You can have 10,000 studies on how bad the MRNA vaccines are and still you have 60% of the population in blue states like mine that won't believe it !!!!
These 300-10,000 scientific paper tells me by number and by content/vocabulary used, that they are
Please support your AI generated and AI peer reviewed claim with specific details of say maybe 5 papers from the 300-10,000 scientific papers claim you have made
Too often we see broad sweeping baseless yet emotive claims from
-Vaccine Stake Holders
-Legacy Media
-Politicians attempting to defend their indefensible actions
-Even Doctors who are desperately hoping they have not given or encouraged others to give a harmful Genetic substance to their patients.
These same doctors having also gone along with the disastrous line of thinking that blanket Genetic mRNA "vaccines" across a population are a better approach to early treatment , risk stratifying and the obvious benefits of natural immunity among a healthy population.
Please demonstrate that you are not making broad sweeping baseless statements with a few examples that we can delve into.
Note, I have found that there are some devious papers out there meant to discredit critical bodies of work slipping themselves into libraries where they hope to be "discovered" and to discredit the important body of work that would otherwise lead to preventing large scale suffering and death.
Perhaps those caught in this practice ought to be held accountable at the level of mass murderers.
Thank you very much to your attention to my post. I can provide you with 2 articles on this topic.
This article, sheds a much-needed light about the topic of AI:
Puppeteers of perception: How artificial intelligence-AI systems are DESIGNED TO MISLEAD. Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons vol 29, number 3, Fall 2024, AAPS ON LINE.ORG
Thank you for pointing the way to what articles (that you are reading) which are influencing your thinking. When you are ready to support your claim with specific details of maybe 5 papers from the 300-10,000 scientific papers that you claim Dr McCullough and his 'collaborators' are relying on we can drill down into the validity of the claim.
As it stands , you have provided a challenge to Dr McCullough and his 'collaborators' alluding to unspecified articles that are AI generated and this must remain in the realms of an unsupported rumor; whether you have anything or nothing more to say.
And in the mean time you can review a somewhat dated CV of Dr McCullough through this link and decide who might be a better judge of Peer Reviewed Articles:
McCullough is an appeal to false authority fallacy. Credentials are irrelevant when the claims are false. The mRNA vaccine is reducing severity of disease and transmission.
hahahaha! Wow, that is the most absurd and completely false statement I've heard in a long time! There are now several studies that conclude that the covid injections INCREASE severity of covid if you get covd after getting the jabs AND they also INCREASE the liklihood that you will get covid. The more covid shots you've had, the more likely that you'll get covid. The jabs have NEGATIVE efficacy. That's because the covid injections wreck your immune system.
Add to that the fact that the jabs have caused at least 20 million deaths globally and you're statement is, as I said, completely absurd. It would also be hilariously funny if it weren't for the fact that the jabs are responsible for one of the largest mass murders in history.
Hate to say it, but seems like a glaring red flag. I can see not slamming it during the campaign, for political reasons. But he was still telling his SUPPORTERS they should get the jab in 2024. Why? It was clearly all risk, no reward for anyone not old or frail from the beginning, turns out it was net negative for all demographics. He's privy to everything we know. I'm ecstatic he won. But I don't have the level of optimism many have, for this and a few other reasons.
Sure. But remember Fauci's 180s on masks and several other issues in early 2020? He didn't decide to flip positions on his own. He got marching orders and followed them. The source(s) of those orders is who should pay, even more than Fauci, Birx, Biden, and other public faces of the agenda.
Officially, according to Operation Warp Speed, Fauci got his orders from Secretary Azar of Health And Human Services, but initially he got them from POTUS Donald J. Trump, through Mike Pence, when Trump declared a national health emergency on March 13, 2020 and then amplified that authority by ordering OWS on May 15, 2020. I fail to understand why the GOP and the Dems, along with the media avoid this fact. DJT tells us he "saved millions of lives" by doing so.. POTUS 45 owns the Pandemic response! Fauci was given wide discretion by none other than POTUS 45! was known from the very beginning...these mRNA injections would maim and kill widely.
The makers knew it and the scientists knew it. Robert Malone knew it and so did Sucharit Bhakdi and Dolores Cahill in Ireland....and so did Heiko Schoning in Germany. They knew it and they held rallies and talks to inform. No one listened. We were gaslit and we were poisoned. It was part of the "depopulation agenda" pushed for in the name of THE GREAT RESET....
Do not advocate violence or destruction. Only withhold all commerce from the criminal companies that KNEW in advance they would be harming and/or killing millions of human beings. This is the worst crime in recorded history bar none.
