Even if they find blood clots the size of pythons and heart muscle loaded with spike they will NEVER tell.

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It's really amazing to watch isn't.... Nothing to see here. Move along... try not to trip on a body. Have a nice day citizen.

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"try not to trip on a body"

[snort] [guffaw] [bitter laughter]

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Gallows humor… but seriously… people are now dying all the time during events. Before long they will just employ big guys (body snatchers) to quickly run in and drag dead people out of a play or sporting event so “things” will proceed uninterrupted. They will have head sets on and respond to calls like, “Stiff alert in section A , row 17” or “We got one face planting near the stage Row 4”.

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I literally LOL’d at your gallows humor!

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Cool - laughter (even at this stuff) is great medicine.

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😃 I like your comment.. under normal circumstances that would most likely .. be.. the case.🤔 “They” seem to be making a lot more out of THIS death.. than I’ve seen.. with other Hollywood actors or Sports Figures. I think we’re in for a surprise revelation.. here... in keeping with ALL the other revelations about.. the “blood clots” found on autopsy by Funeral Home embalmers. My Sincere Condolences go out to Matthew Perry’s Family and his Friends.RIP Matthew 🙏

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Don't get me wrong.I loved Matthew Perry and found him to be a great comedian/actor.I just think it is sad that he fell for the Covid narrative and took so many shots.I am convinced that even if they have irrefutable proof of the cause of death being the shots we will never find out as this would create even more vaccine hesitancy than there already is.

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Since these products are not vaccines, I think they should instead call those who are not interested in them, "synthetic gene-editing injection hesitant". We need to start calling a spade, a spade.

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Or gene-therapy hesitant

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Excellent! I’m saving your comment!

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I'd love to see that on a run of t-shirts, myself. I'd be the first to wear one!

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I’ll buy if you manufacture!

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Great suggestion!

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The celebrities who are seemingly "spared" (with saline shots, or what not) just happen to end up as advocates for Israel First of Climate Action Now! Only the ones that serve an ongoing purpose get to survive.

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How many did he take?

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Enough to protect him from covid. Lol

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...and die from heart issues(likely). Well, at least he didn't die from Covid. That was the goal, after all.

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Did he definitely get.. The Jab? Can you direct us.. to where you read that? I’m an RN.. doing an Epidemiological Study.. and would appreciate the information. Thank You in advance 😊

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He sold shirts promoting it.

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Doesn’t necessarily mean he took the shots. He may have been promoting for the money.

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I doubt very much that he promoted it without believing in it. Yes, the T-shirt said something to the effect of "Couldn't be any more vaccinated."

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Perry was worth $150M and was paid $20M/yr In residuals - he certainly didn’t need the money!

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I guess he made a statement on Twitter that "No one is as vaccinated as me" - but I don't know personally if that is true.

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He posted a tweet with his meme tagline, "Could I be more... " and used vaccinated. Multiple tweets on shots. He could have been lying, but...

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Janet O, check his Twitter posts. You’ll see.

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Sadly, I agree. "They" are not going to be honest. Why would "they" change now?

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OMG!!! Ok, I should'nt have, but I did laugh at that one...

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They will never look.

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In this case hyperbole is not unwelcome....pythons.....🤫

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Expect the Damar Hamlin dodge, where they begin by saying, "We don't know what it is, but it can't possibly be the COVID vaccine." Then wait for nobody to ask, "If you don't know what it is, how can you possibly know it isn't the COVID vaccine?"

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😊Aren’t We(collectively) becoming.. so much more.. ASTUTE.. when it comes to this Charade.. called COVID-19?..I’M SO PROUD OF US. “They” didn’t count on The Public.. Exposing.. “Them” and “Their” Devious Attempt.. TO “CULL”.. A Large Portion of The World’s Population. We All Deserve A Round of Applause. “We Are Saving Each Other’s Lives”(Song.. “We Are The World” 🌎 1985 Written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie)

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they managed to inject 5 Billion. And Pierre has a new substack about the vaxxed shedding on the unvaxxed. 98% have antibodies, so were infected or transfected. I don't know what that means long term. Will I live to be 85-93 like my grandparents?

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I agree with you.. there IS shedding.. but .. there are also Remedies.. now available to help us remove these toxic substances from our cells. Besides.. The Wellness Company by Dr Peter McCullough...you can also go to: rootsbrand.com. They have a protocol you can take. You can also go to Rumble.Com and check out “Critically Thinking”... it’s a forum where 5 Doctors provide information for the public re COVID-19. I highly recommend Detoxing,Colon Cleansing..Liver Cleansing.. go Organic.. Drink Filtered Water.. to support your Immune System. Cheers!

