I was deployed to Iraq during the surge. I don't know about others, but I'm now very aware of having been deceived. Consider this: supposedly, Al Qaeda in Iraq was chased out of Iraq into Syria. In Syria, they were renamed and then (this much is an open secret now) became a proxy army for DC to destabilize Syria. They were armed and supported by our government. Their efforts caused a massive refugee crisis and literal genocide of people like the Yazidi with whom I had worked closely. (Yes I am still angry about that.) The end result was that the US obtained some oil fields and the character of the European population was permanently altered. At what point did Al Qaeda go from being an ostensibly independent operator in Iraq to a US government run entity? Was there such a transition? Were they ever independent?
As for traumatic brain injury, I have a story that haunts me. When I was in transit during my deployment at, I think, Balad air base, I met a very young soldier. He was staying in the 'transient tents,' which are a horribly depressing place where personnel seeking transportation stay. There was no real sense of camraderie at all as you don't know anyone there and the people just come and go. They were also uniformly poorly maintained, dark, dismal and dusty. A nearby bathroom / shower trailer had a information wanted ad for a male on male rape case, to give you an idea of how charming of a place this was.
He had been in Iraq for less than three weeks. He seemed confused. I asked him what base he was at in what part of the country. He didn't know. He told me that he had been the top turret gunner of an MRAP (large armored personnel carrier like a milk truck with armor) when his vehicle was struck directly by a large IED from under the roadbed. These were specifically for destroying larger, well armored vehicles unlike EFP. Look up a picture of an MRAP and imagine the extent of the blast necessary to damage them. They even had sloped bottoms to deflect these type of blasts.
Every other soldier in his vehicle was killed and he was concussed and thrown from the vehicle according to what he was told. He woke up in a hospital far from whatever base he had been at. He clearly had a brain injury and did not seem to know what to do with himself. He mostly sat on his cot in the dark.
I asked if he was being seen by doctors and he said they checked on him once a day. He had no psychological support, no one to talk to him, no counseling, nothing at all but a dark empty tent. I was shocked and horrified. That was the treatment that survivors of such attacks could expect. Most likely, he was eventually sent right back to his unit as they were extremely loathe to send anyone back home, especially if they lacked obvious external injury.
So that is the extent of the care that you might get if you volunteered to go overseas and "defend democracy" or whatever it is we were supposedly doing and got hit with an IED. Just remember that the next time they want to send people overseas, no matter what they say the justification is.
Pat Tillman figured out he had been deceived right after he was deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan not long after 9/11. Of course, he was killed by "friendly fire".
Imagine being told you're fighting on the side of good, the USA, from flyover country, good, wholesome traditional values, against evil, intolerant religious zealots who harmed and abused civilians. And then being told to ignore the sexual abuse of small children, young boys, by your host nation's leaders, the ones you're there to help secure their nation for good. Warned not to intervene, even if they saw a child rape happening right in front of their own eyes. So as not to upset the local hosts. Your cultural awareness briefings as you are being deployed in country informing you that in your host nation, "women are for babies, boys are for pleasure." Would make you question what you were fighting, bleeding, dying for?
While the stories above were supposedly debunked by high-ranking military denials and media military "expert" talking heads on TV, they are true. In my extensive work with veterans I've heard enough of them from the soldiers who were deployed 4-5-6-8 times, went through the cultural awareness briefings each deployment, told to stand down when they tried to protect the child victims. Bush-era policies, that "winning hearts and minds" thing.
And I've had enough conversations with combat unit operators assigned to be snipers or FAC operators identifying suspected bad guys use the old Latin phrase, "Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius." Formally translated as,"Kill them. The Lord knows those that are his own," but spoken as "Kill them all; let God sort them out" by the veterans of those assignments. Knowing they were killing innocents who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. We've seen the videos of civilians being strafed by high-flying combat aircraft, fire directed by the FAC's on the ground. They drew comfort from that old Latin phrase, it allowed them to live with themselves.
How many readers know that German soldiers developed PTSD when they were assigned to units murdering insane asylum patients?:
"In this action, patients from several asylums were rounded up, taken to nearby woods, and individually shot in the back of the head. Between 1939 and 1944, almost 13,000 Polish psychiatric patients were killed in this way. However, in such instances, it quickly became evident that the perpetrators' close proximity to the resulting gore exacted a heavy psychological toll that could be reduced only by using less grisly methods."
PTSD is why the Nazi's created gas showers. And the medical profession, allopathy, just like it's practiced in the US today, became the primary executioners:
"Eight further inmates were administered lethal injections, but when the poison had little immediate effect, these inmates were gassed as well. Buoyed by the dreadful success he had just witnessed, Viktor Brack, one of the top Aktion T-4 officials, victoriously declared the importance of using physicians to administer the gas through his oft-repeated motto: "The needle belongs in the hand of the doctor.""
Useless Eaters: Disability as Genocidal Marker in Nazi Germany
Sorry, Peter, your medical system is rotten to its core. Needs to be burned to the ground. Two mass murder by the millions events in less than a century I'd say is disqualifying for the future of mankind. You'd make a fine homeopath, naturopath, ayurvedic, TCM, curandero, herbalist, holistic or other non-allopathic system of healing doctor, though. That's the kind of 'old is new again' I'd get behind!!
The book “Ordinary Men” by Christopher Browning (1992) is about a battalion of German soldiers who shot Jews (and others) into the mass graves early in the war. Ultimately the writer wrestles with the question of how ordinary men were transformed into mass murderers.