THEY KNEW and they did it anyway....see Dr. Mike Yeadon's substack
The evidence was there from the beginning to anyone with an ounce of self-efficacy, research, and thinking ability. Luc Montagnier, Yeadon, McCullough, Simone Gold, Bridle among others were on it day one. Not to mention the human rights, experimentation on human subjects violations.
When you realize they knew from 20-plus years of Animal Trials that the mRNA platform repeatedly failed, as it caused all the vaccinated animals to die of "Antibody Dependent Enhancement" (aka, Immune Erosion) when reexposed to the virus, you realize they KNEW this one vaccine program would kill billions worldwide. They really do not care, obviously.
They did a world wide military-grade, fear-driven, high-pressure marketing campaign, including the WHO, all government healthcare agencies, most military, most doctors, nurses, pharmacists, MSM (mainstream media), and social media. I could not even get my closest relatives to read articles, papers, or to even discuss alternate preventative or treatment programs with me.
Even now, many relatives are still telling me to mind my own business, instead of asking for the names of doctors and their possible treatments to mitigate the obvious damage being done by these shots.
Dr. Luc Montagnier called these shots "poisons" and talked about his 21 patients who died of a fast-progressing Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease within five months of their 2nd COVID shot (one took Moderna, all others took Pfizer). He also reported recognizing "a clockwork of HIV fragments" found in the virus and the vaccines.
Dr. Andreas Noack put a video online talking about the Graphene Hydroxide in the shots, and how this would shred the blood vessels at the capillary level. He was murdered in police custody.
German doctors posted videos of the Rouleau Effect caused by the COVID shots, where the Graphene Oxide would permanently turn the normally negatively charged blood into positively charged, causing it to create clots, which would lead to heart attacks and strokes.
S. African doctors discussed videos of the blood of deceased unvaccinated children whose COVID-vaccinated parents had "shed" Graphene Oxide to them, and caused the children to get blood clots and die. Watch the last video in the following link:
This has to be an intentionally created world-wide disaster, and possibly life-ending for many species on our planet, if indeed the "shedding" continues, as Dr. Ana Mihalcea (Substack) has shown serious health issues in the blood of the vaccined, unvaccinated, pets and even wildlife. She also has posts on having success with EDTA chelation to remove the platform being built in the blood of the vaccinated.
Yet, mainstream media, government health officials, and all but a few doctors refuse to even discuss it, never mind stop the shots. These officials HAD to have known this, if normal people can access this information online - these health officials have advanced degrees, uneneding resources, and computers with a capability far beyond my refurbished laptop, and I figured it out through my own research.
The dramatic IQ lowering from the neurological damage from the shots (or long-COVID) prevents the vaccinated from understanding the implications of their vaccination status.
Interesting that Fauci's team talked in their backchannel emails about the virus . Comments included
- Appeared to have been engineered
-Not consistent with evolutionary theory
-Furin Cleavage site optimally located for human transmission
At the same time Fauci and others were dismissing the Wuhan lab as the soruce.
Folks should also be familiar with Dr Charles Lieber ..... ??????? Lieber was the Chair of Harvard University's Biology Department - He also had a side gig as an enrolled participant in China's Thousand Talents Program.
In exchange for a written pledge to secretly work for the best interests of China , be present in the Wuhan lab for a significant portion of the year he received close to $1 MILLION per year from the Chinese Communist government. This was shortly before COVID appeared .
Perhaps to try to tamp down the story the Failure to Register as a Foreign Agent and the failure to report millions in income he was sentenced around 15 weeks of home confinement in his comfortable Cambridge Mass home.
There is a professor from the university of Almeira, Professor Dr. Pablo Campra. He studied the vaccines for the presence of graphene oxide using Micro-Raman Spectroscopy. It is the study of frequencies.
There are frequency bands. Two of those bands are important. They show that it is not graphene oxide, but rather graphene hydroxide.
I would like to explain what this graphene hydroxide is. It is mono-layer activated carbon. There are C6 rings. He found it in all samples. Every corner is a carbon atom.
This is on a nanoscale. I'll cut this up a bit here. [illustrating on a board] If it is 50 nm long, there are 500 rings in a row. These are hydroxy groups (OH)
In graphene oxide you have double bonded oxygen, and in graphene hydroxide you have an OH group. The electrons are delocalized (fully mobile) The piece is 50 nm long, but only 0.1 nm thick.
