In a correctly functioning society/government, these people should have been questioned by police forces for mass murder/manslaughter and all these emails - including the private gmails - should have been confiscated and handed over to prosecutors, and published without any redactions.

Instead, those police forces and prosecutors were engaged in closing playgrounds and places of worship, forcing people to wear useless if not harmful pieces of plasticised cloth over their faces, and harassing or blackmailing internet sites to censor free speech.

The scale of what has been exposed 4 years and 2 months ago - and is still continuing - is ghastly.

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They were too busy tackling surfers and harassing old ladies who posted the wrong thing on Facebook. Cmon, that is important work.

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Sounds like fratinizing with the enemy which is treason!

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Yes nothing is as it seems. Our world turned horribly upside down. I resent it.

Two days of blue skies, now chem trails, then this morning BOOM, line after line of chemtrails starting to spread now and white out the sun.

Who is doing this nonsense? Who are flying the aircraft? What airlines involved in chem trails, what is being sprayed besides sulphur? Aluminium causes dementia/Alzheimer’s. Loads of people with “asthma”! People wake up. You are being sprayed with chemicals that should not be in our atmosphere. Look what happened in Dubai. This was NOT NATURE.

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CIA, brennan spoke about it at security councip meeting years ago. Spending 10 billion per year. Prob our military, military planes. Prob the people obama put in. If you remember he asked all tbe top military who would fight/kill American covilians, thr ones thst said no got ousted. Then the obese, demented, deviant men wearing animal costumes and skirts were installed.

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Please give us one example of an "obese, demented, deviant man wearing some animal costume and a skirt". I am intrigued. . . . .

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

I'll give you two. There are plenty of pics of lloyd austin in his "cosplay pup/dog costume" (in uniform) and "rachel" levine, who pretends to be a woman and wears a skirt. Both overweight slobs.

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Couldn't find a pic of Austin in a cosplay outfit, but there are plenty of images of the demented Sec of Health. Mental health is obviously not a consideration to work in this admin.

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Pics might have been scrubbed. I have one but no way for me to embed that in here.

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do you use imgur?

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We have it over our mountains in France and it makes a dome where it is difficult to breathe and so hot. The next day it is hailing and really cold - people just say nothing! They have the cheek to go accross in all directions spiralling in and out of a trail and going in circles this is an area of outstanding natural beauty and the shit is raining down.

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For all we know, it's a new method of administering vaccines.

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Well, yes, it was HUMAN nature.

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"I resent it"

You said it brother. Me too!

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It is all so disgusting. Yet they all walk free. How do they look in the mirror or sleep at night? I suppose no conscience even exists in these vermin.

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Thank You God

For Making Me

So Much Smarter

Than So Many Others.

I Owe You One.


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I’m smarter than the big rock in my back yard.

That’s all it takes.

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The war or at least a major battle was already lost when the 2020 election was allowed to stand. Coronamania is akin to Japan having financed the Manhattan Project.

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now you are barking up the right tree. Taiwan might be sleight of hand

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The only reason Obama ordered them to give the Chinese lab the viruses to work on was that he wanted plausible deniability when the US attacked China with the same virus, the US could say it was simply a leak. Remember the CIA etc had joked years earlier about "giving China a cold". This is all public knowledge.

Obama is the first Nobel peace prize winner that attempted a genocide. I'll bet Nobel is so proud of him.

My only question is when will we see the whole US regime and their enablers in EVERY Western government and civil service and armed forces and police and courts systems arrested and executed for their crimes and attempted crimes against humanity? Not long now.

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

Dream on. None of them will ever face punishment for the crime.

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Did China hear them say something about giving China a cold?

This reminds me of the Independence Day movie, giving the computers of the alien (locusts/destroyers) mothership a 'cold'.

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Very muxh, they even awarded the death vax a prize!

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Yeah but Obummer is brownish. The relieving of white guilt and self hatred can’t be underestimated. Did he let Wall Street off the hook and let Goldman Sachs appoint his entire cabinet? Did he give the insurance industry a blank check with Obummer care and make everyone’s rates ten times higher? Was he super aggressive to actual journalists, creating the lapdog bots that we have now? Did he do more drone strikes than anyone in history? Did he go after and kill anyone not in on the WEF agenda? Man, I love that guy. Supporting him clearly demonstrates that I am NOT a racist. Winning!!

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Surely with You guys and your team with David Martin and David Nixon, etc, etc from around the world. All's this should end by 2025. Stop playing by their rules, jail or execute the responsible and complicit and put that escaped bat back in the cave where it belongs, forever.

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What it says to me is that they ALL knew all along and were like cats in a litterbox covering up shit.

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I believe (read that somewhere) that a certain scientist had an "invisible"way of making furin cleavage on gain of function viruses, and that this particular almost unnoticeable manoeuvre was... quite a unique signature by itself. This gentleman (or whatever you want to call this scientist) had the possibility of developping his experiments and having control of a Chinese Wuhan lab as long as he would train Chinese (CCP) "peers" with this knowledge. Ok my memory could be failing, but... Anyway, this E-mail sounds like a politically correct way of seizing one by the b*ll* as a reminder he's in possession of that many possible frozen monsters...

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They're all in the plan somewhere...

To this time, the conspirators remain united

and all is slight of hand.

Arrival at the enemies eating one another up is yet to begin.

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All theater. EVERY politician is playing a "role."

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Why, you ask John?