I've not read it. But if it corresponds with the other works and reports the battalion (s) probably suffered greatly in combat readiness,, many broken soldiers. Severely psychologically damaged. Though there were some units that went full sadistic. Coping with committing great evil can manifest either direction. Remaining ordinary men isn't a common outcome.
We read the book in college, I just pulled it from the shelf and skimmed through before posting my comment. Most of these Germans had no problem killing Jews, but it was the up close and personal nature that affected them. They were also trained in ideology as well as fighting.
“Even 20 or 25 years later those who did quit shooting along the way overwhelmingly cited sheer physical revulsion against what they were doing as the prime motive but did not express any ethical or political principles behind this revulsion.”
The author writes in the preface about the difficulty of getting the real account of what happened. He used records from judicial interrogations and prosecutions in the 1960s.
Plenty of the Nazis who escaped prosecution after the war went on to live quite ordinary lives though. Like the US autoworker who was claimed to be brutal concentration camp guard “Ivan the Terrible”. Courageous men like Simon Wiesenthal set about finding them and bringing them to justice.
Thank you SO MUCH for your service and thank you a million times more for your rare integrity and honesty. Wishing you so much peace knowing that your bravery in speaking the truth will help many!
Thank you for sharing. This is being betrayed in the most dangerous way. I often wondered how our military heroes felt, they put their lives on hold and subject themselves to danger and for what? They have my highest respect.
Just so everybody knows...This same group of Treasonous Goons has brought the War to the U.S. Shores and it has already begun. We all know the actual orders subverting the U.S. don't originate with those mentioned in this report...They begin with those of The Royal Institute for International Affairs and The City of London to their treasonous agents here in the States; with those in politics associated often with the sister organization to the Institute being involved with The Council For Foreign Relations; all taking orders directly from the BRITISH MONARCH AND THE BLACK NOBILITY. The Trilateral Commission and all the Secret Society Menagerie...All conspirators; THEY ARE THOSE OPENING THE SOUTHERN BORDER TO A WAR MIRRORING CHINA'S OPIUM WAR HAPPENING WHILE THE U.S. REVOLUTION WAS BEING FOUGHT AND TO THIS DAY, THE BLACK NOBILITY OWNS THE OPIUM TRADE.
In the west, it's THE COCAINE/FENTANYL WAR and the Illegal Invasion is used to cover-it up and to also provide a pretext to build the Infrastructure through Central America to insure ILLICIT TRADE IS SMOOTHLY MOBILE TO MAINTAIN PROFIT AND CASH FLOW TO THE CITY OF LONDON already owning The Opium Trade.
The Cartels have benefited from U.S. Taxpayer $$$ Building Back Better Infrastructure to smooth the flow of Contraband and Profits which are banked by The Cartels into the Off-Shore Bank of England in Branches throughout the Caribbean...The Central Banks now trying to implement CBDC's and OWNERSHIP OF THE WHOLE WORLD while the people own nothing and are happy.
Behind it all; the well-funded and similarly dressed and coiffed CCP/China is staging their Military Units out of the Darian Gap at a singular, special location and they are using the Invasion as well as the Drug Warfare which they also contribute to as cover for their INSURGENCY INTO THE U.S. TO AWAIT ORDERS. Almost all are male with a few women and ABSOLUTELY NO CHILDREN.
Sometimes, War isn't a choice...It chooses you which makes all the Wars fought for the Sociopathic of the Death Cult centered in London, Basel, NYC, D.C. merely a very sad, heart-rendering learning experience...To enable victory for the U.S. to save their own land and way of life.
It's terrifying to read a history like this I'm commenting with. I had many patients with PTSD and THEY MATTERED TO ME; not any 'Pet Project'...And, being out on the Farm was the best therapy for almost all. Sometimes, I cry recalling the pain of that time for so many. I had a son in Iraq as a Physician who returned and never wished to be a Physician again. Now, have three Grandsons...And, we will fight if we must.
My mother made pies for a cafe on the nearest busy highway from our ranch. Sometimes she required more eggs than our chickens could provide so we bought eggs from Minnie, Lizzie, and Ed Rhone who were in their 60-60s at the time and I was 4. Ed was a WWI Army soldier. He sat in a rocker on the front porch while mother bought the eggs from his sisters. He always smiled and offered to rock me. I asked Mother why my ponytail was always wet when we got back to the car. “Because Ed always cries when he rocks you,” was her answer. I’m 70 now. Never forgot it.
Thank you, Blaze. I had a newspaper column for years, then Covid stepped in and Cancel Culture lost their damned minds. Afraid of lawsuits now. God, I loved writing……
Wish it were possible to help you to stand...Don't EVER allow anybody to take your individuality. If you enjoy writing; WRITE. Tell the Nazi's to go to hell in your mind.
Please; you're a 'free person' and must get beyond the thought patterns of the slave they wish to re-create all of us to feel, think and behave to be. Don't let the Imperial-Feudal Nazi's win by agreeing to think, feel or behave as their slave.
The Feudal Nazis (lawyers) moved into our area of Texas from California during The Great Covid Migration. They were bold enough to sue our local library for not including transgender and gay books for elementary age children. A little voice in my head said, “Girlfriend, you are in their crosshairs, too.” I am not a slave, but I don’t intend to die dead-ass broke from lawfare.
Why thank-you...Haven't been complimented with that rhetoric for at least a few hours.
