Here's what happened:

"So it's just a coincidence that the police chief was the same man in charge of the Las Vegas shooting [author's note: he is also Lahaina's coroner].

And it's just a huge coincidence that property owned by millionaires and billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Oprah, and the founder of PayPal remained untouched while the land of the natives burned only a few feet away—literally.

And it's just a huge coincidence that the island had the largest system of outdoor sirens in the world, yet they decided not to sound them, or alert anybody in any way.

Annnd it's just a huge coincidence that they closed all of the schools, sent all the children home, and turned off the water as soon as the fires started so that people couldn't put them out.

And it's just a coincidence that, under orders, policemen blockaded the exits, didn't allow anyone to evacuate, and forced them to jump in the water to save their own lives.

And it's just a coincidence that the island is set to be the very first to operate on 100% renewable energy, and to do so they must significantly decrease their C02 emissions.

And it's just a huge coincidence the one month prior to the fires the mayor issued a press release highlighting his commitment to the United Nations 2030 agenda of sustainable development.

And it's just a coincidence that Hawaii is the only state to have submitted a voluntary local review which is a framework and goal-set to achieve sustainable development.

And it's just a huge coincidence that BlackRock and the United States Government are two out of the three largest land owners on the island who have been trying to buy up the land from the natives for the past few decades who refuse to sell, and both of them are part of the renewable energy agenda.

And it's just a huge coincidence that the survivors’ homes that are still standing are now being evicted.

And it's just a coincidence that the fact checkers saying that all of this is a coincidence are owned by BlackRock.

At this point if you believe that all of these are coincidences - you are the crazy one. Not me.

Google is not going to come out and tell you what's going on and even if they did a lot of you wouldn't even believe it unless it was from a government or fact checking website.

But guess what, they're not going to tattle on themselves so you need to think for yourself.

We should be absolutely enraged about these fires. We really need to stand up and do something because [if we don't] things like this are just going to keep [happening]." -Unknown Speaker

Excerpt from: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/must-see-presenting-12-unfathomable

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Tritorch = Truthteller….. thank u .

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And it’s just a coincidence that trees burned from the inside out, and that homes were reduced to ash while trees next to them with flammable leaves did burn...

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There is another great “coincidence”--- the book Fire And Fury -- chronicles the fire dates Aug 8- Aug 11. Yet date of publication is Aug 10th? Author is

Dr. Miles Stone.

Dr. M i l e s S t o n e ...

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This USAF beam-weapon technology, based on Maui and in Arizona is notable:


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Thank you. Someone who is not afraid to spell it out.

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Best substack Comment of the month!

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I think that I may see the Day of Reckoning in my lifetime. I look forward to the Rapture if that is the case. One day the world will be purged of its corruption.

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What Evil lurks in the Hearts of Men?



History is more than often falsely written by the Victors.

The Victims and the Families of are, the suffering.

Where does the love of God go, when tragedy burns hearts, minds, and souls of mankind?

This is the Question that has been asked for Eternity.

Maybe it is the strongest reminder of where we should place our faith and trust.

The .Gov Org. is not such a support. Your compassion and love holds your own well being.

The term @ The FEDERAL LEVEL, has no longer held the Oath nor the Promise it commands.

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So many assertions -- perhaps all true -- but without a single link to a source, neither here nor in the tritorch post.

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No stranger to tragedy, Maui Police Chief John Pelletier led response to 2017 Vegas massacre: https://usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/08/15/maui-police-chief-john-pelletier-las-vegas-response/70594938007

Same police chief, who the incident commander for Vegas Shooting, is Maui Chief of police + coroner: https://bitchute.com/video/6N0UqPeB14L0

A State Official Refused To Release Water For West Maui Fires: https://www.civilbeat.org/2023/08/a-state-official-refused-to-release-water-for-west-maui-fires-until-it-was-too-late/

Survivors say roads were blocked as raging fire swept through Lahaina: https://hawaiinewsnow.com/2023/08/23/survivors-roads-blocked-raging-fire-swept-through-lahaina

"Going in A Circle in A Fire Pit" Maui Police Blocked Off Exits While Residents Tried to Escape: https://bitchute.com/video/QMJrBJZl7Phb

OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR – NEWS RELEASE – GOV. GREEN ENACTS LAWS TO PROMOTE A CLEAN ENERGY FUTURE: https://governor.hawaii.gov/newsroom/office-of-the-governor-news-release-gov-green-enacts-laws-to-promote-a-clean-energy-future

