I find this unbelievable in the traditional sense. Obviously, it happened. Money was paid in copious amounts to a number of professional bodies in anticipation of services to be rendered, in this case, to inject all manner of men, women, children and the unborn, with superfluous, ineffective and dangerous substances. No quarter should be given in exposing this financial & moral corruption of a once great society.

Thank you, Peter, for your courageous stance in the face of the storm.


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You also deserve thanks! I am certain it has been a living hell for you. Take care of yourself too.

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As a healthcare provider this continued vaccine approval by various should be a reason for their license removal yet we see the opposite. They are doing harm when the data from throughout the World validated this. I find their behavior as unethical and violates their oaths NOT to harm their patients...there may be exemptions for the elderly and immunosuppressed but this is not the overwhelming desire on their part...one of total compliance to a harmful act.

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Dec 7, 2022
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I agree this vaccine can indeed be harmful in those undergoing chemo too so some sort of ethical decision making on AN INFORMED provider would be necessary before any use of this ‘vaccine’ would be employed. I have said from the very beginning that targeted treatments should be orientated to the elderly and to let everyone else get natural immunity...ALL should have had access to HCQ and ivermectin. And we must not forget those who have or did have cancers put into remission should NOT receive this vaccine....in essence this vaccine should be declared a BLACK BOX.

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Amazing that there are no whistleblowers in the payment chain from HHS program or contracts officers, or anyone taking the money and distributing it and receiving it. Why not hold an open call to all to step forward with more information about how this process worked, who all was involved, and when it got started. Maybe ask Del Bigtree or RFK Jr. to announce?

My guess is a set of initiatives played out under general federal mechanisms like an IDIQ which is a general competition for an array of possible future projects vaguely described, that stays open for 5 years. Then the money is awarded under a variety of fast release no compete Task Orders under the IDIQ mechanism. Something like that. One could FOIA all those federal documents, as I think the planning and initial award dates would be quite revealing. As a former federal program officer within HHS (left in 2007) I know something about how money is moved, as do others like Dr. Robert Malone. I particularly learned how easily money could flow when there was an emergency like 9-11 or Hurricane Katrina. In fact I have wondered if those were teaching moments for those prone to corruption to abuse these loopholes later. A bold reform move would be to limit these mechanisms to things that are simply logistics like travel management, printing of documents, and conference management.

Similarly, as noted by Natali Morris in the independent news show The Redacted, Zuckerberg and Fauci were emailing in late February of 2020 about a COVID19 vaccine that didn't exist, with Fauci thanking Zuckerberg on his cooperation on an announcement. That detail was revealed among the array of Fauci's lapses of memory in his recent deposition. But he hasn't been fully queried as to what those two knew at that moment.

Happy Holidays Dr. Yeadon wherever you are! Everyone loves it, including me, when you pop up on a Substack post.

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Thank you, Betsy McDonel Herr, Ph.D, for your kind subscription gift!

Much appreciated

Mike x

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Much love to you and Dr. McCullough both. Good souls fighting the good fight and taking risks are a great inspiration to me, and keep me optimistic.

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I, too, want to see the mechanics of this program. Early in the « vaccine » rollout process, my experience in doctors’ offices was eerie: Each one spent up to 45 minutes going on and on about why I needed to take the shots, more time than any had ever spent addressing the reasons for my being in the doctor’s office in the first place. Some never even got around to addressing my reason for the visit. I started arriving armed without FLCCC printouts—which I never ended up handing over, because a relative got hold of her own medical records and saw the pejorative entries by her own physician about wanting Ivermectin. Branded. So, was there a billing code for trying to convince patients to take the shot? I was suspicious the providers had some financial incentive, but exactly how did that work?

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That is a good question about a billing code or perhaps a ticket they could submit for payment somewhere for each lecture given in office.

I have long known it is important to get copies of your records in part to see how your doctor hears you, what they got wrong or misunderstood, and also how well you are regarded or respected.

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The aforementioned relative read the doctor’s note to me. Sounded more like a middle school mean girl than a physician.

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She should confront the clinician. Insist it be removed or revised with an apology.

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Thank you Dr. McCullough. Good luck today!

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Don’t be afraid to confront and report any doctor betraying their oath to “do no harm.” Many doctors are knowingly hurting people and walk around without consequence.

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Here in Ontario we have universal access to health care, but try finding a doctor. in my opinion almost all of them are spooked by Covid. They don’t understand it and their first priority is not catching it. My own doctor told me Ivermectin is dangerous. I asked him who told him that and he said the College of Physicians and Surgeons. I asked him if he had done any research and when he said no, I advised him that any concern regarding whether Ivermectin was safe was resolved in the 1980s.

I then expressed dismay that the patient knows more about Ivermectin than the doctor.

So there is no point in reporting any of these doctors. The governing body is just as clueless. If you want Ivermectin in Ontario the best strategy is to convince your doctor that you have scabies or make friends with a veterinarian.

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I am afraid for our country. We have the weaponized FBI, DOJ, and CIA. We have the captured FDA and CDC. And now we have the complete corruption of the professional medical associations. It is hard not to despair.

Thank you, Dr. McCullough. You continue to be a light in the darkness

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I am in the EU, so funds from AMA/CDC would not be applicable here. Yet most doctors pushed the vax as well. Have you noticed that when you go to a doctor, they sit in front of their computer, presumably ‘googling’ your symptoms? My suspicion is that most doctors follow whatever information is mainstream, rather than doing their own due diligence to investigate whether the medical information they are getting is sound or corrupt.

