John, here's some feedback: Please commit the same zeal to your investigation into the deliberate massacre in Hawaii and the patently ridiculous official narrative surrounding it, and the convenient implementation of the 15 minute concentration camp prison cities replacing Lahaina as a result, as you do to the FSK bridge.

On conspiracy theories, once more, this time, with feeling:

Many people I encounter are so brainwashed by media that they can't see two inches in front of their noses, and if you ever challenge them on the propaganda they find there, like Pavlov's dog they will call you a conspiracy theorist. They will then turn up their nose and walk away with a heightened sense of superiority.

The term "conspiracy theory" is remarkably adept at turning off all critical thinking like a light switch in a large portion of the people I have personally met.

Conditioning the public to react this way has to have been one of the most effective PSYOPs ever pushed onto the general population.

It is equal parts diabolic and brilliant, and it means that the elites can get away with just about anything with little to no scrutiny because everyone is too afraid to point out that the emperor has no clothes lest they be labeled a "conspiracy theorist".

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I agree with you. There will be a time when the chickens find their home to roost. At the moment, that home is camouflaged. But it will happen. My husband looks at me like I’ve lost the plot when I say things. I don’t care. I know my gut feeling on what’s happening.

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My son looks at me the same way....I care, but I'm not giving up or giving in to the disapproval.

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My whole family. They have since the Plandemic, masks, jabs, 6’, etc!

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Totally agree. The terminology that is so often deployed such as climate/covid/election denier, antivaxer, and of course the long overused 1'conspiracy theorist" and new terms mis dis and mal information, racist, antisemite, transphobe, are all designed to short circuit critical thinking. We cannot allow our brains to be hacked. Which is effectively what modern mind control methods are attempting to do. The narrative surrounding the Lahina tragedy is full of holes and the players involved and their actions are highly suspect. Moreover there was an immediate effort to censor the stories that came directly from the residents.

One should suspect that the "solutions" provided in response to that " problem' are actually the real goals. So unjust and tragic for that beautiful town so cherished by the people who lived there, and who made it so special. Ugliness has taken over. Lets hope that more people are waking up to how we are all being played, used abused and exploited for the benefit of the richest and most powerful. We have the numbers on our side,

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Civility has caused The People to become weak and passive. This plays into the hands of the political class who never play fair. Until we do whatever is necessary to protect our interest with direct action - we will continue to be abused. For example, the police chief in Maui is the same police chief that was in Las Vegas during the concert where many people were shot up and then it was all swept under the rug and forgot about. The villains are tools that are moved around to pull off the operations.

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That police chief is also the coroner. You can't make this stuff up.

Here is a ton of information on this slaughter: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/must-see-presenting-12-unfathomable

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

Is that "civility" or "political correctness"? Those are not the same, by a long stretch!

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You hit that out of the park. Thanks for that.

There are no Conspiracy Theories; just Conspiracy Facts. Human interaction and cooperation IS the correct definition of "to conspire" -- if you think about it, isn't Government itself a Conspiracy?

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“Conditioning the public to react this way has to have been one of the most effective PSYOPs ever pushed onto the general population.”

True. But not historically unique. Witness the utterly insane political movements that bred wars of the 20th century, carried forward to the present day. We humans are easily snared by malevolent PSYOPs designed to fit our times.

Getting people to address each other as labels is essential to dehumanizing them, the first step in a power play. That kills any possibility of an intelligent exchange of useful information.

Ramping up emotional reactions to everything that occurs in our world narrows our focus down to a choice between good and evil as defined by others. That manipulation is essential to keep us from becoming rational human beings and sharing useful information.

Whose interests are served by keeping people artificially divided into irreconcilable camps? When you can answer that question you can then begin to see through the fog and reach out to find good information sources.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 2

I moved to Portugal in 2017 because I could not stand the partisan bickering based on imbecilic memes. Today in a Portuguese cafe an American began screaming, spitting in my face that Trump “must be imprisoned,” though he could not explain why, and that Biden was much better. He would not let me get a sentence in about taxation without representation and January 6, Biden’s public political history, or present, mass slaughtering in four wars, none processed legally through Congress. I went home to retreat into a book; Edward Said’s, “Culture and Imperialism,” a popular best seller in 1994. I was shocked to read the US media was heavily state censored, that US elections are rigged, and that labels, including Afro-American, Marxist, and feminist, “disable and disempower” and fracture society, and diminish public discourse. Said had it figured out by 1993. Today anyone discussing these ideas is screamed at at close range, automatically censored, and called the CIA- manufactured name. The complete misery and confusion of most Americans is heartbreaking. (My book about moving and cultural comparisons is “Weird Foods of Portugal:Adventures of an Expat,” by the way.)

