I watched Biden's State of the Union address up to the point where he started denigrating the justices of the Supreme Court - who were sitting looking very disturbed, clearly humiliated by the disgusting tirade from the President regarding the overturning of Roe v. Wade - which the President then promised to restore! His next subject was Covid and I could stomach no more.

I'm an Australian. Our Left-dominated parliament, though decidely uninspiring and lacking in talent, seems remarkably innocent compared the nightmarish scene I've just been watching in the Congress. I feel there is something very sinister and very evil at work in America today. Apart from the content of his speeches, which are completely without imagination or insight, Biden, even when coherent, displays one of the most repulsive personalities I have ever seen in a public figure. He is so often belligerent, hateful or threatening, or just plain nasty. The man is very unpleasant.

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Well said Stephen; you perceive correctly from down under. . .

Pundits on Fox news tonight actually came out and said he could have been on "speed". About 2 min before that I told my wife, "he had to be up on speed". For the last two years Biden can hardly find his way off a stage, gets turned around, trips on stage, stairs, falls from a bike, mumbles incoherently. . . then, in one night talks for an hour and 8 minutes straight without notes. Right.

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You get a few true statements on Fox, but try Real America’s Voice (americasvoice.news) for real news and honest reporting. We gave up on Fox election night and never looked back.

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The belligerence is likely a byproduct of the mental decline. Said decline often results in heightened expression of anger, which is particularly stark and noticeable in someone that has not often done so in similar contexts before.

My mom went from the sweet, helpful servant of others wearing "rose colored glasses" to occasional blunt attacks on actions and characters, which increased in frequency proportional to her decline.

He belongs in the care of family and friends, not drugged into stumbling through a reading of someone else's diabolic propaganda.

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Quoted: 'he started denigrating the justices of the Supreme Court' At least the dotting old fart got *one* thing straight. > The Supreme Court of the former American Republic, has been corrupt since inception and is now surrogate to the International BAR Association.

The white wash is truly inspiring. > https://www.ibanet.org/About-the-IBA

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The revolt isn't apprehended...It's simmering.

Most of the population actually prefers Putin to the Demon enemies;

Criminals Against Humanity in D.C.

Except for those facts; your Post is 🎯.

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Sort of like Vietnam. Our government spread the fear of a communist domino effect. I was young and dumb and volunteered to be a marine and went over there for nineteen months.

These politicians are warmongers that want benefit for themselves. They don't give a damn about what happens to the people that have to do the fighting and the civilians that have to die and suffer too.

And not one of our presidential candidates that have a chance of winning cares either.

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We were younger then, it was a different usa. If we quit Vietnam, tomorrow we'll be fighting in Hawaii, and next week we'll have to fight in San Francisco.

Lyndon B. Johnson

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"we'll have to fight in San Francisco"

Now look at it.

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Yep. These damn politicians know the drill.

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Presidents are selected, not elected.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

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Uhh, the few patriots that have not fled yet ...ARE fighting in San Francisco. The domino theory is alive and well in major Democrat Marxist cities.

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Proving Madison's point: If our nation is ever taken over, it will be taken over from within.

James Madison Ho Chi Minh stayed in Vietnam. Those you call Marxists, I refer to as Jacobins! These are NOT Democrats, Jefferson, Jackson, FDR, HST, JFK those were Democrats.

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Daniel, Trump cares, he does not want war!

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Welcome home , Daniel.

I Corps. 3/3 1966-67.

Semper Fi, Marine.

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Thank you.

1/3, D co grunt.

Also with 1st Amtracs running ground radar in northernmost outposts C-4 and Oceanview.


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Remain vigilant, Daniel. They are among us moreso now than ever.

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Ukraine is playing out exactly like our mistake in Vietman. The Ho Chi Minh just want the French out and to be a soverign country. We paid for the weapons the French used and Ho Chi Minh got assistance from the Communists because its where he could find assitance. He had reached out to the USA (we funded him during WW II because he fought the Japanese) but we deep sixed his request by the OSS. So it was a lie from the very beginning. So when the French ran (the French will always run) we could have easily stopped being stupid and saved billions of dollars and thousands of American lives and Hundred thousands of Vietnamese lives. So too it will be in Ukraine. Soon it will be the boys from Osh Gosh Wis that will be dying over there for absolutely no reason. I pray I am wrong but I fear I am not. The CIA is already over there which means special forces are over there too.

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550,000 US and UN troops were in the wrong half of Viet Nam.

