Interesting about the 40 days, the number 40 comes up many, many times in both the Old and New Testament of the Bible

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Good observation. 1600 Furlongs, from Revelation 14:20, is 40 x 40. I wrote an article about that verse: https://www.practicaprophetica.com/1600-furlongs/

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Disease X,

from Planet X,

carried by Racer X,

cured by Chemical X

without which it means our X-tinction

Really Big Pharma & the Great Reset think, X marks the spot.

We are X-pendable.

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X....... Twitter......

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lol...the X is on OUR backs...

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True indeed

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Jan 16, 2024
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So frightened...

Fear shuts off the analytical brain. Fear makes... lizard people.

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WEF & WHO threaten “Disease X” Push for the Pandemic Treaty & BAAL Gates “Final Solution" https://www.bitchute.com/video/spZlZIThLAyx/

January 14th 2024 WEF and WHO threaten “Disease X” The Final Push for the Pandemic Treaty and Bill Gates “Final Solution.” https://expose-news.com/2024/01/13/wef-and-who-threaten-disease-x-the-final-push-for-the-pandemic-treaty-and-bill-gates-final-solution/

January 14th 2024 "Preparing for Disease X" WEF panel session on Jan. 17, 2024 will discuss preparations for "unknown disease." https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/preparing-for-disease-x

January 14th 2024 Propaganda series: Disease X Propaganda - fear mongering about a red herring. Black swans, Google's "sensitive event", financial and market collapse, Pandemic 2.0, lockdowns & more. https://makismd.substack.com/p/propaganda-series-disease-x-propaganda

Scientists use creativity, vigilance to brace for Disease X https://nationalpost.com/health/disease-x-global-pandemic-covid-19-virus-outbreak -- Fauci & WHO "Disease X" (Zika) Vaccines to purposely infect you! https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/fauci-who-disease-x-zika-vaccines-to-purposely-infect-you

Disease X & Zika HCT Vaccine published at NIH on 12/19/19, same day 1st Covid case is reported from China. HCT vaccines deliberately infect you. March 13th 2018 Ecohealthalliance & Fauci: WHO is worried about Disease X and you should be too https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/03/a-mysterious-disease-x-could-be-the-next-pandemic-to-kill-millions-of-people-heres-how-worried-you-should-be

December 19th 2019 The same day Covid hoax began in China, NIH publishes this article: When could human challenge trials be deployed to combat emerging infectious diseases? Lessons from the case of a Zika virus human challenge trial https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6921433/

Covid-19 Timeline for December 2019:


October 21st 2021 “Fifth wave” of COVID-19 underway in France https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2021/10/22/fran-o22.html

Disease X - Wikipedia. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of SARS-CoV-2, speculated in 2020 as being the first real-world virus to create Disease X[1][2][3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disease_X

October 13th 2021 Preparing for “Disease X” https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abm7796

July 21st 2020 The Next Pandemic: Prepare for “Disease X” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7390567/

January 6th 2020 Disease X by NJ Croft (Same day The New York Times ran its first story on the Covid outbreak.[46]) https://www.amazon.com/Disease-X-N-J-Croft-ebook/dp/B081XS6FN7

March 13th 2018 Ecohealthalliance & Fauci: WHO is worried about Disease X and you should be too https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/03/a-mysterious-disease-x-could-be-the-next-pandemic-to-kill-millions-of-people-heres-how-worried-you-should-be

March 13th 2018 (The anniversary of the Covid Lockdowns March 13th 2020) Disease X: The Next Pandemic https://www.ecohealthalliance.org/2018/03/disease-x

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👏👏 Brilliant work... The more you look, the more they openly tell you what's in store... Great resources there, thank you

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Great info ... Noticed Dr John Campbell get his video pulled off YouTube discussing this research a day or two ago.

Creutzfeldt-jakob disease maybe one consequence of mRNA "vaccination" miRNAa's and framshifting translation, making mishaped proteins/ prions...


Could this mouse brain plague be a potential candidate of blame? They could also blame the country of origin too? Trigger something ?? Just trying to think like someone in the WEF... What is their next chess piece (after a cyber attack, food shortages, economy collapse and operation bluebeam of course!!)?!


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It would perhaps be more than highly useful if Nurse Campbell would not opine on the matter of what Disease X is or is not. His theatrics are just too much, his pitch is too over the top, and his comments too often are essentially blarney.

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I wondered if it was part of the theatre to get this "out there" as a media priming/ framing tool?

The disease you can't talk about... But suddenly can once prion disease becomes common...

Sort of like covid, mysterious disease in China you can't talk about, but all these mysterious videos online... Like the teaser before the presentation of "Covid" the psyop... Trying to think like a WEF propaganda schemer...

I haven't seen his disease X vid yet, I will check it out... I can't think of what his mouse pangolin brain kill virus research video was called, but it was pulled off YT within a day.

