Medical Titanic Iceberg and the truth is being hidden and will not be known for years! They will NOT allocate more labor to the VAERS system!

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"only 1% of ADR’s are ever reported."


"when the VAERS system has reported by October that about 32,000 have died from mRNA injections."

32,000 less the 16,000 clear cut murders they culled from their roles.

"Also, the lack of reporting of ADR’s is a major factor."

INDEED! VAERS is a system that was purpose built to be cumbersome so as to discourage reporting. Couple that with Doctors and nurses being threatened with loss of job and reputation and license to practice if they report what they're seeing and one can't help but see that there is something much more sinister at work then this being just a case of a "broken system".

"My view is that the FDA is OVERWHELMED with adverse reports on the mRNA injections and the input is not up to date because of LACK OF REVIEWERS TO PROCESS THE RAW DATA."

YES! That's precisely the point. When 25 deaths occurred when they tried to vaccinate against H1N1 they shut it down. And yet there are 32,000 + 16,000 murders being reported... And still this poison hasn't been removed from the market. Still there pushing "get yah boosta" There are only two possibilities. They're trying to kill people or they don't care that they're killing people. They're getting rich doing it and they're trying very hard not to get caught.

You see Mr. Braun once you murder someone all the other crimes seem benal.

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Did you know that we have mRNA in every cell of our body, naturally?

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Yes. It's very short lived. Once the message has been delivered the mRNA is destroyed by the bodies immune system.

It's very different from what they have people in the BIOWEAPON they disguised as a vaccine.

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Did extermination camps during the second W.W have a VEARS reporting program .?

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It takes character and professionalism to admit that you were wrong about something this big. It will not happen! And the physicians that start understanding the disaster they brought upon their patients continue to remain quiet in the hope that people will forget about it. But, we must not forget... ever!

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I visited my medical GP looking for a referral to a specialist. In the discussion we had regarding my situation I happened to ask him about his Covid policy, especially as related to vaccination with the mRNA vaccines. He flew into a rage, told me ivermectin and HCQ were dangerous, worthless, and deadly. He praised Remdesivir to the heavens, it was mana from heaven. I wish I had this blowup on tape, it was really the quintessential expression of a toad who knew little about the Covid scene and was willing to accept a "vaccine" that had been scarcely "tested" for adverse event possibilities.

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Witch Dr. Mengele has a huge offspring .

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I have been fighting this battle for transformation in medicine a long time. I have been practicing medicine for over 37 years. I was one of those DES babies. They used DES for forty years knowing it’s Carcinogenic. Many are calling the Covid V the new DES. John Hopkins several years ago reported that the medical system is the third leading cause of death. Now it has just progressed to a sicker system. Self care is the New health care system. Doctors are indoctrinated the to use a drug or surgery or both. Doctors must educate themselves on a Preemptive, Preventive,Proactive and Personalized approach to their patients. All of my patients report to me that what they eat doesn’t matter. Not to mention the disregard for all the other lifestyle interventions that matter. During Covid our huge clinic didn’t have deaths or hospitalizations. We educated our Pts on how to care for themselves and their families. We were never closed and continued to see patients in person. We all need to wake up and realize that our medical system is beyond broken except for our Emergency Rooms.

We need to collaborate and cooperate as a loving and caring community to

Help each other be the best version of ourselves.

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The entire hydra-headed medical complex needs to be fully exposed, attacked and its evil heads cut off like some mythological story that has come to life. Instead of health and healing, it has become a promoter of profits over life, and a promoter of death itself in contradiction to its mission. Thank you for what Wellness Company is doing to provide better options.

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By making new systems that the hydra has no control over.

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Doctors who lost their licence ,by being ethical during the medical crime spree should be the ones running the new system ,they are the only ones I trust .

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By whom?

The cull will take most of them. We should be making lists.

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CG: By whom?

By people who read this and other substacks, by men and women like RFK running for office writing and exposing and talking to family members and friends...Those willing to look like fools and not worrying about it--which is not easy or fun to do. I really dont see any kind of hollywood type of V happening because these people who began this doomsday weapon are very well protected by a global interlocked apparatus--think of the old picture of the Wild West of wagon trains facing off in a large circle against attacking native Indians--except now its not one ring but multiple circles of rings with snipers mounted on top of the wagons. Whistleblowers need to mercifully come forward while there is still time.

The Cull:

many of the TPTB figured out ways to avoid the shot--this has come out that the large numbers of staff within pharma companies did not take it once the truth started coming out. Likely same for most of high profile political leaders. I do find it interesting that many powerful entertainment and athletic boostful voices that pushed the c-vaxx agenda are falling by death--they were indeed useful idiots and pawns, but expendable nevertheless.

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Question on the emergency kit - most medical products and all pharmaceutical products have expiration dates. When these kits are delivered what could buyers expect regarding the packaged pharmaceutical products? At least a two years in the future?

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The injected pharma venom inside the bodies of the injected never expires ,it keeps doing it's deadly job ...Perhaps ten years from now we will see the real result of the death program ,that is still going on .Daily at the start of the news ,there is a injection performance of a victim ,with a message ,it will make you healthy and save your life ,so come and get it .Where I live masking is practiced by about 30% of fools and of course masking and injections and boosters go hand in hand .These crimes are promoted by governments and big big pharma ,our enemies .