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Yes. Terrible speech full of hatred, drug fueled. God Bless America and the world as we navigate the pit of vipers.

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From Australia here, I resent every bit of money and resources we get sucked into sending because your preso needs to cover his arse. Hurry up and die already. They are all so incredibly lazy, stirring up race crap and starting wars is just different versions of the same thing. Proof the public has no taste for it is the fact that these people are all still around to create all this fake drama with deadly outcomes for us.

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other than the forever trumpers who are naturally more awake to this BS, most ppl just starting to wake up after the covid agenda....the woke will never wake up from their socialism delusions

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We have guns thank god! You guys need to get them back! Funny all my European friends (not that I have a ton but I have a dozen;) are all amazed we have guns- they think they are horrible and we have mass shootiings everywhere. It’s not the case but they don’t see why we need them- I can’t believe they don’t want them especially now!!

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Kind of comical - in a way. Switzerland supplies all mentally competent citizens with state of the art personal protection weapons, and trains them in their use. Erm... When was the last time Switzerland was invaded? Switzerland is only as 'neutral' as it's banking and investment arena... Funny the Bank(s) for International Settlement don't publish or provide data regarding investment holdings nor derivative transfers... No one notices...

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Why would your free country do that? I have been watching Australia during covid you were taken over first you went about your business like nothing happened then you closed things, jabbed everyone, and it looked much like here. Globalists at work - and we Americans resent our money paying for useless wars, others countries, un, nato, and now possibly the who

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Unfortunately we are far from free and NATO has us by the balls, the US starts a war and we are involved whether we like it or not. Much like when your economy goes down the toilet, ours gets sucked along for the ride. The whole point of globalism is noone is independent. No country is allowed to be self sufficient, we dig up all the rare earths for China to make crappy things in crappy ways and you guys supply the guns. TBH despite the many many things wrong with the US I would still move there in a heartbeat because at least you have guns.

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The Globalist Power-Elite WEF, WHO, CFR Trilateral Commission, Democrat-RINO, United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Federal Reserve COUNTERFEITING RACKET, IRS EXTORTION RACKET, etc. etc. etc. worldwide organized crime syndicate call themselves the KINGDOM OF SATAN.

The Satanists intend to ELIMINATE 90 per cent of the world's population (United

Nations' Agenda 21 DEPOPULATION PLAN), destroy the sovereignty of all nations and RULE the entire world with their NEW WORLD ORDER, GREAT RESET TOTALITARIAN HELL ON EARTH complete with government controlled digital currency (CBDCs) and the MARK OF THE BEAST microchip implant enslavement system. Revelation13:16-18

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The kingdom of Satan can rule just as well through fallen churches, as through the "evil men of the world." If you remember, Jesus was crucified, and the early church was persecuted, through a combination of religion and the state: in one case, the Jewish church leaders, and the Roman state; in the second case, the Roman religion and state combined. The first martyr, Abel, died at the hands of a religionist.

In fact, when Satan is able to use religion, his mask of deception is even more effective, as he appears to be working "for the good" (a "wolf in sheep's clothing"), and doing it all "in Christ's name."

The spiritual kingdom of Christ which is established in the hearts of believers, has little to do with world economies, safeguarding our bank accounts and retirement funds, and stopping wars between nations. Jesus never preached anything about those problems, even though they existed in His day also. But if that's the kind of Saviour people want, then Satan will happily comply with his own version of Christ's kingdom on earth.

In order to identify the power that makes an "image to the beast," and who implements the false worship that leads to the "mark of the beast," we must first identify who the original beast of Revelation 13:1-10 is. That is the original beast, and the second beast, who makes "an image" to the first beast, is just making a copy of the first one. So if you don't understand who the first one is, you won't be able to identify the image of it, when it appears.

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John - Yes you speak the truth Now let's hear you speak about what to do about it. Let's channel the flow into a different river. Let's talk about a new narrative. call me at 717-357-7617 in Pennsylvania.

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Taking a page from Solon and FDR, among many others. The money changers and monetarism need to be chased out of the temples of civilization. In their stead, great nation-building programs need to be launched, based on international cooperation.

People just need to realize the enemy is not Russia, China or any "foreign threat," the enemy is within.

Practically speaking, it means putting the banking system through bankruptcy re-organization and breaking up the banks (as was done in the 1930s with Glass-Steagall), followed by the mobilization of long-term credit tied to productive investments. That would mean revitalizing agriculture, infrastructure, science-driver programs like Fusion, plasma tech, (as opposed to the endless bogus scientific theorizing and AI business). The US needs an entirely new transport system. Its infrastructure is like D grade and lower now. There is no shortage of things to do.

