I believe it is Barak Obama./Anonymous

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Yup, and the billionaire elites that want global control by destabilizing America.

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Agreed sue! These are the true “bad guys” running the show in the background: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/who-are-the-bad-guys

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Great read! Subscribed!

The onion layers are being peeled away and at the center is age old rot!

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For sure

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I’m no fan of Obama, and concur that he’s still playing a role in politics… but he too is just a puppet.

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Nope; he wasn't in charge even when he had the title!

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I agree. It's Obama. He's way too quiet. It's him.

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It’s Crafty Jill.

Running the Big Guy behind the scenes. Twisting his fragile mind into a chocolate coated pretzel.

All the while saying he doesn’t need a cognition test and that he’s sharper than all the sharp things in the White House put together, Meanwhile at night she whispers in his ear “The border is secure….. The Russians won’t know they were American missles…….. We will spend our way out of inflation……Ban propane stoves……..You are smart Donald is stupid…….The people love you……..

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I tend to agree that the Indonesian Homosexual is certainly a power, yanking Mr. Magoo's strings, but I think there is more to the story. However, I don't have the intelligence, insight or information to make accusations, only guesses. One guess I have is that it is more or less a presidency by committee, with the committee consisting of Mr. Magoo, maybe when he's having a "good" day or they have him jacked up on some drug cocktail, Barry, the "doctor" of basket weaving, Blinken, maybe Garlandstein, and likely some of the wealthiest donors. I seriously doubt that Giggles does anything more than sit in her office waiting to be told what to try to say and do. This guess may have credence in view of the absolute chaos within this rotten, criminal regime.

Who or what ever it is, they / it are low-down, dirty-rotten, wicked, Satan-worshiping monsters, who hate The United States of America.

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I will respond to your query this way:

I had the opportunity to an in-depth investigation into the JFK assassination with my students. We interviewed anybody and everybody who was willing and was still alive. A close confident of John Connelly told us that the shadow government, powerful men who lurk in the shadows purposefully call the shots. In his own words Connelly called them the most evil, vile men alive.

We don’t know who these men are but my guess is the backers and real owners of the central banks.

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If I could I'd like your post! I'll second the motion! Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.

Woodrow Wilson

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You, sir, are on the correct track; only they are not alone. At the top is Satan, with his inner circle of top levels of Freemasons, and the Jesuits, as well as the main banking houses in Europe comprise who is running all the world's gov'ts!

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Take a look at the documentary “the man who stole the world”. Right now it can be found on You Tube. As someone above said “evil and vile….”, without conscience they are, lizard people.

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I don't believe it's any one person. It is the Ashkenazi(m) globalists. They are literally, and successfully, taking over the world, if they haven't already completely done so. They control the U.S. government where it counts, as well as the Western governments; they founded and control "al CIAduh!" and global(ist) surveillance; they control global(ist) government (the U.N. system); they control "Israehell-on-Earth"; and they control Big Pharma; et al. "Odrona" may be the Ashkenazim "leader's" front man who is ostensibly running things, but he's not ultimately in charge. He's only a "Manchurianized" tool.

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If one person is ultimately in charge, it is likely a Rothschild, Rockefeller or an Ashkenazim member of one of the other top eight Satanic bankster, mostly Askenazim, families who run everything behind the scenes. Whoever the top Satanist is, that's who the buck stops with. It actually could be, and likely is, the antichrist (not joking AT ALL), though he hasn't come out of the shadows yet, and few know who he is. Or it is, at the very top, one who is most trusted by Satan himself, and by the global(ist) Satanists. If it's not the antichrist, my best guess is that it's someone who is part of those top eight families, most likely an Ashkenazim, and a Rothschild or Rockefeller, as I said already. That's the way Satan and his minions work, mostly in the deep state shadows.

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Obama is serving his third term.

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Obama is a simple puppet like Biden.

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I agree. Obama may be giving instructions, but it is the globalists who are setting the policies.

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You are correct. But I have my suspicions that Hussein is not even giving instructions - he is not intelligent enough. He is empty like Biden - He and Biden is what this criminal Shadow organization likes - empty vessels, narcissistic and psychopathic people to do their bidding - both of those men were and are fronts - nothing more IMO

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Outstanding post, still unable to like posts. To your summation, I'd add Comrade obama appears to be LAZY as well.

