Brilliant connections - These are literally demonic forces unleashed on humanity - and to avoid them, humanity is called to stop its demonic abuse and exploitation of animals - as we sow, so we reap...

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and I do not know what to do with the friends that have revealed themselves in this category. The casual infiltrating nazi that appeared in my circle, my church and neighborhood. Jesus come, we are in a dire mess down here.

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Pray for them. And keep your distance. These people are nuts at the very least, and evil most certainly

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One could say, "How could a creepy, hair-sniffing, corrupt, evil, basement-dwelling, demented fossil who can't keep his hands off women and children ever have gotten elected with more votes even than the Biden Puppeteer B.H.Obama garnered"— allegedly 81 MILLION??? And, of course the answer is: he didn't!!! One would have to be living in Oblivious Land to believe that one! It is tragic that America has been so thoroughly attacked, and our population so thoroughly dumbed-down, gaslighted, and mind-controlled that anyone in the general public— uh, I mean Leftists — could actually believe the blatant lie that the election was legit!

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Ghoul is a good word. Ghoulish behaviour and frightening developments.

How can your country have become so ridiculous as to demonise a perfectly able man in Donald Trump (like him or not) and call him as dictator as some very foolish old Americans in the ship that we are on in Europe at the moment. Then now to demonise and criminalise his supporters? That’s not how a democracy works. You just go out and vote for your candidate.

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If not wishing to take drugs; encouraging family and friends to be similarly abstemious; doubting the magical powers of drugs and fearing that the tsunami of excess death and injury we are now seeing is iatrogenic is "ghoulish" - in the the opinion of the drug pusher and apologist associates - a ghoul I will have to be.

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According to Dr Aseem Malhotra the third highest cause of death in the UK is prescription medication. Ghoulish indeed.

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Extremely good article. The more people realise the demonic component behind everything that's happening, the better. But few will realise that the demonic is all part of God's own long prophesied plan. Hebrews 1:14 says that angels are only servants of those who will inherit salvation - by definition, that means that even the ghouls are servants. Romans 8:28 says that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

So as Madeline comments below, 'It's only terror, ignore it.'

The fear of the world is ALWAYS based on a lie.

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Ha! A quoted moment :D Honored.

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The honour is mine. <3

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Enjoyed this enlightening piece. 'Ghoul' really is very onomatopoetic and fits you subject perfectly.

Hareem, Assassin, Ghoul...Maybe, need to learn Arabic, Farsi; perhaps Hebrew, Aramaic or some such tongue as there are very interesting words associated.

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Oct 9, 2023
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Say it, 'GGGh-oo-oo-l'...Guttural and raspy in the back of the throat concurrently...Onomatopoeia not only describes the sounds in the auditory sense as heard; it's also about the formation of the word in the internal structures of the body.

The word 'POWer' is itself rather onomatopoetic, too. Many words can be used based upon how a reader is forming them in their own bodies; it's a subconscious mechanism many professional authors use to better paint the scenes to make them 'Come Alive'.

Some make-up words based upon this premise and though there is no such word; we know how it sounds and the definition...As in 'Dr. Seuss'.

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Oct 9, 2023Edited
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Any mind capable of this trash is a waste of time.

Go back to your masters in hell;

where all Demons Wearing Human Being Suits belong.

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Oct 9, 2023
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With the mouth of a Bore...

We of manners are taught to ignore.

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Edit: Four (not three, not two) things to say...

On Halloween... I have family travelling the US as I type, and they are surprised to see yards Already decorated for the big H, a month away. Do you guys think it's Christmas or something? Can it be good for a society to have skeletons hanging for long periods? Just asking. #WeLoveGhouls.

On all you enemies-of-the-state, I'm getting unvaccinated-in-Australia-about-to-taken-to-the-camps-vibes. It's only terror, ignore it, you have laws against it, still at home here, waiting to be taken away.

I know of someone racing up the ladder of young WEF leadership. University age. Leaps from personal recognition moment to personal recognition moment, acutely aware of how to move to those spots. Met the Queen, a few years ago, for "good works". Probably doesn't have a clue of the big picture, unless she's of a bloodline, of course.

JP Sears is so funny. Is he a WEF young global leader? They should target him.

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Yes, we see that all over town too. People are going all out. Makes sense that the fascination/preparation about death is growing. I decided I will not be celebrating this year.

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I only meant to marvel in different culture.

But I am interested by your observation that people are going 'all out' this year. Why does it 'make sense' that people are more fascinated by death. Do you think they have an idea that they are closer to it?

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Yes. I live in a very liberal town now. I have a feeling that the vaxed know intuitively that something is very wrong, even though they may deny it intelectually.