Discussing this paper:


Lethal Infection of Human ACE2-Transgenic Mice Caused by SARS-CoV-2- related Pangolin Coronavirus GX_P2V(short_3UTR)

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Another possibility is…. ADE- antibody dependent enhancement … like Judy mikovits talked about … failure of the innate immune system… they’d need a reason to explain that away… why everyone is dying from a typical immune stressor suddenly

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Absolutely... So much going on with this genetic poison... A crapped out immune system, everyone is sick... Makes perfect sense.

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Moderna just swiped their mRNA pipeline product list off their website - not there any more. Of course it had nipah and zika mRNA 'vaccine' products on there.

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The “unknown disease” is the WEF

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Can't be; we already know that 1!

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Disease "X" is what they are going to blame when all the people dropping dead from the jab occurs over the next several months . . .

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Disease vaXed.

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Disease X is turd.

Just like its creators.

Why can't these motherfuckers use their gifts to help and support people?

And maybe grow something that will nourish their neighbours?

Sorry, I am out of patience with these fuckers.

They've designed their own path.

It's gonna be fuckin rocky.

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Dude. Same. Fucking over the bullshit. They are demons. Possessed by evil, incapable of doing good. Spiritual warfare on Planet X.

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Because their agenda requires we be DEAD, not living here!

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“2). How can an unknown thing be studied, and how can scientists develop countermeasures against it?”

Answer: make it known by creating it in a lab.

It looks like they’ve already done so. What are your comments about the recent Chinese researcher paper on creating a SARS-COV-2 like virus in a lab from a pangolin virus, and finding it has 100% lethality in transgenic mice with humanized ACE2 receptors, and that, like SARS-COV-2, is transmissible in air?

It is discussed on John Campbell’s 1/11/24 video:


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Check out Sasha Latypova’s Substack today. She addresses that very well.

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Thank you for pointing me to Sasha Latypova’s countervailing point of view on that. Her point about various motivations for fear porn is well-taken, however, I also believe she somewhat misses the most important point: very risky virus research with questionable useful purposes other than bioweapons development is going on in labs around the world and has been increasing. Whether it is banned or not and whether or not the lethality or morbidity of any particular research has been exaggerated, the fact remains that Covid-19 demonstrated we are woefully unprepared to launch an effective public health response to a pandemic and we’ve done nothing to reduce the risk of one happening again.

She seems to attack the messenger on that particular paper, while pointing out that the “fear porn” lies in the title of the paper itself and conjectures that the authors have the most to gain (NIH funding) by scare-mongering; So, I question the insinuation that John Campbell is sharing and discussing the paper just to get views - it’s entirely possible - I don’t know him personally, but I’m skeptical that would be his main motivation.

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Very thoughtful reply, Red, and you make good points. Just as an aside, I lost confidence in John Campbell quite a while ago since he was really pushing the shots, and I'm sure that colors my perspective.

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Nurse Campbell is darned lucky that he has not been shut down by You Tube.

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It makes me sick thinking about what is to come, not the disease itself but the fear, division and propaganda that will follow.

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Totalitarian Govt. is mandated to take over the entire world under any pretext according to regulations in this Pseudo-Law of western legislatures and agencies; IMAGINARY EVENTS contingent upon simple claim with no factual proof even necessary. Under such planned TYRANNY, the world surely can depend upon the Techno-Feudal Fascist Demons to continue the theft of God's creation as that has always been the nature of the Beast.

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Let’s come up with a plan to not let Disease X infect our minds, they win when they control what we think about. This is a bunch of nonsense capturing the attention of the already captured masses. Break the spell do not allow these madmen to control your thoughts, get a hobby, meditate, work in a shelter, adopt a pet bring reality not crazy rhetoric back into your life. Put down your phone or computer limit your distractions to one’s you choose not ones imposed on you.

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1,000%. It's a mind game. From the lockdowns in 2020 the health authorities (and whoever's behind them) have been trying to frighten, panic, and confuse people, and thereby create the opportunity to slip in the whatever it is people never would have agreed to otherwise. Um, like, experimental EUA gene jabs. I am oft reminded of the meme THE CURE FOR COVID which showed someone throwing a television out the window.

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For Americans, Goethe’s best known character is Dr. Faust. Seems like an apropos story as well.

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Use propaganda to create fear, inciting the lower brain centers--the pre-mammalian lizard brain (the amygdala)--setting us up for totalitarianism.

Therefore, they are not "scientists." They are fascist propagandists.

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Disease X is already widespread. It has infected many people so far. Symptoms are an unbending desire for power over others and complete adherence to any narrative put forth by 'authority' figures. That's the virus we're most concerned with.

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Twitter gone viral?

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The X in common is .....hard to miss.

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What other kind of science can you expect from a guy with a degree in political science???

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Has disease X been on the Simspons yet?

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