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Agreed. One doesn't make the jump from foreign-born delinquent punkass, to community organizer, to little league IL politician, to US senator, to president, in no-time flat, like he did without some serious help. He's owned more than Scarlet's Mammy.

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Still unable to post likes. Commenting LIKE! Excellent summary!

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Bingo - and not surprising - its all theatre with these highly paid criminal society hating bozo's (including michelle). Did you see her hateful face at Trump's Inauguration?

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Useful Idiots, Pawns being moved in a New World Order Agenda. Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. And let me remind you, they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyrannies. Absolute power does corrupt, and those who seek it must be suspect and must be opposed.

Barry Goldwater

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In a way Obama could be thought of as the real president, however he’s probably more of a messenger from above him. And those people are also probably taking orders, possibly from abroad.

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If our nation is ever taken over, it will be taken over from within.

James Madison

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Still unable to like posts, but I like your post. SPOT ON! Comrade obama was/is just another front man. I first saw him in the sixties in the Student Union, cup of coffee in one hand, cigarette in the other, holding court. Bill Clinton was another one. All brothers in the same lodge.

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There are many of us unable to like posts. Substack suggested to me that I get a bunch of new software. No.

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THANKS for the update! I'm with you on this one. NO!

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I agree but I believe the person directing Obama is Valerie jarrett, and behind her is iran. My perception during O's regime was he seemed to work more for Iranian interests rather that America's.

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The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.

Felix Frankfurter

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and who is running Obama.... Michael doesn't count

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I expect Big Mike just ties Barry up and whips his ass, good and proper, on a regular basis.

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We are following UN guidance. In everything immigration, Biden adopted EU and Club of Rome “circular economy”. and we have digital currency waiting and the global health security pact. We are creating pathogens for WHO pathogen sharing program and One Health has webpage for Noaa, Fda, agriculture and most medical professional sites All UN.

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I thought you were referencing who was in charge of the COVID-19 assault. (The question was in reference to Fauci.) Health Agencies were not involved. Directions issued from the NSC and DOD. If you are asking who stands behind the Intelligence Community, such as the CIA, I believe that is a different, deeper question. As they are in the business of secrecy and hiding sources, it is not an easy task to uncover the actual individual men and women. However, based on observation it would seem the U.S. Intelligence Community has become the private army of the globalist "elite," the mega rich that operate the WEF and other front organizations that hand down policy edicts.

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For some time I have been disturbed by the way the CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy making arm of the government.

Harry S. Truman

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Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau has a half brother who was on Tucker Carlson and stated that Trudeau doesn't make policy for Canada. It is done by the Bilderberg group and the WEF (that Trudeau belongs to) is a front only, just the disposible face of the Bilderberg group.

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Yes...and in the end the question is beyond political winners. It's about who monies the political engines. These players work best without being named or known. They have been voted into fascist position through the unconscious power of millions buying comfort, convenience and the right to sleep late. Meanwhile, Bill Gates buys States, poisons continents...and who cares? who's even watching?

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I hate to think something similar is happening here. If so, all those oaths of office wouldn’t mean diddly-squat. As in Canada those politicians would actually be engaged in treason. And if a country is run from afar, why would MPs or congress still be entitled to ( an extremely generous ) salary?

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All politicians take advice from their choice of advisors. Trudeau just happens to have sold out to the Bilderberg Group. I don't know the reasons but he is part of the global genocidal one world government camp.

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he was one of the young global leaders so he has been indoctrinated

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the pandemic treaty is NOT dead in the water to assume it is is foolish

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They need that treaty in order to proceed with their agenda.

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What a SCREAMING shame that we all know it’s NOT FJB.

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In his best day, Braindead Joe was known as "the village idiot," and his best day is long past. To suggest he is capable of anything more complicated than choosing what pants to wear on a given day is laughable.

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You're stretching it on the pants.

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👍 - and we’re not even rocket scientists.

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Isn't that the truth? And our representatives in Congress appear to be either in on it, or dumb as a post!