WHO GIVES A LOUSY HOOT ABOUT WHAT EVIL AND/OR INSANE DEMONS THINK, FEEL, SAY, BELIEVE...? Who really cares about those naive or insane enough to believe them?
Just don't give a flying darn about the stupid, gullible or insane any longer...Take care of my little corner of the world; family, friends, students, the farm, our community and anybody willing to learn. That's all God demands I do.
Thanks for sharing this traumatic horror of dessert war. And Bless you for your service.
There is little ways to make any sense of this planet when hate and wanton waste is as thick as the fog they provide as propaganda for more of the same. Some things you just cannot unsee! But be resilient in the knowing that you are a splendid survivor. What is past is past.
Justice will be served to Evil. Hell awaits as the Devil has the chosen ones lined up.
You can thank Obama for standing up Al Qaeda in Iraq. He is also the one who armed them. He is the one that made a mockery of what we did in Iraq. Biden did the same with Afghanistan.
obama may have 'made a mockery of what we did in Iraq,' but cheney, the bushes, and the rumsfelds in their gang made fools of most americans (and mincemeat of millions in the middle east). obama is an evil fuck, but bushco (and the supreme court responsible for allowing their coup) created the fertile ground required for his 'shenanigans.' and sadly we the people still waste our time playing red v blue...
ps '9/11' was an inside job and that was obvious the morning of.
"Terrible Men" is an understatement. They are truly pieces of dung. So very many people refuse to actually look and see what is actually going on. Pure evil. Peace.
Along that line, I read this morning that Chuck Schumer said if the border bill is not passed then the US will send soldiers to fight in Ukraine. Only a selfish megalomaniac threatens something like that.
I am not sure that most Americans are being deceived at all. Most people have had enough of wars. Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal was a total disaster and that just highlighted the insanity of what this country is doing. Even parents from military families are telling their kids not to enlist.
Although I can agree with the potentially demonstrative fact that most Americans are no longer able to be deceived by the men and women who lie to them about senseless war after war after war, the vast majority of Americans continue to allow themselves to be lied to on dozens and dozens of other subjects. I won't bore the readers of this post (a great one, btw, John) by rolling out an exhaustive list of hoaxes that the majority of Americans still hold as true. The fact that TBI victims are numbered in the hundreds of thousands as a result of a litany of meaningless wars isn't enough to break through their collective cognitive dissonance should make us realize that the American experiment may be in its denouement. Humanity is essentially toast, one could argue.
I was in Vietnam for 19 months. 1967-1969. Marine Corp grunt in I corps. I lived out in the bush as our company roamed the hills looking to kill. It was a miserable existence.
I went over with idealism to fight the commies and help the Vietnamese people.
I soon realized that I was cannon fodder and that my government didn't give a damn about the troops. We were pretty demoralized but learned to cope in some twisted way.
Now my government is funding a genocide in Gaza. This is leading us into a larger war that we cannot win. It's not only Iran that we will be fighting.
Our stupid leaders are more than flirting with a nuclear war. They are risking the whole of humanity with destruction.
I’m not at all ashamed to be an American, because I know that most of us still carry those ideals in our hearts. We know the true meaning of what it means to be an American. I am, however, ashamed that we have sat back and let these people get into office over the past few decades, and perpetuate the insanity. I’m not ashamed of America or the people of America. I’m disgusted with its so-called leaders. They all need to go. Every single one of them. Washington DC and most of our state capitals. Need to be washed Completely clean. Soaked in bleach. It’s time to start over.
German dissidents who opposed the Third Reich felt the same way about being German. They still carried wholesome German ideals in their hearts. But too many of their countrymen sat back, too. Who perpetuated the insanity, up to and including crimes against humanity. Many even survived the war and weren't ashamed of Germany or the people of Germany. They were disgusted with Germany's so-called leaders.
History doesn't make a distinction, though. Either we succeed in prodding our countrymen to not sit back, or we will be broadbrushed with the same disparagement of Americans that all Germans still carry the baggage of. Even the descendents of those who still carried the ideals in their hearts of what upstanding, humane Germans stood for before Hitler. So what are We doing about it differently than what our German counterparts did?
I suggest, strongly, you read Ezekiel chapter 38 & 39, then Revelation; it will inform you about the coming wars and their outcome! There is reason to see hope, not despair.
But some of the recent polls show her beating Biden in the general, and some show Trump losing. SOMEBODY wants to vote for her, and/or somebody is lying.
I'm thinking that the repub. branch of the uniparty could probably manipulate Haley into the nomination, if that would give them a fair chance of winning the general. It would be less scary if Biden clearly dominated Haley, then the repubs would have to pick somebody else. Unlikely to be somebody worse.
Fake polls that show Trump losing to Haley or to Biden. Either heavily democrat poll subjects (urban areas, heavy blue counties/states) or simply fabricated results.
Polls can be rigged (via carefully worded questions and/or targeted demographic for "sampling") to produce whatever results the purchaser wants.
Certainly we often see polls contrived to provide desired results. And obviously polls can never be perfect. But imho Realclear reports polls competently designed and executed to minimize such bias.
She discusts me. Look at her face. Look into her eyes. She is not a nice person, and she does not have anyone’s best interest at heart except for her own. She does not stand a chance of getting into office thankfully.
This article caused me to commit to inquire and act on volunteer opportunities at a local VA hospital in my area. These injured Vets deserve all the help we can give them.
My son suffers from ptsd, served in Afgh 2012. Then due to negligence and product failure suffered a blast to the face (tbi, and blindness resulted) while working as a civilian worker on a base in CO 2 years ago. We have 2 months to find a lawyer who will file anything. We have been turned away by 7 lawyers. No one will pick up the fight for his justice.