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The comments I've read are as always smart and articulate, but I take a slight exception to those who don't like the use of the word "broken"; trust me, I've been losing my mind over the Covid lies from the beginning and I thank God my daughters avoided their respective colleges' mandates and not jab, but my wife and 100% of my friends jabbed and boosted and asked me, or told me, to shut up, and stop calling Covid a "plandemic" (including Spell Check just now, haha). Many of them will never admit they've been fooled into being blind sheep and useful idiots, but a few will see the light, then maybe a few more, until hopefully there's a groundswell... but I suspect calling it "purposeful malfeasance" will slow those conversion numbers, because even I still think "follow the money", despite the frantic little voice in my head telling me this is just wishful thinking... cuz there are too many signs that sociopaths are behind the wheel, but my sheepish little friends will NEVER believe their sweet little government isn't also the Tooth Fairy.

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Good for you. You are the hero they are looking for right in front of their faces, They are hearing it aside from you but they don’t yet have the courage to stand up let alone stand alone like yourself.

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Thank you for getting the word out!

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There is a large number of people ,maybe the majority ,that can not be convinced ,that snot pouch wearing and pharma injections are harmful and deadly .Unfortunately one of the injection cult members is my own wife ,regardless I almost begged her on my knees not to do it .It may take God himself to appear in the sky and tell the fools not to be fools .I wonder if that would work ??

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VAERS has always been broken

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I like the concept of the Wellness Company. Too bad doctors are not available.

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Never ever enter a hospital if you have respiratory issues ,it may be the last trip you ever make .

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It might also be worthwhile in mentioning that most HMO’s offer physicians bonuses if they inoculate a certain number of people. It’s usually on a tiered basis. 300 patients you get “ X “ percent ... 500 patients and additional “ X” percent ... etc.

The Health Insurers got even more deviant by tying those bonuses to the number of young kids the physician would inoculate.

Talk about COERCION! Something that is EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN under the Nuremberg Code. Those individuals and groups in violation can be tried at the ICC in The Hague to the full extent of international law.

Companies that provide solutions to the health disaster created by Pharma and HMO’s will be undoubtedly rewarded and recognized. Well they at least should be ! 😊

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Intentionally ‘broken’ sir.

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This wouldn’t happen if media weren’t pathetic.



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"search of a new doctor who has demonstrated greater discernment." True. But not covid era virtual. We need a parallel medical community. How about some help there? So we can meet face to face with a trusted physician & medical community that would not act mindlessly in compliance to the medical/pharmaceutical industrial complex. But treat and help patients on an individual and natural remedy way.

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I agree that we need a parallel, far superior medical community, and virtual care is a stopgap at best. Here’s the rub: try to find even a dozen folks willing to pay out of pocket for their medical care.

Not only are most people “addicted” to their pharmaceuticals, but also to their health insurance. Most people do not and/or cannot budget for that kind of expense.

Direct care MDs like Drs. McCullough, Kory and others don’t accept insurance, which is why they’re able to operate independent of the medical industrial complex.

IMO, getting people away from their health insurance plans is a pipe dream. My guess is that even people who can afford both health insurance (for so-called “catastrophic” coverage) and a direct care arrangement are probably going to be reluctant to pay out of pocket for the latter.

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Totally agree. But then there are people like me that won't go see any of these doctors; which isn't good either. It would have to develop across the board, doctors, specialists, hospitals, insurance companies. Pipe dream? Probably. But it has to start somewhere, and Dr. McCullough and others have started. I think we need to have a goal to expand to a true parallel medical society across the board.

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Good points, and I’ll add that the set up to eventual Socialized mandatory Medicaid for all was government infused money into medicine that graduated prices upward rather than down as projected. They knew this and have spent six trillion to implement it. When the money dries up the rationing begins. Other people spending other people’s money. Neither quality nor cost matter.

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The medical board dictators are the problem .They control the doctors with their licences monopolies .In turn the licencing boards are owned and operated by big big pharma and their stolen money payout to them .

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All by design.

The real dying-time is soon at hand.

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The problems with VAERS have been known for years. The under-reporting factor estimate range from 1%-3%. The largest problem isn't the quality of the signal. The problem is that the health agencies saw an immense increase in the danger signals and at best ignored the fact that the problem was potentially 30-100 times worse than the data that was coming into the system. Even worse, they actively suppressed data, lied about the data and slandered their own program to cover up the disaster.

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I believe there is research or doctoral paper done at Harvard in 2017 that is based on VAERS and the under reporting in the system compared to actual and more accurately acquired data from other sources. The overall factor that was stated for under reporting was close to 40 times! Further research in regards to the paper have come out with numbers for serious adverse events at 7 to 8 times. That’s still a large factor. So take the nearly 35,000 deaths attributed by the vaccines reported by VAERS and multiply that by 7 or 8 ..... anywhere from 245,000 to 280,000 deaths. Ed Dowd the former VP of Blackrock using his extensive resources came out to something slightly over 300,000 ; approx 330,000 is what he published.

The lesser categories of “ doctors visit required “ or “ temporary hospitalization “ or “injury resulting in temporary cessation of employment “ would have higher factors associated.

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I love the publicity for the emergency kit on Wellness. Thank God you offer such help. But then again Canadians like me are left to bite the dust. Oh well.

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