These C6 structures are extremely stable. You can make braking pads out of this. It is not biologically decomposable. These nanoscale structures can best be described as razor blades.
These razor blades are injected into the body. Nano-scale, tiny razor blades. Only one atom layer thick. Relatively wide and high. They are razors, biologically not decomposable.
The OH (hydroxy) groups can split off a proton. When the proton is split off, they gain a negative charge spread out over the whole system. It is basically an acid.
It suspends well in water because of the negative charge. So these razor blades are spread homogeneously in the liquid.
This is basically russian roulette. You can see it very clearly in this woman. [pointing to an image onscreen in the video] It cuts the blood vessels.
The blood vessels have epithel cells as their inner lining. The epithel is extremely smooth, like a mirror. And it is cut up by these razor blades. That is what's so dangerous. If you inject the vaccine into a vein, the razors will circulate in the blood and cut up the epithel.
The mean thing is that toxicological tests are done in Petri dishes. And there you will not find anything.
These are the sharpest imaginable structures because they are only one atom layer thick. This is a huge molecule which is extremely sharp.
So my question is this: Which caused the severe damage and people falling down dead after their "jabs"...mRNA technology or was it the graphene hydroxide...or BOTH???
ok assuming that this was the state of the art of the description of the graphene present in vaccines, at least these graphene razors do not reproduce and even if they were a significant percentage by weight of the vaccine liquid and were billions, at the dimensions of 0.1 nmx 100nm everything that surrounds them immediately after the injection would still be a three-dimensional labyrinth of full and empty spaces that would act as a filter in which they would get stuck perhaps a few mm from the injection, if it were if it were active like an acid it would immediately be covered by biological substances activated by the immune system, if it were passive and stable it would still get stuck. In short, the main problem with the vaccine does not seem to me to be graphene, in fact this seems to me to be a very overvalued problem even if the purpose of having put it there is not clear. (Luckily we are not evaluating the hypothesis of microchips installed on top...).
(The Exposé)—The Pandermrix influenza vaccine was associated with a 1,400% increase in narcolepsy risk and was eventually pulled from the market due to its link with narcolepsy and cataplexy.
Has something slipped past the gate with this second claim:
"2) “Vaccine” mRNA and the spike protein antigen persist in the tissues of human vaccine recipients and animal test subjects far longer than claimed by public health officials, while viral spike proteins have been shown to persist even longer."
Specifically is the author suggesting there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that viral spike proteins (ie spike proteins contracted via a viral infection) "persist longer" than "Vaccine" mRNA generated spike proteins ?
This sounds unlikely though I am open to reviewing the growing library of peer reviewed study that suggest spike proteins from a viral infection last longer in some kind of context of course; for example
The ratio of natural infections that result in Viremia (ie a systemic spread of the virus and its spike protein) versus the ratio of mRNA injected that have a Systemic production of Spike Protein
Thanks for calling them out Nicholas...the naysayers are too lazy to read the evidence...that is why they are still so dull in the head. Thanks for doing the work.
You can have 10,000 studies on how bad the MRNA vaccines are and still you have 60% of the population in blue states like mine that won't believe it !!!!
Do we have the isolation and purification of this new bird flu?
Avian flu virus H5N1: No proof for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-“H5N1” causation omitted
More fakery from the wizards
Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Says They ‘Copied & Pasted’ the Spike Sequence From the Chinese Government
Do we have the isolation and purification documents of Covid 19 it appears it never existed?
FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever
They knew contagion didn't exist after the 1923 Lancaster Study, but they continued to push the fear narrative to keep a control on humanity.
These 300-10,000 scientific paper tells me by number and by content/vocabulary used, that they are
Please support your AI generated and AI peer reviewed claim with specific details of say maybe 5 papers from the 300-10,000 scientific papers claim you have made
Too often we see broad sweeping baseless yet emotive claims from
-Vaccine Stake Holders
-Legacy Media
-Politicians attempting to defend their indefensible actions
-Even Doctors who are desperately hoping they have not given or encouraged others to give a harmful Genetic substance to their patients.
These same doctors having also gone along with the disastrous line of thinking that blanket Genetic mRNA "vaccines" across a population are a better approach to early treatment , risk stratifying and the obvious benefits of natural immunity among a healthy population.
Please demonstrate that you are not making broad sweeping baseless statements with a few examples that we can delve into.
Note, I have found that there are some devious papers out there meant to discredit critical bodies of work slipping themselves into libraries where they hope to be "discovered" and to discredit the important body of work that would otherwise lead to preventing large scale suffering and death.