Yes… we’ve insulated the public and put the burden of service on only a few select few, often abandoning them after and neglecting the difficulty and discipline of their service.
My grandfather was one of those men. He served as a navigator for the Navy in the planes that dropped bombs and napalm and later in peacetime as a warrant officer charged with informing the families of the deceased and attending the funerals.
He despised those jobs. He despised the war. He despised the effects on the people affected by the bombs and in his later years when I knew him despised all war and warmongers. And he especially despised the chickenhawks of Washington, and he always cried and bawled at funerals. Though he met his wife through his service and had many fun times with his fellow service men, it also often spiraled ever briefly into the a statement of tragedy that would immediately end any story and leave him emotionally broken for a minute or an hour or a night in isolation until he recollected himself.
He was strong and far stronger than the fools who use public ignorance to make false arguments for war.
The past 4 years have been tough. My dive into childhood vaccines made me aware that MRNA jabs would likely be dangerous and unsafe. Then I stumbled onto the video Everything Is a Rich Man’s Trick about JFK’s death. Which made me question the Bobby Kennedy murder, Martin Luther King killing and maybe a few others. From there I watched a video about World Trade Center building 7 collapse. Which made me skeptical of the official September 11 story. Then I learned about the bankers and WWII. As I told a family member, who is in intelligence in the military, we, the US are not the guy guys! He concluded, I was right! Our government can’t be trusted and all the letter agencies are hopelessly corrupt. We have several grandsons and we won’t be encouraging any of them to join the military. God is unchanging, so my faith belongs there...
yours is my story as well....word for word. can you imagine how many others are just like us? once you realize that they lie....you know that everything prior that they told you were lies. just ask any scorned spouse that has been cheated on.
This is becoming clear to many, I think. It’s why Haley isn’t as popular as Trump. It is also why many are considering Kennedy. Throwing our young men and women away on foreign wars that have no benefit for our freedom is evil.
Thank you for writing this - it is good to know that these poor men are not completely forgotten in their suffering. I had no idea the number of victims was so high. Robert Gates, who became Secretary of Defense in 2006, writes in his book 'Duty' that, because Bush's Iraq war came from left field (in other words, there was no justification for it), it was completely unexpected as far as Defense was concerned. Therefore, Defense had made no preparation in resources for desert combat, or for civil strife requiring protection from IED's etc., resulting in the unnecessary death and injury of many soldiers. In the same way, VA resources were overwhelmed by the sudden unexpected increase in the number of wounded. A terrible story.
Though this substack is a lot better than most, substackers have the idea that it takes 20-30% longer to produce content if you use a proof reader. They must write incredibly fast if they can outpace me as a reader! Since they refuse to use a service they could at least give us a way to suggest corrections, aside from the comments.
Alas that's the problem. He probably does several times, but because he knows what he meant to say, for him that projects itself over the article we eventually receive. Your brain won't ever look if it can get away with projecting. We can never find all our own mistakes. If only there was a way for us to flag things like typos or grammatical errors (not my forte), so that the writer could see them and decide for themselves whether to act on the suggestion. I bet each article would be perfected within five minutes. As you say, Leake is obviously competent so this is less of a problem for him, but it does harm readability if not credibility. Many wouldn't notice of course. Someone sent me a video of a US news show featuring a discovered clip of Prince (as a child commenting on a protest), and the presenter claimed the footage was found 'on accident'.
Very well said. We have all been deceived. By our corrupt politicians, by a medical system that has stopped putting its patients first, by the falsity of science, by our sellout media. My trust in anything is shattered. They will not protect us, nor our children. It is time we realized that we must do that ourselves and stop deferring to these false idols with their empty, hollow promises of safety and security.
I was deployed to Iraq during the surge. I don't know about others, but I'm now very aware of having been deceived. Consider this: supposedly, Al Qaeda in Iraq was chased out of Iraq into Syria. In Syria, they were renamed and then (this much is an open secret now) became a proxy army for DC to destabilize Syria. They were armed and supported by our government. Their efforts caused a massive refugee crisis and literal genocide of people like the Yazidi with whom I had worked closely. (Yes I am still angry about that.) The end result was that the US obtained some oil fields and the character of the European population was permanently altered. At what point did Al Qaeda go from being an ostensibly independent operator in Iraq to a US government run entity? Was there such a transition? Were they ever independent?
As for traumatic brain injury, I have a story that haunts me. When I was in transit during my deployment at, I think, Balad air base, I met a very young soldier. He was staying in the 'transient tents,' which are a horribly depressing place where personnel seeking transportation stay. There was no real sense of camraderie at all as you don't know anyone there and the people just come and go. They were also uniformly poorly maintained, dark, dismal and dusty. A nearby bathroom / shower trailer had a information wanted ad for a male on male rape case, to give you an idea of how charming of a place this was.
He had been in Iraq for less than three weeks. He seemed confused. I asked him what base he was at in what part of the country. He didn't know. He told me that he had been the top turret gunner of an MRAP (large armored personnel carrier like a milk truck with armor) when his vehicle was struck directly by a large IED from under the roadbed. These were specifically for destroying larger, well armored vehicles unlike EFP. Look up a picture of an MRAP and imagine the extent of the blast necessary to damage them. They even had sloped bottoms to deflect these type of blasts.