Green issues emergency proclamation on housing aimed at streamlining new projects: https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/2023/07/17/governor-set-announce-emergency-proclamation-housing

Maui’s Ambitious Step Towards Becoming the First Smart City: AI-Powered Governance: https://medium.com/@tiffbaker0725/mauis-ambitious-step-towards-becoming-the-first-smart-city-ai-powered-governance-c1f210be27a4

Lahaina Coverup By Vegas Massacre Police Chief: Journalists Arrested, Drones Disallowed, Walls Built: https://bitchute.com/video/pEOcfXXhbWgG

COVER-UP: Journalism Blackout Fence Erected Around Lahaina, Foreign Police On Patrol, Drones Downed: https://bitchute.com/video/rE5eKy8vASJs

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OK, now those are some things we can look at (tho at least one is behind a regwall.) Thanks.

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The way you commented was lazy and rude initially… I had heard all of those things in news reports and other Substack articles… Perhaps next time do some looking or just politely ask for some references...

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No kidding. Among FRIENDS, one doesn't NEED to rudely/snidely INSINUATE that assertions are unfounded/unsupported/undocumented. A TRUE thinker, a true COLLEAGUE (such as we are among ourselves), would say "hey, can you point me to the details/sources of everything you just wrote, I really want to be able to have my facts straight when I try to red pill my friends". And THEN to complain about a paid firewall! Dude, you can go do SOME of your own homework, you have a Google machine, don't you?

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I also had read about all these things and heard first person accounts shortly after the fire. Also videos. At this point, the named “coincidences” are common knowledge for all those who’ve been paying attention.

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I've been thinking about Maui over the last few weeks. There's been nothing in the media-sphere at all, that I've come across anyway. It's like the situation in E Palestine. Time and stalling through time are their most effective weapons. People just move on. People just forget, as new catastrophes turn up with fatiguing, numbing regularity.

Of course that doesn't hold for the people who've been tragically injured. But who cares about them? It is indeed a cruel world we live in today. A cruel, cynical, barbaric world. God help us all.

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The NY Times did an article around Christmas.

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Yes. Even this film is essentially old news. I’d like to know what’s happening now, from local sources rather than from the NYT.

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It’s pretty clear from the blaze video that the government is responding in a hostile way towards the residents who were burned out and towards anybody who wants to find out what really happened. The Fire, Public Safety, and other state and federal responses appear to be criminal and predetermined. Nothing that you or the reporter state rules out directed energy weapons, and your assertion that it’s likely an old-fashioned arsonist seems to be made of whole cloth. Lahaina was like the northern California fires in Paradise and Santa Rosa. The similarities in fire pattern damage, including the melting of glass, steel and aluminum which all melt only at temperatures about double that of the hottest forest fire need to be explained. The presence of trees and gardens that appear untouched within a few feet of vaporized buildings and cars need to be explained. The body count and the fact that a lot of kids and other victims seem to have vanished without a trace needs to be explained.

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Excellent....i was going to mention in my general comment about the children and the tunnels and the sex trafficking....disasters are prime situations for these satanic child sex traffickers....thank you for all you said.

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Not discounting anything you say, but in the SoCal wildfires of 2007, friend’s 2 40’ air-sea crates literally melted into the ground (fire gained entry from air vents), shattering (some) porcelain and literally folding Pyrex baking dishes. Conditions very similar; grassland and a few trees. Not forested. Incredibly intense, and AFAIK, no suspicious origins.

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Adding wind changes everything.

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Yep - Santa Ana winds put some other storms to shame.

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John, your four observations were spot on. I live in the Sierra foothills of California. Fire threat is so dangerous I cannot obtain affordable fire insurance.

Three years ago there was a moderate fire about 7 miles away. We were forced to evacuate. It was a clown show between all the agencies. The power to the community was shut off at 11PM, THEN, the evac order was called. In the Dark. All Comms were down of course. There is one highway through town. In the western direction that highway was blocked on account of the fire and evac traffic was turned around at the highway patrol road block at the bottom of Priest Grade and sent back into the mountains. CalFire, Stanislaus Natl Forest, Tuolumne Fire, BLM, Highway Patrol, TuoCo Sheriff, every damn inexperienced incompetent bureaucrat put himself in charge. Like the guy in the documentary we just drove around the "authorities" we took charge of our own situations and did the same. Fortunately no one was hurt or lost.