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It appears we may need protocols for life, as it also appears some vacinees may be shedding for life

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It’s my understanding.. that if.. you FULLY Extricate Yourself from .. The “Toxic Spike Protein” and “The Nano Particles”.. via Certain Protocols.. you can relax. The sooner after.. the injection.. you do this.. the better. SAY NO.. to ALL VACCINES.. for now..Support Your God-Given Immune System. Go Organic.. Drink Pure Filtered Water.. Read All Labels.. Know Where Your Food Is Sourced. Be Well 🙏

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Well said. Unfortunately they are not done. I’m worried...don’t know who to trust. Corporate protocols at hospitals will kill you.

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So true, you have to have someone with you to even go to a hospital. I know people who have cancer and one who has severe asthma who won't go at all because of the administration of drugs that "make you forget you need to breathe" if you're in a lot of distress. It's a shame that people would rather take their chances dying at home than seeking "medical" care.

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The Damar Hamlin Dodge - "we don't know but we do know at the very same time"

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Did you notice Damar played ONE play, a kick off that went out the back of the end zone, so no contact and not much running req'd? Wonder why? /sarc off

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He's on VERY special teams. It's the "Don't touch anything or anyone and try not to drop dead again" team.

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Gee, has anyone seen Damar since he collapsed in that field? ??

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He will never play. They know what is was he is nothing but a prop for Pfizer

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He IS Going To Be Able To SUE Pfizer.. Standby

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No. Pfizer is now in the business of murdering us all! 😡

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So. . ."He's Gone Baby Gone!" 😡 VERY SAD!

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Yes, he suits up and pretends to play now and then. He also gets photographed shaking hands with fans. I think they've put him on special teams once or twice where he wouldn't risk any contact. He has virtually zero regular season stats this year. https://www.nfl.com/players/damar-hamlin/stats/logs/

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Oh! He's still alive? Or is he a "clone?" How can we the public even know?? 😡

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You'll have to ask him yourself. I can't tell.

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HA! Sadly, maybe by now we do not need to ask! Shame on BIG PHARMA, THE U.S. GOVERNMENT, AND THE MSM UNDER THE CHRISTIAN VATICAN IN ROME! 😡

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His stats on The Score app show ONE play total this year - the kick off that went out of the end zone untouched. No contact, no running. He's a suited up cheerleader at this point.

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HAS anyone seen Damar? What’s the update?

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Nov 2, 2023Edited
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I‘ll take it a Step Further.. let’s go back to the Issue of Autism.. and “Do Vaccines Cause Autism”.. that debate goes back 20+ years. I’ve been in the Field of Healthcare for 50 years.. When you see..SOMETHING TRENDING.. You Follow It.( If you abide by...The Hippocratic Oath.. that is) We can also take this discussion back in to The Polio “Vaccine”... 1950s. THESE REPROBATES.. have been USING us.. as Guinea Pigs 🐖.. for a VERY LONG time. Question Everything!

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Like they would post the actual cause. Funny how they will do an autopsy on him but wouldn't for my wifes cousin or brother that died at 51 & 42 respectively. We wete given the option of paying for one, starting at 9k. This was in the same ciry. It will be chalked up to his past drug & alcohol problem. There is no honesty in law or medicine.

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Or politics...

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Forgot that one, but yes that's the obvious one. Thanks.

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Yes, to a drug/alcohol problem, or prior illness, or childhood injury, or his failing to get enough shots. There will always be an "anything but the shot" explanation for these people.

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It's more probably to disguise the real reason, whatever that is.

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I won't be holding my breath on the outcome, as there is less than 1% chance that coroner will look at the jab as a cause. So many people keep saying that there were heart attacks before covid jabs, so it is just something that happens.. Unfortunately happening at a much higher rate now, but they close their eyes to that.

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Even more telling perhaps is the young age and good health of COVID injection cardiac arrest victims (same with the cancer surge).

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Agitated Denial

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"Agitated Denial" - I like that. Sounds like a useful diagnosis for people who are waking up to the ugly truth but are terrified to admit it or tell it.

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If they did the post mortem and looked for the signs and did the dye tests they would see. This should be part of everyone’s post mortem nowadays. But of course they won’t want it to be the case.

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Morticians are The New Pathologists.

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And I guess, they have no ‘bosses’ to please either…. Let’s hope they start to speak up!

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Some morticians came forward to report the weird large clots that they had never seen before. I hope they (the morticians) aren't dead now!

