I’m now 60 and I had a heart attack when I was 38. It was caused by a 3” dissection of my left anterior descending coronary artery. It’s been 22 years, and I have snow skied, worked in the oilfield, gone deep sea fishing, swam in the ocean, built houses, and done some blacksmithing. In other words, my heart attack was nothing at all like the ones that are killing so many young people today!

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True! And it’s so sad. I knew 5 people that died in October. Oldest 70, youngest 51, all unexpected and unnecessary!

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No jab for me 72 and my husband 87 . I pray 🙏🏻 for all those who did .😔

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Climate change is a bitch! Especially when augmented with mRNA vaxxx...

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😢 So sad! It seems like there is still a lot of pussyfooting around the real issues! I am so sad and angry that young children are loosing their parents!!!

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I’ve been dealing with the funeral home for my nephew, who sadly passed away last Friday. The people at the home have been very kind and helpful, however they have apologized for delays with a few issues. This morning I was told by a staff member that they have gotten 4x the usual number of calls in the past two weeks or so.

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John, as much as I hate to say this, this is the blinding light that needs to be shining in every eye that refuses to see. Saddened that this is where we stand in the world today. Appreciate your willingness to get this message out.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023


Don't know of anybody reporting Cardiac Infarction

as a 'Mass Casualty Event' among the young

and healthy in world society in past generations either.

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The count in our little circle is in the 20’s. Wifes cousin at 50 is the latest. Follow the $cience.

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My son’s mother-in-law died 6 days after taking the jab from a blood clot on the brain. My mother-in-law and her sister both had sever sciatic nerve pain radiating from their back down their left leg. One was bed ridden for two weeks. The other for months and later required surgery to remove growths from her knee.

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US insurance companies reporting record numbers of young men dying. This affects their bottom line so it gets reported. https://youtu.be/1uOxhYyfYw4?si=91MiGHGaaKWP8AI_

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Three of my close friends (age 60s) have developed serious heart disease in the past year. Two out of the three are super healthy with no prior medical issues.

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Even though we don’t all follow the same narratives, Daily it becomes clearer that We are going through a dark period of human history.



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Mark publishes this ever week - you can avoid the crap of the regular media. “In Memory of those who died suddenly” https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/in-memory-of-those-who-died-suddenly-e27

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One of my close personal friends texted me this morning. Her young adult son is in the hospital with heart issues. He is a personal trainer and on the path to being a physical therapist. Twice jabbed. I am so fearful for my own children that I am weeping in distress for her son and mine.

My friend and I spent nearly a year lobbying our local elected officials to stop the jab.

Mr. Kennedy is the only remedy we have for this killing of our children. I am dedicating all my time to get him elected. Please do the same if you value your own life and that of your children..

My children are all vaccine injured. I can say that because the CDC has a paper on their website that says that there is a positive correlation between the amount of aluminum in childhood vaccines and childhood asthma. 50% of my nieces and nephews are on the autism spectrum. My only grandchild has developmental delays and is on the spectrum. She will never live alone or pay taxes.

I am in a rage about all this. As I sit here typing, I am listening to the sirens, which come every day. It is a new thing since the plandemic.

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my friend died on 4/1/20 in NYC of bad hospital protocol. she had a fever but was otherwise feeling ok. she wanted a covid test and neither her doctor nor the walk in clinic she tried had any. finally she walked to the nearby major hospital where she tested positive and get slapped on a vent. two weeks later they took her off and tossed her body onto a freezer truck.

her sister desperately wanted the vaccine but was home bound. NYC had visiting nurses administering the J&J shot for shut ins. within a month of receiving that shot, she felt so bad that she called an ambulance and had herself taken to a hospital. she was stymied to learn that she had a damaged heart. they put her on a vent, took her off 4 days later and asked her to sign a DNR. she called me and explained to the best of her ability what was going on with her. she had the phone on speaker so i could hear the doctor. she didn't sign the DNR but was dead two days later. i'm probably the only person she knew who associates her death with the vaccine.

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