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Ultimately, Satan is running the show. The humans are puppets with varying degrees of power. "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:" 1 Peter 5:8

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Just my personal opinion (i.e., no real "facts" to back it up), but the Obama Administration has been running the Biden White House. Valerie Jarret, Susan Rice, et. al., are all anti-America, and many are or have been in the Young Global Leaders program, or they have ties to Iran and/or China.

There are powerful people in the Dept. of State, the CIA, and other 3 letter agencies that are Globalists, so my vote goes to the Globalist cabal that is in charge of the UN/NATO/WEF, etc. Their allegiance is to foreign groups.

They certainly have no love or loyalty for American citizens or our Constitution.

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"Former" President Barack Obama would be my guess as to one of the puppet masters. He posts on X things like "Today, President Biden ...". He is not even really pretending not to be in charge, it is another Obama term. Plus of course the global elite who pull all the strings.

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My theory is Joe Biden is plagiarizing Vincent "Crazy Man" Gigante to avoid prosecution like he just did with DOJ lawyer Robert Hur. To the millennial generation they don't like their grandfather being attacked.

Come August they will slip in Michelle Obama as the Democratic nominee and Trump will be hamstrung in his attacks because she is a Black woman that is highly popular in the polls, and she has no political liabilities to attack because she has never served in public office before.

Trump will only have four months to try and reposition his campaign and develop some traction with a disoriented public while the media pounds away on the first felon President...

Plus, the Demoncrats are expert at positioning their candidates in the back until its time to showcase the sudden, unexpected, unifying, euphoric momentum behind them on the nightly news and social media 24 x 7, with all the puff pieces about the first woman and first Black woman to do down in history as Saving Domocracy for America. Whew! And just in the nick of time don't you know?

Leaving aside all the mail in ballots with a 7-11 store for a personal residence and all the other skullduggery the Demoncrats have perfected prior to the 2020 campaign. Throw in some exhausting and tiresome BLM, Antifa, anti-semitic, chaos and disruption, to make the American public just so tired of it all that they will vote for anyone but Trump.

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This is the closest to reality that we can get right now on the political front... that is of you simply ignore the Zogby poll that shows RFK Jr is a stronger candidate at this point than either Trump or Biden.

Zogby didn't do RFK v MO though. But there's nothing about being black and beautiful that qualifies you to be President...especially if you're married to a bad habit. Would Democratic euphoria be sufficient to carry her across that abyss?

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Need I remind you they got an 80 year old man with some dementia elected from his basement? RFK is part of the Demoncrat plan to pull Trump support so I am not interested in him for that reason and many of his policy positions notwithstanding his legitimate attacks on the Fauci pinata.

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You left off the list Woodrow Wilson whose wife ran the White House for a couple years.

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"Follow the money" - I don't believe it is a single person. Our situation and "leadership" (lack thereof) is the result of a chaotic mix of powerful influences.

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SPOT ON! I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world - no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.

Woodrow Wilson

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that is my sense 2

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My apologies, correct spelling “Connally” spell check over rode me. You have every reason to doubt me and I totally understand.

Btw Connally was one of the few people I totally and completely trusted regarding what happened on 11-22-1963. I can simplify the JFK assassination it one sentence:

Bang……bang..bang (sequence of shots) Connally’s own words.He never agreed with Warren Commission version of shot sequence.

According to Warren Commission one shooter, bolt action rifle, minimum 2.2 seconds to reload, all three shots 5.6 seconds, possible but highly improbable.

But you can’t pull off second and third shots that quickly.

Conclusion: at least two shooters probably three(triangulation of fire). Who killed JFK is irrelevant.

What’s relevant: when tptb assassinated JFK they effectively controlled all future presidents.

The presidency is a deliberate illusion to keep you pacified and distracted from the real issues— go read Plato’s Republic and the analogy “cave: shadows on the wall.” Then you’ll have a better understanding of truth and where it lies, although ultimately it resides in Jesus.

Live simply, love your neighbor as yourself and above all put your faith in Jesus because the world we inhabit is corrupt and beyond earthly help.


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I love your post Kevin! Right on.

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