Ginger Breggin here, John. Thank you for the reminder of one of the most important aspects of childhood-- that magical pre-puberty time of genuine innocence. It is a sad commentary on our culture that we need to be reminded to protect children and their innocence. Your action in making protection of children explicit is deeply appreciated by parents and rational adults everywhere.

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Hello Ginger! Thanks for reading our Substack, and thanks for your kind and encouraging words of praise. I greatly appreciate them. Hope you and Peter are well. Best regards, John

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Thanks John! Thanks for all you are doing🙏🏼

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Thank-you Ginger and Peter for all of your sacrifices to inform and protect children....and the rest of us!🤗💕

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Elton John is right to be worried about a change in attitudes towards gays and lesbians and it is his own damn fault. The embrace of transsexualism and pedophilia by organized LGBTQ/Pride/Rainbow Coalition maniacs and rock stars has reversed the trend toward pubic acceptance of same sex relationships. https://news.gallup.com/poll/507230/fewer-say-sex-relations-morally-acceptable.aspx

Many gay men (such as myself) are sickened and repulsed by the transexual circus and their prurient interest in children, and we also know that gay support for it will unleash a backlash that can erase decades of progress for gays and lesbians. Embracing the trans/queer agenda is self-destructive and counterproductive as well as immoral.

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I appreciate this comment and I am proud of those gay and lesbians who are speaking out against this, and to be honest, you are necessary in this fight to preserve childhood. It won't happen without you.

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The public display and worship of sexual debauchery, including the sexualization and mangling of children, is supported by all kinds of people if one can make assumptions by looking at the people bringing children to the sex acts known as drag shows. Elton John is a brilliant musician but apparently couldn't be bothered to read the bill, or he just doesn't care. It would be nice if adults, whether gay, lesbian or straight, would stop celebrating their genitalia. The gay, lesbian and straight adults that don't revolve around their genitalia and don't want to sexualize children need to circle the wagons around the children and stick together to protect those children.

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"It would be nice if adults, whether gay, lesbian or straight, would stop celebrating their genitalia."

Amen to that! Enough already. Could we get any more ignorant and debased in this country? It's simultaneously mortifying and infuriating.

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I also support your comment, have seen the LGB against the T work and I'm very appreciative of it, but I have to say that there had been extensive reach of the LGB into the childhood space long before the T became the next Trojan Horse.

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I can see your point, but I also think the LGB reach into the childhood space was part of a larger movement to sexualize children and normalize pedophilia. For example, Jeffrey Epstein was molesting 12-year old girls and supplying children to his powerful heterosexual friends and political allies 20 years ago. In the late 20th Century gays and lesbians were adamant about avoiding association with the sexualization of children, but the movement was hijacked by social justice warriors in the early 21st Century in an attempt to "free" everyone from social taboos. The LGB decision to join that movement was immoral and unwise, but also motivated by greed. After same sex marriage was legalized, fundraising groups had to find a new victim class to support and the T+Q appendage was added. It is a Frankenstein monster that will devour its creators.

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I'm glad there's a part of the LGB community that can see the big picture. I agree the powers want to normalise everything they've been doing before they get jailed, and at the moment it's one thing to the next.

It's been crazy here in Australia - we went from a Royal Commission into Institutional Child Sexual Abuse where the whole of Australia saw the gross damage of paedophilia on children, to be now on a certain pathway-of-intent to normalise the same.

I just replied to "Connecting The Dots" immediately below (similar themes - saw it first). I'd be interested in your response.

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I am glad there are mothers like you standing up against the in appropriate sexualization of children. It seems to me the pendulum has swung too far toward "affirming" gay or lesbian identity. When I was their age I lived in fear of anyone suspecting I was gay because the response would be swift and violent. That attitude was wrong, but so is the present approach of inundating adolescents with confusing messages about sexuality. Let them find their own way in life without badgering them about it. I have lived long enough to know that pendulums swing both ways, and there will be hell to pay for the current same-sex propaganda and especially the obsession with transsexualism that has been obscenely appended to gay identity.

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I agree, but we can say the same about the straight community as well...there are perverts and degenerates in each group. I, like you, can appreciate those in the gay community, that are saying "gay straight, black, white, rich poor - when it comes to the kids and sex - leave them alone". Those perverted gay men and women, who prey upon and abuse children, should hang right alongside the straight - hetero abusers.