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John O'Looney isn't - he never took it. And very eloquently describes why no one else should either, based on what he has seen on the table.

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I meant that I hoped they (the morticians) weren't dead because some entity didn't want them (the morticians) to speak up about what they were seeing in the vaccinated dead = weird large long clots never seen before.

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most morticians work for corporate conglomerates rather than for privately owned funeral homes.

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So true! People that I know and admired as an intelligent individual (my brother in law - a PhD) have said those exact things to me. (He is jabbed) And ignores the many many doctors that are trying to get the information out there about how bad the jabs can be. My bro in law even told me I should stay away from reading anything by Dr Peter McCullough because he is dangerous!!!!

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I Just lost a friend of 33 years to cancer that somehow showed up within months of 2 shots taken so she could go on a group trip to Jerusalem either the end of 2021 or early 2022.

She thought it happened from the job she worked at for over 30 years. But why suddenly show up just months after these 2 shots? Also it was one of these turbo cancers. First it was 1 surgery where it was originally detected. Then ct scans and more found in intestinal wall few months later. Surgery #2. Then Ct scan, ok. Then month or three later, ct scan now it's nodules in lower lung.

She tried chemo but couldn't tolerate it.

Last thing she tried a milder form of chemo. No good. She found out in Oct 2021 and died Oct 2023.

69 year old healthy woman.

She was a devout Christian so didn't fear death. But she's gone way too soon.

It's going to be very difficult to convince me it was her job that she has retired from at least 2 yrs earlier without an issue.

A friend's friend's husband in his 60's died suddenly brain hemmorage.

Another friend has prostate cancer.

Another friend's cancer that had been in remission has it back and or other types of cancer and various treatments helped at first but now other issues are coming forth.

Far too many people dying young. Dying suddenly. Dying in their sleep (am as body goes into initial waking stages causes changes in heart than can cause heart attack and death while sleeping).

Young athletes. Etc etc etc etc .

I pray for justice and repayment by God to each and every person who's been knowingly involved in these shots and for anyone unknowingly to be fully educated and demoted or some sort of fines for not checking into these bioweapons before pushing or administering them. That includes the hospital administrators, doctors or nurses who knowing treated patients with protocols they knew would kill them and all for MONEY.

God help humanity turn from the evil that is running this planet. "Lucifer is roaming around like a lion seeking whom he may devour."

May God put him where he belongs and may we help to put stumbling blocks in Lucifer's way EVERY STEP OF THE WAY EVERY DAY until God repays.

Please seek the light in Jesus. In God if you haven't already. Only love and light can stop the dark, hate and evil.

I need to ask for help not to hate these people because they make it easy.

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I'm so p....ed at Dr Drew who has one guest after another on his show about the Cov shot devastation, while interviewed about M. Perry's death talked about M. Perry's opioid past addiction... What a traitor instead of opening a discussion about the vaxx he had received... :-( :-(

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He could be controlled opposition.

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He is still poisoning his elderly patients with it.

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The first thought that crossed my mind was, " I wonder if he is vaccinated" , After seeing him pictured in the t-shirt answered that question. So sad.

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You can't find what you don't look for and yes - the shit would hit the fan if a coroner came out with the truth. I've lost hope in the courage of people to tell the truth. Look what has happened to the whistle blowers in the FBI - Apparently there are specific tests that one must do to discover the spike protein so if they aren't done - who's to know? Were I his parents, I'd want an answer.

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IMHO: The modRNA bioweapon, and Karma was not on his side. Tweeting a picture to pressure others to get the 💉 and trying to make money off of it while also hocking his book? Yikes. A triple whammy.

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There was an outreach from White House to entertainers to promote the vaccine. A substantial amount of money was directed specifically to get influencers to sell the MRNA products. A massive exercise in propaganda.

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I believe influencers were paid.

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Trump’s White House? He csn seem oblivious to what’s around him sometimes. Hopefully he has learned ho much that hurt him.

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It was the Biden administration.

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All the way - starting with Fauci!

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Right! The irony in life. Will karma pay jennifer anniston a visit next?

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TBH, after watching the video that Heather McDonald shared from Feb 2022 of her onstage at The Tempe Improv, joking about her vaxx status while lampooning those who didnt get it, and then seconds later “wham!” down she goes. Well, yeah, if I was Jennifer Anniston or any other celeb who took Big Pharma’s sweet sweet money to push the injections, I’d be worried and would be taking Dr. McCullough’s spike detox protocol.


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It’s not only his protocol; almost every other doctor who “gets it” recommends nattokinaise and the other things. And people can get tested for fibrin overload (spikes) with the d-diner test.