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Minerva Initiative is doing its job well

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Excellent insight, I agree completely, thank you.

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When a "friend" called me a conspiracy theorist over an issue I just laughed and told him the phrase conspiracy theorist was coined by the CIA in the 60's to stop people questioning the JFK assignation that the CIA had a part in. It appears you are now doing the same thing.....

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Did it have an effect? I've pointed that out before and made my case coherently about JFK or 9/11 and the latest covid psyop to a few family members and while there may have been a temporary recoil once or twice the willful ignorance has won out. I'm really starting to think they're a lot dumber than I've ever realized in the sense that they're seemingly ruled by fear over genuine curiosity or empathy for others, which I frankly find to be a form of losing one's humanity and inherently stupid.

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A good retort to someone calling you a conspiracy theorist: By calling me that, you disclose that you are a coincidence theorist!

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Sorry, but I tend to think they've either let themselves become morons and/or closed-minded fascist pigs. I guess I'm not as forgiving as you. : )

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I agree with TriTorch. I have been in constant communication with a friend living in the Lahaina area and this is one of her reports from early February: "Hawaii has gone mad. Really shocked how few people know about this and much of the other topics going on. The issue of dumping Lahaina DEW toxic lands and bldg. still in an uproar. I'm afraid this was all planned many years ago. They are just moving forward. And giving the pretense that they are listening. Maui is usually the slowest moving when it comes to the state and building, and now bam the roads are done on the dump site/ infrastructures are still closed off to the people/ never have seen so much done so quick to cover all the evidence. Just incredible. I hope and pray the Hawaiians are still at it. They are very quiet. I don't feel they are just going to sit back and let this happen again. Really sad and sometimes very hard to witness all this insanity. The bigger part of me knows there is a higher plan..... The living day to day in it makes one stronger to live in the now. It's difficult to see the trucks loaded with debris headed to the sacred dump sight. Today three trucks passed by me, wow - there's human ashes in all that energy. And many animals as well. Still the mystery and silence on all the missing people is very puzzling. Did they all die? Most children that were home - passed - their parents all worked in Lahaina town. Just too strange . Many people have committed suicide that lost friends and family. So many things are kept quiet. I still am in wonder why the heck people aren't in an uproar. Our Island was attacked. Well time and patience. The truth does always come out. Just so strange no truth seekers - journalist - writers- publishers won't cover this story ....... the lingering insanity."

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Very powerful comment, thank you. I don't understand it either. They've swept this massacre under the rug so well it's almost as if it never occurred.

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Thanks to you I was inspired to bring a first hand report to this deliberate cover up. The evidence is crystal clear, being a DEW assault, just as in Paradise, CA. No wonder they had to barricade the area and cover up the evidence. What is baffling is how people are not connecting the dots, and have forgotten Lahaina, like you say, it's as if it never happened. Fingers crossed John will write about this.

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The thing I ask, and others should be, including you who live there is this. Why was that part of Hawaii’s Islands chosen? It wasn’t by mistake. There is always a reason. I have an idea but it goes beyond the scope of this site.

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The Hawaiians who lived there for generations, did not want to sell to developers, so therefore they were "removed". This is a designated site for a smart city. There's a lot of info in alternative sites to support this.

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Yes I know that, but these smart city etc. areas aren’t just by chance ir random sites is my point. It’s all so very disgusting.

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Correct, not by chance. Maui is a special place, and much of HI is extremely desirable, and therefore the choice of the elites; this makes sense. Probably more to it as well.

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Landfills are supposed to be permitted and operate based on that permit. Different materials have to be managed differently in Landfills. Hazardous materials are different and need to be managed carefully.

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Really great video - from NZ

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I watched about half of that the other day, it's fantastic. Hundreds of hours of research, compiling, writing, editing, proofing all in a package that looks effortlessly put together.

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Read the comments in the NYT: Orcs and weed-addled fools.

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Most of history is Conspiracy, roughly 98%. That would be a good place to start, with an understanding that a conspiracy is nothing more than 2 or more people acting in concert and in secret to accomplish something that is against law or ethics. Given that definition, the real tough sell should be making the case that something is a “non-conspiracy”. That should elicit the scoffing and dismissal we find so prevalent with the ‘conspiracy theory’ label. ‘You are a Non-Conspiracy Theorist! HAHAHAHA!’

