The naturopathic curriculum includes twice as many courses and twice as many classroom hours as the MD curriculum, because it contains all of the MD curriculum, with licensing exams from USMLE questions. The other half includes six successive courses in nutrition, the same in botanical medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, ditto other modalities. I wrote about it here:


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Thank you Dr. Huber!! Peace.

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Speaking of class, Dr. Gaeta leads a faculty team at IPAK-EDU in a course, "Herbology & Human Health". Learn from the best - Here's how to register! https://ipak-edu.org/registration/?store-page=Herbology-and-Human-Health-p418179135

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Please consider the people who have hearing problems and provide closed captions or at least a transcript. I would like to know more about this but cannot understand it,

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Thank you for this interview. I am a founding member of the Andy Cutler chelation support group. We advise people with chronic mercury toxicity to do exactly what this doctor is saying. Look to supplements and herbs first in order to control your symptoms. These substances can be extremely effective and the body is used to seeing then. But don't throw the baby out with the bathwater as far as pharmaceuticals. They are often important and necessary. They can save your life. Dr. Cutler was pretty adamant about psychiatric medicines. Mercury toxicity causes a whole slew of psychiatric problems and these often need to be controlled before any progress can be made. Same goes for seizure disorders, especially in children.

I don't have any medical credentials so I am often not taken seriously, and I have made the following point to doctors and alternative medical people and just got a blank stare in return. Alpha lipoic acid is a fat soluble, dithiol mercury chelator, and as such should be administered on its half-life or not at all. It should NEVER be given to anyone who has had a recent exposure to a chelatable metal or anyone who has amalgam fillings in their mouth. Doctors are sometimes giving this powerful, fat soluble chelator to people with diabetic neuropathy at the rate of 600 mg once a day. Over time, this will move mercury into the brain rather than out of the body.

Urine challenge tests, using a bolus dose of a chelator, is taught in naturopathic schools. These are dangerous because of the huge amount of mercury they can mobilize most of which will be redistributed. They are also not diagnostic.

Cutler referred to the ignorance about and misuse of chelators as "the alternative medical community's contribution to the mercury holocaust." I stand by his use of this controversial word in this case. Chronic mercury is a huge, undiagnosed problem in society. It causes immeasurable suffering and is behind most of the idiopathic problems we see everywhere, including auto-immune and mental illnesses.

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Another good source of information on artemisia annua is, "Artemisia Annua Research: Antiviral Properties", by Dr. Jose Luis Abreu as well as his other book: "Successful Research on Cancer & Artemisia Annua. Also, before quercetin was found to be a successful zinc ionophore for covid, I had been taking this flavonol for many years for its anti-inflammatory effects. It also has anticancer, anti-allergenic, antihistamine, & antiviral properties. It can also help to prevent cataracts & offers protection from peptic ulcers. I have been researching this kind of information for decades. One good source that provides an overview of many different paths to wellness is, "Prescription for Dietary Wellness", by Phyllis A. Balch, CNC. I have the second edition, from 2003. There may be a more recent edition.

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I also have premature heart beats and they get worse with some supplements. So I can’t take the supplements. Also these supplements can have toxic heavy metals in them such as lead, cadmium and others because these supplements aren’t tested by the government. I don’t trust these supplement companies for that reason and supplement companies can just be out to make a buck like the pharmaceutical companies. And the cost of these supplements is very high too. I’m on a fixed budget and these supplements have prohibitively high costs. And then you don’t even know if the ingredients they say are in them are really in them.

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You don’t trust the supplements because they haven’t been government tested? Are we talking about the same government that blindly proclaimed “safe and effective” as countless millions are irreversibly damaged or killed? They can shove their approval right up their asses.

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How ya likin sister Socialized medicine so far America? Wait, there’s more! Big brother Communism always follows. Sorry people, not to be facetious, or discount the seriousness of medical treatment, but my approach at the matter is perhaps from a bit different perspective. Communism is deceit. Without deceit via propaganda, censorship, and surveillance it does not exist. Much of America’s medicine comes from Communist Chinese influence where once was the most respected ancient homeopathic medicine in the world, and yet today they are selling junk, dangerous medicine to America in this dystopian future we are struggling through. In the early ‘90’s (Clinton) American government nefariously but officially hitched the CCP’s wagon to America’s van, striping away middle class manufacturing, raising China’s wealth and military capabilities as trade deals flourished. What middle Americans were supposed to do was learn coding, buy cheaper junk made by slaves, and LG, life is good. What America has learned over the past thirty years a seven year old could have told it. When one hitches one’s van to pure deceit, eventually the deceit pulls the van.