Perhaps those caught in this practice ought to be held accountable at the level of mass murderers.
Thank you very much to your attention to my post. I can provide you with 2 articles on this topic.
This article, sheds a much-needed light about the topic of AI:
Puppeteers of perception: How artificial intelligence-AI systems are DESIGNED TO MISLEAD. Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons vol 29, number 3, Fall 2024, AAPS ON LINE.ORG
This is an enlightening article: ‘Trust the science’? How the influence of MONEY and AI has killed scientific integrity, Published 7/3/2024 in life site (
I hope that his information will be helpful. I have nothing more to say. Regards
Thank you for pointing the way to what articles (that you are reading) which are influencing your thinking. When you are ready to support your claim with specific details of maybe 5 papers from the 300-10,000 scientific papers that you claim Dr McCullough and his 'collaborators' are relying on we can drill down into the validity of the claim.
As it stands , you have provided a challenge to Dr McCullough and his 'collaborators' alluding to unspecified articles that are AI generated and this must remain in the realms of an unsupported rumor; whether you have anything or nothing more to say.
And in the mean time you can review a somewhat dated CV of Dr McCullough through this link and decide who might be a better judge of Peer Reviewed Articles:
McCullough is an appeal to false authority fallacy. Credentials are irrelevant when the claims are false. The mRNA vaccine is reducing severity of disease and transmission.
hahahaha! Wow, that is the most absurd and completely false statement I've heard in a long time! There are now several studies that conclude that the covid injections INCREASE severity of covid if you get covd after getting the jabs AND they also INCREASE the liklihood that you will get covid. The more covid shots you've had, the more likely that you'll get covid. The jabs have NEGATIVE efficacy. That's because the covid injections wreck your immune system.
Add to that the fact that the jabs have caused at least 20 million deaths globally and you're statement is, as I said, completely absurd. It would also be hilariously funny if it weren't for the fact that the jabs are responsible for one of the largest mass murders in history.
I wish #DJT would renounce Operation Warp Speed.
Hate to say it, but seems like a glaring red flag. I can see not slamming it during the campaign, for political reasons. But he was still telling his SUPPORTERS they should get the jab in 2024. Why? It was clearly all risk, no reward for anyone not old or frail from the beginning, turns out it was net negative for all demographics. He's privy to everything we know. I'm ecstatic he won. But I don't have the level of optimism many have, for this and a few other reasons.
I would be happy with Fauci swinging from the gallows (after a fair trial and appeals) .
More attention needs to be put on the flow of cash from the drug companies to the Fauci Mob.
Sure. But remember Fauci's 180s on masks and several other issues in early 2020? He didn't decide to flip positions on his own. He got marching orders and followed them. The source(s) of those orders is who should pay, even more than Fauci, Birx, Biden, and other public faces of the agenda.
Officially, according to Operation Warp Speed, Fauci got his orders from Secretary Azar of Health And Human Services, but initially he got them from POTUS Donald J. Trump, through Mike Pence, when Trump declared a national health emergency on March 13, 2020 and then amplified that authority by ordering OWS on May 15, 2020. I fail to understand why the GOP and the Dems, along with the media avoid this fact. DJT tells us he "saved millions of lives" by doing so.. POTUS 45 owns the Pandemic response! Fauci was given wide discretion by none other than POTUS 45!
If wishes were one would walk.
Look at the facts...OPERATION-WARP-SPEED MAN is not
going to "renounce"...anything.
We are a nation of nitwits.
We elected the man we deserve.
He may now claim he was "misinformed" by his house 'experts'....
believe what you want to.
I don't the lying scumbags. Not for one second.
And I do not think he was "almost murdered".
A scam.
ALL OF IT. When will the little bulb in your mind turn on?
Dr. Mike Yeadon--"The materials sold as 'vaccines' were made to harm and kill you..."
He has some suggestions on what we can do to fight the global crime which is on-going
Operation Warp Speed stopped permanent lockdowns and continued death jabs?
Quick survey who thinks there on track or did Trump and team stop the permanent lockdowns and continued vaccines?
WW3 planned and currently in the midst of activation will it succeed? was known from the very beginning...these mRNA injections would maim and kill widely.
The makers knew it and the scientists knew it. Robert Malone knew it and so did Sucharit Bhakdi and Dolores Cahill in Ireland....and so did Heiko Schoning in Germany. They knew it and they held rallies and talks to inform. No one listened. We were gaslit and we were poisoned. It was part of the "depopulation agenda" pushed for in the name of THE GREAT RESET....
listen to the "lady" genocidist talk....
