The west only believes in war and being a bully. Many , many times president Putin has offered to talk peace but is rejected.

The united states started that war in 2014 by initiating a CIA overthrow of the government at that time. We lied to putin for decades because the agreement was that nato would not move any closer to russia. That agreement.

Was made decades ago. But since then, we've inched closer and closer. Until finally NATO would be right on the border with Russia. And that would be in Ukraine. And that's an existential. threat to russia. It will probably be over pretty soon because russia is on the verge of winning this war and there is no way they can be defeated. And so somewhere around half a million ukrainian soldiers are dead. All thanks to the good old usa. Kind of makes me ill.

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NATO is now next door to Russia, after promising never to expand eastward after the fall of the Berlin wall. But we are told Russia is the "aggressor".

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Nato is and always has been a defensive pact. Hello! Rusona has mass murdered their way though Crimea, Chechnya. Georgia, now Ukaine. They are the aggressors. Get your facts straight. Nato has not taken over by force one nation.

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You mean the same NATO-member countries that helped the US wreck Iraq (based on a lie of weapons of mass destruction), killing a million Iraqi people, in order to spread "freedom and democracy" and then destabilizing Yemen, Syria, Libya, among others, for what, arms sales and oil resources?

US/Nato could have prevented the Ukraine war by not messing with Ukraine affairs (coup of an elected leader, shelling of Russians in Crimea, trying to bring Ukraine into Nato) and are actively preventing any kind of peace in the current Ukraine conflict. Generations of Ukrainians have died in a senseless war, cheerled and funded by the West, for what end? Ukraine is an existential security matter for Russia, and Russia is not losing this war, get a clue.

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The US did more than engineer the 2014 coup-- it also funded the Nazi brigades that were torturing and murdering the Russian population. Further, the US continued to move NATO closer to Russian borders, perceived as a direct threat, and intimated the Ukraine be accepted into NATO, another level seen as a direct threat by Russia. Added to this, the Russian States in Ukraine had been beseeching Russia to allow them to become part of Russia with protection of the people. So couple of levels of political activity that resulted in the Russian attack, essentially a reaction to threats made to them by Western parties.

Let's also not ignore the fact the the US has been itching to find ways to attack and destroy Russia, a massive source of natural resources as well as connected to China, another point of US aggression economically as well as militarily.

US policy has been hegemonic and imperialistic for well over 100 yrs. It does not matter who sits in the White House and if Trump the policy will be no different.

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With Trump, the policy WAS different.

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Trump. is owned by the zionist lobby. He is a puppet for money.

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Supporting facts not in evidence = fzz as ct free opinion = projection: epic fail.

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It goes on and on Volumescouldbewritten. .

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And so there are. But some facts are verifiable and not opinion.

The Zionist lobby is not just Israeli remember. Most Zionists in the US are from the Christian Right! AIPAC has a lot of influence with its money but they are not the only corporatist interests that lobby/fund the Duopoly investing in both sides simultaneously. Let's try not to promote emotional prejudice and try to find the facts. And Trump has always talked about the public/private cooperation which is the core definition of Fascsim as per Mussolini, a totalitarian project which should frighten all of us.

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Perhaps this will be a future article for Mr. Leake?

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Ilan Pappe has a lot to say about AIPAC in his latest book.

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I pray that Victor Orban can work something out with Putin at least lay the groundwork until we have President Trump back in office.

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It would have been easier for the US, EU, and NATO to have responded to Russia's repeated and ignored diplomatic requests to arrive at a legally enforceable security agreement to preclude the need for Russia to instigate a military solution.

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Yep. Western arrogance.

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Orban doesn't seem to share it.

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The best endorsement of Orban came from my terminally TDS Uncle who called him a nut. Clearly Orban is on the right path.

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That word: nut...it seems to be a favorite word of their ilk. When you ask them to please explain why so-and-so is a nut...it's either crickets or more of the same blathering...never a clear example.

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I don't think Putin believed NATO/USA would get so involved in the Ukraine. He sees Ukrainians as historical brothers and seemed to think he would give them a slap for misbehaving and that would be it - like an older brother reprimanding a younger sibling. If the American govt had any sense of history they would have known and understood this. The Ukraine was never an independent country, it was always part of Russia. It only became independent after the fall of the USSR - it's not a place with an independent history (part Russian, part Polish, part here and there). I'm not being rude here - the importance of the Ukraine to the whole story of Russia cannot be underestimated - but it really is not any of our business and the USA should not be involved at all.

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I’m inclined to suspect that the Soviet position was due in part to the knowledge that elements of the Anglo-American establishment were pro-Nazi, including the Crown. If so, the Anglo-American establishment and its allies seem to have circumvented the unconditional surrender of Nazi German via ratlines and PAPERCLIP, the creation of NATO, the CIA, …

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It seems that, somewhere behind the known countries, the Crown is often involved.

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City of London banksters, too 👍

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Quite so...>> The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=np_ylvc8Zj8

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Interesting perspective, much to think about, here. Thank you for sharing!

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5

My pleasure.

To further explore this line of inquiry, I highly recommend the work (articles, books, interviews, lectures, videos) of husband-and-wife duo Matt Ehret and Cynthia Chung.