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AGREE. 100 %

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John has done 3 articles on Lahaina - here's one. https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/what-really-happened-in-maui

I found out about the horrific nature of the fires from following him.

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You may want to check out the first comment and its replies in that article

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touché :) looks like you are doing good work on this topic - thank you!

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

We "question everything" because the majority have finally learned (especially in the last four years!) that EVERYTHING we have trusted and believed in, in the past, is CORRUPTED!!! Especially in our government!! And it all revolves around MONEY and the power to control.

ps: TRUST is GONE because there is NO ACCOUNTABILITY!! And accountability is gone because there is NO CONSEQUENCE for corruption (Pfizer, CDC, FDA, DoJ/FBI, congress, the Biden family, Lawfare and on and on)!! I for one do not believe this will be changed at the ballot box....which leaves...??

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Well received narrative.

The American Revolution, Part Two.

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Possible. We certainly cannot go on like this forever.

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Concur. And with large doses of vigor.

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If it's a majority that have caught on then that's encouraging...

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deletedApr 1
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I like to call this our guillotine moment.

[autocorrect blooper]

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Questioning everything is a good practice. But don't ever expect those whom you question to provide you with truthful answers and explanations.

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Love how you think and ask questions. There are more like you “out here” than some may think. Bravo!

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How is it that the election or appointment to public office empowers the official to experiment with the finances, private lives and destiny of the citizens ?

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I enjoy you work and questioning the official narrative. I was reading an article that said the economy is good but prices are still high because there have been many ‘crisis’. I’m like so is anyone questioning why there are so many of these crisises? Can’t ask that question or you’re a conspiracy theorist. It’s so freaking ridiculous

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

Excellent points. Not questioning has gotten is into a lot of bad messes - wars, holocausts, shibboleth pandemics and climate crises hoaxes, increasing medical tyranny and iatrogenesis….. If we stop questioning now we will end up in gulag cities eating bugs, owning nothing and not being very happy.

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John, I find your writings extremely invigorating and useful! Your questions and journalism show a keen instinct for evaluation and observation! Thankyou!

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Seems the Biden Administration wants to pay for the mishap so there is no insurance Investigation.

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The Biden administration wants to pay for the new bridge so that they can divert federal money to Maryland, a Democrat controlled state.

From there it will be legally laundered to the Democrat Party and its allies…..officials, causes, contractors, unions, NGOs , etc

Simply put, it’s legal corruption that hugely benefits the Democratic Party.

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Joe knew.

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Joe doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Or anything else. He just thinks he does.

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he still thinks?

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The only thing you should be questioning is why you aren't following orders blindly like a good little lemming


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I would like you to have an article talking about the genocide in gaza. I'm amazed at how this is just swept under the rug. We went through something like this back in the forties in europe. It was ignored then too. Journalism should be about covering all the main topics in the world I think.

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I was very unhappy John did not have an article on the Genocide in Gaza.

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Coverup of the genocide in Gaza? I don’t think a day goes by that I don’t hear about that.

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After reading The Indoctrinated Brain by Michael Nehls, I am beginning to to see things differently. The globalists have created a constant stream of fear and panic through the use of media propaganda and censorship of critical thinking and open debate. This has ruined some peoples brains. They no longer are able to use their own discernment because doing so would jeopardize their safety. They literally feel that way. This is a war on consciousness. Sadly, some people have been captured and would need a complete media detox to get them back. Like a cult they need to support the narrative or their world will collapse.

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The globalist are brilliant in how they elicit fear to control the population. Case in point, IMHO, no need to bother creating a pathogen when the PERCEPTION of a deadly virus is all that is needed. It worked be

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(Sorry, somehow I pushed the send button), to continue,....it worked so beautifully. And, if enough don't wake up, we shall see more of the same...lockdowns, masks, distancing...etc I'm hoping the last 4 years of stupidity being the wake up call to humanity.

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Thank you! I think it’s sad that most DON’T question & just accept what the news says. I appreciate you & others like you!

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I agree with you John. Statements + Questions = Knowledge however, during these times in Our Nation's History it seems like the questions are never ending!

Please continue to delve in!! God bless and help US(A)

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I Love your questioning John! This is what's needed!

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I agree, it's the American way. Asking questions broadens knowlege of what is happening in government, education, and the world's current events. There is a need for questions, as well as answers.

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