The vaccine killed him. But maybe the vaccine struck him down as a tool of divine Justice for his scorn and contempt and disdain for his fellow human being who intelligently protected his body from Fauci mass murder tool.

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There’s nothing worse than pride. Lord, help us all.

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Number 1 rule of a psychopath: deflect and blame. The MSM reporters are psychopaths. It's that simple

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If it were my husband or family member, I would not stop until I learned the truth about this unexpected loss regardless of vax status or political lilt. It’s amazing that asking the hard questions is verboten these days.

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Such a shame. Looks like the US DOD/CIA Bioweapon Jab murders one more.

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These deaths are ‘normalized’ because EVERYONE knows what has caused them, and those who promoted and insisted on the vax do not want this to be investigated.

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"Such deaths have been normalized." The poignant comment in this substack was reserved for the last sentence.

The WSJ is running a serious of "cancer in the young" articles. I know for a fact the WSJ monitoring team is curating the comments on the article to remove anything that challenges the "normalizing" of cancer in the young.

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Excellent point: this sudden death syndrome has been/is being normalized. Of course, what else could we expect. Just like flu and colds have disappeared, there is only c19 if you have those symptoms. Infuriating.

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purely fantastic ironies here:

-- WHERE it happened!

-- to WHOM it happened!

-- WHEN it happened!

". . . Ya' just can't make this shit up."

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The sheeple have already been brain washed to think this is normal. I keep hearing “people are waking up” but I just see people accepting a “new normal”.

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I don’t relish in this man’s death & I doubt seriously it (& all the others) will make a dent in this wall of collective insanity. But I am continuously amazed at the hypocrisy of these zombies. We are turning the entire world upside down on the basis of the weakest correlation evidence, but otherwise normal healthy people suddenly dying on the level of the Rapture is mere coincidence.

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Long before Covid when my father passed away middle aged in his home by himself behind locked doors with nothing at all amiss except for his passing, the police kept us away from his body, and transported him to the coroner for an autopsy. Do they even do autopsies anymore? This is complete insanity. And why aren't family members demanding more detailed answers? I'd expect to see a bunch of ongoing fundraisers to raise money for a thorough investigation since the state isn't doing them. The willingness to just accept a young person dying from 'unknown causes' never to be discovered why is disturbing.

In my Dad's case it was sudden, but natural. But we got the answers and it's helped us with improving our own chances of not dying from a similar genetic disorder.

I mean if you're not going to wake up, go get your booster. Let Darwin work it out.

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When Each One Dies

So Too Does A Piece Of The Bullshit

They All Believed.


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I appreciate the articles that are here. That said, there are some very pressing issues that need to be addressed urgently. Denver healthcare began vaccinating their employees with ERVEBO vaccine, an attenuated Ebola Zaire vaccine. Interestingly, a “bat lab” is opening nearby at Colorado State University in Fort Collins where 3 of the 9 most pathogenic viruses (per WHO) will be “studied”. According to reports, the vaccine has a 31% shed rate. If the polio vaccine is a model, what is the risk of breakthrough cases? It may create a lot of fear as Ebola has a 70% mortality rate. Physicians, scientists, engaged citizens should be demanding many more answers before anything more is allowed to go forward. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/nih-funded-bat-research-lab-leak-colorado/ is about the lab, https://www.9news.com/article/news/health/denver-health-medical-team-first-ebola-vaccine/73-b3d8f0fd-35a4-4dff-b67b-19e566cb6d6f points to the Ebola Vaccines being given to healthcare workers. Please help get word out to those who are in a position to bring political attention to this issue.

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God works in mysterious ways. In California, they call it Karma. In Texas, they call it God. As a Texafornian, I say they are the same. What goes around comes around. No matter what you call it, you better watch how you treat others, be it people, animals, or the Earth. #GodKarmaJustice Thank you to Novax Djokavax for showing how it's done. #PureBloods

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I answer a very similar question in this piece:

• “What Caused David Miranda’s Death?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/what-caused-david-mirandas-death)

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