Every other soldier in his vehicle was killed and he was concussed and thrown from the vehicle according to what he was told. He woke up in a hospital far from whatever base he had been at. He clearly had a brain injury and did not seem to know what to do with himself. He mostly sat on his cot in the dark.
I asked if he was being seen by doctors and he said they checked on him once a day. He had no psychological support, no one to talk to him, no counseling, nothing at all but a dark empty tent. I was shocked and horrified. That was the treatment that survivors of such attacks could expect. Most likely, he was eventually sent right back to his unit as they were extremely loathe to send anyone back home, especially if they lacked obvious external injury.
So that is the extent of the care that you might get if you volunteered to go overseas and "defend democracy" or whatever it is we were supposedly doing and got hit with an IED. Just remember that the next time they want to send people overseas, no matter what they say the justification is.
Thank you for sharing. So very sad😢
Pat Tillman figured out he had been deceived right after he was deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan not long after 9/11. Of course, he was killed by "friendly fire".
Imagine being told you're fighting on the side of good, the USA, from flyover country, good, wholesome traditional values, against evil, intolerant religious zealots who harmed and abused civilians. And then being told to ignore the sexual abuse of small children, young boys, by your host nation's leaders, the ones you're there to help secure their nation for good. Warned not to intervene, even if they saw a child rape happening right in front of their own eyes. So as not to upset the local hosts. Your cultural awareness briefings as you are being deployed in country informing you that in your host nation, "women are for babies, boys are for pleasure." Would make you question what you were fighting, bleeding, dying for?
While the stories above were supposedly debunked by high-ranking military denials and media military "expert" talking heads on TV, they are true. In my extensive work with veterans I've heard enough of them from the soldiers who were deployed 4-5-6-8 times, went through the cultural awareness briefings each deployment, told to stand down when they tried to protect the child victims. Bush-era policies, that "winning hearts and minds" thing.
And I've had enough conversations with combat unit operators assigned to be snipers or FAC operators identifying suspected bad guys use the old Latin phrase, "Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius." Formally translated as,"Kill them. The Lord knows those that are his own," but spoken as "Kill them all; let God sort them out" by the veterans of those assignments. Knowing they were killing innocents who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. We've seen the videos of civilians being strafed by high-flying combat aircraft, fire directed by the FAC's on the ground. They drew comfort from that old Latin phrase, it allowed them to live with themselves.
Tell me again why so many developed severe, incapacitating PTSD?
How many readers know that German soldiers developed PTSD when they were assigned to units murdering insane asylum patients?:
"In this action, patients from several asylums were rounded up, taken to nearby woods, and individually shot in the back of the head. Between 1939 and 1944, almost 13,000 Polish psychiatric patients were killed in this way. However, in such instances, it quickly became evident that the perpetrators' close proximity to the resulting gore exacted a heavy psychological toll that could be reduced only by using less grisly methods."
PTSD is why the Nazi's created gas showers. And the medical profession, allopathy, just like it's practiced in the US today, became the primary executioners:
"Eight further inmates were administered lethal injections, but when the poison had little immediate effect, these inmates were gassed as well. Buoyed by the dreadful success he had just witnessed, Viktor Brack, one of the top Aktion T-4 officials, victoriously declared the importance of using physicians to administer the gas through his oft-repeated motto: "The needle belongs in the hand of the doctor.""
Useless Eaters: Disability as Genocidal Marker in Nazi Germany
The Journal of Special Education, 2002
What's old is new again.
Pro tip: Don't trust allopathic doctors.
Sorry, Peter, your medical system is rotten to its core. Needs to be burned to the ground. Two mass murder by the millions events in less than a century I'd say is disqualifying for the future of mankind. You'd make a fine homeopath, naturopath, ayurvedic, TCM, curandero, herbalist, holistic or other non-allopathic system of healing doctor, though. That's the kind of 'old is new again' I'd get behind!!
The book “Ordinary Men” by Christopher Browning (1992) is about a battalion of German soldiers who shot Jews (and others) into the mass graves early in the war. Ultimately the writer wrestles with the question of how ordinary men were transformed into mass murderers.
I've not read it. But if it corresponds with the other works and reports the battalion (s) probably suffered greatly in combat readiness,, many broken soldiers. Severely psychologically damaged. Though there were some units that went full sadistic. Coping with committing great evil can manifest either direction. Remaining ordinary men isn't a common outcome.
We read the book in college, I just pulled it from the shelf and skimmed through before posting my comment. Most of these Germans had no problem killing Jews, but it was the up close and personal nature that affected them. They were also trained in ideology as well as fighting.
“Even 20 or 25 years later those who did quit shooting along the way overwhelmingly cited sheer physical revulsion against what they were doing as the prime motive but did not express any ethical or political principles behind this revulsion.”
The author writes in the preface about the difficulty of getting the real account of what happened. He used records from judicial interrogations and prosecutions in the 1960s.
Plenty of the Nazis who escaped prosecution after the war went on to live quite ordinary lives though. Like the US autoworker who was claimed to be brutal concentration camp guard “Ivan the Terrible”. Courageous men like Simon Wiesenthal set about finding them and bringing them to justice.
“I am Pat fucking Tillman!” He screamed into his walkie-talkie as friendly fire rained down.
My husband and I saw "The Pat Tillman Story" in the theater. It is well worth seeing.
I didn’t think I could hate our government more than I already do, but here we are.
Same. All of them demonic blood sacrificing pieces of shit
Wow... what a story... 'Thank God you made it back!
