When you work for the CIA you do not get arrested. You are either useful, or you commit suicide under very suspicious circumstances.

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This is why, in honor of his great accomplishment, COVID-19 needs to be renamed “Ralph Baric’s Disease (or RBD).

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According to Sasha Latypova, you can do all you want with nucleotide base pairs in a lab, but you cannot "create" a virus or any other living organism, only God can create a living organism.

In addition, if they created a bioweapon, a toxin, the reason they are not arrested is that according to Katherine Watt, there are many laws passed by Congress that make it not only legal to create bioweapons, but also to use them on Americans and other people. If you find this hard to believe, go to www.bailiwicknews.subtack.com. She has done incredible legal research to outline exactly all the laws that protect the DoD in creating and employing bioweapons, including bioweapons marketed as "vaccines."

What you should really be asking is why are the people in Congress who passed these laws not in jail?

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None of this would have been possible without the loyal support of the media. After the lies, distortions, censorship and propaganda, they are still on the job, never looking back at the damage they have done.

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They could not throw the J6th men and women in prison fast enough, but two people who are probably responsible for killing thousands, remain “at large”. Our world is so messed up, it isn’t true.

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I don’t want them arrested. I want them sleeping comfy in their beds unaware of what is coming for them. And I want the dads whose kids were murdered to pay a visit in the quiet of the night. Just for a chat of course.

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Don't hold your breath on these ghouls being brought to justice. The people they work for and funded them are criminals, too. All we can do is keep exposing the whole lot of them and down the road someone might prosecute them.

All sorts of government criminals in this country have gotten away with murder. As Clarence Darrow said, there's no justice in our out of the court.

Danny Huckabee

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They still have not closed ONE GOF lab. In fact they built more 😡

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I hope I live to see all of them pay for what they've done to humanity.

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John, do you really need to ask this question? Assuming you have heard of the Hunter Biden laptop coverup or the TWA 800 shoot-down coverup, or the Ron Brown assassination via air force 737 crash coverup or the forged Obama birth certificate and death of the Hawaii Health Director Loretta Fuddy via aircrash coverup or the 911 fake pilot coverups or the JFK assassination coverup or Fluoride coverup or the fascist financial leaders coup against FDR coverup or the FDR Pearl Harbor coverup or the thousands of missing GIs imprisoned and never returned coverups, etc. Governments encircle around news and people they deem important. Do you really think it will be any different with Daszak, Baric, Fauci, Birx?

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Apr 7·edited Apr 7

I was a paralegal on a New York State civil case charging Daszak, Baric, EcoHealth and Ian Lipkin with wrongful death. Sadly, it was dismissed by the court. It is now on appeal.

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These scumbags are criminals of the highest order. The fact they, Fauci and others of their ilk are not under arrest and / or already convicted serving life sentences (or better yet hanged) for these crimes against humanity is proof positive the Uniparty, Deep State, WEF Cabal and Corporate whores hate humanity. We will see an uprising and it will be bloody. Just a matter of time if these evil psychopaths don't kill us all with some new bio weapon or nuclear annihilation from the WW3 being "marketed" by the fools posing as leaders of the west. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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The question isn’t “why haven’t these people been arrested?”

The question is, “why have none of the men in the families of those maimed or killed by the virus and the vax killed those responsible for destroying their families?”

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BTW, in 2011 Barric published that Zinc and ionphores could treat the CoVirus. Few know this... but they have not ben arrested because the level of corruption in the USA has reached such a point where it is clear we will follow the lead of the USSR and collapse. Our level of corruption far exceeds the weight of corruption that brought down the USSR, so it won't be long now.

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As a molecular biologist and immunologist prior to med school, I had extensive experience with pcr and restriction enzymology. I tweeted in Feb 2020 that the published sequence of SARS-cov2 had restriction site gene inserts clearly indicating a lab derived virus. The Fauci explanation that this virus was “zoonotic from a wet market” less than 2 miles from the military directed Chinese lab in Wuhan couldn’t have been more ridiculous. I’m proud to have been banned from Twitter, screwtube and Facebook for pointing this out repeatedly—there is no doubt nor denying that the NIH was directly responsible for funding the research and development of this pandemic. The coverup is always worse and in fact by demonizing repurposed drugs such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, those responsible killed many millions of vulnerable patients. Many of our patients that were on HCQ didn’t contract covid or had very mild cases even with the alpha strain. Some day we will look back at the utter corruption and mismanagement promulgated by Francis Collins, Tony Fauci, deborah Birx, Pfizer, Moderna and the deep state creeps that all conspired to kill millions of people worldwide, and interfered with an election among other things. It would be nice to see these creeps prosecuted some day but I’m not holding my breath.

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Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Klaus Schwab, Dr. Birx, of the Hospital administrators as well as nurses and doctors should all be held criminally responsible for putting innocent people on respirators instead of providing vitamin C, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and other medications for rest, respiratory infections (COVID-19).

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