Many new renaissance cities can be launched across both the East and West. China, Russia and others are already doing this.

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Elections do not work. Throw out the leftists.

No bruises, broken bones or blood? Do it again!

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You seem to have missed the whole point. Left and Right are exactly the same. Since WW2 the US has had both of them multiple times but either way you are all owned by the Bank

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The Biden Regime pokes the Bear, hoping to incite a European War. The Biden Regime plays both sides of the Israel/ Iran conflict, in an attempt to incite a MidEast War. The Biden Regime has invited into America a foreign army and terror cells, in an attempt incite a War inside America. Once these Wars erupt the compromised Biden Regime allows the CCP to take Taiwan and whatever they want.

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We (you and I) may know how it is when we get sucked-in to trashing an acquaintance because a friend has initiated a particularly abusive screed against someone whom we both know.

We let down our guard and before we know it we ourselves are dredging up every unkind thought we'd ever had (and why) about this person. Some call it the bandwagon effect: get on board, it's high time we let "person" know how we feel.

But beware -- These impulses are straight from the Devil. He gladly uses our natural (and sinful) impulses to destroy not only us but to inflict untold misery on those within our circle.

This is what the pretender did tonight: incite hatred and hatred's offspring, bellicosity.

Just who in the universe rejoices when men give way to their most evil and treacherous impulses?

Satan and his armies, angelic and human.

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We still have all the power: PRAYER.

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You are correct, Sir. Thank you for your incisive narrative.

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To go a little deeper, the question is why no one in DC seems to care about a 34 trillion debt. The answer is that DC people have no intention of paying anything back. And a war is a perfect way to default while calling default a different name. Or using cash in America owned by other countries because they are the enemies. DC has already weaponized the dollar through various sanctions and kicking out countries like Russia from the SWIFT clearing system. We are screwed; I don't think America will survive the next several years. Rome fell in a quick seven years; our future looks the same.

Nobody wants peace! The whole of DC must be fired, not just elements. The January 6 mistake was not going far enough by kicking out every last elected official. But that is really what is needed.

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Yes, after decades of the budget deficit being a political football since Reagan started along this path, now that the debt seems to be finally spiraling beyond all reason, it’s actually creepy how it has become the thing that neither side of the Beltway coin wants to talk about

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Well stated, Phil. I agree with you narrative.

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The first Horseman of the Apocalypse, which we are all witness to, is the covid-fear-and-jab campaign. This war seems to be the Second.

First Horseman's mount is white--the color of the medical establishment and uniform. His "bow", in the Greek, is "toxon" (transliterated) whence "toxic/toxin". The jab was represented to John by the mechanism of his day that was closest: a toxic puncture. Arrows then were poison-tipped in military applications. Same mechanism exactly except for the size of the instrument.

He is "given a crown". A "stephanos" in the Greek--a laurel wreath-crown. The Latin translation is "corona".

You get it. It is blatant.

It began in 2020. The other three Horsemen are all riding now. They're blatant too, in my opinion.

This discussion is about the Second Horseman. His sword, a "machaira", was common in Western armies of John's day. I think it means carnage in the Western world.

When an angel wields a sword, it means carnage, cf 1 Chronicles 21:14-17.

I wrote a brief essay on this topic. Please check it out on substack.

We are living the End Times. Someone please prove me wrong.

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No need to explain yourself, this parallel you point to is striking!

(Oops, “striking”!! LOL …it’s ok to laugh because we know that we have the victory in the end, with God.)

How about the Red Dragon, too…? Interesting how all these signs from Revelation pop up today.

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Yes, the Dragon. Sometimes it's Satan but I think it's the CCP too. And the 2 Wings of the Great Eagle in Chapter 12. The US after the non-marxists take over again.

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I was totally seeing the c c p there, the symbol of the dragon having such significance in thst country!

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I won't attempt to prove you wrong about the "end times," but your interpretation of the first of the seven seals of Revelation 6 is very much a "private interpretation." You are not comparing scripture with scripture, nor are you attempting to set the timeline for the opening of these seals.

The seven seals are the unfolding of prophetic events which eventually culminate in Christ's kingdom. It would be very strange to suppose that the seals just began in 2020, and that for almost 2000 years, Christ (through His church) did nothing in this world, to further the establishment of His kingdom.