There is much work to be done in both camps, to bring this evil to heel. If we do it together, we have more chance of being successful and saving these kids.

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I wasn't talking about 'perverts and degenerates' when I talked about 'reach'. I referred to simple mainstream outreach on Under-5s television, normalising same sex attraction in a place where it never needed to be. I'm talking about very naive children (my own) in high school getting advice on somewhat disturbing LG sex practices, wondering if they'll 'turn out' to be gay and have to involve themselves in that way. I'm also talking about the propaganda to the mothers (me) saying 'your child might turn out to be gay', leading me thus to say the same to my children, just as mothers are now saying to their children that they might be in the wrong bodies. This was not great for my children - mothers are so vulnerable to social pressure.

Accepting people is great. Actively promoting movement away from the heterosexual biological default has strong destructive and confusing elements to everyday unconflicted children. As a mother, as a grandmother to be, never again.

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Thank you for the clarification.

Those who are pushing this (being suggestion of being gay or trans) are degenerates, in my opinion - maybe not perverts. I say that because I believe it should be hands off the kids (physically and psychologically). If a kid has inklings of being gay or trans, then it's not the teachers place to arbitrate or counsel the kid on that - it's the parents. For those kids in less than ideal situations at home, then there might be latitude for an outside counselor, but with full parental knowledge. But in truth, if things are that bad at home, then there are larger problems, that need to be addressed - than the confusion of a kid.

My position on the gay lifestyle - that I have explained elsewhere - is live and let live. While I don't agree with the lifestyle from a religious standpoint, I can respect those in their community, with the courage and integrity to fight against this attack on the kids. Additionally there are many that just want to live their lives and could care less about a rainbow flag, parade or pushing their choices on anyone else. Those are the people I consider allies in this.

A similar case off ally-ship is happening with parents standing against school boards allowing the sexualization of their kids - conservative Christians and Muslims.

You have a point with reach and I would submit, that was the beginning of the assaults on kids and the traditional family model (hetero man & woman). For me those with the money, power and position - behind this slow and methodical push - are the same ones behind what we see today - and not (for the most part) my gay co-worker or neighbor.

We have to fight this as we see fit and in ways that make sense to us - so long as we fight.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences, in this outrageous crap show. I wish you the best of luck with your grandchildren.

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I'm glad you agree that the suggestion is a degenerate thing to do. There needs to be more work (by the well-meaning people) on the fine line between acceptance and suggestion.

I was coaxed into suggestion by the rhetoric of saying how damaging it is for children if their parents don't accept their sexuality - no mother wants to damage her children. There was NO DISCUSSION on the damage wrought by inappropriate suggestion.

They are doing exactly the same over gender, but this time I recognise what is happening.

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Thank you for standing and denouncing this perverted and debased predation of the kids. As other have said, gay, straight - it matters not in this fight, we are all needed. I will however say, your voice and that of those in the gay community are critical - you bring more authority to this fight, because they have subverted and co-opted your group and painted you all with their wide and perverted brush. It was planned of course, to keep divided - those who'd come together and fight this pederast grooming.

Someone need to clue elton in and tell him to stop listening to his idiot friends in the fake media and hollyweird. Or maybe he is cool with the sexualization of the kids. We have to accept that some of these long time idolized heroes, have always had feet of clay. We just decided to ignore them.

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I am charitably inclined to believe Elton John has never read the bills he complains about and, instead, relies on the typical NYT, et al, reporting, which lie incessantly about the issue, starting with "don't say gay".

I'm not so sure this is correct: "If, during one of these carefree days, an adult had approached me and started talking about sex, I would have thought him insane." I would have considered him (because it's always a him) to be a pervert who should be reported to the police, who in those days would arrest and prosecute the man.

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Sadly, it’s only males (as predator) is a HUGE misconception!

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Jun 25, 2023·edited Jun 25, 2023

"Sir" Elton is all you need to know.

However, I do give a pass to Sir Ray Davies, the true greatest of the early British bands.

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Agree agree agree....and we normal gay folks do not understand this global pathology anymore than normal hetero folks. Protect your babies, we are!