Thank you SO MUCH for your service and thank you a million times more for your rare integrity and honesty. Wishing you so much peace knowing that your bravery in speaking the truth will help many!
what 'service' are you referring to?
He said he was deployed to Iraq.
I'm sorry your good nature and decency was used by them.
Thank you for sharing. This is being betrayed in the most dangerous way. I often wondered how our military heroes felt, they put their lives on hold and subject themselves to danger and for what? They have my highest respect.
Buddah never said the path to Enlightenment was painless but he promised it would quench thirst.
Just so everybody knows...This same group of Treasonous Goons has brought the War to the U.S. Shores and it has already begun. We all know the actual orders subverting the U.S. don't originate with those mentioned in this report...They begin with those of The Royal Institute for International Affairs and The City of London to their treasonous agents here in the States; with those in politics associated often with the sister organization to the Institute being involved with The Council For Foreign Relations; all taking orders directly from the BRITISH MONARCH AND THE BLACK NOBILITY. The Trilateral Commission and all the Secret Society Menagerie...All conspirators; THEY ARE THOSE OPENING THE SOUTHERN BORDER TO A WAR MIRRORING CHINA'S OPIUM WAR HAPPENING WHILE THE U.S. REVOLUTION WAS BEING FOUGHT AND TO THIS DAY, THE BLACK NOBILITY OWNS THE OPIUM TRADE.
In the west, it's THE COCAINE/FENTANYL WAR and the Illegal Invasion is used to cover-it up and to also provide a pretext to build the Infrastructure through Central America to insure ILLICIT TRADE IS SMOOTHLY MOBILE TO MAINTAIN PROFIT AND CASH FLOW TO THE CITY OF LONDON already owning The Opium Trade.
The Cartels have benefited from U.S. Taxpayer $$$ Building Back Better Infrastructure to smooth the flow of Contraband and Profits which are banked by The Cartels into the Off-Shore Bank of England in Branches throughout the Caribbean...The Central Banks now trying to implement CBDC's and OWNERSHIP OF THE WHOLE WORLD while the people own nothing and are happy.
Behind it all; the well-funded and similarly dressed and coiffed CCP/China is staging their Military Units out of the Darian Gap at a singular, special location and they are using the Invasion as well as the Drug Warfare which they also contribute to as cover for their INSURGENCY INTO THE U.S. TO AWAIT ORDERS. Almost all are male with a few women and ABSOLUTELY NO CHILDREN.
Sometimes, War isn't a choice...It chooses you which makes all the Wars fought for the Sociopathic of the Death Cult centered in London, Basel, NYC, D.C. merely a very sad, heart-rendering learning experience...To enable victory for the U.S. to save their own land and way of life.
It's terrifying to read a history like this I'm commenting with. I had many patients with PTSD and THEY MATTERED TO ME; not any 'Pet Project'...And, being out on the Farm was the best therapy for almost all. Sometimes, I cry recalling the pain of that time for so many. I had a son in Iraq as a Physician who returned and never wished to be a Physician again. Now, have three Grandsons...And, we will fight if we must.
My mother made pies for a cafe on the nearest busy highway from our ranch. Sometimes she required more eggs than our chickens could provide so we bought eggs from Minnie, Lizzie, and Ed Rhone who were in their 60-60s at the time and I was 4. Ed was a WWI Army soldier. He sat in a rocker on the front porch while mother bought the eggs from his sisters. He always smiled and offered to rock me. I asked Mother why my ponytail was always wet when we got back to the car. “Because Ed always cries when he rocks you,” was her answer. I’m 70 now. Never forgot it.
😂Thank-you for a few happy tears today.
I'm blessed by the tenderness of your memory.
You must have already mastered your mother-tongue
or first language at that age...As memory is strongly connected to
language acquisition and this one is very poignant.
You were a bright kid, inquisitive and mature for that age.
Thank you, Blaze. I had a newspaper column for years, then Covid stepped in and Cancel Culture lost their damned minds. Afraid of lawsuits now. God, I loved writing……
Wish it were possible to help you to stand...Don't EVER allow anybody to take your individuality. If you enjoy writing; WRITE. Tell the Nazi's to go to hell in your mind.
Please; you're a 'free person' and must get beyond the thought patterns of the slave they wish to re-create all of us to feel, think and behave to be. Don't let the Imperial-Feudal Nazi's win by agreeing to think, feel or behave as their slave.
The Feudal Nazis (lawyers) moved into our area of Texas from California during The Great Covid Migration. They were bold enough to sue our local library for not including transgender and gay books for elementary age children. A little voice in my head said, “Girlfriend, you are in their crosshairs, too.” I am not a slave, but I don’t intend to die dead-ass broke from lawfare.
Well written. Your in-depth knowledge will be dismissed by the 'conspiracy theory' deniers.
Why thank-you...Haven't been complimented with that rhetoric for at least a few hours.
WHO GIVES A LOUSY HOOT ABOUT WHAT EVIL AND/OR INSANE DEMONS THINK, FEEL, SAY, BELIEVE...? Who really cares about those naive or insane enough to believe them?
Just don't give a flying darn about the stupid, gullible or insane any longer...Take care of my little corner of the world; family, friends, students, the farm, our community and anybody willing to learn. That's all God demands I do.
Thanks for sharing this traumatic horror of dessert war. And Bless you for your service.
There is little ways to make any sense of this planet when hate and wanton waste is as thick as the fog they provide as propaganda for more of the same. Some things you just cannot unsee! But be resilient in the knowing that you are a splendid survivor. What is past is past.