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The seals were opened when Revelation was written. History is helical, not linear, repeating itself in waves. Things have been building to a crescendo. And here we are.

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I reject that interpretation because it does not fit the pattern of sevens, which always mark the full passing of time, from beginning to end. In the case of Revelation, the endpoint is Christ's second coming. He did not come "when Revelation was written," and therefore it cannot be that "all" the seals were opened at once.

Secondly, Revelation 6 contains these verses:

14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

17 For the great day of His wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

This can, in no sense, be applied to "when Revelation was written" because it deals with the "great day of God's wrath" which does not take place until the gospel work is finished, and the seven last plagues are poured out, which pretty much decimate the earth. Thankfully for us, that has not taken place yet.

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The seals were opened so that the events set out by the scrolls would take place, that is what I am saying. The plagues are decimating the earth, it is an ongoing process, As I said history is repeating itself.

There is an intensity as a seven is within a seven is within a seven, but lots of things are continuing to happen out of Revelation, and are being fulfilled.

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"But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation," 1 Peter 1:20.

You seem to be saying that, based on Peter's statement here, no individual can come to his own understanding of prophetic or apocalyptic Scripture. If that is your thinking, I disagree with you. Visions and prophecies must be interpreted--the mind simply must attempt to make something of whatever puzzle it encounters, even if the response is, "Oh, that's a puzzle. Not for me to figure it out. I'll let someone in the clergy do that for me."

I do compare Scripture with Scripture, and the End of Days timeclock got punched in 2011, with the Arab Spring--which looks to me like the beginning of the fulfillment of Daniel 7. Further, the timeline for the opening of the seals began in 2019-2020, like I said about the beginning of the covid psyop and jab campaign.

But in the space of a comment section of a substack article, I could hardly present such a comprehensive analysis.

I am Pre-millennialist in my understanding and interpretations. You are clearly not. Amillennialist, I assume. That's fine.

I'm not going to have an eschatological slugfest in a public space.

If you want further explanation of my thinking on these matters, very well. If you want to tell me that I'm wrong for trying to understand the meaning of Scripture, well...

Point is, there is a striking similarity between some global developments we can see and the first four seals, the Horsemen.

GH Lang wrote of this section of the Apocalypse "It will be a dreadfully depopulated earth over which the Beast will reign and to which Messiah will later return".

Certainly you are aware that the desire of some of the globalist elites is depopulation? Certainly you know that all-cause mortality is up, that war destroys whole populations, that famine and financial destruction (the Third Horseman) do as well, and that the the Fourth Horseman's campaign will result in the death of a quarter of mankind. (His horse is green, not "pale", as in the KJV. He rides the Green Movement, which aims to destroy the very foundation of civilization on earth--the energy sector. Destroy the foundation, destroy the structure.)

As these events are playing out, it won't make a tinker's damn whether we are amillennialist, pre-millennialist, or of any other theological school.

But they are happening.

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Lawrence, I invoked 1 Peter 1:20, because a "private interpretation" is one that comes out of a persons imagination or reasoning. You didn't give support for your interpretation, so it seems "private" to me, unless I see the reasoning.

The Holy Spirit speaks through the word, so the interpretation of any prophecy must be backed up by numerous other prophecies, or parallels. You should show how this fits in with the gospel plan, because prophecy is just the foretelling of the triumph of the true gospel over all the other false gospels. The unfolding of prophecy will justify God's character, laws, and government, and clear it from the lies and charges that Satan (and men) have formed against Him. I hold "premillennial" views also. Christ will come before the millennium begins. This seems clear from Revelation 20:5-6.

In Revelation 5, Jesus receives the sealed book at His inauguration into heaven. Revelation 6 follows right after, with the gradual opening of the seals. The sixth seal initiates the signs that Jesus' coming is near (sun darkened, moon to blood, falling of stars), which are also mentioned in Matthew 24. Therefore the other 5 seals must come before this.

Seven denotes completeness, or perfection, with respect to time (the Sabbath is an example of this). So, it symbolizes from beginning to end, over a period of time. This period is from the time of Christ's ascension, until He returns again. The seven churches, seals, trumpets, angels, and plagues, all end with Christ's return.

The fifth seal shows the souls of the martyrs crying out for judgment (this is symbolic, just as Abel's blood cried out from the ground). These are not the final martyrs who are sacrificed under the "image of the beast," which is yet future (see Rev. 6:11), but the former ones who are sacrificed under the original beast, mentioned in Revelation 13:1-10, which is synonymous with the little horn of Daniel 7 and 8.