A beautiful world awaits those who embark upon this journey

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Yes, so true. Do watch the documentary "My Enemy's Enemy" on the U.S. government's active use and protection of Gestapo commander Klaus Barbie, known as the Nazi war criminal "The Butcher of Lyon.

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Well full disclosure on your part would concede that the Soviets had their own ‘Operation Paperclip’ equivalent going that produced some of the talent for their space & nuclear weapons program. So don’t be Democrat disinformation spreader, please.

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While the Soviets certainly raced to get their share of Nazi/German scientists and engineers, I don’t recall them working with the Vatican to get them extricated.

There is also the London origin of Communism to contemplate: https://risingtidefoundation.net/2024/06/01/how-the-british-invented-communism-and-blamed-it-on-the-jews-rtf-lecture-with-richard-poe/?amp=1

As for being a “Democrat disinfo spreader,” ignoble slights do not merit a response.

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I am not old enough to know from first hand reports (which probably were as accurate as reports regarding JRB’s mental acuity from KJP), but I would not have expected the militantly atheistic Stalinist regime to be a welcome collaborator with the Vatican immediately following WWII, so I take little stock in the accuracy of what you or your source assert. But that is neither here nor there, the point being that both of the parties were scrambling as hard as they could to get nuclear weapons delivery systems (ICMBs) & the Soviets were hard after the knowledge and technology for the nuclear bomb that the US had. And neither side had any compunctions about using Nazis or former Nazis to accomplish their goals, so to cast aspersions on the US government for collaborating with the Nazis is absolutely disingenuous, which under Roosevelt was ideologically more attuned to the communists, as opposed to Churchill, who was Conservative (back when there were actual conservatives in the British politics.

I don’t hardly trust the Rising Tide foundation to be an and reliable source of information. Its name exudes progressive, if not leftist pretensions.

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Rising Tide is Renaissance in spirit. Plato, Schiller,

Confucius, Leibniz, Vattel, Grant, …

Confucius is carved in stone above entrance to the US Supreme Court, along with Moses and Solon.

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The only answer for continued genocide of the Ukrainian Male is money laundering. Secondary propping up of the US economy could be a side benefit, but the long term outlook is disaster for the West, so I and others are left to conclude that the last thing a fallen empire does is loot the treasury. A truce at this point will only shift focus to the problems at home.

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Mr. Leake,

I GREATLY appreciate the history lessons and insights you provide. SADLY I did not comprehend the IMPORTANCE of learning American and world history when I was in school. I homeschool our son and I am TRYING my best to help him understand the IMPORTANCE of both as we study history together year by year.

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Almost everything we've been taught about history, and which therefore shapes it world views today, is false.

In schools students get easily voted with history, but as I tell people, if true history were taught, them it would be fascinating.

It's not taught for a reason. I'll throw it a few things that I doubt that anyone has heard of much less knows much about, and even a question or two to ponder.

The USS Liberty

The Balfour declaration

Who was Edward Bernays

Building 7

The Lavon Affair

Who was behind the first modern Acts of terrorism in the Middle East?

Who owns the Federal Reserve?

Mere drops in the bucket, but anyone not fully understanding those things has a weak grasp of true history. Most people suffer from terminal cognitive dissonance to the extent that they simply cannot believe the truth.

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History is taught in the US in a ways that makes it not understandable, especially the importance of learning it. Further, people are conditioned to not even wanting to discuss history on any issue. Bring up history and people say 'let's not go there. let's just look at the present.' I have heard people in authority do that so not surprising that it is done on the bottom rungs of society; ie, people without real power.

Actually, the ignorance about real history and the core elements and motivators is why so many people like Trump who abhors anything academic. I hear his supporters all the time trash education and attack people who actually try to read and become educated on an issue. This is a direct attack on people 's ability to actually understand conditions and make realistic


However, if you now understand history's importance, let me say congratulations on your development. We learn when we learn and move forward from there.

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Tanya Marquette:

Born, raised and still live in what is most likely the reddest state in America PLUS have family and friends in purple and blue states. I personally know MANY Trump supporters. The MAJORITY are well educated, know American and world history well and continually strive to remain up-to-date on current events so I respectfully disagree with you on this: "...the ignorance about real history and the core elements and motivators is why so many people like Trump who abhors anything academic. I hear his supporters all the time trash education and attack people who actually try to read and become educated on an issue."

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I did not say every Trump supporter but many and I stick with that. I have read many Right wing people who clearly are intelligent and read and try to have respectful conversations with them. But what Trump preaches to his base is quite clear as he spews it out in public regularly. I get to hear the feed back from many of them in my community as well as online. I also have to question what many read as some of the arguments tend to promote a very strong bias/prejudice that is just not matched by reality.

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He criticized the indoctrination in education by the liberal, Marxist elite- not exactly an education in history or civics itself. Most of us have. Can read right through this.