Justice will be served to Evil. Hell awaits as the Devil has the chosen ones lined up.
You can thank Obama for standing up Al Qaeda in Iraq. He is also the one who armed them. He is the one that made a mockery of what we did in Iraq. Biden did the same with Afghanistan.
obama may have 'made a mockery of what we did in Iraq,' but cheney, the bushes, and the rumsfelds in their gang made fools of most americans (and mincemeat of millions in the middle east). obama is an evil fuck, but bushco (and the supreme court responsible for allowing their coup) created the fertile ground required for his 'shenanigans.' and sadly we the people still waste our time playing red v blue...
ps '9/11' was an inside job and that was obvious the morning of.
El Gato Malo circulated a meme recently: "They're doing it again ... because you didn't hang them the first time."
“The beatings will continue until morale improves.”
We fix this by solving problems in groups better. It is the most powerful force on Earth.
Here is how:
"Terrible Men" is an understatement. They are truly pieces of dung. So very many people refuse to actually look and see what is actually going on. Pure evil. Peace.
Sorry but that's an insult to dung! Dung is actually useful! 😔
So very true Steve! Thanks for pointing that out to me. Peace.
Not just terrible men, many terrible women, awful humans is more like it. You are correct, they are nothing more than vile rotting pieces of shite.
Along that line, I read this morning that Chuck Schumer said if the border bill is not passed then the US will send soldiers to fight in Ukraine. Only a selfish megalomaniac threatens something like that.
We must fight them over there or else we'll have to fight them over here.
Sure, Chuck.
They’re already here - military age men invading our country daily.
Schumer is SCUM OF THE EARTH and a pathetic weasel!
You said it!!!!
That pos is a dual citizen
where else?
my first guess would be israel.
I am not sure that most Americans are being deceived at all. Most people have had enough of wars. Biden's Afghanistan withdrawal was a total disaster and that just highlighted the insanity of what this country is doing. Even parents from military families are telling their kids not to enlist.
the afghanistan withdrawal reminded me of the fall of saigon back in 1975. i served and i will be strongly discouraging anyone from enlisting.
Retired military here.
I would strongly discourage anyone from enlisting.
It did me, too; even the "setting" was nearly identical!
Although I can agree with the potentially demonstrative fact that most Americans are no longer able to be deceived by the men and women who lie to them about senseless war after war after war, the vast majority of Americans continue to allow themselves to be lied to on dozens and dozens of other subjects. I won't bore the readers of this post (a great one, btw, John) by rolling out an exhaustive list of hoaxes that the majority of Americans still hold as true. The fact that TBI victims are numbered in the hundreds of thousands as a result of a litany of meaningless wars isn't enough to break through their collective cognitive dissonance should make us realize that the American experiment may be in its denouement. Humanity is essentially toast, one could argue.
I read today that enlistment in the armed forces in Canada is down 19%.
I was in Vietnam for 19 months. 1967-1969. Marine Corp grunt in I corps. I lived out in the bush as our company roamed the hills looking to kill. It was a miserable existence.
I went over with idealism to fight the commies and help the Vietnamese people.
I soon realized that I was cannon fodder and that my government didn't give a damn about the troops. We were pretty demoralized but learned to cope in some twisted way.
Now my government is funding a genocide in Gaza. This is leading us into a larger war that we cannot win. It's not only Iran that we will be fighting.
Our stupid leaders are more than flirting with a nuclear war. They are risking the whole of humanity with destruction.
I'm ashamed to be an American.
I’m not at all ashamed to be an American, because I know that most of us still carry those ideals in our hearts. We know the true meaning of what it means to be an American. I am, however, ashamed that we have sat back and let these people get into office over the past few decades, and perpetuate the insanity. I’m not ashamed of America or the people of America. I’m disgusted with its so-called leaders. They all need to go. Every single one of them. Washington DC and most of our state capitals. Need to be washed Completely clean. Soaked in bleach. It’s time to start over.
Right. You know exactly what I mean. Thank you
German dissidents who opposed the Third Reich felt the same way about being German. They still carried wholesome German ideals in their hearts. But too many of their countrymen sat back, too. Who perpetuated the insanity, up to and including crimes against humanity. Many even survived the war and weren't ashamed of Germany or the people of Germany. They were disgusted with Germany's so-called leaders.
History doesn't make a distinction, though. Either we succeed in prodding our countrymen to not sit back, or we will be broadbrushed with the same disparagement of Americans that all Germans still carry the baggage of. Even the descendents of those who still carried the ideals in their hearts of what upstanding, humane Germans stood for before Hitler. So what are We doing about it differently than what our German counterparts did?
Wishing you peace and healing, Daniel.
I suggest, strongly, you read Ezekiel chapter 38 & 39, then Revelation; it will inform you about the coming wars and their outcome! There is reason to see hope, not despair.
Let us not forget the terrible women as well...anyone met Nikki Haley?
Have you noticed how nobody is voting for her, except Democrats in cross-over primaries?
But some of the recent polls show her beating Biden in the general, and some show Trump losing. SOMEBODY wants to vote for her, and/or somebody is lying.
Everybody hates Biden. A dirty kitchen sponge could beat him.
Not if it can't get on the ballot in 50 states.
Put into perfect perspective, Mimi.
I'm thinking that the repub. branch of the uniparty could probably manipulate Haley into the nomination, if that would give them a fair chance of winning the general. It would be less scary if Biden clearly dominated Haley, then the repubs would have to pick somebody else. Unlikely to be somebody worse.