This beast receives its power, seat and great authority from the "dragon" who, in Revelation 12, persecuted Christ and His people. The first Rev. 13 beast is a composite of the four first beasts of Daniel 7, which were Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Pagan Rome. The dragon of Revelation 12 can only be Pagan Rome, since it was ruling when Christ was crucified. Therefore, the first Revelation 13 beast, must be the power that ruled after Pagan Rome, which also persecuted and made many martyrs. There are other specifications given, especially in Daniel 7, but there is only one power that fulfills all of them and that is Papal Rome.

The first four seals then, come between the time Christ rose to heaven, and the crying out of the martyrs blood, caused by Papal persecutions, especially during the early and later Reformation.

The first seal (the white horse), would be the church with a pure gospel, spreading it into the world (conquering). This is so because in Revelation 19:11, Jesus comes out of heaven riding a white horse again, symbolizing a pure church that is made ready for His coming, and which cooperates with Him in the closing of the gospel work. The purification and final work of the church is presented through the prophecies of Revelation 7, 10, 14, and 18.

The next seals show this horse degrading in color, from its purity. It takes peace from the earth. It has a great sword. Red is the color of human blood, and also used as the color of sin ("though your sins be as scarlet"). Two things are represented, that I see: first, the persecution of the church (Jesus said, "I came not to bring peace, but a sword.") This would be the red color of spilled blood. Secondly, the gradual secularization of the church. This would be the red color of sin. The triumphs of the church were no longer by the gospel, but by insinuating themselves into positions of secular power, which was hastened by the conversion of Constantine.

The third seal shows a black horse with a pair of balances, and scarcity of wheat, barley, oil and wine. This color, black, is the opposite of white, and shows a rapid influx of human traditions and superstitious errors corrupting the professed church: imitation of pagan rites, pilgrimages, ceremonies, selling of religious charms, imitation of pagan processions, holy water, images, hierarchical church leadership, further mingling of church and state, use of the sword to propagate Christianity, etc.

The balances represent the incorporation of judicial power into the hands of the papacy. This was something Christ refused (Luke 12:14), but the corrupt church at that time eagerly embraced. The "measures of wheat and barley for a penny" denote two things: scarcity of the word of God (only a measure given out), also the selling of religion for money, and finally the grasping of church members for worldly goods. "Hurt not the oil and wine." The oil and wine signify the graces of the Spirit, which were in great danger of perishing under the influx of the worldly spirit.

The pale horse with Death sitting on him and Hell (the grave) following. The "pale" is a "yellowish color" such as is seen in dying plants. This immediately precedes the martyrs of the fifth seal, and so the death on this horse mainly signifies the martyrdoms of the faithful under the apostate church, but also includes her wars for civil authority (the crusades, etc.). By "the fourth part of the earth," I presume means one of the four parts that the empires of the Bible mentioned in Daniel 2, 7, 8, and 11 covered: Middle East, Egypt (with northern Africa), and Europe. Constantine split Europe into East and West, so the papal church ruled mainly over Western Europe, or the "fourth part."

There is a correspondence of the details of these seals with the first four churches (Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, and Thyatira), which can add a second witness to some of these interpretations.

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The problems with interpreting the beasts of Daniel 7 as identical to the elements of the statue of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream are several. The strongest refutation comes from Daniel 7, verse 12, "As for the rest of the beasts, their dominion was taken away, but their lives were prolonged for a season and a time." This verse would mean that Babylon, Medo-Persia, and the Grecian empires would have to be all coexisting down to the end times, a geographic and temporal impossibility.

There are other points that kill this interpretation. I touched on them in my brief essay on Daniel 7. My fuller essay, as well as the work of GH Lang in his "The Histories and Prophecies of Daniel" effectively argue against the statue and the beasts being the same. I would comment on other points in your rebuttal, but having been presented with this traditional interpretation for many years, I'm going to simply beg off. Best wishes just the same.

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Daniel 7:12 is not a problem at all. "Their dominion was taken away." They no longer were empires. This is true of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Pagan Rome. "but their lives were prolonged for a season and a time." Their "lives" are their wisdom, theories, practices, and beliefs.

Primarily, these empires of the world try to build their kingdoms by principles that are very different from the principles that Christ builds His kingdom with. Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. Their "lives" are "their own way" (man's wisdom), their own truth (lies), and their own life, which is simply the power of sin ruling in the heart, since the carnal man has no other life.

Revelation 13:2 provides the perfect counterpart to Daniel 7:12.