She needs to swing.....
The evidence could fill ten semi trailers. And yet they're still pushing the jabs
Yuppo...."they" want us dead.
pharma! stop distributing this poison or we will destroy your business . . . no if and or buts . . . capichè . . . . 30é days on the tic toc.
And this, we must
Do not advocate violence or destruction. Only withhold all commerce from the criminal companies that KNEW in advance they would be harming and/or killing millions of human beings. This is the worst crime in recorded history bar none.
THEY KNEW and they did it anyway....see Dr. Mike Yeadon's substack
"Sad Little Man" by Five Times August (Official Music Video)
I was never fooled....I believed none of these lies.
The evidence was there from the beginning to anyone with an ounce of self-efficacy, research, and thinking ability. Luc Montagnier, Yeadon, McCullough, Simone Gold, Bridle among others were on it day one. Not to mention the human rights, experimentation on human subjects violations.
Here's the link to the song.
Mike Yeadon's SILVER BULLET...
Heads MUST roll
When you realize they knew from 20-plus years of Animal Trials that the mRNA platform repeatedly failed, as it caused all the vaccinated animals to die of "Antibody Dependent Enhancement" (aka, Immune Erosion) when reexposed to the virus, you realize they KNEW this one vaccine program would kill billions worldwide. They really do not care, obviously.
They did a world wide military-grade, fear-driven, high-pressure marketing campaign, including the WHO, all government healthcare agencies, most military, most doctors, nurses, pharmacists, MSM (mainstream media), and social media. I could not even get my closest relatives to read articles, papers, or to even discuss alternate preventative or treatment programs with me.
Even now, many relatives are still telling me to mind my own business, instead of asking for the names of doctors and their possible treatments to mitigate the obvious damage being done by these shots.
Dr. Luc Montagnier called these shots "poisons" and talked about his 21 patients who died of a fast-progressing Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease within five months of their 2nd COVID shot (one took Moderna, all others took Pfizer). He also reported recognizing "a clockwork of HIV fragments" found in the virus and the vaccines.
Dr. Andreas Noack put a video online talking about the Graphene Hydroxide in the shots, and how this would shred the blood vessels at the capillary level. He was murdered in police custody.
German doctors posted videos of the Rouleau Effect caused by the COVID shots, where the Graphene Oxide would permanently turn the normally negatively charged blood into positively charged, causing it to create clots, which would lead to heart attacks and strokes.
S. African doctors discussed videos of the blood of deceased unvaccinated children whose COVID-vaccinated parents had "shed" Graphene Oxide to them, and caused the children to get blood clots and die. Watch the last video in the following link:
This has to be an intentionally created world-wide disaster, and possibly life-ending for many species on our planet, if indeed the "shedding" continues, as Dr. Ana Mihalcea (Substack) has shown serious health issues in the blood of the vaccined, unvaccinated, pets and even wildlife. She also has posts on having success with EDTA chelation to remove the platform being built in the blood of the vaccinated.
Yet, mainstream media, government health officials, and all but a few doctors refuse to even discuss it, never mind stop the shots. These officials HAD to have known this, if normal people can access this information online - these health officials have advanced degrees, uneneding resources, and computers with a capability far beyond my refurbished laptop, and I figured it out through my own research.
The dramatic IQ lowering from the neurological damage from the shots (or long-COVID) prevents the vaccinated from understanding the implications of their vaccination status.
Truly frightening...
Quick survey who thinks there on track or did Trump and team stop the permanent lockdowns and continued vaccines?
WW3 planned and currently in the midst of activation will it succeed?
They knew this vax is a killer and they approved it anyway... Heads MUST roll
Interesting that Fauci's team talked in their backchannel emails about the virus . Comments included
- Appeared to have been engineered
-Not consistent with evolutionary theory
-Furin Cleavage site optimally located for human transmission
At the same time Fauci and others were dismissing the Wuhan lab as the soruce.
Folks should also be familiar with Dr Charles Lieber ..... ??????? Lieber was the Chair of Harvard University's Biology Department - He also had a side gig as an enrolled participant in China's Thousand Talents Program.
In exchange for a written pledge to secretly work for the best interests of China , be present in the Wuhan lab for a significant portion of the year he received close to $1 MILLION per year from the Chinese Communist government. This was shortly before COVID appeared .