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THEY seem to have co-opted widespread sympathy for normal gay people to mask some very dark, culturally destructive agenda to undermine society as a whole.

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Thanks for speaking the truth, calling out the perversion and being in the fight to protect the kids.

We need as many of us, as we can get - gay and straight.

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"Hey! Teacher! Leave them kids alone!"

- Pink Floyd, "Another Brick In the Wall"

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to answer your question: "WHO could possibly be interested in depriving children of this enchanting period of their lives?" The answer is WHO - the World Health Organization. They just released videos of adults teaching very young children about their genitals, about sex. Teaching masturbation.

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Florida banning it until after grade 3. Why not after grade 5?!

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I don't think 'gender identity' should be discussed at all - I think it's suggestion except in the most extreme cases. It should be a psychological dysfunction only - not a lifestyle choice.

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Maybe starting with a state law even some Democrats might agree with to get it passed. I’m sure conservatives would agree with you.

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That’s insane

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google world health organization early child sex ed. then scroll.



and ‘When to start...’. it follows the un of course.

UN, UNESCO the child rights... sounds benign, but protects predators. UN is notorious for abusing women and children.

Heck, Laura Silsbey works for Amber Alert Org.

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Thanks for sharing!! This is all lies and more corruption! 🤮

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Not long ago it meant social death just to be suspicious of any offense regarding sexual abuse of children. Now it is being institutionalized with very flimsy justifications, that still cannot hide the fact, that there must exist influential groups of people which are interested in turning children into sexualized objects.

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Only groomers want children to know about sexuality. Only groomers want to destroy childhood innocence. This culture makes me wish I was a child again to escape the relentless obsession with sexuality and gender ideology. I despair for the children who've already had their innocence stolen by these pedophiles, predators and perverts. Honestly, Elton John! You've done so much for the world. Is this going to be your legacy?!?!

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Has Elton John done 'so much for the world'?

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Yes, Treasure Island...! I had the good fortune of a (primary school) teacher who recited the entire tale in his spell-bound class. I was intrigued by Long John Silver: he good? he bad? both? One of those childhood mysteries that gave me (and I expect many of my cohort, I'm 69) a moral grounding.

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Bingo now tell that to this vax injured Elton John and his elk because these folks are truly mentally ill. It is good to remind all of as to the importance of allowing as well as supporting childhood innocence. These mentally ill folks lost their innocence as well as common sense when they continued to happily vax themselves long before the MRNA technology created illness in those who mixed drugs, alcohol free sex and contaminate vaccines. They fell in lockstep to be slaves to the Alinsky methods. I for one don’t give a rats arse about what Elton John thinks and if he ever crossed the pond again. The poster child for abnormal should stay in his own lane. He has been allowed to say a d do whatever he wants why does he think others shouldn’t. Perhaps diversify equity and inclusion are only applicable to the LGBTQ blah blah blah. C’mon man live and let live. Stay out of people’s business particularly parents rights to protect their childhood innocence. Certainly people like Elton John had theirs taken away hence his abnormal path to adulthood and I am not taking about his sexual preferences but rather his maligned twisted thinking he clearly lacks objectivity and deductive reasoning. Stick to singing Elton!

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Elton John's "lament" is so typical of celebrities, politicians and other groupthink drones when confronted with a rational, desirable action that appears to go against their loony "causes."

I agree completely with your thoughts about maintaining childhood innocence. Perhaps Elton and other celebrities who think the same didn't have such childhoods.

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Childhood is a foundational time of learning about the world and how it works. Ideally childhood is a time of playing and reading, guided by loving parents in a peaceful untroubled uncomplicated environment. We are now seeing children's development being assaulted by sexual deviants with reprobate minds being egged by corporations, governments, and schools. The agenda appears to promote an untimely prurient focus directed at our cherished children. Romans 1:24-32 describes the degradation process. Until this turmoil is sorted out, I implore parents to remove their children from this evil takedown of everything we hold dear.

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Leave the kids alone. Period. Thanks John. Peace.

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I agree completely with what you said, Dr. McCullough!! So thankful you are speaking out for all of us, especially our children!!

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Woweeee John.....great topic and a monstrous reminder to those that would fail such innocence's.

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Satan's prize possession

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Adults have forgotten God. Hard to see the world turn so evil. We must protect the children 🙏

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