As you can plainly see from listening to these people, it isn't the smart ones who are dangerous. It is the stupid ones. They are more likely to go along with whatever they are told because they have zero critical thinking skills, are lazy, degenerate and, most importantly, easily flattered and caught up in their own grandiose vision of themselves. The left consists of people born of Dunning-Krueger and Bolshevism.

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“A tyrant needs above all a tyrant-state, so he will use a million little civil servant tyrants who each have a trivial task to perform, and each will perform that task competently, and without remorse, and no one will realize that he is the millionth link in the final act.”

From: Henri Verneuil‘s film I Comme Icare >>> Release date: Dec 19, 1979

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Stealing that great quote.

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Yes. It's a wonderful quote. So true, it shines...

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Feb 4
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Sorry mary. I consider your post as spam bot.

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Feb 5
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Very accurately stated! It's the "collective stupidity" that Bonhoeffer described, the "human defect" that blinds many of us to reason or facts and with individuals such as this they believe in their own self importance and ignorance of reality as marks of success.

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Bingo! Move to the front row.

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The name-drop of 'Michelle Obama' was hilarious, 'She was like, 'empathetically' NO!'

The word is *emphatically* dude.

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Plausible deniability? He can claim he was coerced to save his job?

Truly, the least capable, dumbest people end up in Government service.

I dodged a bullet in 1972 when I scored 100% on a Civil Service exam, but was told I was the wrong color to be hired.

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I guess that's one way to look at it. The other is that once the racist, unconstitutional affirmative action laws were put into place we guaranteed that millions of competent people such as yourself were locked out. That and the "great society" legislations guaranteed that we would end up right here where we are today.

All great empires fall from the inside due to incompetence and depravity. Russia is really the one remaining superpower on the planet because they have a closed system with their own currency and resources, their own manufacturing and weapons systems far superior to the US in many respects, primarily the quantity. This is all a result of competent civil services (and...a largely homogenous population).

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Bingo. My experience was in California. CA has suffered from 50 years of unchecked illegals. Add corrupt politicians (3 families in particular: Brown, Newsom, Pelosi) and "fake news" before the USA knew it was fake...perfect storm for power and control.

Agree to a certain extent about Russia, but Iceland falls into this category, too. Not Communist, but they are now suffering the influx of illegals and a corrupt leader. Sad, because our family is of Icelandic descent, going back to 800 A.D.

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Feb 1, 2024Edited
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Yes, I knew Jews of European ancestry had a tough time with records, because so much was destroyed from the Holocaust, and the bombings.

I had luck with an Icelandic volunteer group. I had also heard that Scottish (us) ancestors had difficulties from records being destroyed. Such as flaming arrows being fired into churches, castles, etc. Don't know if that's true, but it was a History Professor of UK ancestry who told us in her class.

We're not that far apart in age - my late Mom born 1929. Our folks were tough stock. To her last days, Mom used scraps of paper to write on, like junk mail envelopes and the backs of ads. LOL. The apple falls not far from the tree, because if I print something and IF an extra page prints, I hack those up into 4 pieces, use those as scratch paper.

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Well said!

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The entirety of American life is an IQ test to see who can escape the consequences of the Civil Rights Act.

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The entirety of American life is an IQ test to see who can escape the consequences of the Civil Rights Act.

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That was the most racist, worst legislation ever, and there's a lot from which to choose.

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It's okay he probably supports cancel culture what's going around hitting people like me is now coming for him.

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did you hear his position on being 'vaccinated'??? what a tool

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Hope he's boosted 8 times or more. Its effective.

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🤣 Inept Civil Service: a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it.

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i worked for local government for over 13 years and even I never trusted the government.

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Why did they even allow you to take the test? Why not tell you ahead of time and save you the time and effort?

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James O’Keefe is one of the greatest heros in the history of the world.

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I now know Julian Assange is another.

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“Where does the Biden Administration find these people?”

My bet would be “Grindr”.

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With a side sampling of Midnight at Walmart.

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Difficult to ignore that O’Keefe’s “marks” are consistently gay men in date “prowl” mode.

Always anxious to brag to impress their would-be dates.

It’s no coincidence that OMG targets them for a reason. Emotionally immature, making them easy targets. Dime a dozen in demville.

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And the current "group" to be fooled. Past groups celebrated and then dumped...Japanese (reparations), Chicano, American Indians/First Nation, Blacks, Just plain Gays. Dems love their groups for virtue signaling purposes. Lying for votes.

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Then again, one has to assume that intelligence agencies and others track every move O’Keefe makes. So this might have been yet another (like The NY Times acknowledging Biden’s cognitive issues) way to help prepare the public for Biden’s replacement and the dumping of his VP.

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I'm totally with you on this one. It sounded amazingly like a leak opportunity, but the Obama spouse non-candidacy drivel is deceptive denial. They haven't spent these years conditioning public transgender acceptance for no good reason. "Mike" is definitely a "go"...

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O’Keefe said he is not suicidal

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I think there's something else afoot, too.

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Just yesterday was talking to a federal contractor about the ‘dumbing down’ of federal hires/promotions seen in the last 5/10 years. They question nothing, talk nonsense about project details, everything is a ‘spin’ response so you know they are clueless. One might think all these clueless people brought into lead positions is intentional. Someone ought to look into it.. it’s wide spread.

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It's worldwide, too. A feature, not a bug. Look at the Prime Ministers, leaders in power who have attended the WEF. Kissinger and Schwab had a plan a LONG time ago. This has taken years to implement.

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Dumb and obedient trumps smart and rebellious every time... Story of my life!

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Your comment is worthy of framing! ❤️

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We are ruled by idiots? or are the idiots just the puppets, the front for who really pulls the strings?

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Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it. ~

Mark Twain

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Erm... Loaded question... I think the civilian public creates the imbeciles, who teach the idiots to train morons - to rule over slaves and empower ventriloquists... It *seems* to work...

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ever notice standards are always lowered for PD, FD, EDU, Military, Business, criminal penalties . . . . . .

ever wonder why in this "wondrous age of plenty" standards don't get steadily raised?

Answer: Agenda! Dumb/ignorant, distracted, divided people are easy to own

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It's truly amazing the country hasn't disappeared. They hired the most unethical molested human beings on earth to the highest levels of govt.

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Washington DC is clown world.

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This totally reminds me of the movie "mystery Men" where they fun of superman with the glasses. When the shoveller says that doesn't make any sense if lance hunt took took his glasses off to become captain amazing he couldn't see.

But james took off his. I love the way he looked at the camera at the end. Not only was the security risk talking to James he could also be heard from a nearby table.

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I doubt he is that dumb. My guess is that he knew who he was talking to. So what he says should be viewed as misdirection. Therefore do not believe the alleged first hand story about Michelle Obama's emphatic "no" to a Presidential run. That is intended to keep scrutiny and potential opposition away from her for the longest possible time. On the other hand, if you don't agree with me, and you think he is just an idiot, you should not give any credence to what he says; in fact you should assume that he is way off. So this way too you probably should interpret the interview as a signal that Michelle Obama will be the nominee! [Insert Smiley Face if allowed by Substack]

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Too many people know about Michael Robinson and his/her husband, Barack Obama....

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This video may be a fraud.

I can find no information about this guy Charlie Kraiger who claims to work for the White House. If he did, there would be plenty of info about him.

So, until I find some corroborating info about this man's identity, I'm calling this story totally unreliable.

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I think now would be a great time to repost the omg media Pfizer video

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Dunno if he's actually the dumbest in the WH... that's a pretty tight race for that *honor. 🙄

Kudos to O'Keefe!

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