Perhaps to try to tamp down the story the Failure to Register as a Foreign Agent and the failure to report millions in income he was sentenced around 15 weeks of home confinement in his comfortable Cambridge Mass home.
we are counting on you guys to out smart this evil, innovate a way to offset the damage and restore health to the masses of victims.
Former VP of Pfizer tells it like it is....
Today is Silver Bullet Day
One clear projectile at the heart of the WerEwolF. Please flood.
NOV 25, 2024
Don't miss this fabulous post by Dr. Mike Yeadon..former vp in R&D in
the worlds most criminal company--
Talk by Dr. Andreas Noack
There is a professor from the university of Almeira, Professor Dr. Pablo Campra. He studied the vaccines for the presence of graphene oxide using Micro-Raman Spectroscopy. It is the study of frequencies.
There are frequency bands. Two of those bands are important. They show that it is not graphene oxide, but rather graphene hydroxide.
I would like to explain what this graphene hydroxide is. It is mono-layer activated carbon. There are C6 rings. He found it in all samples. Every corner is a carbon atom.
This is on a nanoscale. I'll cut this up a bit here. [illustrating on a board] If it is 50 nm long, there are 500 rings in a row. These are hydroxy groups (OH)
In graphene oxide you have double bonded oxygen, and in graphene hydroxide you have an OH group. The electrons are delocalized (fully mobile) The piece is 50 nm long, but only 0.1 nm thick.
These C6 structures are extremely stable. You can make braking pads out of this. It is not biologically decomposable. These nanoscale structures can best be described as razor blades.
These razor blades are injected into the body. Nano-scale, tiny razor blades. Only one atom layer thick. Relatively wide and high. They are razors, biologically not decomposable.
The OH (hydroxy) groups can split off a proton. When the proton is split off, they gain a negative charge spread out over the whole system. It is basically an acid.
It suspends well in water because of the negative charge. So these razor blades are spread homogeneously in the liquid.
This is basically russian roulette. You can see it very clearly in this woman. [pointing to an image onscreen in the video] It cuts the blood vessels.
The blood vessels have epithel cells as their inner lining. The epithel is extremely smooth, like a mirror. And it is cut up by these razor blades. That is what's so dangerous. If you inject the vaccine into a vein, the razors will circulate in the blood and cut up the epithel.
The mean thing is that toxicological tests are done in Petri dishes. And there you will not find anything.
These are the sharpest imaginable structures because they are only one atom layer thick. This is a huge molecule which is extremely sharp.
So my question is this: Which caused the severe damage and people falling down dead after their "jabs"...mRNA technology or was it the graphene hydroxide...or BOTH???
ok assuming that this was the state of the art of the description of the graphene present in vaccines, at least these graphene razors do not reproduce and even if they were a significant percentage by weight of the vaccine liquid and were billions, at the dimensions of 0.1 nmx 100nm everything that surrounds them immediately after the injection would still be a three-dimensional labyrinth of full and empty spaces that would act as a filter in which they would get stuck perhaps a few mm from the injection, if it were if it were active like an acid it would immediately be covered by biological substances activated by the immune system, if it were passive and stable it would still get stuck. In short, the main problem with the vaccine does not seem to me to be graphene, in fact this seems to me to be a very overvalued problem even if the purpose of having put it there is not clear. (Luckily we are not evaluating the hypothesis of microchips installed on top...).
and yet the sleepwalkers still talk about "no evidence" of adverse outcomes :/
You ARE the heros in all of this
Thank you. Thank you, for your tireless persistence.
Flu "Vaccines" Are Neither Safe nor Effective
(The Exposé)—The Pandermrix influenza vaccine was associated with a 1,400% increase in narcolepsy risk and was eventually pulled from the market due to its link with narcolepsy and cataplexy.
Has something slipped past the gate with this second claim:
"2) “Vaccine” mRNA and the spike protein antigen persist in the tissues of human vaccine recipients and animal test subjects far longer than claimed by public health officials, while viral spike proteins have been shown to persist even longer."
Specifically is the author suggesting there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that viral spike proteins (ie spike proteins contracted via a viral infection) "persist longer" than "Vaccine" mRNA generated spike proteins ?
This sounds unlikely though I am open to reviewing the growing library of peer reviewed study that suggest spike proteins from a viral infection last longer in some kind of context of course; for example
The ratio of natural infections that result in Viremia (ie a systemic spread of the virus and its spike protein) versus the ratio of mRNA injected that have a Systemic production of Spike Protein
Thanks for calling them out Nicholas...the naysayers are too lazy to read the evidence...that is why they are still so dull in the head. Thanks for doing the work.