Fake polls that show Trump losing to Haley or to Biden. Either heavily democrat poll subjects (urban areas, heavy blue counties/states) or simply fabricated results.
Polls can be rigged (via carefully worded questions and/or targeted demographic for "sampling") to produce whatever results the purchaser wants.
Certainly we often see polls contrived to provide desired results. And obviously polls can never be perfect. But imho Realclear reports polls competently designed and executed to minimize such bias.
A rotten skank without a doubt.
...and her kids are not in the military.
She discusts me. Look at her face. Look into her eyes. She is not a nice person, and she does not have anyone’s best interest at heart except for her own. She does not stand a chance of getting into office thankfully.
Pelosi wins that one.
This article caused me to commit to inquire and act on volunteer opportunities at a local VA hospital in my area. These injured Vets deserve all the help we can give them.
I hope after you've started on this, you'll be able to write something here about your experiences.
My son suffers from ptsd, served in Afgh 2012. Then due to negligence and product failure suffered a blast to the face (tbi, and blindness resulted) while working as a civilian worker on a base in CO 2 years ago. We have 2 months to find a lawyer who will file anything. We have been turned away by 7 lawyers. No one will pick up the fight for his justice.
Praying you get justice!
True and an older generation of soldiers could probably say the same thing about Vietnam!
Yes… we’ve insulated the public and put the burden of service on only a few select few, often abandoning them after and neglecting the difficulty and discipline of their service.
My grandfather was one of those men. He served as a navigator for the Navy in the planes that dropped bombs and napalm and later in peacetime as a warrant officer charged with informing the families of the deceased and attending the funerals.
He despised those jobs. He despised the war. He despised the effects on the people affected by the bombs and in his later years when I knew him despised all war and warmongers. And he especially despised the chickenhawks of Washington, and he always cried and bawled at funerals. Though he met his wife through his service and had many fun times with his fellow service men, it also often spiraled ever briefly into the a statement of tragedy that would immediately end any story and leave him emotionally broken for a minute or an hour or a night in isolation until he recollected himself.
He was strong and far stronger than the fools who use public ignorance to make false arguments for war.
The past 4 years have been tough. My dive into childhood vaccines made me aware that MRNA jabs would likely be dangerous and unsafe. Then I stumbled onto the video Everything Is a Rich Man’s Trick about JFK’s death. Which made me question the Bobby Kennedy murder, Martin Luther King killing and maybe a few others. From there I watched a video about World Trade Center building 7 collapse. Which made me skeptical of the official September 11 story. Then I learned about the bankers and WWII. As I told a family member, who is in intelligence in the military, we, the US are not the guy guys! He concluded, I was right! Our government can’t be trusted and all the letter agencies are hopelessly corrupt. We have several grandsons and we won’t be encouraging any of them to join the military. God is unchanging, so my faith belongs there...
yours is my story as well....word for word. can you imagine how many others are just like us? once you realize that they lie....you know that everything prior that they told you were lies. just ask any scorned spouse that has been cheated on.
This is becoming clear to many, I think. It’s why Haley isn’t as popular as Trump. It is also why many are considering Kennedy. Throwing our young men and women away on foreign wars that have no benefit for our freedom is evil.
Thank you for writing this - it is good to know that these poor men are not completely forgotten in their suffering. I had no idea the number of victims was so high. Robert Gates, who became Secretary of Defense in 2006, writes in his book 'Duty' that, because Bush's Iraq war came from left field (in other words, there was no justification for it), it was completely unexpected as far as Defense was concerned. Therefore, Defense had made no preparation in resources for desert combat, or for civil strife requiring protection from IED's etc., resulting in the unnecessary death and injury of many soldiers. In the same way, VA resources were overwhelmed by the sudden unexpected increase in the number of wounded. A terrible story.
I don't generally like to be persnickety about grammar, but your posts would benefit greatly from a bit of proofreading.
Otherwise, I highly value your content and read everything you post
Though this substack is a lot better than most, substackers have the idea that it takes 20-30% longer to produce content if you use a proof reader. They must write incredibly fast if they can outpace me as a reader! Since they refuse to use a service they could at least give us a way to suggest corrections, aside from the comments.
Leake is obviously a competent writer. I would think he would catch most of his own mistakes if he would just reread the finished draft himself.
Alas that's the problem. He probably does several times, but because he knows what he meant to say, for him that projects itself over the article we eventually receive. Your brain won't ever look if it can get away with projecting. We can never find all our own mistakes. If only there was a way for us to flag things like typos or grammatical errors (not my forte), so that the writer could see them and decide for themselves whether to act on the suggestion. I bet each article would be perfected within five minutes. As you say, Leake is obviously competent so this is less of a problem for him, but it does harm readability if not credibility. Many wouldn't notice of course. Someone sent me a video of a US news show featuring a discovered clip of Prince (as a child commenting on a protest), and the presenter claimed the footage was found 'on accident'.
If you think 'on accident' is incorrect, do you feel the same way about 'on purpose'?
I try to remain above the fray by using 'accidentally' or 'unintentionally' vs. 'intentionally' or 'purposefully'.
😳 Well now I do! Your way does seem to be the safest.
Very well said. We have all been deceived. By our corrupt politicians, by a medical system that has stopped putting its patients first, by the falsity of science, by our sellout media. My trust in anything is shattered. They will not protect us, nor our children. It is time we realized that we must do that ourselves and stop deferring to these false idols with their empty, hollow promises of safety and security.