Revelation 13:2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

This is describing the power that comes after the dragon, or after Pagan Rome. Notice how the symbols of the previous beasts are incorporated into this power. This is how the "lives" of these previous empires continues. Satan works through these human empires, because they have the same life (sin) as what rules him, and they follow the same procedures. The outer form and shape may differ, but the inner principles are the same.

Each kingdom represents a certain principle:

1. Babylon - human rulers are greater than God (Nebuchadnezzar exalted himself)

2. Medo-Persia - human laws are greater than God’s law (“the law of the Medes and Persians, which alters not.” Dan. 6:8)

3. Greece - human wisdom is greater than God’s wisdom (“the Greeks seek after wisdom” 1 Cor. 1:22)

4. Pagan Rome - human government is greater than God’s government (the genius of the Romans was their Republican form of government, which however degenerated into a dictatorship)

5. Papal Rome - human religion is greater than God’s religion.

In Revelation 13, the first beast described has the same attributes as the Little Horn (compare with Daniel 7 and 2 Thessalonians 2). It incorporates the previous kingdoms. It has:

1. The body of a Leopard - the Leopard was Greece, and the "Greeks seek after wisdom," so the wisdom of man is embodied in it.

2. The feet of a Bear - the Bear was Medo-Persia, whose laws were considered "unalterable." So this beast spreads into new areas (the "feet") by setting up its traditions and laws instead of God's laws.

3. The mouth of a Lion - the Lion was Babylon, which exalted itself; and so this beast speaks great words of self-exaltation.

4. The power, seat, and authority of the Dragon - the Dragon was Papal Rome, who persecuted the "man-child" (Christ). So, the Papacy made its seat in Rome, claimed dominion over all the churches, and even claimed dominion over kings, and over the whole earth.

As long as human wisdom, human laws, human self-exaltation, and human government continue, the beasts who represented these principles have their lives, “prolonged for a season and time.”

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Why does the jab mandate translate to the first horseman? Kids are mandated to take 72 jabs to go to school for years, no backlash until adults were mandated with one jab, and now its apocalyptic.

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I explained that.

But, still, there are some very significant diffences between the entire global covid campaign and the vax schedule in the United States. It's pretty clear in what i wrote. Clearer in my full essay.

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Could you give me the link to your essay?

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Not fair accounting of US fighting against Japan in WWII. See nearly all battles on the islands in the Pacific theater. Brutal, hand-to-hand, with small weapons. Saipan. Iwo Jima. Midway. Guadalcanal. Tawara. Yes, large barrage from ships in many of these, but wins were ONLY had by what happened in close proximity combat.

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Agree, Wayne.

Truman's unleashing terror on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was appropriate and necessary. Saved the lives of many Marines, Sailors and Soldiers.

Unconditional surrender of Japan resulted.

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The Soviets swallowed up over 70% of the fascist war effort. Like you, I am much worried that the very sick and corrupt orcs who control our foreign policies believe we can get into a nuclear exchange with the Russians and win. They are much tougher than us, though, and used to death and privation, and are well prepared for any type war we wish to engage them in, kinetic or nuclear. What's amazes me is that Putin has not committed much of his overwhelming resources to destroying the Ukrainians. Others in his country are less patient.

Pray for Putin's long life and good health.

Danny Huckabee

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Putin is patient and I don’t believe wants to get into a war with us or still be at war with Ukraine. It’s not like he is trying to take over the world- he wants his country to prosper- he has a ton of natural resources and was supplying them until we blew it up:( it’s obvious there is something going on other than let’s save the Ukrainians

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Russia is wealthy in terms of natural resources.

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WELL DONE! The Russians and their Allies will ultimately defeat the Globalists. Never fight with Russian. On your every stratagem they answer unpredictable violence.

Otto von Bismarck

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In our case there are elections every four years, even if they are dubious. In the Roman case, there was either assassination or death. I think we have a reasonable chance to interrupt this.

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While it would be wonderful if you're correct, I have my doubts. After the Covid Hysteria and the Color revolution of 2020, Orwell seems appropriate to our situation: We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. George Orwell One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes a revolution in order to establish a dictatorship.

George Orwell

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You’re right, Jonathan; the devil was working through Biden last night. What a hateful, divisive speech.

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Indeed. We in there west are fed up with all the forever wars we get sucked into because of the way your republic works.

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If you repeat it over and over you eventually believe it- this is why we are not all awake. War is a pastime and a money maker for the elite. It’s time to strip them of their money

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