You know the answer. This was a smoke and mirrors US military operation ( ask Mike Pompeo ) to create a test run for what is yet to come and to disrupt and embarrass 45. 45 should come clean and tell the American public he was duped by Pence, Fauci, Brix and Redfield. Ask Scott Atlas,MD.

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Yes, exactly, Trump must overcome his inability to admit error, and state clearly that he was duped by the cast of characters you list. His misplaced trust in them was a serious lapse of judgment, with disastrous results for himself and for all Americans. He cannot plead ignorance, as his own recommendation of Ivermectin and Hydroxylchloroquine demonstrate his skepticism of mRNA injections. He was simply afraid to challenge the cult of expertise around Fauci, Birx, Collins et al. And if there is one quality a leader must have, it is courage. Trump should summon the courage to declare that he got it wrong, learned his lesson, and will not let the bio-phamaceutical complex roll him again.

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I agree with you, Peter.

There is another layer to this revealed in the book Scott Atlas,MD authored about his experience as a Special Adviser to 45 during the debacle. Kushner. Atlas told him what needed to be done. Media reaction plaqued Kushner's thinking.

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I have been asking myself that question, too. Who would share this information with the Chinese? There are four main ideas:

1.) stupidity - always a possibly and often a contributing factor

2.). Safety through Mutual-Assured-Destruction- MAD worked with nukes and it might be the best way to protect against bio weapons

3.) A.). China was already going to get most of the information through publications in Science journals. Many people can’t resist bragging and saying information that should be top secret😌

B.). China had the best bats and animals to find natural viruses that can be modified and still can be blamed on nature

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4.). PLAUSIBLE DENIALABITILY. There is almost no way to hold anyone accountable for the spread of Covid-19. It could have been intentionally or accidentally released by the Americans OR it could have been intentionally or accidentally released by the Chinese OR some highly unlikely possibility like aliens or zoonotic transmission. No country on earth can investigate China, and it would be very difficult for any country or group of countries to investigate the USA. Only China and the USA know for sure who did and both would blame the other automatically so no one can figure out the truth. So no one can collect any claims against either. No country can boycott both China and the United States. The WEF knows this and allies with both countries on convenient issues.

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This is not correct. The TRUTH is well known and assiduously documented in Robert Kennedy's book "The Wuhan Coverup."

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Please explain. Tell me more. By sharing it with the Chinese in a Chinese military facility, it is possible it could be either the US or China. Li’s name is in many of the papers about genetic modifications of corona viruses, although Baric has more. China deleted the previously public databases about their viral experiences but everyone knows they have military only databases too. China also circulated many lies and denied any many access to the UN and WHO investigations, casting doubt their way.

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Your "perplexing question" is very important. Why was the US funding research at a Chinese bio-warfare lab, headed by a Chinese general. Our leaders tell us that China is our greatest potential adversary. What gives?

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It's a race! My pile of weapons is bigger than your pile!

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Could it be that the U.S. Federal Government is infested with agents of the Chinese Communist Party, up to and including the occupant of the White House? Email messages in Hunter Biden's computer (remember that, all the way back in 2020?) explicitly state that billions of dollars in CCP-originated payments to him were to cancel prosecution of Chinese parties for technology theft. Bank records confirm many other such payments. What did the CCP get for its multi-billion-dollar investment? Other instances of collaboration between the U.S. and Chinese regimes clearly included joint development of the bio-weapons SARS-Covid-2 and its purported antidote, the globally distributed mRNA vaccine. That a state of war exists is obvious, but who exactly are the belligerents is not obvious. The casualties resulting from this pair of bio-weapons occur by means of causal links that have to be puzzled out with tortuously complex research. Many deaths have occurred mere days or weeks following mRNA injection -- too many for the 'oops, sorry, accident' excuse to be credible. The causal links are clear, no further research is needed, except to identify who are the belligerents in this war. The Chinese and U.S. regimes have been collaborating, not fighting each other. Now consider please who is their enemy. Hint: The millions of casualties from this jointly developed pair of bio-weapons -- and you who are reading this.

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Don't have the full answer, of course, but the CIA is said to have backed Mao, later Kissinger and friends shifted America's industrial base to China, and most recently WEF globalists have treated Xi as royalty and openly view Chinese-style corporate fascism as the model of the way the West should be run. Xi was applauded for defending globalization at Davos in 2017, whereas Trump was ridiculed for espousing nationalism when he appeared there. But then Xi ended China's one-child policy (globalists want depopulation) and started building its military (original agreement seems to have been China does industry, U.S. retains military control). So now perhaps the former junior partner no longer accepts its junior status.

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It's true, CIA backed Mao, but not for ideological reasons. Chiang was too much of a warlord, and lacked broad popular support. CIA thought Mao was more pliable -- big mistake. China and CCP never intended to be anyone's junior partner. Shifting America's industrial base to China vastly enriched China at America's expense -- an arrogant and stupid mistake by Kissinger and other globalists. Americans are still paying the price for this blunder, while media censor any suggestion that such policies should be reversed. Now there is a consortium of both the Chinese and U.S. regimes, both promoting Mao-style chaos to keep themselves in power. Only our awareness of the actual shape of this warfare can bring real peace.

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Very astutely stated!

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Thank you. As noted above, only our awareness of the actual target of current warfare -- namely, ourselves -- can stop the hostile globalist forces attacking us.

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Rand Paul is a blessing to our country. 🙏🏻

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