Dear Substack Readers,

Many thanks for sharing your well-wishes and your own reflections on what sickness teaches us. As always, I am extremely grateful for your readership, support, and comments. This morning I am already feeling better. Warm regards, JSL

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Why would you test for covid 4 X ?

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Or at all!? My lemons have covid apparently and so does coke! Seems covid test are actually just PH indicators 🤷🏻‍♂️

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Evidence suggests that COVID tests are far worse than that: https://tritorch.substack.com/i/139667169/the-darkness-has-arrived

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🎯👏🏻💥Tritorch 🎯

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Dear Lee-Anne T, like you, I have heard and read much about the home antigen tests being unreliable, with a high incidence of false positives. This prompted me to conduct an experiment with tests manufactured by two different diagnostic companies to see if there was indeed a lack of uniformity in my results taken over a three day period. In my case, uniformly negative. Thanks for reading our Substack and best regards, John Leake

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Lending any credence to the ridiculous PCR tests (and their overclocked thresholds) is to put us back at square one. The entire psyOp hinged on the lie the the PCR test was reliable. Have you not seen the videos of Kary Mullis (the inventor of the PCR) denouncing its use for diagnostics. He might have made the talk show circuit to warn us if he hadn't suddenly & unexpectedly died a few months before the start of the COVID-con.

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I find this question odd, and I see it a lot. Those of us who are ready to treat COVID if we get it, with IVM, zinc, etc., want to ensure we have it before we treat it. Pretty easy concept to grasp. I would imagine some do multiple tests because if I recall correctly, there are timing issues as to when a test shows positive. Test too early, get a negative result, etc.

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Oh, stop obsessing about Covid 19! If you have a virus, the treatment is the same.

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Oh, stop being a jackass. Take care of your own life and stop trying to tell others how to live.

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Testing for Covid19 indicates you’re still manipulated by the propaganda. Also, ‘thanks’ for the ad hominem attack.

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Jump right into someone's face and slap 'em around a bit, then get all sensitive when they slap back. Love folks like you. If you dish it, you'd better be able to take it. I'm not manipulated by anything or anyone. Now move along and peddle your nonsense elsewhere.

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I can take it. I’m not sensitive.

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THINK about this: WHY did not a single other biohazard lab in the world, except Wuhan, ever claim to have isolated a covid-19 virus! Did they ALL just go brain dead at the same time? Or is it possible there was no virus, but some other agent producing symptoms to scare people into going along with the psychosis imposed allegedly to protect us from it, especially those deadly jabs?

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Is there a relevant point to this? I don't have time for the rambling "commercials".

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I, too, am recovering from a mean, mystery virus and I was thinking yesterday what it was teaching me which included some of the things that you said. It also has taught me that I'm not invincible, that I'm not in control, that when I'm well, I need to prioritize and pace myself with those task that the Lord calls me to do, and enjoy his creation. I'm thankful for this reset.

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PRAYERS for complete recovery for you as well and I admire your BEAUTIFUL attitude!

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This is a paradigm shift for me. I thought that all who are aware of the rampant propaganda and psyop to which we’ve been exposed for years would avoid the “tests.”

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I don't know where you are but the tests here in Australia work perfectly. Unlike the vaxes.

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Brilliant writing! The key word is gratitude. A miserable, painful time before a herniated disc surgery taught me what you have written. After the surgery I was completely healed.

Since then I have been giving thanks more and more often, and now I give thanks daily for everything around me. For the air that flows freely through my nose, or just for being able to go from one place to another without pain.

I am also grateful for this writing, thank you very much!

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Certainly illness can give us a reprieve from the busyness of healthy life, and opportunity to reconnect with parts of us not normally recognized. Thank you for the reminder.

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After all the terror and mental conditioning they inflicted on society every sniffle no matter its severity that we’d have brushed off as an inconvenience will now take on a neurotic fanaticism. They truly did a number on us didn’t they?

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Make a chicken soup with parsley and tomatoes it will get you back up in a giffy

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I also have a stinking cold - as I appear to be about the only person on the planet who has never stuck a swab up my nose, I don't have a name for the bug. It's a right stinker which was made worse by flying. However, it's not going to kill me and it gives me an excuse to drink hot toddies. It's also unlikely to kill anyone else who isn't already dying. I don't "do" illness so this bug is on borrowed time - it's been hanging around now for almost a week and that is about 4 days longer than I generally allow. Clearly I need to drink more hot toddies!

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PRAYERS for complete recovery, Mr. Leake...and THANK YOU for the sage reminders!

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Glad you're feeling better. I observed a while ago that I am typically quite happy when I am sick. With my brain flattened into bleah it doesn't dwell, drive, lament nor feel annoyed; rather it's a time of relative peacefulness.

And when I'm sick I always realise that I take good health for granted. I keep forgetting how wonderful it is to breathe through my nose. So thanks for the reminder - I'll appreciate the fact that I can breathe. I had a nasty cold a month or two ago.

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I love your writing and your spirit. This one the most!

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GARLIC smashed in a bit of olive oi - for the lungs. Feel better.

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What a thoughtful and insightful piece that reminds us to be present. Thank you and hope that you are feeling better soon . . . and in the meantime, please keep nourishing your soul.

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I got some upper respiratory cough and nose blowing for a while last month, but tonic water and lemonade with honey knocked it out.

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Great post. We don't appreciate our good health, or our blessings, until we're without them.

Danny Huckabee

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