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Oh, stop with the anti-China, anti-communism propaganda already. Sounds like you were given a few bits of information but not a real understanding of either China, medicine in China or what this country is about and its history coming from Europe with the destruction of healing by the Catholic church during its rise and consolidation of power. They killed at least 2 million women during their Inquisition killing off all the healers who were women and what was left was male controlled ignorance which employed a control and conquer approach with leaching and blood letting. Communism didn't exist then and China was a feudal state with massive poverty of the masses.

Further, Homeopathy never began in China. It was a protocol created by a German doctor who quit allopathy due to its abuses of people, early 1800's. Chinchona was the first remedy he tested for malaria. History is quite interesting but try to learn it without the prejudices.

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PS. I have fought Communism many moons ago when the CCP (PLA) were the real war elephants in that room and dysphoric youth like yourself slander their own generational soldiers went forth to push back. People like you called it a “bad” war and slandered the veterans in your hate America sloganeering. Liberals like yourself are easy marks as useful idiots for Marxist that was once in the woodwork of elite academia, but here you are, all grown up now hating America, Christianity, hated by Communism because it competes with the one State control, men, Europe, and loving Communism. Why do what liberals always do, start their rants in the middle and work it both ways. Why not just admit you are an atheist using Catholicism as your mark to love Communism?

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Your rant of Eastern European hogwash is understandable if you have a beef with Catholicism, men, and rather choose presumed moral superiority of something 500 years before your existence. I referred to Communism, not specifically China or its people and the infiltration of it’s totalitarianism into America that is very real, and it’s pre Communist controlled totalitarianism that gave much of the world wonderful homeopathic medicine. You are in your own liberal bubble, which, based on your rude obtuse remarks, and slander is expected. Communism has killed hundreds of millions more the two million, but for liberals like yourself who constantly seek approval through moral slander I know can’t imagine it because of your fake moral supremacy, and yet you complain from the bosom of freedom, hatched by break away Europeans in the new Constitutional Republic that Communism seeks to expunge because the CCP apparently thinks the world belongs to them. Your petulant fingers in the ears, chanting la,la, la, becomes you.

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If Someone Is Already Afraid Of "Air"

And Took A Vaccine,

Tell Them That "Gravity" Is Weakening

And That They Must Take A Vaccine

Designed To Make Them Heavier

So That They Don't Float Into Outer Space.

And To Wear A Heavier Mask While They Are At It.

- Maybe A Helmet Too.


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Stimulating exchange with Dr. McCullough and Dr. Gaeta. Thank you .

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To find a naturopathic doctor:


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Pick A Doctor. Any Doctor.

Pick 'Em All.

Their Minds Have Been Manufactured

To Operate Like Appliances.

- Don't worry. One of these doctors will be right about something one of these days.

- We will just have to wait until the wonders of life can be administered as a multiple choice test.


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Great eye opening interview Dr , thanks! Since joining your Substack I've learned more about health then my past 30 years of being an adult! You will help many people !!!

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Thank you both Dr McCullough and Dr Gaeta: it was extremely interesting and helpful.

One question: there has been a strong push by many governments to forbid the use / production of natural medical supplements. In Canada is now an open war between the Gov and the producers and I hear in the US is not better .. in Europe we are still ok but the EU wants to impose more regulations . I happened to learn about CODEX ALIMENTARIUS - one of the programmes that WHO/UN have been silently introducing to control food and natural supplements ... it is quite scary ... what are your thoughts on that ? Basically it would be another push for a pharma-dictatorship

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While part of me feels a bit cynical as holistic protocols for health and healing have been around as long as humans have been here and those of us who practice and promote such protocols have taken some pretty nasty attacks from allopaths and their dutiful co-dependents, I also feel I must applaud any allopath who begins to see the light and is willing to learn new skills that will actually promote healing/cure and not suppression of symptoms as allopathy is wont to do.

There was a time when most healers in the US were naturpaths of one sort or another. Even when allopathy began to form organizations with Rockefeller oil and chemical money most practitioners who called themselves doctors were also homeopaths. Then as now they were threatened to suspend their homeopathic practice in favor of the new drug treatments or they would be destroyed. Sound familiar? Be good little boys and stay in the cult of allopathy and you would be protected; step outsife the bounds and be destroyed! The business model had already been set over 100 yrs ago and the only change was in how it grew in money and power but it always worked to kill off competition of the holistic protocols that they could not control and patent for profit. So it is quite interesting to see people like McCullough promote this new learning for himself and other of his profession. I feel the need to say congratulations on opening to this learning but hope it is done with great humility recognizing all the people who came before and took some serious attacks but still struggled to exist and practice. The assault on people like Meryl Nass for stepping outside the box on behalf of patients health did not begin with Covid: the playbook was written decades ago. But lets hope there is some new learning about how we work with the different forms of knowledge and respect all those who came before and are still with us.

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