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I believe this is a really sinister trial run… at what will be tried in other areas of the country…

Josh Green said he’s looking at ways to acquire the land of Lahaina… that was not a mis-speak… that’s the truth

And Green goes on to say ‘he is willing to drop the hammer’ on people who are unwilling to forfeit their investment rental properties to fire victims… abolishing the short term rental industry in Maui

They plan to steal the land

-Those whose homes burned

- As well as those who have rental investment properties there …

I believe they are actively seeking how to steal the land from both groups of people. This story isn’t over.

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These agendas are ALL connected

The government creates a housing CRISIS … and private citizens are asked to shoulder the burden.

Peggy Hall has been saying that VRBO and air B n B listings … make property owners targets… then th e government is aware they have a surplus of available housing space … and here we go

This is all outrageous!


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Interesting two minute video on how the government isn’t allowing insurance adjusters into Lahania so people can’t get insurance settlements and are losing their homes. http://tiktok.com/@theoldermillennial.1/video/7322549814690843934?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=mobile&sender_web_id=7317265302719710766

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Good but chilling video. I hadn’t heard about the insurance adjuster freezeout before.

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Insurance is going to be the new controller. Automobiles capable of self driving have so many sensors they are actually spy drones (ChiComs won't let them in certain 'sensitive' areas of China as result.) The cars sensor can spy on everything around them, including spying on the driver for the auto insurance companies (and Deep Sate). The ultimate social credit score is real time insurance company monitoring your driving, including changing your rates depending on your driving and your location. Insurance companies can also instantaneously cancel your insurance if you don't behave, like the Canadian Truckers.

Insurance is the new handcuffs, with a stun gun attached if you don't listen. Watch Insurance.

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Strangely, that announcement or another like that, came out within days -- yes, days, of the fire. Sorry I do not have a resource saved on that---I am going to do better at that!

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John Leake

PLEASE cover what happened to the kids in your film and book.

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Jan 12·edited Jan 12

Please comment on thie linked video. It seems like there is more than governmental neglect, incompetence and greed going on here. Seems more like a land grab from the rightful owners.. https://t.me/efenigson/3183


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Boom you hit the nail in the head with there is no money in conscientious management for special interests and industries!

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John Leake

It will be deeply disappointing if your book doesn't address exactly what did happen to all the children.

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The governor of Hawaii and legislature could easily fix this, changing all land sales since the fire into leases that will be reevaluated every year for value, and taken out of the sales. When the sale money runs out the lease can be resold with any buildings constructed after the fire being sold at construction costs plus 10%. Lease value can be established by rents as well as comparable values and current bid values.

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What you say may be true enough, but that was not the driving reason for this catastrophe. In all due respect, if this is all you have, it seems you have utterly failed to look at what does not make sense in your opinion.

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Dear Arieh, this is John Leake replying to your comment. Thank you for your feedback, and thanks for your commentary. I can assure my readers that my 75,000 word book will present more content than this 150-word post. Best regards, John Leake

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Mr. Leake, Point taken-- will look at more of your orevious posts. Thank you.

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You are awfully vague in your statement , help us out here .

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Yes Wanda, I think we all get that.

I didn’t mean to sound confrontative, I just hold other beliefs/and opinions. Please note TriTorch’s comment-- he says it well.

And I may add that I have family who is a good friend of a Doctor who lives in Lahaina, who was actually there with his family during the catastrophe. He and his family’s experience are like a picture compared to a thousand words...

You may want to note the reference from TriTorch to the man who held a key position in Las Vegas during and after that “massacre”...who is now in a position of authority in Lahaina. He is one of two men involved in the Las Vegas massacre who moved to Lahaina prior to the fire.

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The Police Chief is also the Coroner. He controls the body count (and the outcomes of the autopsies, such as in my son’s murder case). For the record, though, he did not move to Lahaina. He moved to Maui, but lives on another part of the island..

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John , that was for Arieh

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Thanks. Greg Reese does a great presentation explaining the orchestrated event.

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If an "Official" attempts to order me AT ALL in an emergency I will IMMEDIATELY run the fucker over.

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Congratulations! Having a book on sale only a year after the event is an impressive feat! That's terrific! I'm looking forward to reading it!

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The same shit happening all over the world. The rich and powerful are fucking wirh the 99%. And the 99% does shit.

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Isn’t the story everywhere? It sure is in Australia?

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