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The vast majority of my colleagues have been and remain bribed and brainwashed, not necessarily in that order. The pitiful public on the other hand got blackmailed, extorted and brainwashed. It's hard to decide which group deserves more scorn.

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From my perspective I would say the most scorn lies with the providers of all types who push harmful procedures....and their desire not to inform THEIE patients the truth about the vaccine...I think it is shameful beyond compare. We have Laws in the books about reporting child abuse yet why do we not have Laws for not reporting people who knowingly are causing us potential harm?

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Oh, wow. These are excellent questions. Thank you as always!

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Good luck today, Dr. M!

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I personally know a number of doctors, many of whom I previously had social relationships with. I personally have a hard time reconciling their silence at this point. Seriously, doctors more than anyone should be asking questions based on the controversy alone that now surrounds the vaccines, their effectiveness and safety. I want to know how many of these doctors are continuing to inoculate their children and themselves as they continue to promote it to their patients. In my mind, if they still subscribe to the "you must be vaccinated" then I question their ability to actually think and am left with the impression that they likely practice medicine as NOT a critical thinker but as somebody who practices in a very systematic and predictable manner, not with curiosity and a commitment to helping the individual patient they are serving. Sadly, in recent years, as tech has invaded almost aspects of our economy and lives, training in areas like medicine is based more and more on data driven processes that have as the end goal....making money. The name of the game is efficiency and economy.....always squeezing more money and value out of the problem-solving (services or products) for those that own the capital and are trying to maximize the return. Let's just say that medicine is no longer an art, but is an industry.

I have lost respect for those in the ranks who clearly value the model that the current narrative supports....mindlessly and blindly doing the bidding of those who are wielding power over lives and livelihoods because they OWN the institutions and essentially us. But that does not justify murder or being an accessory to murder---or to leaving behind those harmed. That my friends, however, is exactly what the medical professionals are doing at this point.

I find it interesting when I aggressively raise the issue in a meeting with a doctor and they do a 15 degree deflection....they do not want to talk about it if they can "treat" you or give you their service without discussing the issue which is often the elephant in the room. Tell me why I should trust them then?

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Great post! Spot on! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

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We learned early 2021. They KNEW October 2020.

https://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download this is page 16 FDA presentation BEFORE US rollouts.

It was totally believable. There have been briberies, threats, corruption and cowards in the high halls of CDC, FDA, NIH for decades. Autism was a microcosm, some moms know this, and AIDS a smaller microcosm, some in AIDS community know this. Read Inoculated by Heckenlively and Ending Plague by Mikovits. Read Turtles All The Way Down Vaccine Science and Myth, then Millers Review of Critical Vaccine Studies.

And if you knew GOF was moved from UNC Chapel Hill to Wuhan, you knew.

And if you knew bioweapons and GOF was in Ukraine, you knew the 'war' was coming too.

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A lot of people will be grateful for your post. This is required reading material, exactly what we need. Thanks!👏👏👏

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I don’t use the word “unbelievable “ anymore because anything and everything is possible. COVID was just a means to an end. I had no idea the corruption was that deep, but every day we hear about corruption in some form another. The medical community has a lot to answer for. Even POTUS45 said he couldn’t believe the swamp was so deep, and he exposed so much of their incompetence and negligence. He showed us what we could have, but he told us he couldn’t do it without us. Now, we know why. Seems the Black Hats had everything covered. They thought of everything. I guess, when you’re committing treason, you have to dot all your “i’s” and cross all your “t’s.” Their plans are coming along swimmingly. I just have faith our plan is better. I really appreciate your honesty, Dr, McCullough. It goes a long way.

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#NoAmnesty #NoQuarter

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Maybe the Open the Books Substack writer can get into the details? I have to say I am very disappointed in this whole pay for pushing medical devices, medicines, vaccines etc. After the opioid crisis started we just let this corruption continue unabated. I am leery of any medical intervention recommended at this point, I have zero trust in the medical sciences anymore.

Non covid story. I have two different sets of friends who have parents in their 70's/80's who recently went through back surgery. In one case my friends dad now has anesthetic amnesia, can't remember too much at all. I have known the man since 1995 he came to my wedding. He can't remember me at all. It is not alzheimer's. Second friend, mom just got back surgery and is now worse can barely move.

They were honestly better off before their surgeries, but it was pushed. I have to say I am hoping for a medical system that works to cure people or maximize health, minimize risks.

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Dear Stunned Gen Xer, I am so sorry to hear about the outcomes of these two back surgeries. I do have a remarkable resource to share, Dr. David Hanscom. He is a former spinal surgeon who began to see such incredible improvements with his PRE-surgery preparation program that he left surgical practice to devote himself full-time to sharing this innovative modality of non-surgical healing. He is very blunt about the typical outcomes for spinal surgery. Here is his website: https://backincontrol.com/ Wishing you and the parents of your friends the best! Kind regards, HappyHomesteader

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Thank you will look into it.

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“Never again can we allow our public health agencies use unchecked financial power …”


The word “to” before “use” is missing.


You are a treasured exception to these rules. Panicked, but yet conscientious promoters of this rushed experimental vaccine would have required mandatory follow up of everyone taking them so that they could be withdrawn if they proved more harmful than helpful.

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I feel the same, these doctors were and still are cowards or just plain useless.

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Is there anything those of us who were duped - who got vaccinated and had our kids vaccinated - can do?

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Eddie, there are teams working on reversing covid19 vaccine injury. I don’t have a list to hand but it includes the TruthForHealth Foundation.

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