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This is a lie. He has lambasted public education appointing a cabinet level education head whose job clearly was to destroy public education and institute private for profit systems. The lies were told to sell this idea about Marxist elites as people in this country have no understanding about other political or economic systems other than the propaganda we have been fed for over a century. I can assure my public education had nothing to do with Marxism much less liberalism. Of course if you want to attack history such as women's movement for the vote as liberal I have to ask if you want to give up your right to vote. Or perhaps you think the 8 hour work day is archaic and should be abandoned along with labor laws preventing child labor and 12-14 hour work days where workers get locked into factories that are dangerous and unhealthy? When I hear these kind of attacks on education, I know people are subject to a level of propaganda that they are not really thinking about.

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Typically you have included all manner of topics not related to the comment in general. Glad you are proud of your education- many are and many have reason to be- not true for all and many realize much needs to change in education from the early years onwards. By the way- I am not misled and certainly not a liar. Once again- I can see right through this.

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Tanya Marquette,

Here are some reasons why we support former President Trump:


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Holy Crapp. What an extensive list of facts. Thanks DofK.

My opinion: Tanya is reflecting what I too have seen. . . some folks are just rabid for Trump; as much as TDS has flipped the wigs of liberals this over the top attitude supporting Trump can do no wrong is the other side of the Normal curve. Polarized, both.

I believe there are huge fractions of people these days, on both liberal and conservative sides, without the ability to be objective because the do NOT read. Those who do are already ON Substack.

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To your last comment, Not really. Lots of people are not on substack who read a-plenty. It is a shame that professionals such as John L. And Peter M. Have not been more popularized on public radio or other sources of media. Maybe something to explore, how to bring these wonderful articles to more people. McCullough/Leake FM!

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yeah, also true.

my statement was not meant to be absolute. . .

"Many . . . of those who do are likely on substack." is more accurate.

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Tanya Marquette, LOVE this:

"We learn when we learn and move forward from there."

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John, there is a very simple answer to your query about why NATO refuses to negotiate with Russia: Washington's goal was always to goad Russia into a war & then militarily & economically destroy Russia so they could rape & pillage its vast natural resources, carry out regime change, & subjugate Russia to the American hegemon. The US is responsible for initiating World War III & bringing the world to the abyss of nuclear Armageddon. Unlike every other empire in human history, when the American Empire goes down, it will take the planet with it.

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hmmmm. You appear to be going wayyyyyy over the top here kiddo.

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The Global American Empire (GAE) would not permit a Ukraine peace deal with Russia for the simple reason that the War Machine had to replace funding lost from the Afghanistan withdrawal.

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Why isn’t anyone screaming

about the role of the media in

Pushing propaganda and lies regarding the war ?? The public is

not truly informed about the true

details since there is no longer a

Free Press or real reporters doing real news ??

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There seems to be 3 outcomes of War. 1) Unconditional Surrender, 2) Negotiated Peace, 3) Losing a War on Purpose (to maximize MIC profit) and then eventually escaping with your tail between your legs. America seems to excel at #3.

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A: MONEY for western elites!!!! The European and American PEOPLE are not the enemy of the Russian people!

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"I always cheer up immensely if one is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left." --Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on personal persecution

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I think it was Mrs. Thatcher, so maybe he quoted her.

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Sounds like Thatcher and you’re correct. Thanks!

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“Why didn’t the Western powers at least give this a try in early 2022?”

The answer is obvious: with Afghanistan over, what was there to prop up quarterly earnings? Peace is a losing proposition for the death-and-destruction industry.

How childish to believe that wars stem from “geopolitics”. They stem from greed and profit. Period.

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Why? Who’s gonna buy American military hardware if there’s no war going on?

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In some photos of FDR around this time, you can see a black dot above his left eyebrow. He was a sick-looking man at Yalta. It has been hypothesized that that black dot was a melanoma which metastasized to his brain and was the cause of the brain hemorrhage which killed him. In any case, FDR is responsible for helping Stalin to enslave about 60 million people in central and eastern Europe for half a century. He was a psychopath, and I think FDR was a sociopath. I guess he thought he was better than George Washington. Hitler and Stalin signed a non-aggression pact with each other, but when Hitler broke it after he failed to invade England, and attacked Russia instead, FDR rushed to his aid. I would have told Stalin "Gee, Joe, you signed the non-aggression pact with Hitler, and now he's attacked you! Too bad. Good luck on your way to Vladivostok!" The I would have let the two of them exhaust each other. If FDR had not died, I wonder how many terms he would have sought? He is responsible for the huge Administrative State we have now, with unelected bureaucrats running our lives, and violating Article 1 Section 1, 1st sentence of our Constitution: "ALL legislative power herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives." (capitals mine.) FDR also is responsible for the huge wealth transfer Socialist "Social Security" system, which has allowed the government to rob us, plus he appointed 8 "Supreme" court justices, who were responsible for opinions like Korematsu, Buck v Bell, and Wickard V Filburn. It was a coup d'etat, #2. Woodrow Wilson was #1, Elbee Jay $3 and Jobama is #4.

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For more on FDR, see The Roosevelt Myth by John T. Flynn. Published in 1948, it is now available free online. Flynn today, though largely forgotten, is considered "Old Right," but as Ron Unz writes, "throughout the 1930s he [was] one of the single most influential liberal voices in American society."

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Thank you very much! I haven't read that one.

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