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Sad feeling in the pit of my stomach there...

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some towns here literally have competitions for the "best" halloween decorations.

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My travelling family told me (probably learnt it from an Uber driver) that Halloween is bigger decoration event than Christmas. Is that true?

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sadly, yes. in fact, my dear niece, a 40 y.o. single mother of 2 and a police detective, took 2nd place in her city last year and is determined to win 1st this year. God help us.

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although, "Christmas" decorations are getting more ... something extra, too. Perhaps it is different people with maybe some who do both in excess, like the middle of a ven diagram. But, it seems to be the gaudy (to my taste) inflatable nylon characters in holiday attire. Not really a nod to Christ the King at all. Today is an especially great day to say a Rosary for those poor, ignorant souls.

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We have a few who go all-out on Christmas here. The whole yard filled with massive, inflatables. It's a 'type', for sure. The celebration of the Spirit of Excess :D

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:D Wish her luck! My travelling daughter asked me if I'd like her to bring home some knitted light up pumpkins "They are all so pretty and interesting".

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Ghoul is a euphemism for Satan.

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I love Kunster!

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Never knew about the Arabic etymology of ghoul. Arabic has no letters for vowels, only subscript and superscript marks, which most often are not even written anyway. The three letters of the Arabic word ghoul are gh-w-l, so I would transliterate it ghuwl, but ghūl is acceptable.

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Oct 9, 2023
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Learn how to read, you stupid Wog. I said Arabic has no letters for vowels, only subscripts and superscripts that are usually never written anyway. I didn't say Arabic has no vowels. Idiot with a mouth.

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I've known about this most of my life. My father knew that Canada was a 'nest of nazis' (after coming out of Dachau weighting 65 pounds) He died early. Fortunately he didn't live to see the US (and the American Psychiatric Association) torture Arabic prisoners in Guantanamo and Abugraib!

Nazi'ism is not an ideology, it is just one expression of a human(?) psychosis and incoherent barbarism which periodically flares in many parts of the world, occurring most commonly when a nation is declining economically and culturally. That is why I'm so afraid for the United States right now!

Inevitably, the bulk of the people memory-hole the lessons which should have been learned, and the cycle continues because people cannot face the truth.

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What if the new speaker of the House declared some kind of Congressional emergency that enabled him to rally the people to take some sort of action? I do not know what that would be. Perhaps the House would rally states legislatures to do something. We have the identification of Trump people as terrorists, medical war against the population via jab and all sorts of God knows what products including potentially the food and water supply, the Fedsurrection, the abolishment of the First Amendment, plutocracy, stolen elections (provable), failure to prosecute treason by Democrats, a state-captured media, a pretorian guard FBI, and a criminal CIA with enormous unchecked power to harm Americans. Most importantly, the criminals in charge and their Red Guard appear to be mentally ill. One possibility I suppose would be to declare safe zones in parts of the country that would exempt inhabitants from federal persecution or prosecution during the emergency.

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We are in a most dangerous time and I thank you for not only your summation but also for your interesting idea. What if we collectively entertained this idea? Literally, as in a story. There are so many brilliant artists, writers, and creative individuals who are not in the limelight but who pursue their craft and share in their small communities. Think how many of those communities exist in the US or even regionally.

After all, didn’t the self declared Big Boss Man of the world write his visionary story? Mr Great Reset. He borrowed ideas and dreamt it up, “conjured” it up before boldly presenting it to the world as though it had already happened. In essence that is what successful visionaries do whether WE like it or not. They have self-confidence in their vision. They are self-righteous. They are not fearful, cowardly, immobilized by self-doubt in THEIR VISION.

I have been observing this phenomena since childhood and all of my predictions are coming to fruition.

My worst nightmares are being realized as a I know there are others who have had similar experiences.

It is time for the creation of a new story for humanity.

Our Story.

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Absolutely. A precursor would be to define "Our". I gave it a start in my book, "Living a Good Life: Cultural Secession and nation building for men and women of the West. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BKS8W281.

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Excellent. I will purchase your book this weekend. Very important word OUR. I have a perspective on the word. I love that you zeroed in on it. First. I will read your book and a few of your posts.

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And they dare to condemn? The quoted numbers are so diminished, they amount to a type of white wash.


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Whitewash is one word.

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It is not "A word". It is an abomination and a refusal to be accountable!

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Whitewash is one word as written, not two words as he wrote it. Morons fracture compounds.

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Hey Editor, quick change.

It's Kunstler, with an 'L'.

James Howard Kunstler, always interesting, always insightful.

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