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Oh yeah, agree, I mentioned Dr. McCullough specifically because of his collaboration with John on this Substack.

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She was/is a real vax fanatic and was very public about it. I wonder how many jabs she got?

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I remember, threatening to " unfriend anyone wh wouldn't." Although she might just be a shill and didn't take any. Both would bring some karma I believe.

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The answer is no, you cannot be more vaccinated, because you're dead.

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I disagree. The only people that should take this jab are those that are already dead.

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Bitter laughter at your comment, Fancy Nancy.

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While I hope the LA coroner fully investigates Matthew Perry's death, any word whether the Maui coroner is doing his job? What happened to the Lost Children of Lahaina?

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Drowning obviously wasn't a legitimate reported proximate cause of death since one need only sit up straight to avoid drowning in a hot tub.

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The autopsy couldn't find the cause of death and it was"deferred". Toxicology results will be ready in couple of months .There is no information if immunohistochemistry will be performed to find out if vaccines were involved.

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Does anybody know why toxicology results take a couple of months?

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A coroner's default "cause of death" is "myocardial infarction" (heart attack due to blood clot blocking circulation to heart muscle). Since blood always clots in the heart at death, this "diagnosis" can always be justified, and then the coroner doesn't have to look further except for the toxicology testing. Toxicology results won't come back for 8 to 10 weeks. They'll be negative. But by then, nobody except the family will care...Perry's death will be "old news"...

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So true. A fully vaccinated, age 38 niece died while taking an afternoon nap on January 1, 2022. She was morbidly obese so the coroner listed the cause of death as obesity and looked no further. No one dies directly of obesity. The actual cause of death, in my opinion, was blood clots from the sepsis that developed as a consequence of an infection from a cat scratch and for which she was taking antibiotics, The sepsis developed because the jabs compromised her immune system so that she couldn't fight off an infection from a cat scratch. 8 months later her fully vaccinated mother, age 73, died in front of her morbidly obese 36 year old brother of a stroke while she was sitting on the toilet. No one in the family will even consider a jab connection.

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I saw this in the NY Times and made a disgusted sound. It's already been discounted.

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Honestly, we are fed so much shit these days. I read an article today saying infant mortality had increased. No mention about the jabs.

I read another article today about an American professor saying that taking all these additional vitamin supplements could increase your risk of cancer by 30% (I have to add that further in the article, there hasn’t been many studies into this).

Then I read another article about two of the most important vitamins you need to take.

We’re being fed misinformation left, right and centre deliberately so we can’t see the truth. So, that the people we try to explain stuff to, don’t believe us because they’ve blindly read or watched this misinformation and believe it.

I’m quite flabbergasted at what’s happened over the last couple of years. Life has changed irreparably for everyone.

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This is, to the best of my knowledge, not disinformation:


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Thanks for this. I’ve copied the link to read tomorrow morning as just about to go to bed.

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Is it just "today?" Or have we always been fed this bullshit, just unable to crowd source the truth and raw data to prove the lies?

The elite have got to be pissed they let us comment on and research with the interweb.

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I suspect bullshit has always been fed. I think they made a big mistake with the Covid debacle because it’s now obvious and we trust them even less (zero).

I was actually wondering the other day how they let the likes of these pages run without shutting them down. Maybe it’s the upset they’d cause and backlash, because that would be a flagrant attempt at censorship (can’t blame FB, Insta etc).

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As with other commenters, I continue to be amazed how people literally pull horse blinders over their eyes as children "die of heart attacks" and adults "die suddenly." I read one article where a writer was aghast that people could possibly be alluding to the Covid gene therapy as a cause--they wouldn't even specify the allegation but referred to a nefarious charge among conspiracy theorists. These people are worse than the traditionally envisioned ostriches with their heads in the sand: they're literally the three monkeys rolled into one who don't want to see, hear, or speak anything. The medical research, at this point, is damning against the injection, and if we lived in normal times, heads would be rolling.

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someone the other day asked me if all "anti-vaxxers" would apologize, once it became clear that perry died of drowning or a drug over dose, for speculating that the vaccine might be implicated in his death.

my answer was NO since "anti-vaxxers" never said that it WAS the vaccine; they simply suggested that the possible role of the vaccine should be considered. it is the "pro-vaxxers" who insist that his death could not possibly have had anything to do with the vaccine which seems a completely illogical position.

now that drowning has been ruled out and drug overdose seems to be going that way, i wonder if/when the apologies will come from that side.

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Sorry, but I think you know apologies are only for the outcasts.

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